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8/9/21 2:06 SCORM play page |


Lesson E opener Show Dashboard 2 Listening practice (A)


Unit 3 Listening extra  

1 Before you listen Activity A Listening

Mark and Eve are talking about Eve's friend, Natasha. Complete the conversation with
the questions in the box. Then listen to check.    

Mark This is a great photo. Who is it?

Eve It's a friend of mine – Natasha.

Mark Oh? Where's she from?

Eve She's from London, but she's here in Miami now.

Mark London? Wow. Is she a student here?

Eve No, she's an artist – a painter. She's an amazing woman.

Mark A painter? Really? What are her paintings like?

Eve They're wonderful. Look.

Mark Oh. Interesting. . . . Um, what is it?

Check Show answers Start again 1/1

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