Faller Rationale

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Procedure Rationale

1. Review the medical record before 1. This is to know the past records of the
meeting the client. client and to make sure that you give the
client’s proper care.
2. This is to make the client comfortable
2. Introduce self to the client. when doing the procedure.
3. This is to give the client the idea or
information and make them comfortable
3. Explain the purpose of the on the procedure.
4. In the measuring of the patient’s height
certain principles should be followed in
4. Measure the height. Have the client order for the data to be accurate and
stand erect against the wall without shoes. precise. It is important that the patient
Record height in centimeters and inches. should stand in an erect position against
a wall and that he/she should not wear
any shoes because it will cause the data
to be inaccurate. Additionally, the
5. Measure the weight. Ask the client
recording of the height should be in both
to remove shoes and heavy outer clothing
centimeters and inches for it will be used
and stand on the weighing scale. Record
in the calculation of the patient’s body
weight (1 kg = 2.2. lbs).
mass index.

5. The ideal body weight indicates the

6. Determine the Ideal Body Weight
healthy body weight that is tailored to the
(IBW) and percentage of IBW.
client. This can determine if the client has
any weight-related diseases and other
health issues.
7. Compute Body Mass Index (BMI).
6. This is to determine if the client has
weight is in healthy proportion to their
8. Determine the waist circumference. height. This can also help determine the
Have the client stand straight with feet health risks that a client can face when
together and arms at the sides. Place the they are outside the healthy range.
measuring tape snugly around the waist at
the umbilicus, yet not compressing the skin. 7. The patient's weight must be correctly
Instruct the client to relax the abdomen and
calculated since it is a critical factor in
take a normal breath. When the client
exhales, record the waist circumference.
determining the patient's physical
wellbeing. Before measuring the
patient, it's necessary to remind them
9. Measure the mid-arm to take off their shoes and all other
circumference. Have the client dangle the heavy outerwear, such as bags,
non-dominant arm freely next to the body. jackets, and so on, such that precise
Locate the arm’s midpoint (halfway measurements may be made. These
between the top of the acromion process items can have their own weight,
and the olecranon process). Mark the which may influence the patient's
midpoint and measure the mid-arm weight accuracy. To guarantee that
circumference, holding the tape measure the patient's body weight is spread
firmly around, but not pinching the arm.
equally, make sure they are standing
tall and steady on the weighing scale.
It is important that the measurements
10. Explain the significance of the
taken are correctly recorded using the
findings to the client and provide health
teachings patient's weight as a standardized

8. Following these steps are important to

acquire accurate results in measuring the
waist circumference. Determining the
weight circumference of the patient is
very important since some of the visceral
fat that is being measured here protects
our internal organs. This can also help in
identifying the possible health risks that
the client will have if they have an
abnormal waist circumference.

9. The amount of the muscle and

subcutaneous fat in the upper arm is
used to assess the patient's overall
nutritional status. This test determines
if small children and adults, except
teenagers, are at risk of severe
malnutrition or undernutrition, which
is normally caused by inadequate food
consumption and recurrent infectious

10. To promote greater involvement,

healthcare professionals must inform
patients about their symptoms and
treatment choices as part of the move
toward patient-centered care. Through
assisting them in comprehending the
results, they become more conscious and
mindful of their current situation, allowing
them to make more informed decisions.

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