Biology Review Worksheet

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2nd semester

Name: Grade/section: 9/ _____ Day:

Teacher: Dima/ Samar Subject: Biology Date:

Review worksheet
Material included in the final exam:
1. Circulatory system
2. Respiratory system
3. Body defence

Q1: Label each of the blood vessels below and state the function of each:

Name: Artery Name: Vein
Function: carries Function: carries
blood away from the blood back to the
heart heart
Name: Capillary
Function: exchange of
materials between cells and

Q2: Select a word from the word box below. (Some words may be used more than once.
Some words may not be used at all).

veins capillaries blood vessel platelets red blood cells

arteries heart plasma white blood haemoglobin

1. ___artery___ carry blood away from the heart.

2. The structures in the blood that are used to fight disease are called __white blood cells__.
3. The substance in the blood that gives it its red colour is _haemoglobin_.
4. The name given to any tube that carries blood is a(n) __blood vessel_____.
5. The straw-coloured part of the blood that is made up mostly of water is __Plasma__.

6. The smallest blood vessels are ____capillaries___.
7. The pumping organ of the human body is the ___heart___.
8. The part of the blood that helps a wound to stop bleeding is the ___platelets____.

Q3: Label the picture of the heart below:


Pulmonary artery
Vena cava
Left atrium

Pulmonary vein

Right atrium Semilunar valve

Left ventricle

Vena cava
Right ventricle

Q4: Select the word from the box below to fill in the blank spaces.

diaphragm pharynx exhalation

alveoli trachea bronchioles

a. smallest respiratory passageways in the lungs bronchioles

b. windpipe trachea
c. location where gas exchange takes place alveoli
d. both air and food pass through this pharynx
e. The movement of air out of the lungs exhalation
f. The main muscle involved in inhalation diaphragm

Q5: Sort these statements in the right order to describe the process of inhalation.

__5__ Air is drawn into the lungs.

__4__ Air pressure in the chest cavity decreases.
__3__ Lungs expand.
__2__ The diaphragm contracts and flattens.
__1__ The muscles between the ribs contract to move the ribs up and out.

Q6: Add the following labels to the diagram of the lung alveolus, below showing the
exchange of gases that take place there.

alveolus (singular)
high concentration CO2
high concentration O2
movement of O2
movement of CO2






Q7: Select the letter of the correct answer.

1. A component of the immune system’s first line of defence is ______________

a. the spine.
b. the skin.
c. antibodies.
d. cytokines.

2. Lysozymes_______________

a. produce acid from protein.

b. are antibodies that bind to red blood cells.
c. are enzymes that break down bacterial cell walls.
d. are proteins that act as chemical signals used to communicate between cells.

3. The diagram below shows the process of________________

a. phagocytosis.
b. pinocytosis.
c. cilia action.
d. skin cell production.

4. A type of human immune system cell that ingests pathogens by phagocytosis is _________

a. neurone.
b. macrophage.
c. muscle cell.
d. bacteria.

Q8: Recall your information about the body defence to answer the following questions.

1. Describe the immune system’s first line of defence.

In the first line of defence, the body has natural barriers that prevent pathogens from entering
your body’s cells in the first place. These barriers act to trap and kill most pathogens and
include the skin, mucous membranes, and stomach acids.

2. Outline how can the skin be considered part of the immune system.

Forms a physical barrier that Stops microbes entering the body unless it is cut or damaged.
The skin contains glands that secrete some acids which prevents the growth of pathogens on
the surface.

3. Outline what are mucous membranes. State where they are found.

Mucous membranes are the moist linings present in the body openings such as the mouth,
nose, trachea, and vagina. The mucus present in such areas contains enzymes that break down

4. Outline the purpose of the cilia of the cells that line the respiratory lining.

Some mucous membrane tissues have tiny hair like structures called cilia that can trap
pathogens and remove them out of the body.

5. Distinguish between antigens and antibodies.

Antigens: are proteins found on the surfaces of pathogens which stimulate the production of
specific antibodies.

Antibodies: are proteins that defend the body against pathogens by binding to the antigens
found on the surface of these pathogens.

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