THM 351 Report

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IUBAT-International University of Business

Agriculture & Technology

A Report On
“My plan for new Hospitality Development at my own

Prepared By-
Name-Safin Adnan
Course Name - Hospitality Facility and Operation
Course Code- THM 351

Prepared For-
Md Yusuf Hossein Khan
Assistant Professor
CTHM- College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Total word Count-

Table Of Content

No. Content Pages

01 Introduction 03
02 Company Overview 04
03 Objective of the development 05
04 Proposal Details 06
4.1 Location 06-07
4.2 Site 07
4.3 Budget 07-08
4.4 Time 08
4.5 Quality 08
05 Legal Issues 09-11
06 Forthcoming safety precaution 11
07 Conclution 11-12
08 References and Bibliography 12
09 Appendix 12


Tourism & hospitality industry is growing rapidly with the development of technology, shifting
social attitudes; economic and demographic changes all the way we live, work and do our
business. Worldwide tourism & hospitality is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world and
this sector includes restaurants, hotel, motel, cottages etc. as the tourist get to visit new place and
they need to accommodate themselves. On the other hand, if we take the example of
Bangladesh, we can see that it is one of the most densely populated countries of the world. The
total area of Bangladesh is 148,460 kilometers (57,320 sq. mi) and the population is
164,689,384 estimated at mid-year of 2020 according to UN data. As the population is higher
this could be used as one of the assets for the countries benefit and it could be used to develop
the country economy. So, it is easy to utilize the population of the country and build the
country’s economy based on the tourism & hospitality industry and earn foreign currencies and
develop the country. For this reason, Bangladesh has to take on account the development of
tourism & hospitality industry. Bangladesh has some very beautiful tourism places that can
attract local as well as foreign guests which will easily create an opportunity of work for the
unemployed masses and moreover it will create a very good impact around the world as one of
the major tourism countries. This report is prepared for THM 351 course. This report is about
my plan for new hospitality development at my own locality .My plan is to build up a new 5
star category Hotel under the HILTON Group. .That will be located in Cox’s Bazar .There are
many reasons for choosing this location that I will discuss step by step. In this report I discuss
objective of this development ,my budget in this project, Details discuss about budget, relevant
and realistic, discuss about total time, quality, some legal issues that need to obtained also
discuss forthcoming safety precautions during constructions phase and any other relevant
information that I feel important to include in terms of attracting possible investors. Actually I
try to discuss relevant information about this project and I hope this report will help others to
know about how to make plan for the new hospitality development and other necessary things.

Company Overview:

Conrad Hilton (1887-1979) is known as the father of Hilton group. In 1919 he bought a hotel
named The Mobley in Texas and never looked back. Hilton has 18 different brands in almost 118
countries. The total amount of property Hilton group have is 6200+. Till today Hilton is running
their business smoothly and performing their duties with at most sincerity and respect. Hilton
group is trying to establish some new projects in Bangladesh amongst them is a five-star
category hotel which will be built in cox’s bazar with a specious space and luxury rooms and
almost all kind of facilities will be available in it. They have selected me for invest in this
project. The name of the hotel is “The Classio Hotel”.

It will be one of the leading hotels in next ten years of establishment for that I will take all kind
of essential steps for build up this project. As Hilton is a one of the renowned groups in the world
it has a name value so I should try my best to make it a profitable project. The target of my
company is to give best support and service to the guest and provide them with amenities. Hilton
wants to open the first five-star category hotels in Bangladesh and they have selected the Cox’s
Bazar as the hotels location as it attracts local as well as foreign guest’s everyday so they thought
to open the hotel at this place. So as the participate in this project my main mission for the guest
is to feel like they are at their home when they are in my hotel. In one word, home outside home.
Homely environment will be provided to the guest with best facilities in service sector and the
hotel will also provide them with the best rooms within their affordability price. All kind of
possible facilities like spa, gym, swimming pool, game zone, roof top, movie theater, bar, clubs
(if the government of Bangladesh permits).

Objective of the development:

I want to develop a hotel under the Hilton Group in Cox’s Bazar because this is the nearest
place of The largest sea beach in the world and also there are so many businessman come for
doing their business .For that reason this place need a quality full hotel. Besides some university
and colleges around there.Its positive sites if any schools ,colleges or universities besides on the
hotel areas because, as a result guardian can stay hotel and hotel earn more revenue.
But as an owner or participator of Hilton group my first objective is to satisfied employees and
guest. Give all facilities for guest and employees also. I will always try to ensure high customer
Its also important to achieve maximum hotel profit and increase hotel staff motivation. My
mission is to represent the interests of our members, foster their economic and professional
growth while contributing to community development and the sustainability of BD Hotel
industry. And my vision is to become the most effective trade association in BD providing
superior service to the hotel industry. It will be one of the leading hotels in next ten years of
establishment for that I will take all kind of essential steps for build up this project My aim is to
promote fair and harmonious labour relations between members and their employees and to
assist them in labour disputes.

Proposal Details:
Under the proposal details we can consider many things but now I discuss project location ,site,
Budget, costing, time, quality ,some legal issues that need to be obtained and discussed
forthcoming safety precautions during constructions phase.

Location is the most sensible think for any type of company. Location is especially important for
businesses in the retail and hospitality trades because they rely a great deal on visibility and
exposure to their target markets The success of the hotel is depending almost 70% on this topic.
For any company success depends to choose a perfect and profitable location where the company
can do their business and get the customer what they want. There are many things to consider
when choosing a location for a business venture, whether setting up a business property for the
first time. And if we want to talk about the hotel industry, the location must be that kind whose
neighborhood is filled with nature beauty. The following were topical of the parameters for
location chooses that were used in apprising site…….
1. The number of people in the vicinity of the place from outside will be built should be
around 150000 people in the area.
2. The airport needs to be closed so that the guest who is the outsider of the country can
easily find the location and reached the place easily.
3. The Hotel location attraction should have within maximum 25 to 30 miles radius so that
in the weekend guest can enjoy the beauty of nature.
4. The hotel also needs to be closed at parks, playing ground and other places also.
5. The location of a hotel should be where the main road is near the hotel, travel car is
available and no problem with the traffic jam.
6. The most important part is ensuring that there is no other competitive hotel in the area.

Every company manager should be following from the above portion for the chosen correct

Site means a land where a perfect property can build and all facilities in there. Site is the main
part of a hotel. Because all the things are depending on it. If the site choosing is wrong then then
the property does not make any good profit from the business. That’s why the site criteria are
way more than anything.
1. For a hotel a perfect site area is minimum 3 areas and preferably no more than 5 areas.
2. The land must be flat or gently sloping.
3. Hotel must be near the motorway because during the contraction it’s easy to carry the
utilities and the material of the property.
4. Service and utilities such as electricity, gas, water and other things need to be close from
the site and ensure that all the things are available in a minimum cost.
5. Attractive without electricity pylons or other visible intrusion or defects and away from
major instruction of noise and obnoxious smells.
6. The per area minimum cost of 25000$


A budget means we know that an estimation revenue and expenses over a specified future period
of time and usually compiled and reevaluated on a periodic. Budget is made for a person, a group
of people or the government to set a limited money for spend. Budget is also playing an
important role for a human life. Because in the real life we can not spend our all money without
any reason. We invest our money to some work because earn better profit from that. So, in the
hospitality industry budget play a role when a person builds a hotel by his own money. There are
lots of investment in this work. He has to pay for the land, pay to architecture for the design and
most importantly the construction worker. Also, there are some resources which is need any
time. So, doing all the things within the budget the work will be going perfectly calculate and

In this project my total budget is 200cr taka. I thing its enough for create a 5 star category hotel
under the Hilton Group .Because , Hilton group has their own rules and regulation .They have
some category. If anyone want the participator of Hilton group must follow the rules and
regulations of the group.

Besides, for build up five star category hotel have some criteria that must be fulfill like guest
room facilities, required bathroom facilities ,room and other facilities for differently abled
guest,Food and beverage facilities ,kitchen facilities, guest facilities,safety and security
facilities,other facilities like Rainwater harvesting, Waste management. Pollution control
methods for air, water and light,Introduction of non-CFC equipment for refrigeration and air
conditioning and other Eco-Friendly measures and initiatives,Solar power panels etc. For build
up five star property its must be need. As a result budget will increase.



Expected start and finish date is mandatory thing when we work for a new project. Because,
this thinking can maximize selling level and profit level also and minimize disruption.

It  takes about 3 years to build . Basically any five star hotel for build takes 3 to 4 years
because of its quality .If the project construction going very fastly that time its quality may be
not that much good. so, that’s why its take little bit more time to build.

Quality: When think about new project that time must take care or concerned about quality. If
possible, quality must be standards and durability .This is the way for development. Quality must
similar with project. This project that means ‘ The Classsio Hotel’ is a five star category that’s
why quality must be five star category .Room quality, service style quality, amenities, location
and environment must standard like five star property.


Legal issues:
Now discuss about some legal issues that need to be obtained.

It is important to draft a legal contract between client and owner before the construction work
begin . Because, before starting any project every project must have some rules and regulations
and client or contractor may obey this rules or not its important. How all process going on ,how
much total budget and other things like total time scale for finishing the whole project that
discuss before starting the construction work. If any problem or difficulties create that time who
will took responsibilities that also discuss in this contract. That’s why its very important to draft
a legal contract before starting construction.

Before starting this project must have some legal issues like-

I. The total budget for the whole project is ensure in this contract.
II. The time scale within which is to be completed .That means how many time to complete
this project that discussed.
III. The use to which the building is to be put .The design of the building and materials used
in it must be appropriate for the intended use, especially within any regulatory frame
work. That means which design is properly match with which position that discussed in
this contract.
IV. The projected running cost of the finished building.
V. Who responsible when problem or difficulties create that mention.

Now discuss during this project running some legal consideration for a lawyer advising the
client when a main contractor is to be appointed will be that-

I. The architect will supervise the main contractor.

II. The architect will clarify completion of the relevant stages of the project.Which
will release the appropriate funds to pay the contractor.

III. The main contactor will be ultimately responsible for all safety issues and liability
to third parties for nuisance , negligence,or under the occupiers liability act.

IV. Need to highway authority approval .

V. Responsibility for the delivery and purchase of all building materials is clearly

VI. The contractual documentation is clear about the handling of any disputes without
delaying the completion of the project.

When project is already done but wait for start the operation that time it has some
precaution , that need to check.
Therefore the main legal consideration once operations are finalizes are that-

I. All licensing provisions and conditions have been complied with, so that
establishment can open and operate. That means ,at first need to check all the
permission get or not, if all the permission get that time start the operation.

II. There are effective procedures for ensuring that all legislation and
III. regulatory provisions affecting the day to day operations of the establishment are
adhere to. Its indicates all the rules and regulations are established or not against
the legislation and day to day operations.

IV. All safety noticed and procedure must be followed.

V. The appropriate accident history book kept on the table for the guest and
employee also.

If this project achieve these legal issues and can maintain all the time this project can start the

Forthcoming safety precautions :

During construction period this property must be follow some safety precaution and from
authority must be take necessary steps for this . Construction sites are filled with dangerous
machinery, environments, hazards, and chemicals that can cause major to lethal injury without
constant vigilance .we can minimize the risks if follow some rules like need protective gear.
Protective gear is important because head injuries are caused by a myriad of construction
hazards. Engineers, architects, and occupational safety professionals design buildings to be as
safe as possible to maximize safety and efficiency. Need crane safety, Scaffolding and fall
protection needed. Scaffolding and fall protection are closely related as many falls occur from
scaffolding. Whether appropriately erected or not, scaffolding presents falling hazards that can
only be avoided by alert workers, forklift safety and trenching safety also important .

Conclusion: In the current world there are lots of hotels around the world. People now know
about what is the real mean of hospitality. Those country who have lots of tourist spot and
beautiful places they are grow up their economy just improve their hospitality industry. Dubai,

Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, India etc. these are some example countries name who are really
understand of their nature beauty and use it to grow up their economic condition. And also, in the
current world for a student hospitality industry give then better future compare to another
corporation. Because of the improvement of this industry. That’s why as my word I would
definitely say that hospitality business is the most profitable, Smart business in the world.

Reference and Bibliography:




6. Book of THM 351 1st Edition.


The Classio Hotel

Hotel Lobby layout


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