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Honey Lynne A.


What to do When Covid Hits Home

Awareness is what we need during this pandemic. The webinar conducted by

Dr. Anna Lisa Ong is an eye opener of the situation we have and the things that we
should do even if it directly or indirectly affect us. It is very much alarming that the cases
here in the Philippines is still growing, so are the deaths caused by the virus. This number
of deaths is getting more petrifying since nowadays, you can hear that the people that
you know are included in this number.

Dr. Ong discussed when homecare can be considered. It is good to know when
we should consider to go to the hospital, since our hospitals and facilities are reported
to be on their full capacity. If the body is healthy enough to fight the virus and you have
enough resources at home, it is better to quarantine at home. It will also give way and
space to the people who really need to stay at the hospital who have pre-existing
conditions already. According to Dr. Ong, home quarantine can be considered if: (1)
you are asymptomatic, (2) have mild disease without risk factor for poor outcome. In
this setup, the ventilation system should have good airflow and the delivery system
should be organized. This will reduce the contact and transmission of the virus which
may circulate in the air and be in contact with objects.

Knowing when to seek medical attention was really relevant for me to know and
to understand. This is significant for me since I live with my parents and they are taking
maintenance medicine. From this, I was able to be aware of what signs and symptoms I
should worry about.

This webinar was really helpful in terms of spreading awareness and information
since the cases are increasing significantly. It was a great help and reminder on how
we can take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

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