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Cost Accounting Standards: An Federal Regulations, Chapter 99,

Overview effective on April 17, 1992.

By Chuck Grosso, CIA, CGAP, Sandia National
That is enough history for now. What
What do the 18th Century German poet about CAS? The standards, of course,
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Senator are based on common sense principles
William Proxmire and Vice Admiral H.G. of cost accounting. There are three
Rickover have in common? All three major pillars of CAS that include,
men were interested in accounting. consistency in charging costs between
Goethe once said, “Double-entry direct and indirect projects, incurring
bookkeeping is one of the most beautiful cost based on causal/beneficial
discoveries of the human spirit.” relationship and full cost-allocation or
Senator Proxmire and Admiral Rickover full-cost recovery.
jointly developed the concept of Cost
Accounting Standards (CAS). Contractors must be consistent in
charging both direct and indirect costs to
In some work environments, the Government contracts. If certain costs
acronym CAS strikes fear into the hearts are disclosed as direct costs, they must
and minds of managers and be charged directly to work projects for
accountants everywhere---well, almost. the same purpose, in similar
What is CAS? They sound simple circumstances. If certain costs are
enough. Besides, auditors are used to disclosed as indirect costs, they must be
working with all kinds of auditing, charged to cost pools and allocated to
financial and accounting standards in direct work projects over an appropriate
their work. basis for the same purpose, in similar
For those of you who absolutely enjoyed
your cost accounting class in school, Incurring costs based on a
and for the rest of you too, CAS are a causal/beneficial relationship simply
detailed set of nineteen accounting means that if you work on a particular
standards promulgated by the Cost work project, you charge your time to
Account Standards Board. Recently, that project. If you buy something
four new CAS standards have been benefiting that project, it is charged for
written and apply to contracts with the item.
educational institutions. Recent
legislation has rendered CAS applicable Full-cost allocation or full-cost recovery
to Government contracts with all in a Government-owned-company
agencies of the U.S. Government. operated (GOCO) context refers to the
fact that all costs related to a particular
Historically, the concept of CAS project are charged to that project and
originated out of criticism of defense billed to that particular Government
contractor accounting practices and, as project sponsor. No other sponsor
mentioned above, was developed by should be billed for any part of the
Vice Admiral H.G. Rickover and Senator project cost.
William Proxmire. The Cost Accounting
Standards Board was originally These three principles are intended to
authorized by statute in August 1970 achieve equity in charging costs to
while the scope of CAS was limited to Government contracts.
negotiated contracts with the defense
agencies of the U.S. Government. CAS
was recodified in Title 48 of the Code of
As mentioned above, there are nineteen • CAS 420, Accounting for
major standards and four additional independent research and
standards for educational institutions. development and bid and
The nineteen standards include the proposal costs.
following titles:
The four educational-related standards
• CAS 401, Consistency in provide coverage on consistency in
estimating, accumulating and estimating, accumulating and reporting
reporting costs. costs, consistency in allocating costs,
• CAS 402, Consistency in identification of unallowable costs and
allocating costs incurred for the consistency in selection and use of a
same purpose. cost accounting period.
• CAS 403, Allocation of home
office expenses to segments. For CAS-covered contactors, there is
• CAS 404, Capitalization of also a disclosure requirement.
tangible assets. Contractors must write and maintain a
• CAS 405, Accounting for CAS disclosure statement. The
unallowable costs. disclosure statement is a document
• CAS 406, Cost accounting describing a contractor’s accounting
period. system. There are usually two parts,
• CAS 407, Use of standard costs consisting of preprinted forms containing
for direct material and direct boxes to check and blanks to fill in and
labor. continuation sheets that contain
• CAS 408, Accounting for costs of amplification and commentary on the
compensated personal absence. responses provided in the forms. The
amount of detail provided in the CAS
• CAS 409, Depreciation of
disclosure statement is, of course, left
tangible capital assets.
up to the contractor. In offering a word
• CAS 410, Allocation of business
to the wise, however, it should be
unit general and administrative
recognized that the disclosure statement
expenses to final cost objectives.
must provide sufficient detail to convey
• CAS 411, Accounting for full understanding of a contractor’s
acquisition costs of materials. accounting system to the Contracting
• CAS 412, Cost accounting Officer and to any interested auditors.
standard for composition and
measurement of pension costs. If an organization makes significant
• CAS 413, Adjustment and accounting changes during the fiscal
allocation of pension cost. year or at the beginning of a fiscal year,
• CAS 414, Cost of money as an those changes must be documented in
element of the cost of facilities a modified CAS disclosure statement
capital. that is submitted to the Contracting
• CAS 415, Accounting for the Officer of the sponsoring agency.
cost of deferred compensation.
• CAS 416, Accounting for The Contracting Officer of the
insurance costs. sponsoring agency has responsibility to
• CAS 417, Cost of money as an rule on adequacy of a contractor’s CAS
element of the cost of capital disclosure statement.
assets under construction.
• CAS 418, Allocation of direct and Besides being an externally-imposed
indirect costs. requirement for Government
contractors, CAS is a major accounting
control that assists management with
charging costs to Government contracts
and equitable treatment of Government
sponsoring agencies where multiple
sponsors engage the services of a
single contractor.

For auditors who audit contractors with

the U.S. Government, knowledge of
CAS becomes increasingly important.

Additional information about CAS may

be obtained at the following Internet

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