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ACE EXECUTIVE INTERNSHIP. PARTICIPATION APPLICATION DIRECTIONS: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK. oa 420/21 NAME, Sepa Spies owe prone AS4 = ZOU- OSI avoress 114 SW) 120 lane _ personat cru. AS4* 21 O1$ | ory Cxa\ Spang st_¥l zp_33071) —_orner pone_ JA FLORIDA STUDENT 1D_ QWWOOON2.9 ewan Spapaleo GA WPamcl. com — DO YOU HAVE TRANSPORTATION. \{@S List three different career fields that you would like to experience, in order of preference: . Emireprenevt 1 2. Norse 3. Hoste py List any training or courses which you have had that would be useful in the professional areas listed above. —Emmdoyment Ot 0 tessOu xy th List ide school and community activities, leadership roles and honors you have received in grades 9- ne List the teams, clubs, or work in which you will actively participate while enrolled in EIP. Briefly state why you would like to be an Executive Intern. \ would kee exQeENLe ood _ Parent/Guardian Information Mother's Name. \ Home Phon&Q)4&-O144 Business Phone AISAS Solo Father's Name YQ \ Loga\eo Home Phong) ig" 1044 Business Phonel a)346-we - YoloS CS Farm 22048, Page 2f5 category 8 Review Due 13 “ EXECUTIVE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Guidance Cow ComaticumornearPAr ZBNTY sorte 9° 9°21 - oo clor: Plssse complet the following MouhVeas ACT sar 1090 cattege tascenea___— fe rama Mavkehing Jat Certteaten rans: MOS Bundle. ‘ttendance: Current Year Absences 2) rardies_2-__rade 10 Absences fardar enemas \ Yo pe 5-5-2 Counselor Signa dae Student Agreement: Parvcipation in the Executive Internship Program reguites that I Follow county atlendance regulations and student code of eondut that I perform sauisfietorily a the nternship site and that F competeal required assignments Ub fagale- SAY ne Bae Parent/Guardian Permissi T have discussed the Executive Internship Progra with GPOPALEO —__tsnusend, and have given my Stl 1 wrderstndtatwidents ae eens fom soo 4-4-1 Dawe or further information, please contact the ACE Director ossaysasid Executive Interaship Progeam ACE Academy Coral Springs Charter Hestonn2 2088 Pape dots Cotegoey Rese Dae 913, ACE Academy EXECUTIVE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Personal Reference (Teacher) Sopine (hPa C&CS Student Name OPHi LA ReVALEO High School_ O Teacher (Funios ¥ét) CHahlcs GPeneue — subjet_MARKETi nd ty _ Please rate the student on the following characteristics: 1 = Unsa lisfactory. 4= Excellent 1. Demonstrates maturity and seriousness toward responsibilities and relationships. 2. Follows directions, is careful with details, and obtains and conveys information accurately. 3. Demonstrates a positive attitude and willingness to fulfill obligations. 123@ 4, Communicates ideas clearly. 123@ 6 5. Operates as a team member. © 6. Exhibits respect for others. 7. Relates well to a variety of people. 123) 8, Manages time efficiently 123@ 9, Demonstrates dependability in completing tasks. 123@ 10. Recognizes and respects confidentiality. 123@ ments Z_ Tea Tz Role Tete RE wh The GF Geka Ad MN An TMeRecsive Tos. HER Lael °F MAoRITA WAS Bedpnth HER Yeores- Ihave known this student 3 years, Signature TEACHER: Please return this form to DONNA HOO, ACE Director. Thank you. FCS Fam 2-208 Pagers Review Date 9/13 a Category A ACE Academy EXECUTIVE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Personal Reference (Teacher) StudentName __ 0p Moe g Papoleo — pighschool__CSCS Teacher (Junior Year) _ O7%S51 subject__A/Ce Mavene Please rate the student on the following characteristics: 1 = Unsatisfactory 4= Excellent 1. Demonstrates maturity and seriousness toward responsibilities and relationships. 123@) 2, Follows directions, is careful with details, and obtains and conveys information 123@ accurately 3. Demonstrates a positive attitude and willingness to fulfill obligations. 1236 4, Communicates ideas clearly. 123G@ 5, Operates as a team member. 123@ 6. Exhibits respect for others. 1233 7. Relates well toa variety of people. 123@ 8, Manages time efficiently. 123@ 9, Demonstrates dependability in completing tasks. 123@ 10. Recognizes and respects confidentiality. 1236 Comments: — 2 Aare Ev ves tre ----- ~ Pa Bb awap Aihingc Hegpted fuk reponse , aod Toe i pie eth praga Thave known this student years. ep 429-202 wt Date TEACHER: Please return this form to DONNA HOO, ACE Director. Thank you. PCS Form 2-2048 Pape 4 of § Category A Review Date 9/13

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