Academic Writing Conventions

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Academic Writing Conventions


Non-Academic Writing Academic Writing

 If you own a business,  One factor that

traditional retail
the store space you business owners must
rent or own is a major consider is the cost of
expense. the store space. The
price per square meter
of space is a major
expense whether the
space is owned or

Non-Academic Writing Academic Writing

 Consumers liked online  Convenience was cited

by the consumers as the
shopping because it’s most important reason
quite convenient. for online shopping

Non-Academic Writing Academic Writing

 Effective teacher  Effective teacher
feedback focuses on feedback focuses on
established success established success
criteria and tells the criteria and presents the
students what they have students’ achievement
achieved and where they and improvement.
need to improve.
Simple and informal
Addresses the reader

Uses personal language

Asks rhetorical questions

 Uses passive voice
 Reader not directly addressed (Uses

objective third person point of view to

express personal opinion)
 Uses formal tone and objective point of
 Uses impersonal non-emotive language

 No rhetorical question
Academic Writing Conventions

F- ormality
I - mpersonality
S- tructure
H- edge
Academic Writing Conventions

 Formality –
 choose the more formal one-word verb over
the two-word equivalent
 EXAMPLES: The week-long power outages
(used up / consumed) the store’s entire stock of
Phrasal verb One-word verb
Hand in Submit
Check out Examine
Went up and down Fluctuated
Academic Writing Conventions

 Formality –
 do not use abbreviated forms
 Examples:
Informal Formal
Ff. Following
Vol. Volume
App Application
No. Number
Sq. Square
Blvd. Boulevard
Corp. Corporation
Academic Writing Conventions

 Formality –
 do not use contracted words
 Example:
Informal Formal
Won’t Will not
Don’t Do not
Can’t Can not
Isn’t Is not
I’m I am
They’re They are
Could’ve Could have
Academic Writing Conventions

 Formality –
 For acronyms: Spell it out first
 Examples:

Department of Education (DepEd)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Intelligent Quotient (IQ)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Academic Writing Conventions

 Formality –
 Cite source and avoid personification
 Examples:

Informal Formal
According to (2019), the The environment is polluted
environment is polluted because because of the overconsumption
of the overconsumption of plastic of plastic happening in fast food
in the fast food chain industries. chain industries (, 2019).
Academic Writing Conventions

 Impersonality
 do not address readers directly by using you
 NO to rhetorical questions
 EXAMPLE: If you don’t know how to navigate
through an e-commerce site, you will waste a
lot of time.
 Navigating through an e-commerce site can
be time-consuming for those who may be
unfamiliar with the process.
Academic Writing Conventions

 Structure
 choose passive construction to focus on the
 use noun forms instead of verbs
 EXAMPLE: Further studies can be conducted
to solve the technical problems surrounding
 Further studies can be conducted to find
solutions to the technical problems
surrounding e-commerce.
Academic Writing Conventions

 Hedged
 use cautious language
 EXAMPLES: appear, assume,
indicate, possible, and so on

 It is possible that the majority of

the consumers will be affected.
Academic Writing Conventions

 Hedged
 use quantifiable language
 EXAMPLES: a number of, majority
of, a few..., or use percentage
Students rely too much on google,
yahoo, etc. in doing research.
Majority of the students rely…
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