Teacher's Book - U0 Starter Unit

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2 Jobjectiven rT ean ane Say a rap, “Review vocabulary and structures fi “Find information ina pis beech poy bstetbal ploy oobal za posta gunen pa play tabietenns, camera, summer, winter lowers, boats sousages havea: tol cues puzces, ho ar baloon Starting the lesson eee 2a} ‘+ With books closed, ask the pupils what they remember about the Explorer characters from World Explorers 1. Ask What are theirnames? (4 €,|,0, Uand ¥) What is special ‘about these letters? AE |, Qand U are vowels. Ycanact ikea vowelinEngish) ‘+ Ask the pupils to open their books. Focus attention on the picture of the Explorers in activity 1. Then point tothe ‘main picture and say Find the Explorers. The pupils try to find all ix Explorers as quickly as they can. (A and Jare at the Hall of mirors,Eand O are climbing up the ladder to the tte house, Uis in the hat air balloon taking a photo and Yis bythe ticket booth atthe entvance to Funland) Meet the Explorers em STAMMMET WIL Val lISCé Class Book 1 Say the rap. @ 14 er epee * Play the recording forthe pupils to follow in thir books. * Play the recording a second time forthe pupils to say there. + Ask What actions can wedo for therap? Ect as many ideas as possible + Play the recording a final te forthe pupils to do their actions as they say the words. 2 Listen and repeat. © 12 Then find. a pain ‘Focus attention on the words in the wordpool.Tell the pupil that they are going tollsten to recording of the words + Play the recording for the pupils to listen and repeat the words, + Play the recording a second time forthe pupils to repeat again «+ Askethe pupils to workin pairs and find the different items in the picture ook: people inthe kitchen tide a horse: gion the path atthe top of the cif ice skate: gil on the Winter holiday postrin the travel agent's skateboard: the boy outside the shops beach the area towards the bottom-centre ofthe picture play basketball the people behind te pirate ship in Funland play foatbal:the boys on the beach pizzain the kitchen pasta: man outside the café guinea pig nthe garden inthe right hand comner of the picture play table tennis: i and boy outside Funland camera: Explorer Us taking photos wit her camera inthe hot airballoon summer Summer holiday poster inthe travel agent’ winter winter holiday poster inthe travel agent’s flowerstin the garden ofthe house boats: inthe park lake sausages:at the hotdog stand in Funland havea shower: i atthe beach ee em oe amare Mi at So ELORDS r 3 Listen and read, @ 133 In pairs, mime the words from activity 2. NZ woeterolorsnnes 258 Ont \ «Focus attention on the picture, Invite quesses about what Explorer Ais doing, «Play the recording forthe pupils to listen and follow in a p pupils fo work in pairs. They take turns to mime om the wordpool in activity 2for their partner toguess + Ask some ofthe pupils to mime an activity forthe class ro guess 4 Read and say True or False, eee eigen ‘+ Ask the pupils to workin pairs They take turns to ead the sentences and say True or False, i 4 1 Pte 2 fake 3 Tae 4 Tue 5 Tue 6 Tue z hing the lesson | « Playa game of Draw (see the Ideas bank), using some of YT —thewords from activity 2 1 _More activities [Reinforcement : 10' te ques 4 wor [* PyTesecondwons se theless bank usngthe 5, \P2 ques é categories of food, sport and places. 1 Extension }_* Playa game of Questions questions (see the ideas bank 1 say tm thinking of someone. Who ist? Invite questions from individual pupils + Ask the pupils to play the game with their partners, Meetthe Explorers 23 Lesson 1 [objectives Sa h the couse characters Tntroduce a new grammar structure: his/her, on Revise questions and answers about age, family “Revised: shed, ends table tennis, pizza, robot, carne, noisy, guinea pigs, greedy football basketball pasta, cat, elephant, rollerblae fish, She likes (sport). He likes (cake). Starting the lesson * With books closed, ask the pupils to tell you what they can remember about the story characters from World Explorers ‘Ask Who loves pizza? Who’ goodat table tennis? Who likes robots? Who likes taking photos? Who has got three brothers? Dont confirm theanswersat this stage Class Book 1 Read and listen. @ 1-4 Clas Book page 4, CDT wack * With books open, focus attention on the pictures, Point to Grandad and ask pupils toques who he is. Ask What are Becca and Alfie showing Grandad? Annvice boar, vith picturesofthem ond ther fiends) + Read the introduction to the clas. lay the recording for the pupils to listen and follow in their books, Check their answers feom Starting the lesson. 2 Look. Listen and repeat. @ 1-5 seo ge Tas) + Focus attention on the sentences, Play the recording for the pupils to repeat them. * Ask the pupils to look at the possessive adjectives and identify which names they replace (using activity 1), * Pupils workin pairs. They take turns to say the sentences. ‘Some leamers find it useful to compare their mother tongue with the target language. Ask pupils how they express his and her in their language lit diferent to English, tether to take care when they are writing Point ‘out that direct translation is not always helpful 3 Read and guess. Then listen and check. @ 16 “ass Bookpage 4 COT tacks» ‘* Ask the pupils to work in pairs, They look at the pictures to ‘see what each character's favourite things are, then read and complete the dialogues with the correct character. 24 Hello, Grandad! Lesson 1 * Play the recording for the pupils to check thei answers, Gam, Anna, 4 Play the gam stckine * The pupiis play a game. They choose a character and answer their partner's questions until he/she can guess ‘who the characteris. The pupils swap roles and play again. airs. Activity Book ane eee eee 1 Order the sentences. ine ike ona 1 Shes got a camera, Her photos ate fantastic. 2 He's got three brothers. His family i big, 3 She likes sport. Her favourite sports table tennis 4 Helikes chocolate cake His mum makes good chocolate cakes. 2 Read about Becca. Write about Alfie. ee) + Aska volunteer to read the sx sentences about Becca Point out the diference between the use of her and she + Askthe pupils to write five more sentences about Alfie Using the words inthe weordpool THisname’s Ale. 2 Hishairis short 3 HisfavouitesingerisEnviqu Iglesias. 4 He cant dance 5 He's got four fish. 6 He likes pasta. 3 Write sentences about you anda friend, Use activity 2 as. a model. tyke + Ask the pupils toread out their sentences from activity 3 When they have finished, ask questions, eg, Can (Marta) ‘ollerblade? ls (David's) favourite singer Leona Lewis? More activities Reinforcement capes * Ask questions about the characters in activity 3 for the pupils to respond using full sentences, For example: What Is Poppy's favourite food? (Her favourite food s pasta) Extension + Askthe pupils to work in pairs. They describe a character for their partner to quess. For example: A: Her hairis black ‘She has got three guinea pigs. 8: Becca! Svalineu WI LalsCé 3 Hello, Grandad! Lesson 2 na undevstand a story. Unaterstant and use sentences with ne Sve ooinions about what happens inthe stom. Rannaeey Act Re Passive: res ne rk, water, shower, He's (jumping). i ay Oh nov Oh der Ceci Starting the lesson * Say Im thinking of someone inthe class. Describe a pupil using language from the previous lesson, forthe class t0 guess. For example: Her bags blue. Her best fiend is Lucia. Her favourite sport is football. * Invite individual pupils to describe a member of the class for their classmates to guess Class Book 1 Listen and read. @ 1-7 Castes O17 With books open, ask the pupils to read the title of the story and look at the pictures. Ask What do you think the storyis about? ‘+ Asiethe gist question: Is Alfie happy? * Play the recotding for the pupils ta listen and follow in their books, ** Blicit the answer to the gist question. No, he ist. First Rex makes him dirty, then Rex makes him wet) * Play the recording a second time for the pupils to follow again, Ask questions to check comprehension. Point to the pictures as you ask Picture 1: Who's Rex? (Grandadis dog) Picture 2: Where does Becca want to take Rex? To the park) Picture 3: What does Rex do? (He jumps in the viater) Picture 4: Who gives Rex a shower? (Becca, Picture 6: Who gives Alfiea shower? (Rex!) Ask the pupils to look at the story again and find examples Of sentences with need. Activity Book 1 Read the story agai “Petit Bock page 4, Class Bock page § * Before they look at the Story in the Class Book again, askthe pupils to read the sentence halves in thelr Activity Books. ‘+ The pupils work n pairs. They ead the story again and vite the answers 1 Grandad dog. 2 tothe parkwith Rex. 3 inthe water, 4 ashower, $ ashowertoo. 6 from Becca, 7 Alfie wet, |. Match, 2 Complete. ey Bane + The pupils complete the sentences using the correct name and the correct word from the wordpool. ona 1 Rex needs a shower. 3 Alfie needs a shower. 2 Rexneedsa walk. 3 Complete the story review. i ke is ies ‘Askthe pupils to think about the story. Ask individuals Who in the story? (Becca, Alf, Granded ex) Where do Becca and Alfe go with Rex? (To the park) What do Rex and Alfe need? (& shower) + Ask the pupils what they think about the story * Brainstorm some adjectives and ask individual pupils to dive ther opinions. ‘The pupis read the instructions and complete the review, giving thei own opinions. + Ask some ofthe pupils to read ther reviews to the class. Expressing ther oan ideas and giving ther own opinions gives the pupils onmership ofthe language they are learning, and the story reviews provide an opportunity for ther todo this. The framework gives the pupils some of the language they might wont to use, but they may want to use other words and phrases Encourage them to use their dictionaries to find the language they need ishing the lesson * Play a game of Who ist? (ee the Ideas bank) using: He ‘needs a walk (Rex) They take Rex to the park. (Becca and ‘Alfe) He stays ot home. (Grandad) Hejumps in the water. (Pex) They both need a shower. (Rex and Ali) She gives Rea shower. (Becca) More activities Reinforcement ‘+ Ask the the pupils work in pairs. Write on the board for them to match; Rexwantstogotothe park He needs a shower toa, Rexisciny He needs a walk Alfelooksin the minor. ——_-Heneeds a shower Extension ‘+ White on the board: walk, park, water, shower, *+ The pupils work in pairs. They write a sentence about the story for each of the words. Hello,Grandad! «Lesson? 25 ocdiileu wiul vali Ce

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