Teacher's Book - U1

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Lesson 1 ‘Heetrare pace anew stofvecabay Fave the ResertCominuous Questor danse Practise he new weabuy nthe contexf dague sea swoon ‘ties cur the grass, wer the Rowers plant seeds, pick stroubetnes feed the bas make a window tax ‘eatacorectdigahole is Revised: Is poy eating a carrot Yes seis /Na shel. ‘rey planting seeds? Yes Fam. No, Im not. Wheres ree Starting the lesson + Wite the gapped sentence Im... in thegrden on the board, Ask the pupils 10 suggest activites to complete the sentence, Wether suggestions onthe board. el the class that the course characters aren the garden in this unt-and Vocabulary presentation oi ae cnt «© Pray the recording and hold up the flashcards as each words sald Class Book 1 Say. @ 13 ‘date a ales + Askthe pupils to open ther Books. Play the recowing for ‘the pupils to point tothe pictures in ther books and say the words « Iftne pupils need more practice, play a game of inane (cee the ideas ban 2 Listen and say the number. © 1-14 aoe ae ‘+ Focus attention on the picture. Ask Who can you see? (@oppy, Afi Dad am, Josh, Becca, Hayley, Re. Mum, (Grandad) Ask Where are the children? Un Ae and Beccos ‘arden. Whats Becca/Liam Rex doing? Pantin seeds / Feeding the bd / Digging aoe + Talithe pupils that they are going tolten to some short dialogues between Mum and the peoplein the picture 'Mum's uying to nd Grandad, lay the recording, pausing after each dialogue forthe pupils to say the number Pansviens) 3,8,6,2,4,7,1,5 ous ‘Mum fb 808! ‘Mam Wheres raneae? Dad No,heisrt ‘Murn-Oh! Where ishe? Dad |coritknow Mum is Grandad digging? Dad No,he n't. Ress digging ex Stop Mum she helirg Becca? Se lating se Dad eca! rca s Grandad helping you? Becca No,he Mum ise picking savers wit Ae? Dad | doit non Ale! ls Geandad picking svawberes with you? ie No he st Mum Liam What a you dong? am im feding the bras Mum Is Giardad with you? am No nest. Ask Haley. hes making a window box Mum Haye HAYLE! ‘Mum | Grandad making window box wth you? Hayley to Peis ‘Dad Pernaps hes wth Poppy, he's watering the ower. Mum Popes Grandad with you? Poppy No heist hae ‘Mum Jost What are Josh Im... eang a ‘Mum Eating acaret! Josh Yes eye deous ‘Mum Oh. Wheres Grendod? Jeah Hes over hereunder the ee sting the grass with you? 3 Read and answer. ‘aston + Askthe pupils fo look atthe pitizen activity 2 aga ‘They ted the questions and witethe answers in their notebooks TT No she nt. 2 Yes hei 5 Nase nt. 6 No,heis 3 Novheisnt. 4 Yes sheis 7 Yes he's, 4 Mime an action. Ask and answer in pairs. stakpant “+ Mime an action for one ofthe phrases from activity 1. Ask What am Idaing? Encourage guesses fom the cass. + Focusattention onthe datogue inthe Class Book The ‘upls wok in pais They take turns to mime an action land guess by asking questions inthe resent Continuous TEEDRBEGEEER «9003 nquage earerook ‘opportunities to practe the language they know. Encourage the pupls to extend reactivity by miming ‘other vets for thir parte to guess. niet Lesson? 29 Activity Book Finishing the lesson cont ‘a ‘© Tell the pupils that they are going to play amemony The pupils wre sentences using the words inthe wordpoot Panswensy 1 Tmeating a cart. 2 myatering the flowers. 3 Implanting seeds 4 Fmmoking a window box 5m piching strawberries. 6 Imaigging a hole. 7 Im feeding the birds. 8 mcurting the grass. 2 Write about the characters. ioe? «The puplis write semtences about the characters using the words inthe wordpool (nary orden) 1 Grandadis reading anewspaper. 2 Rexisdigging ahole 3 Beccais making a sandcastle. 4 Af is eating an icecream, 3 Listen and repeat. © 1-5 Acne 5 «+ Play the fist part of the recording forthe pupils tolisten ‘and repeat the sounds and the words + Play the second part ofthe recording, pausing a the end (ofeach line forthe pups to repeat ous agutden garden garden wal lla My aunts in the garden, Shes plating large tee Herharseisnear ie wal Festangtoa bee 4 Listen again. Underline the /a:! sounds in orange ‘and the />:/ sounds in grey. yg BTS += Play the recording again. The pupils lsten and underine the fa! sounds in orange and the /s!soundsin rey oo Orange:aunt, garden, planting large Grey: horse, wal talking game. Say Look a he picture inactivity 2 for ten Then close your Class Books, ‘© Askquestions about what the characters inthe pictures are doing, for examples Liam picking strawberries? (Ns bh iit) ls Hayley making a window box? Yes she's) ‘+ Allow the pupils to open their Class Books again and checkhow much they have remembered cowrecty More acti Reinforcement ‘* The reinforcement worksheets 1,2 and 3 can be accessed va the Bxoorers website (see page 10 for details) San AEISTE 1 Sean scuting the grass. 2 Rosie's planting seeds. 3 Andyis feeding the birds. 44 Karen i eating a carrot. 5 Helen is watering the lowers. 6 Sam ispicking stawberies, 7. Mrs Roberts is making a window box. 8 Jasonisdgging ahole 1 Ruth sn feding the bids She's feeding the doo. 2 Bobisnt planting seeds He’ picking strawberries 3 ist making a window box. She's making ate. 44 Jack isnt eating strawberries, He’ eating acai. '5 Emily isn’ picking the lowers. Shes watering the flowers. 6 Dad isnt watering the grass He's cutting the grass Extension, ok? + The pupils workin pas. One pup says the thyme in ‘activ 3.The other pupil holds up the orange pencl fora ‘ax! sound and the gey perc fora 21! sound, They then ‘swap roles «© ite on the board water castle grass strawberries Each paircoples down the words, using the appropriate colour (orange or rey forthe sound featured, Revise woeabuly relevant ths unit “Revise the Present Continuous: affimative and aga cee Focus on learning sategy:identfing eaters. “Scan the page to complete the Ques puzzes angen ‘AetverRevised a ee angry nosy shel ant butt, beetle cada book toke photo. make kite dangerous sandwich aftenoon hung, this, Mums (making sondviches. BeccaandAifectentOungyy. Starting the lesson ene ‘The wordcards for World Experers 2 ae avaiable to download rom the Explores website (see page 10 for deta invite a pupl to the font ofthe class. Give him/her a wordcard. He/She mimes the action forthe clas to guess, for example, (Sof) is cutting the grass *+ Repeat with other pupils Class Book 1 Listen and say the number. © j-15. Coton + With books open, focus attention on the list of words and ‘phrases and on the pictures. Allow afew moments forthe ups tofook at these, without matching them. ‘+ Play the recording pausing ater each word. The puis look nd say the comresponding number. =n ‘all=7, buttery -2,bee- 4, beetle- 1, angry 8, read a book ~6, noisy -10, tke a photo 5, shell-11, rake a kite~9, ant 3, dangerous 12 2 Listen again. Repeat. Waka + Pley the recorting again forthe pups to repeat the words. 3 Read, Write the names. Listen and check. © 17 aya rT * Askcthe pupil to took at the picture, Ask about the ferent people for example, What's Poppy/Grandadl/Afie doing? Shestaking a photo / Hes iding abike / He paying ‘computer game) * The puis read and complete the text by wting the missing names, * Play the recording forthe pupls to check their answers + Focus attention on the affrmative and negative structures inthe ti. For example: Mum is making sandwiches Bod ‘snteaing.oshis hungry. Grandad iste + Blt further examples from the dss ‘TMamia Hayley "3 Dad 4 Alfie 5 Becca Rex 7 iam 8 Poppy GERM Picco: 5 2 very useful comprehension 6. Fthe pups ook atthe picture carefully before ‘reading ithelps them arccipate the contert of the text. Ask the pupistalookat the picture and to tell you what €22ch of the characters i doing. Encourage them to help «each other with words they can't remember Then ack them to read the text and do the activity. Remind them to {ths when they work with reading o listening texts, 4 Read. statpies ‘+ Ask the pupils to read the tex the speech bubble silently to themselves, * Focus attention onthe three patterns Ask What do we | swim-+m-ring= playing taking ssvirming| reading= | wite=ing= | win-+n + in reading wating winning 2 Look and write, ett ‘+ The pupilslookat the pictures They make one negative Sentence and one afrmative sentence about each character using the words inthe two wordpooks mE? 1 Sheisct making a cake. She reading a book. 2 Heist eatingasanduich He’ crnking ule. 3 She sn taking a photo. She's paying a computer game, 4 Heisntreading amagzzine, Hes making akite. 5 She srt fleecing the quinea pig. She riding a bike. Unie teston2

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