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V icki Anderson with Eoin Higgins

Starter Unit page 3

Money matters page 7

© Our heroes page 17

© Strange stories page 27

© At home page 37

© Visions of the future page 47

© Life choices page 57

© Look out!
page 67

© Having fun! page 77

Speaking extra page 87

Language focus extra page 95

1 ★ Put th e le tte rs in o rd e r to m ake fa m ily 5 ★ i f C om plete th e sentences and q ue stio ns
w o rd s. w ith th e correct fo rm o f be.
1 umm mum 1 A re you at home?
2 dda 2 This________ my mum.
3 madrang 3 W e ________ best friends.
4 en.rpast 4 ________ they from England?
5 leunc 5 His sister_________ in my class.
6 rtborhe 6 I ________ from Edinburgh, Scotland.
7 fewi 7 ________ you in the school football team?
8 trisse 8 My new d o g called Bob.
9 natu
10 sicuno Possessive's
11 dradngad
12 baunsdh
6 Com plete th e sentences w i t h 's in th e correct
2 -k ★ M atch th e w o rd s in Exercise 1 to m ake 1 My mum a car is red.
pairs. 2 Our cousin house is in the city.
1 wife - husband
3 Is this your granddad piano?
2 u n c le -___________
3 g ra n d m a -___________ 4 What's your dad name?
4 d a d - ___________ 5 My best friend birthday is in October.
5 brother - ___________ 6 His sister dance classes on Monday.

3 ★* Complete the definitions. 7 Is our dog nose brown?

1 My mum and dad are mv parents 8 Where is my brother T-shirt?
2 My aunt's husband is m y ___________ .
3 My granddad's wife is m y ___________ .
4 My aunt's children are m y ___________ .
5 My grandma and granddad are m y_______
•6 My dad's wife is m y ____________ .
7 My mum and dad's child is m y ___________
o r ____________ .

Subject pronouns and be

4 ^(^ircie)th e correct options.
1 Where a m Q /y o u ?
2 Is / Are you from Canada?
3 Daniel am / is my cousin. He / They is 14.
4 My sister's birthday are / isin May.
5 My grandparents are / is inJapan. She's /
They're on holiday.
6 My brother and I am / are at the zoo. We /
They are not at school.
7 I am / is at the cinema. Are you / he at the shops?
Starter Unit
School subjects there is/are and som e and any
1 Look a t th e pictures and co m p lete th e 3 ★ ★ Find fiv e m ore differences b e tw e e n
crossw ord w ith th e school subjects. Picture A and Picture В and w rite sentences.
Use there /s(n'f) / there are{n't).

dow n


'о ф
2 M atch th e school subjects w ith th e
sentences. 1 In Picture A there are three books. In P icture 3
there are two.__________ ____________________
ICT Geography French History 2 _____________________________________________________
Maths PE Science English Music

3 ___________________________________________
1 'Let's talk about the year 1914.' H isto ry
2 'What does je m'appelle mean?' __________
4 ___________________________________________
3 'OK, run around the gym ten tim e s .'__________
4 'Turn on the computers, please.' __________
5 ___________________________________________
5 'Let's play it again and listen to
the piano.' __________
6 !___________________________________
6 'Water is hydrogen and ... what?' __________
7 'What is 15 x 147?' __________
8 'Where are the Rocky Mountains?' „
9 'Let's look at the verb to be.' _________

4 S tarte r Unit

Starter Unit
& i t ( Circle)th e correct o p tio n s and co m p le te Present simple: affirmative and
th e sentences w ith some o r any. negative
1 The re (JsrV^) /a r e n 't any , cheese in the
fridge. 4 * ( C ird e )th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
2 A re /Is there____________ giraffes in the zoo? tab le .
3 Is there / Are th e r e ____________ T-shirts in your
1 l/You/We/They watch / watches TV.
4 There is / a r e ____________ fruit in the kitchen. 2 He/She/It finish / finishes at five.
There isn't / a re n't _ boats on the 3 We d o n 't / doesn't like carrots.
river. 4 She d o n 't / doesn't like bananas.
Is there / Are there pasta in the
5 ★ ★ C om plete th e te x t w ith th e pre sen t sim ple
There is / a re ______ good photos on your fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets.
mobile phone.
There isn't / a ren't money in my

have g o t
2 * ( £ irc jg )th e co rre ct o p tio n s .
1 IQve) / 's got a new computer.
2 Have / Has you got a mobile phone?
3 My sister have / has got a TV in her room.
4 ‘ W e 've / 's got a pet cat. His name is Peru.
5 Have / Has he got your phone number?
6 They've / 's got two houses in the city.
7 She haven't / hasn't got a brother.
8 Our d o g 've / 's got a tennis ball.
9 We haven't / hasn't got a big family.

Sports and activities

3 A * P ut th e le tte rs in o rd e r to m ake sports My family 1 loves (love) sport. We all
and a c tiv itie s . Then co m p le te th e sentences ___________ (play) one sport or more. My dad
w ith th e correct fo rm o f play, do o r go. 3
___________ (play) tennis every Saturday. My mum
___________ (go) to the gym and 5____________
1 Do you play basketball at your school?
(do) yoga twice a week. 16________ . (do) karate
after school and every weekend 17_ (go)
I'd like to in the
skateboarding with friends. My brother8___________
evenings, (gyoa)
(play) basketball and he 9____________ (train) four days
W e ___________ in the mountains a week. We often 10____________(go) to see him play.
every winter, (gisnki) We 11___________ (not watch) sport on TV because
Can y o u ___________ .? (yalolblelv) we 12___________ (not like) watching TV.
My brother________ every*
Saturday, (duoj)
A lot of people_______ in the
sea in Ireland, (fnruisg)
My family sometimes _
in the lake, (mgnswmii)
Let's_________________ at the skate park
later, (aasgbtdkineor)
Do you often with
your friends? (libogwn)
10 I want t o ____________ but my
brother's got my bike, (liccgyn)

S ta rte r Unit 5
Starter Unit
Present simple: Yes/No questions 4 C om plete th e q ue stio n s w ith th e correct
q u e stio n w o rd fro m th e box.
1 ( Circle) th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
table. How often What When
Where Who Why Where
1 Do you / You like karate? V -............. ,....... .......................
2 Yes, I do / does. No, I d o n 't / doesn't. 1 A Where do you live? (vou / live)
3 He / Does he play tennis? В In London.
4 Yes, he do / does. No, he d o n 't / doesn't. 2 A does he studv?
В English and Maths.
2 ★★ Complete the questions and answers 3• A do thev plav sports?
w ith the correct form of do. В Once a week.
1 Do you do your homework in the 4 A does he ao cvclina with?
evening? Yes, I do . В His brother.
2 ___________ Harry and Gina go cycling on 5 A do vou like skateboardina?
Saturdays? No, th e y____________ . В Because it's fun.
3 ___________ Nina like Geography? No, she 6 A does she plav vollevball?
В In the park.
4 ___________ your friends go skateboarding? 7 A does he ao to drama class?
Yes, the y____________ . В On Saturdays.
5 ___________ they use the Internet to study
French? No, th e y____________ . Adverbs of frequency
6 ___________ your brother do karate? Yes, he
5 f r ( jlirc ie )th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
7 ___________ your teacher show videos in English ta b le .
class? No, she____________ .
1 Going swimming with my friends is always /
always is good fun.
Present simple: Wh- questions
2 We go sometimes / sometimes go to the
3 4 ★ Match the question words w ith the sports centre on Saturdays.
words in the box.

person object/thing place

6 ★ ★ Put th e w o rd s in th e correct o rd e r to
m ake sentences.
frequency time reason
1 football / play / school / at / We / always
We always play fo o tb a ll a t school._____________
1 how often frequency 4 where _________
2 Football / sometimes / matches / long / are / very
2 what _________ 5 who _________
3 when _________ 6 why _________
3 never / me / with / My dad / chess / plays

4 We / often / Saturdays / on / go / cycling

5 dictionaries / use / English class / usually / We / in

6 are / His / really interesting / books / always

Shops 3 ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith w o rd s fro m
Exercise 1.
1 Find te n shops in th e w o rd search. 1 You can buy trainers and boots in a shoe shop
2 I need some aspirin from th e ____________ .
e I < r p 0 r s> 0 с d
3 My favourite shop is th e because it
I с V e n m 0 s 0 h e sells magazines and chocolate.
e p r d z u s h У e P 4 I like th a t____________ because it's got great
с b m t h s X 0 0 m a T-shirts and cheap jeans.
5 I'd like to look at some laptops - let's go to the
t g I d e i n e u i r
r q j b d с t e r s t 6 Why don't you go to th e ____________ to buy a
0 b 0 0 к s h 0 t m book for your dad's birthday?
7 We're going to th e to buy fruit,
n p I с e u w z m e e
vegetables and some other things.
i V с I 0 t h e s t n 8 I like the guitars in th is ____________ .
с n e i I r m e r P t
4 C om plete th e te x t w ith
s u P e r m a r к e t
w o rd s fro m Exercise 1.
s n e w s a g e n t b
There is a shopping centre in my
town, but my friends and I don't
2 & C om plete th e ta b le w ith th e w o rd s fro m
often go there. It's got a
Exercise 1.
1 newsagent where you can buy
1 Five words that go with shop magazines or birthday cards, and
a couple o f 2____________ with
s p o rts shop shop jeans and T-shirts, but nothing
shop shop cool for teenagers. My mum and
dad love the 3____________ because you can
shop find everything you need there. There are some
2 One word that goes with store shops I like. There's a 4 with great
trainers, and there's also an 5_ __________ with
lots of tablets and smartphones, but they're a
3 Four words that are ONE word bit expensive. My favourite is the 6___________
because it plays all the new songs, and a lot of
young people go there.

5 W rite a b o u t a sh o p p in g centre you

kn o w . C o m plete th e sentences a b o u t it.
1 It's got a big departm ent sto re .
2 There's a ____________where you can buy
___________ a n d _____________ .
3 I like th e ___________ because it's got

4 I don't go to th e ____________ because it hasn't

g o t____________ .
5 My mum and dad like th e ____________ because

U nit 1 7
Language focus 1
Present continuous Present simple vs.
1 * ( £ ircie )th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
ta b le . 4 ★ * ( Circle) th e co rre ct
w o rd s in th e te x t.
1 SheCjsJookinJ)/ looking at boots in the shoe My sistgr and 11try /
shop. (are tryin g )an experiment at
2 They n ot buying / a re n 't buying those T-shirts. the moment - no shopping
3 Are you coming / You are coming with us? for a month! Usually Mum
2gives / is giving me pocket money on Saturday and
4 Yes, I'm / 1am.
my friends and 13go / are going shopping in the
No, we a re n't / isn't.
afterrfoon, but this Saturday is different. My friends
5 To talk about facts, habits and routines, use the 4shop / are shopping for clothes and things but I
present simple / continuous. 5w rite / 'm w ritin g this blog at home. Why? Well, .
6 To talk about an action in progress, use the 16have / am having a lot of things that I never
present simple / continuous. 7w ear / am w earing. This month my sister Jane and
18p ut / are p u ttin g our pocket money in our money
2 ★ ★ C om plete th e co nve rsa tio ns w ith th e boxes for our holidays, and we 9do / are doing lots of
other things. Shopping all the time is boring!
p re sen t c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e verbs in
5 ★ ★ if W rite th e questions in th e present sim ple
o r present co ntin u ou s and answ er th e m fo r you.
Joe: Hi Bob. We're 1 meeting (meet)
1 W h a t/w e a r/a t the moment?
outside the shopping centre. Where are
What are you wearing a t th e moment?_________
Bob: I2 (sit) on the bus. Where are I’m wearing...________________________________
you? 2 you / reading / a good book / at the moment?
Joe: Outside the shopping centre. Ian and
I3 (wait) for you now.
Bob: OK. There':s a lot of traffic. The bus 3 W here/usually/buy your clothes?
4 (not go) very fast.
Joe: Well, w e 5 (not stay) here a
long time. It's cold! Where's the bus now?
Bob: It6 (come) into Mill Street, 4 you / listen to music? What / you / listen to?
so see you in two minutes.

3 ★ ★ C o m plete th e q ue stio n s and s h o rt ^ D ^ p lo r e extrem e adjectives

answ ers w ith th e co rre ct fo rm o f th e pre sen t
co n tin u o u s . Use th e w o rd s in th e box. 6 i f i f C o m plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e

you sell we have he look

you spend they buy Lisa wait huge great wonderful amazing
brilliant boiling awful freezing
1 is he looking fo r a book in English ?
Yes, he is. 1 When something is very good we say it's
g re at_____________________________ or
2 your old video aames?
Yesr . for €5 each.
2 When it's very hot, we say it's________
3 that CD?
3 When something is very big, we say it's
4 lunch now?
4 When it's very cold, we say it's________
No, . just a drink. 5 When something is very bad, we say it's
5 in the cafe?
No. . She's late.
6 £20 on a T-shirt?
Yes, . It's a present.

8 u n it 1
Listening and vocabulary
Money verbs Listening
1 Match the verbs in the box w ith the correct

sell spend save earn buy borrow

1 get money from working earn

2 get money from someone'to keep
for a short time ________
3 what a shop does ________
4 pay money to get something specific ________
5 use money for something, not only
in shops__________________________ ________
6 keep money so you can use it in
the future ________

2 ★ Complete the sentences w ith the verbs

fro m Exercise 1.
1 I'm trvina to save mv pocket monev for а
new smartphone.
2 Jane wants to all her video games
for €10 each.
3 Can I €5 from you until tomorrow?
4 Some people a lot of money on
5 How much money does a shop assistant
6 I want to some new skates this year.

★ ★ ★ W rite th e answ ers to th e q uestions.

Use th e pre sen t c o n tin u o u s and th e w o rd s
in brackets. 4
1 What are you doing on ebay? (sell / my computer)
I’m selling my computer._______________________ 4 ★ © Я Ш Listen to th e co n ve rsa tio n b e tw e e n
2 Why are you putting money in that box? (save Gemma a n d h e r m um . W h a t is Gemma's
fo r/n e w bike) p ro b le m ? (Circle) th e correct o p tio n .
a clothes b money . с her brother
3 Why are you going to Helen's house? (borrow /
her dress) 5 * * Q « a Read th e sentences. Listen again
and circle th e correct o p tio n s.
4 Why are you in the sports shop? (buy / new 1 Gemma wants to buy a pair of jeans(onTine) /
trainers) at the shopping centre.
2 Gemma's pocket money is £50 / £30 a month.
5 What are you doing? (spend / five pounds / 3 Gemma / Gemma's b ro th e r saves money.
sweets!) 4 Gemma says she needs more money than her
brother because she's older / he only buys
6 Why are you cleaning your dad's car? (earn / video games.
money / a new phone) 5 The cinema costs £5 / £ 10.
6 Her mum tells Gemma to do w o rk in th e ir
house / get a babysitting job.
7 Gemma likes / doesn't like her mum's idea.
8 Gemma's mum gives her more money / a job.

u n it 1 9
Language focus 2
(don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to, (not) enough + noun
w ould prefer to 5 ★ ★ Match the sentence beginnings (1-6)
1 ('Circle) th e correct o p tio n s. w ith the sentence endings (a-f).
1 ^Л/ o u lj)/ Do you like to save more money? 1 We can't make a cake because ... _e_
2 Would you prefer / w a n t the black T-shirt or the 2 They're not dancing here because ... ___
white one? 3 I can't do all my homework because ... ___
3 I'd w a n t / like to go to the electronics shop to 4 A lot of people were still hungry because ... ___
see some new mobile phones. 5 We can't all study for the exam because ... ___
4 She doesn't w a n t / w o u ld n 't prefer to borrow 6 We want to buy,a new tablet b u t ... ___
money from her sister. a ... there wasn't enough food,
5 Would you like / w a n t to go to the bookshop? b ... we haven't got enough money,
6 I w o u ld n 't like / d o n 't prefer to buy a new car. с ... there isn't enough space,
d ... I haven't got enough time,
2 M atch th e q u e stio n s w ith th e answ ers.
e ... there aren't enough eggs,
1 Does your friend want to come with us? _c_
f ... there aren't enough books.
2 Would you like to listen to music? __
3 Would Barry prefer to go to the sports shop? __ 6 ★ ★ ★ Read the problems and w rite
4 Do they want to invite Paul to come shopping?__ a sentence w ith (not) enough.
5 Would Mary and Arthur like to go to a cafe? __ 1 There are five T-shirts in the shop and 20 people
6 Would Claudia prefer to do the exam today? __ want to buy one.
a Yes, he would. d Yes, she would, There aren ’t enough T -shirts in the shop. ■ .
b No, they wouldn't. e Yes, I would, 2 i've got £20 and these jeans cost £15.
с No, she doesn't. f Yes, they do.
3 There are a lot of children in this town and there's
3 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct only one small park.
fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box.
4 We've got 10 bottles of water for 100 people.
sell spend play §e earn buy
5 She's got 30 minutes before her class to do this
1 I don't want to go to a bookshop.
2 We'd really like _________ more money.
3 I wouldn't like __________ _ a lot of money on a 6 We're going to make sandwiches for 30 people
phone. but we've only got 25 slices of bread.
4 Yolanda would prefer not some new
5 They want video games.
^ E ^ p lo r e adjective prefixes
4 C om plete th e sentences w ith y o u r 7 ★ ★ A d d th e p re fix un- to th e a djectives and
o w n ideas. m atch th e m w ith th e d e fin itio n s .
1 I'd prefer to e a t...
friendly happy usual tidy fair helpful
2 I wouldn't like to be .
1 sad unhappy
3 I don't want to go ... 2 different or not common
3 not nice to another person
4 I really want to be ... 4 not wanting to help someone
5 when the rules are not the same
5 In the future I would for everyone

6 when things are not clean or not
in the right place
Reading f i

Read th e te x t a b o u t a n e w su p e rm a rke t. W h a t is d iffe re n t a b o u t it?

On the walls of an underground station in central Seoul, South Korea,

there are a lot of pictures of food and drinks: bananas, meat, rice,
coffee, even pet food. But these are not advertisements. This is the
world’s first ‘virtual’ supermarket, called Homeplus.

The supermarket is unusual because you use the special Homeplus

app on your smartphone to go shopping. When you want to buy
something, you use this app to scan the barcodes of the products
you want. You put them in your online shopping trolley and then you
pay by phone. You haven’t got any heavy bags to carry because the
supermarket delivers everything to your house for you.

South Koreans like shopping online and millions of them have

smartphones, but are they ready for this type of shopping? ‘Young
Koreans use their smartphones to do a lot of different tasks every
day,’ says a Homeplus virtual store manager. ‘Our customers work
really hard and don’t have enough time to go to the supermarket.
Our store helps them save time.’ So, is this the future?

2 C o m plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e w o rd s 4 C o m plete th e a d v e rtis e m e n t fo r

in b o ld fro m th e te x t. Hom eplus w ith w o rd s fro m th e te x t.
1 Tasks are little jobs we do every day at
work or at home.
2 Sometimes in the middle of a TV programme,
they show ____________ . HOIMEPLU
3 A n ____________is a small computer program on - the virtual supermarket
your phone or tablet.
4 When you call a pizza company, it normally We help you save time!
the pizzas to your house. Choose the f ood ______ or d rink
5 A ____________ is something you put your food in you want.
at the supermarket. Scan the b__________ .
Fill your s__________ t___________ with
3 ★ Read th e te x t again. A n s w e r th e
4 P___________for your shopping with your
1 Where is the supermarket?
I t s in an underground s ta tio n in Seoul.__________ P--------------- •
2 What can you buy at the supermarket? Homeplus d__________ everything to your
\ _ ,__ ,__________ I
3 What do you need to buy things here?

4 What happens after you pay for your Shopping? 5 w h a t's g o o d a b o u t a v irtu a l shop lik e
--------------------------------------------------------------------- this? W h a t's bad a b o u t it? W rite a t least fiv e
5 Why does the store manager think it's good for sentences.

u n iti 11
An email
1 Read Jenny's e m ail. W h a t is her p ro b le m w ith
m oney?

Hi Gina,
I get £5 a week pocket money, but I spend it all. How can I
save my money?
Please help!

Useful language Im peratives —

Hi Jenny,
I have the same problem! Try writing down everything you
buy for a week and how much it costs. Do you spend a lot on 3 Look back a t Gina's em ail. W rite th e p o s itiv e
food and drink, for example? Don’t spend money on things and n e g a tive im p e ra tive s th a t g o b e fo re
you don’t need. Make a sandwich at home, and don’t buy
these w o rd s.
sweets every day.
Put some money in your money box when you get it. Ask 1 Try writing down
for five £1 coins so you can do this. Sometimes I try to earn 2 ___________ spend money
some money from my family. Maybe you can do jobs, for 3 ___________ sweets every day
example, wash the car or water the plants. But be realistic -
4 ___________ for five £1 coins
£5 isn’t a lot!
Good luck, 5 ___________ realistic
4 Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to make sentences.
1 saving / every / Try / week / something •
2 C om plete th e ta b le w ith Gina's advice. Try saving something every week._______________
2 extra money / work / Do / at home / some / to earn

w rite down everything 3 things / Don't / silly / money / on / spend

you buy fo r a week
4 extra money / things / Try / to get / selling

5 borrow / friends / from / Don't / your / money

12 u n it 1
■Д2 2 Щ З Ш 1 ................................................................. PLAN
Make it better! / / / 9 Read th e q u e stio n in th e em ail b e lo w . Use th e
Use and, or, but and so to make your sentences in fo rm a tio n in Exercise 8 and m ake notes.
I buy sweets and chocolate.
I earn lots of money b u t I spend it all!
I’d like to 00 to Australia so I’m saving my pocket
money Hi everyone,
I want to earn some money for my summer holidays.
I need some ideas!
5 C o m plete th e sentences w ith and, or, b u t, Thanks,
o r so.
1 Don't spend all your pocket money so
you can save some every week.
2 Don't buy sweets, w a te r____________ WRITE
sandwiches. 10 W rite an e m ail. Look a t page 17 o f th e
3 Make your own sandwich_____________bring S tudent's Book to h elp yo u.
your own water.
4 Try selling some books____________ CDs.
5 I get £5 a w e e k____________ I spend it all!

6 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct

p re p o s itio n .
1 Don't spend a lot of money on sweets.
2 A sk____________ your pocket money in coins.
3 Don't borrow money your friends.
4 Would you like to sell this __________ me?
5 I'm trying to save money____________ my

i*5 j33J3]J3 3 ]3| .................................................................

: Make it b ette r! / / ✓ -
: If a friend has a problem, say you understand 11 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can yo u say YES to these
: and wish them good luck. questions?
: I understand your problem. B e st o f luck w ith it. • Is the information from Exercise 8 in your
• Do you start by saying you understand and end
7 Read th e sentences. W hich ones say you
by wishing them luck?
u n d e rsta n d {U) and w h ic h w is h som eone
• Are there positive and negative imperatives?
. g oo d luck {GL)1
• Do you join sentences with and, or, but or so?
1 I hope this works for you. GL
• Do you use the correct prepositions?
2 I totally understand the problem. t __
• Are the spelling and punctuation correct?
3 That happens to me too!' ___
4 Best of luck. ___ Do yo u need to w rite a second d ra ft?
5 I wish you luck.________________________________

8 Read Gina's e m ail again and tic k ( / )

th e in fo rm a tio n she includes.
Things not to do \7]
A friendly comment to start the email
A nice way to finish the email
Own experience
Suggestions about what to do
Asking for more information
A reason why something is/isn't a good idea
U nit 1 13
Vocabulary Present simple vs. continuous
Shops 4 C o m plete th e te x t w ith th e correct fo rm o f
th e verbs in brackets.
1 ( Circie) th e correct o p tio n s.
1 A bookshop sells(book|)/ sweets.
2 A chemist sells medicine / newspapers.
3 A newsagent sells shoes / comics.
4 A sports shop sells trainers / books.
5 A music shop sells guitars / computers.
6 An electronics shop sells laptops / CDs.
7 A supermarket sells foo d and drink / pianos.
8 A shoe shop sells posters / shoes.
9 A department store has g ot / hasn't g ot
electronics. '
10 A clothes shop sells shirts / cheese. I usually 1 go (go) shopping with my
Total: 9 friends on Saturdays. My sister2___________
(not go) with us. She usually3____________ (go)
Money verbs to her friend's house. But today we 4___________
(not go) anywhere.-We 5____________ (stay) at
2 C o m plete th e te x t w it h th e verbs in th e box. home. My sister6____________ (make) a cake.
17______ • (write) in my blog and Mum
spend save earn seW buy borrow 8____________ (listen) to music. We 9___________
(not spend) a lot of time together at home. We
I want to sell my old computer and sometimes10 (talk) to each other on
a new one. 13____________ some by phone or text! So today we 11____________ (do).
of my money every week because I don't usually something different. It's a nice change!
4___________ all of my pocket money. At the
Total: 10
weekend, 15____________ money doing jobs in the
garden for our neighbours. I can also 6___________
(don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to,
some money from my mum and pay it back later.
w ould prefer to
Total: 5
Language focus 5 C o m plete th e sentences w ith w a n t, lik e o r
p re fe r.
Present continuous 1 A: Do vou want to go shopping?
В: I don't like shopping. I'd ____________ to play
3 C o m plete th e co n ve rsa tio n w ith th e p re sen t
c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box.
A: Would you to go cycling on
drink leave not answer not work Saturday?
buy wait walk eat B: No, I _____ to stay at home and play •
video games.
A: Do y o u _____ to save money?
Joe: Where are you? We 1 ’re waiting for you B: Yes, but I'd also________
________to buy a new
in the cafe. computer!
Tom: 12_________ a CD for you. A: I think I'd ____________ to sell my bicycle.
Joe: That's nice of you! Thanks! 13________ B: Great because I ____________ to buy it!
hot chocolate at the moment and Sarah A: I haven't got enough money. I'd ________
4_________ a cake. to borrow some from you but I'd _______
Tom: Where's Peter? He 5_________ his phone. not to pay it back until next month.
Joe: That's because his phone6_________ . He's
B: What? No way!
here. He 7________ into the cafe right now.
Tom: Great! 18________ the shop now. See you Total: 9
in a bit.

Total: 7
14 U nit 1 Review
(not) enough + noun Vocabulary builder
6 C om plete th e sentences w ith enough and th e 8 C om plete th e ta b le w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
w o rd s in th e box.
spend newsagent bowling bookshop save
people money food cheese homework borrow skiing chemist cycling yoga earn
time supermarket department store basketball
buy skateboarding karate sell
1 I want to make lunch for my friends but we
haven't got enough food .
2 My parents would like to go snowboarding this Sports Shops Money verbs
year but they haven't g o t____________ .
3 I need to call my grandma this morning but I
haven't g o t____________ .
4 We'd like to start a school volleyball team but we
haven't g o t____________ .
5 Have we g o t____________ to make a pizza?
6 The teacher is angry because the students don't
d o ____________ .
Total: 5

Language builder
7 fCirc7e)the correct w o rd s.
Total: 17
Gina: I 1_________ my new trainers today. Speaking
Do you 2___________ them?
Chris: They're great. I need 3 9 (C ird e )th e correct o p tio n s.
trainers. Where4____ them?
Gina: I 5_________ them online. How about Martina: Excuse me, '(fd jik^)/1 like to buy
you? a T-shirt.
Chris: 1 6__ to the sports shop in town, Shop assistant: What 2size / number are you?
17 in town on Saturdays and Martina: I'm a small.
there's a shop on my way home. Shop assistant: What about this one?
Gina: Have you g o t8____________ pairs of Martina: I'd 3want / prefer a red one.
trainers? Shop assistant: A red one? Here you 4be / are.
Chris: Only two. I haven't got 9_ Martina: Can I try it on?
to buy more. 110________ to buy Shop assistant: Yes, sure.... How is it?
another pair. Martina: It's great. How 5much / money
Gina: Me too! is it?
Chris: But you 11 a new pair! Shop assistant: It's €6.99.
Gina: Oh yeah! Martina: 6I ta k e /'II take it.

1 a wear (Б) 'm wearing Total: 5
2 a likes b like
3 a some b any Total: 77
4 a do you buy b you buy
5 a usually buy b buy usually
6 a sometimes go b go sometimes
7 a often am b am often
8 a much b many
9 a enough money b money enough
Ю a like b 'd like
11 a wear b 're wearing
Total: 10
U nit 1 Review 15
G e t it right! U nit 1

Present simple vs. continuous Extreme adjectives

Remember that: Remember that:

• we use the present simple to talk about facts, habits • we use very to make adjectives stronger.
and routines. • we don't usually use very before extreme adjectives.
• we use adverbs of frequency with the present simple. / It's very h ot in July, but in August it's absolutely
• we use the present continuous to talk about actions boilin g!
in progress at the time of speaking. X It's absolutely-hot in-July,-but in August it'svery
• we use at the moment and (right) now with the boilingI
present continuous.

3 Match the sentence halves.

1 Correct th e in co rre ct sentences. 1 Our holiday in England was absolutely ...
1 At the weekend, I'm often going shopping. 2 I'm watching the new Batman film. It's very ...
A t the weekend, I o fte n go shopping.____________
3 Let's go to the beach. It's absolutely ...
2 I'm helping Mum in the kitchen right now. • 4 The new shopping centre is very ...
5 My friend's new bedroom is absolutely ...
3 Alex isn't here - he visits a friend at the moment. 6 Open the window. It's very ...
a ... big. d ... boiling!
4 I've got some important news! Are you listening? b ... huge! ’ e ... good,
с ... hot in, here. f ...amazing!
5 In my country, we are drinking a lot of tea.
Spell it rig h t! The -ing form

(don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to, Remember that:

w ould prefer to • for verbs ending in -e, we remove the e before
we add -ing: give —► giving.
Remember that: • for verbs ending with one vowel and one
consonant, we double the final consonant:
• we use the infinitive with to after want, w ould like
shop —► shopping.
and w ould prefer.
• for verbs ending in -y, we just add -ing:
/ I w ould like to go shopping.
study —► studying.
X I would like going shopping-.
• we use would, not do, to make questions with
w ould like and w ould prefer, but we use do to
make questions with want.
4 C om plete th e sentences w it h th e correct
-in g fo rm o f th e v e rb in brackets. Check y o u r
/ W ould you like to come to the supermarket?
s p e llin g !
X Do-youlike-to come to the supermarket?
1 We can't play football today. It's raining .
2 ( C irde)th e correct w o rd s. 2 She's____________ a letter to her penfriend.
Jack: Hi, Emily.1Do /<ffiouTc£>you like to come 3 We g o _______ every day in the holidays.
shopping with me? I w a n t2buy / to buy I love it! (swim)
some new clothes for my holiday. 4 I don't like____ video games. Let's go
Emily: OK. But 13don't / not want to go to the outside, (play)
shopping centre in town. 14would / w ill 5 They enjoy____ to music on their
prefer to go to the department store. It has smartphones, (listen)
better clothes.
6 Kim and Julie are g oing ________
________ this
Jack: OK. We can walk to the department store,
afternoon, (shop)
or would you 5w ant / prefer to go by bike?
Emily: Well, I think I'd like6going / to go by bike. 7 They're • new clothes for their
Jack: Is 3 o'clock OK? O r7w ill / would you holidays, (buy)
prefer to go a bit later? 8 They're____________ for their holiday in Greece.
Emily: Yes, 3 o'clock is fine. See you then! Bye! (save)

16 Get it rig h t! 1
Our heroes
3 ★ ★ ★ C om plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e
w o rd s fro m Exercise 1.
1 Find n in e m ore jo b s in th e w o rd search.

a s t m u m 0 t e r I. w a
с w r u b j u P i b d I s
r e i s У 0 I к s e a n t

P 0 I i с e 0 f f i с e r 1 They move to music. You can see them in the

a I 0 с n g V f i I t m 0 theatre or at a concert, dancer
d a f i t r e с r 0 к n 2 They find people who do bad things.___________
I i n a к u t h e s r t a
3 They play the guitar, the piano or another
w e s n u r s e f m 0 n u instrument.___________
0 d f b n u I s i e V e t 4 You can see them in the theatre, on TV or in films.

с a h t r i w e g 0 p e r
5 They work in a hospital, helping doctors.
i n P 0 I r V e h a с r e
i e n t i s n 0 r s 6 They paint pictures or make beautiful things.

j e У 0 n e с h e r t h I
7 They help animals when they're sick._______
q r z u i m X a r t i s t
8 They travel to space and they sometimes stay
there for a few months.___________
2 ( Circle) th e correct w o rd s in th e 9 They study and work in universities or
co nve rsa tio n. laboratories.___________
A: What do you want to do when you leave school? 10 They help people when a building is on fire.
В: I want to be rich and famous! When I was little,
I wanted to be an 1artist / Castronau£> and travel
to the moon, or a 2vet / nurse and save animals'
lives or work in a zoo!
A: Oh, so what are you good at?
B: Not a lot! I like acting, but I'm not very good and I
can't play the guitar.
A: So you don't want to be a 3musician / fire fig h te r
or 4an actor / a police officer?
B: No! I don't think so. I don't think I'm very creative. 4 V- Choose tw o o r th re e jobs. W h a t is
A: Well, what about a 5nurse / scientist - then you g o o d a b o u t th e m ? W h a t is n 't v e ry good?
can help people get better. W rite a t least fiv e sentences.
B: No, I think that's a difficult job. I'd really like to be I t 5 a very in te re stin g job. A s c ie n tis t needs to
6an artist / a dancer and paint beautiful pictures. s tu d y fo ra long tim e.

U nit 2 17
Language focus 1
was/were 5 k k i Y our frie n d Paul lo st s o m e th in g
last w e e k. A n s w e r th e q u e stio ns w ith fu ll
1 (Circle?)the correct w o rd s. sentences using th e w o rd s in brackets.
1 What did he lose? (tablet)
1 I/He/She/It was / were there.
He lo s t his ta b le t.____________________________
2 УоиЛЛ/еЖпеу was / were there.
2 When did he lose it? (last Friday)
3 I/He/She/It w asn't / w e re n 't there.
4 УоиЛЛ/еЯЬеу w asn't / w e re n 't there. 3 What happened? (leave / on the bus)

★ ^ C om plete th e sentences w ith was o r 4 Did he find it again? How? (Yes / the driver / pick
w ere ( / ) , w a sn 't o r w e re n 't (X). it, up)
1 We were ( / ) both in the hockey team,
but you ( / ) a good player and I 5 How did he get it back? (go / bus station / get it)
(X) very good.
2 Bill Gates and Paul Allen (X)
interested in finishing their university studies. They Time expressions
____________ ( / ) only interested in computers.
Before h e ___________ ( / ) an actor, Hugh 6 O rd e r th e sentences w ith tim e
Jackman ( / ) a PE teacher at a school. expressions. S ta rt w ith th e m o st recent.
Kaka _________ ( / ) always a good footballer a I went to the shop yesterday.__
and his brother, Digao,____________ ( / ) just b I did my homework this morning. _1_
like him. They_____ ( / ) both very good с They couldn't play the piano when they were
footballers but Kaka ( / ) better. little . ,
d My parents visited Rome four days ago.__
Past simple: affirmative and e They went snowboarding last m onth.___
^ E ) ; p lo r e expressions w ith make
circle ) th e correct w o rd s.
7 к к M atch th e sentence b e g in n in g s (1 -6 )
w ith th e sentence end in g s (a -f).
1 l/You/He/She/ltA/\^hey staying / stayed there.
1 My homework was really bad
2 l/You/He/She/ltA/Ve^iey d id n 't stay / d id n 't
2 I like cooking so I sometimes help
stayed there.
3 When I was at summer camp last year,
3 1/Уои/Не/5Ье/1ТЛЛ/еЯЬеу d id n 't go / d id n 't
4 OK, you don't know what to do,
w e n t there.
5 I want to do something amazing
6 Before you go out,
4 к к C om plete th e n e w sp a p e r s to ry w ith th e
past tense fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box. a I made lots of friends,
b so I can make history,
be not be d fe p not fin d go have not have с because I made a lot of mistakes,
look open phone pick say see take d so can I make a suggestion?
e make sure you do your homework,
f my mum to make a cake.
Six m onths ago 15-year-old Courtney Barwick
1 dropped her wallet outside a restaurant. W hen
she got home, s h e 2_____________ for it in her bag, but it
3_____________ there. Courtney went to the restaurant,
but sh e 4_____________ the wallet. She didn’t expect
to see it again, but she was lucky. Someone saw it,
5_____________ it up and 6______________ it to a bank.
The w allet7_____ C ourtneys phone num ber
in it, so the bank 8_ her to tell her they
had her wallet. The next day, s h e 9 to the
bank to get it. W hen she 10_____________ the wallet,
she 11_____________ $20 inside it, and a note. The note
12_____________ ‘Surprise!’and i t 13_____________
a surprise, because when Courtney lost her wallet, it
14_____________ any money in it!

18 U nit 2
Listening and vocabulary
Adjectives of character Listening
1 Use th e clues to co m p le te th e crossw ord.

з ★ * #ка Listen to th e ra d io in te rv ie w
w ith a t een a g er called Jonah. W h a t happened
to h im ? (C irde)th e correct o p tio n .
across a He was ill on a survival course,
1 She always makes people laugh. b He saved his friend from the river,
4 He didn't laugh or smile at all. с He survived a bear attack.
6 She is always happy and smiling,
dow n 4 Q )W B Listen again.(С Ы е ) the correct
1 The new student talked to lots of people.
1 Two / ( Three) teenagers were injured in a bear
2 He gave me some of his food.
3 Mark didn't say anything all evening.
2 They were on a survival course in Alaska /
5 Ellen wasn't afraid of the snake.
6 My friend never gets stressed.
3 When the attack happened, the teenagers were
w alking / camping.
2 ( Circle) th e correct w o rd s.
4 The accident happened before / a fte r dinner.
My two best friends are Chris and Adam. They
are very different. Chris and I are always laughing 5 When Jonah saw the bear, he did / d id n 't do
what the instructors said.
because he is very 1(fu n n y ) / brave, but Adam is
very 2cheerful / serious. He doesn't smile much. 6 The attack was very fast / slow.
A lot of people think he is unhappy but he isn't, 7 The rescue helicopter arrived th a t n ig h t / in the
he's quite 3cheerful / kind really! He is also a very . m orning.
4brave / q u ie t person, especially at school, where 8 Tracey Smith was a teacher / a student with the
he doesn't talk much. Chris is the opposite. He's group.
5frie n d ly / calm to everyone and never stops talking!
I'm not good at Science like they are, but they
are both really 6kind / serious and help me with
my homework or before an exam. Last term I was
nervous before a Physics exam! Chris and Adam
never panic. They told me to be 7frie n d ly / brave,
stay 8quiet / calm, and do the exam. And they were
right, it wasn't a difficult exam and I passed!
Language focus 2
was/were: questions 4 * ★ ★ W rite q ue stio n s in th e past sim ple
a b o u t th e u n d e rlin e d in fo rm a tio n .
1 C o m plete th e q u e stio n s and s h o rt answ ers 1 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize for Physics in
in th e g ra m m a r tab le . 1903.
What did Marie Curie win in 1 9 0 3 ? ____________
1 A: you at the concert last night?
2 Christopher Columbus made his fourth and final
B: Yes, I
voyage in 1502.
2 A: the bands good?
B: No, they 3 Anne Frank and her family lived in those small
rooms for two years.
2 ★ ★ Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake questions. 1---------------------------------------------------
Then w rite th e answers. You can check y o u r 4 Tim Berners-Lee studied at Oxford from 1973 to
answ ers on page 20 o f th e Student's Book. 1976.
1 Columbus / born / was / Where / ?
Where was Columbus born? In Genoa . 5 Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867.
2 Anne Frank / during / was / the Second World
W ar/W here? 6 The USA made Columbus Dav a holiday in 1937.
___________________________ In ___________ .
3 Tim Berners-Lee's / What / job / was?
___________________________ He 5 ★ ★ ★ Im agine yo u are in te rv ie w in g Tim
4 family / Anne Frank / and / Who / of / were / her / Berners-Lee. Read th e answ ers and w rite th e
afraid? correct q uestions.
__________________________ They___________ 1 Where were you born?________________________
5 w as/C olum bus/ 1492/W h e re /in ? I was born in England.
__________________________ In ___________
6 the / What / of / Tim Berners-Lee's / name / was / I studied Engineering at Oxford University.
__________________________ The____________ I called it the World Wide Web because I knew it
was for the whole world.
Past simple: questions
Oh, yes I made lots of mistakes - like the '//' in
3 ★ ★ C om plete th e q ue stio n s to a te e n a g e r web addresses. It's really not necessary!
w h o sailed across th e A tla n tic alone. Use th e ~
q u e s tio n w o rd s and w o rd s in brackets to ^ ^ E ^ p lo r e th e s u ffix -ness
help yo u. c sCirclg) th e a djectives in th e b o x th a t d o n o t
add -ness to m ake a noun.
How long How many What When Where
sad favourite tidy kind funny
1 When did you decide to sail across the Ш brilliant happy big weak
Atlantic? (you/ decide)
Last year.
2 __________________________ ? (the trip / take) 7 ★ ★ Complete the sentences w ith words from
Seven weeks. Exercise 6.
3 _____________________ hours__________ at 1 His uncle has a very serious illness .
night? (you / sleep) 2 My teacher really likes th e of my
Two or three. homework.
4 _____________________ a lot of sharks? 3 Thank you very much for yo ur___________ .
(you / see) 4 Brendan felt a great____________ when his cat
Yes, and dolphins. died.
5 _____________________ all day? (you / do) 5 Liam's very good at football - his only
I looked after the boat. ____________ is his left foot.
6 __________________________ the trip? (you / finish) 6 My grandmother always said th a t___________
In the Caribbean. was the most important thing in life.

U nit 2
1 Read th e te x t a b o u t a special TV
pro gram m e. Tick ( / ) th e kin d o f p eo p le in
th e p ro gram m e.
actors and singers [ ] sportspeople
children [/) brave people [J
teenagers [_] heroes []] .

Every autumn a TV channel organises 2 Look a t th e w o rd s in b o ld in th e te x t.

the Pride of Britain awards ceremony. W h a t kin d o f w o rd s (n o u n o r ve rb ) are th e y?
The awards celebrate people who
1 celebrate verb
make the world a better place and
2 inspire___________________
inspire others. The winners are ordinary
people, but they all did something 3 tractor_______ ___________
extraordinary. The programme shows a special film 4 wheelchair ___________
about each winner. They are children, teenagers 5 performed ___________
and adults, from six to 95 years old. The public, 6 disability ___________
charities and the emergency services (firefighters,
police, etc.) send in the names of people they want 3 C om plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e correct
to win, and famous actors, politicians and singers fo rm o f th e w o rd s fro m Exercise 2.
present the awards. 1 A person who can't walk needs a wheelchair .
2 A ___________ is a large form of transport we
Here are some recent winners:
use on a farm.
Child o f Courage: 3 A ___________ is an illness or injury that makes it
TOM PHILLIPS, 9 difficult to do things other people can do.
When a bull attacked Tom's 4 Sometimes you want to do something because
dad on their farm, Tom drove someone___________ you to do it.
the farm tra c to r (for the first 5 When we say we admire someone and show
time!) at the bull and saved his them how much we like them, w e ___________
dad's life. them.
6 When someone___________ , they tell other
Teenager o f Courage: people stories or jokes, dance or play a musical
JACK CARROLL, 14 instrument for them.

Jack has cerebral palsy and 4 Read the te x t again. ( Circle) the correct
needs a w heelchair, but answer fo r each question.
he still hopes to become a 1 When can you see the Pride o f Britain awards
professional comedian. He ceremony?
first p e rfo rm e d at a party for
@ once a year b every four years
his parents, and then posted
с in the summer
the video on YouTube. He
2 What type of people win awards?
often makes jokes about his
d is a b ility a famous actors b people who helped others
с politicians
3 Who doesn't send in names of people to win the
Great Bravery: .
a the public b singers
Lucy, a taxi driver, saved two с police or ambulance workers
drivers after their cars crashed 4 Who saved two people?
on a train crossing. She then
a Tom b Jack с Lucy
moved one of the cars off
5 Who doesn't usually use anything with wheels?
the crossing seconds before
an express train passed, and a Tom b Jack с Lucy
stopped a terrible train crash. 6 Who wants to be famous one day?
a Tom b Jack с Lucy

5 ★ ★ ★ Is th e re an a w a rd like th e Pride o f
B rita in in y o u r co u n try? Do yo u k n o w a b o u t
a n yo n e w h o is an 'o rd in a ry ' hero? W h a t d id
th e y do?
U nit 2 21
A description of a person you Useful language C o n ne ctors
1 Read Patrick's d e scrip tio n o f a person he
3 Look back a t th e te x t. W hich w o rd s does
Patrick use to jo in these ideas? W here do th e y
adm ires. W h y w as Ju d ith b y th e river?
go in th e sentence?
1 My sister and Judith are in the same class. They
are in the same swimming club.
and (in the middle), as well (a t the end)_________
2 She's got a dog. She often takes it for walks by
the river.

3 The water was very cold. She jumped in to rescue


4 I admire her. She saved the boy's life.

4 Join th e sentences using th e connectors in

1 The bag was very heavy. He carried it for her.
Although the bag was very heavy, he carried it
fo r her.
2 We live in the same street. We go to the same
One person I admire is Judith, a girl who lives school, (and, as well)
on my street. She’s older than I am but she’s
in my sister’s class and they’re in the same 3 We both like music. We decided to start a band
swimming club as well. together, (so)
She’s got a dog so she often takes it for
walks by the river at the back of our house. 4 The man couldn't get up the stairs. He was in a
Last winter a small boy fell into the river and wheelchair, (because)
couldn’t swim. Judith heard him scream and
didn’t stop to think. Although the water was
very cold, she jumped in to rescue him. The Look back a t th e te x t. Find apostrophes and
boy disappeared under the water, but Judith m atch th e m w ith th e ir uses.
stayed calm and pulled him out. A neighbour
She’s = She is
saw them and went to help them get out of
the water. They were both fine after they got = possession
warm again. = they are
= could not
I admire her because she saved the boy’s life,
but she says it was nothing special! She is very = She has
brave. The boy’s parents think she is a hero
and I agree. W rite a p o stro ph e s in th e correct place in th e
1 They^re my sister* s best friends.
Read th e d e s crip tio n again. A n s w e r th e 2 Shes a real hero-because she saved the boys life.
q uestions. 3 Were in the same class so were the same age.
1 How does Patrick know Judith? _____ 4 Life wasnt easy for her and she didnt have a lot of
2 Why did the boy scream? _____ money.
3 What did Judith do? 5 Id like to be like him when Im older.
4 What happened when they were in
the water?________________________ _____
5 What does Judith think about what
happened? _____

22 U nit 2
Writing H

■(2 2 Ш 5 3 Ш 1 .................................................................
Make it b ette r! / / / 10 Choose a person yo u k n o w and a dm ire to
Use the infinitive with to to explain the purpose w rite a b o u t. Use th e th in g s in Exercise 9 and
of an action (why someone did something). m ake notes.
I went to the shop to buy some bread.
C om plete th e sentences w ith th e in fin itiv e 11 W rite th e d e scrip tio n . Look a t page 27 o f th e
fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box. S tudent's Book to h elp yo u.

make become rescue help find out earn

1 She heard a airl shout so she ran to help

2 We called our friend what
3 He studied very hard a doctor.
4 They worked very hard enough
5 He climbed the tree the cat.
6 Gary went slowly sure he didn'1

Make it b ette r! / / /
Write about the person's character - use 12 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can yo u say YES to these
adjectives to say what the person is like. questions?
M y aunt can be quite serious b u t she’s very • Is the information from Exercise 9 in your
kind, too. description?
• Do you describe the person's character and say
why you admire them?
. 8 Read th e sentences. W hich one does n o t • Do you use connectors to join sentences?
describe som eone's character? • Do you use the infinitive with to to explain the
1 She's really friendly and she talks to everyone. purpose?
2 Linda is kind and always finds time for her friends. • Do you use apostrophes correctly?
3 My uncle is very brave but he doesn't think so. • Are the spelling and punctuation correct?
4 He's quite young and he's tall and strong.
Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?
5 Robbie always tells jokes - he's really funny.

9 Look back a t Patrick's d e scrip tio n . O rd er th e

th in g s he ta lk s a b o u t.

what other people think of him/her

who th e person is why you admire them
how you know the person what the person did
the person's character

1 who the person is

2 _________________
3 ________________
4 ________________
5 ________________
6 ____________________

U nit 2 23
2 Review

1 M a tch th e w o rd s in th e b o x w it h th e jo b s in th e pictures.

dancer p o lic e o f f i c e r m u s ic ia n a c to r n u rs e a r t is t vet ast r o n a u t s c ie n t is t f ir e fig h te r

a stro n a u t

9 ___________ Total: 9

Adjectives of character Language focus

2 ( Circie)th e correct w o rd s. w as/w ere and past simple:
1 I don't like going to the dentist. I'm not very affirmative and negative
(b ra ve )/ friendly.
2 Ellen usually laughs and smiles all day. She's very 3 Complete the sentences w ith the past form
fun n y / cheerful. of the verbs in brackets.
3 Steven doesn't like talking. He's very calm / quiet. 1 I was born in Switzerland and I ________
4 Jessie always helps me with my homework. to school in France, (be, go)
He's very kind / stubborn. 2 Bill_________ Science but h e _________ good at
5 Jenny isn't nervous about exams. She's very calm / languages, (study, not be)
serious. 3Jane_________ around the world a n d _________
6 Max works hard at school. He's very serious / a book about her journey, (sail, write)
brave. 4 M aria_______ _ music but she________
7 His stories always make me laugh. He's very a famous singer, (not study, become)
cheerful / funny. 5 Danny_________ good at art, but_h e ________
to be an artist, (be, not want)
Total: 6
Total: 9
24 U nit 2 Review
Past simple: questions Vocabulary builder
4 W rite a q u e s tio n f o r each answ er.
1 A: W here/born?
Where were you born?________
В: I was born in Italy.

2 A: What / study?

B: She studied Geography.

З А : / good at sport?
6 Choose th e correct o p tio n s .
1 You can sometimes____________ extra pocket
B: No, they weren't good at sport. money by washing cars.
4 A: / play tennis at school? (a) earn b spend с borrow
2 A ____________ studies Chemistry, Physics, or
B: Yes, we did. Biology.
a scientist b dancer с writer
5 A: W h a t/y o u r book about?
3 You can usually buy magazines in ____________ .
a a shoe shop b a newsagent
B: My book was about mountain climbing. с a clothes shop
Total: 4 4 Bill isn't scared. He's very___________ .
a serious b cheerful с brave
Language builder 5 I'm trying t o money by not buying
5 Choose the correct options. a spend b save с earn
6 ____________ creates pictures and paintings.
Cheryl: W h a t1____________yesterday?
a An actor b An artist
2____________ you busy?
с An astronaut
Jake: 13 in the music shop on
Saturday mornings. I t 4____________ really 7 Nina helps other people. She is very____________ .
busy on Saturdays. a serious b quiet с kind
Cheryl: Do you like 5____________ there? 8 You can buy medicine in ___________ .
Jake: Yes, 16____________. But yesterday a an electronics shop b a sports shop
17____________ up late and then I с a chemist
8____________ late for work.
Cheryl: Oh no! TotahT
Jake: The manager9___________ very happy! Speaking
Cheryl: Do you play 10___________ musical
instruments? 7 Complete the conversation w ith the words in
Jake: Yes, 111___________ to play the guitar. the box.

look may That th ink- maybe s u re

1 a are you doing (b) did you do
2 a Was b Were
3 a work b works Luke: Who do you 1 think it is?
4 a is usually b usually is Oli: I'm n o t2_________ . He3_________ be a
5 a work b working footballer.
6 a am b do Luke: No, he doesn't4________ very sporty.
7 a got b get Oli: OK, then 5_________ he's a singer.
8 a am b was Luke: 6 's possible.
9 a wasn't b weren't
10 a any b much Total: 5
11 a learn b 'm learning
Total: 50
Total: 10

U nit 2 Review 25
it right! U nit 2

was/were Jobs
1 C o m plete th e te x t w ith was o r w ere.
Yesterday, my mum 1 was at the shopping mall Remember that:
all afternoon. My dad and my brother2_____ • we use a or an to talk about a person who does a
at a football match. So 13 at home alone. particular job.
I watched a couple of programmes on TV, but they / My brother wants to be a firefighter.
4 boring. I texted my friends, Anna and Maria, X My bro ther-wants--to-be ftrefighter.
but they 5 both busy. I started my homework, • we use a before consonants and an before vowel
but i t 6 too difficult. sounds.

Spell it rig h t! Shopping words

3 Read th e te x t. A d d a o r an in th e correct
Remember to spell these clothes and shopping words
correctly. My friend James has got two brothers. Their dad is ?
shopping shaping trainers trainners . famous artist and their mum is vet. But the brothers
bought beugth trousers trousers
don't want to be artists or vets. James wants to be
expensive spensive T-shirt T-sb+f
actor because he loves the theatre. His brother, Paul,
would like to be firefighter or astronaut, but he isn't
w as/w ere-, questions tall enough, so he wants to be police officer. And his
younger brother, Michael, loves music, but he can't
Remember that: be singer, because he can't sing. But he plays the
• we make questions with was/were before the piano very well, so, maybe he will be musician.
/ Were you at home last night?
Expressions with make
X Уои-were-at-home lost night?
• we make information questions with the Wh-
question word + was/were + subject. Remember, some nouns have make before them, but .
/ Where were you last night? other nouns have do before them.
X Where you-were-last night? / I want to make a cake for my sister's birthday.
• we make questions with how many + subject + X I want to do a coke for my-sister's birthday.
wasI were. / Police officers make sure people don't do bad
/ How many students were in your class? things.
X How many were students in your doss? X Police-officers make sure people don't make bod

2 Read th e sentences a b o u t a party. W rite th e

correct que stio ns. Use w as/w ere. 4 Complete the sentences w ith m ake or do.
1 I was at a party on Saturday night. 1 Arturo didn't do his homework
Where were you on S aturday nictht yesterday.
2 The party was at Mary's house. 2 I'd like t o ___________a suggestion.
3 What job do you want t o when you
3 No, I wasn't late. I arrived at 8 o'clock. leave school?
4 What sports do y o u ____________ in your free
4 There were 20 people at the party.
5 I want t o ___________ friends with new people
from different countries.
5 Yes, Peter and his brother were at the party.
6 They like speaking English, but they often
____________ mistakes.
6 I was at the party for three hours.
7 Sara is ill, so she c a n 't____________ the exam.
8 She works hard and helps people because she
7 Yes, all the people at the party were happy. wants t o ___________ a difference.

26 Get i t right! 2
Strange stories
. . л

Дсйоп verbs к C om plete th e sentences w ith th e past
sim p le fo rm o f th e verbs fro m Exercise 1.
: ~d seven m ore a ction verbs in th e w o rd He threw the empty bottle in the bin.
:^ = 'ch. W rite th e m u n d e r th e correct p icture.
i didn't see the bag on the floor so I _________
I-» it.
r 0 w) 0 s f h e
They___________ their friend across the park.
® 3 1 1 0 V e r i g The police________ the thieves at the airport
С n a u с 0 r с d к with all the money.
3 к t e s h e P My sister___________ Mont Blanc last summer.
j 9
It's 4,810m high!
1 P r u n a w a У s When I saw the big dog, I ____________ . It was
Q | i m b m t s e с enormous!
h e i P 0 n e e i 0 The th ie f___________ out of the window.
My little brother my mobile phone
; e t У 0 P 1 h s с
under the sofa for a joke. It wasn't funny.

3 C o m plete th e s to ry w ith th e correct

fo rm o f th e w o rd s in Exercise 1.

Why did my English teacher1 chase

me around the school? There was no time to
irow think. 'You c a n 't2____________ me,' I said!
13____________ out of the window into the
playground and 4____________ away. I tried to
jump over the PE teacher's bicycle but it was
too high and 15____________ over and hurt my
leg. I got up quickly, went to the car park and
6____________ behind the French teacher's car. The
English teacher7____________ on to the car next
me and 8____________ his books at me. He was
shouting my name: 'Justin! Justin!' Then I woke
up ... in my English class. The teacher smiled at
me and said, 'You fell asleep, Justin!'

4 W rite fiv e sentences w ith th e verbs in

Exercise 1 a b o u t yo u o r som eone yo u kn ow .
When I was six, I fe ll over some books in my bedroom.

U nit 3 27
Language focus 1
Past continuous Past continuous questions
1 C om plete th e ta b le . 3 C om plete th e d ete ctive 's q ue stio n s w ith
th e w o rd s in th e b o x and th e past co n tin u o u s.
I / he / she / it you / we / they Then co m p le te th e s h o rt answ ers.
11 was runnina W e 6
the men / carry you and your friends / play
away. hiding.
the w om an/ wear yo u/w a tch the m an/drive
He2 They7
running away. hiding. 1 Was the woman wearing glasses?
3 she 8 thev No, she wasn’t .
running away? hiding? • TV at nine o'clock?
Yes. she4 Yes. thev9 Yes,
No. she 5 No. thev 10 a big box?
2 iz ★ Look at the picture and w rite sentences. _______ the car?
No, . It was the woman.
Yes, In the park.

4 к 'k ^ W rite q u e stio n s w ith th e past

co n tin u o u s. A n s w e r th e m fo r yo u.
1 W h a t/you/w ear/yesterday?
What were you wearing yesterday?____________
I was wearing a red T -shirt and black jeans.
2 What / you / do / at eight o'clock./ this morning?

3 Who / you / talk to / on the phone / all afternoon?

4 you / listen to music / an hour ago?

When the object appeared in the s k y ... expressions w ith look

1 ... we / play / football in the garden k + Match the sentence beginnings (1-5)
We were playing fo o tb a ll in the garden. w ith the sentence endings (a-e).
2 ... my friend / catch / a ball 1 Tom was looking after his little brother _c_
2 I was looking in the kitchen window __
3 ... my sister / climb / a tree 3 Lydia was looking for her mobile phone
4 We were looking at some photos
4 ... my mum / talk / to a friend on the phone 5 Some people say I look like my mum_________ •__
a when we saw something really funny,
5 ... a c a r/d riv e / down the street b when I saw my mum drop the cake,
с because his parents were at work,
6 ... our dog / chase / the car d but other people say I look like my dad.
e when she found some money.
my neighbour / cut / the grass

8 the police officers / help / an old lady

Listening and vocabulary
Adverbs of manner Listening
1 W rite th e adverbs fo r th e adjectives b e lo w . 4 о Listen to V icky ta lk in g to her frie n d
1 careful carefully M el a b o u t a book. W h a t kin d o f b o o k is it?
2 easy ___________ ( Circl§) th e correct o p tio n .
3 g oo d ___________ a an adventure book
4 happy___________ b a travel book
5 quick___________ с a science-fiction story
6 q u ie t___________
5 © ШШ Listen again and choose the correct
7 bad___________
8 slo w ___________
1 Vicky said sorry because ...
C om plete th e sentences w ith th e adverbs a she was late.
fro m Exercise 1. she didn't go to Mel's house yesterday.
1 The weather is bad so drive slowly . 2 The name of the book was ...
2 We played very___________ so the other team a The Thief Lord.
won. b Cornelia Funke.
3 He saw a big elephant so he ran away 3 It was a good book so Vicky ...
a was reading until six o'clock,
4 The mountain was very high so we walked up it b didn't stop until the end.
4 Prosper and Bo ran away ...
5 I d id ____________ in my exam because I studied a to stay together.
a lot. b to find their mother.
6 We spoke___________ so nobody could hear us. 5 They went to Venice because ...
7 I was listening to music q u ite until I a it was.their mother's favourite place,
remembered my homework!
b they knew some children there.
8 It wasn't a high wall so we climbed over it
6 The Thief Lord took things from ...
a Barbarossa.
3 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e b people with a lot of money.
adverbs fro m Exercise 1. 7 Vicky says she liked the story because it w a s ...
1 It wasn't difficult to pass the exam. a surprising.
I passed the exam easily . b magical.
2 We didn't drive fast. 8 Vicky doesn't tell Mel the end of the story because ...
We drove____________ . a it's very complicated.
3 We weren't being noisy. b she wants Mel to read the book.
We were talking very____________ .
4 I'm not very good at playing the guitar.
I play the guita r___________ .
5 He wasn't sad when he was singing.
He was singing___________ .
6 They are very good at volleyball.
They play volleyball very____________ .
Language focus 2
Past simple vs. continuous C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n w ith could o r
c o u ld n 't.
1 M atch th e parts o f th e sentences to A: What's the Loch Ness monster?
m ake rules. B: Well, in Scotland there's a lake called Loch Ness.
1 We use the past simple They say a monster lives in the lake but nobody
2 We use the past continuous 1 could find it.
a to talk about an action that was in progress in the Why do they think there's a monster in the lake?
past. Well, someone took a photo in 1937. In the
b to talk about a short, finished action in the past. photo you 2 see a long neck and
a head above the water. And there's a video
from 2007 as well. A man said he 3___________
see something long and black in the water but
he 4___________ see what it was. Scientists
spent many years looking in the lake but they •
5____________ find anything.
A: Are there any other photos of it?
B: Well, a man was looking at maps on his computer
in 2014 and said he 6___________ see something
in a photo of the lake.
A: I'd like to go there.
B: You 7___________ go there because it's in
Scotland and ydu hate the cold!

Past simple, past continuous and

5 ★ ★ ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n and w rite
An Italian man t a painting q ue stio n s w ith th e past sim ple, past
on the wall in his father's kitchen. The painting looked
c o n tin u o u s o r could.
like something he once 2saw / was seeing in a book
about the famous French painter Paul Gauguin. His
Policeman: 1What were you doino when you saw
father 3to ld / was te llin g him he found the painting
the liciht?
many years ago on a train when he tra v e lle d / was
Man: 1was driving.
travelling to Paris. His son read about the painting 2
on the Internet and 5found o u t / was fin d in g o u t Man: Because 1was going home.
that it was really a painting by Gauguin. The police Policeman: 3
discovered the interesting story behind the painting. Man: Well, 1couldn't see much, only a very
A man 6w e n t / was going to an old lady's house to big object and bright lights.
clean the windows. While the old lady7made / was Policeman: 4
making some tea, the man took the painting off the Man: No, 1didn't see anyone else.
wall and 8 le ft / was leaving the house quietly. While
he 9sat / was sitting on the train, he realised he
10d id n 't know / w asn't know ing what to do with
^ D fc p lo re nouns w ith -e r
the painting so he left it carefully on the seat.
6 W rite th e nam es o f th e peo p le w ith -e r.
could(n't) 1 I live on an island. islander
2 I take photos.,
3 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s in
3 I work on a farm.
th e box.
4 I explore new places.
could past couldn't subject 5 I build things.
6 I'm shopping.
We use could and couldn't + infinitive without to 7 I'm swimming.
to talk about ability in th e ____________ . 8 I paint. •
Questions: Could + ____________ + infinitive?
Short answers: Yes, she No, they

30 u n it 3
Read th e a rticle . W h a t w a s in th e w a te r?

In March 2014, islanders on Gran Canaria

.vere looking at the sea when they saw
a big yellow object. It was long, with a
.ellow tail and it was in the water near
:he coast. They called the emergency
services - the police, ambulances and the
coast guard.
The emergency services told the
newspapers that a plane was in the
Atlantic Ocean about one kilometre from
:ne coast of Gran Canaria.
At about 3 pm, the BBC and other TV
channels around the world began to
report that a Boeing 737 crashed into
the sea. Workers in the control tower at
the airport in Gran Canaria confirmed
the reports: ‘We are missing a plane!’
one airport worker said. Another plane
:hat was flying over the area also saw the
plane in the water.
A helicopter and a boat went out to sea
to rescue the passengers but when they
arrived, they found nothing. There was
only a large tugboat - a boat that pulls
other boats across the sea.
Finally, the emergency services confirmed
the false alarm. It was not a plane - just a
boat that looked a bit like a plane. Nobody
knows what happened to the ‘missing
plane’ from the airport!

2 M atch th e w o rd s in b o ld w ith th e 3 Read th e te x t again and p u t th e events in

d e fin itio n s . th e co rre ct order.
1 A building at an airport where a They found a tugboat. __
they watch planes. co n tro l tow er b They called the emergency services. __
2 To say that something was * с A helicopter and a boat went to the plane. __
definitely true. _____________ d TV channels said a plane was in the sea. __
3 The land near the sea. _____________ e People saw a plane in the sea. _1_
4 When someone thinks f Airport workers said a plane was missing. __
something is going to happen
but it doesn't. _____________ 4 ★ ★ к Do yo u k n o w any stories a b o u t false
5 Give information about alarm s? Can yo u in v e n t one? W rite fiv e
something. _____________ sentences.
6 When a car, plane or train hits
something else. ;

U nit 3 31
A story
1 Read th e story. W h a t d id M r James do?

One day last year, a homeless

man, Glen James, found a
bag in the door of a shop
while he was walking around
a shopping centre in Boston.
At first, he didn’t know what
to do, but when he opened
the bag he saw it had
$40,000 in it so then he took
it to the police. Many people
thought that Mr James did
a wonderful thing. Later, a
website decided to raise
money to help Mr James
because he had no home
or job. Finally, they raised
over $140,000 from people
all over the world. Mr James
said ‘I’m really surprised and
so happy. This is going to
change my life.’

2 Read th e s to ry again. A n s w e r th e que stio ns. 4 C om plete th e s to ry w ith th e w o rd s and

1 What was Glen James doing when he found phrases fro m Exercise 3.
the bag?___________ 1 One day last summer a woman was walking
2 What was in the bag?___________ in the park 2____________ she found a lost dog.
3 Who did Mr James give the bag to ? ___________ 3
___________ , she didn't know what to do becai
4 How much did the website raise for Mr James? she had a sick child. She didn't think she could loc
after a dog and a child, so she put a poster up in
her village, but nobody came to collect the dog.
___________ , one afternoon 5_____________ she'
Useful language S equencing working in her garden, the dog started to make l(
la n g u a g e 1 -------------- of noise. She followed it into the kitchen and foui
her son on the flo o r.6 , the doctors s
3 Look back a t th e story. Find sequencing w o rd s her son almost died but the dog saved him beforc
and phrases. was too la te.7____________ , the woman decided
keep the dog because it saved her son's life.
1 0 neday
2 w
Be careful w ith th e sp e llin g o f th e past
3 A f sim ple. W rite th e past sim ple fo rm s o f
4 w these verbs.
5 t 1 go went 6 try
6 L 2 be 7 drive
7 F 8 give
3 have 9 find
4 get 10 catch
5 buy
32 U nit 3
Make it b etter! / / / 8 Read th e title s fo r a s to ry b e lo w and choose
Describe your (or the other person's) reaction or one yo u like. Use th e ta b le in Exercise 7 and
feeling when something happens. m ake notes. You can use y o u r im a g in a tio n o r
I was really surprised when I heard the news w r ite a b o u t a tru e story.
about Grandma.

C om plete th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s in

ft mysterious
the box. incident
sad frightened happy angry surprised

1 When I saw the huge present, I was very

surprised .
A mysterious ^V
2 He's____________ because his brother broke his
new tablet.
3 When my cat died, I felt really____________ .
4 I was really____________ because, finally, I found
my mobile phone.
5 When he saw the snake, he was very

’ Read th e s to ry in Exercise 4 again and m ake

notes a b o u t th e in fo rm a tio n in th e ta b le .

when the story la s t year WRITE

9 W rite th e story. Look a t page 39 o f th e
S tudent's Book to h elp yo u.
where the story
' happened

people in the

what they were


events of the
story CHECK
10 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can yo u say YES to these
how the story
'S • Is the information from Exercise 9 in your
• Do you describe your/the person's reaction or
the people's
• Do you use sequencing words to order the events
feelings in
in the story?
the story
• Do you spell the past simple forms correctly?
Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?

U nit 3 33
3 Review

Vocabulary Past simple vs. past continuous

Action verbs 4 ( Circle)th e correct o p tions.
1 We ate /<^yere e a tm j)d in n e r when the lights
1 ( Circle)th e correct options. w e n t / w ere going off.
1 The th ie f(ju m p e J )/ th re w out of the window. 2 We slept / were sleeping when the thieves
2 The burglars hid / climbed over a wall. broke / were breaking into the house.
3 A neighbour ran / chased the thief into the garden. 3 One thief fe ll / was fa llin g over while he ran /
4 The thief fell over / th re w and broke her arm. was running away.
5 He caught / hid the money in a tree. 4 . The police fo u n d / were fin d in g the money
6 He th re w / chased the newspaper in the bin. while they searched / w ere searching the
I T otaiiT
5 One thief drove / was driving away in a car
Adverbs of manner while the police d id n 't look / w e re n 't looking.
Total: 9
2 Put the letters in order to make adjectives.
Change them to adverbs to complete each
could(n't) I
1 I looked carefully for my keys, (farlecu) 5 Look a t th e p ictures o f Tom and co m p le te
2 It was cold so I walked home . (kuqic) th e sentences w ith could o r c o u ld n 't and the
3 We found the address____________ . (saye) correct verb.
4 We lost because we weren't playing____________ .
5 The baby is sleeping, so please ta lk ____________ .
6 It's Sam's birthday and he is singing____________ .
7 Tina was very tired so she cycled____________ .
8 I did very____________ in the exam. My parents
were angry, (dba)
I T o ta lly
Language focus
Past continuous
3 Complete the interview w ith the correct form
o f the past continuous.

Detective: 1 Were you watch in и (watch) from

the window?
Peter: Yes, 12
Detective: W hat3 the men
Peter: One man 4 (wear) a brown
Detective: 5 he (carry)
Peter: Yes, h e 6 (carry) a black bag. When Tom was five, he 1 could read stories, but
Detective: the men (run)? he 2____________ . He 3____________ a bike without
Peter: No, they8 , but they any problems and he was very musical so he
(walk) quickly. 4 *the guitar very well when he was ten,
but he 5____________ the piano. Now he's 14 and he
can do all of these things. What about you?
Total: 8
Total: 4 I

34 U nit 3 Review

Vocabulary builder Language builder

6 ( Circle) th e co rre ct w o rd s. 7 (Circie)th e correct words.
1 After school, Danny____________ judo.
a goes © does с plays Kim: 1____________ you watch the detective
2 I'm ____________ because I want to buy a new show on TV last night? I t 2___________
phone. really good!
Bill: No, 13_____________my homework.
. a saving b selling с spending
14 a test this morning. But I
3 I sometimes buy this magazine at the
love detective shows. W hat5___________
it about?
a chemist b shoe shop с newsagent Kim: A group of thieves stole 6___________
4 Larry talks to everybody. He's very____________. diamonds and the police 7___________
a calm b kind с friendly. understand how they did it.
5 I love animals so I'd like to be a ___________ . Bill: W hat8____________ in the end?
Kim: I don't know. The final episode is on this
a vet b actor с nurse
evening. Do you want to watch it together?
6 A m an____________ over the wall into our Bill: OK!
a chased b climbed с caught
1 a Do © D id с Were
7 I did my hom ework___________ so I didn't make
2 a was b were с did
3 a did b was doing с am doing
a carefully b easily с badly
4 a was having b was с had
8 He's got three cameras. He looks___________
a photographer. 5 a were b was с did
6 a much b any с some
a for b after с like
7 a weren't b couldn't с aren't
9 When he saw the police officers, h e ___________
so they couldn't find him. 8 a happened b happen с was happening
a threw b hid с fell over Total: 7
10 I ___________ listening to music in my room last
a were b w as, с am 8 C om plete th e co nve rsa tio n w ith th e w o rd s in
th e box.
~ Total: 9
next do strange weird did What

A: Somethina1 etranae happened yesterdav.

B: Reallv?2 ?
A: Well, 1was walking home through the park.
B: What happened 3 ?
A: 1fell over but 1don't know how it happened.
And then a boy was standing next to me and
he helped me to stand up.
B: What4 you say?
A: Well, 1said thanks, of course.
B: What did vou5 ?
A: 1picked up my bag and when 1stood up, the
boy was gone. There was nobody in the park.
B: That's6 !

Total: 5

Total: 54

U nit 3 Review 35
Past simple vs. past continuous 2 A re th e sentences correct? C orrect th e
in co rre ct sentences.
Remember that: 1 I can't go to the cinema last night because I was
looking after my sister.
• we use was or w ere + -ing to talk about an action
I couldn’t go to the cinema la s t night because I
that was in progress in the past.
was looking a fte r my sister.___________________
/ The dog was chasing the cat.
X The dog chasing the cot. 2 I could hear the music but I couldn't see who was
• we use the past simple to talk about completed playing it.
events and actions in the past. We never use was or
w ere + past simple. 3 It was great to see you. I'm so happy that you
/ The dog chased the cat. could to come.
X The dog was chased the cot.
• we usually use while with the past continuous and 4 We couldn't went to the beach because it was-
when with the past simple. raining.
/ The dog was chasing the cat when the man
5 In the past, you couldn't to travel from London to
X The dog chased the cat-whHe tk e manwas
Paris by train.

6 The exam was very difficult. I can't understand

1 ( Circle) th e correct w o rd s. the questions.

E I New mail
Dear Martin, Adjectives or adverbs?
We went to the beach last weekend. Three of my
cousins 1were came / ( camg) with us. And our dog, Remember that:
Charlie, of course! I t 2rained / was raining when we • we use an adverb to describe a verb or an action.
left the house, but while w e 3driving / were driving / He looked carefully at the picture.
there, the rain stopped. At first, everybody4was X He looked careful-at-the picture.
wanting / wanted to do different things. My parents • we use an adjective after be with an imperative.
wanted to sit and read. My cousins5were decided / / Be careful! That water is very hot.
decided to go swimming in the sea. We really X Be corefullyi-That-water is very hot.
6enjoyed / were enjoyed our day at the beach.
I hope you had a good weekend, too,
Jamie 3 C om plete th e sentences w ith a w o rd fro m
th e box. Change th e a d je ctive to an a d ve rb if
good easy q u ie t c a re fu l q u ic k bad fe u d

Remember that:
1 There was a woman speaking loudly on her
• we use the infinitive without to after could(n't). mobile phone.
/ The test was easy. I could answer all the 2 They speak English very • because
questions. their mother is English.
X The test was easy. I could to answer all the
3 Be ' ! I'm trying to study.
4 He plays the piano very . It sounds
• we never use the past simple after could(n't).
/ They couldn't open the door.
X They-couldn't opened the door. 5 Did you listen to what the teacher
• we use could(n't), not can('t), to talk about ability said?
in the past. 6 I did my homework because I
/ I'm sorry you couldn't come to my house wanted to go to the cinema.
yesterday. 7 He climbed the wall because he's
X I'm sorry youcan-’t-come to my house yesterday. very tall.

Get it rig h t! 3
At home
Things in the home ★ ★ Complete the sentences w ith the words
from Exercise 1.
1 ★ Look at the pictures o f the things in the 1 Where's my dictionary? It isn't on my desk
home. W rite the words in the correct column. or on th e ____________ with the other books.
Some words can go in more than one column. 2 My dad has two on his bed because
he says it's comfortable but I only have one.
3 In winter, I always sleep with a b ig ____________ to
keep warm.
4 Houses in the UK usually have____________ on the
5 My little sister can't see herself in our bathroom
___________ because she's too short.
6 My mumand dad have got a lotof clothes so their
___________ is full.
7 Can you get the sugar? It's in th e ____________ in
the kitchen.
8 WhenI wake up in the morning, I open the
___________ and look outside.

★ ★ ★ M a rk and Jane are in th e ir n e w house

b u t it's em pty. Read th e sentences and w r ite
w h a t th e y need to buy.
1 'We haven't got anywhere to
put our clothes!' wardrobe
2 'There's nothing on the floor
and it's very cold.'________________ ___________
3 'We've got plates and glasses
for the kitchen but nowhere to
put them.' ■
4 'I just washed my hands but I
can't dry them.'__________________ ___________
5 'Our neighbours can see us
through the windows!'___________ ___________
6 'We've got nothing on the b e d . ' ____________

7 'I need a place to work and

somewhere to put my books.' ____________ ,

8 'I can't believe we can't wash

liv in g r o o m b e d ro o m b a th ro o m o th e r the plates and glasses!'___________ ___________
ro o m s

m irro r m irro r ★ ★ ★ W h a t's y o u r fa v o u rite ro o m in y o u r

hom e? W h y do yo u like it? W h a t fu rn itu re
does it have? W h a t o th e r fu r n itu re w o u ld yo u
like to have? W rite a t least fiv e sentences.
M y favourite room is my bedroom. I like i t because
i t ’s a big, sunny room.

U nit 4 37
Language focus 1
Comparatives and superlatives 4 ★ C om plete th e te x t w ith th e su p e rla tiv e
fo rm o f th e a djectives in th e box.
1 ★ C o m plete th e rules in th e g ra m m a r ta b le .
big expensive «eh tall ugly unusual
-ier worse more (x2) Better tw o -er

The billionaire Mukesh Ambani is 1th e rich e st

1 We use comparative adjectives to compare
man in India. He and his family live in a house call
tw o or more people, things, etc.
Antilia, in Mumbai, India. Antilia c(
2 To form the comparative of short adjectives (one one billion dollars! It's2__________
syllable) we a d d ____________ . house in the world - a tower with
3 To form the comparative of long adjectives (two 27 floors. It's also 3___________
syllables +) we use____________ before the family home in the world. There a
adjective. three floors of gardens and it has
When the adjective has two syllables and ends 4___________ garage in a family
in -y, we remove the -y and a d d ____________ to house too, with space for 168
form the comparative. cars, all for Mr Ambani's family oi
six! Antilia is modern, but
____________ (good) and (bad) агё it isn't beautiful. In fact,
irregular comparatives. many people think it's
To make the comparative form of an adverb we ’____________ building
usually a d d ____________ . in Mumbai. I'm not sun
about that, but it's
2 ★ ★ W rite c o m p a ra tive sentences. probably6__________
billionaire's house in
1 The Empire State Building / high / the Eiffel Tower
the world!
The Empire S ta te Building is higher than the
E iffel Tower.
2 Buckingham Palace / big / the White House ★ ★ ★ W rite th e sentences in th e com parative
3 His desk / expensive / all our furniture o r su p e rla tive .
4 A bed / comfortable / a sofa 1 Mount Everest / high / mountain / in the world
5 The hotel in Santiago / good / the hotel in Buenos M ount Everest is the highest m ountain in the
Aires world.
6 Gail's room / tidy / Kerry's 2 This p illo w /s o ft/th a t pillow
3 The library / quiet / place in the school
3 ★ Choose th e correct o p tio n s to co m p lete
4 The beach / relaxing / place to go in the summer
th e g ra m m a r ta b le .
5 A holiday in New York / good / a holiday at home
1 To form the superlative of short adjectives (one 6 My dad's car / small / my mum's car
syllable) we add -er/^esT )___________________
2 To form the superlative of long adjectives (two ^ E jt p lo r e expressions w ith do
syllables +) we use more / m ost before the 6 ★ ★ M atch th e sentence b e g in n in g s (1 -6 )
adjective. w ith th e sentence e n d in g s (a -f).
3 When the adjective has two syllables and ends 1 Could you do me a favour?
in -y, we remove the -y and add -e s t/ -ie st to 2 Can I help you with your homework?
form the superlative. 3 My dad can't play football with me
Best / The best and w o rst / the w o rst are 4 I didn't go out on Saturday because
irregular superlatives. 5 Paul was really tired last night because
6 We put all the food in the cupboard
a I was doing my homework all day!
b after we did the shopping,
с Could you give me that book on the shelf?
d because he's doing the housework,
e he did sport for three hours,
f I like doing Maths.

U nit 4
Listening and vocabulary
ousehold appliances
A dd v o w e ls to m ake w o rd s fo r hou se ho ld
★ ★★ C om plete th e te x t w ith th e w o rd s fro m
Exercise 1.
The room with the most appliances in our house is
appliances. W rite th e m u n d e r th e correct the kitchen. I use the 1 cooker every evening to
picture. make dinner.
We also use the 2____________ once a day to wash our
dshwshr frzr rn # dg wshng mchn
clothes, and the 3____________ every day to clean the
Imp hrdryr ckr htr
Of course, we always use th e 4____________ to keep
our food cool and fresh. When my mum cooks, she
often puts extra food in the 5____________ . She says
it can stay there for months. One thing I never use is
th e 6___________ . My mum hates this too, so my dad
uses it for his shirts and my T-shirts.
Another thing I use every day is the 7___________
on my desk - it helps me to see my books because my
room is quite dark. And when it's cold, I sometimes
use th e 8____________ to stay warm! I've got long hair
so I also use m y9____________ every day.


♦ ' J

★ ★ M atch th e w o rd s fro m Exercise 1 w ith 4 ★ © E l Listen to the conversation between

th e sentences. Elia and Nick. What are they talking about?
You use this when your hair is wet. hairdryer
This washes your clothes.________ Listen again. Mark the sentences
It keeps food cool and safe to eat. true (7) or false (f).
It helps you see in the dark.______ 1 Ella and Nick are brother and sister. _T_
You use this when your house is cold. 2 They went to see three flats. ___
3 One flat is really old. ___
It cleans the plates and glasses._______ 4 Both flats had two bathrooms. ___
It makes your clothes look nice.______ 5 Ella likes the first flat better._________________ ___
You use this to cook your dinner._____ 6 Nick and Ella usually catch the bus to school. __
You can leave food in it for a long time. 7 Their mum and dad want to plan a new
bedroom. __
8 Nick isn't sure the flat is big enough. ___

U nit 4 39
Language focus 2
m ust/m ustn’t, should/shouldn't ★ ★ ★ Complete the second sentence so it has
the same meaning as the first. Use should,
1 ★ (Circle) the correct words. s h o u ld n 't, m ust or m u stn 't.
1 It's a good idea for them to try feng shui.
We use must, m ustn't, should and shouldn't +
They should tr y feng shui.____________________
verb / to + verb.
2 It's not a very good idea to do her homework in
We use m ust / m ustn't to talk about the kitchen!
We use m ust / m ustn't to talk about 3 Our house rule is to wear slippers inside.
Y ou_________________________________________ .
We use should and shouldn't to give advice / 4 My advice is to put your desk under the window.
ta lk a bout o b lig a tio n and p ro h ib itio n .
I think y o u ___________________________________ .
5 Don't touch that because it's very dangerous!
★ C o m p le te th e sentences w ith m ust o r Y ou ^!
m u s tn 't and a v e rb fro m th e box.
★ ★ ★ Complete the sentences about your life
do eat forget keep learn at home.
leave put remember 1 My parents say I must he quicker in the bathroom
. . . ----
We m u st keep our room tidy. school.
Your brother____________ his homework while My savs I mustn't
he's watching TV. I should
Y ou________ the plates in the dishwasher
after dinner.
I shouldn't
Y ou_______ your books and papers all over
the living room.
to turn off the oven.
^ D t p l o r e verbs w ith up o r down
Jane_______ how to cook more than pizza!
You_______ to bring me your dirty clothes. 6 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences w ith th e correct
They_______ _ all the biscuits. That's too fo rm o f th e verbs in th e b o x and up o r dow n.
much sugar!
go lie come (x2) put
★ ★ Com plete th e te x t w ith should o r shouldn't.
Feng shui is the old Chinese art of organising your 1 Why did you climb that wall? You should
home to bring good health and energy. Here are some come down now.
ideas about how to improve your house: 2 Oh no, it's raining. Can y o u ___________ the
• In the bedroom you 1 should always clean umbrella?
under the bed so you don't have negative energy. 3 We woke up early and watched the sun
You 2____________ keep anything there. The bed
3___________ never be close to the door or under You look tired. Why don't you go and
a window. ____________ on your bed?
In the living room you 4___________ put a mirror The shops are near here.________ to the top
on the wall to give your house more energy, and of the road and turn left.
you 5 have a plant to show love.
The colour red is good luck, but you 6___________
have too much of it because it can make people
nervous. Finally, you 7____________ leave space
around the things in the house so energy can move
around the room.
Do these things and you 8____________ have any

40 U nit 4
★ Read th e te xts and m atch th e people w ith th e
houses in th e pictures.
unusual pl««!**
I live in a windmill! It has five floors and a lot of
stairs. The kitchen is at the bottom, the living room is
on the first floor, and my bedroom is at the top. It's
noisy because of the sails in the wind, especially in
the winter, but the strangest thing is that the rooms
are round. Mine is the smallest. It's really difficult to
find space for all my things. It's fun here though, and
the view is amazing!

My friends are always surprised that I live in a
300-year-old house! When my parents bought our
house, it was a mess, but now it's beautiful. There
are 80 large rooms and 40 bedrooms, so we need a
lot of furnitu re to f ill it. It's a great place for parties,
and playing hide and seek, but it's easy to get lost!

My home is a traditional cottage in a country village.
I live here with my parents and my two sisters. It's
prettier than my friends' houses, but it's very old, so
all the rooms are small and uncomfortable, and the
ceilings are low. Also, there's only one bathroom,
but my parents love it! My room is in the attic. It's
very small, and the floor is not very straight. There's
only a bed, a cupboard and a small desk under the

★ ★ Read th e te x t again. W hich house is each

sentence a b o u t? W rite Joey, A b ig a il o r D avid.
1 The house has a lot of different floors. Joey
2 It's good for games.
3 It's a strange shape.
4 Visitors can choose a room to
sleep in.
It's not good for a big family.
It isn't quiet.
Tall people can't live in a house
★ ★ M a tch th e w o rd s in bold in th e te x t w ith like this.
th e d e fin itio n s . It wasn't always a nice house.
1 It's a game where some people hide
while one person counts to 100. That ★ ★ ★ W hich o f these houses w o u ld yo u like
person then tries to find everyone, hide and seek to live in? W hy? Do yo u th in k y o u r fa m ily
The same shape as a ball or a circle. ____________ w o u ld like it to o ? W h y /W h y n o t? W rite a t
The part of a room above your head. ____________ least fiv e sentences.
A windmill usually has four of these
and they move in the wind. ■
To make something full or put things
in an empty space. ____________
Chairs, tables, bed, etc. ____________

U nit 4 41
A description of a house 4 Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake sentences.
1 old / There's / tall / wardrobe / a / white
1 Read C orrine's em a il a b o u t an u nusual house.
There’s a ta ll, old, white wardrobe.__________
W h y is she the re ?
2 has got / living room / lamp / small / a / The /
yellow / modern
Q MAIL ( + ) New Reply | ▼ Delete Junk | ▼

3 has got / a / bed / My / old / bedroom / large

Hi Emma,
How are you? We're staying in a really unusual 4 red and blue / The / got / four / big / pillows /
holiday home for two weeks. It's a tall, old, bed's / new
white lighthouse in Somerset. It's 33 metres
high with 120 stairs! There are eight floors with
three bedrooms, a living room, a big, modern 5 on his desk / a / photo / tiny / black and white /
kitchen and a bathroom. The bedrooms all have old / There's
small, new showers and the views of the sea are
amazing. All the walls are
round of course, but the
rooms are bigger than you ............................................................
think. The top floor has the Make it b ette r! / / /
bia. о d haht. but it doesn t Use comparatives and superlatives to describe
work now. The lighthouse is
the things in your house.
l 80 years old but
M y s is te r’s bedroom is bigger than mine.
everything is modern inside
and there's even Wi-Fi.
W hat do you think? Isn't it
amazing?! 5 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e co m p a ra tiv e
Love, ^ o rn n e
o r su p e rla tiv e fo rm o f th e a djectives in
1 The bathrooms are sm aller than the bedrooms.
2 My parents have got bedroom in
the house, (large)
3 The wardrobe is mv bathroom! (bia)
V/ 4 The furniture in her house is the
V/ furniture in my house, (modern)
'/ / / // / /
5 The apartment has got views of the
city, (beautiful)
2 Read th e em ail again. W h a t d o these
num bers mean? 6 C o m plete th e sentences w ith tw o o r th re e
1 120= s ta irs in the lighthouse adjective s to describe th e room s in y o u r
2 8= _______________________ house.
3 2= _______________________ 1 We've got a small, new kitchen.
4 180= _______________________ 2 There's a ____________bedroom.
5 33 =____ _________________________ 3 - There's a ____________living room.
4 I've got a ___________ bathroom.
Useful language O rd e r o f a d je ctive s —

3 Read th e em ail again. W rite th e adjectives.

1 a ta ll
2 a ________ _ kitchen
3 _________ showers
4 th e ______ light

42 U nit 4
Writing В
Make it b ette r! / / /
Give your opinion of the place, the house or the
I t ’s a sm all house, b u t I really like i t because i t ’s
warm and com fortable.

W hich o f these sentences does n o t give an

o pinio n ?
1 The house is really unusual.
2 The gardens are really beautiful.
3 There are three large bedrooms.
4 It's really relaxing to walk on the beach near the

8 Read C orrine's em a il again and tic k ( / ) th e

in fo rm a tio n she includes.
a what rooms there are □
b the number of bedrooms □
с what her favourite room is and why □
d what she does in each room □
e how old/big the house is □
f interesting or unusual features/furniture □
10 W rite th e em ail. Look a t page 49 o f th e
9 Choose one o f the se h o lid a y hom es to w rite
S tudent's Book to h elp you.
an em ail a b o u t. Use th e in fo rm a tio n in
Exercise 8 and m ake notes.

11 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can yo u say YES to these
• Is the information from Exercise 8 in your
• Do you use adjectives to describe the room and
things in the place?
• Do you use comparative and superlative
• Do you give your opinion of the place, the rooms
or the things?
Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?

U nit 4 43
4 Review

Vocabulary Language focus

Things in the home Comparatives
1 M a tch th e w o rd s in th e b o x to th e d e fin itio n s . 3 W rite co m p a ra tive sentences.
1 London / Edinburgh (big)
sink towel mirror blanket curtains pillow London is bigger than Edinburgh.
wardrobe carpet shelf cupboard desk
2 Cheetahs / elephants (fast)

1 This is on the floor. You walk on it. carpet

• 3 The Amazon / the Danube (long)
2 You open these in the morning so
you can see outside. ___________
4 The Arctic / Iceland (cold)
3 This is on the bed. It's for your head.___________
4 This is in the bathroom. You use it
after a shower. ___________ 5 Sharks/dolphins (dangerous)
5 This is in the bathroom. You can
see yourself in it. 1 6 Hawaii / Alaska (warm)
6 You put all your clothes in here. ___________
7 You put plates, cups, glasses or food 7 Hotels / youth hostels (expensive)
in here.___________________________ ___________
8 This is on the bed. You use it when .Total: 6
it's cold. ___________
9 You put books on this. ____________ Superlatives
10 This is in your bedroom. You do
4 W rite sentences in th e su p e rla tive .
your homework here. ___________
1 Russia / big / country / in the world
11 This is in the kitchen. You wash dirty
Russia is the biggest co un try in the world.
plates in here._____________________ ___________
~ Total: 10
2 The cheetah / fast / animal in the world
Household appliances
2 Complete the sentences w ith words in the box. 3 The Mona Lisa / famous / painting in the world

dishwasher washmg machine fridge heater

lamp cooker hairdryer freezer iron
4 The University of Al-Karaouine in Morocco / old /
university in the world
1 Put the dirty clothes into the washing machine .
2 It's cold! Turn on th e ____________ .
3 Take some ice out of th e ____________ .
5 The Himalayas / high / mountains in the world
4 Put the milk back in th e ____________ .
5 I'd like to cook dinner. Turn on th e ____________ .
6 Your hair is wet. Go and get th e ____________ .
6 The Australian box jellyfish / poisonous / creature
7 Put the dirty plates into th e ____________ .
in the world
8 Oh no! I burned my shirt with th e ____________ !
9 I can't see. It's very dark. Turn on th e .
Total: 8
Total: 5 [

44 U nit 4 Review
must/mustn't, should/shouldn't Vocabulary builder
5 C om plete th e sentences w it h m ust, m u stn 't, 7 Choose the correct word.
shou ld o r s h o u ld n 't and th e verb. 1 My uncle's daughter is my cousin .
1 It's a good idea to get up early. a aunt b cousin с mother
You should g e t up early. 2 We studied the rivers of France in ___________
2 It isn't ok to talk in the library. today.
You___________ quiet in the library. a Geography b History с Maths
3 It is against the rules to eat sandwiches in the 3 Your bedroom is really___________ . Pick up all
classroom. those things!
W e ___________ sandwiches in the classroom. a unfriendly b unfair с untidy
4 It isn't a good idea to talk and eat at the same 4 He ran very fast but he co uldn 't___________
time. them.
You_________________________at the same time. a climb b chase с catch
5 You can't use your mobile during a test. 5 Is there any ice cream in th e ____________ ?
You___________ your mobile during a test. a cooker b freezer с fridge
Total: 4 6 He plays the piano and the guitar. He's an
amazing___________ .
Language builder a dancer b scientist с musician
7 I think there are some biscuits in the
6 Com plete th e conversation w ith th e m issing
w ords. ( Circlg)th e correct o ptio n s.
a cupboard b wardrobe с sink
8 Where's th e ____________ ? I'm going to lie down
Dear Becky,
on the sofa.
We 1____________a wonderful time on our
a carpet b blanket с towel
holiday in Australia. W e 2______ • at a
beautiful beach hotel. It's3____________ than 9 W e're___________ in the park at the moment.
at home! I love4____________ in the ocean. Do you want to come?
We 5____________snorkelling near the beach a walk b walking с doing
yesterday when we saw 6____________ dolphins! 10 When the sun____________ we were all sleeping
I think they're 7____________ sea creatures in the in our beds.
world! I took 8___________ of pictures! a put up b went up с came up
19____________ remember to send you some
photos. It's really important to be careful in the ~ Total:~9
sun over here. They told us we 10___________
wear hats all the time and we 11____________ out
in the middle of the day. 8 ( Circle) th e correct o p tio n s .
See you soon!
Angie Mum: Tom, 1(can)/shall you help me in the
Tom: OK. 2D o / Shall I make the salad?
1 a have © 're having с do have Mum: Yes, please, and 3can / shall you do me a
2 a stay b 're staying с staVed favour and take the dog out for a walk after
3 a sunny b sunniest с sunnier dinner?
4 a swim b swimming с swam Tom: Sorry, 14can't / don't. I need to finish my
5 a was b were с are homework. 5NI / 1ask Sue.
Mum: That's OK. 6NI / Shall I do it.
6 a much b any с some
Tom: 7Shall / Could I tell Sue and Dad it's time for
7 a the beautiful b the most с the more dinner?
beautiful beautiful Mum: Yes, please.
8 a a lot b some с many
9 a must b mustn't с should
10 a should b aren't с mustn't Total: 6
11 a aren't going b must go с shouldn't
go Total: 58

Total: 10
U nit 4 Review 45
G et it right! U nit 4

Comparatives and superlatives Prepositions of place

Remember that: Remember that:

• with short adjectives we add -er or -esf. • we use in with rooms, towns and countries.
• with long adjectives we use more or the most. / Maisie lives in the USA.
• we use on with surfaces, e.g. floor, wall, table.
/ There is a computer on my desk.
1 Find and correct fiv e m ore m istakes w ith
• we usually use a t with buildings, e.g. school, home.
co m p arative s and su perlatives.
/ We stayed a t'a very unusual hotel.

Louisa: What do you think of my new bedroom?

It's more bigger bigger than my old
3 C om plete th e sentences w ith at, in o r on.
Izzie: It's great! I love the big windows. It's more 1 In the kitchen, there's a fridge, a cooker and •
lighter than your old room too. a dishwasher.
Louisa: Yes. And I've got some new furniture. 2 There is a library at school, but I prefer to do my
Do you like it? hom ework home.
Izzie: Yes, it's moderner, isn't it? The old stuff 3 I like the picture the wall in the bedroom.
w a s... well, more traditional. 4 When it's cold, I put a blanket the bed.
Louisa: I know, it was awful! I had the most old
5 There's a lam p the table in the living room.
wardrobe in the world!
6 I bought a beautiful m irror San Francisco.
Izzie: This one's much more nicer. You've got
loads of space for all your clothes.
Louisa: And come look at the view from the Spell it rig h t! Comparative adjectives
window. It's the beautifullest view in town.
Remember that:
• with short adjectives (one syllable) ending in vowel +
must/mustn't, should/shouldn't consonant, we double the final consonant and add
-er to form the comparative.
His bedroom is big. —► His bedroom is bigger than
Remember, we use the infinitive without to after
should and must.
• we do not use more or very before comparative
/ You should avoid watching TV.
adjectives ending in -er.
X You-should to avoid watching TV.
/ His bedroom is bigger than mine.
/ You m ustn't eat a big meal before going to bed.
X His bedroom is more bigger than mine.
X You mustn't eating о big meal before going tobcd.
X His bedroom is very bigger than mine.
• with long adjectives (two syllables +) we use more
before the adjective.
2 A re th e sentences correct? Correct th e Their house is beautiful. —► Their house is more
in co rre ct sentences. beautiful than ours.
• with adjectives that have two syllables and end in -y,
Six tip s fo r exam success ’ we remove the -y and add -ier.
1 You should t© make a timetable of all the Your garden is pretty. —► Your garden is p re ttie r
work you need to do. than ours.
2 You must getting at least 8 hours of sleep
every night.
3 You shouldn't work late in the evening.
4 W rite th e co m p arative fo rm s o f th e adjectives.
4 You must to remember to take a break. 1 cold
5 You should going for a walk every day.
2 expensive
6 3 tidy
You mustn't forget to eat!
7 4 comfortable
You should to drink a lot of water.
5 small
6 relaxing
7 high
8 easy

46 Get It rig h t! 4
Vocabulary 1

Computer words
II ★ Use th e pictures to fin d
e ig h t m ore c o m p u te r w o rd s
in th e w o rd search.

© PC

★ ★ ★ Jack has g o t fiv e o f th e th in g s fro m

Cm e m 0 r s t i с Exercise 1. Read w h a t he says and co m p lete
th e ta b le .
i t. 0 u с h s с r e e n
1 I've got one of these. It's bigger than a tablet but I
с i u e e с V w h P У e can use it to do more things.
r. m s f h к 0 p e h b X 2 I haven't got one of these but my father has.
He loves it because it's much smaller than a laptop!
0 0 e с h P I a P t 0 P
3 Of course I've got one of these - a new one with
с r 0 j m e t P u h a r a really good camera. I made my first call on it
h 9 a t m I 0 P t b r i yesterday!
i n b u r w b u к u d n 4 I had one of these but it broke. I don't miss it
because I don't usually print anything anyway.
P a s g h t t a b I e t
5 I've got one of these. It's really useful because
q 0 s m a r t P h 0 n' e you can use it on any computer but I think it's full
r b u i e s с ,m u e r because I've got a lot of photos on it!
6 Yes, I've also got one of these little things. It's
from an old computer.
2 ★ ★ Complete the sentences w ith the words
from Exercise 1. Jack has g o t... Jack hasn't g o t...
1 I lost my memory s tic k with our school project
a laptop
on it, but later I found it in my jeans pocket.
2 It's easier to write emails with a ____________ than
on a touchscreen.
3 Now most phones have a ____________ without
buttons. You put your finger on the icons instead.
★ ★ ★ W hich o f these th in g s do yo u and
4 My mum hasn't got a ___________ because she
y o u r frie n d s use? W hen d o yo u use the m ?
only uses a phone to make calls.
W rite a b o u t fiv e o f th e m .
5 I like m y ____________ because the touchscreen is
bigger than on a smartphone. m e m o r y s tic k m ouse la p t o p to u c h s c re e n
6 O u r___________ can scan things and make ta b le t p r in te r s m a rtp h o n e
photocopies too. It's amazing.
7 I take m y ____________ on holiday because my M o st o f my friends use a memory s tic k to p u t
computer is too heavy and I haven't got a tablet. school p ro je cts and o th e r homework on. We can take
8 You don't need a ___________ with a tablet. them home and back to school to show to o th e r
9 W ithout a ________ , computers, laptops and people.
tablets don't work.

U nit 5 47
Language focus 1
will/won't, may/might ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith w ill /w o n 't /
m ay /m ig h t and th e verbs in brackets. Then
1 ★ C o m plete th e rules In th e g ra m m a r ta b le . m atch th e m w ith th e q u e stio n s in Exercise 3.
a I hope I ’IIbe________ married and_I___________
1 We use w ill and w o n 't for predictions /
lots of kids. I love kids! (be, have) _5
b I don't know. more than last
2 We use may and m ight to talk about year, but maybe not. (score)
possibilities / things we are sure about.
I'm not sure. I ___________ a car and a house,
3 We use w ill / w o n 't / m ight / may + in fin itive but I probably____________ it all. I ___________
w ith o u t to / in fin itiv e w ith to. some for the future, (buy, not spend, save)
4 We form the question with w ill / do + subject + Of course we ! I think this
w ill / in fin itive. tea m ________ the league and the cup!
(win, win)
2 ★ C o m plete th e p re d ictio n s a b o u t th e fu tu re . I _________ a sports car, but I'm not sure,
Use th e verbs in th e box. I ____________ before I pass my driving test!
(get, decide)
be (x2) celebrate find go live need
study use 5 ★ ★ ★ C om plete th e p re d ictio n s o f th e fo o d
scie n tist w ith w ill/w o n 't/m ig h t/m ig h t n o t and
1 Children w o n t а о (x) to school every day. They th e verbs in brackets.
____________ ( / ) at home on their computers.
I think our food I w ill ta s te (taste) the same
2 People ( / ) longer. Most people but we definitely2__________ _ (not produce) it
( / ) their hundredth birthday. the same way. Producing meat is very expensive
3 Cars (X) a driver anymore. They so we d________
_________ (not eat) animal meat
( / ) a computer to drive. in the future - I'm not sure. In fact, scientists
Scientists _________ ( / ) life on other planets. 4____________ (produce) our-meat. Who knows?
The weather (X) how it is now. People 5_____ ______(find) new things to eat so
There______ ( / ) a big climate change. we * ____________ (catch) different types of fish
but don't think people in Europe 7__________
3 ★ ★ Put th e w o rd s in th e correct o rd e r to m ake (eat) insects. I think we 8_ definitely
in te rv ie w q uestions. (eat) less meat than we do now.

^ /E jtp lo re suffixes -fu l and -less

6 ★ ★ C o m plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e w o rd s
in th e box.

beautiful useless wonderful painful

careless hopeless

1 A person who does not look after their things is

careless .
2 When a part of yourbody hurts, it is___________ .
Adnan, you're a millionaire at the age of 18.
3 A situation is ___________ when there is -nothing
1 with the money / you / What / will / do / ?
you can do to make it better.
What will you do w ith the money?____________ __
4 Something is J__________ when it doesn't work o'
2 type / will / car / What / you / of / buy / ?
it doesn't do what you need it do to.
5 ___________ things or people look good.
3 trophies / any / Will / your team / win / this
6 ___________ means very good.
season / ?

4 How/ score / goals / will / many / you / this season / ?

5 you / will / Where / be / ten years from now / ?

48 U nit 5
Listening and vocabulary
Technology verbs + prepositions Listening
3 ★ О к а Listen to M a rk ta lk in g to Liz a b o u t
a p ro g ra m m e he w a tch e d on TV. W h a t w as
th e p ro g ra m m e a b o u t? W h o ta lks a b o u t th e
th in g s in th e pictures?

1 remote control 2 fingerprint

[f ★ M atch th e verbs in th e b o x w ith th e

d e fin itio n s .

click on sign in scroll down shut down

turn down turn on turn up log on

1 make something quieter tu rn down

2 move a web page while you're
reading __________ 3 standby 4 power cut
3 start a machine . __________
4 choose something on the screen __________ 4 ★ ★ О к а Listen again and circle th e correct
5 turn off a computer__________________________ o p tio n s.
6 make something louder __ ________ 1 Mark watched аСл/ program m ^)/ film about
7 enter a password to start your
2 You can / can't control everything in your house
computer __________
when you're not at home.
8 enter a password to read your
3 Bill Gates spent $ 100,000,000 on his TV /
emails or see an online account __________
2 ★★ Complete the te x t w ith the correct form 4 The lights turn o ff / on automatically when you
of the verbs from Exercise 1. walk into a room.
5 You can turn on the bathroom shower from the
Mum: Where's that video you were telling me living room / bedroom.
about? 6 You need / d o n 't need a key to get into your
Liam: Let's see. Yes, that's the page. Now smarthome.
' scrolldow n to the bottom and then . 7 Liz's ideal home is as simple / b ea u tifu l as
____________ the link that says 'Summer possible.
camp video'.
Mum: Great. Thanks.
Liam: I'm going to bed. Don't forget to
____________ the computer when you
Mum: Liam, can you4________ the music,
please? It's very loud.
Liam: Oh, Mum!
Mum: Actually, you should stop the music -
it's late and you have to go to bed.
Liam: But Mum! I ju s t5____________ it
five minutes ago!

U nit 5 49
Language focus 2
First conditional 4 ★ ★ ★ Match the sentence halves.
1 I / go to the cinem a/this weekend
* ( Circle) th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
2 The touchscreen / not work
ta b le .
3 If / turn off / the TV
1 We use the first conditional to talk about 4 If /yo u / not /tu rn down /th e music
the present / fu tu re result of an action or 5 If / we / not buy / the tickets soon
situation. a you / study better
2 We use the present simple / w ill + in fin itive b we / not get / seats at the concert
for the action or situation clause, and present с if / Helen / c o m e / with me
simple / w ill + in fin itive for the result clause. d the neighbours / be / angry
•e if / you / wear / gloves
★ ★ M atch th e sentence b e g in n in g s (1 -6 )
w ith th e sentence e n d in g s (a -f). 5 W rite conditional sentences w ith the
1 We w on't hear this video inform ation in Exercise 4.
2 You'll see the link to her blog 1 I’ll go to the cinema th is weekend if Helen comes
3 If they give the students tablets, w ith me.
4 If I find your memory stick,
5 Will you buy me a smartphone
6 What do you think will happen to the
if we shut it down now?
if the teacher doesn't turn up the volume. ^ J ) ; p lo r e phrasal verbs 1
studying will be more fun. 6 C o m plete th e te x t w ith th e co rre ct fo rm
if you scroll down the page. o f th e phrasal verbs in th e box.
if I pass all my exams?
ta k e o f f p u t on s it d o w n get up lo o k f o r
I'll ring you.

★ ★ C om plete th e firs t c o n d itio n a l sentences

w ith th e correct fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets.
1 If students use (use) computers for all
their schoolwork, they w ill fo rg e t (forget)
how to write by hand!
If w e ____________ (not practise) writing by hand,
w h a t____________ (we / do) in the exams?
I think a new laptop____________ (be) cheaper if
you (buy) it online.
Carl 1 g o t up early again. He 2_ at
I ___________ (not finish) my Science project his desk. What a mess! He 3_______ ________ his glasses
tonight if I __________(not find) my memory stick. but he couldn't find them. He pushed some papers
(you / remember) to turn everything and they fell on the floor. His glasses were under the
off if I __ „ (go) to bed now? papers. He 4___________ th e m _____________and
If h e ____________ (not turn down) the music, turned up the music. He tried to work but he was
I think the neighbours____________ (be) angry. tired. He 5____________ his glasses, threw them on
But it (not be) a problem if he the desk and went to sleep.
____________ (put) his headphones on.
7 H o w ____________ (they / get) home from the
concert, if there (not be) any buses
after eleven?

50 u n it 5
Read th e te x t a b o u t cars in th e fu tu re . 2 ★ ★ M atch th e w o rd s fro m th e te x t w ith th e ir
H o w are th e y d iffe re n t fro p i th e cars w e d e fin itio n s .
have n o w ?
e n v ir o n m e n t s c ie n c e f i c t i o n p o llu tio n


im ag in e n a v ig a t e

1 to picture something in your mind imagine

Imagine going into town to go shopping. 2 a type of book or film usually about
You arrive at the station.The shopping the future, space or other planets __________
.centre is a 20-minute walk away, but you 3 move around something or find the
have a better idea. You get in a pod - a small right direction_____________________ __________
car. You can't drive, but that's no problem, 4 the air, water and land on and in
because the pod doesn't need a driver. It has which people arid animals live __________
a computer! There's a screen, so you surf the 5 something that happens when the
web or play com puter games. Is this science air or water is not clean __________
fiction? No, it will soon be reality.
3 ★★ Read the te xt again. Mark the sentences
A hundred driverless pods
tru e (T) or false (F). Correct the false
will soon be on the road in
the British town of Milton
Keynes. They will travel on 1 Driverless cars use a computer to
drive the car. T
the pavement, but their
special com puter program 2 If you can't drive, you can't go in
a pod. __________
will use GPS, HD cameras
and sensors to navigate 3 The pods in Milton Keynes will be
safely. Each pod can carry on the road with other cars. __________
two people and travel at 4 The pods won't go very fast. __________
a maximum speed o f about 5 Driverless cars w on't help the
19 kph. They, save tim e and are better for environment. __________
the environment, because they d o n 't cause 6 Driverless cars can travel on the
pollution. road in some parts of the US. ___________
7 One day people will phone
G oogle is also developing a 'self-driving
driverless taxis.____________________ __________
car' by adapting normaj cars. The US states
o f Nevada, Florida and California perm it 4 ★ ★ ★ W h a t do yo u th in k o f d riverless cars?
driverless cars on normal roads with other W h y are th e y a g o o d idea? Can you th in k o f
traffic. any pro ble m s w ith the m ? W rite fo u r o r fiv e
So, in the future you may have the sentences.
opportunity to download an app onto your
smartphone and call a driverless pod to take
you where you want to go. Another option,
o f course, is to walk!

U nit 5 51
An opinion essay Useful language S equencing
la n g u a g e 2 -------
1 Read th e q u e s tio n and th e o p in io n essay.
Does th e w r ite r agree o r disagree w ith th e
q u e stio n ? 3 Look back a t th e essay. C om plete these
How do you imagine your future? Will your 1 However . I don't think
life be very different from your parents’? 2 ___________ my opinion,
Write an essay with the title: ‘My life will 3 ___________ people say that
be the same as my parents’ lives. Do 4 ___________ people agree that
you agree?’ 5 ___________ believe that
Give us your opinion. 6*___________ conclusion,
7 ___________ example,
8 I'm ____________ that
M ost people agree th a t nowadays life is very
4 Read th e essay. ( Circle) th e correct o p tio n s .
different from twenty years ago. so I don’t
think th a t my life will be exactly the same as my <5ome people say tha£>/ Other people
parents’ lives. However, I don’t think th a t it will be s a y th a t the future will be better than the
completely different. present. 2Some people say th a t / Other
people say th a t it will be worse, but 3m ost
For example, I’m sure th a t I will go to university, people agree th a t / in conclusion it will be
like my parents. If I can, I will look for a good job very different.
near where they live. It isn’t as easy as it was, 4I’m sure th a t / Other people say th a t my
but I’m optimistic. life will be very different in the future.
5However, / For example, m any things
Some people say th a t the world is a smaller will be the same. 6In my opinion, / Most
place because of the Internet, while others people agree th a t my family and friends
believe th a t young people stay a t home for will always be im portant.
longer. In my opinion, I’m more adventurous
7In conclusion, / However, nobody
knows w hat life will be like in the future.
than my parents. When I finish university, I will 8For example, / However, isn’t th at
probably work abroad for a while. My parents exciting?
never did that!

In conclusion, I think I will have more

5 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e correct
opportunities than my parents, but it might be
co m p a ra tive o r su p e rla tiv e fo rm o f th e w o rd s
more difficult to find a secure job.
in brackets.
1 The m ost im p o rta n t (important) thing
nowadays is to get a good education.
2 Read th e essay again. Tick (✓) th e o p in io n s 2 I think I'm _______________________
fro m th e essay. (adventurous) person in my family.
1 Life is different now from in the past. □ 3 It's________________________ (difficult) to find a
2 The writer's life will be the same as his/her job today than in the past.
parents' lives. □ 4 We can find information much
3 It's not difficult to find a job. ___________ (quick) than in the past

4 The Internet changes how we see the world. 5 I'm sure that people now aren't

_______________________ (tall) than they were in
5 There will be more possibilities in the future. □
the past.

52 u n it 5
.............................................................. 9 Read th e o p in io n essay again and o rd e r th e
Make it b ette r! У У У
A arguments for the statement __
We use when to say we are sure that something
happened or will happen. We use if to say we are В introduction and your opinion _7
not sure something will happen. С conclusion and final opinion_________________ __
I’ll cook dinner when I g e t home. D arguments against the statement _
I’ll buy a ta b le t if my parents give me
b irth da y money PLAN
10 You are g o in g to w r ite an o p in io n essay fo r
6 C om plete th e sentences w ith w hen o r if. th e task in Exercise 1. Use th e p aragraphs in
Som etim es b o th w o rd s are possible. Exercise 9 and m ake notes.
1 When my parents were younger, they
travelled less than I do. WRITE
2 I'll probably get a good jo b ____________ I leave
11 W rite th e o p in io n essay. Look a t page 61 o f
th e S tudent's Book to h elp yo u.
3 ___________ I study at university, I'll probably go
to Cambridge.
4 I know I'll need to speak English___________
I'm older.
5 ________ I get a job in a big company, I will
work abroad for a few years.

• Make it b etter! У У У
: Explain your opinion: give reasons or examples.
: I think life was d iffic u lt fo r my grandparents
: because the y had to work very hard.

7 Look a t th e essay again. Find exam ples o f CHECK

w h e n th e w r ite r gives reasons o r exam ples
fo r h is /h e r o p in io n . 12 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can y o u say YES to these
For example,
• Did you use the essay structure in Exercise 9?
• Do you use comparative forms to compare your
8 Tick ( / ) th e sentence th a t does n o t g ive life to your parents' lives?
reasons fo r th e o p in io n s.
• Do you use when and //sentences correctly?
1 Young people are more adventurous because
• Do you give reasons for and examples of your
we travel more than our parents did.
2 Technology will help us. For example, the
Internet will give us more information. Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?
3 I'm optimistic about the future because I ,
believe that the world will be a better place. Q
4 We don't know what the world will be like
in the future.
5 Most people agree that life for young people
is easier in some ways. For example, it is easier
to study or go to university.

U nit 5 53
[5 Review

Vocabulary First conditional

Computer words Circle) t he correct o p tio n s .
1 They(wor?J)/ d o n 't pass the exam if they don't
1 (C irc le )th e co rre ct w o rd s. know how to speak English.
2 If you help me with my homework, I w ill / d o n 't
A 1(fcabley/ p rin te r is easy to carry. It has a help you with your computer.
2touchscreen / sm artphone so you don't need 3 If you w ill use / use your smartphone in class, the
a mouse or a 3keyboard / microphone. teacher might send you home.
4 My mum w on't buy me a smartphone if I d o n 't /
A 4laptop / ta b le t is bigger and has a thin w o n 't pass all my exams.
5keyboard / memory stick, a wireless 6mouse / 5 Will they send you an email if you g et / w ill get
microchip, and a large 7sm artphone / the job?
touchscreen. You can use the 8keyboard / 6 If you bring / w ill bring your smartphone,
p rin te r to make copies. I w on't need my camera.
.7 W ill / Do you fix my computer if I take it to your
house today?
Total: 7
Total: 6
Technology verbs + prepositions
C om plete th e sentences using w ill/w o n 't and
2 ( Circle) th e co rre ct o p tio n s. th e w o rd s in brackets.
1 Sign on to y(m T ^>your account. 1 I will buy- (I / buy) some headphones tomorrow
2 Log up / on to your computer. if they have some cheap ones in the shop.
3 Turn on / over the laptop. If Alison doesn't go to the party,________
4 Scroll dow n / in the web page. (Frank / go) either. They go everywhere together!
5 Click dow n / on the icon. Ben said___________ (he / put) the photo on his
6 Turn in / up the volume. blog, if he has time this weekend.
7 Shut dow n / up the computer when you finish. If you don't phone your m um ,___________
(she / be / angry).
Total: 6
Do you th in k ___________ (the teacher / give) us
Language focus an exam tomorrow, if we ask her not to?

will/won't, may/might Total: 4

3 C o m plete th e te x t w ith w ill, w o n ’t, m ay (n o t)

o r m ig h t (not).

What will our homes be like in

the future? In the homes of the future, there
2___________ be any housework to do, and
it's possible that there 3 beany
cooking because everyone4____________ have
robot helpers to clean the house and cook the
meals. The fridges 5___________ connect to the
Internet and tell you what food to buy. The alarm
clock 6____________ read your daily schedule and
know what time you need to get up for work.
You 7____________ drive to work, the car
8___________ drive itself or we
___________ even have flying cars! It's possible.

Total: 8

54 U nit 5 Review

Language builder Vocabulary builder

6 (C ircle )th e correct o p tio n s . 7 (C ircle )th e co rre ct o p tio n s .
The police______ the thieves down the
a jumped © chased с ran
We keep ice cream in the
a dishwasher b freezer с microwave
Use th e ________ to type your password.
a printer b mouse с keyboard
You can open the apps from the
a keyboard b microchip с touchscreen
You can sit on a ____________ .
a sofa b wardrobe с cupboard
The thief into the bank through
a window.
a climbed b caught с hid
You can cook spaghetti on th e __
a fridge b cooker с heater
We were late so we ate our lunch______
a quickly b sleepily с slowly
I closed the and went to bed.
a blanket pillow с curtains
Martina: Is that a new smartphone?
Steve: Yes, i t 1____________. 12________ 10 Scroll_____ _ the web page to see your
it for my birthday and 13________ emails.
how to use it. a down b in с over
Martina: Nice! Does it have a lot of apps? 11 The road was icy so I walked very________
Steve: Yes, it does. But in my opinion, it a easily b quickly с carefully
hasn't got 4_ games.
download some more. Total: 10
I 5__________
Martina: Is it 6______ _1 _ than your old phone?
________ as fast as those
Steve: Yes, but i t 7________
super-expensive ones. 8 C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n w ith th e w o rd s in
Martina: My mum said she'll give me a th e box.
smartphone if 1 8_ my exam,
Steve: That's great! You 9___________ like You have to .. How do I .. First Now work
some of these new games.
Martina: Yes, but you know we 10______
use them at school. Jenny: Is that a new tablet?
Steve: Yes. The teacher said we 11____ Sue: Yes! Do you want to try it?
use smartphones in the lesson. Jenny: How does i t 1 work ?
2 , you need to press the power
1 a does © is с was button.
b am getting с got Jenny: OK. What do I do next?
2 a get
Sue: 3_________, type in the password.
3 a learn b 'm learning с will learn
Jenny: 4 _________check my email?
4 a enough b the с some
Sue: 5_________press the icon.
5 a prefer b like с might Jenny: I see! Thanks!
6 a fast b faster с fastest
7 a is b isn't с doesn't
Total: 4
8 a pass b will pass с am passing
9 a do b might с should
Total: 55
10 a don't b shouldn't с w on't
11 a must b should с mustn't
Total: 10
U nit 5 Review 55
G et it right! U nit 5

will/ won't, may/might Computer words

Remember, we use the infinitive without to after will, Remember that:

won't, may and might. • we usually use the before Internet.
/ Online friends w on't replace real friends. / I enjoy surfing the Internet.
X Online friends-won't replaced reel friends. • we use on, not in or with, to talk about using the
/ The council might ban cars in the city centre. Internet or a computer.
X ThecouncH might banned cars in-the city centre. / / like playing on my computer.
X I like playing with my computer.
• we usually use a or the with computer.
C orrect fo u r m ore m istakes in th e / I want to learn how to use a computer.
co nve rsa tio n. X / wont to learn how-to use computer.
/ I really enjoy playing on the computer.
Juan: What are you going to do in the X I really enjoy ploying en-computer.
summer? v is jt
Marta: I'm not sure, but I might visited л my
pen friend in Ireland. What about you? 3 Find six m ore m istakes in th e te x t.
Juan: I'll definitely travelled to Europe.
Marta: Oh, where will you go?
I got a new computer for my birthday. I needed
Juan: I'll probably flew to England, and I
computer because I like using Internet and
might studied English there.
Marta: That's a great idea! Well, I might saw playing games. Computer is useful for homework
you in London if I go there. That would and there are lots of useful programs in the
be fantastic! computer too. I've put the computer in my
bedroom. When my friend visits me, we can play
games with the computer. That's great, because
he hasn't got computer at home.
First conditional

Remember that:
Phrasal verbs
• we use the first conditional to talk about the future
result of an action or situation.
• we use if + subject + the present simple in the Remember that:
action/situation clause. We do not use will/won't in • we use on and o ff with take, and down and up
the same clause as if. with turn for some meanings.
/ If I'm late, I will send you a text. • we use on to talk about wearing something or
X If I will be late, I will send you о text. making a piece of equipment start working.
• we put a comma after the //clause when it comes / He put on his coat and left the house.
at the beginning of the sentence. • we use o f f to talk about not wearing something or
/ If I'm late, I will send you a text. making a piece of equipment stop working.
X / will send you о text-if I'm late: / You should take o ff your shoes when you go in.
• we use down to talk about making something less,
and up to talk about making something more.
2 A re th e sentences correct? C orrect th e / You can turn down the music if it's too loud.
in co rre ct sentences. / You can turn up the music if it's too quiet.
1 If you will come with me, I'll be very happy.
I f you come w ith me, I’ll be very happy.___________
A dd on, o ff, dow n o r up to each sentence.
2 If I find your mobile I'll bring it to school tomorrow.
She tu rn e d ^th e TV to watch the news.
It was cold outside, so he put his hat.
3 Lucy will be angry with me if she will find out.
Remember to turn the lights when you leave.
She took her coat because it was wet.
4 I think it will be more fun if you come too.
They turned the music because it was too loud.
Please turn the TV, it's not loud enough.
5 If I w on't finish my homework, I'll be in trouble.

56 Get it rig h t! 5
Life choices
Life events 6 Daniel Craig____________ home when he was
sixteen to join the National Youth Theatre.
1 ★ M atch th e life e vents in th e b o x to th e 7 Before she was famous, Madonna got a
d e fin itio n s . ____________ at a fast food restaurant.
8 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had twins in 2008,
get married start school leave home
and now they have six____________ .
go to university have children leave school
9 Ben Affleck and Matt Damon started the same
take a year out be born get a job
____________ at the same time but Affleck was in
learn to drive a different class.
10 The singer Katy Perry school when
1 You can do this at 16 in most of
she was 15.
Europe, but in Germany it's 18. leave school
2 You need a teacher for th is ... and a 3 ★ ★ ★ Complete the second sentence so th a t
car, of course! ___________ it has the same meaning as the first. Use the
3 The first event in life!__________________________ life events in Exercise 1.
4 Lots of people do this because it 1 My dad taught me to drive in his old car.
helps you to get a better job. ___________ I learned to drive in my dad’s old car.____________
5 We do this to earn money._____________________ 2 I was quite happy to say goodbye to all my
6 Some people do this so they can teachers.
travel or work between school and I wasn't sad when I . . . ________________________
university. * ___________ 3 I'm not sure if I'm ready to look after children.
7 Couples do this when they want to
I don't know if I should . . . _____________________
be together forever. ___________
4 I haven't lived in my parents' house since I was 21
8 Most children do this between the
years old.
ages of three and six. ^ ___________
I __________________________________________________
9 When this happens, you become
5 My first day at school was the day after my fifth
a parent! ___________
10 Everyone has to do this. You can't
live with your parents forever! _______ .
6 My wedding was 10 years ago.
2 ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct My wife and I . . . T__________________
fo rm o f th e w o rd s fro m Exercise 1. 7 I started studying Engineering when I was 18
years old.

8 My sister's birthday is on 8 June.

My sister. . . _____________;_____________________
9 Between school and university I travelled around
South America.
_________ ... and travelled around South America.
1 Johnny Depp and Josh Hutcherson were both 10 After school I started working at a computer
horn in the state of Kentucky, USA. company.
2 Prince William learned t o ____________ when he After school I . . . ______________________________
was sixteen.
3 Salma Hayek went t o ___________ in Mexico City 4 ★ ★ ★ W h a t d o yo u k n o w a b o u t celebrities?
to study a degree in International Relations. Choose one o r m ore and w r ite a b o u t th e ir life
4 The actor Benedict Cumberbatch___________ events. W rite a t least fiv e sentences.
a year out to teach English in Tibet.
Taylor S w ift was horn in December 1 9 3 9 . She le ft
5 Keira Knightley g o t____________ to her husband
school a t 1 4 to become a singer
in the south of France.
U nit 6
Language focus 1
be going to ★ ★ ★ W rite sentences a b o u t th e plans and
in te n tio n s o f th e peo p le in th e ta b le .
1 ★ Choose th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
ta b le . Danny Sarah Sinead
/ climb trees in X play tennis / study for her
1 We use be going to for fu tu re intentions / with Danny exam
the park
Phil Glen Mike
2 They are going have / to have a party.
/ invite Sinead X tidy his room X call Sarah
3 We a ren't / We n ot going to come to your to the cinema
house tonight.
Danny'e going to clim b tre e s in the park.
4 Are you going / Are going you to leave early?
5 Yes, I'm going / 1am. No, he isn't going / isn't.

★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith be g o in g to

and th e verbs in brackets.
1 They’re going to cycle . across Russia for charity,
^ Ц ф 1 о г е phrasal verbs 2
She________________ until she's 30. (not get
married) 5 ★ ★ C o m plete th e d ia ry e n try w ith th e correct
He_________________ a birthday party this year. fo rm o f th e phrasal verbs in th e box.
(not have)
g ro w up f in d o u t w r it e d o w n go out
W e ________________ . my cousins this summer.
try o n get on g e t o ff
(not visit)
She_____ _ Geography at university.
They____ _ camping with their 1 1 found o u t w h a t I’m going t o do
friends this summer, (go)
7 Theo in a bank when he to m o rro w . Y e s te rd a y m y mum cam e in to
leaves school, (not work) m y room and said: ‘Tom orrow w e re going
t o 2____________ shopping. W ere going t o
will vs. be going to
3____________ th e bus and go in to to w n .
★ ★ (C irc jg )th e correct w o rd s. Use be g o in g to
W ere going t o 4____________ a t Lion Road.’
fo r plans and in te n tio n s and w ill fo r predictions.
B u t why? I asked. ‘We’re going t o buy som e
new school sh oe s f o r you ’ she said. New
*ЛЛ * * Ш
V •r " У
shoes! I d o n ’t like shopping f o r sh oe s w ith

2022 is the Chinese year of the tiger, but the m y mum. We go t o te n d iffe re n t s h o p s and
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) believes that wild 15____________ one hundred d iffe re n t pairs.
tigers 1are going to / ( w jl ) disappear completely
in the next 50 years. That's why this year WWF W hy can’t I go on m y own? I asked. ‘When
2is going to / w ill start a new project called Tiger x2. y o u *9________
_________ , you can buy y o u r own
With this project, the WWF 3are going to / w ill try
shoes, I prom ise,’ she said. T h a t’s w hy I’m
to protect 12 important areas where tigers live, and
they 4are going to / w ill use new technology to 7___________ t h i s ____________ - so I won’t
find tigers so they can stop people from killing them. fo r g e t her prom ise!
Experts think this new technology 5is going to / w ill
be very important, but WWF also predicts that it
6isn't going to / w o n 't be easy. Projects like this
always need a lot of money, so the news that the
Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 7is going to / w ill
help save the tigers is fantastic! They think this
8is going to / w ill make a big difference to the tigers.

58 U nit 6
Listening and vocabulary
Containers and materials Listening
1 ★ M atch th e w o rd s in th e b o x w ith th e

carton cardboard box glass jar can plast ic -bag

paper bag crisp packet plastic bottle

1 plastic bag 2

7 _________________ 8
2 ★★ C om plete th e sentences w ith w o rd s fro m
Exercise 1.
1 Can I have a can of coke, please?
2 When I was young I made a house to play in. 3 ★ ★ © Ш Listen to Amelia talk about taking
My 'house' was a b ig ___________ ! a year out. Does she think it's a good idea?
3 How many___________ of milk have we got?
4 ★ ★ © И Я Listen again and tick the correct
4 Many supermarkets charge money for e
____________ now, so people bring their own
1 A gap year is usually the year before university. /
2 Amelia is going to take a gap year.
5 Do you need th a t____________ ? I make jam at
home and I need something to put it in. 3 Young people can work on eco projects in their
gap year.
6 Some shops put your shopping in a ___________
because plastic bags are bad for the environment. 4 Living in a different culture is easy.
7 We buy more than 50 b illion___________ 5 It's a good idea to do something connected to
of water every year, but we recycle only 20 % your future studies.
of them. 6 One of Amelia's friends is going to improve her
Portuguese next year.
7 A gap year can help you to improve important
life skills.
8 Universities don't like students to take a gap year.

U nit 6 59
Language focus 2
Present continuous for future 4 ★ ★ C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n w ith th e
w o rd s in brackets.
1 ( Circle) t h e correct w o rd in th e g ra m m a r A: 'Are you going to the basketball match
ta b le . tomorrow? (you / go)
B: Yes, what time 2___________ ? (we / meet)
We use the present continuous to talk about
A: I don't know. 13___________ with you and Jody.
present / fu tu re arrangements.
My sister and 14___________ to the dentist at
6.30. (not come; go)
2 ★★ Put th e w o rd s In o rd e r to m ake A: How 5____________ to the match then? (you / get)
sentences. Use co n tra ctio n s if possible. B: Mum 6____________ me there after the dentist.
1 They / the / are / housework / doing / on Sunday (drive)
They’re doing the housework on Sunday._________
2 am / Sonia / 1/after school /seeing / not 5 ★ ★ ★ Use th e in fo rm a tio n in th e ta b le to
w r ite sentences w ith th e pre sen t co n tin u o u s
3 We / meeting / tomorrow morning / at / are / eight in th e o rd e r th e y w ill happen.

meet Freddy at 3 o'clock

4 .Two of / are / in June / leaving / my teachers
go to cinema at 7 o'clock
5 not / this school / He / staying / at / is / next year drive Freddy to the cinema
come home for lunch at 2 o'clock 1
6 She / driving test / taking / is / her / this afternoon leave for football practice before Dad
comes home
1 I’m leaving fo r fo o tb a ll practice.________________
3 ★ ★ C om plete th e te x t w ith th e present
c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box. 2 ___________________________________________

6 ★ ★ ★ Have yo u m ade any a rra n g e m e n ts fo r

th e w e e ke n d ? For n e x t w e e k? W h a t are you
d o in g ? W h a t a re n 't yo u d o in g ? W rite a t least
fiv e sentences.
I’m n o t having my English class next Wednesday
afternoon. I’m going to the d e n tis t.

plore verbs w ith prepositions

7 ★ ★ M atch th e sentence b e g in n in g s (1 -6 )
w ith th e sentence e n d in g s (a -f).
1 Tomorrow at school, we're going to learn
2 How much are you going to pay
3 When I woke up I was dreaming
bring drive arrive not take not stay take 4 I don't want to watch TV so I'm going to listen
5 I can't go out now because I'm waiting
The players 'arearriving at the airport at four 6 I don't want to spend more than £600
o'clock. First, a coach 2 ____________ them here
to the Town Hall. Then the m ayor 3___________ a on a new computer.
them outside with the cup at five o'clock. They b to some music for a while,
4 ____________ there for a long time, because at с for the car you're buying?
5.30 they 5 ____________ through the city to the d about scoring a goal in the World Cup final!
stadium in an open-top bus. This time the players e about the history of Poland,
6___________ the cup with them on the bus. f for my friend to arrive.
They don't want any accidents.

60 U nit 6
★ Read th e te x t a b o u t tw o p e o p le a n d h o w th e ir lives changed.
W h a t d o th e y have in jc o m m o n ? (5 rd e )th e correct o p tio n .
a They went from poor to rich. b They did something surprising. с They had an unhappy life.

L fie c h o ic e s
I was the first person in my family to go to university, and when I left
I found a job in a bank in the city of London. At first I enjoyed it, and
after ten years I had a good position and a great salary, but I hated
it! I needed a more rewarding job, so I decided to become a teacher.
I started as a volunteer in a secondary school. It was demanding but
fantastic. Now I’m doing a teacher training course and next week I’m
starting teaching practice. Then I’m going to look for a permanent
job. Classrooms need enthusiasm and creativity. I hope I can make
a difference to the young people I’ll teach. People think I’m mad, but
I know it’s the right career choice for me!

She left school at 16 and learned about food at

her parents’ health food shop. She had her son
when she was 19. He was allergic to dairy and
nuts, and Kirsty couldn’t find any dairy-free ice
cream he could eat. So she bought a cheap ice
cream machine and made her own ice cream
in her kitchen. Her son loved it, her family and
friends loved it, and she decided to start a
business. It soon became a big success.
Now you can buy her ice cream in most UK
supermarkets, and soon she’s taking it to the
USA. Next year she’s going to launch cheap,
healthy meals you can buy in the supermarket.
Her business is growing, and she will be a
millionaire when her son starts secondary school.

2 ★ ★ C om plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e w o rd s 3 ★ ★ Read th e te x t in Exercise 1 again.

in b o ld in th e te x t. C om plete th e sentences w ith M ike o r K irsty.
1 The money that you earn in a year for your job is 1 Mike had a lot of money before.
your salary . 2 ___________ will be rich in the future.
2 Your____________ is all the different jobs that you 3 ___________ had no business experience.
do in your life. 4 ___________ didn't like his/her career.
3 When a company___________ a product, they 5 ___________ went back to studying as an adult.
sell it for the first time. 6 ___________ has made a decision people don't
4 ____________ products are foods like milk, cheese understand.
or yoghurt. 7 ___________ created something new.
5 A ____________ job is one that you like and that
makes you feel good. 4 ★ ★ ★ W hose s to ry w as m ore surprising,
6 If something is ____________ it is hard and needs a M ike's o r Kirsty's? W hy? Do you k n o w anyone
lot of your time and effort. w h o had a big change in th e ir life? W h a t did
th e y do?

U nit 6 61
A thank you email
1 Read Hayley's e m a il to her a u n t. H o w d id she h e lp Hayley?

ЦоигMAIL (+ ) New

Dear Auntie Jane,

I'm writing to thank you for helping me
choose Mum's 50th birthday present.
I had no idea what to get her so I really
^enjoyed looking for a present with you.
She loved the earrings we chose.
Dad gave her a holiday to Venice.
They're planning to go for two weeks
and while they're away, I'm going to
stay with Nicole, my best friend. I'll
need to sleep on her sofa but I don't
mind doing that. It'll be fun!
Anyway, I should go now because
I promised to help with the dinner
tonight and I have to finish doing my
Thanks again for all your help.

2 Read th e em ail again. A n s w e r th e q uestions. 4 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm

How old is Hayley's m um ?___________ o f th e verbs in th e b o x below .
What did Hayley buy for her m um ?___
Where is her mum going with her dad? help study watch play buy take

Who is Nicole? 1 My teacher is planning to take our class on

Where is Hayley going when her parents are on a school trip.
holiday?___________ 2 My brother enjoys____________ computer games
with his friends.
3 I have an exam tomorrow so I need___________
Useful language V erb p a tte rn s tonight.
4 We finished____________ the film at 8 pm last
Look back a t Hayley's em ail. C o m plete th e night.
phrases w ith th e w o rd s in th e te x t. 5 They promised me a tablet for my
I really enjoyed looking fo ra present w ith you birthday.
They're planning__________________________ 6 I don't mind _ you with your
I'll need__________________________________ homework.
I don't m in d __
I promised___
I have to finish

62 u n it 6
Writing f §
5 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct PLAN
q u e stio n w o rd s .
9 You are g o in g to w r ite a th a n k yo u em ail to
where how many how what when a frie n d o r fa m ily m e m b e r w h o helped yo u.
Choose one o f th e s itu a tio n s b e lo w . Then use
1 It's my friend's party and I don't know th e ideas in Exercise 8 and m ake notes.
what to wear. ____________ helped me with ...
2 My mum and dad are trying to decide a a present
___________ to go on holiday. b a holiday
3. Let's talk a bo u t____________ to have the party - с a decision
How about next Friday? d organising a party
4 I'm writing to ask yo u ____________ to make a
very important decision in my life. WRITE
5 I'm not sure___________ people to invite to the
10 W rite th e th a n k yo u em ail. Look a t page 71 o f
party. I think 20 friends will be enough.
th e S tudent's Book to h elp you.
6 ( S r c l j ) th e co rre ct o p tio n .
1 I'd like to thank you o f /( fo r ) all your help.
2 I was hoping to talk to / w ith you about
3 My dad's thinking to / o f taking my mum on a
romantic weekend.
4 Did you hear o f / a bout the present I got from
Uncle Hugh?
5 I'm writing to / fo r you to say thanks.

• Make it better! / / /
: Include different phrases to say thank you.
: Thank you so much. CHECK
: I t ’s very kind o f you.
11 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can yo u say YES to these
7 W hich o f these is n o t a phrase to say • Did you use the ideas in Exercise 8 ?
th a n k you? • Do you use the correct verb patterns?
1 Thanks a lot! • Do you use prepositions correctly?
2 I really appreciate it. • Do you use different phrases to say thank you?
3 I'm writing to thank you for the beautiful present.
Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?
4 Did you say thanks to your mum?
5 Thank you so much for everything.

8 Look back a t Hayley's em ail. Tick ( / ) th e

in fo rm a tio n she includes.
1 the reason for writing □
2 what happened □
3 other news □
4 her aunt's health □
5 future plans □
6 phrases to say thank you □

U nit 6 63
6 Review

Vocabulary Language focus

Life events be going to
1 M atch th e sentence halves. 3 C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n w ith th e co rre ct
I want to travel around the world when I ... _c_ fo rm o f be g o in g to and th e verbs in brackets.
I want to study Art when I go to ... ___
I was 25 when my first child was .... ___ Jack: W h a t 1 are you going to do (you / do)
I was 18 when I ... ___ this summer?
I want to buy a car but first, I need to learn . . . __ Rosie: 12 : (work)
on a farm. How about you?
After I leave university, I want to ... ___
3_____________________ (you / do)
If I meet the right person, I'll probably g e t... __ anything special?
to drive, Jack: Well, I 4_________ (not work)!
left school, Rosie: 5
(you / travel)?
Jack: Yes, I am. My brother
take a year out.
(sail) to Alaska
university, (take) me
and he
get a job. with him!
married, Rosie: That sounds amazing!
Total: 6 Total: 6

Containers and materials will vs. be going to

2 W rite th e w o rd s in th e b o x u n d e r th e correct C om plete th e sentences w ith be g o in g to
p icture. You can use som e w o rd s m ore th a n fo r fu tu re plans and in te n tio n s , o r w ill fo r
once. pre dictio n s. Use th e verbs in brackets.
I think more people will recycle in the future,
bag bottle box can cardboard carton (recycle)
crisp packet glass jar paper plastic I _______________ all my homework on Friday
night before I go out. (do)
He's a very good footballer - I think he
______________ for Brazil one day! (play)
W e _______________ petrol in cars in the future.
(not use)
Danny and Sara house in six
months, (move)
W e ___________ the football tonight, we've
got other plans, (not watch)
Total: 5

Total: 7
34 U nit 6 Review

esent continuous for future Vocabulary builder
W rite sentences w ith th e p re sen t c o n tin u o u s 7 ( fir c lg )th e co rre ct o p tio n s .
a b o u t Jeannine's plans. 1 We buy milk in ___________ or glass bottles.
1 5he’s playing basketball a t 5 o ’c lock on Monday. (a) cartons b paper bags с glass jars
2 ________________________________________ 2 After lunch, my dad washed all the plates in the
3 :_________________________
4 ____________________________________________ a mirror b sink с desk
5 ____________________________________________ 3 Does yo u r make photocopies?
6 __________________________________________ a printer b memory stick с tablet
4 For m e ,________• is being with my friends.
Monday play basketball a t 5 o’clock a illness b kindness с happiness
Tuesday do Maths exam a t 3 o’clock 5 I enjoyed my job and I w as____________ a lot of
Wednesday go to Tom’s party a t 7 o’clock money.
a selling b earning с shopping
Thursday go to the cinema with Katrina a t 8 o’clock
6 I'd like t o ____________ children in the future.
Friday go swimming after school
a make b do с have
Saturday do yoga In the afternoon 7 I spend a lot of money____________ clothes.
a to b on с for
Total: 5 8 Can you help m e the washing,
nguage builder a do b make с have
( Circle)th e co rre ct o p tio n s . 9 Before I go to university, I'll____________ a year
a go b be с take
Jake: 11____________ Japan on a student
10 When I , I want to be a
Naomi: Really? 12 to Japan last year. photographer.
I had 3____________ time! a grow up b am born с get on
Jake: Can you give m e 4____________advice? 11 As soon as I'm eighteen, I'm going t o home.
W hat 5_________ I take with me? a go b leave с buy
Naomi: Take a really good camera. I took
Total: 10
6___________ fantastic photos on my trip.
7___________ any Japanese? Speaking
Jake: I study Japanese at school. That's why I
8___________ on this trip. But I'm not as * 8 Put th e co n ve rsa tio n in th e correct order.
good as some of the others in my class. 1 __ B: Absolutely. That's a much better idea.
2 __ A: Do you think university students should
1 (a) am going to visit 5 a should get a weekend job?
b will visit b must 3 __ A: I suppose you're right. Do you think they
с visit should get a job in the holidays?
с will
2 a go 4 __ B: Maybe, but I also think they need that
6 a some *
time to study.
b was going b any
с went с much Total: 4
3 a best 7 a Are you speaking
Total: 50
b the best b Were you
с the better speaking
4 a much с Do you speak
b any 8 a go
с many b am going
с will go
Total: 7

U nit 6 Review 65
02 G et it right! U nit 6

will vs. be going to Verbs with prepositions

Remember that: Remember, some verbs take a preposition between

• we use be going to to talk about future plans and the verb and the indirect object. Don't forget the
intentions. preposition!
/ I'm going to study on Saturday night. / I enjoy listening to my mp3 player on the bus.
X I will study on Saturday night. X I enjoy listening my mp3 player on the bus.
• we use will, not be going to, to talk about predictions.
/ If I can, I w ill call you tomorrow.
X If I con, I'm going-te-coll you tomorrow. A re th e sentences correct? A d d th e correct
p re p o s itio n w h e re necessary.
1 I will w a it ^ o u in front of the cinema.
1 (C ird e )th e correct w o rd s. 2 They were listening the radio this morning.
3 If you haven't got any money, I will pay the
■21Hi Zara,
New mail
4 Young people often dream flying.
I’m glad you 1 will /<fre goinglg)come to the festival 5 Do you spend a lot of money books?
with us next weekend. Here are the plans - 2we’ll / 6 I want to learn English on the Internet.
we’re going to meet at the train station at 11.30
a n d 3we’re going to / we’ll get a train at midday.
Time expressions
There 4are going to / will be lots of bands on in the
afternoon and they probably 5aren’t going to / won’t
finish until around midnight. Do you think your dad Remember that:
6will / is going to pick us up if we ask him? • we use on before dates and days of the week.
Thanks, / I flew to Paris on 6 July.
• we use in before months, seasons and years.
/ I went to Paris in July.
• we use at before the time.
/ The plane landed at 6.45 pm.
Present continuous for future • we don't usually use a preposition before next/last/
this week/month/morning, etc.
Remember that: / I am going to Argentina next summer.
• we use the present continuous to talk about future X I am going to Argentina on next summer.
plans and intentions.
/ He's going to Brazil on holiday this summer.
• we use the present simple to talk about facts, habits 4 C orrect fiv e m ore m istakes in th e d ia lo g u e .
and routines.
/ She visits her grandparents every summer. Rory: Hi, Karen, what are you doing?
Karen: I'm going to the dentist ©в л 10 o'clock.
Then, on this afternoon, I'm meeting Sarah
2 A re th e sentences correct? Correct th e to talk about our holiday. We're going to
in co rre ct sentences. Italy with her parents on July!
Rory: Wow! That's exciting. What are you doing
1 At the weekend he is sleeping until 9 o'clock in
this evening?
the morning.
Karen: I'm going to the cinema. The film begins on
A t the weekend, he sleeps u n til 9 o’c lock in______ 8 o'clock. Do you want to come with us?
the morning.__________________________________ Rory: Oh, thank you, but I can't. I've got an
2 They are flying to Moscow next Wednesday. exam at next week, so I have to study.
The exam's on Tuesday. Maybe we can go
3 John plays the piano in the school concert this year. to the cinema on next Saturday? I think
there's usually a film at about 2 o'clock.
Karen: Great! See you there! Good luck with
4 My friends have a party next Saturday.
your exam.

5 He always travels to school by bus.

66 Get it rig h t! 6
Accidents and injuries
★ Find nine m ore verbs fo r
accidents and in ju rie s in th e w o rd h u rt 2 ________ 3 _______
search. W rite th e m u n d e r th e your back over the dog your car

с r a s h 0 1 b

p I e h i n V e r
s f a I I 9 tN 4 \g e
m I d a n b r r a
4 _________ 5 ________ 6 _________ off
t e i I 0 u a с 0 к your finger your head your bike
r a X P P r P b u t
i n d I r n n r i t

P r e b a n g V b e

on 10
ice your leg your hand your fingers

2 ★ ★ Complete the sentences w ith the past 4 ★ ★ ★ C om plete th e s to ry w ith th e correct

tense o f the verbs from Exercise 1. fo rm o f th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 When I was ten I fe ll o ff my bike and
___________ my leg. I couldn't do sport for ages! trip/over fall off/bike burn/hand
2 The man was really tall so h e ___________ his cut/finger hurt/back crash/car
head when he went through the door. bang/head
3 The robber____________ over a dog when he was
running away and dropped the woman's bag. Yesterday there were a lot of accidents in our house.
My dad ]h u rt his hack when he tried to move the
4 Someone their car outside our
school yesterday. Everyone heard the noise. sofa. My mum 2____________ when she opened a can
of cat food and then later she 3____________ while
5 He his hand when he was cooking a
she was cooking some chicken. Then my granddad
fried egg.
4____________ the cat and 5___________ on the wall.
6 My granddad____________ on some ice when he
My sister went cycling in the park and 6____________ .
was walking to the shops and___________ his
She couldn't walk and her leg hurt, so we all went to
the hospital in Dad's car. Then Dad 7____________ into
7 She____________ her finger when she was an ambulance! I was fine!
opening a can.
★ ★ ★ D o yo u k n o w anyo n e w h o has a lo t o f
3 ★ ★ (Circle) the wrong word. accidents? Have y o u r frie n d s had an accident
1 I banged my (c a r)/ head / knee. o r in ju re d them selves? W rite a t least fiv e
2 She fell o ff / broke / h u rt her skateboard. sentences.
3 He broke / h u rt / trip p e d his leg skiing.
When Jamie was six, he fe ll o ff a wall and broke
4 You trapped your fo o t / fin g e r / chest.
his arm.
5 I cut / fe ll / b u rn t my finger yesterday.
6 He tripped over the dog / your bike / the house.

U nit 7 67
Language focus 1
Present perfect 4 ★ ★ C o m plete th e te x t w ith th e present
p e rfe c t fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets.
1 ★ C om plete th e rules in th e g ra m m a r ta b le
w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.

hasn't has when have haven't

1 We use the present perfect to talk about

My friends and I did an internet quiz called 50 things
things in the past. We don't know exactly
to do before you're 18. All of us 1 have been (go)
they happened.
camping but we 2______ - (not have) a holiday
2 Affirmative: without adults. We 3 __________ (watch) a film in
I/We/You/They + past participle 3D. W e 4__________ (not meet) a famous person,
He/She/It + past participle _______ (see) Penelope Cruz in the street.
but 1 5________
3 Negative: ________ (hold) a snake at a safari park,
David 6_______
I/We/You/They + past participle and Alicia 7____________ (sing) in a concert - actually,
He/She/It + past participle lots of concerts! We 8___________ (not do) anything
, dangerous like bungee jumping. But we're only 15 sc
there's lots of time!
2 ★ ★ W rite th e past p a rtic ip le o f th e verbs in
th e ta b le .

crash ride
1 crashed 2
fall teach
3 4 ★ ★ ★ W rite sentences a b o u t w h a t Candice
meet break
has and h a s n 't done.
5 6
crash do break her meet ride a
slip go
her something leg someone horse
7 8 bike dangerous famous
/ / X X /
★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e pre sen t
She has crashed her bike.
p e rfe c t fo rm o f th e verbs fro m Exercise 2.
Jackie hasn’t m et a famous person. (X)
I ____________ my arm twice in the same place! ( / )
They___________ to hospital ten times! ( / )
We _ a motorbike but we want to! (X)
Fred _ his car, but he's OK. ( / )
^ D k p lo r e expressions w ith get
She. . on some ice in the street. ( / )
You . off your bike today. You're 6 ★ ★ M atch th e sentence b e g in n in g s (1 -6 )
getting better! (X) w ith th e sentence end in g s (a -f).
My English teacher at this school for Yesterday I missed the bus and got _e_
very long. (X) I'm sorry you're not feeling well and I hope
you get __
I've never slipped on ice and got I
If I go home late, my mum gets
I hate sitting in the back of the car because
I always get________________________________ ___
Do you know anyone who doesn't want to g e t __
injured. . d sick,
married? e home late,
better soon. f worried.

68 U nit 7
Listening and vocabulary
The body
1 ★ ★ Use th e p ictu re to co m p le te th e crossw ord.

2 ★ ★ ★ W rite th e correct parts o f th e b o d y

fro m Exercise 1.
1 You shouldn't put these on the table
while you're eating. elbows 7
2 This is always behind you. ___________
3 You cannot break this. ___________
4 This is where you put your watch. ___________
5 You use this to move your head. ___________
6 Hang your school bag from these. ___________ 8
7 When you fall over you usually
hurt these.________________________ ___________
8 Your socks help to keep these warm. ___________
4 ★ ★ © « a Listen again and choose th e
Listening correct o p tio n s .
3 ★ ★ О к а Listen to S ophie ta lk in g to her 1 What does Sophie say about canyoning?
frie n d Rob a b o u t e xtre m e sports. Tick ( / ) th e (a) It's dangerous.
sports th a t Sophie has done. b She's tried it once,
с She's had an accident.
2 Sophie explains th a t ...
a she likes being scared,
b she never gets frightened,
с she doesn't take risks.
3 Rob says that he ...
a hasn't done any sport,
b likes being scared too.
с enjoys safer sports.
4 Sophie hasn't been bungee jumping because ...
a her parents think it's too expensive.
b she isn't old enough,
с she prefers other sports.
5 Sophie explains that parkour...
canyoning и climbing □ a is only practised in France,
football □ hang-gliding □ b isn't very difficult.
kite-surfing □ parkour □ с is a sport you do in a city.
rafting □ running □ 6 What is true about Sophie?
snowboarding □ tennis □ a She's fallen off her bike.
volleyball □ windsurfing □ b She's broken her shoulder,
с She's crashed her surfboard.

U nit 7 69
Language focus 2
Present perfect: questions 3 ★ ★ ★ W rite q ue stio n s in th e pre sen t p e rfe c t
f o r these answ ers.
1 ★ Circle th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r 1 Have you ever broken a p a rt o f your body?______
ta b le . Yes, I have. I broke my leg last year.

1 We use questions in the present perfect to ask

about present / past experiences. No, I haven't but I'd like to visit Rio.

2 Have / Has you ever be / been to Spain?

Yes, I have. I went to see Веуопсё last October.
Have / Has your brother started / start
I'm not sure. I think I've read about 30 books in
3 To ask about your w hole life / recent
my life.
experiences put ever before / a fte r the subject.
4 Have they ever trie d / trie d ever bungee
Yes, I have. I fell off my bike once and hurt my leg.
jumping? Yes, they has / have.

Yes, we have. We had a cat a few years ago.

2 ★ ★ W rite q ue stio n s w ith th e p re sen t p erfe ct.
Then m atch th e q ue stio n s to th e answ ers.
Past simple vs. present perfect
4 ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct
fo rm o f th e past sim p le o r p re se n t p e rfe c t and
th e verbs in brackets,
1 l fe ll o ff my bike yesterday and hurt my
arm. (fall off)
2 My brother____________ his leg three times.
He loves dangerous sports, (break)
3 I've eaten rabbit but I _________ horse, (eat)
4 My sister ________ married in 2 01 0 . (get)
5 I _______ snowboarding with my family in
December, (go)
6 My best friend _ a new tablet. It's
amazing! (buy)
at 7 am this morning, (get up)
8 They to New York but we haven't, (go)

1 Jack/go/kite-surfing?
Has Jack been kite-surfing? _j
^ f j k p l o r e com pound nouns
2 it / snow / a lot? 5 ★ M atch th e parts o f th e co m p o u n d w o rd s .
1 forest a life
3 your parents / crash / their car / ever / ? 2 charity * b floor
3 fire с worker
4 Helen / c u t / her hand? 4 fishing d wood
5 wild e boat
5 we / see / this film about a plane crash / ever / ?
6 ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s
in Exercise 5.
6 y o u /b re a k /y o u r a rm /e v e r/?
1 I've always wanted to be a c h a rity worker to help
other people.
a Yes, I have. Twice! 2 My uncle has a and we sometimes
b No, he hasn't, go on the lake in it.
с No, they haven't, 3 We'll need lots o f ____________ to keep warm
d Yes, we have. Last month! when we go camping.
e Yes, she has. In Art class, 4 I love watching TV programmes about
f Yes, it has. Look out for ice! ___________ - especially about African animals.
5 In the morning, we saw some rabbits running
across th e ___________ .

70 U nit 7
1 ★ Read th e te x t a b o u t a to w n in Canada. 2 ★★ M a tch th e w o rd s in b o ld in th e te x t w ith
W h a t is C hurchill try in g to .d o a b o u t p o la r th e d e fin itio n s .
bears? 1 Summer, winter, spring or autumn. season
2 When different people or things live
POLAR BEAR ALERT together. ___________
3 A warning to tell people something
Churchill, on Hudson Bay in Manitoba, Northern Canada, dangerous might happen. ___________
is the polar bear capital of the world. The town has about 4 When a person or animal is very
800 inhabitants and close by there are about the same hungry because there is no food
number of bears! to eat. ___________
The town of Churchill and the bears lived together 5 The people who live in a place. ___________
peacefully for 300 years with only two fatal bear attacks. 6 When people or animals meet
However, climate change has made co-existence more by chance. ___________
difficult. The ice season in Hudson Bay has got shorter,
and this has made it difficult for them to find food in spring 3 ★ ★ Read th e te x t again and a n sw e r th e
and autumn. So, many bears are starving and coming q uestions.
to look for food in Churchill. Recently a bear injured two
1 How many polar bears live near Churchill?
people at night.
A bout 3 0 0 .__________________________________
Churchill wants bears and humans to co-exist, so it has a
Polar Bear Alert programme, managed by Bob Wilson of
2 What is the effect of climate change on the
Manitoba Conservation. The idea is not to kill the bears, people and bears?
but to make them scared of people so they run away. Bob
has different ways to scare the bears: a pistol with blanks, 3 Have they attacked anyone in the town recently?
a noisy air horn, firecrackers, even a paintball gun! There
is also a special bear ‘jail’ if they don’t run away. Then, 4 What does the Polar Bear Alert programme try
Manitoba Conservation takes these bears back into the to do?
tundra by helicopter.
Bob and his colleagues patrol Churchill 24-hours a day. 5 What does Bob use to frighten the bears?
In November, one of the most dangerous months, there are
often 20 alerts a day. Luckily, most encounters between
people and bears in Churchill haven’t been serious. One 6 What do they do with bears that don't leave
woman threw a bag of shopping at a bear to scare it away. the town?
Last year, there were more than 160 similar incidents in
one week.
Most of the bears are sub-adult males. 4 W rite th re e o r fo u r q ue stio n s to ask Bob
‘Teenagers,’ said one officer. W ilson o r one o f th e peo p le w h o saw a bear
‘They’re the ones that get in th e to w n . Then w r ite th e answ ers - yo u
into trouble.’ can in v e n t th e m !

U nit 7 71
An email refusing an invitation Useful language P o lite la n g u a g e
f o r r e fu s in g ------------
1 Read E dw ard's e m ail. W h y c a n 't he g o
cam ping?
3 Find expressions in E dw ard's e m ail w ith th e
tiSfc \ Ail ( + ) New Reply | ▼ Delete Junk | ▼ same m e a nin g as th e sentences b e lo w .
1 Sorry, I can't come.
I’m sorry, I’d love to go w ith you b u t I can’t.
2 Have fun.

3 I'm really sorry.

4 Could we go another weekend?

4 Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake sentences

th a t e xp la in w h y yo u need to refuse an
in v ita tio n .
1 hurt / leg / fell / 1/ and / my
1fe ll and h u rt my lea.
2 party / are / My / having / a / cousins

3 Monday / 1/ an / have to / on / study / exam / for

Hi George,
4 bike / arm / fell off / my / my / 1 / broke / and
Thanks for writing to me about the camping
trip next weekend. I'm sorry, I'd love to go with
you but I can't. My cousin's getting married 5 70th / and / surprise party / birthday / we're / my /
that weekend. I didn't tell you before because having / It's / a / grandmother's
I completely forgot about it. My mum told me
months ago and I put it in my phone, but then I
lost the phone!
5 Some verbs in English have tw o objects.
He's going to have the party on the beach. I've R e w rite th e sentences so th e d ire c t o b je ct
never been to a beach party before so it'll be fun. in th e firs t sentence comes a t th e end o f th e
All my cousins are going to be there. I haven't
n e w sentence.
seen them since last summer. So how about
another weekend? 1 My parents bought a present for me.
M y parents bouaht me a present.
Sorry again! If you can't change the dates,
have a great time. I'll send you some photos of 2 Helen showed the photos of the party to me.
the party.
Enjoy yourselves! 3 We gave a surprise to my dad.
4 Jeff sent the video to me.

5 Aidan lent his bike to me for the weekend.

2 Read E dw ard's em ail again. A n s w e r th e
q ue stions. 6 My mum found som$ tickets for me.
1 When did Edward's mum tell him
about the party? _____
2 Why did Edward forget about it? _____
3 Where is the party going to be? _____
4 When did Edward last see his cousins?

5 What will he send George?

72 u n it 7
...................................................... PLAN
Make it b ette r! / / / 8 You are g o in g to w r ite an e m ail re fusing
Finish the email by telling your friends to have a an in v ita tio n to a frie n d o r fa m ily m em ber.
good time. Use th e ideas b e lo w to h elp yo u . Then m ake
I hope you have a great tim e a t the concert. notes.
You've been invited to ...

6 W hich sentence does n o t te ll som eone to a family party a concert the cinema a party
have a g o o d tim e ?
1 Enjoy yourselves! You can't go because ...
2 I'm sorry I'm going to miss it.
3 I hope you have a great time. you/your friend had an accident
4 I hope you like the camp. you haven't got enough money
5 Have a great weekend! you are busy that day

7 W rite th e in fo rm a tio n in th e o rd e r it is in
E dw ard's em ail. WRITE
9 W rite th e em ail. Look a t page 83 o f th e
apologise again
S tudent's Book to help yo u.
close the email
say why you can't go to the event
suggest another time to meet

1 apologise
2 __________
3 ___________

Уоиале uwited. to-

10 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can yo u say YES to these
• Did you use the ideas in Exercise 8 ?
• Did you use polite language for refusing the
• Did you explain why you can't go?
• Did you use verbs with two objects correctly?
• Did you tell your friends to have a good time?
• Did you write the information in your email in the
correct order?
Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?

U nit 7 73
Vocabulary Language focus
Accidents and injuries Present perfect: affirmative and
1 M a tch th e sentence halves.
I h u rt... Jl 3 C o m plete th e em ail w ith th e p re se n t p e rfe c t
I b u rn t... __ fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets.
I c u t... __
I slipped... ___ Hi Julie,
We'rejnaving fun on holfday. My parents love
I broke ... __
climbing but we 1 haven’t climbed (not
I banged ... ___
climb) any hills because mum 2_____________
I tripped... ___
(hurt) her ankle and can't walk very well!
my finger on that big knife. W e3 : (go) to the beach, and
my back while I was lifting some boxes. (have) some surfing lessons.
.my hand while I was cooking, My sister ________ (try) ten different
my head on the table, ’ flavours of ice cream. How about you? How was
my leg when I fell off my bike, your holiday?
over the dog when I was running into the kitchen, Tania
on the ice while I was skating.
Total: 4
Total: 6
Present perfect: questions
The body
Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake q uestions.
2 W rite th e nam e fo r each p a rt o f th e body.
Use th e past p a rtic ip le fo rm o f th e verbs
in brackets.
1 ever / you / (write) / a diary / Have
Have you ever w ritten a diary_______________
2 ever / your brother / Has / a competition / (win)
2 с
3 (eat) / ever / you / shark / Have

4 you / Have / (break) / ever / your ankle

5 Have / your parents / (visit) / Australia / ever

6 your sister / in a concert / (play) / Has / violin / eve'

Total: 5

Past simple vs. present perfect

5 ( circle)th e correct options.
1 Barak Obama has become /(ё е с а т§ ) the US
7 к president in 2009.
2 Has your country ever had / Did your country
ever have a woman president?
3 Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have
walked / w alked on the moon in July 1969.
4 The Wright brothers have invented / invented
the world's first aeroplane.
Total: 7 5 Around 40% of Americans travelled / have
travelled to another country.
Total: 4
74 U nit 7 Review

Language builder 6 My m u m ____________ on ice and hurt her ankle.

a banged b tripped с slipped
6 ( Circ7e)th e correct o p tio n s to co m p le te th e 7 We haven't put the books in cardboard
co nve rsa tio n.
a packets b bags с boxes
Liz: Have you ever1. any bones? 8 My brother was sick last week but he's getting
Jamie: Yes, 12________ my arm when I
3____________ skiing in Italy last winter.
a better b good с home
Liz: That's terrible ! 4____________ it really
_________ because she didn't cry
9 She was very___________
Jamie: Yes! 15_______ use my arm for about when she broke her wrist,
three months. a funny b brave с kind
Liz: 16___________ skiing this winter. 10 G o ____________ or you'll fall off your bike.
I hope I don't have an accident! a well b quietly с slowly
W hat 7____________ I wear?
Total: 9
Jamie: You 8____________ wear a helmet.
That's very important, and you Speaking
9____________ ski on your own.
Liz: That's good advice. Do you think 8 C om plete th e co nve rsa tio ns w ith w o rd s fro m
snowboarding is 10____________ than th e box.
Jamie: Skiing is 11___________ than
snowboarding because you can turn
more quickly.
* ^
1 a break b broke © broken
2 a break b broke с broken
3 a was b have с were
4 a Did b Was с Were
5 a couldn't b shouldn't с haven't
6 a will go b am going to go
terrible no up shame sorry How
с go -
7 a will b should с could
1 A: Hi, Caroline!
8 a should b could с must
B: Hi Sam, what have you been _ Ш- to?
9 a mustn't b couldn't с w on't
2 A: I hurt my finger.
10 a most dangerous b more dangerous
dangerous B: What a ____________ !
b the least dangerous 3 A: I've burned my wrist.
11 a less dangerous
с dangerous B: That's____________ .
4 A: Someone stole my bicycle!
Total: 10
B: I'm __________ to hearthat.
Vocabulary builder 5 A: I've passed all my exams!
B: ____________ amazing!
7 (Circle)th e correct options. 6 A: I've hurt my hand.
1 Have you ever your car?
B: Oh i
a hurt b slipped © crashed
2 Tom fell off his bike and injured.
a did b got с turned
3 You haven't written the new words.
a on b down с for
4 Why did you vour towel at me?
a catch b jump с throw
5 I can't hear you. the music!
a Turn down b Turn up с Shut down

U nit 7 Review 75
G et it right! U nit 7

Present perfect 2 A re th e sentences correct? C orrect th e

in co rre ct sentences.
Remember that: 1 I never have been to Australia.
I have never been to A ustralia.__________________
• we use subject + have + past participle to talk
about past experiences. Don't forget to use have\ 2 It was the best party I have never been to.
/ He can't play football because he has broken
his leg. 3 You have ever travelled on an aeroplane?
X He can't ploy football because ho broken his leg.
• we use have + subject + past participle to ask 4 This^smartphone is the best phone I have ever had.
questions about past experiences.
/ Has he broken his leg?
5 He's had a lot of accidents, but he hasn't never
X Не-has broken his leg? broken any bones.

6 He told us he has ever spoken English outside class.

1 Find and correct seven m ore mistakes in th e
em ail.
7 Have they never been in hospital?
Ш ЕШ New mail
Hi Tim,
Spell it rig h t! Past participles
I can't come to the picnic this afternoo^n! M y dad
can't drive me to the park because he A^iurt
his back. M y brother can't bring me because he Remember that:
injured his foot. M y sister fell off her bike and
• with irregular verbs, the past simple form of the verb
she thinks she broken her arm. And I have to stay and the past participle are often different. Look at
at home because my dog eaten something bad. the irregular verb table on page 127 of the Student's
As for M artin, I not heard from him. You have Book.
seen him this week? I hope he not had an / John fe ll (past simple) off his bike last week.
accident too! У Come quickly! John has fallen (past participle)
off his bike.

ever or
3 W rite th e correct p ast sim ple and past
Remember that: p a rtic ip le fo rm o f th e verbs.
• we can use ever or never to talk about experiences
Infinitive Past simple Past participle
in the past.
• we use have + subject + ever + past participle to eat a te eaten
make questions. see
/ Have you ever eaten fried insects?
X You hove over eaten fried insects?
• we use ever, not never, in statements after fly •
superlative adjectives.
/ It's the most serious accident he has ever had.
X Ite-the-most serious accident he has never hod. write
• we do not use never in sentences that are already speak
/ They have never been to Asia. break
/ They haven't ever been to Asia. fall
X They haven't never been to Asia.

76 Get it rig h t! 7
Having fun
Free time activities 3 ★ ★ Complete the sentences w ith the correct
form o f the verbs in Exercise 1.
[I ★ C o m plete th e fre e tim e a c tiv itie s w ith th e 1 Yesterday I m et my friends in the park.
verbs in th e box.
2 While I ____________ the Internet, my mum called
me for dinner.
take watch spend draw play
3 I ___________ (not) an instrument, but I'd like to
have meet play use read
learn the guitar.
4 It was raining so we stayed at home and
___________ computer games.
5 My friend Lucy always___________ pictures in
6 I don't really like ____________ books or
7 It was my dad's birthday so w e ___________
a party.
8 ___________ yo u _____________a lot of photos
while you were on holiday?
9 I think it's important t o ____________ time with
your family at the weekend.
10 When I don't want to go out, I stay at home and
___________ films on my computer.

4 ★ ★ ★ Which free tim e activity are they

1 have a party talking about? Write a sentence.
2 ___________ computer games 1 'This is a good one of you and Paul, you're both
3 ___________ books or magazines smiling. I'm going to put it on my blog.'
4 ___________ friends She too k a photo._____________________________
5 ___________ films 2 'I've only got about 20 more pages to read. I can't
6 ___________ time with your family wait to see what happens!'
7 ___________ an instrument She 4______________________
8 ___________ the Internet 3 'Let's make it a surprise. Don't tell her. We'll invite
all her friends.'
9 ___________ pictures
10 ___________ photos
4 'I've got a new one. It's cool but I'm only on Level
2 Choose th e correct o p tio ns. 5 and there are 100 levels!'
1 Let's stay at home and (w atcj)) / use films. He___________________________________________
2 At weekends, I go to the shopping centre to 5 'OK, 11 o'clock at the door of the sports centre.
meet / take my friends. Don't be late.'
3 If you're bored, you can use / draw pictures. They_________________________________________
4 My dad likes reading / using the Internet to find 6 'I like chatting with my cousins and my mum and
information. dad always have a great time.'
5 My sister to o k / spent some photos at the zoo. She__________________________________________
6 Having / Reading books and magazines is a nice 7 'We saw a really good one last night about
way to relax. Sherlock Holmes, the detective.'
7 Barry's using / having a party on Friday for his They_________________________________________

U nit 8 77
Language focus 1
one/ones 4 ★ ★ C o m plete th e co n ve rsa tio n w ith some,
any, no o r every.
1 ★ C o m plete th e rules in th e g ra m m a r ta b le
w ith th e w o rd s in th e box. Mum: Joe, have you seen the cat? I've looked
1 every where, but I can't find him.
one noun one ones ones Joe: No, I haven't! I haven't seen him
2___________ where this morning.
Mum: What's wrong?
1 We can use one or ones when we don't want Joe: I'm bored! There's3 _thing
to repeat a in a sentence. exciting to do in this place. I've got
2 We use to replace a singular noun. 4____________where to go and
• , 5____________one to go out with.
3 My brother loves these cakes, especially this Mum: Why not? Where are all your friends?
with white chocolate. Joe: 6____________ one's busy today. Gary's
4 We use to replace a plural noun. gone 7____________ where with his
parents, Josh's grandparents are visiting
5 You can buy these flowers for Mum and I'll buy
him, and I can't d o 8____________ thing
those for Auntie Sue.
with Kyle because he's ill.
. Mum: Well, help me find the cat, then!
2 ★ ★ Cross o u t th e repeated w o rd s in each Joe: OK, but wait a minute. 9____________ one's
sentence. W rite one o r ones to replace th e m . texting me. Maybe Gary's back home!
1 A: Can I have a cake, please?
B: Which eake would you like, chocolate 5 ★ ★ ★ R e w rite th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s
or strawberry? in brackets. •
2 I love the photos of the party, especially the 1 All the students arrived in time for school, (arrive /
photos of us dancing! late / for school)
3 I don't want a small wedding. I want a big Nobody arrived la te fo r school. •_______________
wedding! 2 We haven't got any food. (There's / to eat)
4 A: Can you pass me my jacket?
B: Which jacket is it? 3 All the shops are closed. (There's / to go shopping)

A: The black jacket with a grey hood.

4 All the people I know live in flats, (live / house)
5 A: Do you want a glass of water?
B: No, I've got a glass of water, thanks.
5 There's no noise, (can't / hear)

Indefinite pronouns
3 ★ C o m plete th e rules in th e g ra m m a r ta b le ^ / D t p lo r e expressions w ith have
w ith th e w o rd s in th e box. 6 ★ ★ M atch th e sentence b e g in n in g s (1 -6 )
w ith th e sentence e n d in g s (a -f).
negative places people affirmative things
1 At the end of the school year, we had
2 I wasn't having
1 We use someone/no one/everyone/anyone to 3 When I get up in the morning, I always have
talk a bo u t____________ . 4 On Sunday, we went out for lunch and had
2 We use something/nothing/everything/anything 5 I know that if I ever have
to talk a bo u t____________ . 6 While we were cycling up the hill, I had a
3 We use somewhere/nowhere/everywhere/
a a shower and get dressed for school,
anywhere to talk about
b a party with everyone in our class,
4 We use the pronouns starting with some- and
с rest because I was very tired,
every- in sentences.____________
d a meal in an Indian restaurant,
5 We use the pronouns starting with no- and any-
in ____________ sentences. e a problem, I can talk to my parents,
/ haven't g ot anything to do. f a good time so I decided to go home.
I've g ot nothing to do.______

78 U nit 8
• •
Listening and vocabulary
Adjectives of feeling Listening
1 ★ Find e ig h t m ore a djectives o f fe e lin g in th e
w o rd search.

t i r e d g d t i i

r h b m V У r e 1 n

b m e b 0 u P s e t

' f r a i J> f u X e

V g e r a s d r с r

a n 9 r У g f P i e

b t e a w к 1 r t s

z 0 r s r e j i e t

n У r s e w r s d e

b 0 r e d t t e h d

e e r • d q d с d g к
3 ★ ★ © E l Listen to Grace and Karla ta lk in g
a b o u t A p ril Fool's Day. W h a t happened in
th e ir class?

4 ★ ★ ★ © E l Circle th e correct o p tio n .

1 They played a joke on their(gTolog^)/ history
2 ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e
2 They looked in books / on the Internet for April
adjectives fro m Exercise 1. Fool's jokes.
1 I didn't know you were a fra id of dogs. 3 They made it look like there was a murder in the
It's OK, he w on't bite! classroom / the main hall.
2 I played tennis for two hours. Now I'm feeling 4 They prepared it at lunch tim e / break tim e.
very____________ .
5 They waited for the teacher to come in /
3 Steve can't come to my party. I'm quite leave the classroom.
____________ , I really wanted to see him.
6 The teacher looked w orried / angry.
4 Oh no, not another romantic comedy film! I'm
7 The teacher to ld / d id n 't te ll the class an April
really____________ of them. The story is always
Fool's joke.
the same.
5 I was walking to school and I slipped on some ice in
front of all my classmates. I was really____________ .
6 We're going to an amusement park tomorrow.
I'm very____________ . I love them!
7 I can't believe Caroline can play three instruments.
I'm really____________ .
8 Alan borrowed €20 from me and he hasn't paid
me back. I'm really____________ with him.
9 My dad loves reading about science. He's really
___________ in it.

U nit 8 79
Language focus 2
too + adjective 3 Do you think the tea is ________ enough to
drink now?
1 ★ ( Circle) th e co rre ct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r 4 I hate my computer! It's n o t___ enough
ta b le . to play videos on the Internet.
5 If the room is n o t enough, I can give
We use too + adjective when we want to say
you a blanket.
something is 'm ore / less than we want or need
it to be. Its meaning is usually A ffirm a tiv e /

2 ★ ★ Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake
1 her / too / 1 / talk / to / was / to / embarrassed
I was too embarrassed to ta lk to her.__________
2 surprised / anything / Noel / say / was / too / to 6 Am I t enough to play basketball?

3 m e /c a ll/w a s /to o /to /u p s e t/A d a m

5 R e w rite th e sentences w ith th e
o p p o s ite a djectives and to o o r enough.
1 You were too late to see the start of the football
4 is /to /b a g /to o /c a rry /T h is /h e a v y
You weren’t early enough to see the s ta r t o f the
5 says / get married / young / I'm / mum / too / fo o tb a ll match. __________________________
M y /to
2 This work is too bad to pass the exam.

6 small / too / everything / is / cardboard box / to /

3 My flat isn't big enough for a party.
carry /This

4 We're too young to watch this film.

(not) adjective + enough

5 He was too weak to hold the books.

3 * (C ircle) th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
ta b le .
^ E ^ p lo r e m aking nouns fro m verbs
Enough always comes 'b e fo re / a fte r an 6 ★ ★ C o m plete th e second sentence so it has a
adjective. We use it to say that we have sim ila r m e a nin g to th e firs t.
2less than / as much as / more than we want 1 It's easy to send photos with this mobile phone.
or need.
Sending photos is easy with this mobile
4 ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences w ith th e 2 It's great fun to go to the park.
adjectives in th e box. _________________ to the park is great fun.
3 It's better to swim in the sea than in a pool.
warm cool tall eld fast strong
____________ in the sea is better than
in a pool.
4 I feel excited when I go out on Friday nights.
_________________ out on Friday nights makes
me feel excited.
5 It feels great to have a shower after doing sport.
_________________ a shower after doing sport
feels great.

1 I'm not old enough to learn to drive.

I'm only 13.
2 This plastic bag is n o t____________ enough to
hold all these vegetables.

80 U nit 8
1 ★ Read th e te x t a b o u t d iffe re n t a m u sem en t 2 ★ ★ C o m plete th e d e fin itio n s w ith th e w o rd s
parks. W hich has one o f th e h ig h e st ro lle r in b o ld in th e te x t.
coasters in th e w o rld ? 1 A replica is a copy of something.
2 A ___________ is a very fast, small train at an

fun cloy oul amusement park.

3 A machine in an amusement park that people go
The first amusement parks opened in the USA in the on is called a ____________.
'870s, and the first roller coaster appeared in 1884. 4 A ___________ is an important building or place
Now amusement parks are popular all over the world,
that many people know or have visited.
but they’re not all the same. Here are a few examples
т о т different parts of the world. 5 A n ___________ is a place where you go to see
fish and other sea animals.
C rocosaurus Cove, Darwin, 6 A fight between two groups of people is a
This aquarium and theme park has
big and small crocodiles and you can 3 ★ ★ Read th e te x t again. M atch th e parks
stand very close to them. There are w ith th e sentences. W rite CC fo r Crocosaurus
lots of other attractions, too. You can
Cove, U fo r U niversal, W W fo r W in d o w on
have your photo taken with a baby
“croc” or you can feed the snakes th e W o rld , and S F fo r Six Flags.
and crocodiles. 1 _U_ has a ride with great special effects.
2 has very dangerous animals.
Universal Studios, Singapore
3 has the world record for something.
"Hiis theme park is small but exciting! 4 includes attractions for people who like cinema.
ror many people the best ride in the
park is the Transformers. Visitors sit in 5 takes you on a type of international tour.
a small car and go on a fantastic 3D 6 has animals you can see or touch.
battle. Modern technology creates 7 has a place where you can go swimming.
some very real fire, water and smoke
effects. For people who don’t like 4 ★ ★ Have yo u o r y o u r frie n d s been to an
ndes, there’s also the beach, an
aquarium and other attractions a m u sem en t park? W h a t d id yo u d o there?
oased on popular films. W rite a t least fiv e sentences.

Nindow of the World, Shenzhen, China

This theme park has replicas of 130
famous m onuments from around the
world, including the Eiffel Tower (one third
of the size of the real one), the Pyramids
of Giza, the Coliseum in Rome, Niagara
Falls and the Grand Canyon! There are
also cultural events from around the
world, and indoor water and ski parks.

Six Flags Magic Mountain, California

This amusement park is famous for its roller coasters!
It has 18, the most in the world, including one of the
tallest in the world! But if you’re.afraid of roller coasters,
Six Flags also has themed areas with concerts, shows,
games and over a hundred other rides. It’s very near
Hollywood so it has appeared in a lot of famous films and
TV series. Some of the rides are themed, e.g. Batman,
Superman: escape from Krypton and others.
An email invitation to a friend
1 Read A nd y's em ail. W h a t is he g o in g to do on his
b irth d a y and w h e re is he g o in g to do it?

AIL (+ ) New Reply j▼ Delete Junk | r

Hi Nina,
I haven't heard from you for ages. How are
things at your new school? Is 'it strict?
I'm writing to invite you to my birthday party! I
didn't want a big 2one so Mum suggested a day
out with a few friends. I've decided to try a new
sport called power kiting. Have you heard of 3it?
It's a combination of skateboarding (I know you
love 4that О ) and flying a kite. What do you
Anyway, 5it's on Saturday 16 May. Martin and
Alex are coming. We're meeting at my house
at 10.30 am to go together. There's a fast food
restaurant next to the beach, so we can have C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct
lunch 6there. Hope you can come! re feren cin g w o rd s.
Write back soon, 1 Where's John? I can't find him and I've
Andy called____________ three times.
2 I'd like you to come to the aquarium with me.
Would you like ____________ ?
3 An amusement park? What can you do
2 Read th e e m ail again. A n s w e r th e q ue stions. ?
1 What does Andy invite Nina to?
4 There are two roller coasters and I want to go on
2 What is power kiting? th e ____________called the'Flying Fish'.
3 When is he going power kiting? 5 I sent an invitation to everyone in my class and
4 Who is going with him? ___________ all said____________ 'd come.
5 Where are they meeting? 6 There are a lot rides so I think we should go on
6 Where are they going to have lunch? th e ____________that we all like.

M atch th e d e scrip tio n s o f th e a c tiv itie s w ith

Useful language R e ferencing w o rd s —
th e places in th e box.

3 Look back a t A nd y's em ail. W h a t d o th e aquarium water park ice skating centre
w o rd s in b o ld ( 1 - 6) re fe r to? adventure sports centre zoo
1 Nina’s new school_______
2 ______________________ 1 It'll be cold and you'll need
3 _______________________ warm socks for the skates. ice-skating centre
4 _______________________ 2 They're going to tell us about
the animals and we can feed
5 _______________________
some of the birds. .
6 ______________________
3 I don't think they'll let us swim
with the dolphins but we can
touch them. _________________
4 We're going to go down some
huge water slides. Bring a
tow el! _________________
5 We can go on the climbing
wall and go power kiting too. ________________ :
82 U nit 8
• •
6 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e present PLAN
c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets.
1 We ’re meeting (meet) at Gina's house at 2
9 You are g o in g to w r ite an e m ail to a frie n d
in v itin g th e m to a day o u t on y o u r b irth d a y.
Choose one o f th e ideas b e lo w o r y o u r o w n .
2 Tom and I ____________ (have) lunch at the water
Then use th e in fo rm a tio n in Exercise 8 and
m ake notes,
3 W e ____________ (take) the bus to the zoo from
a An ice-skating centre
the city centre.
b A water park
4 Patricia and Nicola____________ (come) and we
____________ (go) skating. с An adventure sports centre
5 Jan and I (leave) at 3 o'clock so let's
meet at the door. WRITE
10 W rite th e em ail in v ita tio n . Look a t page 93 o f
" (Щ Д Н И ........................................ th e S tudent's Book to help yo u.
: Make it b ette r! / / /
: Finish your email invitation by saying how excited
: you are that your friend will come.
: I’m really looking forw ard to seeing you.

7 W hich sentence does n o t say th a t yo u are

1 Hope you can come!
2 It'll be great if you can come too!
3 I'm sure we'll have a fantastic time together!
4 I'm not sure what we're going to do.
5 I really hope you can join us.

8 O rd er th e th in g s A n d y does in his em ail (1-6). CHECK

11 Check y o u r w ritin g . Can yo u say YES to these
finishes the email
gives the reason for the celebration
• Did you use the ideas in Exercise 8 ?
explains arrangements
invites Nina • Did you use referencing words correctly?
asks Nina about her lif e • Did you give a description of the activities?
explains the activity • Did you talk about arrangements you've made
^ •
with other people?
1 asks Nina about her life _______________________ • Did you say you are excited about the plans?
2 1------------------------------ Do yo u need to w r ite a second d ra ft?
3 _____________________________________________
4 ________________ _____________________________
5 _____________________________________________
6 .___________________________

U nit 8 83
8 Review

Vocabulary Indefinite pronouns

Free time activities 4 Choose th e co rrect o p tio n s.
1 Everything/<£veryon^)was having a good time
1 M atch th e verbs (1-10) and th e nouns (a—]). at the party.
1 spend a an instrument 2 There's now here / n oth in g to do here. I'r
2 play ^ b the Internet bored.
3 read \ с a party 3 There's someone / som ething in my eye.
4 use computer games hurts!
\ d
5 meet \ e photos 4 Everywhere / Everyone I look, I can see t
6 play \ f films and paper.
7 have books or magazines 5 I've got n oth in g / som ething to tell you,
\ 9 getting married!
8 draw ^ h time with your family
9 take i friends 6 We always do anything / som ething on i
10 watch birthday, we never stay at home.
j pictures
7 Did you get Mum anything / anyone for
Total: 9
Mother's Day?
Adjectives of feeling
Total: 6
2 M a tch th e sentence halves.
I'm angry... _/_ too + adjective ,
I'm excited ... ___ 5 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e adjectives
I'm afraid... ___ b e lo w and too.
I'm upset... ___
I'm embarrassed ... ___ expensive tired cold dangerous young
I'm bored... ___ late slow
I'm tire d ... ___
I'm interested ... ___ 1 Go to sleep. It's to o la te to play computer
I'm surprised ...________ ___ games.
2 I think it's to go out without your
because the teacher told everyone I didn't do
coat. It's snowing outside!
my homework.
3 You're____________ to play another game o f .
of spiders. I hate them!
tennis. Go and lie down!
because I couldn't sleep last night.
4 I w as____________ to catch the ball and it hit me
in learning how to speak Chinese. in the face!
because my best friend is moving away. 5 I'd like to try surfing but my mum says it's
about going to the ballet this weekend.
that my grandmother is on Facebook! 6 My brother wants to buy this mobile phone but
with these computer games. They're all the same. it's____________.
with my sister. She broke my mobile phone! 7 My mum says I'm ____________ to leave school sc
Total: 8 I have to study for another year.

Language focus Total:

one/ones (not) adjective + enough

3 C o m p le te th e sentences w ith one o r ones. 6 W rite enough in th e correct place in th e
1 I don't usually like parties, but that was a good sentences. епоиф
one 1 One plastic bag wasn't big л for all the shopping
2 These birthday cards are really expensive. Have so we bought another one.
you got any cheaper____________ ? 2 Are you old to learn to drive in your country?
3 Which do you like best, the orange skirt or the 3 He's not strong to carry that.
re d ____________ ? 4 My English isn't good to pass the exam.
4 She wants some new trainers for her birthday. 5 It's not quiet to study in the library.
She doesn't like her o ld ___________ . 6 Can you run fast to win the race?
Total: 3 Total:
84 U nit 8 Review
Language builder Vocabulary builder
7 C o m plete th e te x t w ith th e co rre ct o p tio n s. 8 ( Circie)th e correct o p tio n s .
1 Most people____________ money when they
want to buy a house or a car.
0 borrow b buy с earn
2 I'm ___________ about going to the concert
on Saturday.
a sad b angry с excited
3 Nina wants t o ____________ to study Art and
a get a job b leave school с go to
4 The road is icy. D o n 't____________ .
a slip b hurt с break
5 This knife is really sharp. D o n 't___________
your finger.
a cut b bang с burn
6 Tony banged his arm on the door and hurt his

a ankle b knee с elbow

7 You can buy cereal in a cardboard____________ .
a box b tin с jar
Jan: We 1___________ to WaveWorld next
8 ____________ your coat because it's cold.
weekend. Do you want to come with us?
a Take off b Get up с Put on
Pete: Yes, please! 12____________ there.
Jan: It's a lot of fun! W e 3____________ there 9 We usually buy water in a plastic____________ .
last year. There are 4____________ really a jar b bottle с box
good water slides and 5____________ big 10 Some people dream___________ having a lot
wave pool. I think it's 6 than of money.
Watercity. a with b about с on
Pete: It sounds good! Г7 to go with
11 Your____________ is between your head and your
you. I think i t 8 be sunny on
Jan: Yes, I hope so. And you won't be bored. a chest b shoulder с back
There's always9____________ to do because 12 Haley is ___________ because her sister lost her
they've got lots of different rides. favourite T-shirt.
Pete: I see. Which ride is 10____________ ? a tired b bored с angry
Jan: I think the Bungee Jump is. the best. I'll try
Total: 11
that next time!
1 0 are going b go с• will go 9 Put the sentences in the correct order to make
2 a didn't go b ■have never been a conversation.
с wasn't going A: It's too cold and I'd rather go somewhere
3 a have gone b were going с went more interesting.
4 a much b some с a lot A: That's a great idea!
b some с many 7 A: What shall we do on Saturday?
5 a a
B: Let's go to the park. We can take our bikes.
6 a best b better с good
B: Why don't we meet at ten outside the front
7 a like b don't like с 'd like entrance?
8 a must b can с might B: OK. How about going to the aquarium?
9 a somebody b something с nothing
Total: 5
10 a the exciting b the most exciting
с the more exciting Total: 62
Total: 9

U nit 8 Review 85
G et it right! U nit 8

Indefinite pronouns Adjectives of feeling

Remember that: Remember that:

• we use singular verbs with indefinite pronouns. • we use adjectives ending in -ed to say how a person
/ Everyone in my family speaks English. feels.
X Everyone in-my-family spook English. / I play games on my phone when I'm bored.
• nothing, nowhere, and no one are negative. You X hpiay games on my phone when I'm boring.
do not need to make the sentence negative. • we use adjectives ending in -ing to describe the
/ There is nothing to do here at the weekend. things that cause the feelings.
X There isn't-nothing to do here ot theweekend. / It was an exciting film. X It was an-excited film.

1 C orrect th e sentence 3 Choose th e correct o p tio n s.

1 I don't have nothing Xto d 6 on Friday night. 1 I was really(JurpriseJ) / surprising by his answer
2 There isn't nowhere to go in this town. 2 They're very interesting / interested in the
3 He explained but I didn't understand nothing. • history of the city.
4 I hope everything are OK. 3 This TV programme is bored / boring.
5 You don't have to invite nobody to come with you. 4 I'm very excited / exciting about the wedding.
5 I'm not going out. I'm too tire d / tirin g .
too + adjective and (not) +
Spell it rig h t! Difficult words
adjective + enough

Remember that: These words from the Student's Book are in the top 12
words that A2 students spell incorrectly-most often.
• we use too + adjective to describe something. We Remember to spell them correctly,
never use too much + adjective. because beautiful tomorrow
/ I am too tired to go out tonight. comfortable mobile interesting
X I am too much tired to go out tonight. competition address birthday
• we use n ot and too before the adjective and hello
enough after the adjective.
/ He's n ot old enough to drive.
X He'snot enough old to drive. U n d e rlin e and correct th e m ista ke in each
• Be careful not to confuse too and to. sentence.
/ I am too tired to go out tonight. 1 My brother is unhealthy becouse he
X / am to tired-to go out tonight. doesn't do sport. because
2 We stayed at a hotel in a beatiful
forest in Wales.
2 A re th e sentences correct? C orrect th e
3 We're going to watch a film in class
in co rre ct sentences.
1 The weather wasn't enough good to have a picnic.
4 The ice bed was more confortable
The weather wasn’t good enough to have a picnic. than their bed at home.
2 It's too much hot to study. Please open the window. 5 I'm saving for a new mobil phone.
6 Elsa saw some intresting things at
3 Travelling by train is too much expensive and I'm the museum yesterday.
not enough old to drive. 7 Alice, you're the winner of our
photography competion.
4 The soup wasn't hot enough and the pizza was 8 Please write your adress on this
too cold. piece of paper.
9 I'm going to bake a cake for my
5 I'm tired too much to go out tonight. brother's brithday.
10 They never smile or say hellow.

86 Get it rig h t! 8
Speaking extra
Shopping 4 ★ ★ © n a C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 ★ Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake q u e stio ns Then liste n and check.
and answ ers fro m th e Real ta lk v id e o in th e
S tudent's Book. prefer play take much like How
1 d o /m o n e y /H o w /y o u /y o u r/s p e n d /?

2 my / spend / food / 1 / money / usually / on Focus on pronunciation

5 ★ © H U H o w do yo u say these prices?
3 love / friends / shopping / going / with / my / 1
Listen and repeat.
1 £1.99 3 £180 5 £10.50
4 friends / my / to / go / money / with / 1/ out / use
2 £15 4 £56.99

5 spend / a / tickets / lot / of / on / 1/ concert / money б ★ © н а Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n. W h a t

c o lo u r b o o ts does Em ily buy?

2 ★ ★ © E l Listen and choose th e correct

Emily: Excuse me. 1 to a
answ er.
buy some boots.
Conversation 1: Shop assistant: Sure. What about these, or those
1 The girl wants to buy a sweater / trainers. ones over there?
Conversation 2: Emily: I th in k 2 them in
2 The boy wants to buy a m edium / large T-shirt. black.
Shop assistant: OK, over here. Do you like these?
3 He prefers the red / black one.
Emily: Yes, they're quite cool.
Conversation 3:
3 are thev?
4 The girl wants to buy jeans / a shirt. Shop assistant: They're £65.99.
5 She doesn't like the size / colour. Emily: 4 them on?
Shop assistant: Of course. 5 are vou?
3 ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n . W hich gam e does Emily: I'm usually a size 7.
O liv e r buy? Shop assistant: Here you are. How are they?
Emily: I like them but have you got
Oliver: Excuse me, I'd 1____________ to anything cheaper?
buy the new MegaZoo 5 video Shop assistant: What about these? They're
game. almost the same but they're
Shop assistant: Sure, it's over there. £45.75 and they're brown.
Oliver: How 2____________ is it? Emily: Yes, they're great!
Shop assistant: It's £26.99. I'll 6 them.
Oliver: And how much is the Doghouse'
Shop assistant: It's £45.99. 7 ★ ★ ★ © к а Listen again and co m p le te th e
Oliver: OK, I think I'd 3J __________ co nve rsa tio n.
MegaZoo 5, then. Can I
4___________ the game first? 8 ★ ★ © ■ a Listen again and check y o u r
Shop assistant: Yes, it's in this machine fjere. answ ers. Then liste n and re p ea t th e
Oliver: Thanks. co nve rsa tio n .
Shop assistant: 5 is it?

Speaking extra 87
Speaking extra
Speculating Girl: Yeah, I agree. This guy looks very serious but
he's got a friendly face. He 3___________
1 ★ Join th e p arts o f th e sentences fro m th e
be an artist.
Real ta lk v id e o in th e S tudent's Book.
Boy: Yes, but look at the way he's standing.
1 He can run faster 14 he's a dancer.
2 She's 20 Girl: Oh yeah. You're right. What about this
3 She also helps woman?
4 His family was very poor Boy: I'm n o t 5____________ .
5 He saved his little sister Girl: Well, she's wearing a white coat so could be
either a scientist or a nurse.
a a lot of children's charities, Boy: That's 6____________ .
b and she's an amazing dancer, Girl:. She 7 works in a laboratory so
с but he worked hard and went to college, she's a scientist.
d from a burning house, Boy: Right. What about this woman?
e than anyone on the planet. Girl: I reckon she's a musician.
Boy: OK, write it down. Come on, let's check our
2 * * # к а Listen and choose th e correct answers.
answ er.
Conversation 1:
4 * + © * n C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in
1 The boy and girl see someone fam ous /
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
a famous photographer.
Then liste n and check.
Conversation 2:
2 The boy and girl are at a museum / bookshop. reckon possible looks think
3 They agree / d o n 't agree on what the picture is. definitely could sure
Conversation 3:
4 They are in a H is to ry /A rt class.
Focus on pronunciation
3 ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n . M atch th e jo b s w ith
th e peo p le in th e p ho tos. 5 ★ © к а Listen to th e sentences. Do th e y go
up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat.
dancer___ scientist__ 1 I'm not sure. 3 She could be a vet.
musician__ fire fig h te r__ 2 That's possible. 4 I reckon she's an artist.
.................................... /
6 * # Ш Э Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n. W hose
p h o n e is it?

Mark: Look! A mobile phone.

Olivia: Oh yeah, whose 1____________ ?
Mark: I'm 2___________ . It's 3____________
someone from our class because it's in our
Olivia: 4___________ very new. Do you think it's
the teacher's phone?
Mark: 5___________ . 6____________ it's a
student's phone. Look at the photo here.
Olivia: Oh yeah. She's definitely not in our class. •
Mark: 7___________ someone's sister or cousin.
Olivia: You're right. Hold on . 8____________ it's
Vanessa's - I've seen Vanessa with that
Boy: So what do we have to do? dress on so that could be her sister.
Girl: You never listen, do you? We have to look at Mark: Right, let's go and find her.
these photos and decide what jobs they do.
Boy: Just by looking at the photos.
Girl: Yes. So what do you 1____________ he is? 7 ★ ★ ★ © 0 3 Listen again and complete the
Boy: Well, h e 2____________ very strong ... and
brave, I think. So a firefighter, something
like that.

88 Speaking extra
Speaking extra
Telling someone your news 4 ★ ★ © * a C o m plete th e co nve rsa tio n in
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 ★ C o m plete th e sentences fro m th e Real ta lk Then liste n and check y o u r answ ers.
v id e o in th e S tudent's Book w ith th e w o rd s in r
th e box. next what unusual do weird

the lock the winning goal a new shirt my cat

Focus on pronunciation
1 A couple of weeks a g o ____________ Jasper
escaped. 5 ★ © к а Listen to th e w o rd s and phrases.
2 The bike was still there b u t____________ wasn't. Do th e y g o up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat.
3 I scored____________ in the last five minutes of 1 Really? 4 I know!
the game. 2 What? 5 Cool!
4 Last weekend I w o re ____________ to my friend's 3 How weird!
birthday party and she was wearing the same one. «
6 * ф ш з Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n.
2 ★ ★ Q u i Listen and w r ite th e answ ers. W h o w e re th e p h o to g ra p h e rs w a itin g fo r?
Conversation 1:
1 What month is it?

Conversation 2:
2 What was the boy doing?

3 What kind of animal flew into the window?

Conversation 3:
4 What are they talking about?

Ben: 1___________ happened yesterday.

3 ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n . W h a t d id A n d y fin d Peter: What?
in th e park? Ben: I was walking out of the school and I saw
lots of photographers waiting at the door.
Andy: Did you hear about this morning? Peter: 2___________ .
Louise: No, what? Ben: I know. I didn't understand what they were
Andy: Something 1____________ happened while doing there.
we were walking to school. We heard a Peter: So 3____________ ?
baby crying in the park. But we couldn't Ben: Well, I waited on the other side of the
see anyone. street. Then Mrs Carter, our History teacher,
Louise: So 2___________ did you do? came out. And all the photographers
Andy: We started looking for it - the sound got started taking photos of her.
louder and louder. It was coming from a Peter: Really? Your History teacher? 4___________ ?
park bench, Ben: Well, they started asking her questions
Louise: So did you find it? about money.
Andy: No, because it wasn't a baby! It*was a Peter: Money? And 5____________ ?
mobile phone! I answered it and a man Ben: She said she was really happy.
started shouting at me!
Louise: What did you 3____________ ?
Andy: At first, I didn't know what to say and 7 ★ ★ ★ Q) Listen again and co m p le te th e
then, I said, 'I'm sorry. You've got the co nve rsa tio n.
wrong number.'
Louise: What happened 4____________ ? 8 ★★ © m Listen again and check y o u r
Andy: Another man ran up to us and said it was answ ers. Then liste n and re p ea t th e
his phone, so we gave it to him. He said co nve rsa tio n.
something about his boss being really
angry. And then he ran off again. 9 ★ © fa Listen to th e end o f th e
Louise: How 5___________ ! co n ve rsa tio n . W h a t happened?

Speaking extra 89
Speaking extra
Asking for and offering help ★ ★ # E 1 C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 ★ C o m plete th e sentences fro m th e Real ta lk Then liste n and check.
v id e o in th e S tudent's Book w ith th e w o rd s in
th e box. do I'll give Shall course hand

garden quieter expensive space rooms light

Focus on pronunciation
1 They're usually bigger so there's more
5 ★ © E l Listen to th e q ue stio ns. Do th e y go
2 I think houses because they can b e ________ up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat.
3 Flats are small and they sometimes don't get 1 Cap you give me a hand?
m uch____________ . 2 Can you put this on the shelf?
4 It has a lot o f ____________ and it's really 3 Can you do me a favour?
comfortable. 4 Can you help me with this?
5 There isn't usually a with a flat.
6 Houses near the centre of big cities are really 6 ★© к а Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n. W h a t
d o Nick and Lisa p u t in th e freezer?

2 ★ ★ © H 3 Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions. Nick: Come on, the computer's ready. Let's play.
Conversation 1: Lisa: Hang on. I can't. My dad did the shopping
and he wants me to put it all away.
1 How does the boy help the woman?
Nick: OK, I'll give y o if 1____________ .
Lisa: Great. That way we'll finish sooner.
Conversation 2: Nick: 2 put the milk and cheese in
2 What did Sarah leave at school? the fridge?
Lisa: Yes, please!
3 Where will Helen go later? Nick: Anything else?
Lisa: We should put the ice cream and the pizzas
in the freezer.
Conversation 3: Nick: 3____________!
4 What does the boy have to do? Lisa: And I need to wash all this fruit.
4____________me a hand?
5 What does the girl want? Nick: Sure: Put it all in the sink and 5____________ .
Lisa: Oh and another thing. Can you do me
3 ★ Read th e co nve rsa tio n . W h a t d o C onnor Nick: Sure.
and Jonas p u t in th e w a rd ro b e ? Lisa: Can you start making lunch? I'm hungry!
Nick: Ha ha ha! Come on. Mario is waiting!

Connor: My mum says I should tidy my room

before I go out.
Jonas: Well, she's right. I 'll 1___________ you 7 ★ ★ ★ © E l Listen again and co m p le te th e
a hand. co nve rsa tio n.
Connor: OK, let's see. The books shouldn't be on
the floor. I should put them all up on that 8 ★ ★ © к а Listen again and check y o u r
shelf. answ ers. Then liste n and re p e a t th e
Jonas: Here, 2____________ do that. Oh look, co nve rsa tio n.
The Lord o f the Rings. Did you like it?
Connor: Yes, it's really good. Can you
3___________ me a favour?
Jonas: Yes, o f 4____________ .
Connor: Can you give me a 5___________ and
put this blanket in the wardrobe?
Jonas: 6___________ I put this pillow in there
as well?
Connor: Yes, please!

90 Speaking extra
Speaking extra
Asking for and giving instructions 4 ★ ★ © ж я C om plete th e co nve rsa tio n in
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 ★ M atch th e sentence halves fro m th e Real Then liste n and check y o u r answ ers.
ta lk v id e o in th e S tudent's Book.
1 I don't have a phone have here work how that's First
2 It's more important to my mum
3 It's not really important to me.
4 I use it for the games and the apps Focus on pronunciation
5 My mum tells me to take it with me
5 ★ © «a Listen to th e in stru ctio n s. Do th e y
a so she can call me any time she wants, g o up o r d o w n ? W hich in s tru c tio n goes
b and I watch my favourite TV programmes on it. d o w n ? Listen and repeat.
с whenever I go out. 1 First, click on this icon.
d so it's not important to me at all. 2 Now, look for the name of the person.
e I usually leave it at home. 3 Now, you have to scroll down the list.
4 Then, you click on the name.
2 ★ ★ О к а Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions.
5 And just click on the green button.
Conversation 1:
1 What does the girl want to see? 6 ★© fa Listen to th e co n ve rsa tio n . W h y
does H ugh's dad p u t his hand on th e screen?
Conversation 2:
2 What does the girl need to do to get on to the Dad: I want to get on this social network. How
website? i___________ ?
Hugh: Let's see. First, you 2 create a
3 How does she start playing? profile.
Dad: Err... a profile. OK, 3____________ do that?
Hugh: Click here and put in your name and all
Conversation 3: your information.
4 What are.they trying to do? Dad: All this?
Hugh: No. You only have to put in the things with
the red stars: your name, your email and a
★ Read th e co nve rsa tio n . W h a t does Daniel password. Now, scroll down and just click
teach his g ra n d d a d to d o on th e ta b le t? on 'Create Profile'.
Dad: Oh, I see. 4___________ ?
Granddad: That looks exciting. What is it? Hugh: Yes! That's it. If you click here, you'll get an
Daniel: It's a tablet. It's a kind of computer. email.
Grandad: Oh. I see. How does i t 1 ? Dad: OK, here it is. It says 'confirm your profile'.
Daniel: It's easv. 2 . you need to How do I confirm my profile?
press the button on the top. Hugh: Just click on the link in the email.
Granddad: This one? Dad: I see! Thanks!
Daniel: Yes. 3 it. Now. if Hugh: And 5____________ put your hand on the
you swipe your finger across the screen and say 'Hello', your friends will say
touchscreen, it'll turn on the apps. 'Hello' too.
Granddad: Apps? Dad: OK . . . 'Hello?'
Daniel: Yes. look, vou ju st 4 . to Hugh: Haha! Very good, Dad, but you don't really
touch one with your finger. have to do that!
Granddad: Oh but, what is it? Dad: Hey!
Daniel: It's a game. It's called Dogs in Space.
Granddad: Oh no! How do I turn the music down?
Daniel: Find the button on the side. 7 ★ ★ ★ © E l Listen again and co m p le te th e
Granddad: OK. 5 it is. co nve rsa tio n.
Daniel: Then press it a few times.
Granddad: So 6 do I stop it? 8 ★ ★ © E l Listen again and check y o u r
Daniel: Press the button at the top again. answ ers. Then liste n and re p e a t th e
Granddad: Oh, what's that noise? co nve rsa tio n.
Daniel: I just got an email.

Speaking extra 91
Speaking extra
Agreeing and disagreeing Julie: Absolutely! Young people who go to
1 ★ P ut th e w o rd s in o rd e r to m ake sentences university can get better jobs because they
know more things.
fro m th e Real ta lk v id e o in th e S tudent's
Alex: Yes, 16____________ you're right. But they
should be able to get a job when they leave
1 know / yet / don't / 1/ going / what / I'm / to do school if that's what they want to do.

2 go / to / and / Chinese / I'm / going / to /

university / study 4 ★★ © E l C om plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box. Then
3 player / going / be / a / I'm / football / to / liste n and check.
w ith agree disagree suppose sure opinion
4 around / I'm / motorcycle / going / world / to /
b u y /a / rid e /a n d /th e
Focus on pronunciation
2 ★ ★ © E l Listen and a n sw e r th e q ue stions. 5 ★ # K 9 Listen. Do th e w o rd s and phrases
go up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat.
Conversation 1:
1 Absolutely.
1 What does the girl think about education?
2 I agree with you.
3 I suppose you're right:
Conversation 2:
4 Maybe, but I also think it's difficult.
2 Does the boy agree with the girl?
5 I disagree.

3 Which word does he use to describe homework?

6 ★©El Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n. W here
is Jessica g o in g ?
Conversation 3:
4 What is the topic of their discussion? Reporter: Excuse me! Can you give us five
minutes? We'd like to know your
opinion on some different topics.
3 ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n . H o w m any Jessica: OK. What are the topics?
sta te m e n ts d o A le x and Julie discuss? Reporter: Well, here's the first one: Life is more
difficult now than it was for your
Alex: OK, I want you to give me your opinion parents. Do 1___________ ?
about some different topics. Jessica: No, 2___________. I think life is easier
Julie: Sure. What topics? now, especially because of technology.
Alex: Well, I have some statements about young Reporter: OK. 3___________ think life will be
people's lives and I need you to tell me if you easier in the future than it is now?
agree or disagree with them. Jessica: Maybe, but 14___________ we'll have
Julie: OK. Go on then. a lot of problems... especially with the
Alex: Let's see, first statement: Young people environment.
should get married later, for example, after Reporter: Thanks. Next one: We'll probably live
university or when they have a job. Do you on other planets in the future. What's
1____________ 7 s___________ ?
Julie: I'm not do agree. I think Jessica: 6___________ ! There are too many of
young people should get married when they us here on Earth!
want or when they're old enough to get Reporter: 7________ you're right. But where
married in their country. would we go?
Alex: OK, next one: Too many young people go to Jessica: I don't know but right now, I'm going
university. What's your 3____________ ? home.
Julie: No, 14____________ . I think young people Reporter: Oh, yes, thanks for your time. Bye!
should be able to continue their studies
when they leave school if they want to.
Alex: I agree 5____________ you. And here's the 7 ★★★©El Listen again and co m p le te th e
last statement: Going to university helps you co nve rsa tio n .
get a better job.

92 Speaking extra
Speaking extra
Reacting to news * ★ О к а C o m plete th e co n ve rsa tio n in
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 ★ M atch th e sentence halves fro m th e Real Then liste n and check y o u r answ ers.
ta lk v id e o in th e S tud e nt's Book.
1 I fell out of a tree and up shame fantastic hear going
2 I've broken my leg twice
3 I cut my hand
4 I've sprained my wrists Focus on pronunciation
5 I was playing in the kitchen
5 ★ О к а Listen. Do th e phrases go up o r
a a lot of times playing volleyball, d o w n ? Listen and repeat.
b on a broken glass last week and it still hurts, 1 Oh no! 4 How amazing!
с but I can still run faster than all my friends, 2 What a shame! 5 That's fantastic!
d and I burned my hand on the oven, 3 I'm sorry to hear that!
e sprained my ankle when I was five.
6 ★©ка Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n .
2 * ★ © к а Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions. W h y c a n 't M a tth e w g o to London?
Conversation 1:
1 What happened to David last week? Lucy: Hi, Matthew, 1____________ ?
M atthew : Oh, hi, Lucy, fine thanks. How about
Conversation 2: you?
2 What's wrong with Lisa? Lucy: Not bad, yeah. I've just been in that
shop over there. I was trying on dresses
for a wedding.
Conversation 3: M atthew: 2____________ ! Are you getting
3 Where did Charlie go on holiday? married?
Lucy: No! It's my brother. He's getting
4 What part of her body did Anne burn? married in June ... in London.
M atthew : In London? 3____________ !
Lucy: So ... em, Matthew, 4____________ ?
3 ★ Read th e co n ve rsa tio n . Did s o m e th in g M atthew : Not a lot really. Studying, you know.
I didn't pass my Maths exam so I have
g o o d happen to Liam o r A bb y?
to do it again in June.
Lucy: 5____________ ! In June?
Abby: Hi, Liam, how's i t 1____________ ? M atthew : Yeah, I'm going to take the exam on
Liam: Fine thanks, Abby. How about you? 5 June.
Abby: Yeah, not bad. I've got a place at university. Lucy: The 5th? 6____________ !
I'm going to study Physics. M atthew : Why?
Liam: Well done! That's2____________ . Lucy: Well, that's the day my brother's •
Abby: Thanks. I'm really excited. What have you getting married and ... well, I wanted
been 3____________ to? to invite you to come to London
Liam: Well, I cut my knee while I was playing with me.
football at school. Look! M atthew: Me? Really? Oh ... sorry. I have to do
Abby: Oh no! How did you do that? my Maths exam!
Liam: I don't know really - 1fell over and another Lucy: Well, 7________ r_ , Matthew.
boy kicked me with his boot. When I got M atthew: Yes. Me too.
home, I couldn't move my leg.
Abby: What a 4_____________ ! When did it
Liam: Last Monday. It's getting better now but
7 ★★★© КЗ Listen again and co m p le te th e
co nve rsa tio n.
can't play football for a few weeks.
Abby: I'm sorry to 5___________ that.
Liam: So, tell me about your new university ...
8 ★★©ка Listen again and check y o u r
answ ers. Then liste n and re p e a t th e
co nve rsa tio n.

Speaking extra 93
Speaking extra
Suggesting and responding 4 ★ ★ ©Ш З C om plete th e co nve rsa tio n in
Exercise 3 w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 ★ C o m plete th e sentences fro m th e Real ta lk Then liste n and check.
v id e o in th e S tudent's Book w ith th e verbs in
th e box. don't Let's rather about idea shall

wore celebrate invite took go on have

Focus on pronunciation
1 I always____________ a big party and
everyone in my class. 5 * © E 3 Listen to th e que stio ns. Do th e y go
2 I prefer t o ___________ my birthday at home with up o r d o w n ? Listen and repeat.
my family. 1 How about having a party?
3 I usually____________ a trip with my friends or 2 Let's watch a film.
family. 3 Why don't we have a meal?
4 Everybody___________ pink and all the food was 4 What about meeting some friends?
pink too. 5 Where shall we go tomorrow?
5 I didn't celebrate it. I ___________ an exam.
6 .★ # K B Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n.
2 * * © Ш 1 Listen and a n sw e r th e q uestions. W h a t w ill Julie do a t th e p arty?
Conversation 1:
1 What are they going to do on Saturday? Mike: You know it's Dad's birthday in two weeks?
He's 55.
Conversation 2: Julie: Oh, yeah! 1____________ ?
Mike: Well, .I was thinking ...2____________ have
2 Why is tomorrow a special day?
a surprise party?
Julie: 3___________ ! We can invite all the family
3 What are they going to do? and a few friends.
Mike: OK, but where shall we have it? Our house
Conversation 3: is too small.
4 What would the girl prefer to do? Julie: 4____________calling Uncle Dave? He's got
a big house and a big garden. It's big
enough for about 20 people.
5 What do they decide to eat?
Mike: Yes, I'm sure he'll agree.
Julie: What about asking Mum and Auntie Jean
to make some food?
3 ★ Read th e co nve rsa tio n. W here are Ella and Mike: OK, 5____________ ? But we'll have to help
M a ry g o in g ? W hy? them.
Julie: Help them? You know I can't cook. I think
Ella: W h a t 1____________ we do on Sunday? 6____________organise the music.
Mary: Sunday? Why? Mike: You can organise the music but you have to
Ella: It's my birthday. Don't you remember? talk to Uncle Dave too.
Mary: Oh, yeah! 2____________ have a party with Julie: Uncle Dave loves me! I'm sure he'll say yes.
everybody from our class.
Ella: OK, why not? Where?
Mary: W hat 3____________ having it at your 7 ★ ★ ★ © кш Listen again and co m p le te th e
house? co nve rsa tio n.
Ella: My house isn't big enough. I think I'd
4___________ go out. 8 ★ * © К З Listen again and check y o u r
Mary: OK, how about meeting everyone from answ ers. Then liste n and re p ea t th e
school for a meal somewhere? co nve rsa tio n.
Ella: That's a nice 5____________ ! Why
6___________ we go to that new pizza
restaurant in town?
Mary: Fantastic. I'm excited already!
Ella: OK, let's call the others.

94 Speaking extra
Language focus extra
Subject pronouns and be 4 _________________________ ? __________________
5 ? _________________
1 C o m plete th e q u e stio n s w it h o r are. 6 ? ____________________
Then m atch th e q u e s tio n w ith th e answer.
1 When is vour birthday? c_
Present simple: affirmative and
2 ___________ your friends at home? ____
3 How o ld your aunt? ___
4 What tim e _________ it? ___ 5 W m e sertences w ith th e correct fo rm o f th e
5 ___________ you from Chile?_____________ ___ present sim ple.
a No, they aren't, 1 t * ' ce fr~ . bike to school
b It's 10 o'clock, ас*" г пае ~ry hike to school.___________________
с It's on 2 June, 2 My ^ e rc s f z iay / basketball in the school team
d No, I'm not.
e She's 48. 3 V . :eacтег g o / swimming in the sea every day

Possessive #s 4 W e /n o th a v e /lunch at home

2 A d d 's o r #to th e correct place in th e sentences. 5 V . oad / no: логк / near here
1 Martin л pencil case is black andwhite.
2 My best friend bike isin the sports hall.
3 My parents names are Cristina and Robbie. Present simple: questions
4 My cousin friends are in my class.
5 My three friends books are on the floor. 6 Put th e w o rd s in o rd e r t o m ake q u e stio n s and
w rite th e answ ers.
there is/are + som e and any 1 you / Л '-е'е do / live / ?
Where dc you rve?I live near my school._________
3 M atch th e sentence halves. 2 you arc . c *rends/ snowboarding / Do / go / ?
1 There isn't с
2 Are there _____ 3 lunch /W h a t time /yo u /h a v e / do / ?
3 There aren't _____
4 There's ______ 4 D o e s /m u m /s k iin g /g o /y o u r / ?
5 Is there ■>
a any orange juice in that bag? 5 dinner, zaz / Does / TV / after / your / watch / ?
b some water in the canteen,
с any milk on the table,
d any computers in your school library? Adverbs of frequency
e any dictionaries in our classroom.
7 Circle th e correct w o rd s.
1 I^Tten pTaJ> play o fte n volleyball in the
Have g o t + a/an summer.
4 Read a b o u t Rachel, Ben and Tom's th in g s 2 My sister and do usually / usually do our
and co m p lete th e ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t homework in our bedroom.
yo u. Use th e in fo rm a tio n to w r ite Yes/No 3 I am sometimes / sometimes am tired on
q u e stio n s w ith have and s h o rt answ ers. Monday morning.
4 We sometimes go / go sometimes surfing.
Rachel Ben and Tom You 5 It is never / never is hot in December.
a dog or a cat / A
a laptop X /
1 Has Rachel g o t a dog o r a c a t? Yes, she has.
2 Has Rachel g o t a laptop? _________________
3 ________________________ ? _________________

Language focus extra 95

Language focus extra
Present continuous: Spelling: -ing form
affirmative and negative 4 C o m plete th e ch a rt w it h th e fo rm o f th e
1 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e present verbs in th e box.
c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e ve rb in brackets. ' Л

1 Lots of people are shopping in the mall today, de get look make run write
s ......... ...................... ......... ................. .................

2 I for a new dress, (look)
Add -ing Remove the -e Double consonant
3 My m u m a magazine in the cafe. and add -ing and add -ing
1 doing 3 5
4 She___________ coffee, (not drink)
2 4 6
5 My brother __ a computer game, (play)
6 W e ___________ a lot of money, (not spend)
Present simple vs. continuous
Present continuous:
5 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e present
Wh- questions sim ple o r pre sen t c o n tin u o u s fo rm o f th e
2 W rite q u e stio n s using th e pre sen t co n tin u o u s. ■verbs in th e box.
1 W h a t/y o u /b u y
buy not do eat not talk visit
What are you buying__________________________ ?
2 Where / they / go 1 We are eating pizza right now.
2 I my homework at the moment.
3 Who / she / meet
3 They often' the mall on Saturdays.
4 My m u m ____________ books in that shop.
4 W ha t/Je n ny/w a tch
5 Joe____________ on his mobile right now.
____________________________________ 7
5 W h y /w e /w a it (don't) w ant to, would(n't) like to,
__________________________________________________ 7
w ould prefer to
6 What / Joe / wear
? 6 ( f ir c ig )th e co rrect o p tio n s .
1 I don't (w a n ty like to go to school today.
Present continuous: 2 Jack likes playing football but he'd w a n t / prefer
Yes/No questions to go swimming today.
3 Would you w a n t / like to come with me?
3 Read w h a t M a ria , Judy and Tim are d o in g 4 I wouldn't like / prefer to do judo.
and c o m p le te th e ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t 5 We've got Maths and English homework today.
y o u . Use th e in fo rm a tio n to w r ite Yes/No I'd w a n t / prefer to do English first.
q ue stio n s and s h o rt answ ers in th e present
c o n tin u o u s.
(not) enough + noun
Maria Judy and Tim You 7 C o m plete th e sentences w ith enough and th e
visit the mall X / w o rd s in th e box.
study grammar
r —........... ........ —— ...................
✓ X
money milk paper chairs time
1 Is Maria visiting the mall ? No she isn ’t
2 7 1 There isn't enough paper for everyone
3 7 2 I'd like to buy a skateboard but I haven't got
4 7
7 3 Sit down, everybody. Oh sorry, we haven't got
6 7
4 We can't go to the bookshop now. We haven't
g o t_________________________. It's late.
5 Have you g o t________________________ for three

96 Language focus extra

Language focus extra
w as/were: affirmative and was/were: questions
negative 5 C o r-p te te th e q ue stio ns w ith th e p ast sim ple
1 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm o f oe anc * ' rrte th e sh o rt answ ers.
o f was o r were. 1 * c rs you in judo class yesterday?
At school, 11 wasn’t (not) very good at sport
but 12____________ good at dancing. My friends 2 ___________ Jake good at sports at school?
3____________all crazy about football. They _____________ У
4___________ (not) interested in dancing. I saw 3 ___________ A ey in the supermarket this
• my first ballet when 1 5___________ 12 years old. m o n - ; ' Nd J ./
It' amazing 4 ___________ -e unfriendly at the party?

Past simple: affirmative and «с*-' cousin Julia in Paris last year?
negative ✓
~-e ooiice officers at your school
2 W rite sentences in th e p ast sim ple. га/?
yesi£r334 /
1 Tim / play / football / yesterday
Tim played fo o tb a ll yesterday._________________ Past simple: Wh- questions
2 Joanna/go skiing/last winter
6 W rite a q ue stio n fo r each answ er. Use th e
past simple.
• 3 Gina and Tony / grow up / in Canada
1 What drink ?
I drani sc*~e -nonade.
4 We / not want / to practise the piano / last weekend
2 W here____________ ?
He a concert.
5 I / not play / tennis / at school / when I was little
When ?
The. school at 9 am.
6 Nicky / not win / the singing competition / last week
4 W h o ____________ ?
She met тег ssste^
5 W h a t____________ ?
Past simple: irregular verbs
We ate s o re sandwiches.
3 W rite th e p ast sim p le o f each verb. 6 W h y____________ ?
1 have had We sta.ez a: ':~ ^e because it was raining.
2 make
3 become Past simple: Yes/No questions
4 write
7 Read w h a t Helen, Sam and A b b y d id last
5 get
w e e ke n d and co m p lete th e ta b le w ith
6 see answ ers a b o u t you. Use th e in fo rm a tio n to
w rite Yes/No q ue stio ns and s h o rt answ ers in
Past simple: spelling th e past sim ple.
4 C o m plete th e ch a rt w it h th e p ast sim ple fo rm
| Helen j Sam and Abby You
o f each verb. | 1
eat pizza X /
like stop dance study try wait go shopping ✓ X

1 Did Helen e a t pizza ? No she didn’t .

Add -ed Add -d 2 7

1 waited 2 3 7
3 4 7
5 7
Remove the last letter Double the last
6 7
and add -ied consonant and add -ed
4 6

Language focus extra 97

Language focus extra
Past continuous: affirmative Past continuous: Yes/No questions
1 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e past 4 Read w h a t Jessica, Luke and Nina w e re
c o n tin u o u s fo rm s o f th e verbs in th e box. d o in g a t 5 pm ye ste rd a y and co m p le te th e
ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t yo u. Then use th e
cook chase drink read steal talk buy watch in fo rm a tio n to w rite Yes/No q ue stio n s and
s h o rt answ ers w ith th e past co n tin u o u s.
At 3 pm yesterday afternoon
..Peter was reading a book.
..Julie____________ on the phone. watch TV /
..Jason and A ngie____________ dinner. do homework
• / X
. .w e ____________ TV. -----------------
.I a cup of tea. 1 Was Jessica watching TV ? No she wasn’t .
.. the burglars the money. 2 ? ____
.. my parents _ a new car. • ? _____
.. the d o g ___ the cat around the ? _____
house. ? _____
Past continuous: negative
2 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e n e g a tive Past simple vs. continuous
fo rm o f th e past co n tin u o u s. Use co n tra ctio n s. 5 C o m plete th e sentences w it h th e past sim ple
Peter wasn’t playing f ootba 11. (play) o r th e past co n tin u o u s.
Julie emails, (write) I was reading (read) in bed when I ___________
Jason and Angie ___________ in the garden, (sit) (hear) a loud noise in the street.
We our bikes, (ride) No o ne ___________ (watch) when the burglars
a sandwich, (eat) ____________ (break) into the bank.
The burglars ___________ any noise, (make) The money____________ (disappear) while the
My parents _ to the shop, (walk) guards (have) lunch.
The d o g ___ in the park, (run) 4 While we (watch) TV, the alarm
(go) off.
Past continuous: И/Л- questions 5 When we (look) out of the window,
police officers (enter) the bank.
3 W rite Wh- q u e stio ns w ith th e past 6 The burglars _ (count) their money
c o n tin u o u s. when the police (catch) them.
1 What were you doina ? (you / do)
2 Where ? (they / go) cou!d(n't)
3 Who ? (she /ta lk to)
6 C om plete th e sentences w ith co u ld /co u ld n 't
4 Why ? (he / leave)
and th e w o rd s in brackets.
5 Where ? (Jacky / sit)
1 I could speak French when I was five, (speak)
6 What ? (your friends/watch)
2 She____________ because she was afraid of
7 Why ? (they / go)
water, (not swim)
8 Who ? (she / meet)
Sam____________ the top shelf because he was
too short, (not reach)
the piano when he
was small? (Tony, play)
5 W e ____________ because he spoke very quietly.
(not hear)
a bike when you were
a child? (you, ride)

98 Language focus extra

Language focus extra П

Comparatives must/mustn't
1 C o m plete th e ta b le w ith th e co m p a ra tive 5 Comp le te th e sentences w ith m ust or m u s tn 't
fo rm s o f th e w o rd s in th e box. and the verb in brackets.
1 You — w f lf c t a f r during the lesson, (talk)
comfortable expensive nice 2 Y bu___________ your homework on time, (do)
interesting safe tall 3 You___________ sandwiches in the classroom.
4 You________ your friend's homework, (copy)
Add -r or -er more + adjective
5 Y ou________ o r the chairs, (stand)
more comfortable
6 Y ou_______ ,caref Jly to the teacher, (listen)

should/ shouldn ’t
2 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e co m p a ra tive 6 C o m plete th e sentences w ith sh o u ld o r
fo rm o f th e w o rd s in brackets. shouldn 't and th e verbs in th e box.
1 My house is smaller than your house, (small)
2 Jack's room is ____________ Katrina's room, (tidy) take go ~‘eet ohone stay wear
3 Laura's homework is ___________ Abby's
homework, (good) 1 It's co c toca. • ou should wear a warm coat.
4 This new hotel is _ the old hotel. 2 The tram ea. es a: 10 am. W e ___________
(comfortable) at 9.45.
5 The sofa is _______ the armchair, (expensive) 3 It's rain ng t o u ____________ your umbrella.
4 It's late. You____________ to bed now.
Superlatives 5 I've got an exam tomorrow. I ___________
up late.
3 W rite s u p e rla tiv e sentences w ith th e w o rd s 6 You've got a toctnache. Y ou___________
b e lo w . the dentist
1 The New South China Mall / large / shopping
centre / world should/shouldn't, questions
The New South China Mall is the largest shopping
centre in the world._________________________ 7 Put the words in the correct order to make
2 Vostok in Antarctica / cold / place on Earth questions. Then complete the answers.
1 we / Should / get u p /tomorrow/early
A: Should we g e t up earfy tom orrow ________
3 My bedroom / good / room in the house
B: Yes, we should

4 This is/co m forta b le / chair 2 wear / 1/ to the par . sho-kl * Л hat

A: _______________ _______________________
B: You your с je dress.
5 I'm not /b a d /student /in . our class
use / my calculator / in the exam / Should / 1
A: _____________________________________
Comparatives and superlatives B: N o ,___________
we / When / meet / should
4 ( C irde)th e correct fo rm . A: ____________________________________
1 A: I think New York is more exciting / B: W e ________ at 9 am.
<%he most exciting) city in the world! Should / book / 1/ a note!
В: I don't agree. I think that London is more A: ____________________
exciting / th e most exciting than New York.
B: Yes,___________
2 A: Buses are safer / the safest than trains.
What / do / should / this afternoon / 1
В: I don't agree. I think that trains are safer /
A: _______________________________
th e safest form of transport.
B: You________ your homework.
3 A: I think that Tokyo is more expensive /
the most expensive city in the world.
В: I read that Singapore is more expensive /
the most expensive than Tokyo.

Language focus extra 99

Language focus extra
will/won't will/ won't, may/might
1 C o m plete th e te x t w it h and th e w o rd s in 5 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm
th e box. o f m ay, m ig h t, w ill o r w o n 't. S om etim es m ore
' \ th a n one a n sw e r is possible.
be do §e have study work 1 I think I might do my homework now.
I don't know.
My plans for the future: first, 11 w ill go 2 I'm not sure but I think i t ____________ rain
to university and 12____________ Engineering. tomorrow.
I think that Engineering 3____________ very 3 I'm sure the teacher____________ give us
important because w e 4____________ so many new homework tomorrow,
developments in science and technology. Then I
4 We * have our Maths class later
5____________ research at a university in Australia. because our teacher is not here.
After that, 16____________ in a company to make
5 The chocolate___________ be in the fridge. Have
new inventions.
a look!
2 ( Circle)th e correct w ords. 6 I know that my ta b le t____________ be here
when I come back because it's very safe.
Children ’w ill / ( y v o n ^ go to school because they
2w ill / w o n 't study at home. We 3w ill / w o n 't have
electric cars because there 4w ill / w o n 't be enough First conditional
petrol. People 5w ill / w o n 't work in factories because
6 M atch th e sentence halves.
robots 6w ill / w o n 't do all the work.
1 If you turn on the computer, с
2 If I don't leave now,
will/won't questions
3 If you don't have a computer,
3 W rite questions w ith w ill. Then w rite short 4 We will learn how to make a website,
answers. 5 You will get a better job
1 robots / clean our homes 6 I w on't pass the exam
Will ro b ots clean our homes ? Yes, the y will. У
a I will miss the train.
2 all countries / speak one language b if I don't study tonight,
______________________________________ A с I'll show you my new website,
3 aeroplanes / be faster d if you learn about technology,
/ e you w on't be able to check your email,
4 the clim ate/be warmer f if we go on this course.
______________________________________ A
5 people / live longer First conditional: questions
6 the world / be more peaceful 7 M ake q u e stio n s in th e fir s t c o n d itio n a l w ith
/ th e w o rd s b e lo w .
1 What / you / do / your computer / breaks
may/might What will you do if your computer breaks ?
2 y o u /g o hom e/class/finish early
4 Put the words in order to make sentences. ?
1 smartphone / buy / tomorrow / might / a / new / 1 3 How / Stacy / check her email / she / not have a
I m ight buy a new sm artphone tom orrow.________ computer
2 may / new / in / room / desk / a / put / We / your ?
4 they / call / u s/th e y/m iss the train
3 might / the / before / shopping / not / lunch / ?
mum / My / do 5 W h a t/D a n n y /d o /n o t get the job
4 tired / lie / may / 1/ because / I'm / down 6 Jessica / buy a car / pass / her driving test
5 Jenny / may / you / think / Do / unhappy / be / ?

100 Language focus extra

Language focus extra t

be going to Present continuous for future

1 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e co rre ct fo rm 5 W rite sentences w ith th e w o rd s . Use th e
o f be g o in g to and th e w o rd s in th e box. pre sen t co n tin u o u s.
1 I/c o o k dinner tonight
buy get not go study take work I’m cooking dinner tonight.________________
2 Hillary / look after / her sister tomorrow
1 I am going to stu d y History at university.
2 Rita___________1 in her dad's shop this summer.
3 My dad / make / a cake for my birthday
3 My brother____________a year out after
4 He / sell / his car next week
4 My parents________ a new house next year.
5 Sam and Linda____________ married next year.
5 We / play / basketball on Friday
6 We to summer camp this year.

6 They / do / the shopping this afternoon

be going to: questions
2 W rite q u e stio n s and s h o rt answ ers w ith be
g o in g to. 6 Read Leila, D anny and Suzanne's plans and
1 What are you going to do this summer? (you, do) co m p lete th e ta b le w ith answ ers a b o u t you.
2 W here____________ next year? (Tina, work) Then use th e in fo rm a tio n to w rite q ue stio ns
3 W hen____________ ? (your parents, arrive) and answ ers w ith th e pre sen t co n tin u o u s.
this summer ? (they, visit Canada)
Leila Danny and You
No, they
next year? (I, learn to drive)
Tonight study for eat pizza with
Yes, I
a test their friends
Medicine? (your sister, study)
Yes, she This visit her watch a
weekend grandma football match
will vs. be going to 1 W h a t/L e ila /d o /to n ig h t ?
What is Leila doing tonight ?
3 Decide if each sentence is a p lan o r a
She's studying for a te s t .
p re d ic tio n . ( c irc l§ )th e correct w o rd s.
2 What / Danny and Suzanne / this weekend ?
1 It's raining. You (w rn)/ are going to need an
__________________________ ?They_________
3 Leila / visit / her auntie / this weekend
2 I think it w ill / is going to be difficult to find a
3 The concert is sold out. You w o n 't / a re n't going 4 Danny and Suzanne / watch a football match /
to get tickets. this weekend ?
? .
4 We w ill / are going to study Japanese next year.
5 Suzanne w ill / is going to work as a scientist. 5 you / study for a test / tonight ?
6 You're an excellent student. I'm sure you w ill /
are going to pass the test. 6 you / watch a football match / this weekend ?
4 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e correct fo rm
o f w ill o r be g o in g to.
1 My cousin is going to g e t (get) married next year.
2 Our teacher___________ (come) to class today.
She's busy.
3 I ____________ (study) Maths at university. I love
(you/watch) the film tonight?
5 W e ________ (play) football later. We've got a
lot of homework.
6 W h a t____________ yourfriends_____________(do)
when they leave school?

Language focus extra 10

Language focus extra
Present perfect: affirmative and Present perfect: questions
negative 4 W rite q u e stio n s and s h o rt answ ers w ith th e
1 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e present pre sen t p erfe ct.
p e rfe c t fo rm o f th e verbs in brackets. 1 have an accident / you
1 Gemma has broken her ankle, (break) Have you had an accident
2 Kate____________ Colombia, (visit) No. I haven’t
3 I ____________ octopus, (not eat) Annie / ever / fall off her bike
4 My brother____________a new computer game.
(invent) Yes. she
5 We the latest Hobbit film, (not see) Tonyy break his leg -
6 My parents____________me a new bicycle, (buy)
7 They____________ to London twice, (go) No. he
8 Some of my classmates____________ this book. ever / they / win the lottery
No. they
Spelling: past participles she / burn / her finger

2 C o m plete th e ta b le w ith th e p ast p a rtic ip le o f

each verb.
— — . ever / the dog / bite / you
jump slip trip stop study like try r

No, it

Add -d or -ed Remove the last Double Past simple vs. present perfect
letter and add consonant and
-ied add -ed 5 ( Circle)the correct w o rds.
1 jum ped 3 5 1 I visited / (^ave visite^) a lot of countries in
2 4 6 my life.
7 2 Sam broke / has broken his wrist two years ago.
3 Ruth crashed / has crashed her bike yesterday.
4 I d id n 't eat / haven't eaten snails but I want to
Present perfect: irregular verbs try them one day.
3 W rite th e p ast p a rtic ip le o f each verb. 5 We d id n 't ride / haven't ridden a camel when
1 have had we were in Egypt.
2 fall ___________ 6 A: Do you like skiing?
3 feel ___________ В: I don't know. I d id n 't do / haven't done it
4 write ___________
5 eat ___________
6 Complete the story w ith the correct form of
6 see ___________ the verbs in brackets.
7 begin ___________ 11 went (go) ice skating yesterday.
8 break ___________ 12____________ (put on) big socks and the skates
and 3____________ (walk) on to the ice, but of
course 14 (slip). 15 never •
____________ (break) my leg but 16___________
(think) I had when 17_ _________(fall)! Ow!
18____________ (stand up) and 19____________ (fall)
again. This time 110___________ (cut) my finger with
the skate. I think football is much safer!

102 Language focus extra


• •
Language focus extra
one/ones too + adjective
1 ( Circie) th e co rre ct w o rd s. 4 C o m plete th e sentences w ith to o and th e
1 A: Which T-shirt would you like, pink or blue? w o rd s in th e box.
B: I'd like the blue (o n e)/o n es, please.
tired big eld late small cold excited
2 A: Which biscuits would you like, chocolate
or lemon?
B: I'd like the chocolate one / ones, please.
Your comooter's too oldto have apps.
My desk is _____ to put all these books on.
3 A: What kind of ticket do you want?
I'm ____________ to go out. I want to sleep!
B: Which one / ones is the cheapest?
tr>e best news ever! I'm ___________
4 A: I really like those kinds of films.
to speak!
B: Which one / ones?
Ift to have a shower. It's after
A: Action films.
5 A: Which restaurant do you like best?
ITs________ to go to the beach. Let's go
B: The one / ones on the corner near the park.
51x500*19 nstead.
6 A: Do you want the same flowers as last time? This lactoo s ___ to ta<e to school.
B: No, I'd like different one / ones, please. I need a sma er one.

Indefinite pronouns (not) adjective + enough

2 Choose th e correct w o rd s. 5 Match the sentence halves.
1 The wardrobe wasn't big enough f
Edinburgh is an amazing city, ‘^o m e on e . 2 My dad says I'm not old enough
Something once said that it's the 3 He's good enough at football
world capital of festivals. There's always 4 The paper bag wasn't strong enough
S om ething / somewhere to do there. In 5 The snow isn't thick enough
the summer it has the biggest arts festival 6 He's rte * enough
in the world. There are thousands of events
a to pla. *:* C'-asaa
E veryth in g / everywhere in the city. The
shows in the theatres can be expensive but b to hole a sro o p r g
many of the open-air 4one / ones are free. с to go ca~ ping ao~€
In winter, the Scottish New Year party is a d to become ar astronaut
three-day festival, another 5one / ones that e to go s« - c
6now here / no one wants to miss. f to put a<« ~e* C "~ e s in

too or enough?
3 C o m plete th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s in 6 Choose th e correct o p tio n .
th e box. 1 The sher л а г *. to o strong /<$tro n g enougTp
to hold al. ~ . docks
nothing (x2) something nobody anything
2 The m e re '. 5: :« was to o small / small enough
somewhere anyone
to save al :~e cnctos
3 The dog л 55 zoo fast / fast enough to catch
1 Is there anything in this plastic bag?
and he ran away.
2 I'd like to g o ___________ very warm for my
4 The ball was to o heavy / heavy enough to
throw. I couldn't pick it up.
3 I'm sorry, but there's____________ we can do to
5 He says he's to o good / n ot good enough to
help you.
play the d ano in :ne concert.
4 I don't kn ow ___________ who has a fishing boat.
6 I was to o tire d tire d enough to get up so
5 We looked for our friends in the kitchen but there
I stayed in beo
w as____________ there.
7 I'm to o old not old enough to drive.
6 Put all your work on this memory stick. It's OK,
there's____________ on it.
7 Can I have____________ to drink please?

Language focus extra 103

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