Workplace Communication (9.4)

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28) What is communication network?

Communication network is a method that employees pass on information to other employees in an organization

29) Discuss 5 types of Communication network.

i) Vertical network - The vertical network is communication method between the superior and subordinate and vice versa. It is a two way and formal

ii) Circuit network - Under this network two persons communicate with each other. EX: Mr. A sends message to Mr. B after receiving message , Mr. B
communicate the feedback to Mr. A so communication takes the form of a circuit

iii) Chain network – Under this network all subordinate receive commands or instructions from their superior this network of communication follows the
organizational hierarchy

iv) Wheel network - Under this network, all subordinates receive commands or instructions from one superior. A single superior wants the immediate feedback

v) Star network - Under star network all members of the group communicate and exchange information with each other. This network needs to teamwork or group

30) Why do organization use different communication channels?

1) To reduce cost - noticeboard, intercom, memo

2) To give information in confident way - letters

3) To communicate with people in different geographical areas - video conference, social media

4) To take immediate feedback - telephone, face to face communication

5) To promote products and services ( Advertising) - television, radio, newspapers

6) To maintain relationships with customers - sms, leaflet, catalogue, social media

7) To give information to large audiences at the same time - television, radio

31) What is strategic communication?

Strategic communication is communicating the strategic objectives of an organization to its various stakeholders. Strategic communication use various
communication channels to fulfil goals and objectives of the organization.

Ex: Television, Radio, Social media, Catalogue, Leaflet, Posters, Magazine, Newspapers

Four components of a strategic communication

i) Target audience

ii) Key message

iii) Appropriate channel

iv) Intended outcomes

32) Explain personal value/ Code of ethics

Personal values and ethics are guidelines that help to control behaviours of employees in an organization




Concern for others

Respect for others




Importance of personal values/ ethics

i) It prevent unjust treatment

ii) It maintain discipline within the organization

iii) It create cooperative environment

iv) It develops goodwill of the organization

v) It helps understand the differences between right and wrong

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