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Class – 6 English

Lesson 1- Try and Try Again

' Tis a lesson you should heed,

If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again;
Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear
Try, try again.

Once or twice, though you should fail,

If you would at last prevail,
Try, try again;
If we strive, 'tis no disgrace
Though we do not win the race;
What should you do in the case?
Try, try again.

If you find your task is hard,

Time will bring you your reward,
Try, try again;
All that other folks can do,
Why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view:
Try, try again.

W.E. Hikson


"Try and Try Again" is a simple, motivating and inspiring poem, which inspires everybody to strive for their
goals. This beautiful poemhasbeenwrittenbyWilliam Edward Hickson.This poemis a moral lesson for us.
In this poem the poet says if at first you did not succeed try again to get your goal. Weshould not give up our
struggle during failure. Try again is the only gateway to success. In other words poet tries toexplain the
importance of tryingagaininlife. Onemust not surrender tothechallenges of oneslife.Nomatterwhatever
obstaclesarecominginyourpath you should facethem bravely and time willgiveyoureward for your hard
work but you have to keep patience.

Ex. A.- VeryShortAnswerTypeQuestions

Q.1. - What does the poet advise every one to do?

A.1. -Thepoetadviseseveryonetotryagainandagainifone cannot succeed at the very first attempt.

Q.2. - What should you do if you face failure?

A.2. - Ifyoufacefailurethenyoushouldkeepontrying tillthelast attempt.

Q.3.- Who rewards people and when?

A.3. –If one thinks that one'stask is hard then time will reward him for his hard work when one will try
again and again.
Q.4.- What is the best thing to do?

A.4.-The best thingistohavepatienceandtokeep ontrying again and again.

Short Answer TypeQuestions

Q.1.- How can yousucceed?

A.1.- One should always be hopeful and adopt an optimistic attitude towardsfailures andwe
shouldkeepontryingtillthe end to get success. It doesn't matters if you cannot win the race atthefirst
attemptbecauseifyouaredoinghardworkthentime will give you your reward.

Q.2.- 'Time will bring you your reward.' Explain.

A.2.- This statement tells us that all our hard work do esn't go in waste and one day or the other we will
get the reward for our hardwork.Theonlythingtokeepinmindistohavepatienceand the ability to
work till the last.

Q.3.- Which rule is the poet referring to in the poem, “Try And Try Again”.

A.3.- Poet refers to the rule 'Try and Try Again' with patience and keeping this thing in mind that
nothing is impossible in this world.


Q.1.- Name the poem and the poet.

Q.2.- What is the secret of success?

Q.3.- What moral lesson have you learn from this poem?

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