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Pregnancy Rates Per Artificial Insemination for Cows

and Heifers Inseminated at a Synchronized

Ovulation or Synchronized Estrus1
*Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706
†Department of Animal Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506
‡Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus 43210
§Department of Animal Science, University of Missouri, Columbia 65211
||Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames 50011

ABSTRACT time AI at a synchronized ovulation provided similar

pregnancy rates per AI as did AI following the a.m.–
Two synchronization protocols were tested for lac- p.m. rule after estrus had been induced by PGF2a in
tating dairy cows and heifers. Nulliparous dairy heif- lactating cows, but the fixed-time AI was not effective
ers (13 to 23 mo; n = 155) and primiparous and for heifers because of the lack of synchronization.
multiparous dairy cows (60 to 289 d postpartum; n = ( Key words: dairy cattle, synchronization of ovula-
310) were assigned randomly to two treatments. Con- tion, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin
trols received 25 mg of PGF2a and were artificially F2a)
inseminated according to the a.m.–p.m. rule following
detected estrus. All controls that were not detected in Abbreviation key: CL = corpus luteum.
estrus were injected with 25 mg of PGF2a at
14-d intervals until artificial insemination ( A I ) at a INTRODUCTION
detected estrus or until timed AI at 72 to 80 h after a
third sequential injection of PGF2a. Treated cows and Methods to synchronize estrus have been developed
heifers received a protocol that used GnRH and and used in many dairy herds to manage reproduction
PGF2a to synchronize ovulation (Ovsynch). Cows and more efficiently. Management of AI is more efficient
heifers that were treated with Ovsynch were injected when synchronization schemes are used to reduce the
i.m. with 100 mg of GnRH at a random stage of the variation to first and subsequent AI ( 5 ) . Synchroni-
estrous cycle. Seven days later, cows and heifers in zation protocols using approved hormones for lactat-
this group received 25 mg of PGF2a, followed by a ing dairy cows in the US have been limited to the use
second injection of 100 mg of GnRH 30 to 36 h later. of PGF2a (1, 4, 7, 9, 16, 17). Pregnancy rates per AI
Subsequently, the treated cows and heifers received were similar when dairy cows were bred at a detected
AI 16 to 20 h after the second injection of GnRH. estrus after synchronization of estrus with PGF2a or
Pregnancy rates per AI were similar (38.9% vs. after a spontaneous estrus (16, 17). However, estrus
37.8%) for control cows and cows treated with the is not synchronized precisely with PGF2a because this
Ovsynch protocol, respectively. However, pregnancy treatment does not synchronize growth of follicles but
rate per AI was greater for control heifers (74.4%) only regulates the lifespan of the corpus luteum
than for heifers treated with Ovsynch (35.1%). ( CL) . Thus, detection of estrus is needed over a
Evaluation of serum progesterone concentrations at 7-d period after two doses of PGF2a are administered
each hormonal injection indicated that the first injec- 11 to 14 d apart (4, 6, 9, 14). Consequently, when
tion of GnRH synchronized luteal function of lactating cows received a fixed-time AI at 72 to 80 h after a
dairy cows but not of heifers. In summary, one fixed- second injection of PGF2a, pregnancy rates per AI
were considerably lower than those for cows receiving
AI at a detected estrus (15, 16, 17).
Recently, a novel protocol, Ovsynch, was developed
Received October 19, 1995. to synchronize ovulation in lactating dairy cows using
Accepted June 27, 1996.
1Partial funding for this project was provided by the Regional GnRH and PGF2a (11). This protocol synchronized
Project NC-113 of the Cooperative State Research Service, USDA. ovulation within an 8-h period from 24 to 32 h after
2Current address: Department of Animal Science, Michigan
the second injection of GnRH. This precise synchrony
State University, East Lansing 48824.
3Send reprint requests to M. C. Wiltbank, Department of Dairy may allow for successful AI without the detection of
Science, 1675 Observatory Drive, Madison 53706. estrus (11). The current study was designed to evalu-

1997 J Dairy Sci 80:295–300 295


ate pregnancy rates obtained by timed AI after syn-

chronization of follicular growth and ovulation follow-
ing the Ovsynch protocol compared with those after a
traditional synchronization program using PGF2a and
detection of estrus. In addition, a previous study ( 1 1 )
indicated that follicular changes during the Ovsynch
protocol were different for lactating cows than for
heifers. Thus, a second objective of this study was to
compare pregnancy rates per AI for lactating cows
and nulliparous heifers in response to these two syn-
chronization strategies.


Figure 1. Description of the timing of injections for the two
This study was a collaborative project among sta- synchronization methods used in this experiment. Control cows
tions of the NC-113 Project of the Cooperative States received AI in relation to estrus unless they were not detected in
Research Service of the USDA entitled “Methods for estrus after any of the three PGF2a injections. Ovsynch cows had
Improvement of Fertility in Cows Postpartum”. Lac- timed AI.
tating dairy cows from three experiment stations
(total of four dairy farms) and heifers from four ex-
periment stations (total of five dairy farms) were ultrasound at 25 to 30 d postpartum on approxi-
used in this trial. In this experiment, 310 lactating mately 80% of the cows and heifers and by rectal
dairy cows, 60 to 289 d postpartum, and 155 dairy palpation between 35 to 49 d following AI on approxi-
heifers, 13 to 23 mo old, were assigned randomly by
mately 20% of the cows and heifers. The pregnancy
location to the two treatments described in Figure 1.
rate per AI was defined as the percentage of cows or
Lactating cows were randomly assigned by lactation
heifers that were confirmed pregnant at the single
number (1, 2, and ≥3 ) and stage of lactation (60 to
99, 100 to 149, and ≥150 d postpartum). The mean pregnancy diagnosis (ultrasound or palpation) after
number of days postpartum ( ±SEM) at the start of one AI.
treatment was 100.4 ± 4.3 and 96.0 ± 4.7 for the In a subset of cows and heifers, blood was collected
control and Ovsynch groups, respectively. to evaluate the progesterone status at the time of
Cows in the control group received up to three i.m. injections, to determine the effect of PGF2a on CL
injections of 25 mg of PGF2a 14 d apart. Only cows regression, and to determine the estrus detection rate
and heifers that were not detected in estrus were of controls. For control cows and heifers, blood was
given subsequent injections. All control cows detected collected at the time of each PGF2a injection and at
in estrus after each PGF2a injection received AI ac- 24 to 48 h after PGF2a. Blood from cows and heifers
cording to the a.m.–p.m. rule. All controls that did not in the Ovsynch group was collected at each hormone
exhibit estrus after the third injection of PGF2a injection. Serum was evaluated for progesterone con-
received one fixed-time AI at 72 to 80 h after PGF2a. centration using the validated ELISA or radio-
Detection of estrus was performed twice daily by herd immunoassay procedure at each station. Progesterone
personnel at each location for 7 d following the first concentrations were determined to be high at ≥1 ng/
two injections of PGF2a and for 3 d following the third ml or low at <1 ng/ml.
injection (Figure 1). Effect of treatment on pregnancy rate per AI was
Cows and heifers treated with the Ovsynch pro- evaluated by chi-square analysis. The interactions of
tocol were administered 100 mg of GnRH i.m. Seven
treatment and stage of lactation (60 to 75 d, 76 to
days later, cows and heifers received 25 mg of PGF2a.
100, and >100 d), treatment and parity (1, 2, and
This group of cows and heifers then received a second
injection of 100 mg of GnRH 30 to 36 h later and timed ≥3), and treatment and location were analyzed by
AI 16 to 20 h later (Figure 1). Cows and heifers in logistic regression using the CATMOD procedure of
the Ovsynch group were not observed for estrus. SAS (12). No interactions were detected between
The semen that was used for AI was chosen by the treatment and parity or treatment and location.
herd manager as part of routine management of the However, a trend ( P = 0.14) for an interaction be-
herd. All injections were performed by or under the tween treatment and stage of lactation was observed.
supervision of NC-113 collaborators. All AI were per- Therefore, stage of lactation (60 to 75 and >75 d ) was
formed by the farm personnel that were normally in reanalyzed using chi-square analysis. In addition, in-
charge of AI. Pregnancy diagnosis was determined by teractions of progesterone status and treatment and

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 80, No. 2, 1997


interactions of pregnancy rate, progesterone status, TABLE 2. Influence of stage of lactation on pregnancy rates in
lactating cows after treatment with PGF2a (control) or synchroni-
and treatment were analyzed by chi-square analysis. zation of ovulation (Ovsynch). 1
Pregnancy rate
of lactation Control Ovsynch Total
The time from the start of treatment until AI was (%)
13 ± 11 d ( x ± SD) for cows treated with PGF2a and 9 60 to 75 d 39.4 ( n = 33) 26.0 ( n = 50) 31.3 ( n = 83)
± 0 d for cows treated with Ovsynch. As shown in ≥76 d 38.8 ( n = 121) 43.4 ( n = 106) 41.0 ( n = 227)
P 0.88 0.04 0.12
Table 1, lactating cows had a similar pregnancy rate
per AI following the traditional PGF2a protocol (con- 1No differences between treatments.
trol) or the Ovsynch protocol. In contrast, control
heifers had a greater ( P < 0.01) pregnancy rate per
AI than did heifers treated with Ovsynch. Also, preg- cows that received timed AI (Table 3). However,
nancy rate per AI was greater ( P < 0.01) for control pregnancy rate per AI was similar ( P > 0.10) for
heifers than for control cows. Cows in the Ovsynch control cows inseminated only at estrus and for cows
group that were >76 d postpartum had a greater ( P < in the Ovsynch group.
0.05) pregnancy rate per AI than did cows that were For cows and heifers with functional CL on the day
60 to 75 d postpartum (Table 2). of PGF2a injection, CL regression occurred (high
Analysis of progesterone concentrations in control progesterone on day of injection followed by low
cows and heifers allowed calculation of an estrus progesterone 24 to 48 h later) in all control cows and
detection rate [percentage of cows and heifers de- heifers (100%) and in 109 of 116 cows (94%) and 74
tected in estrus after high ( ≥1 ng/ml) followed by low of 77 heifers (96%) in the Ovsynch group. Analysis of
(<1 ng/ml) progesterone concentrations] of 66% in progesterone concentrations for cows and heifers in
cows ( n = 160) and 60% in heifers ( n = 77). Control the Ovsynch group demonstrated that a similar per-
cows with high concentrations of progesterone ( ≥1 ng/ centage of heifers and cows had high progesterone
ml) had a greater ( P < 0.05) pregnancy rate per AI concentrations on the day of the first GnRH injection
(49.3%; n = 83) than did control cows with low con- ( ∼60%; Table 4). At the PGF2a injection for cows in
centrations of progesterone (21.2%; n = 19) on the the Ovsynch group, the percentage of lactating cows
day of PGF2a injection; however, progesterone status with high concentrations of progesterone increased to
had no effect on pregnancy rate per AI in heifers 86% ( P < 0.05) but remained at 60% in heifers. The
(high = 82.7%, n = 52; low = 71.4%, n = 7; P > 0.1). pregnancy rate per AI was similar for cows, regard-
Most cows and heifers received AI after the first or less of whether concentrations of progesterone were
second PGF2a injection; only 18% (lactating cows) high or low at the time of PGF2a, but heifers with low
and 23% (heifers) received the third PGF2a injection progesterone concentrations at the time of PGF2a in-
(Table 3). Of the lactating cows that received the jection had a lower pregnancy rate per AI than did
third PGF2a injection, almost all were bred by timed heifers with high progesterone concentrations at the
AI (92%), and the pregnancy rate from this AI was time of PGF2a injection (Table 4).
very low (Table 3). In contrast, more than half of the
heifers that received the third PGF2a injection were DISCUSSION
bred to a detected estrus (Table 3). Control cows that This study compared pregnancy rates per AI for
were inseminated at an observed estrus had a greater lactating dairy cows and dairy heifers after two differ-
( P < 0.01) pregnancy rate per AI than did control ent synchronization strategies. Although both pro-
tocols allowed all dairy cows to be bred, the Ovsynch
protocol provided a very predictable time of AI after
the start of treatment. Ovsynch could benefit dairy
TABLE 1. Pregnancy rates in cows and heifers after treatment with
PGF2a (control) or synchronization of ovulation (Ovsynch).
operations because it allows for timed AI of lactating
cows without detection of estrus. For lactating dairy
Pregnancy rate cows, synchronization of ovulation with GnRH and
Control Ovsynch P PGF2a resulted in a pregnancy rate per AI that was
(%) similar to the rate for cows receiving PGF2a every
Cows 38.9 ( n = 154) 37.8 ( n = 156) >0.10 other week. For those cows, 83% had AI after a de-
Heifers 74.4 ( n = 78) 35.1 ( n = 77) <0.01 tected estrus, and 17% had timed AI. In another
P <0.01 >0.10 study with 333 lactating dairy cows, we also found
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 80, No. 2, 1997

TABLE 3. Percentage of cows bred and pregnancy rates per AI after each treatment with PGF2a.
Lactating cows Heifers
( % bred ( % pregnant ( % bred ( % pregnant
of total) of bred) of total) of bred)
First PGF2a 48.5 46.3 39.7 71.0
Second PGF2a 33.3 45.7 37.2 82.8
Third PGF2a
AI to Estrus 1.4 0 12.8 70.0
Timed AI 16.7 4.3 10.3 50.0
1Percentage of pregnant cows was lower ( P < 0.01) for cows bred after third PGF
2a injection than
that after first or second PGF2a injection.

similar pregnancy rates for first, second, and third AI in oocyte quality and uterine environment that reduce
using the Ovsynch protocol compared with breeding fertility. Second, the response to the Ovsynch protocol
at a detected estrus (10). In contrast to the 38% by heifers was dramatically different from the
pregnancy rate per AI after Ovsynch, only 8.3% of response by lactating cows. In contrast to the normal
cows conceived to the timed AI after the third PGF2a pregnancy rate per AI that was produced by Ovsynch
injection in the control group. The control cows that in lactating cows, heifers had a lower pregnancy rate
received timed AI were probably from a less fertile per AI after Ovsynch than after PGF2a and detected
population, because the other control cows had previ- estrus. Ovsynch may be the first synchronization pro-
ously shown behavioral estrus, indicating estrous cy- tocol that has performed well in lactating cows but
clicity. A similar number of this less fertile population not in heifers. An understanding of the differences
was probably included in the Ovsynch group, which in follicular dynamics may explain differences in
might have reduced pregnancy rate per AI for cows in response to Ovsynch.
the Ovsynch group. Thus, pregnancy rates per AI Timed AI after PGF2a is ineffective in lactating
after Ovsynch were similar to breeding after a de- dairy cows because of anestrous cows ( 1 7 ) and be-
tected estrus in lactating dairy cows, but Ovsynch did cause of the large variation in time from regression of
not yield acceptable pregnancy rates per AI in heifers. the CL to expression of estrus (15, 16, 17). This
Pregnancy rates per AI at an observed estrus were variation in time to estrus is due to differences in the
almost twice as great for heifers as for lactating dairy developmental stage of the preovulatory follicle at the
cows in the current study. This difference has been time of PGF2a injection ( 3 ) and is not related to the
apparent in most dairy herds and has been reported rate of progesterone decrease to basal concentrations
previously ( 8 ) . The reason for this large discrepancy ( 5 ) . The developmental stage of the preovulatory
in fertility between cows and heifers has not been follicle can be controlled by exogenous hormones, such
well characterized. The obvious differences between as GnRH (19), which is the basis of the Ovsynch
cows and heifers include lactation, parity, age, and protocol. We previously reported that 85% of lactating
nutrition ( 2 ) . These factors may produce differences dairy cows ovulate after an injection of GnRH at a

TABLE 4. Pregnancy rates and progesterone ( P 4) status in a subset of cows and heifers treated with the Ovsynch protocol.
First GnRH injection PGF2a Injection
>1 ng of P4/ml <1 ng of P4/ml >1 ng of P4/ml <1 ng of P4/ml
(%) (no.) (%) (no.) (%) (no.) (%) (no.)
Pregnancy rate 40.9 29/71 33.3 15/45 37.0 37/100 43.8 7/16
% of Cows1 61.2 71/116 38.8 45/116 86.2 100/116 13.8 16/116
Pregnancy rate 40.4 19/47 29.6 8/27 47.72 21/44 20.0 6/30
% of Heifers 63.5 47/74 36.5 27/74 59.5 44/74 40.5 30/74
1Percentage of cows with high P4 was different ( P < 0.05) at first GnRH versus PGF2a injection.
2Pregnancy rate was greater ( P < 0.05) for heifers with high ( ≥1 ng/ml) versus low (<1 ng/ml) P4.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 80, No. 2, 1997


random stage of the estrous cycle, and a new follicular follicular wave seems to be longer (Pursley and Wilt-
wave begins in all cows (11). One follicle from this bank, 1996, unpublished data). Thus, newly emerg-
new follicular wave is functionally dominant by d 7 ing follicles of heifers that are not ovulated by the
(time of PGF2a) and can be induced to ovulate with a first injection of GnRH may lose dominance status
second injection of GnRH. (turnover). Specifically, the heifers that do not
Heifers are poorly synchronized by Ovsynch. As respond to the first injection of GnRH would most
discussed previously, the success of the Ovsynch pro- likely be in the first 3 d of a new follicular wave.
tocol is dependent on synchrony of both the ovulatory Seven days later, at the time of PGF2a, some of these
follicle and the CL. Greater synchrony of CL function heifers would be at d 9 or 10 after the initiation of a
was evident in lactating cows because high serum follicular wave, a time when the old follicle loses
progesterone concentrations were detected at the time dominance and a new follicular wave emerges. Thus,
of PGF2a injection in 86.2% of cows compared with the newly emerging dominant follicle would not be
only 59.5% of heifers (Table 4). This result agrees sufficiently mature to respond to the second injection
with that of our previous study in which we found of GnRH. Unlike our previous study ( 1 1 ) in which
that the first injection of GnRH stimulated ovulation heifers and cows received the second injection of
of a follicle in only 54% of heifers compared with 85% GnRH at 24 and 48 h after PGF2a, respectively, both
of lactating dairy cows (11). Therefore, in contrast to heifers and lactating cows in this study were given
heifers, cows appear to have a functionally dominant the second injection of GnRH at 30 to 36 h after
follicle that is responsive to LH for a greater propor- PGF2a injection. The design of this study did not
tion of the estrous cycle. The percentage of heifers allow us to evaluate the degree of follicular synchrony
with elevated serum progesterone concentrations was in cows versus heifers because sequential ultrasound
not different 7 d following the first injection of GnRH evaluations of the ovaries were not performed. Ex-
as was found at a random stage of the estrous cycle. trapolation from previous ultrasound evaluations
Approximately 60% of heifers had high progesterone (11), the present results, and results of others ( 1 3 )
concentrations at the first injection of GnRH and at indicate that Ovsynch synchronizes follicular and lu-
PGF2a injection. Obviously, luteal development was teal development in lactating cows, but not in heifers.
not synchronized by the first injection of GnRH in
heifers. The low ovulatory response in heifers, as well Practical Implications
as other differences in follicular dynamics, might also
decrease Ovsynch success because of a lack of follicu- The ability to achieve acceptable fertility after a
lar synchrony in heifers. timed AI could have a major impact on reproductive
To achieve successful synchronization with the Ov- management of lactating dairy cows. Breeding to a
synch protocol it is particularly critical to ovulate a synchronized ovulation would allow more control in
follicle when the first injection of GnRH is given AI programs and would remove dependence on estrus
during the late luteal phase. If a follicle does not detection before AI. This achievement opens the door
ovulate during this period, the cow or heifer may cycle to various ways of managing AI and the calving inter-
normally and would most likely be in estrus before val. For example, traditional selection of a voluntary
the second injection of GnRH. If ovulation occurs from waiting period might be replaced by selection of a day
the initial injection of GnRH during the late luteal of first AI. Managers could eliminate first AI that
phase, the newly induced CL appears to be unrespon- occur too early or too late in lactation. The data from
sive to the spontaneous pulses of PGF2a, and, even the present study indicate that this day of first AI
though the spontaneous CL may regress, the new CL should be after 75 d to achieve maximal pregnancy
continues to grow until the day of PGF2a injection rates per AI (Table 2). Use of this protocol at the
(Pursley and Wiltbank, 1996, unpublished data). University of Wisconsin has allowed all first AI to
Lactating dairy cows primarily have two waves of occur at about 70 d of lactation, and all AI are per-
follicular growth during an estrous cycle (18), which formed on 1 d of the week. The timeliness of subse-
makes it likely that there would be a follicle that is quent breedings can also be ensured because all open
responsive to LH during the late luteal phase. Thus, cows could receive an effective timed AI at 9 to 10 d
differences in numbers of follicular waves or length of after pregnancy diagnosis. Potentially, the need for
follicular waves may be crucial for determining the detection of estrus could be eliminated from a
success of synchronization with Ovsynch. reproductive management program. The effectiveness
Follicle growth seems to be more rapid for heifers of such a program is improved if early pregnancy
than for lactating cows (11), and the length of a diagnosis is performed, for example with transrectal
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 80, No. 2, 1997

ultrasonography (10). Thus, synchronization of ovu- 6 Larson, L. L., and P.J.H. Ball. 1992. Regulation of estrous
cycles in dairy cattle: a review. Theriogenology 38:255.
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way to manage reproduction in lactating dairy cows. W. W. Thatcher, C. K. Vincent, and A. F. Loyancano. 1974.
However, this protocol was not an effective synchroni- Fertility of cattle following PGF2a injection. J. Anim. Sci. 38:
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8 Lee, C. N., E. Maurice, R. L. Ax, J. A. Pennington, W. F.
Hoffman, and M. D. Brown. 1983. Efficacy of gonadotropin-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS releasing hormone administered at the time of artificial insemi-
nation of heifers and postpartum and repeat breeder dairy
The authors thank Myron Brown of Sanofi Animal cows. Am. J. Vet. Res. 44:11.
Health, Inc., Overland Park, Kansas, for providing 9 Lucy, M. C., J. S. Stevenson, and E. P. Call. 1986. Controlling
GnRH (Cystorelin) and John Chenault of The Up- first service and calving interval by prostaglandin F2a
gonadotropin-releasing hormone and timed insemination. J.
john Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, for providing Dairy Sci. 69:2186.
PGF2a (Lutalyse) . Support was also provided by the 10 Pursley, J. R., M. R. Kosorok, and M. C. Wiltbank. 1997.
Wisconsin, Kansas, Ohio, Missouri, and Iowa Cooper- Reproductive management of lactating dairy cows using syn-
ative Experiment Stations and Ohio Dairy Farmers chronization of ovulation. J. Dairy Sci. 80:303.
11 Pursley, J. R., M. O. Mee, and M. C. Wiltbank. 1995. Synchroni-
Cooperative. We thank Crave Bros. Dairy, Waterloo, zation of ovulation in dairy cows using PGF2a and GnRH.
Wisconsin; Pfeifer Farms, Bucyrus, Ohio; and Stoll Theriogenology 44:915.
Farms, Marshallville, Ohio, for providing cows and 12 SAS/STAT User’s Guide: Release 6.03. 1988. SAS Inst., Inc.,
heifers. In addition, we thank Jerry Guenther, Uni- Cary, NC.
13 Schmitt, E. J.-P., T. Z. Diaz, M. Drost, and W. W. Thatcher.
versity of Wisconsin, Madison; Ann Ottobre, Daniel 1994. Use of a GnRH-agonist for a timed insemination protocol
Grooms, and David Smith, The Ohio State Univer- in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 72(Suppl. 1):1128.(Abstr.)
sity; Yasuhiro Kobayashi and Betty Hensley, Kansas 14 Momont, H. W., and B. E. Seguin. 1983. Treatment of unob-
State University; and Brent Salfen, University of Mis- served estrus in lactating dairy cows with prostaglandin F2a
products. Page 28 in The Compendium on Continuing Educa-
souri, for providing technical assistance. tion for the Practicing Veterinarian on Reproductive Manage-
ment in Food Animals. Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul.
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 80, No. 2, 1997

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