Service Independent Blocks & IN 2.2 Control Types: Appendix B

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Service Independent Blocks & IN 2.

2 Control

Appendix B
GSM Mobile IN Overview

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EN/LZT 123 3974 R3B

B Service Independent Blocks & IN 2.2 Control Types

B Service Independent Blocks & IN 2.2

Control Types
Table of Contents

Topic Page

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................165


CAPABILITY SET 1 ...........................................................................166

CONTROL TYPES FOR MIN PLATFORM R7...................................167

EN/LZT 123 3974 R3B –i–

GSM Mobile IN Overview

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B Service Independent Blocks & IN 2.2 Control Types

This appendix lists the SIBs defined in Capability Set 1 and the
Control Types which exist in MIN Platform R7. The CTs are
listed by category with a short description of each CT function
provided. The icons for the Control Type are at the end of the
list. An asterisk after the name is used to indicate Control Types
which are specific to CS1+.

EN/LZT 123 3974 R3B – 165 –

GSM Mobile IN Overview


SIB Description
Algorithm Enables a mathematical equation to be
applied to existing data
BasicCallProcess Allows SCF access basic call functions in
SSF : call set-up, supervision, clear down
Charge Charging of calls
Compare Compares an identifier with a referenced
Distribution Distribution of calls
Limit Limitation of calls to service/node
LogCallInformation String of call data
Queue Queuing of calls
Screen Screen of calls
ServiceDataManagement Management of data which services use
StatusNotification Notification of the status of a subscriber
Translate Translation of information from SDF to SCF
UserInteraction Interaction with the user such as playing of

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B Service Independent Blocks & IN 2.2 Control Types


Category Control Type Function Description

Call Queue CALLQUE Queuing of calls

Charging CHARDAT Manipulate charging data
CHARLIM Check charging limit
CHARREP Collect charging information
Connection View-related CALLINF Collect call information
COLLECT Collect destination information
CONNECT Call routing
CONTINU Continue Connection View in basic call state
DISFCON Disconnect forward connection
EVENTH Explicit handling of event
EXMON3 Monitor on events
HANDOFF Support handoff procedure
HOLDCPC* Hold call party connection
INITCALL Initiate call attempt
RECON* Reconnect call party connection
RELCPC* Release call party connection
RELEASE Release call
SIGINFO* Signaling information
Customer Control CCPROC Customer control procedure
CCTRAF Customer control traffic
Information INFO Load information
MANDM Collect parameter information
Interprocess NPROCES SCF generates process with timer function
Interworking ENDLOOP End of a loop
GOSUB2 Jump to another Service Administrator
HANDOV2* Support handover procedure
JUMP Jump to another Service Administrator, direct
JUMPR Jump to previously given SA
LOADQD Load additional query information data
LOOP Start a loop
RETSUB Return from subroutine
RTIMER Relative timer
Manipulation CREANUM Create a new number
DELCID Delete Call instance data
MODLONG Handling of 32-bit variables
MODSTR Modify a string
MODVAR Modify variables
NUM2STR Convert a number to a string
NUMVAR Change a number to a variable
PARSE Parse a string of digits
PARTIN Copy part of information element into variable
PARTOUT Extract a part of a Call Instance Data
RESINT Give an integer as result of an index
RESLINT Give a long integer as result of an index
RESNUM Give a number as result of an index
RESTAB Give integer as result of index, use table
VAR2NUM Change 2 variables to 1 number
VARNUM Change a variable to a number
XMODVAR Extended modification of variables

EN/LZT 123 3974 R3B – 167 –

GSM Mobile IN Overview

Category Control Type Function Description

Number Analysis NR2NR Retrieve number with number key

NRANAX Extended number analysis
Report REPORT Report
REPTYPE Report type information
SREPORT Special report
SDP Interface DEFAPPL* Define lookup table for application
RETRIEV* Read data from external database
UPDAT* Update data in external database
Selection BRDIR Branch on variable directly
BRONIND Branch on variable indirectly
BRONINX Branch on variable as an index
COMPNUM Compare two numbers
COMPVAR Compare two variables
DATE Branch on date
DAYINW Branch on day in week
DAYTYPE Branch on the current date
DIGIT Branch on digit of a number
ORG2 Branch on two consecutive digits
ORG3 Branch on three consecutive digits
PRESENT Check Call Instance Data parameter presence
ROUTE Branch on the Route origin number
SCREEN Screening of a list of numbers
TIME Branch on time of the day
TIMECHK Check actual time with a check time
TIMETYP Branch on current time
Statistics ESTAT Extended statistics counters
MSTAT Multiple statistics counters
SSTAT Special statistics counters
STARATT Statistics report, attempt based
STARTIM Statistics report, time based
System CHSTATE Change state of Service Script Interpreter
MANREF Management of SA and SC references
Traffic Flow Control and CALLDIS Call distribution
Network Protection CALLGAP Local Call gapping
FILTER Activate service filtering
GAPPING Call gapping/window mechanism
NPROT Network protection
ONGOING Ongoing call counter
ULD Uniform load distribution
ULD2 Advanced uniform load distribution
User Interaction CANCEL Cancel user interaction
SRFCONN SRF connection
USERINT User interaction

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