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GDPR Consultation - 

Derek Palmer, Esq. 

kidSAFE Seal Program 
7250 Beverly Blvd, Suite 102 
Los Angeles, CA 90036 



The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is wide-ranging legislation set to go into 
effect in Europe on May 25, 2018. The GDPR will impose new requirements on companies 
that collect data about citizens of the European Union. [Company], as part of its continued 
efforts to offer privacy compliant services, has engaged kidSAFE to assist with GDPR 
compliance as it relates to child users.   

1. Update [Company]’s privacy policy and related privacy notices to better align with 
GDPR standards; 
2. Update consent flows and other registration flows to better align with GDPR 
standards; and 
3. Complete a limited data inventory to discover and record critical privacy 
information, including the lawful bases for collecting data under the GDPR. 

GDPR Compliance 
Much of the GDPR is still open to interpretation by the enforcement bodies in the individual 
member countries. As these bodies have yet to issue any enforcement decisions, it remains 
unclear what compliance will look like in all situations.   
kidSAFE has been researching the GDPR and existing guidance to assist our members in 
moving towards compliance.  
The overall requirements set out by the GDPR are extensive and involve many areas that 
will not be covered under this project. As such, completion of this project will not indicate 
that kidSAFE has certified [Company] as GDPR compliant or has conducted a full GDPR 

Project Structure 
This project will consist of three phases, which are laid out in the Milestones section below. 
As member completes a phase, kidSAFE will prepare a new set of documentation for the 
next phase. This documentation will include information on GDPR standards, note issue 
areas within [Company]’s services, and provide suggestions and new language as required. 



I. Data Inventory 
This data inventory will include information about all personal data being collected 
by [Company] and important details about that data. kidSAFE will provide you with 
a template to assist with organizing this information. Prior to providing this 
template, kidSAFE will attempt to populate it with what information it already has 
about [Company]. 
The goal of the data inventory is to get a complete documentation of what 
information is being collected from users along with how that data is being 
collected, shared, and used.   
We will also use this data inventory to begin documenting the legal bases for 
collecting this data under the GDPR. It is important to have a tangible record 
showing that [Company] has taken the time to review its data collection practices 
and that you have valid bases for collecting this information under the GDPR.   
This phase will be broken down into a two sub-phases: 
A. [Company] will complete most of the data inventory template, with exception 
of “lawful basis for collection” column  
B. kidSAFE will work with [Company] to determine the most fitting lawful basis 
for collecting each piece of data 

II. Updating Consent & Registration Flows 

Once the data inventory is complete, kidSAFE will have a better understanding of the 
lawful bases [Company] is using to collect and process personal data. Depending on 
these findings, [Company] may need to modify the language within its registration 
forms and related emails.   
The GDPR has numerous requirements in order for a consent to be considered 
valid. These will be discussed further in the phase two documentation. kidSAFE will 
evaluate your current registration flows and make suggestions for how to add 
notices and other changes to help you collect a valid consent under the GDPR. 


III. Updating Privacy Policy and Privacy Notices 

Phase three will consist of adding language to the existing [Company] privacy policy 
to cover areas relevant to the GDPR. These will include integrating some of the data 
inventory elements, adding information about user’s access rights under the GDPR, 
and noting important areas like data retention policies. 
In addition to updating the privacy policy, phase three may involve adding privacy 
notices to registration forms and other areas that collect personal data. Some of 
these changes may be handled as part of phase two, but any final suggestions and 
updates will be addressed here. 

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