Accountancy Reviewer - 1st Grading

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Accountancy Branches of Accounting

According to Philippine Institute of Certified

Accounting Public Accountants (PICPA), there are four main sectors
- Accounting is the process of identifying, of Accounting namely;
measuring, and communicating economic 1. Public Accounting
information to permit informed judgement and  Accountant performs or offers to
decisions by users of the information. (American perform any activity that will result to
Accounting Association, AAA) the issuance of an attest report that is in
- The art of recording, classifying, and accordance with professional standards.
summarizing in a significant manner as in terms *Certified Public Accountant- refer to those
of money, transactions and events which are in who passed the licensure examination for
part at least financial character, and interpreting accountants.
the results thereof. (American Institute of Examples:
Certified Public Accountant, AICPA)  External Auditing
- A service activity. It’s function is to provide o Public accountants examine the
quantitative information, primarily financial in financial statements in order to
nature, about economic entities, that is intended express an opinion on whether
to be useful in making economic decisions, statements have been fairly
(Accounting Standards Council, ASC) presented or not.
Nature of Accounting  Tax Preparations and Planning Services
- Accounting is an art o Accountants offer tax services
- Accounting deals with financial information and wherein they advise and help
transactions their clients in tax planning and
- Accounting is a process preparing tax returns.
- Accounting is an information system o Accountant is a tax specialist
- Accounting is a means to an end
 Management Advisory Services
Function of Accounting in Business
o Involves financial planning and
1. To fulfill the stewardship function of the
control, and the development of
management (for owners)
accounting and computer
2. To help interested users to come up with
informed decisions
o Advises managements on
3. To support daily operations
matters such as the installations
Difference between bookkeeping and accounting
of an accounting system,
finance, budgeting, business
- Confide with the recording of monetary
processes, introduction to new
products and others.
- Records business transactions
2. Private Accounting
- Includes bookkeeping function.  Involves setting up systems of recording
History of Accountancy business transaction that are aggregated
13th Century- The cradle of civilizations into financial statements and includes
14th Century- Double Entry Bookkeeping by Luca the development and interpretation of
Pacioli (the father of Accounting) accounting information intended to
17th- French Revolution assist management in operating the
1760s-1830- The industrial revolution business.
19th Century- The beginning of Modern Accounting in  A private accountant is salaried
Europe and America employee who deals with company’s
The Present-The development of Modern Accounting day-to-day accounting needs.
Standard and Commerce. Examples
 Financial Accounting
o Branch of accounting that
provides economic and financial
information for investors, relating to the revenues and
creditors, and other external expenditures of government offices.
users. 4. Accounting Education
o Uses a system of reporting  Responsible for training future
designed to meet the accountants.
information needs of external  Engages in teaching accounting,
users. financial management, taxation and
 Cost Accounting other related business course.
o Focuses on accumulating  As per CHED Memorandum Order
manufacturing costs for No.3, Series 2007, a CPA in accounting
financial reporting and decision- education should possess the
making purposes. educational qualifications, professional
o Accountant’s primary role is to experience, classroom teaching ability,
determine the inventory cost for computer literacy, scholarly research
financial reporting purposes. productivity, and other attributes.
 Budgeting CPAs in Specialized Areas
o Provides detailed collection and 1. Forensic Accounting
reporting of the expenditures - Provide the detective work needed to
and revenues involved in a investigate and examine evidences of
business or company operations. white-collar financial crimes such as
o Tracks the financial details of stealing and fraud.
the firm, including the money 2. Information Technology Services
taken in and the money spent by - Individual who can design and
the company and the staff. implement customized software
 Accounting Information System systems.
o Collects and processes 3. Environmental Accounting
- Determine how companies can be both
transaction data.
profitable and environmentally-
o Disseminates information to
interested parties.
4. International Accounting
o Involves the designing of both
- Accountants are knowledgeable in
manual and computerized data
international trade rules and regulations,
processing systems.
international mergers, government
 Tax Accounting regulations, tax laws, and overseas
o Deals with the preparation of transactions.
various tax returns and doing USERS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION
tax planning for the business.
Similar to tax services in Public Internal Users
Accounting. 1. Managers/Management - They plan, organize
 Internal Auditing and run a business.
o Reviews the business operations a) Top-level management- CEO, COO,
to check if they are complying and CFO.
to management policies. b) Middle-level management- Dept. Heads,
o Evaluates the efficiency of branch managers, and junior executives.
business operations. c) Lower-level management- supervisors
3. Government Accounting and team leaders.
 A system used in government offices to 2. Employees/Labor unions – they assess the
record and report financial transactions. company’s profitability and stability and their
 Systematic process of collecting, consequence on future salary and job security.
recording, classifying, summarizing, and 3. Owners - Provides capital to the business.
interpreting the financial transactions External Users
1. Potential and existing investors – They need According to Activities
information to help them decide whether they
should invest or not in the business. Service Business
2. Creditors and potential creditors – they assess - Provides services
the credit worthiness and the capability of the Merchandising Business
business to pay its obligation. - Buy and sell
3. Customers – they assess the financial position of Manufacturing Business
their suppliers which is necessary for them to - Materials are bought to create a new product.
maintain stable source of supply in the long
4. Suppliers – Use financial statement to determine
whether the debts owed to them will be paid GAAP- Generally Accepted Accounting Procedure
when due.
5. Tax authorities – use fs to determine the Underlying Accounting Assumption
credibility of the tax returns filed on behalf of 1. Economic Entity Assumption
the company. - Assumes all of the business transaction
6. Regulatory bodies – they want to ensure that the are separate form the business owner’s
company’s disclosure of accounting information personal transactions.
is in accordance with the rules and regulations. 2. Accrual Basis Assumption
7. Public – They use fs to know how the business - It requires that all business transactions
affects the economy. and other events are recognized in the
accounting records when they occur.
TYPES OS BUSINESSES 3. Going Concern Assumption
- Assumes that a company will continue
According to Ownership to exist long enough to carry out its
Sole Proprietorship 4. Monetary Unit Assumption
- Owned by only one individual for the practice of - Assumes that only transactions that can
trade or profession. be expressed in terms of money are
Partnership recorded.
- Business that is owned by two or more - Measured in PH peso and is assumed to
individuals pooling their resources together as a be stable over the years in terms of
common fund. purchasing power.
- The profit is divided by among the partners as 5. Time Period Assumption
per their agreements. - Assumptions requires a business to
o General Partnership – each partner is a complete the whole accounting process
general partner with unlimited liability. of a business over a specific operating
o Limited Partnership – with limited time period.
partners and at least one general partner. -
They have limited liability to the extent Basic Accounting Period
only of their capital contribution. 1. Cost Principle
Corporation - All assets acquired should be valued and
- Required to have five to fifteen incorporators. recorded based on the actual cash
Incorporators refer to those who originally equivalent or original cost of
formed the corporation. acquisition, not the prevailing value.
- It is separate from its owners. 2. Full Disclosure Principle
Cooperative - Important information should be
- Owned by a group of individuals who also disclosed to permit stakeholders to make
serve as benefactors to the business endeavor. informed judgement.
- Usually requires at least fifteen members to 3. Matching Principle
function. - Requires that expenses be matched with
4. Revenue Recognition Principle o Furniture and Fixtures
- Revenues are recognized as soon as o Building
goods have been sold or services has o Land
been rendered. o Allowance for bad debt
5. Materiality Principle *Contra asset account: Accumulated Deprecation
- Business transactions that may affect the LIABILITIES
decision of a sure of financial  Present obligations of an entity arising from past
information are considered important or transaction or events, the settlement of which are
material and should be reported expected to result in an outflow from the
properly. business of resources embodying economic
6. Conservatism or Prudence Principle benefits.
- If a situation arises where there are two  Something the business OWES.
acceptable alternatives for reporting an Classifications
item, conservatism directs the
 Current
accountant to choose alternative that
o Payables
will result in less effect on net income
 Account Payable
and/or less asset amount.
 Notes Payable
7. Objectivity Principle
 Loan Payable
- Requires business transactions to have
o Unearned Revenue
some form of impartial supporting
evidences or documentation.  Non-Current
*Relevant – helps a decision maker o Mortgage Payable
*Reliable – verifiable and objective o Bonds Payable
*Consistent – allows meaningful comparisons OWNERS EQUITY
 Residual interest
BASIC ACCOUNTING PERIOD  Contains the net difference between total assets
and total liabilities.
Asset = Liability + Owner’s Equity Examples
o Capital
ASSETS o Withdrawal/Drawing
 Normal balance: Debit o Investment
 Resources controlled by the business as a result o Additional Investment
of past transactions and events and from which o Net income/Net Loss
future economic benefits are expected to flow to REVENUES
the business.  Earnings arising from the main line of
 Something the business OWNS operations of the business.
`Classifications  Result from rendering of services or selling
 Current goods.
o Cash and Cash Equivalents o Service Revenue
 Cash on hand o Interest Income
 Cash in bank o Sales
o Receivables o Professional Fees
 Account receivable EXPENSE
 Interest receivable  Cots being incurred by the business in
 Notes receivable generating revenues.
 Cash receivable o Salaries Expense
o Inventories
o Utilities Expense
o Unused Supplies
o Cost of Sales
o Prepaid Rent
o Wages Expense
*Contra asset account: Allowance for bad debts
 Non-Current
o Equipment

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