Agony Aunt (Teenagers)

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These are the letters for the advice column in a magazine.

Read them and try to give your advice. What should people
do in their situations?

1) Dear Marge,
I am 16 years old and I want to leave school this year. My parents say it is too
early for me and that I should be trying to get into university. I think I am old
enough to make my own decisions now. I want to work with my friend Susan in
McDonalds. Then, I can start earning money to buy my own things.
Do you think I’m right? Should I really leave school this year?

2) Dear Marge, 
Next month it’s my parents’ wedding anniversary, they are married for 20 years
now. I really want to give them a nice present but I don’t have a lot of pocket
money to buy something expensive.
What should I do?

3) Dear Marge,
I have a big problem at school. Last year I started wearing glasses and now my
classmates are always making fun of me. I don’t like my glasses, too, but the
doctor said I really need them. I feel so bad about all these jokes. I start hating
What should I do?

4) Dear Marge,
Next week I’m having a big birthday party, it’s on Saturday and all my friends
are going to be here. But my best friend can’t come because her parents are
leaving and she needs to look after her baby brother. I’m so sad, I really want
her to come, it’s my birthday!
Can you help us?

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