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Cavite School of Life

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A Research
Presented to the Senior High School Faculty of
Cavite School of Life – Dasmarinas Campus
Salawag, Dasmarinas City, Cavite

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

January 2020




Background of the Problem 3

Conceptual Framework 7

Research Hypothesis 8

Statement of the Problem 9

Definition of Terms 10

Importance of the Study 11

Scope and Limitations of the Study 12


Foreign Literature 13

Local Literature 21


Research Design 30

Population 31

Sampling Method 31
Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

Data Gathering Procedure 32



Background of the Study

This chapter introduces the topic of Internet usage by explaining

how it was widely used and the importance of the Internet. The study

aims to examine the effects of using the Internet based on its purpose

and frequency on the academic performance of the grade 9 to 11

students of Cavite School of Life – Dasmariñas Campus. Furthermore,

the following sections explains the study more in detail.

Background of the Problem

Internet is defined as a “global wide area network that connects

computer systems across the world” (Christensson, 2015). Internet

has been widely used all over the world. According to an article from

CNN Philippines (2019), it was reported that the Philippines has been

ranked first in using the Internet with an average of ten hours and two

minutes a day despite of its slow connection to the Internet. It was

also stated that 79 million Filipinos from thirteen years old and older

spend four hours and twelve minutes in using social media. It also
Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

revealed that the most used social media is Facebook. Moreover, over

79 million Filipinos using the Internet, 72 million Filipinos access

through mobile phones. Therefore, the Internet has become prevalent

in the Philippines.

Internet has greatly changed the life of people in today’s

generation specifically the students. As stated in an article, the

Internet “serves as a teacher to students” (Herris, 2017). It was

discussed how the Internet helps students in getting information

quickly and specifically for a topic. It also becomes an opportunity to

get free learning resources accessible for students. It allows students

to review their lessons and learn more information anytime and

anywhere. Nevertheless, the teachers also benefit from the Internet

because they were able to gain access from other teaching materials.

Internet also serves them a helpful tool in their teaching career.

Moreover, the Internet has also opened a new learning system

which students can study using the Internet through online education.

It allows students to manage their time and to choose their place to

study comfortably. It also becomes easier to do assignments by

browsing through the Internet and to study efficiently without the need
Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

to read several books. Nowadays, millions of students are studying

online through online education. However, there are certain issues that

the Internet impacts the students negatively.

In an article from Computer Hope (2019), it enumerated several

disadvantages of using the Internet such as the occurrence of

cyberbullying, depression and health issues such as obesity. It also

stated that the Internet can be addictive to the extent that students

spends “a lot of frivolous time on the Internet” that results in

procrastination. In addition, the Internet allows students to cheat on

their homework by replicating an information found on the Internet

that results to copyright. Moreover, the Internet can be harmful when

used wrongfully.

Academic performance is an essential component of a student’s

education system. According to Ballotpedia, academic performance is

defined as “the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects.” It is important for students to perform well in their

school for their grades may indicate what school or course should they

take in the future. In the past generations, students are using books

and written notes in studying their lessons. However, today’s

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

generation which is called the Gen Z have become more technology

dependent (Kozinsky, 2017). Moreover, it was stated that students

tend to be more interested in interactive class discussions rather than

the traditional teaching method. It also found that students in today's

generation are comfortably using digital tools in learning. Therefore, it

has shown that technology has greatly influence the students in terms

of how they learn at school and how they live their life.

In the Philippines, the use of digital technology can be seen as

the Department of Education (DepEd) incorporated the use of

computers in school and providing a computer laboratory for each

school in the Philippines (Arayata, 2017). It was also stated that the

DepEd will reinforce the use of Internet in all schools with the support

of the Department of Communications and Information Technology

(DICT). It was clearly evident that even the DepEd supports the idea

of using the Internet to assist students in learning and to enhance

their skills.

Furthermore, several studies revealed that the use of Internet

for academic purposes has significantly affect the academic

performance of students. However, certain distractions can be found

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

while using the Internet that may lead to procrastination and unlawful

acts to students. Nonetheless, it is essential to identify how the use of

the Internet affects the students in today’s generation. This study

intends to analyse the impact of using the Internet based on the

purpose and the hours spent by the students on their academic

performance. This study is relevant for students because the use of

social media has gradually increased among teenagers aged 13-17

years old (Smart Social, 2019). For this reason, some parents get

worried for the development and growth of their children and how this

affects their academic achievement. In addition, this study serves a

guide for teachers on how should they give their assignments to their

students to learn better.

Conceptual Framework
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This study focuses on how the different purposes of the Internet

affects the academic performance of the grade 9 to 11 students in

Cavite School of Life – Dasmariñas Campus. It also analyses the

frequency of each purpose and how does it affect the academic

performance of the students. As illustrated above, Internet usage is

categorized into three purposes: education, gaming, and social media.

Then, the frequency of using each purpose is also determined by

categorizing into three durations: 1-6 hours, 7-12 hours, and 13-18

hours each day. The academic performance attained by grade 9 to 11

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

students is measured from the general weighted average of the second

quarter/first semester-finals in the academic year 2019-2020.

Research Hypothesis

The study is about the impact between the Internet usage and

academic performance of the grade 9 to 11 students of Cavite School

of Life – Dasmariñas Campus. The following hypothesis are used:

H : There is no significant difference between the purpose of Internet


usage in gaming and social media and the academic performance of

grade 9 to 11 students of Cavite School of Life – Dasmariñas Campus.

H : There is a significant difference between the purpose of Internet


usage in education and the academic performance of grade 9 to 11

students of Cavite School of Life – Dasmariñas Campus.

H : There is no significant difference between the frequency using the


Internet in education, gaming and social media and the academic

performance of grade 9 to 11 students of Cavite School of Life –

Dasmariñas Campus.

Statement of the Problem

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

This study aims to examine the effects of using Internet on the

academic performance of the grade 9 to 11 students of Cavite School

of Life – Dasmarinas Campus. It also determines the frequency a

student spent on the Internet. Specifically, this study seeks to answer

the following questions:

1. For grade 9, 10, and 11 students, what is the overall mean purpose

of internet usage in the following categories:

   a. Education

   b. Gaming

   c. Social media

2. What is the frequency of using the Internet for education purposes

in the following durations:

   a. 1-3 hours

   b. 4-6 hours

   c. 7-9 hours

   d. More than 9 hours

3. What is the frequency of using the Internet for social media

purposes in the following durations:

   a. 1-3 hours

   b. 4-6 hours

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

   c. 7-9 hours

   d. More than 9 hours

4. What is the frequency of using the Internet for gaming purposes in

the following durations:

   a. 1-3 hours

   b. 4-6 hours

   c. 7-9 hours

   d. More than 9 hours

5. What is the impact of the different purpose and duration of Internet

usage on the academic performance of grade 9, 10, and 11 students?

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used operationally:

Internet Usage refers to the student’s access to the Internet for

academics, gaming and social media purposes and the frequency of

how long a student spends time on the Internet.

Education refers to the use of Internet in learning and gathering

information for academic purposes.

Gaming refers to the online games played on the Internet.

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

Social Media refers to the use of social media for communication and

entertainment purposes.

Academic Performance refers to the general weighted average of

the students attained in the second quarter/first semester-finals in the

academic year 2019-2020.

Importance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:

Students. They will be more aware on what can be the impact of

using the internet; how can the internet affect their academics

positively, how can the internet affect negatively, and how they will

make use of the internet wisely. This study can be a guide on the

students on how they will be spending their time while using the


Parents. This can be a guide to make them aware and let them teach

their children on how to use the internet wisely so that they can avoid

the misuse of the internet that will result in a positive effect on their

child’s academics.

Teachers. As a second parent from the students, they will gain a

better understanding on guiding the students once taking computer

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

subjects. They can also be related to other things to make the

students learn more about the proper use of the internet like time

management, etc.

Future Researchers. This study can help them find more answers

and evidence for their research, developing theories and new concepts

for their new research paper. Other researchers can make use of this

research to develop a better, a more in-depth study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study intends to know how internet usage affects the

academic performance of the grade 9 to 11 students of Cavite School

of Life – Dasmariñas Campus. In addition, this study identifies the

frequency of the Internet usage which are categorized into the

following: 1-6 hours, 7-12 hours, 13-18 hours; and the different uses

of the Internet which are education, gaming, social media with its

effect on the second quarter/first semester-final grades attained by

grade 9 to 11 students in the academic year 2019-2020. This study is

limited only to the high school students of Cavite School of Life –

Dasmariñas Campus specifically grade 9 to 11 students. The

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

participants selected are based on their quantity which fits the number

of required participants.


Review of Related Literature

It has been reported that the usage of Internet has become

prevalent in the Philippines. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the

effects of using the Internet in the purpose of learning, entertainment

and communication on the academic performance of the grade 9 to 11

students of Cavite School of Life – Dasmariñas Campus. Some related

studies were found to gather a deeper analysis of internet usage.

Foreign Literatures

In a study from Malaysia by Mohd Sazili Shahibi and Ku Nur

Khafidhah Ku Rusli (2017), it investigates the effects of using Internet

on the academic performance of the students. A quantitative approach

is applied in examining the data. A sample of 210 students participated

in answering a questionnaire. Random sampling was used in selecting

the respondents. The study concluded that the interest of students in

university is the most effective factor in improving academic

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

achievement. It also found that the use of online media for education

helps in improving the academic achievement of the students.

In a similar study by Mohammed Abdullah Jibrin, Muhammad

Ndagie Musa and Tahiru Shittu (2017), it examined the effects of

Internet on the academic performance of students in tertiary

institutions within Niger state, Nigeria. The study used a survey

method as its research design. 300 students were randomly selected

for the participation of the study. A questionnaire was given to the

participants to gather the data. The study concluded that the Internet

has become an effective tool for academic purposes. It also found that

slow Internet connection and lack of stable power supply were some

problems faced by students in using the Internet.

Likewise, this study conducted by Ugwulebo Jeremiah Emeka

and Okoro Sunday Nyeche (2016) is a case study about the Impact of

Internet Usage on Academic performance of undergraduate students in

the University of Abuja, Nigeria. The research design was the survey

method using questionnaires as an instrument for data collection. A

population of 375 students from the University were given

questionnaires. Out of the 375 questionnaires distributed, only 200

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

students participated in the study. Data was collected and analysed

using inferential statistics which is the frequency table and

percentage.  The findings shown that Internet is one of the beneficial

tools in this era of IT not only for business but also for the students’

academic point of view that enhances their skills and capability which

assist them in their studies and professional life. It is also shown that

some of the problems encountered in the usage of Internet includes

lack of computer skills, slow internet connections, and the problem of

paying for online services.

In another research conducted by Oghenetega Ivwighreghweta

and Mercy Arodovwe Igere (2014) investigated the impact of the

internet on the academic performance of students in selected tertiary

institutions in Nigeria. A survey research design was made in

conducting this research. Data were collected by using survey

questionnaires. Frequency count and simple percentage was used to

analyze the data. A population of 6000 students from the University of

Benin, Benin City, Delta State University, Abraka, Western Delta

University, Oghara and the Delta State polytechnic, Otefe participated

in the study. Results shown that majority of the respondents were

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

computer literate and that they make use of the internet, it was

discovered that the students have frequently access the internet from

Cyber Cafés, and they consult the internet for academics, majority of

the students rated the internet for academic pursuit to be on the

average, Ejournals and E-books was the resources the students mostly

used on the internet. They also indicated that with the help of the

internet, they are better prepared for their examinations. It was also

revealed that Power outage, slow internet speed, lack of computer

terminals, too many hits or information overload, Insufficient

computers were some of the problems against effective internet access

in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Furthermore, this study conducted by Elvira P. Espenida and

Rony Lora Villaflores (2019) investigated the effect of internet

addiction on the academic performance of junior and senior high

school students of Mapanas Agro-Industrial High School. Demographic

profile in terms of sex; grade level; socio-economic status of the

family; income; parents’ occupation and their other sources of income

was identified. Pearson r correlation was used to test the relationship

between academic performance and internet utilization typology of the

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

students. Results shown that majority of the family respondents had

very least family income; the parents’ extra income is very small.

Many students, the recreationally oriented, had the highest effect on

their academic performance. Both the junior and senior students excel

in their academics. The academic performance is significantly

correlated with academic, and recreational interests. The academic

competence not significantly correlated with social orientation. Sex

significantly associated with recreational beliefs, while family income

significantly connected with social and recreational orientations but not

with the academic. Other sources of income significantly related with

academic, and social orientations.

In a study conducted by Sushma Bagavadi Ellore, Suman

Niranjan, and Ulysses J. Brown, III (2014), the Internet is an essential

part of college students with more than 90 percent of them in the

United States uses the Internet. Internet addiction and online social

network sites can affect the academic performance of a student. It

may be positively or negatively. The purpose of this study is to

investigate if the amount of time spent online would have a significant

impact on the student’s academic performance as well as their ability

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

to communicate face-to-face. The data was collected from a black

university, college of business administration located in the southeast

part of the United States. 209 questionnaires were distributed and 207

of the participants responded. The data was collected during regular

class meetings and the survey consisted of a total of ten pages. The

instrument took approximately 15 minutes to complete. All

participants involved in this research were volunteers. Findings

indicate student interest in university significantly influences academic

performance. There is a significant positive relationship between

Internet usage and face-to-face communication, as one spends more

time on the Internet there would be less time available for face-to-face

communication, it shows a contradictory result.

On the contrary, in a study by Puspita and Rohedi (2018), it

presents a statistical data regarding the use of Internet on student

vocational high school in the city of Pekanbaru. A descriptive

quantitative research design was used in collecting the data. With a

sample of 120 students, random sampling was utilized. The findings

indicated that the use of Internet has negatively impact the students

because it becomes an addiction. The results showed that 68% of

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

students always used social media while 42% of students frequently

used social media. In the use of online gaming, 17% of students

answered always while 42% of students answered frequently.

Moreover, 47% of students frequently watched videos on YouTube

while 52% of students answered always. However, 34% of students

rarely used Internet for learning and seeking information.

In addition, in a research conducted by Lekey Dorji (2015), there

were numerous studies done in other parts of the globe regarding the

impact of the Internet on academic performance. In this study,

descriptive quantitative method was used to study the impact of the

internet on academic performance of the Bhutanese students. A total

of 154 participants from three academic institutions participated in the

study. Results shown that only academic oriented internet utilization

contributes to the better academic performance with the significance

value 0.000 while social and recreational function of the internet would

hinder the achievement of better academic results. Also, there is a

difference between the internet use and gender, the internet use and

age groups and the internet use and institutions in Bhutan.

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

Moreover, in a study conducted by Yebowaah, Franklina Adjoa

MS (2018), studies about the internet use among Senior High School

Students in the Wa Municipality on how it impacts on their academic

performance. Data were obtained from a randomly selected 314 Senior

High School Students who are in their third year. Data were collected

using survey questionnaires and analysed by using descriptive

statistics, chi-square test and ANOVA. The results indicate that sources

of internet to Senior High School Students includes the School

Information Communication Laboratory, mobile phones, household

internet facilities, and public internet cafes. Results shown that

students’ access to the Internet was found to have a positive influence

on their academic performance. However, different uses of the internet

among students do not influence their academic performance. This

study concludes that the availability of different internet sources to

students does not grant them immediate access into the internet.

In a study conducted by Harlina Halizah Siraj, Abdus Salam,

Nurul Ashiqin bt Hasan, Tan Hiang Jin, Raihanah Binti Roslan,

Muhammad Nazam Bin Othman (2015), the study aimed to determine

the internet dependency rate among UKM medical students and to

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

examine the relationship between internet use and academic

performance. It also seeks to understand the perception of students

about the effects of internet usage on their academic performance.

Cross sectional study was used. 186 medical students of session 2011-

2012 participated to answer the Internet Addiction Diagnostic

questionnaire. It was found that 20.5% of the students were

dependent Internet users. It was also observed that students who

used the Internet less than 6 hours tends to have higher CGPA.

However, there was no significant difference between the CGPA of

dependent and nondependent Internet users. It was also revealed that

64.4% respondents find Internet as an effective tool for lectures. In

conclusion, it was revealed that medical students with high internet

usage tend to perform better in their academic performance.

Local Literatures

In the Philippines, the Internet has been widely used today.

According to an article from Statista (2019), Internet users in the

Philippines increased to 70 million people which was more than half of

the population in 2018. The digital population were mostly comprised

of the age group of 16 years old and above. Almost every product and
Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

services were able to be found online. Access to the Internet has

become part of the lives of many Filipinos and it has also become a

beneficial tool for people doing business in the Philippines. This results

to the boost in the economy because of the online services and

products now being accessible.

In the study of Dharel Acut, Mark Carpo Jun Caparoso, Joy

Magsayo, Virginia Sombilon (2016), it determines whether internet

usage affects the academic performance of the students. Qualitative

and quantitative research design was applied to examine 386

undergraduate students. Purposive sampling was used in selecting the

participants. A structured interview and questionnaire were

implemented to analyse the data. The results showed that there is no

significant relationship between the respondents’ academic

performance and their internet usage and location where they

accessed the Internet. It also found that the purpose in using the

Internet does not affect the respondents’ academic performance.

However, it was revealed that using the Internet for academic

purposes significantly affects their academic performance.

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

In another study by Iremae Labucay (2014), it investigated the

socio-demographic differences that contribute to the digital divide in

the Internet usage and online activities among Filipinos. With a sample

of 1200 voting age adults which were 18 years old and above

participated to be interviewed. It was revealed that most Internet

users were in the capital city, urban areas, middle-to-upper classes,

college graduates and the youth. It was also found that Filipinos

mostly used the Internet for communication purposes or social media

rather than learning, entertainment, and leisure. This implies that

social media is used most often by Internet users instead of using it

for  education and recreation.

Moreover, using the Internet may become a helpful or

destructive tool for its users which is the reason people should be

careful in handling the Internet. Once an Internet user has abused the

abilities of the Internet can do, it may lead to the concept of Internet

addiction. In a study conducted by Regina Hechanova and Renee

Ortega-Go (2014), it focused on extending the Uses and Gratification

Theory by examining the role of regulation in predicting outcomes of

Internet use. The study used a sequential exploratory strategy which

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

consists of two phases: conducting interviews on the perceptions of

using the Internet and distributing surveys to 387 participants from

the Philippines. The results found that the purposes of using the

Internet can be classified into seven factors: basic Internet use,

entertainment, expression and interaction, e-commerce, school-

related, and technological deviance. The positive outcomes of using

the Internet are greater productivity and personal enhancement;

however, social harm and Internet addiction may be some negative

outcomes. It was also revealed that the basic Internet use and

entertainment may lead to problematic Internet use, while external

regulation may lead to personal and social harm. On the other hand,

self-regulation was reported to be correlated with greater productivity

and personal enhancement. In conclusion, the study explains the

positive and negative outcomes of Internet usage. The extreme use of

the Internet may lead to social harm and addictive tendencies.

Despite the negative effects of the Internet, some people were

able to manage their usage on the Internet. In a similar study by Joe

Sanjay Ignatius and Regina Hechanova (2014), the use of Internet

was examined from a generational perspective. A survey method was

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

used to investigate the Internet usage and patterns from different

groups. Using the cluster and quota sampling , 176 Internet users

from the four regions of the Philippines participated to answer the

survey. The age of the participants were from 13-61 and 46% of them

were employed, 14% were unemployed, and 34% were students. Two

groups were identified: digital natives and digital immigrants. In

corresponds to their previous research, the study focused on the

essence of regulation. It was found that external regulation did not

predict productivity and addiction. Instead, it proposed that aside from

controls, it is beneficial for Internet users to understand how to

manage their own behaviors. Therefore, the study implied that self-

regulation skills should be taught to the digital natives for a positive

effect of Internet usage.

Internet has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending

on how the user handle the Internet. For this reason, some strategic

activities were proposed to avoid interruption and disturbance for

students to be able to focus well on class. In a study conducted by

Virginia Carbonilla Gorra and Shyam Bhati (2016), it seeks to

determine the unintended consequences of use of technology in a

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

classroom in the Philippines in order to avoid disturbance during class

discussions and to provide strategic intervention in the learning

process of students. With a sample of 221 students from four different

colleges in Caraga region of the Philippines, a survey method was used

in conducting the study. It was revealed that the students use

technology in a positive way more than its negative consequences.

Instant messaging through chatting, lesson enquiry regarding

homeworks, sending and receiving e-mails, conducting a research by

surfing the net includes collecting information by downloading files

through the Internet. However, the negative consequences cited by

students were access to social media such as Facebook and Twitter

during class hours, playing games, listening to music, responding to

phone calls and using copyrighted material. Furthermore, it was

concluded that the consequences of technology depends on how the

person uses technology. It was also found that students’ use of

technology helps in enhancing learning related activities in a

classroom; however, the technology may also be a distraction for

students to focus on class activities.

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

Similarly, a study by Josan Tamayo and Giselle Sancha Dela Cruz

(2014) investigated the effects of social media on schoolwork to the

academic performance by the BSIT students in Malolos, Bulacan. The

research design used was descriptive research for determining the

problems and effects of social media usage on the academic

performance of students. Correlational research was also used for

identifying the relationship between social media and academic

performance. Using a stratified random sampling, 138 BSIT students

of CEU-Malolos were given a set of questionnaires. In conclusion, it

was reported that the students who participated in the study were not

that active in class activities. It was also found that students who

frequently uses social media tend to achieve a lower grade while

occasional users were able to concentrate on their school activities and

to obtain satisfactory ratings.

In addition, a study conducted by Mara Philia Alejandrino, Jerico

Catipay, Prince Vincent Conception, Sally Mae Flores, Cherry Mae

Palicte, and Arlene Seguiro (2018), this research was conducted in

order to recognize the influence of social media addiction on the study

habits of the senior high school students in a selected school of Agusan

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

del Sur. Descriptive correlation method of research was used which

involved a total of 150 senior high school students. Survey

questionnaires were the research instrument used in the gathering of

data, and was presented to the research adviser for approval and

content validity. The statistical used in this study are Mean, Pearson

Product Moment Correlation, and linear regression. The level of social

media addiction among senior high student students is high and their

habit is also high. There is a significant relationship between social

media addiction and the study habits of senior high students. This

study concludes that the study habit of the senior high school students

is dependent on their social media addiction. The more use of social

media, the more study habit increases. The social media addictions of

the students do not significantly influence their study habits as a

senior high school student.

Moreover, in a study conducted by Donnie Grace Branzuela,

Krizzy Mar Bete, Philip Jay Dela Pena, Chris Segarino and Jacklyn

Maneja (2019), it aims to identify the positive and negative effects of

using social media on the students’ academic performance in Iligan

City National High School. Stratified sampling was used to select 257
Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

grade 12 senior high school students. Among the 257 students, 10

students were randomly selected to be interviewed for qualitative

analysis. It was concluded that there is no direct relationship between

social media usage and academic performance of the students. Despite

the students using social media for entertainment purposes, they still

manage to obtain high grades.

Due to the fact that the Internet does have its own advantages

and disadvantages, some Internet users may depend on the Internet.

In a study conducted by John Lenon Agatep and Domingo Edaño

(2018), it examines the level of Internet addiction among students and

determines some strategies to alleviate or to prevent the level of

Internet addiction. Descriptive analysis was used in examining the

data. A sample of 1515 students and 158 administrators were

administered to answer a given set of questionnaire. The findings

found that most students were severely dependent on using the

Internet. It was also revealed that as the level of implementation

increases, the level of Internet addiction decreases.

Likewise, in a study by Nichole Bristol, Joyce Anne Caro, Camille

Mangaliman, and Racidon Bernarte (2016), it intends to discover the

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

consumption of digital media and the dependency of the Filipino youth

on the Internet. It also seeks to determine the effects of being

dependent on the Internet on their relationship among family and

friends. Quantitative research approach specifically descriptive and

correlational research design was used in this study. A sample size of

353 Filipino youth in College of Communication of Polytechnic

University of the Philippines were randomly chosen to answer the

survey questions. It was found that the participants were highly using

digital media but were not dependent on using digital media. It was

also revealed that digital media has more positive effects on the

relationship with peers; however, digital media has shown a negative

effect with the participants’ family.

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas



In this chapter, the research methods used in this study are

discussed. It explains the research design, population, sampling

method, and data gathering procedure. Quantitative research

approach is used to examine the numerical data. In a sample size of

173 students, purposive sampling is employed in selecting the

participants. The following sections further explains the methods in


Research Design

The research design used a quantitative approach in analyzing

the data. According to Cresswell (1994), a quantitative research is “an

inquiry into a social or human problem based on testing a theory

composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analysed with

statistical procedures in order to determine whether the predictive

generalizations of the theory hold true.” This approach is utilized

because it involves numerical and statistical data. Specifically, ex post

facto is applied to examine the impact of using the Internet on the

academic performance of students. Ex post facto was defined as “a

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

method in which groups with qualities that already exist are compared

on some dependent variable” (AlleyDog). This type of research design

was chosen to be applicable for this study because the independent

variable which is the Internet usage cannot be manipulated.


The population chosen in the study is the grade 9, 10, and 11

students of Cavite School of Life – Dasmarinas Campus. The

population consisted of 75 students from grade 9, 62 students from

grade 10, and 36 students from grade 11.  Altogether, a total of 173

students participated to answer a survey regarding their purpose and

frequency in using the Internet. Grade 9 to 11 students were selected

as the participants because their age group were found to be the

common Internet users nowadays.

Sampling Method

In this research, purposive sampling is used in choosing

the participants. According to Research Methodology, purposive

sampling is a sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or

her own judgement when choosing members of the population to

participate in the study. This form of sampling method is used because

it was aligned to the purpose of this research: to determine the

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

purpose most students use the Internet and the hours they spend in

using the different purposes of the Internet, specifically in education,

gaming and social media. With the use of purposive sampling, the

grade 9, 10, and 11 students were selected and classified according to

their purposes and frequency in using the Internet.

Data Collection Procedure

The gathering of data occurred in February 2020. A survey

was made by the researchers in order to determine the impact of

Internet usage on the academic performance among grade 9, 10, and

11 students. Then, a letter is made to ask permission from the

teachers to excuse the students for the study. Before conducting the

survey, the students were informed about the purpose of the research

and that they are being researched. It was also mentioned that the

students were required to write their names in the survey in order to

match the results of their Internet usage on the general weighted

average collected from their respective advisers. Then, the survey was

distributed to the students to answer regarding their use of the

Internet. Next, a letter was also given to the teachers to ask consent

on gathering the general weighted average of the participants involved

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas

in the research. Afterwards, the data collected were tabulated in a

computer and analyzed to determine the results of the survey.

Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas


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