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ISO Certification for Schools

Major Elements of ISO related to Schools:

1. General and Documentation Requirements

2. Management’s Commitment, Responsibility and Customer Focus
3. Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, Planning, QMS Planning, Responsibility and Authority, Internal
4. Management Review and Resource Management
5. Product Realization, Customer related processes, customer communication
6. Purchasing processes, service provision, validation, identification and traceability
7. Customer property, control of monitoring and measuring equipment
8. Measurement, Analysis, Continuous Improvement, Corrective and Preventive Actions.

Business Process Model for IE Department:


Validation of Eligibility
Accounting Planning Process

Student Orientation
Purchasing and
Warehouse Documents and
Records Management
Course Enlistment Process
Human Resource

Class Proper
Maintenance Management Review and
Improvement Process
Learning Evaluation


Core Process Scope

Validation of Eligibility For freshmen and transferees, this covers validation of their enrolment
status in the department.
For continuing students, this covers verification of their residence
status (eligible or not eligible to continue) prior to their enrolment.
Student Orientation For freshmen and transferees, this covers introduction and briefing
regarding the course including detailed description and scope of the
subjects being offered by the department.
Subject Enlistment For all students, this covers the entire selection procedure of subjects
that includes posting of available subjects and schedule, selection of
desired subjects and schedule by the students as pre-advised by the
advisers, validation of subjects through post-advising and assessment
of fees.
Class Proper For all students, this covers the entire semester lectures and class
activities covering the topics selected for each subject.
Learning Evaluation For all students, this covers implementation of various methods to
evaluate students’ learning and performance (eg. final exams, final
projects, final presentations, etc). This also includes completion of
grades of students based on individual performance.


Process Scope
Accounting This covers all activities involved in managing the financial assets of the
department including budget allocation, payroll preparation and cash
flow documentation for auditing purposes.
Purchasing and Warehouse This covers all activities involved in the procurement and storage of
needed supplies for the department (eg. computer, appliances, paper
supplies, etc) including supplier accreditation, procurement of supplies
and proper storage.
Human Resource This covers all activities involved in managing manpower resource in
the department including publicity for hiring, personnel and teacher
hiring procedures, training, and personnel and teacher evaluation
Maintenance This covers all activities involved in the control and monitoring of
assets of the department including equipment and fixture repair and
implementation of preventive actions (eg. antivirus updates, computer
upgrades, fixture upgrade, etc)

Process Scope
Management Review and This covers the activities involved in the evaluation of the entire
Improvement Process department’s system including curriculum review, personnel
evaluation results analysis and teacher evaluation results analysis.
Planning Process This covers activities involved in the implementation of the necessary
improvement to address the problems and inefficiency encountered
from the past academic year. This also covers planning activities to
address new strategies that will best address the department’s
Documents and Record This covers all activities involved in the management, monitoring and
Control control of the departments’ registers including student and teacher
records, meeting minutes, equipment purchases, class schedules, etc.

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