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UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program


Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity

Amy Manley
Final Project Lesson Plan
Topic of Lesson: Using ratios to convert currency Date: 05/30/2021

Inquiry Question: How can I know how much money I have to spend when visiting another country with a different currency? Grade Level: 6th/Pre-Algebra
Expected Outcomes: What is your learning objective for students to know Behavioral Needs Focus Student: How will you modify, accommodate, or
at the end of this lesson? differentiate instruction to ensure universal access to curriculum for your
The learners will be able to convert another country’s currency into US Focus Student?
dollars by researching activities in two countries of their choice and  I will make sure to explain the vocabulary at the beginning of the
creating a one-pager for each country where they will form and solve a lesson and link it to what the students have learned in previous
minimum of four rate of exchange problems, using the current rate of lessons.
exchange as a ratio and multiplying it by the country’s currency to get the  Students will work in groups initially as they learn the math needed
equivalent value in US dollars. to complete the project.
 Written instructions will be posted while the students work on their
 A sample project will be shown in case a student does not
understand the written instructions.
 I will walk around and help students research on the computers as

Assessment: What evidence of learning will you gather to assess student Flexible Grouping Strategies: How will you group students in the lesson
learning? to address identified language, academic, and instructional needs for
The students will research the exchange rate for two countries of their individual students?
choice, decide how much money they will need for a day in that country, Although working on individual assignments, students will sit in groups of
then convert that amount to US dollars so they will know how much they four and are encouraged to discuss any questions that may arise during the
need to bring with them on their trip. The students will create a one-pager assignment. The groups will be a mix of ELs and English-only students.
for each country to display their itinerary and conversion problems and
will present these to the class.
What academic content standard(s) will you focus on during this lesson?
 CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.3d: Use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units; manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying
or dividing quantities.
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote
or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
 ELD.PI.6.9.Ex: Presenting: Plan and deliver longer oral presentations on a variety of topics and content areas, using details and evidence to
support ideas.

Lesson Differentiation: Explain how you will ensure student engagement and differentiate within this lesson to meet the needs of students who have
learning difficulties, students who are language learners, and students who are gifted.
 I will put students in groups of mixed abilities and English proficiency levels so that they may help each other as needed.
 Students control what countries they research and how much information they include, so gifted students can go more in depth in their research.

Lesson Design: Explain your planned activities to meet your learning objective.
Materials Needed:
 Different currencies of money (or pictures of different currencies)
 Sample one-pager (see attached)
 Chromebooks for each student
 Blank paper for each student
 Colored pencils
Show students the different currencies of money and discuss how different countries use different types of money and that they are worth different
amounts. Have students volunteer the names of currencies that they know and which countries they belong to. Make a list of the countries and currencies
on the board. Ask students how they would know how much money (US dollars) they would need to bring if they were visiting one of those countries.
After listening to answers, tell the students that the ratios we have been learning will help us with currency too.
Lesson Sequence:
 Review the concepts of ratio and unit rate
◦ Four gallons of gasoline cost $16.80. What is the price per gallon?
4 gal 1 gal
$ 16.80 $ 4.20

◦ Ashley needs to ride her bike to her friend’s house 96 miles away. She is riding at an average rate of 15 miles per hour. She has 6 hours to
get there. Will she make it?
1 hour 96 m iles
⋅ = 6.4 hours
15 m iles 1
▪ ; No
◦ Pat wants to enter a typing contest. In order to enter, one has to be able to type 50 words per minute. Pat took 15 seconds to type 10 words.
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
Can he enter the contest?
60 sec 10 words
⋅ = 40 words
1 15 sec
▪ ; No
sample problems from:
 Introduce the term rate of exchange
◦ determined by the demand for a country’s currency
◦ when traveling to another country, you have to change currency
◦ sometimes a US dollar will buy more currency and sometimes it will buy less currency – depends on the rate of exchange
◦ Uses abbreviations – USD for US dollar
 Show students how to use the rate of exchange to change from US dollars to another country’s currency
◦ Your grandmother sends you to the market in the Philippines to get groceries for dinner. You bring $10 USD and the exchange rate is 1
Philippine peso = 0.021 US dollars. How much money in pesos do you have to spend?
10 USD 1 peso
⋅ = 476.19 pesos
1 0.021 USD

 Show students how to use the rate of exchange to change from another country’s currency to US dollars
◦ You are traveling to Brazil. Shoes cost 210 real. How much money in USD do you need if the exchange rate is 1 Brazilian real = 0.19 USD.
210 real 0 .19 USD
⋅ = 39 . 90 USD
1 1 real

 Students will work in groups to complete four rate of exchange problems from their book. Volunteers from each group will solve one problem on
the board so that all groups can check their answers.
 Explain requirements of project/assessment
◦ You will research two countries (one with cultural significance to you and one that is new to you). The two countries must use different
currencies. You will find the rate of exchange between that country and US dollars online.
◦ You will research a city in that country and come up with a “best day ever” itinerary. An itinerary is a list of what you plan to do.
◦ You will research how much each activity will cost in that country’s currency, then convert that cost into US dollars. Each activity will be its
own separate conversion problem, then you will total them at the end to find out how much the entire day would cost in US dollars.
◦ Make sure you show your work. There are many online conversion calculators. You may use them to check your work, but you must set up
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
the problems and solve them on your paper.
◦ One-pager for each country needs to include:
▪ at least two meals
▪ at least two activities
▪ at least one meal and one activity must represent the country’s culture (no McDonald’s or Starbucks)
▪ pictures
 Show students how to search for information online, such as restaurant menus and popular attractions.
◦ Find the name of the country’s currency
◦ Search to find the rate of exchange between that country and US dollars
◦ Model searching for restaurants and attractions using Cairo, Egypt. Tip: search for tours of famous attractions to find their prices
 When completed, students will share their itineraries with the class as an informal assessment, then the one-pagers will be hung on the wall.

Academic Vocabulary Instruction: What specific vocabulary/terms will Culturally Relevant: How is this lesson relevant to the students in your
you explicitly teach and have students practice during this lesson to ensure class? How does this lesson encourage a classroom that is supportive of
concept understanding? diversity?
 ratio Students will have the opportunity to include their cultural experiences in
their assignment or research a city that has possible cultural significance to
 unit rate them. They will also research a country that is new to them in order to gain
 rate of exchange an appreciation of what that country and culture have to offer. The class will
get to listen to descriptions of countries that are significant to their peers,
 itinerary which will help them become more supportive of diversity.

Classroom Management: What do you anticipate your focus student will Integration of Technology: How will you integrate available technology
need to be successful with this lesson? What other issues should you resources into this lesson as you plan, teach, and assess student learning?
consider to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for student learning? How might students use technology in this lesson to deepen their
The students may need help researching on the computers, so I will model understanding of the content?
searching for restaurants and popular attractions using an example city. As Students will need to use the internet to search for information for their
they work, I will make sure to walk around and be available for assistance. countries of choice, such as the rate of exchange, restaurant menus, and
Students will also be seated in groups so that they may help each other as popular attractions. Using the internet to research an actual place will make
needed. math real to them and allow them to discover interesting information about
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
other countries that they may not have known.

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

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