A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10 I. Objectives

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I. Objectives
` At the end of the lesson, the students can:
 define each of the three measure of central tendency.
 actively and willingly participates on activities and discussion; and
 perform a given group activity involving the real life application of
measures of position.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Measures of Position
Sub-topic: Ungrouped Data

B. References:
 Callanta, Melvin M., et. al. Mathematics 10 Learner’s Module. Rex
Book Store, Inc. 2015.
Torio, Von Anthony G ,et. al. Smart in Math 10, ISA-JECHO
C. Materials:

Internet Laptop
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Greetings
Good Morning 10-Moonstone! Good Morning Ma’am Kizza!

B. Prayer
Ortinez kindly lead us in the opening Let’s bow our head and feel the presence
prayer. of our Lord.

We praise you Lord and we thank you for

all your blessings. Send us knowledge and
wisdom for us to understand our lesson for
today. Amen.

Thank you for the prayer, Ortinez!

C. Checking of Attendance
Mendaro, is everybody present today? I am glad to report that everybody is present
today, Ma’am.

D. Motivation

I have here some questions to be

Yes Ma’am, We are ready!
answered randomly through a spin a wheel.
If your name will be spinned, unmute your
mic to response.

The chosen students will be going to

answer the simple survey.
1. How many family members are there in
your home?
(students will answer the following questions)
2. Approximately how many hours do you
spend on your cellphone every day?

Each question will be answered by 11 chosen


After the questions are filled up, I am

going to ask you, to arrange the details from
highest to lowest or vice versa.

The first student that will present a correct

answer will receive a point.

Thank you, challengers! Let’s give them 10 (Students will give 10 claps to the
claps for their excellent participation. challengers.)

From the activity that we did, what have you

observed? Ma’am I observed that we gather first all the
information needed by answering the survey

Excellent! And what have we done to those

gathered data? Ma’am, we arranged it from highest to lowest
or lowest to highest
Very good! We organized the given data so
we can locate in which position a data can be
found. Thank you, Ma’am!
And that will be our topic for today,
Measure of Position.

Your answer is correct but how did you

come up with that answer?

Exactly! Your way of thinking is

really amazing!
E. Sharing of Lesson Objectives

Before we proceed with our

discussion, let us have first our lesson
objectives that we’re going to accomplish at
the end of the discussion.

(input a name) please read the objectives of (The students who will be called will
our lesson. read the shared lesson objectives.)

At the end of the lesson, the students can: At the end of the lesson, the students can:

 define each of the three measure of  define each of the three measure of
central tendency. central tendency.
 actively and willingly participates on  actively and willingly participates on
activities and discussion; and activities and discussion; and
 perform a given group activity  perform a given group activity
involving the real-life application of involving the real-life application of
measures of position. measures of position.

Thank you for reading our lesson

objectives for today.

F. Presentation

Class, a measure of position

determines the position of a single value in
relation to other values in a sample or a
population data set. Measures of position are
otherwise known as quantiles. The three
measures of position are Quartiles, Deciles
and Percentiles.

The Quartile for Ungrouped Data are the

score points which divide a distribution into
four equal parts.

Example 1. The exam scores of 11 students

of grade 10 – Amethyst. 4 , 5 , 3 , 2 , 9 , 8 ,
6 , 8 , 5 , 7 , 8.

Find the 1st quartile (Q1) and 3 rd quartile


Ma’am 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 9
Okay Lazaro, Arrange the scores in
ascending order


Now we will find the middle score/s in this


Yes Galvez what will be is the middle score?

Ma’am 6 is the middle score

Very good ! 6 is our middle score

Here, the median score or the second quartile

(Q2) is divided into two parts. The lower
quartile is on the right side and the upper
quartile is on the left side.

Okay Miraflores, Find the first and third Ma’am the first quartiles is 4 and the third
quartiles. quartiles is 8
Yes, you are correct the value of Q1 is 4 and
Q3 is 8 based on their position on the data.
There’s a formula for Quartile

Formula to be used in the position:

k (n+ 1)
𝑄𝑘 =

Where n is the number of data and k is the

nth quartile. Let’s try to solve another

Find the first quartile (Q1) and the third

quartile (Q3) given the scores of 10 students
in their Mathematics
activity. 11 , 8 , 12 , 6 , 9 , 10 , 14 , 15 , 5 , 7
Ma’am the first thing we need is arrange the
(input a name), what is the first step the we data into ascending order.
need to do to the given data?

Very good, that correct.

Ma’am it will became 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
(input a name), kindly arrange the data in 14, 15
ascending order and show it to us.

Very good, that’s correct.

After we arrange the data, next let’s find the

value of n. to find it, we simply need to count
how many entries does our data have.
Ma’am we have a total of 10 entries.
(input a name), will you count how many
entries does our data have?

Now let’s find the first quartile (Q1). To do

that, we need to use the formula 𝑄𝑘 =
k (n+ 1)

Since we are looking for first quartile (Q 1),

the value of K will be 1. And the value of n
will be 10 since we have a total of 10 entries.
Ma’am Q1 will be
1(10+1) 1(10+1)
Q1 = Q1 =
4 4
(input a name), please solve for the value of 1(11)
first quartile Q1. Q1 =
Very good, that’s correct.
Q1 = or 2.75
𝑄1 = 2.75 it is somewhere 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 2𝑛𝑑 4
𝑎𝑛𝑑 3𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎.

Since the result is a decimal number,

interpolation is needed.

Steps of Interpolation

Step 1: Subtract the 2nd data from the 3rd

10 – 8 = 2

Step 2: Multiply the result by the decimal

part obtained in the second step (Position of
2(0.75) = 1.5

Step 3: Add the result in step 2, to the 2nd or

smaller number.
8 + 1.5 = 9.5

Therefore, the value of Q1 = 9.5

It shows that 25% of the students have a

score less than or equal to 9.5.

Therefore, the lower quartile value (Q1) is the

3rd data element, so Q1 = 7.

Next, (input a name), please solve for the

value of third quartile Q3.
Ma’am Q1 will be
Q1 =

Q1 =

Since the result is a decimal number, Q1 = 33 or 8.25

interpolation is needed. 4

(input a name), please interpolate to find the

value of Q3.

28 – 25 = 3
3(0.25) = 0.75
25 + 0.75 = 25.75
Therefore, the value of Q3 = 25.75

Excellent! You are correct. It shows that 75% of the students have a score
less than or equal to 25.75.
Let’s proceed to the Deciles of
Ungroup data. The deciles are the nine
score points which divide a distribution into
ten equal parts. They are deciles and are
denoted as D1, D2, D3,…, D9. They are
computed in the same way that the quartiles
are calculated.

Formula to be used in the position:

k (n+ 1)
𝐷𝑘 =

Where n is the number of data and k is the

nth decile.

Let’s have a new example.

Mr. Juan is a dentist. One morning, he asked

his secretary to record the service time for 15
customers. The following are service times
in minutes. 20 , 35 , 55 , 28 , 46 , 32 , 25 ,
56 , 55 , 28, 37 , 60 , 47 , 52 , 17. Compute
the value of the 5th decile and the 7th decile

(input a name), kindly arrange the data in

ascending order.

Ma’am it will became 17 , 20 , 25 , 28 , 28 , 32

, 35 , 37 , 46 , 47 , 52 , 55 , 55 , 56 , 60
Very good!

Next, (input a name), how many entries does

our data have?
Ma’am 15.
(input a name), please compute for the 5
5(15+ 1)
D5 =

D5 =
D5 yields a whole number so there’s no need
to interpolate it any more. 80
D5 = or 8 or the 8𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎
(input a name), what is the 8th data?

Very good! You are correct.

Ma’am the 8th data is 37. Therefore D5 = 37.
Next, (input a name), please compute for the
7th decile.

7(1 5+1)
D7 =

D7 =
The result has a decimal number. Do we
need to interpolate it or not? 112
D7 = or 11.2 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎
Yes, that’s correct. Since the result is a
decimal number, interpolation is needed
Yes Ma’am we need to interpolate it.
(input a name), please interpolate to find the
value of D7.

55 – 52 = 3
3(0.2) = 0.6
52 + 0.6 = 52.6
Now, let’s process to the final measure of The 7th decile is
central tendency or what we called the equal to 52.6.

The percentiles are the ninety – nine score

points which divide a distribution into one
hundred equal parts, so that each part
represents the data set.

Formula to be used in the position:

k (n+ 1)
𝑃𝑘 =
Where n is the number of data and k is the th

Let’s have a new example.

The scores of Miss Universe candidates from

seven judges were recorded as follows: 8.05 ,
9.20 , 8.25 , 9.15 , 8.55 , 8.78 , 9.45. What
are the 25th percentile (P25) and 70th
percentile (P70) of the judges’ scores?

(input a name), kindly arrange the data in

ascending order.

Very good!
Ma’am it will became 8.05 , 8.25 , 8.55 ,
Next, (input a name), how many entries does 8.78 , 9.15 , 9.20 , 9.45
our data have?

(input a name), please compute for the 25th

Ma’am 15.

P25 =

P25 =

Great! No need for further interpolation. P25 = or 2 or the 2nd 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎
(input a name), what is the 2nd data? Since the result is a whole number, so there’s
no need to interpolate.
Finally, the 70th percentile. (input a name),
would you kindly please solve it?
Ma’am the 2nd data is 8.25.
Therefore P25 = 8.25.

P70 =
P70 =

(input a name), please interpolate to find the 56 0

value of P70. P70 = or 5.6 or between 5th and 6th data

Since the result has a decimal value, we need

to interpolate it.
Excellent! P70 is equal to 9.18.
9.20 – 9.15 = 0.05
0.05(0.60) = 0.03
G. Application: (Fill Me!) 9.15 + 0.03 = 9.18

Arrange the scores in ascending order and fill Therefore, 70% of the Miss Universe
out all the blanks with the correct values to candidates got a score less than or equal to
make 9.18.
the step-by-step process true.

A random sample of 15 patients yielded the
following data on the length of stay (in days)
in the hospital. 5 , 6 , 9 , 10 , 15 , 10 , 14 ,
12 , 10 , 13 , 13 , 9 , 8 , 10 , 12.

Find the value of the following:

1. Q3
2. D6
3. P40.

Scores in ascending order

1. Solution for Q3
Position of 𝑄3 = (𝑛 + 1)

𝑄3 = ( ____ + 1)

𝑄3 = (16)

𝑄3 =

𝑄3 = _____
Interpretation: Thus, ______ of the patients
had length of stay in the hospital less than or
equal to12 days.

2. Solution for D6
D6 = (𝑛 + 1)
D6 = ( ____ + 1)
D6 = (16)
D6 =
D6 = _____
(between _____ and ______ data)

Steps of Interpolation
Step1: Subtract the 9th data from the 10th
12 – ____ = 2
Step 2: Multiply the result by the decimal
part obtained in the position of D6).
2(0.6) = _____
Step 3: Add the result in step 2, to the
smaller number in step1.
1.2 + _____ = 11.2
The 6th decile is equivalent to the 60th
percentile. Therefore 60% of the
Solution for P40
P40 = (𝑛 + 1)
P40 = ( ____ + 1)
P40 = (16)
P40 =
P40 = _____
(between _____ and ______ data)
Steps of Interpolation
Step1: Subtract the 6th data from the 7th
_____ – 10 = 0
Step 2: Multiply the result by the decimal
part obtained in the position of P40.
0(___) = 0
Step 3: Add the result in step 2, to the
smaller number in step1.
____ + 0 = 10
Therefore, 40% of the

H. Values Integration:

The importance of the diversity and

differences between each individual.

I. Generalization:

Based on our discussion, who can

anyone explain all of the three different
measures of central tendencies?

The Quartile for ungrouped data are the score

points which divide a distribution into four
equal parts.

The deciles are the nine score points which

divide a distribution into ten equal parts. They
are deciles and
are denoted as D1, D2, D3,…, D9.

The percentiles are the ninety – nine score

points which divide a distribution into one
hundred equal parts, so that each part
Magnificent! Give him a round of applause
represents the data set. It is used to
for his very good answer.
characterize values according to the
below them.

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