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Health problems Home remedies

  Garlic and Onion

These two foods are rich in allicin, a sulfur compound that acts as an antibiotic,
pain reliever, and anti-inflammatory. Its inclusion in the diet strengthens the
defenses, cleanses the lungs and helps to stop the negative action of free radicals
and toxins.
An allergy
What should you do?

 So that they do not lose their properties, the ideal is to eat them raw,
preferably on an empty stomach.
 Can be added to salads, teas, and many other recipes.

It is excelent anti -inflamatory and help to alliviate the earache

An earache
What should you do?
 Cut a stick of about 2 centimeters from the root of a ginger.
 On the side of the stick we make small cuts and insert it into the ear for
about 10 minutes.
The ice the that do is cause a temporary analgesic effect
What should you do?
A toothache
 Apply an ice just on the sore tooth for several minutes.
 you can also suck something cold like ice cream

  Eucalyptus tea: Helps loosen phlegm and decongest the chest

What should you do?
 Put half a liter of water on the stove and since it is about to boil, add four
The flu
eucalyptus leaves and a broken lemon.
 Leave it on the fire for five minutes and remove it.
 It can be consumed hot or warm.

A stomachache
  Ginger and lemon infusion
Reduces abdominal bloating, relieves dizziness and calms the sensation of pain.

 The juice of ½ lemon.

 One piece of ginger root.
 One glass of water (250 ml).

What should you do?

 First, peel the piece of ginger and wash it. Then grate it and reserve.
 Boil the water. When it has reached the boiling point, add the grated
 Let the container rest for about 10 minutes at room temperature (with
 Once the water is warm, add the lemon juice and drink.

Massage with almond oil

Helps relieve stress, relax muscles, anesthetize affected nerves,
and lower inflammation.

A backache What should you do?

 First of all the affected area is cleaned then.
 we apply in almond oil and massage gently throughout the

  Aloe de Vera “the Sabila plant”

Aloe is anti-inflammatory, promotes circulation, and inhibits the growth of

A burn What should you do?

 Cut a part of the aloe vera leaf and apply the pure gel on the affected area.
 If you buy it in a store, make sure it contains a high percentage of aloe vera.
 Avoid products that have additives, especially colorants and perfumes.

A sore throat  

Gargle with salt water.
A sore throat is a very common complaint: Salt helps kill bacteria, relieve pain,
and prevent upper respiratory tract infections
  One glass of warm water (250 ml).
  One teaspoon of salt (5 g).

      What should you do?

 Mix both ingredients well and allow the salt to dissolve
before gargling.
 Perform 2 to 3 times a day.
Important aspects to consider...
  You should use a few drops of lemon in the mixture of salt with water, So the
remedy will be effective.

-Honey with lemon
Honey is rich in vitamins, it has anti-inflammatory properties and lemon is rich
in vitamin C, the combination of both natural ingredients helps relieve a sore
 A cup of water (250 ml).
 Two tablespoons of honey (50 g).
 The juice of half a lemon.

What should you do?

►Boil 1 cup of water. Once the water reaches the boiling point, add the honey.
► Add the juice of half a lemon when the water is warm, this way it will not
lose its properties.
►Mix well and drink.

  Sodium bicarbonate: Can control itching and irritation.

What should you do?
Chicken pox  Mix half a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
 Use a sponge to apply this solution on the body of the affected person and
allow the mixture to dry on the body. This will prevent the person from
scratching the rashes.

olive oil
A rash What should you do?
 Apply on the area with circular massages.
 We must let it dry and not remove it.
Its application would accelerate wound healing, while stimulating
epithelialization (natural dermal healing action) and helping to produce
An injury What should you do?
 Use calendula ointment on the wound
 Wash the wound, sore or scratch with an infusion of a tablespoon of
flowers per cup of water three to four times a day.

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