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Self-diagnosis and Energy Healing (fb2)
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Self-diagnosis and energy healing 1512K (School practical hilerstva)
(Download)   (buy) - Andrey Zateev

Andrey Zateev 
self-diagnosis, and energy healing. The Lord of

From the author

Dear friends!
From that moment, one of the most amazing journeys of your life. Each result, which
you reach, look at the change yourself and the world in which you were born.  With the
manifestation of new abilities will be deeper as the responsibility for their fate and for the
fate of people. Since coming close to understanding the laws of the world, consciously
owning them, you feel part of a single system of the universe, you will have the gift and
the inner desire to make this world a cleaner and brighter as possible.
We live in an energy-space, where everything develops and operates according to its
laws and regulations. Therefore the main task of the book - to help broaden understanding
of the world, to discover and to explore the mechanisms that govern it, and most
importantly - learn how to apply this knowledge in practice, to the most competently and
effectively manage their own lives, without contradicting the invisible but potent laws our
Each man laid a lot of abilities, which are now referred to ESP. It is believed that they
are inaccessible to ordinary people. This is not entirely true. Each of us owns them fully,
but because of the constant interaction with the negative and destructive thoughts inside,
they lose their innate sharpness and gradually blunted. Nevertheless, any person not only
can awaken these abilities in themselves and develop in the best way, but must make it
obligatory, as a combination of inner purity and light - it is the only natural state of the
body, and it alone will ensure harmonious interaction with the environment and other
people. Once this state is lost, small troubles occur, which then grow into major
problems. To live is becoming heavier and heavier. Therefore, our primary goal - to return
to the original purity, to shake off the negativity and help to make it to other people.
This science is accessible to everyone, as it does not invent anything new, but simply
organizes all existing knowledge into a coherent whole, explains the natural laws and rules
(principles), which developed the world. Stages of development are familiar to us: first,
there are four energy or, as they are called four elements - Earth, Fire, Water, Air.Then,
due to the interaction of these energies and transform them into each other, began to
appear simple cellular organisms, of which the evolution of organisms having a more
complex structure - the plants and animals. All of them have not only the functioning of
the cell structure inherent to living organisms, but also a certain reason. However, the
supreme creation on earth - is a person, it incorporated not only the mind and
consciousness, but also the fifth element - the Spirit, connecting all primary elements
together and connects a person to the general energy-information field, to the Higher
Mind. Hence the notion of the soul - the ethereal substance, which is peculiar only to man
as a thinking organism and the most finely organized.
So, we are always present around two principles - the energy inherent in the physical
body of man, and the information inherent in our consciousness. Energy and information
operate both within man and in the environment are constantly interacting with each other
and quietly affecting us. No wonder, after talking on the phone for some time there is a
sensation of burning cheeks and ears, which, incidentally, is characteristic and when we
talk about the distance. Being far away from each other, we are energy and information is
still in touch. Our body reads the information from the environment, and the purer and
brighter human energy, the thinner it is able to perceive and physically feel the energy-
flow. We are bearers of both energy and information, and how they are distributed evenly
within us, how they interact with each other and with the outside world, dependent health,
success in your activities, our personal happiness. Therefore, the aim of this publication is
to teach:
• see and feel the energy flow;
• diagnosis and treatment;
• manage their central energy flows, on which the entire functioning of our body;
• get rid of and protect themselves from conscious and unconscious attacks from the
outside, namely, corruption, evil eye, slander and other outside interference;
• create a skin that would always protect from the bad influence from outside (as in
the previous paragraph), to give an opportunity to work and develop the natural forces of
the body to maintain health;
• full control over its own energy being;
• prepare a program on health, to feel confident in yourself, tune in luck, healing,
living in harmony with oneself and the world.
After considering all these questions, it becomes clear that the problems we're having
because of the wrong way of thinking and behavior that run counter to the vital laws and
their own biorhythms that the child's attachment to his father or mother is often
dependent on the Rhesus factor biofield, and disease occurrence - from power faults,
fractures biofield plus the influence of invisible energy-depleting accumulations in the
apartment. Also, we can understand why we are attracted to certain people, events and
affect us in a certain way; learn how to shape future events and the character using the
power of thought, eliminate bad habits like yourself and the other person on their own
without reference to the doctor, consider the simplest methods of hypnotic influence.
In addition to everything we learn is easy to remember that it seemed completely
forgotten, manage pain, accelerate the healing process, so will develop intuition, a sixth
sense that will be the creative force, a means of resolving many of the problems of
everyday life. At the same time there a sense of vitality, tranquility, peace, optimism,
based largely on the fact that we are able to manage their own lives and experiences.
Most importantly, the techniques that are discussed in this book - absolutely simple,
they can quite easily learn to everyone, so the proposed material is available for each of
you and to develop the capacity of any interested person.
human results, exercise regularly, every day will improve.
Now you have a unique opportunity to study the practice of what used to be taught
only in special courses.
Our goals are high, because it targets a new generation of free people, healthy
mentally and physically. The most important thing - to learn basic, simple techniques, and
in the future everything will be automatically performed at your request.

Section One

Tasks section
1. Understand the human energy structure and the basic laws of interaction with the
outside world. To understand and to follow, with the result that there are serious problems
in a person's life, and in communion with other people how to develop the disease.
2. Learning to self-align the action potential, relieves pain in the short term, to
develop the desired quality and adjust the character in the right direction.
3. Master the basic techniques of breathing exercises and breathing exercises help to
regulate the physiological processes in the body:
• relieves mental stress and fatigue;
• to fill the body with strength and energy;
• reduce the level of pain.
4. Learn how to generate a strong biofield around the protective sheath to protect
themselves (or similar) from the negative impact from the outside, to master the
elementary techniques and methods that allow to eliminate this negative impact.
5. Increase the sensitivity of the hands to the energy radiation a person to learn how
to interact with the cosmos energy and to manage it. To master the basic techniques of
healing and health-building effects of using the knowledge gained to carry out a correction
of the biofield and the treatment of others.

Energy-human structure
In order to effectively manage health, a knowledge of physiology, anatomy and
pathology is not enough.
Unfortunately, some professionals working in different fields of modern medicine, is
often seen as a primitive man, a well-studied mechanism, in which the fault can be
eliminated, be adjusted to a particular element. This approach is often ineffective, because
its main purpose - the impact on the result, rather than the root cause. Man - a complex
system in its organization, in which the material basis - not the leading element, but only a
means, on the basis of which other work, the more important elements.
We are talking primarily about the three pillars of the physical and spiritual health of
each person: the subconscious, and super-consciousness. Our subconscious mind controls
the energy of the physical body (or bodily energy), which is subordinate to the brain
commands and stores information about all the events and knowledge we receive in the
course of life. Consciousness corresponds to the energy-field of a thin plan, control our
thought processes and regulates the working of the subconscious. Superconsciousness (or
Spirit) connects us with the Supreme
Mind and connects to the cosmic energy flow. Not by chance has spread saying: "Man
is not in the spirit." When communication with Superconscience weakened, a person falls
out of the usual daily rhythm and vitality significantly reduced. It is on these three pillars
and keeps our physical and spiritual health. The less they evolve and interact with each
other, the easier it is to lose resistance to disease and problems, and vice versa: the
constant work to improve their spiritual and energy-building leads to the formation of a
strong, solid foundation that will not falter when faced with human problems.
Each of us is not only the physical body, but also energy, which consists of the energy
of the four elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. It is the energy of the primary elements
of our body is filled with the corresponding energy centers. To learn how to manage these
energies need to get an idea of what the human energy structure, how it works and how to
affect the condition of the body.
Human Energy Centers
It is believed that a person seven energy centers located along the spine (Fig.
1). Naturally, these centers are not in physical, and thin, the energy of human
body.Nevertheless, each of the centers associated with certain anatomical areas, so the
damage of a center entails disease relevant bodies to him. Let's look at each of them.
The first center is located in the coccyx-sacrum. He is responsible for the
accumulation of energy needed for the body's vital functions. In case of violation of this
work appears in the center of the lower limbs of the disease, pain in the coccyx, sacrum,
inflammation of the pelvic organs, hemorrhoids, varicose veins. Poor performance of the
center slows the growth of the physical body, the development, reduces appetite, and all
this is due to lack of vital energy. The first center lends itself well to correction, and after a
purposeful work with him there is a restoration of those functions, whose work has been
broken for one reason or another. For example, after two sessions at weekly intervals in
nineteen patients grew legs 15 cm This stunning effect -. It is the result of deliberate
action on the first center.
His energy corresponds to red color (the energy of the Earth). It is this element is
fundamental to this center.
Fig.  1
The first center is destroyed after 20 minutes after a person's death.
The second center is located at the level of the uterus (in women) and prostate (in
men). He is responsible for the sexual sphere of man, and in case of bad functioning of
developing diseases of the genitourinary system, infertility, impotence, against which may
have serious psychological problems, inevitably leading to conflicts within the family,
incompatibility of the spouses in the physical and spiritual level, disagreements and
divorces . In addition, operation of the second unbalance the center of a woman can and
childbirth. As shown, the center of the restoration of normal functioning in this case lasts
about one and a half or two (and sometimes three) years. Therefore, during this period
you may experience sexual dysfunction and acute conflicts between spouses. If the above
problem is difficult to solve on their own, you need to seek help from a professional healer
who helps restore the normal circulation of energy in the second center and ensure its
normal functioning.
The energy of the second center corresponds to the color orange. It is the energy of
fire (magma of the Earth).
The sex center is divided on the third day after death.
The third center is located just below the xiphoid process, in the solar plexus. He
supervises the work of the abdominal cavity. If the third center is blocked, it leads to
disease of the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of the liver, gall bladder, duodenum;  there
is an addiction to overeating habits. Correction of the third center restores the metabolism
and eliminates the dysfunction of organs and systems. Typically, after a purposeful work
with this center, most patients suffering from overeating and overweight, lose weight by
an average of 5-30 kg, they have restored the normal operation of the gastrointestinal
The energy of the center - yellow. It is also the energy of Fire (Earth's core).
The third center is destroyed on the ninth day after the death of the person.
The fourth center - heart, located between the shoulder blades. Have you met people
about whom we can say at first glance that this is a very kind and sincere people? As a
rule, a good job of the heart center forms a kind and gentle atmosphere around the person
that other people feel the distance.
The heart center controls the operation of the entire cardiovascular system and is
responsible for its normal functioning.
the fourth energy center corresponds to the green. It restores the energy focused on
the impact which helps rapid healing of wounds and postoperative stitches.
The heart center is destroyed on the fortieth day after death.
The fifth center is in the throat region and is responsible for the respiratory and
immune systems. In case of violation of the normal functioning of the center develop
disease-forming organs, skin diseases, respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis), sharply
reduced immunity.
In addition, the fifth center - it is also the center of the human soul.  When we are
hurt to the core, it is going to lump in the throat. Therefore, this region - the center of our
soul. On the fifth center in the ground and have to devastating effect damage, the evil eye,
hex and other outside interference. Lump with negatively charged energy rises it to the
throat, and the man he constantly swallows. Therefore, the center of the most affected by
negative thoughts and alien power.
The color of the fifth energy center - blue as the predominant element, characteristic
of center - Water.
The fifth center and the next two do not disintegrate after death. The energy of these
centers is purified and continues to exist in the incorporeal world.
In the frontal region, between the eyes, it is the sixth center (so-called "third
eye"). He is responsible for good vision, hearing, memory control, stimulate thought
processes responsible for intuition, insight. This imbalance leads to deterioration of central
vision-hearing and memory processes. If you adjust the center of the work, the memory
function, vision restored, develops creativity.
It is the sixth center is the pineal gland that produces the hormone vision. Due to this we
are able to form in his mind the various paintings, images of the past, present and future.
Exercise. Try now, eyes closed, imagine the door of his apartment. Go inside, walk
through the rooms, paying attention to the details of the interior, and then go back to the
door. Open your eyes.
You made a mental journey. It is for the mental vision and meets the sixth energy
center. If it is good to train, you will see not only the ability to mentally travel and see
different situations, but also to observe from a distance, as the person sitting in it dressed,
who else is in the room. Over time, this ability develops more and more. As a result, some
people are beginning to see the man talking to him on the phone; at the same time can be
and funny situations. For example, a companion, not knowing that you are going to dine at
this moment, suddenly on the phone wants to "enjoy your meal", but still lists the dishes
of your evening meal. This statement will cause if not a shock reaction, the extreme
This ability to view of the situation from a distance - not a fantasy, but an absolute
reality. And this we also learn only later.
The sixth center has an energy blue - the energy element of Air.
And finally, the seventh center. It is a benevolent area, just above the head. The
energy center of the purple color. It is the center spark of God or Spirit. It monitors and
regulates the operation of all other energy centers, connecting elements together and
connects us to the downward energy of the cosmos.
Apart from the usual centers, some fighters of martial arts are formed by two more -
over the head and foot region - peace and anti-world. They need to completely redistribute
energy, send it either up or down and thereby reduce or increase its weight
class. Furthermore, the energy distribution significantly affects the gravity, that is, the
attraction or repulsion of human Earth. It all depends on your situation: If you need to
multiply the body weight, the energy goes down. To create weightlessness concentrated
energy is redistributed upward. This allows for a moment to gain an advantage in the
weight category before the enemy, so that the ability to manage your center of gravity is
often the result of the match depends. In ordinary life, the two centers, as a rule, remain
Fig.  2
Thus, the energy body is a combination of the energies of the four elements: Earth,
Fire, Water and Air, that fuel and fill the corresponding energy centers. Spirit - the so-
called fifth element - connects these energies together and activates the energy centers.
The centers concentrate the energy of the world, distributing it within the body along
invisible channels and external energy shell. Invisible channels of our physical body and
the outer shell of the energy complement each other and form a single, integral skin
around the physical body - aura, a kind of luminous cocoon, which can be seen with the
naked eye (Figure 2.).
How does the human biofield
Exercise. Absently look at the silhouette of a man (preferably on a light background),
covering the eyes as if the whole figure, and will gradually become visible light, silver
shell, which stands at 1-2 cm from the body. By turning movements or it will fall behind,
and then sync back and "stick" to the owner. Most often, this shell follows the contours of
the physical body, as a human phantom power.
Most clearly we can see the human phantom after being turned off the TV.  On the
screen for some time preserved image of a man, his silhouette, which gradually
disappears, as if melting before our eyes. This is nothing like the energy of the body shell,
which tends to linger in the place in which a person was present.  We constantly interact
with the energy of others, even when they are not with us side by side.
Any public places marked a huge amount of energy clusters, which contain all sorts of
information. For example, on the bus, any passenger seat holds the "energy footprint" of
every person, who was sitting on it. Moreover, by the nature of power inherent in it
repeats the information "owner". If it is healthy, physically strong man, and then the
"energy footprint" left by them, will be filled with healthy energy. Conversely, a person
suffering from, say, back pain, leave part of their energy to the mortgaged information on
back pain. In this case, the energy information exchange is as follows: any painful
sensation causes a sharp spasm of vessels and the accumulation of energy in the place of
pain.And the pain - is not nothing but a bunch of negative, negative energy concentrated
in problem areas at the moment. Every time we hit a hand or foot, we begin to rub the
sore spot, is not it? Our body instinctively seeks to reduce the concentration of negative
energy in one place, so there is a desire to instantly grind bruised (or sore) spot, ie evenly
distribute this energy.
A clot of negative energy can not disappear completely, it can be separated from the
"host" and remain hanging where people have just been. As soon as the new passenger to
sit on the "cushy" in the bus, he immediately falls under the influence of energy sitting
here before him a man of the left and information about the disease and the problem there
and then to it "sticks". Lumbar pain can occur without cause him (even after several days),
there will be a number of other ailments, for example, the left hip joint or the right
ear. Dura is deformed (Fig. 3).
Fig.  3
This danger lies in wait for us in any public place: at work, in public transport, shops,
cafes, at home - everywhere invisibly present energy and information contained therein,
affects the person. It is therefore important to understand what the power structure: what
are the main elements included in it and how to affect the efficiency of the organism.
As we noted earlier, every energy center corresponds to a color light; a total energy
of human body emits light waves of different lengths - from red to violet. Merging these
colors form white color that we saw (the energy shell, which we have tried to see with the
naked eye, it is a white, silver). In fact, the biofield is a diverse range of colors, the
brightness or dullness of colors depends on the energy of various layers and prints, we are
exposed to in everyday life. This and numerous contacts with the people around us, and
the influence of the prevailing thoughts and daily diet, our hobbies, interests and more.
When the biofield bright, saturated, which means that a person is healthy; if the light is
dim and blurred, then health is something wrong. Moreover, under the influence of
negative factors (these are, for example, heavy workload, constant stress, insecurity in the
family and so on. D.) Biofield is able to change the size, shape, and its energy integrity,
which certainly affects the physical and mental health human. As a result of the negative
impact of energy on the part of (damage, the evil eye, hex, curse, and so on. D.) In the
biofield may appear gaps and deformation, which is also very dangerous for health.
The subconscious mind, consciousness, superconsciousness and their relationship to
energy centers
Since the human biofield, and his subconscious mind, consciousness and super-
formed seven energy centers, it is of their normal operation and will depend on his
physical and mental health. Let's look at what form the centers subconscious, and super-
consciousness, and to determine their functionality.
Let's start with the Subconscious. Subconsciousness correspond to the first three
energy centers located to the diaphragm. The energy of these centers, like magnetic tape,
records all the events that happen to us; stores information about all our knowledge,
experience, feelings, mood for a long time.
The work of the first three centers responsible for the subconscious mind, focused on
energy density necessary for the life of the organism as a whole. Together, they represent
the biological sphere, which radiates a person at a distance of 15-20 cm, which controls all
the physiological processes in the body, and performs reproduction, provides a more or
less developed instinct of self-preservation (Fig. 4).
Fig.  4
The Earth, too, have a biological sphere - Biosphere, rising to a height of 5-6
thousand meters above sea level.. In this space there are all the necessary conditions so
that a person could be born, breathe, live and fully develop.
Fig.  5
Three centers, which are located above the diaphragm, form consciousness. They
have a fine structure and follow the information and spiritual development of man.
The fourth center is the intermediary between the energies that control the
subconscious and consciousness, although conventionally belongs to the Consciousness. It
is thanks to good cooperation subconscious and consciousness develop qualities such as
kindness, compassion, gentleness, tenderness.
Radiation from the fourth, fifth and sixth form centers of human noosphere, which
extends over a distance of 15 meters from the body (Fig. 5). People, animals and objects
falling into the area of information radiation, unconsciously we studied. So sometimes we
get information about someone else before I met him, the so-called "first impression",
which often turns out to be true. Sometimes you have so that the little-known, or even not
at all familiar person evoked a feeling of hostility, when obvious reasons it was not? If yes,
it means that your noosphere quite subtly and accurately reads the signals from the
outside world, and you are able to anticipate the situation even before it happened. This is
achieved thanks to the good work of the mind and soul.
The Earth also has a noosphere - information reservoir, which stores all the
knowledge. Noosphere penetrates into space at an infinite distance.
The seventh center, situated in the district of benevolent, slightly higher than the
head relates to the superconscious. Thanks to the work Superconscience we can connect
to the descending energies of the cosmos and the Supreme Mind.
Sometimes our consciousness can be so-called twilight, it is as if "stuck" between
consciousness and super, and then the person becomes a zombie, doing all the
movements and commands mechanically, automatically. This is a special kind of negative
impact, and it can cause significant harm to human health.
Etheric, astral and mental bodies
The first three centers form a stronger substance on its energy structure - the etheric
body and the astral body. The center of the etheric body is located in the center of the
sexual (uterus, prostate), astral - in the solar plexus. The etheric body disintegrates on the
third day after death, astral - on the ninth day.
Energy centers above the diaphragm creates another body - mental. mental body The
center is located in the fourth center, the heart. By its energy structure, it has a fine
structure, so it is difficult to see normal vision (as opposed to the etheric body, the silver
shell which we can see with the naked eye). The mental body is destroyed on the fortieth
day after death.
So, the human biofield formed seven energy centers. The first three make up the
biosphere human (or subconscious) and emitted at a distance of 15-20 cm The remaining
three centers (consciousness) form the noosphere -. It applies within a radius of 15 m
Seventh Room (superconscious.) - A spark of God that connects us to the downward space
flows or to the Higher Mind.
Each of us can easily learn to see the aura, and if you develop your vision is good
enough, it will soon become distinguishable not only light silver shell, but also its color
range, formed of the seven energy centers of flowers.
Formation of energy centers
Formation of the energy centers begins in the womb. The first and second centers
appear about a 23-25 second week, when it becomes known to the child's sex. After the
development of the etheric body begins to form the astral body, and to seven months, it is
considered to be practically formed. My mother is a child "by heart" - it allows you to
develop a third center, and the child runs by the fourth, the heart center. After birth
mother breastfeeding him, giving warmth, affection, care, - and he has completed the
formation of a fourth center. The longer the feeding process, the better and more fully
formed heart center, as children become more resistant to diseases and more calm. The
fifth center is formed when the kid on the head palpable fontanelle - the baby about six
months. With regard to the sixth and seventh centers, they develop in the process of a
lifetime and their activities and the level of development depend directly on the thinking
man and his desire to improve their energy and spiritual potential.
Until the year the child depends on the mother's energy and is powered by its energy
(likely, in part), but after a year he began to choose who to join a parent energetically.This
is where the future are born "father's daughter" and "mother's son." The peculiar energy
"vampirism" appears about 12 years, although some of it is delayed for a longer period of
time. During this period, parents and children are very much interlinked, so any
experience, problems and illnesses of parents immediately affect the health of
children.Often, to cure children need their parents to examine first, primarily working with
them and only then treated directly with children.
With 12 years begins during adolescence - self-formation of the child, known as
puberty. Hormonal changes activates energy, while the information is still insufficient to
balance the energy. There are "rough edges" in the child's character, and in the energy
body, that is in the biofield. The predominance of energy and lack of information greatly
affect the relationship with the parents, with peers and friends. As a rule, children in the
adolescent period is much better to get along with their grandparents than with their
parents. The older generation is already experiencing a shortage of energy, but they have
plenty of information. Children, on the contrary, energetically active, but do not yet have
the experience and knowledge. In this respect, grandchildren and grandmothers well
complement each other, and when communicating lack of energy or information is
Another thing - the parents. They are more stable in terms of information and
energy. Parents are more difficult to understand their children, and children - parents. At
puberty, a child's energy is in full swing, it is physically active, is difficult to compromise
and reconciliation that eventually leads to disagreements and conflicts in the family. For
parents, this period is not less complicated. We need a lot of patience, tact and knowledge
of child psychology, not to lose contact with their children and stay for their reliable
support and support, they can always get in a difficult period of its development.  The most
important thing for parents to be more attentive to the individual development of children,
not imposing them their norms of behavior, thinking, lifestyle.
Sometimes, the parents prefer to communicate with their children, not as a separate
and reasonable people who have the right and on your point of view, and his voice, but as
a small and helpless babies who need to take care of that need to constantly say what
should be done, and what is not, control their actions. Parents, children suppress their
energy and information, do not allow them to develop independently, and the period of
adolescence they may not come at all. The most common of these excessively fostered
children grow people who are unable to make their own decisions and take responsibility
for their actions.
Children energetically connected to their parents, as adults, rather helpless in life, are
constantly looking for support, and support to those around you, friends and, not finding
her, returned to her parents, sitting them on the neck. But the parents are to blame,
because it failed to raise an independent, hard-working person.
All energy centers are interconnected with each other, and if one or another of them
prevail (in terms of energy or information), the color range becomes particular shade
depending on which ones are dominating. However, the prevalence of information or
energy brings to the body is not only a certain hue, and imbalance, breaking its
integrity.Unfortunately, we tend mostly to pay attention to any intellectual activity, or to
give all the main time physical work. As a rule, any other activity as a result do not have
time, and we just ignore the warning signals coming from outside. The first symptoms are
pain medications are taken, and failure in affairs because of the lack of experience and
knowledge, we tend to rank as a coincidence. However, the human body - it is a single
system that will function well only when all its components are equally well to work and
develop. Otherwise - health problems, failures in the affairs will be a regular
occurrence. To avoid this, it is necessary to develop all the energy centers of the same,
equally to monitor both their physical health, and for the intellectual sphere. In this case,
the flow of energy and information will circulate equally as energy centers, their producing,
develop harmoniously.
Let's look at features of the interaction of energy and information and find out how it
happens energy information exchange with the outside world.
Let us consider some typical situations. Remember when the last time you were angry
or upset with someone. As you breathe in that moment? Perhaps silence "wheezed,"
feeling inside the storm, but not allowing it to exit to the outside? No wonder they say:
"Sduysya and then lopnesh". What happens at this point? Man typing a negative
information, it holds in itself puffing, not throwing out. We need a way out.
And imagine another situation: you are angry, but not passive, but in a dynamic
state. There can be no silence. Most likely, the negative information verbally spills, backed
up at the same time emotionally. Now you select the energy, leaving it in himself. It is
very important!
The mechanism here is this: we pay you exhale of the energy, and with it the
mortgaged information. Once the information to back up energy, it automatically begins to
act in reality. No wonder they say that thought is material. Biocurrents brain shape our
thoughts and energy makes them a stronger structure, which, however, can be "lost in
space".In the formation of thought formed thought form, which can be separated from the
human and exist independently in space for a long time. It happens like this: thought, took
a few steps and you forget about what he would do. In this case, you should go back, it
was the place where the first thought came to mind. She was left hanging there. The idea
of "go down" to you, if a little to stand in the same place.
Now I understand why the words formed in my head sometimes voiced by a number
of people standing. Or vice versa: you managed to tune in to a certain wave and read the
thoughts of his companion. Information and energy are constantly broadcast around us,
and people can easily scan these signals.
The most intensive we highlight information on the exhale. To understand this
process, try now to say to inhale his surname, first name and patronymic. And then do the
same on the exhale. There is a difference? Of course have. On the exhale, we give energy,
lose her, but with her and give the information you want to convey to others.Therefore,
the conversation is built on the exhale.
Periodically throw away information that is stored in us for some time. On the one
hand, this output will weaken the internal stress, on the other hand, removes unnecessary
information from the head, which is layered and confusing thoughts. But beware: many
and long conversations take away the power of life, because there is a big energy drain
into the surrounding space. Of course, you need to understand the problems, but the
constant discussion of the same issue will only take away the power of life and time.
Consider the simplest method of getting rid of unnecessary stress and information
overload with the help of elementary techniques of breathing exercises.
Exercise  . To get started, take a deep breath in through your nose and noisy,
intense exhale through the mouth. Repeat several times.
Now complicate the exercise, imagine a beam of white light that descends from
above. On the inhale it enters the head goes down, washing the shoulders, chest, down to
the solar plexus. Continue to imagine that the white stream of energy (which is filled with
inspiration you exactly half) is collected in the solar plexus.
Now as you exhale, imagine this energy goes down, taking with it all the stress, and goes
through the hands and feet in the earth (in magma) on the principle of a lightning rod.To
achieve maximum effect, you should take a deep breath, hold your breath for 3-5 seconds
and then perform a soft, lingering breath. In this case, we increase the size of the biofield
to inhale, filling it with energy, and during the slow, prolonged exhalation biofield is not
reduced, while remaining energy-filled. If silently exhale slowly through your mouth, it will
strain relief to the body, but if you connect more and hiss (throat), then connect to the
relaxation process and a head, there will be mental relaxation during exhalation. This is
more efficient.
Repeat this exercise often. Then you can easily remove the tension, fatigue, not
allowing them to accumulate.
So, we've established that you exhale is released energy into the surrounding space
with the subsequent materialization of thought-forms. In the future you will be able to
consciously to materialize his own thoughts with the help of breathing, connect to them
and also give them the energy to the surrounding space.
Consider the opposite case: a man listening with his mouth open. Now he, on the contrary,
actively takes energy and information. Breathing through the mouth and exhaling through
the nose, it stores the information in itself, without giving it to the surroundings.  It has
been observed that students and pupils in 2-3 times increases the absorption of the
material, if they are inhaled through the mouth and exhale through the nose.  So try to
lectures, seminars, or when something you read about yourself, breathe the same way.You
will feel that the effectiveness of storing information will increase significantly.

Three types of breath and their impact on health

Now you know that with the help of breathing can store energy and information or
give it to the surrounding space. Let's see how to use breathing can regulate your mood.
There are three types of breathing: lower, upper and middle-side. Each of them
carries out its functions and different effects on the body's vital functions.
Lower breathing - is abdominal breathing. Inhale through the nose maximum inflated
belly, and the chest, shoulders remain still and not rise.
Exercise. Take a few deep breaths, using lower breathing. For convenience, place one
hand on your stomach and the other on your chest and make sure that it was involved in
belly breathing. Hand lying on his stomach will rise, while the other remains
stationary. Listen to your feelings. Most likely, you will feel the heat flow to the hands and
feet - the energy redistributed "top down". How did this happen? Remember, the
diaphragm is a kind of boundary between energy and information centers.
All that is located below the diaphragm, is responsible for the energy supply of the body,
all the centers above the diaphragm - for information reinforcements.
In abdominal breathing stimulated outflow of excess energy from half of the
information that is redistributed at the bottom and serves as the energy supply. Therefore,
if you have a headache or feel mental fatigue, you need to practice breathing underwear,
do 5-7 deep breaths. The severity will be held to return the ease of mind. Thus, stress,
headache removable bottom breath - energy redistribution "from the top
down." Conversely, if you are experiencing fatigue, lack of tone, lack of energy from the
intense exercise, use upper breathing. Exercise. Take a few breaths, the maximum
inflating the chest and the stomach leaving a fixed (as opposed to the lower
breathing). Put one hand on his chest, the other - on the stomach. Inhalation shoulders
and chest rise (most involving the lungs), abdomen remains motionless. Check the
performance of the exercise. Then you will immediately feel a surge of energy to the head
- there was a redistribution of power "from the bottom up." Tone and efficiency of storing
information necessarily rise.
The third type of breathing - . Medium-lateral It is somewhat more complicated the
previous two. Mid-lateral breathing - breathing is a rib. Exercise. Try to breathe, without
raising any stomach or chest. Breathe some ribs. This will fully align the action potential,
equally distribute his aura, as well as remove the asthma attacks.
Sometimes it is useful to breathe easy, barely noticeable shallow breathing. Imagine
that you are - the ocean. The wind swoops and stirs the surface of the ocean. The more
intense breathing, the more water fluctuations. The smoother and quieter we breathe, the
less fluctuation of water space. As always breathe when they want to remain invisible?
Slowly, barely holding their breath. In the ocean, complete calm, tranquility. That this are
shallow breathing. We kind of dropped out of the general rhythm, space, movement of the
biosphere and the noosphere weakened to a minimum, and they do not hurt other
people. We become invisible.
It is noticed that the feeling of hunger mobilizes the thought processes, and the lunch
break, on the contrary, lowers the overall tone, as the outflow of energy is "top down".
So, we have considered several options for breathing. To make it easier to determine
which breath apply in a given situation, let's summarize our knowledge.
In order to relieve the pain in the area below the diaphragm (eg, stomach cramps,
painful menstrual cycles) or increase blood pressure, use upper breath. And in order to
remove the unpleasant, painful feelings above the diaphragm (fatigue, tiredness,
headache), and lower blood pressure, use a lower breathing.
Mid-lateral breathing helps to restore the balance, to relax and to minimize
fluctuations of the biosphere and the noosphere and become "invisible".
Breathing in through your nose and exhaling through the mouth, we give energy to the
surroundings, helping to materialize our thought forms, and vice versa, breathing through
the mouth and exhale through the nose, we take the information and energy from the
environment that promotes good memorizing any information.

Physical ether
We know that we are surrounded not only the air. There are the physical air. It can be
noted, absently looking at the clear, blue sky. You see a lot of flashing, randomly moving
With a strong cough is sometimes flashed before his eyes as glittering point. This is
not other than the ether - a bundle of energy, which threw the body as a result of local
Biofield is an ester structure. Remember luminous shell around the human
body? Initially, it is transparent. However, transparency can be broken over time. It is
usually associated with the disease, bio-field strain or other reasons. In this case, when
viewed from the biofield can see clumps of opaque power that indicate violations of the
physiological or spiritual plane.
Try to observe biofields their loved ones, seeing them every day (preferably to a man
standing on a light background). Bright intense light indicates a good state of health,
vitality. The dim light may indicate a reduced tone, fatigue. Every day, the radiation will
change, because we feel differently. However, we can maintain the natural state of
transparency. During the day there is the repeated layering of information on the biological
field that needs to be periodically reset, or worsen the physical condition and the speed of
thought processes will slow down. After each contact with a person or group of people is
necessary to interrupt the communication with them, as at the time of communication of
the biosphere and the noosphere your contact and after the call is an energy relationship.
Often in mind before going to sleep flashes "swarm" of thought, is not it? This is also
a kind of penetration into the biosphere and the noosphere human alien energy,
thoughts. Therefore, be sure to stop the influence of others, cut off from outside
interference, and then the state of purity and transparency, will not leave you during the
day.How to do it? Think of exercise with a white beam from the top downward. So, when
you inhale the light energy to a half, and on the exhale fold it down through the feet and
hands (in magma), is not only unnecessary stress relief, but also cut off all possible
influence of other people. By adjusting the transparency of bio-field, we are working on the
physical body, his body healthy, turbidity also lead to deterioration in health. Be sure to
make reset before and after intercourse, especially unpleasant, let it become an automatic
The ether that surrounds our planet at a distance of 5-6 thousand. M below the
surface level, it forms the biosphere. You can take this energy from the biosphere and fill
her nerve centers. You can also connect to the noosphere and the Earth, which pervades
the entire cosmos and is a kind of reservoir of information. It uses more advanced
techniques of breathing exercises that allow you to keep yourself in good mental and
physical shape.
In the previous exercises we looked at basic breathing, simple management practices
being. Who came to the study of the method, which provides a connection to the four
elements of Earth, and the connection with Superconscience. This is one of the important
points in this course.

The basic techniques of breathing exercises

Breathing exercises - is a tool by which regulated human health.  If we learn to use it
correctly, you will be able to manage their health effectively filling the physical body
vitality. During the filling happening each energy center, the connection to the energies of
Earth, Fire, Water and Air time special respiratory gymnastics exercises. And because they
are not only the primary elements of nature, but also the energy of the human body, it will
significantly increase the action potential of the body, balance the energy and information
inside of us.
Warning: after the first sessions are possible discomfort. This is a temporary
phenomenon. Brimming with vitality, the body will be purified and recover. Negativity will
come out of the body, which can manifest itself in the gag reflex, coughing and other
unpleasant phenomena. This is because the state of health of a patient's body - too painful
condition. It needs time to adapt to the good state, move to a new level of
functioning. Therefore, all possible ailments - only temporary. Once the body is tuned to
the rhythm and get rid of all the negative, you will feel inflow of forces and energy.
Carefully read the following exercise and be sure to train yourself. Bends 5-10
minutes a day to practice breathing exercises. You will feel differently, and these feelings
you will like.
The main task of breathing exercises - energy pumping each of the seven nerve
centers. It involves three steps: breath (set of energy in the lungs), the instantaneous
delay of breath (energy compression to the size of an orange) and exhalation (compressed
energy is sent to the appropriate center and fixed it).
Consider each anatomical region corresponding to a particular energy center.
1. The area of the coccyx-sacrum (the first center in charge of the good physical
condition of the body). Exercise. Stand up straight, take a deep breath, imagining the
energy white descends from above, filling the lungs, the solar plexus and is collected in the
form of a ball in the chest. Now with the help of hands, squeeze the thought balloon to the
size of an orange (detained while breathing), and as you exhale, imagine how dense the
energy drops in the coccyx, sacrum and recorded in this area. On the exhale, legs and
buttocks muscles tighten, they need to relax before the next breath. Do this three times.
2. The uterus (in women) and prostate (in men) . - The second energy center, in
charge of the sexual sphere of man . Exercise Repeat the same as in the first exercise:
inspiratory type power white and concentrate it in the chest, compress to the size of an
orange and exhale when strained legs and buttocks, send it to the lower abdomen, fixing
it. On the exhale, hands on your lower abdomen (it is in this place you need to direct
energy). Legs and buttocks relax. Do this three times.
3. The solar plexus (third center that controls the operation of the abdominal
cavity). Exercise. Repeat the previous exercise by sending exhale compressed ball in the
solar plexus area, click on it with your fingers. Legs and buttocks relaxed. Do this three
4. The area between the shoulder blades (the fourth center, is responsible for the
cardiovascular system). Exercise. Imagine a stream of white light, which descends
(inspiratory) and collected in the chest. Squeeze it to the size of an orange; further tilt the
head down, arms bent at the elbows, pull back so that feel the tension between the
shoulder blades, and at this point the compressed energy of the place. Legs and buttocks
in this case the strain is not necessary to do a breath hissing (hissing throat). Do the
exercise three times.
5. The area of the throat (fifth energy center, is responsible for the respiratory and
immune systems). Exercise. On the inhale, repeat the previous exercise, you exhale put
your index finger on the throat (thyroid), slightly tilt your head back and send a
compressed ball of energy in this area . Do this three times.
6. The third eye (sixth center, which forms the inner vision and responsible for the
work of the brain). Exercise. On the inhale, type power, as you exhale, send it to the area
between the eyes, after putting her finger and looking at him askance (head tilted slightly
forward) . You will see some tension between the eyes. By repeating the exercise finger
forehead do not remove, eyes closed. To do three times.
7. temechko (seventh center, regulating the work of the lower centers).
. Exercise repeat studied the case of pumping the last power center: the stream of
white light descends, filling light, the solar plexus, is compressed to the size of an orange.
Position the arm above the head, palm down. Now as you exhale send the ball under the
arm. Then take her - over the head formed Energy cap. Repeat three times.
So, in seven balls of white color was formed during the pumping energy centers: the
first - in the coccyx, the second - on the uterine level and prostate cancer, the third - in
the solar plexus, the fourth - between the shoulder blades, the fifth - in the throat, the
sixth - in the frontal part (between the eyes), and the seventh - on top of the head. This
seven reservoirs of energy that will stimulate the nerve centers, not only, but also the
whole organism.
If you perform breathing exercises daily, inner strength will start to increase, there
will be self-confidence, improve thinking processes. To achieve maximum effect, you
should pay attention to some "breathing" of the rules:
• Repeat each exercise three times;
• avoid the state of hunger and thirst in the classroom;
• If possible, practice breathing exercises after a shower;
• periodically selected to the nature of (this will more fully concentrate energy in
• engaged breathing exercises at least once a day, preferably in the morning or in the
evening (at sunrise or sunset);
• For the first three centers of the legs and buttocks strain. When pumping the
remaining four centers of the legs and buttocks leave relaxed and exhalation to add sizzle.
Once the exercises above comes to automatism, go on breathing color. The principle
remains the same, only instead of a light beam is necessary to represent the flow of a
particular color. When pumping the first center imagine a stream of bright red color, when
working with the second center - the flow of an orange-colored, with a third - bright
yellow. Feed green forms for the fourth center; blue and blue, respectively, for the fifth
and sixth points, and finished with a stream of purple.
At the end of breathing exercises you need to reset, to cut off all unnecessary and
negative, as well as to perform three exercises.
Exercise 1. Type in the light of light energy to form in the chest a large ball of
energy. On the exhale, your arms to the sides, palms up, just lean back and mentally send
energy to the arms, legs, head, filling every cell of the body. By exhalation can add
sizzle. There will be sore hands and a feeling of fullness throughout the body.
Exercise 2: Do the same as in the first exercise, you exhale imagining how you turn
into many small ray of which come from the feet, hands, head, out of the whole body.Rays
- is the energy that you typed in yourself and are now sending in the surrounding
area. Making a hissing breath, imagine the energy in the form of a plurality of rays
escapes into space. Let them be as long as possible, at a distance in the direction of
divorced hands, and cover you from head to toe.
Exercise 3: Dial the full light and the solar plexus light energy, and now lean back,
arms, spread to the sides, palms up, his head tilted back as much as possible and hold
your breath, giving energy to the surrounding space or distributing within
themselves. With breath-hold is a sharp increase biocapacity.
Repeat three times each of the following breathing exercises.
Breathing exercises - an effective means to increase their own biocapacity. However,
there are other methods and techniques of respiratory work, based on similar
principles.For example, Muslims have ritual ablutions five times - reset negative, grew
stratifying energy. Porfiry Ivanov also linked the idea of hardening breathing: go out into
the fresh air, pour cold water, take a deep breath and exhale wish health in the first place
to himself. Making a second breath and exhale wish health and well-being of friends,
relatives, acquaintances. The third breaths imagine how the energy emanating from the
body wave envelops the globe - I wish health to all people in the world. One can use this
Perhaps the first relatives and friends will complain of a headache, being close to you. This
may be due to an increase in the bio-field, which will start a little pressure on their
temples. Try to move a certain distance away from them and ask if their feelings have
changed. Rather, the pressure is reduced. Nevertheless, constant contact with the purified,
full of energy biofield positive effect on the health of people around them, they become
more calm, kind, therefore, doing breathing exercises, you help not only themselves but
also their relatives and friends.

Self-regulation: pain relief within a few minutes

Each of us in varying degrees, has an internal self-control. Remember the ability to
wake up in the morning at a time that you have defined in the evening.  This is a special
case of self - interaction with the internal system, rooted in our nature, which can be
controlled by mental commands. Self-regulation allows several times to speed up all the
internal processes, and in five minutes the scheduled sleep can relax not worse than two
hours. When you give a mental command: "Get up in five minutes and feel cheerful and
easy," self-regulation automatically activates internal reserves, mobilizing them and
greatly increases the rate of stress relief.
This internal system is able to capture the reflection of future events, and then we
have a premonition: "Now I'm going to the store, and he will certainly be closed." And
what? The store is really closed. Thus, to easily navigate the surrounding area, as the
locator reading all sorts of misgivings and feelings, correct biological time of your body,
you need to learn to communicate with internal self-regulation system, control it and trust
your feelings.
What is the basic principle of self-regulation? First of all, in the development of an
internal feeling, which is the same source of information, as well as vision, hearing.
Often, being at a party, we intuitively choose the place where we are most
comfortable stay. This unconscious choice, but it is true: in a relaxed state, the body
automatically includes its own "search engine" and be sure to find what he needs. For in
the classroom to create the necessary atmosphere for stress relief, it is necessary to meet
several conditions:
• Include a calm, soft music, preferably without words;
• find a place of power;
• get rid of noise and other external stimuli.
Place of power - this is the place most appropriate at this time to relax the body.  For
example, it is a place that is chosen by the family, which is claimed and which are trying to
take according to seniority. To effectively engage in self-regulation, it is necessary to find a
place of power for themselves. This is done as follows: find a secluded, quiet place
(preferably outdoors), stand up straight, his eyes closed, and mentally give the command:
"Direction". The body itself will gradually turn in one direction or another - like a compass
to determine the best direction for themselves. It depends on the motion of the planets,
the time of year, the internal state of the organism. Waking up during the night, we
sometimes notice that lay across the bed, feet or hands are as they are comfortable.  In a
relaxed state, our body automatically found direction and in this position rests most fully.
After selecting destinations, take a deep, deep intense breath, then exhale - reset the
negative information, cut energy binding. White energy that inhale to gather in the lungs,
exhale take unnecessary stress and go into the magma. Repeat this exercise several

Fig.  6
There is another way to stop the running thoughts and enable the internal reserves of
relaxation - a certain hand movements (Figure 6.).
Exercise  . Place the palms facing each other. Now, looking at the side of the left
hand, start to rotate it clockwise. Repeat the same with your right hand: it must also move
clockwise when you look at it right. Now try to do it with both hands simultaneously. The
left and right palms are rotated clockwise to the body. Difficult? We need some time to
master this exercise. However, repeat it, practice: the brain out of the ordinary modes of
thought and move to a new, relaxing phase, running thoughts cease and hotbeds of
tension extinguished.
During this exercise activates both hemispheres of the brain, which greatly increases
the speed of thought processes, promotes the appearance of fast response, savvy and
After the voltage has disappeared and you're relaxed, stand up straight, close your
eyes and for a minute wait quietly, listening to their feelings. The body begins to sway
easily forward, backward, clockwise, anti-clockwise (the body will choose the right
direction). If no wiggle, it means that the body is too tense, you can not relax.  It is
necessary to achieve a relaxed state, otherwise the body will not be able to fully restore
the most power and use the hidden mechanisms of self-healing.
While self-regulation there is a full recovery biocapacity, its homogeneous distribution
in the biofield. Bodies which have suffered from a lack of energy as a result of mental or
physical stress, causing cramping, pain, will receive the necessary amount of energy, and
the excess energy will be redistributed. Therefore, a simple rocking for one
minutecontributes to the rapid removal of pain.
To enhance the effect, try to mentally formulate the desired results and give a
corresponding internal command your body. For example, if you have a headache, you can
give this plant: "Now I'm going to count to three, and within a minute I was a little
shaken, but when I open my eyes, a headache will pass completely. I'm going to enjoy
myself! "
Wiggle - a relaxation of the body, and in this state, the brain is most sensitive to the
mind's commands, so articulate any command at will: to improve memory and vision,
normalize digestion, a good sleep. Specifically, specify what you want, rarely eating
generalizations such as "feel good", "good shape" and so on. Of course, generalizations are
effective, too, but the body is not able to clearly define the end result and the effect will
decrease. Just think, what is meant specifically by the phrase "well-being". These can be
lightheadedness, complete absence of pain in the back, legs, increasing the speed of
thought processes and more.
Optionally satisfy every possible desire for one session. Just choose one thing, the
most important at the moment, and ask the appropriate command. Create a whole
program that you would like to develop in yourself or change. It is very useful to fix this
list in writing, then an understanding of their goals to be the most accurate.
Self-regulation: a brief outline of the sequence of actions
So, let's summarize what we have mentioned above, and step by step we define the
sequence of actions.
1st Step: Select the most peaceful place that is best suited for employment.
Step 2nd: relax, extinguish all the extra excitation foci via breathing or hand
movements. Mentally set command "Direction" and turn in the right direction.
Step 3rd: count to three, each time more and more immersed in a relaxed
state. Define a mental command to achieve the desired, and rocking, stay for one minute
in a relaxed, uncontrolled state.
Step 4th: open your eyes. Observe the sensations after class during the day.
Spend a day 1-2 sessions on self-regulation, mentally formulating what want to
achieve by giving body to the appropriate command. And the setting can apply not only to
health, but also the scope of personal development, social relationships. If you want to
develop a certain quality, such as communication skills, responsiveness, sensitivity, specify
in mental formulation of what you want to replace the lack of the desired quality. For
example, repeat: "I am going to raise its efficiency and laziness and lethargy will disappear
completely from that day." Work with teams of Sexuality, to improve relations with the
opposite sex, to leadership training and others.
Note: The teams with the particle "NO" (not going to smoke, not to become a lot
there) should not be. The brain automatically discard "NO", and then the installation will
turn into quite the opposite. Use similar language without the negative particle (moderate
meal, smooth and relaxed attitude to alcohol and so on. D.).
So, is constantly working with its internal system. Increase the amount of memory,
develop visual, auditory perception. Typically, the memory is improved several times,
there is inner peace, reduces irritability. Ask a program for a quick and successful
implementation of the planned affairs, a good relationship with the boss, to avoid
unnecessary contact with people on the financial well-being. In addition, training self-
regulation can be used to search for lost items, and to remember the forgotten any
information. During a relaxed, swaying the state set command to find the desired object,
parallel remembering when you saw him last. Do not strain your mind at the same
time. The subconscious already has information on the location of the desired object, it
must be extracted from there. In a relaxed state to do it easily, and after a while there is a
forgotten information.
During the self-regulation body is rebuilt with the forced rhythms on their own, the
most suitable and comfortable to him, helping to increase efficiency, faster switching focus
from one subject to another, the appearance of inner peace and confidence.  At the same
time our mind relaxes and begins to absorb and store much more information than a
normal, everyday functioning mode.
Closely monitor the results, noting the positive changes in their behavior and
health. If you have given yourself the evening setting to wake up at six in the morning and
wake up at this time, the mental and the other team will be implemented regardless of the
circumstances: the mechanisms are already running.
Thought commands form the personal space of the person. A person energy - it's like a
beacon fire that will attract exactly what you need. Therefore, we are able to generate
their own positive thoughts and events necessary to succeed in the most difficult
situations. This is self-regulation.
Examples of attitudes to practice self-regulation
In excellent state of health and health I feel better and better every day. My body is
full of vitality and energy. Headache, fatigue disappear, disease go away, and I feel
physically strong and healthy. My body is becoming younger and stronger. I am confident!
At a moderate relationship to food I am absolutely calm attitude to food and believe
that a moderate intake of food - the guarantee of health and excellent digestion. I have no
problem with being overweight and digestion, I eat as much as you need my body.  I feel
at ease and confident.
On a positive attitude to work My work is deeply satisfying to me. I help people. My
colleagues love me, and among them, I always feel safe. Every morning I wake up with a
sincere desire to go to work. I am proud of their professionalism and creative thinking. My
boss appreciates my ability and very pleased with me.
On the financial well-being of my financial affairs go uphill. Money flows into my own
hands. I get offers from prospective employers, and use every chance to become rich and
successful. My wit is developing day by day, and I find new ways to deal with financial
issues. I know how to earn money and spend it wisely. I'm rich and enterprising people.
On successful passing the exams I feel confident and relaxed because I know well the
material. I elongated light ticket and will answer questions quickly and clearly. I have a
fast response and a great outlook, I immediately answer any question the examiner. I pass
the exam on the fine!
On the stability of alcohol I'm habits quietly, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol
is good and I am able to control myself. I have no hangover, I always feel cheerful and
energetic. The company I drink only in moderation, and my environment respects me for
The development of leadership qualities I am a confident person and a reliable
partner. I have all the necessary knowledge and skills to make quick decisions and inspire
his team. I am a good organizer and an adventurous person and I can do everything to
lead your team to success and prosperity. My partners respect me and trust me
On the sex appeal (for women) I look great! All men pay attention to me, because I
am gentle, charming and always different - a real mystery for a man! I feel fine and your
partner know how to give him a real pleasure. My husband (friend, partner) loves me and
admires me. I am sensual and sexy woman.
The development of volitional qualities of endurance and I'm hard-working and tough
people. I enjoy my work done and attitude to work with great love. I easily take up my
new business, perseverance and persistence always succeeds. I aspire to the spiritual and
physical development and can develop in several directions. My successes encourage me
and inspire new achievements.
On patience and kindness
I love the people that surround me, sincerely rejoice in their achievements and
support in the event of failure.
With great care and patience, I treat people, and they appreciate me for that. I'm always
willing to help and do everything in my power. My family, friends, colleagues, loved and
respected me.

The art of being invisible

In addition to protection, there are a few rules that can help you become invisible to
others. Of course, your physical appearance can not hide, but to become an invisible man
in terms of energy possible. And this is a great advantage! Then any energy-effects from
the people around them do not affect the bio-field - they simply pass through it without
affecting its destructive program. Here are four basic rules.
Rule 1: Be silent! This, of course, does not mean that we should remain silent all the
time, do not join in the conversation. Try to be silent in his thoughts. It is certainly not
easy, because we are accustomed to discuss their thoughts and problems of other people,
scroll through different situations. In this case, the atmosphere around us varies,
attracting the various energy flows from the surrounding. Moreover, mental discussion of
upcoming activities and events able to exhaust the energy limit of the case. For example,
if the barber visualize how many people come to her for one night, figured, what she will
get revenue to plan on it it will spend, and even had a mental pleasure from their virtual
shopping, it is in their thoughts operated by what there are no really. Such an approach
can advance exhaust energy planned events. As a result, visitors will man two or three,
and all the plans outlined in the colors, respectively, are disappointed.
When we are silent in thought, then, firstly, the rest is our brain, and secondly, it
promotes "energy-isolation" in a positive sense - we do not overtighten to her about other
people's illnesses and problems.
If you are tempted to tell all about his plans and desires, then, most likely, this leads
to partial or complete failure in the implementation of the plan. Not everyone complacently
refers to the desires of others, and information about its negative perception (not
necessarily explicit) can get into the aura, and this unseen influence will disrupt the normal
course of events. So, avoid verbosity, silent, not only internally , but also externally , and
the positive development of the situation to increase the coefficient.
Rule 2.  Be attentive! This means that the ability to evade the possible awkwardness
or rudeness from others safeguard against conflict and internal disturbances that are sure
to withdraw from the state of equilibrium. Courtesy - an art that requires a closer look at
life on the understanding of the people. It allows you to predict the further development of
the situation and, accordingly, to behave more appropriately and patiently. For example,
you are driving, and driving on the highway. Not every driver is able to feel the situation
on the road and to behave reasonably, not to get into a car accident. Warning the driver is
able to predict the possible development of the situation: to increase or decrease the
speed, turn from the path, protecting themselves and the passengers from undesirable
Watch carefully and your intuition: a premonition of anxiety, excitement, strong
reluctance to go to the event - a very important signal, and it is worth considering. Very
often, the border security system of our shouts «SOS!», But we do not listen to her and
ignore important information for us.
Rule 3. The solution in the surrounding area! Wherever man may be, he can always
be a part of a situation in which there is. To do this, we must learn to adapt to the
behavior of the people in the company who you are, be raised or lowered to their level of
development, and then never be a stranger in a new company. Moreover, the
embarrassment and shyness, as well as feeling "at ease" will take place, because you "will
merge" with others and become a full member of their team. However, the staff collective
hatred, and if you were next to unpleasant people whose behavior is shocking to you, you
should consider whether or not to enter into their circle.
Rule 4.  Be friendly! Benevolence creates a pleasant, warm atmosphere, located in a
very nice people. This negative impact on their part will fall sharply. Who will destroy what
he likes?
Transparency - the art of being invisible. If you flinch from the sudden, loud sound,
this means that the body is too tense, the sound wave does not pass through the aura, but
"stuck" in it. What happens if the sound has a certain negative information? Imagine
destroy your biofield word boss who abused you, and you just can not get it out of my
head? His words are destroying bio-field from the inside, just as we destroy the inner
anger and aggressiveness. Is not it easier to skip through itself heard and stay clear?
When breathing exercises, formation and protection of the four rules of "How to
become invisible" become everyday habit, an integral part of life, a sense of inner comfort
and ease will accompany you all the time. Gymnastics takes only 15-20 minutes a day, but
each time the effectiveness of training is getting higher and higher, and the ability to
control his own body and regulate the pain increases.

Methods of diagnosis
Here, I think it necessary to at least partially affect the diagnosis methods.
Each of us has five senses. Depending on how well they are developed, it can be
concluded that in which image data read from the outside world in the diagnosis of
patients will occur.
The method of "mirroring" the practice of diagnosis is most commonly used. Its
essence is: the healer gets face to the patient at a distance from him (0.5-1.5 m -
depending on the sensitivity level) and begins to mirror the patient by copying its position,
the position of the hands, feet, adjust to his breathing and palpitations. At the same time
the healer begin to appear the same sensations that the patient experiences. For example,
if a person has a sore heart, the diagnostician will feel pain on the right side at the level of
the heart; if there is (or was) a fracture of his right hand, he will feel the pain in his
left. Knowing the anatomy, it is easy to understand that it hurts the person, in what area
he is experiencing pain (received signal mirror opposite). In addition, such a diagnosis
helps you instantly feel the mood of the test, his state of mind. But be careful: a mirror
repeating the person you read only information about his illness, but does not drag energy
together with the information on your biofield.
Skilled enough 30-40 seconds to fully diagnose the patient and determine where and
what was wrong with him.
Another of the most common methods of diagnosis is highly tactile sensitivity of
hands. If the palms have increased susceptibility to energy impulses from the outside, it
allows you to instantly capture the light vibrations and signals that come from the patient,
and for him to conclude that the internal state of a person, that is, in this case, the healer
senses energy flow is not the physical body as a whole, and only her hands, holding them
around the biofield and reading the original signals.
The ability to perceive information through the senses work enough constant
practice. To increase the sensitivity of the hands, you need to constantly be in contact with
the energy of another person and to listen carefully to their feelings. Once a person is
tuned to such perception, the body will automatically switch to the development of tactile
sensitivity, and over time it will become more acute. Most importantly, before the practical
exercise to establish a good protection for your aura, otherwise you can accidentally drag a
part of someone else's, unhealthy energy itself.
Each of us - their own, individual conductivity of these signals, so the feeling of the
same phenomenon from two different people are different. The method of decoding signals
that are read from outside the body, work enough and checked in the process of practice.
Also clairsentience, reading source of information is the clairvoyance - increased
sensitivity of the eyes to the vision of the energy shell, or . Inner sight This capability is
either congenital or acquired. One of the famous psychics - Wolf Messing - could visually
see the human thought forms and reading them. And the information he received not
telepathically, not by internal and external sensations and visual.
You can learn to focus your eyes so that he could distinguish between the energy of
the radiation, seeing them in the colors. To do this, hard to train your third eye. I'm sure
many of you are addicted to scrutiny of stereokartinok "Magic Eye". In fact, this occupation
is not only entertaining, but also useful. Seeing the image in the picture, try slowly,
without changing the eye focus, to translate a look at the person and see his energy
shell. On the stereo image of a chaotic picture emerges three-dimensional image. And
when we looked at the other person, we see that a clear image disappears, becomes
blurred, and replace it begins to appear the energy envelope - aura. It is this vision able to
consider something that is not seen in the usual look.
Conduct an experiment: Sit facing each other (preferably paired), relax, scattered
eyes sweep the person partner, as if peering through it into the space behind, and take a
look at what is happening. Habitual facial features begin to slowly fade, as if a veil
clouding, and soon in front of your eyes appear completely different person.  Sometimes
the picture becomes strange, or even malouznavaemym. Typically, these visions reveal the
true nature of man and his peculiarities. If you learn how to look at the biological field (as
if looking at the stereo image), gradually begin to develop inner vision and capture the
energy flows of different wavelengths and thus, different color schemes.
Every time we close our eyes, our vision is capable of some time to hold on the
mental screen the outlines of objects and people with whom we have just
touched. Knowing this feature, you can train your inner vision, looking through other
people's bio-field with his eyes closed. If the integrity of the image of another person is
broken, then the deformation will place certain violations occur. On the mental screen is
clearly visible.
In addition to the information that can be obtained via an internal view, a lot to say
and a visual image of a man, which we perceive the external vision. The behavior,
gestures, looks, appearance of the patient as well as his clothes, skin, complexion and
other external signs help indicate not only on the state of human health down to specific
diseases, but also in his outlook on life, the level of material well-being, mood, attitude to
the healer (confidential or otherwise) in the treatment process.
At the time of diagnosis much attention should be given to personal contact with the
patient. This will help to establish not only a good and friendly contact with the unfamiliar
person and get information about the issues that concern the healer, but also learn a lot
about him by his voice and intonation, for the words that he uses in
conversation. Depending on what kind of voice you hear - weak, shy, timid, or, on the
contrary, a solid, confident, then the person seems to be appropriate.
In addition to the visual and sensory experiences, you can catch originating from
human odors or taste. Newborn babies, adults, older people felt by us in different ways,
both the taste and the smell. If in a few days you will begin to listen to their taste
sensations in relation to different people, you will see that our organs of touch in different
ways to respond to the people around us, and the feeling will be different.  The same can
be said about the smell coming from the man. According to him, we can also detect the
presence of certain diseases. For example, if a person comes from the smell of rotten
eggs, that he had problems with the stomach (gastritis) or decay, the smell of acetone
says that a person elevated blood sugar. Therefore, listening to their bodies to touch and
smell, it is possible to obtain reliable information about the health of the person or patient.
Well organized and accurate work of the five senses - this is the sixth sense,
or clairgnosis. Regardless of how our feelings are developed at the moment, we
can consciously and deliberately train them, listening to their feelings. And then,
without a doubt, clairgnosis will be your constant companion and adviser, and a
sixth sense (intuition) to help avoid unwanted situations and attract exactly
those events and opportunities you need.

Working with biofield

Each of us is endowed with the ability to feel the hands of energy flows that come
from another person. The question is how much this ability is developed and how it is
applied in practice. Since this principle is based bioenergotselitelstvo, it's time to go to
work directly with biofield and training their psychic abilities.
First, let's learn how to determine the bio-field sizes with the help of hands.  Place the
palms against each other and listen to the sensations. Surely there was a sensation of
tingling, heat and viscosity between the palms. Now, with the help of breathing exercises
inflate that space energy white. The internal heat increase? Intensified tingling?
Shake sharply palm several times, and again put them against each other. How do
you feel now? Most likely, the fullness and the tingling became even more intense.  Thus,
using such simple techniques can enhance the sensitivity of the hand to the energy and
become more susceptible to all kinds of energy radiation.
Now the fun begins! You are invited to independently determine the size of the
biofield of another person. Put in front of someone from their relatives or friends. Let him
close his eyes, and for some time will stand quietly in a relaxed state. Shake your hands to
enhance their sensitivity, and zoom in the palm of the human body in the chest area.Start
slowly withdraw them, paying attention to the sensations arising. And they are different:
close to the body surface, at a distance of 5-6 cm, the feeling of warmth and fullness are
amplified, and the farther you attach to your hands, the less important they become.  At
some point will be cool feeling, it means that you have gone beyond the biofield.  Again
zoom hands and feel the warmth, fullness between the palms and the human body.  Define
the border, where there is the most powerful, concentrated accumulation of energy,
passing you feel that these feelings become less noticeable. This is the outline of the
biofield, which, however, can vary. For this reason, you can not uniquely determine the
size of the biofield. As a rule, it goes beyond the physical body for 15-20 cm, but often
varies, increasing in one place and decreasing, "falling" in another. So explore the bio-field
completely, check the dimensions of the head, right, left, behind, listening to their feelings.
When our hands are in direct contact with the energy of the other person, they begin
to read not only the fullness of the bio-field, but also the possible anomalies caused by
disorders of the physical body. This is often expressed in the sensation of excessive heat
or, conversely, cold bio-field or even in the absence of any sensation. At this stage, not
necessarily to put accurate diagnoses, enough to capture changes in their feelings, and to
conclude that at this point probably unnecessary stress or pain. But the more these
sessions will be held, the greater will be the sensitivity of the hands to the energy
radiation. Over time, the ability to develop, and thus it will be possible to determine the
actual disease as a result of the bio-field research. This principle is based and contactless
diagnosis, which does not require supernatural abilities, are only required constant
Working with the biofield of another person must necessarily be accompanied by the
installation of protection on their own, because the information about the problems and
illnesses of the other person has the ability to print out on the aura, and is a little pleasant,
if you at the next non-contact study picked up negative energy and will transfer
information about the problems of another person on (many quack, do not install
protection on their aura, may be sick for several days after administration of the patient).
Each time before starting work, create a blue ball, giving it information on the full
protection of the power of influence of another person, lift it over your head and as you
exhale it will spread in all directions from the body. Once the protection is set, you are
ready to all kinds of experiments. For example, here's something to work: to define the
boundary of the biofield hands, merge with it, and then begin to gently and smoothly take
the hands to the right and to the left, leading the mind and the human biofield.  You'll see
that it starts to move in the same direction. Try your hands to push the biofield back,
forward, circular, and the man also followed him.
Now do the exercise that will help determine how strong a man's personal
magnetism (Fig. 7).
Fig.  7
Exercise. Stand behind the person, hands, apply a contact on the back of his head
and take a few deep breaths, energy merging with his aura. Slowly begin to take his hands
back, presenting at the same time, his head reaching for your hands. Mentally entangle
head ropes of energy, pull for them. If a person starts to veer back (and sometimes fall),
he has a strong magnetism and enhanced tactile sensitivity.
Fig.  7
There is another way to assess the forces of magnetism as a well as "experimental"
(Fig. 8). Stand to the right of the person, put his left hand on his right, mentally transmit
energy through his hand, connecting with his energy. Starting slowly raise your hand, you
will see the hand "test" reach for yours. Try to mentally connect as closely as possible with
the other person's hand, all sorts of "entangling" it. If the experiment is easy to succeed,
therefore, your partner has a good magnetism. Otherwise, you need more practice, and
developing their own biocapacity. For example, after classes breathing exercises your
ability to increase the effects of non-contact.

Violation of energy balance

According to the anatomical structure of the human energy is emitted from the center
to the periphery, just as the rays diverge from the sun and go in different directions.For
some reason, the blocks can be formed in the organs which are not passed through a
energy. It accumulates in this location, resulting in the formation energy anomalies. The
same effect can be caused by a complete cessation of energy supply, which sometimes
occurs due to rupture of the bio-field (as a result of corruption, evil eye, bioenergetic
vampirism and so on. D.). Even a simple word - a kind of energy-sound vibration - can
cause serious harm to human health, causing energy breaks in certain places of biofield.
If over time the normal circulation of energy is not recovered, then place greater and
greater disorder, because in one place energy is constantly decreasing, and in the other it
accumulates a surplus. In both cases this leads to spasms in the physical layer, the
appearance and development of all kinds of pain disorders.
The aim of bioenergetic therapy - to prevent the development of diseases, timely
restoring the natural flow of energy in the body. To do this, conducted bio-field correction,
the principles of which we will learn. It is based on three main techniques:
1) the energy pump,
2) extract,
3) distribution.
To start the diseased organ is pumped energy to dilute the concentration of negativity
in this area and to reduce the pain of the patient, then the hood is made of negative
energy with its subsequent amputation. Hood made with either hand counterclockwise (if a
single body) and two hands using circular movements to each other in the direction of the
natural openings in the case of paired organs (ureters, kidneys, bile ducts, etc.).
The healer pulls all the negative energy, and hence the negative information out of
the body and clears the mind divorced fire, which burns all. The last operation - the
distribution of energy. You can once again make the pump to the body suffered from a lack
of energy, and evenly distribute it across the problem area.
Before you start a wellness session, it is necessary to put the defense on
himself. Admission of patients to lead better alone, without foreign witnesses. To people
not distracted by external stimuli - noise and objects, place it back to the door, preferably
in the middle of the room. Depending on the age of the patient can sit on a chair or lay on
the couch.
Traditional session begins with diagnosis. Pay attention to the features of their
feelings, when you examine the biofield. Let the patient himself will talk about his
illnesses, and you verify this information. If your hands feel cold in the survey, a whiff,
then at this point there is an anomaly. Excessive heat, tingling, too, speak about specific
violations.Most often these disorders occur in the vertebral column: cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, heart, gastro-intestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to check these areas.
To render assistance to a person and remove the pain, not necessarily to be strong
healer. It is enough to learn the basic techniques of health-building session and constantly
work to practice. As soon as you remove the pain for the first time (and it will happen), it
appears self-confidence and the effectiveness of the methods used. Later, the ability to
diagnosis and treatment will increase, you will become more acutely feel the energy and
be more confident to work with it, not based on speculative notions, and specific

Correction biofield: prevention and treatment of

Type is generall therapeutic session is a pumping process, drawing and distribution of
energy consistently in every organ or body part. After working with each particular organ
is reset pin, to completely cut off the negative energy, not allowing it to come back. As a
result of the impact of the body is cleared of Energy and pollution, and energy is
distributed evenly throughout the biofield.
The session begins with a restorative exercise. Put a man in front of him and set him
on a chair with his back to the door. Let him close his eyes and relax.
First, you must make a complete pump. To this end, a contact to get their hands on
the patient's head, type in the light energy of the light color and intense hissing
exhalation, send it through the hands to the patient's head (Fig. 9). Imagine that person -
it is an empty vessel that you have to fill in, so take a few deep breaths and hissing
breaths, each time pumping the vessel, more and more, until every cell, every organ will
be not filled with healing energy.

Fig.  9
Now you need to distribute energy evenly throughout the body, in order to avoid
accumulations and power units. Remember as a child we did a sand hill: both sides
captured palms sand and gathered it into a pile in the middle. Then the hand was
withdrawn, and all repeated again. The same is to be done now, but instead of sand
represents the energy that is necessary to first form a ball over his head, and then spread
around the biofield. Take a few pumping movements with his hands over the man's head,
as if capturing the energy from two sides and collecting between her palms, thus
condensing and concentrating it into a kind of balloon, further podkachivaya this ball of
energy. At that time, when you plant a palm in different directions, inspiratory mentally
dial energy white color, and when you start to move the palm of your hand to each other,
collecting between energy on the hissing exhalation, send it through his hands in forming a
ball, thus further compacting it energetically. Because of this, you will create a kind of
energy reservoir, which now need to gradually and gently spread over the biofield. Start
slowly running his hands along the body contour of the right and left, without touching the
head, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, energy merging with the person. At the coccyx-sacrum
repeat three times the pump: dilute palm in hand, slightly departing from the hips,
mentally imagine how the two sides you capture the energy and connecting the palm,
sealing it in a ball of energy, which will be located in the coccyx, the sacrum (Figure .
10).Energetically inflate it by adding energy to the hissing exhalation through his hands,
and then slowly raise your hands up, not touching the body, but by moving them along the
border of the bio-field, like capturing energy from below and distributing it, rising higher
and higher to the head.
Fig.  10
We are committed pumping three times the overhead power distributed from the top
down, we made another pump at the coccyx, sacrum and again redistribute the energy
from the bottom up. This is one cycle. It should be repeated two more times, ending with
the last three times the cycle of pumping over his head. Then you need to make a pin
reset, to cut off all energy-binding and eliminate any energy and information influence
from the outside, as if you are "earth" person. To do this, imagine how you dilute the side
of the patient's mental fire (or at any other convenient place), where you fold severed
contact during discharge energy and information. Very draw hands on the head, shoulders,
back (in the area of the spine) and through the legs discard all thought the fire. Thus the
energy distribution effected.
eye Treatment
Face the patient, arms out to the sides. Now imagine the palms, fingers, you collect
energy from both sides, and when the hands are close to the head, fingers are connected
to the beam and focused beam of energy is part of the whiskey, connecting inside the
head (Fig. 11). Every action is necessary to reinforce energy: at the moment when you
plant a hand in hand, to capture the energy as much as possible, to inhale mentally enter
the energy of white, and then, when moving hands to each other, give it to the hissing
exhalation through the hands directly to the patient that is sealed from the outside you
energy, united with the energy concentrated within you, turns into a beam (fingers at this
moment connected to the beam, as if combining multiple energy streams into one) and is
included in the whiskey on both sides, connecting the inside.

Fig.  eleven
Importantly, the pumping is not in front, directly through the eye and the side in the
temporal area. The energy completely fills the eyeball, every cell in the eye, increasing its
concentration and, accordingly, reduced the accumulated negativity. Pumping is effective
in the prevention of various diseases of the eye: nearsightedness, farsightedness,
cataracts, when vision correction. In addition, the energy pumping through the temporal
area helps to relieve headaches, and the effect you will notice immediately after the
After completing this pumping three times, you need to pull the negative energy that
has a destructive effect on the structure of the eye.
Non-contact impose his hands on your eyes and imagine how to bow, as if to the
center line, circular motion you pull all negative, all the information about diseases, like
grabbing both sides of this energy with his hands and through the nose pulling it out (Fig.
12) . After several circular motions to reset all the energy the dirt from his hands in the
mentally divorced fire and repeat the hood.

Fig.  12
The next step - distribution.
Now we will use the short longitudinal distribution: stand on the side of man and
imagine how soft flowing movements from the hands of the frontal part of the back of the
head and back you make uniform energy distribution over the biofield, without touching
the head (Fig. 13). After this reset, having his hands on the head, neck, back, buttocks,
legs and clipped negative dumping into the fire.
Fig.  13
Treatment of ear disease
Facing the patient, put the middle fingers into his ears, and through them the energy
inflate this area, gaining energy while inhaling white and hissing exhalation sending it
through the middle fingers in the ears of the patient (Fig. 14).  You will feel like in my ears
came the warmth and fullness. Then gently push your fingers into each ear and sharply
pull them. If you did everything correctly, you will hear a click. This force we used to grab
the old (the patient) and the energy to pull it out of his ears. On the fingers remained
negative energy, which must be reset to the fire. Repeat three times pumping and go
directly to the hood. By making a circular motion with his hands just above his ears, since
the eye area, move in the direction of the trailing edge of the ear. At the same time
imagine that you would like capture the negative energy fingers and pull it out of the ear
holes, as if twisting in a spiral, each time delaying their hands on the patient's ear (Fig.
15). As soon make a few circular motions, release energy in the fire.
Fig.  14
After the extraction is necessary to make the distribution. We use the short
transverse distribution: hands, scissors, make obratnopostupatelnye motion over his head
from one ear to the other without touching the head (Figure 16a.).

Fig.  15
Fig.  16a

Fig.  166
You can make the distribution of one hand from ear to ear, as if stroking man in his
aura just above the head, while the healer is facing the patient (Fig. 166).  Do not forget to
cut off all the negative information contact discharge, having his hands on the ears, neck,
shoulders, arms, back, legs and dropping all the negative severed in thought the fire.
nasopharyngeal Treatment
Stand on the left side of the patient (if male) or right (if a woman), contact impose
middle and ring fingers of the left hand on the nose, slightly turning down his head
back.Type in light energy and hissing exhalation, send it by hand into the fingers, with
your right hand, you are doing non-contact dispensing motion from the shoulder to the
wrist on the hissing breath. It was at that moment when you give energy to the patient via
the hand as if you are helping energy to move the arm to the nose (Fig. 17). After three
times the energy of the pump pull out the negative energy in the following way: imagine
how, making a circular motion counterclockwise with one hand, you grab and pull dirty,
negative energy from his nose and fold it into the fire (Fig. 18).

Fig.  17

Fig.  18
Then you need to change hands and do the same manipulation as described
above. To align the energy necessary to make a short longitudinal distribution in the same
way as we did in the treatment of the eye: the soft flowing movements from the hands of
the frontal part of the back of the head and back you make uniform energy distribution
along the contour of the bio-field, without touching the head. Then make contact
discharge, having a contact on the head, neck, back, buttocks, legs and clipped negative
dumping into the fire.
Thus, in the treatment of diseases of the ears, eyes, nose and throat must
first make pumping through your fingers, then unscrew all the negative spiral
and drop it into the fire. Then distribute the energy evenly and perform a reset
pin. When working with ears use transverse distribution (from ear to
ear);longitudinal distribution (from the forehead to the back of the head) is used
for the treatment of nasal and eye.
Treatment of diseases of the chest cavity
Stand on the side of the patient, contact put her hands on his chest and on his back
and a well-inflate, warm their hands this area, gaining energy while inhaling white and
hissing exhalation giving it (Fig. 19). This should start a feeling of warmth and fullness of
the hands. Next, you need to make an extract of negative energy. To do this, think of the
exercise in which we are simultaneously rotated palm clockwise to the body.
Fig.  19
Fig.  20
If you are not well mastered this principle, then work out, because now you'll
need. Lightly touching the hands of the chest and back, make a few rotational motions so
that the right and left hands move clockwise to the body. By making a circular motion in a
spiral away, imagine how you capture the negative energy at the same time on both sides
and begin to twist it, with each circular motion moving away from the body further and
further away (Fig. 20). Discard negative in the fire, hood again two more times, and then
proceed to the distribution of energy. Now we will use the short circular distribution. It is
based on the same motion hand clockwise to the body, just now you must imagine that
you evenly distribute energy in the chest. These movements will increase the overall tone
will stimulate cells to work and spread biocapacity.
Make contact discharge negative energy through the arms and hands to the fire.
Treatment of diseases of the abdominal cavity
The contact to get their hands in front and behind the patient, covering the area just
below the navel, and inflate the energy range of white color, and then make the already
known you a short circular distribution: lightly touching hands back and abdomen just
below the navel, perform rotational movements in a clockwise direction to the body ,
gentle movements palms distributing energy across the region.
After this reset all the negative thought in the fire, contact spent his hands on his
thighs, shins and heels.
There is another effective way to remove unwanted tension in the abdomen and relax
man. This horizontal pendulum distribution.
Before you begin, stand facing the patient and reciprocating arm's length from the
center to one side and then to another redistribute energy, and by moving the hand to the
left side, imagine the hand you collect energy on the right side and takes her to the left,
and on the way back to the outer part of the palm performs the same function - the
redistribution of energy left to right (Figure 21a and 216.).
In the central region of the abdomen, as if the emotional and energetic vessel
accumulate our negative emotions. When the vessel is full, we are experiencing bouts of
anger, resentment, irritation. Therefore, by means of the pendulum energy distribution we
help these clusters to remove, reduce energy blocks, remove the psychological tension, to
neutralize the offense, the old binding.

Fig.  21a
Fig.  21b
Finishing work with the abdominal cavity do reset, running his hand on the buttocks,
legs, and send a negative into a mentally divorced fire.
Treatment of the hands and feet
When pumping hands and feet work the same principle: the knee or elbow you form a
ball of energy, each time adding to it the energy of white, while helping hands her seal
(Figure 22a and 226.), And then, grabbing the ball from both sides of his hands,
redistribute his first start-up, as if the whole hand washing, and then downwards (Fig.
23).Energy distribution from shoulder to wrist - this is one cycle. Repeat it two more times
and on the fourth time, do the reset pin to the arm or leg.
After we worked for every part of the body, make a check, the final exercise, similar
to the way in which we started the session type is generall therapeutic.
Fig.  22a
Fig.  22b
Fig.  23
Exercise  . Smoothly movement collecting palms to each other and back to pump the
energy ball over the patient's head, do not forget to add it to the energy of the white
hissing exhalation. Then start to distribute it down, running his hands along the contour of
the body up to the coccyx-sacrum. They do exactly the same pumping, as we have done
over the head, that is, create a ball of energy with their energy, and adding energy from
the surrounding area, compacting it and redistribute the energy up, with his hands as if
lifting it from the bottom. Do this two more times, end-pumped over your head and the
contact method spend on the head, neck, shoulders, arms, back, legs, dropping then
clipped negative in the fire.
At the end of the session, do not forget to throw off energy that might laminated on
the biofield. To visualize this, as you inhale vigorously energize white, and hissing
exhalation it passes down through you, thus capturing all the negative, and through the
legs out into the magma of the Earth, where the fully neutralized. Just mentally assemble
the one hand energy from a chair or from the place where the patient is lying down, reset
it to a mental fire or magma. At the end be sure to wash your hands under running water,
removing them from the negative information.
Represented the fire must be extinguished.
So we finished the session type is generall therapeutic. Now that you understand the
principles on which is based the work of the healer. Pay attention once again on the
following recommendations:
• before the start of the session be sure to set the protection of its biological field;
• remove the hand all the valuable ornaments or jewelery - they may distort the
energy-signals that you read the patient's bio-field; pumping can be made as a contact (by
touching a finger, hand, arm) and non-contact (eye or hand at a distance); it is full (the
energy of the whole body is filled completely) and local (energy fills only a specific organ
or area of the body);
•  in the treatment of eye, nose and throat using a short longitudinal distribution, the
treatment of the ears - a short cross. Short circular distribution is used in working with the
thoracic and abdominal cavity. You can also use a long circular distribution, capturing the
movements of the hands at the same time the chest and abdomen. Horizontal (pendulum)
distribution is used to relieve nervous tension and relax the person;
• hood can be made as contact (the energy is drawn into a finger, a hand, and then
reset), and non-contact, remote;
• in the treatment of male healer is on the left side, in the treatment of women - on
the right. Then the active arm (.. In energy distribution in the eyes, nose, head, abdomen,
etc.) will be the left and right, respectively;
• during the session close to the patient, it is desirable to put a lighted candle. If the
wax sag, it speaks about the physical abuses, if the candle is cracking, then there are
problems of the spiritual realm;
•  in the case of toothache , place your index finger on the area (outside), where the
aching tooth, inflate this part of the energy, giving her finger through the tooth, and then
abruptly take away, as if the pain of pulling a tooth, and discard it in a fire.  Re-pumping is
better not to carry out, as it will increase the pain. Take control reset;
•  in the treatment of hypertension do three times the pumping overhead redistribute
the energy down and tear off the hands from the biofield, is not doing the same thing at
the coccyx-sacrum. Repeat this manipulation of two or three times;
•  increase the pressure may be in the opposite way: after triple pumping from the
coccyx-sacrum redistribute the energy up and take his hands from the biofield, taking
them beyond it. Repeat two or three times;
•  when dealing with thoracic and abdominal cavity circular hand movements in a
clockwise direction to increase the tone of the body, anti-clockwise, on the contrary, lower,
soothe, relieve excessive tension;
•  for the treatment of inflammatory diseases using pumped energy blue.
Warning: people who are physically sick and having addiction to alcohol, drugs and
other bad habits, engage in healing activity is not recommended, otherwise you can bring
to the patient's bio-field of the information about their illnesses and problems.  On the
other hand, a person can heal himself only when he gives something to others - a particle
of the soul, the heart, or knowledge. In this case, the strong and fair law "mutual healing."
To the therapeutic effect remained after the end of the session, you must charge the
water and give it to the patient. This is done as follows: a bottle of water put first the right
hand, then the left, energetically pumping water at each hissing exhalation adding mental
setting about this content: "Just as the Lord God turned water into wine, even now the
water will cure to ... (name). " Come up with your own wording and constantly use it to
pump water.
You can charge the products for themselves and for their loved ones. Before each
meal Think, for what and for what purpose you have (for example, giving the plant to
rejuvenate, to the good work of the heart, strong teeth, and so forth.), Then the food will
have a healing effect on your health.
If you are charging water or food for another person, the effect it will have on him only
one, and not spread to the surrounding.

Section two

Tasks section
1. Figure out how to form unfavorable areas in the room, how they affect
people. Learn how to determine these areas and eliminate at home.
2. To study the origin and special features of corruption, evil eye, slander and other
outside interference. Learn how to protect themselves from such adverse effects.
3. To master the elementary techniques of massage and breathing exercises skeletal
system to be able to work independently adjust the spine and other bone tissues.
4. Figure out how to affect a person's karmic programs and hereditary factor.

The invisible danger in the house

It is common knowledge that the prevention and treatment of diseases of a bio-field
correction is insufficient. An important role is played here and the energy and the
information security space in which we live. Every day the human body receives a portion
of every possible radiation attack aura, and these radiations have an adverse effect on his
health. There are three main types of radiation.
Anthropogenic radiation - radiation is caused by the operation of repeaters, TVs,
home appliances, computers and cellular communication. Anthropogenic radiation is
difficult to neutralize in full (only one radiation repeaters extends in a radius of one
hundred meters, not to mention the home appliances, with which we are constantly in
touch), so it affects us all the time and that the worst destroys our bio-field.
Geopathic radiation - is the radiation from the earth, the cosmos, the planets (the
Moon has the greatest impact on us) and other natural radiation. Geopathic radiation
significantly alter the rhythms of our body and affect health.
The third type of radiation - . Biological radiation to create it ourselves. These are the
basic energy flow of human physical bodies and our thoughts that we consciously forming
and therefore radiate. Oddly enough, but this type of radiation is the most dangerous and
Every year, the damaging effects of radiation on human growing, so a professional
service, which investigated the characteristics of occurrence of geopathogenic and
technogenic radiation was established in Togliatti. The most acute problem has affected
housing complexes, as a permanent residence in the anomalous zones formed by these
emissions, contribute to the development of serious diseases and led to a sharp
deterioration in people's well-being. For this reason, many experts began to pay attention
not so much on the nature of geopathogenic radiation, but rather on ways to eliminate
their damaging effects. Accordingly, a number of professionals engaged in the study of
energy directly to the apartment structure. First, as an experiment, and then contract
conditions they went to the house, where with the help of special equipment were carried
out research, the results of which constitute the environmental safety of the card flat.  She
noted geopathic zones (if such exist). If these areas can not be eliminated, developed
recommendations for furnishing and position things so that hosts and guests as little as
possible exposed to attacks from the damaging effects of geopathogenic radiation. After all
this work to issue certificates of energy security of the apartment and the appropriate
Currently, the need for competent and professional specialists is quite high, so the
issue of energy security is very important. Although there are now service (for example, at
SES), exploring the level of radiation in residential areas, but it does not solve the
problem. The operation of these services is aimed only at identifying adverse emissions,
but not to eliminate their impact. And since one of the main tasks of bioenergy therapy
and healing in general - to protect people from the negative impact of energy, it is
important to explore ways to cleanse his house from the negative, especially as
opportunities to accumulate it very much.
First of all, human destructive act manmade radiation. Neutralize completely man-
made areas is extremely difficult, we can only partially reduce their destructive effect,
isolating themselves from the emitters of electromagnetic waves.
But, despite the complexity of the elimination of electromagnetic waves, scientists
continue to work on this problem. Not so long ago, it was designed a camera that almost
completely neutralizes any man-made radiation. It has a double wall, in which
intermediate space the wire is wound tightly. Electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the
wire and extinguished. As a result, a person who is inside the camera, fully relaxing and
great feeling.
At home, the electromagnetic waves well louvre windows or other metal objects. In
addition, a small number of television channels reduces the effect of multiple repeaters,
and the more channels the TV receives, the more you are exposed to the influence of
electromagnetic fields.
Besides the electromagnetic waves of artificial origin, there are also electromagnetic
waves of the Earth (updrafts ), which, going from north to south and from east to west,
forming the meridians and parallels the power lines, which are called lines
Hartmann. Crossed, they form a rectangle measuring 2 x 2.5 m. By themselves, these
lines are safe, but they conduct electrical energy of the planet, moving in a certain
direction. If you lie on a line, then the energy of the Earth "makes" the energy of the body
to move in the same direction. For example, if you go to head to the north, there will be
an outflow of energy from the head, followed by a decrease in blood pressure, because the
energy of the Earth is directed from north to south. Changing direction, we change and the
effect that if lie head to the south, the blood pressure will increase, as energy will be
redistributed from the legs to the head. If you go across the line, then the integrity of the
power may be destroyed. In any case, these violations occur not so soon, and short-term
stay in the unfavorable position practically safe for the body. Only permanent, long-term
stay on the lines Hartmann (inside the rectangle we are in complete safety) can cause
significant physical and energetic disorders.
In addition, there is also the radiation of the cosmos - the so-called downdrafts .,
Which move from northwest to southeast, covering our Earth grid of rectangles measuring
4 x 6 meters These lines are called lines Curie. If there is the imposition of Hartman lines
on a Curie line, or vice versa, and people fall into the zone of influence, the health threat
will be very noticeable.
Anomalous zones of natural character formed as a result of movement of rivers,
oceans, due to the tides (the action of the moon), voids in the earth, and so on..
Thesegeopathic zone also significantly affect our health, causing failure of body rhythms,
exacerbation of some diseases , mental disorders, reducing the overall mood, vitality and
other undesirable changes.
In addition to man-made and geopathic zones in the apartment may appear in other
energy anomalies that need to be constantly clean. For example, the layering of the
prevailing information that reigns in the house, that is, anomalies caused
by biological human radiation. This radiation is the most dangerous, because the energy is
always backed up by our thought forms, which sometimes are extremely dangerous
because of the information that a bear (for example, during the aggression, anger, rage
attacks and so on. N.). If the husband and wife quarrel constantly, splashing out negative
energy, it does not disappear, but remained in the apartment, and presses his weight for a
long time. It formed a kind of barrier that will hinder reconciliation and the establishment
of good relations.
Bed, chairs, armchairs and absorb the energy of the one who was sitting on them. If
it is physically sick person, information about his disease is on the subject, which they
have been used, and the effect on the other person. The energy of any conversations,
problems still loom in the apartment are constantly affecting the owners of its destructive
power. Imagine that the apartment did not harvest two or three weeks - it will look
like? Dust settles thick on the furniture, on the floor, on the carpets; Web appear in the
corners. Similarly, energy is superimposed on all household items. I wonder how our
apartment would look like in terms of energy, if you do not deal with it the cleansing of the
year, two, ten years?
We used to live in such an atmosphere and do not understand how suddenly appears
in a bad mood for no reason, headache, more and more frequently visited by heavy, dark
thoughts ... Affects perennial layering the enormous flow of energy and information, which
is why only does not contain. This is a real "pantry" of negative thoughts, aggression and
problems. The effect of the healing effects will fall sharply if the patient went home, will
once again be in the negative space that constantly destroys the energy and
information. It is necessary to remove the accumulation of Energy and "waste" as soon
appear a sense of lightness.
Anomalous zones that form man-made, biological and geopathic radiation can be
determined independently. For this we consider a method radioestezicheskogo exposure or
work with a pendulum, with which real check on the environmental safety of not only flat,
but also food, clothing, plants, animals and much more.
Man by nature is endowed with five senses: hearing, sight, taste, smell, touch, which
are given to him for the knowledge of the outside world. However, apart from these, each
person has more authority and receiving radiation from the objects of the world, or, in
other words, the body sensations radiation (waves, oscillations, vibrations). The body is
represented in the physical layer in the form of a complex branched system consisting of
the brain, endocrine, nervous and muscular system. With it, we accept the radiation,
identify them and turn to the so-called ideomotor act of causing oscillation of the
pendulum, turning frame, and so on. D. The method of determining the radiation was
named "radioestezichesky effect" [1].
Most often work with the pendulum occurs on the energy-level; while we, by
contacting the information that keeps our subconscious, to identify possible damage to the
subtle bodies (the study of bio) or unfavorable to define our area of health (geopathic,
technological, etc..). It is absolutely safe and accessible to all.
To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to use a pendulum made from aluminum,
copper, brass, bronze. The form most suitable cone, it is recommended to avoid wool and
synthetic fibers, to which the pendulum is bound.
Determination of anomalous zones is carried out as follows: the thumb and forefinger
take thread 10-15 cm long, or twice (the distance between the fifth and sixth power
centers) with a suspended pendulum on it and hold it over the study area.  If no adverse
zones - the pendulum is fixed. You can determine for yourself in advance: if it rotates
counter-clockwise, it means that the radiation is negative, a clockwise - positive.  In the
positive zone, you can relax a bit, sit down, but should not be long.
Pendulum easily identify and poor-quality products. First, put the pendulum over the
back of her face and achieve its sustainable clockwise rotation. Note the amplitude of
oscillation. Further approximate pendulum arm to the product and hold over him, noting
the nature of the oscillatory motion. The pendulum may continue to rotate in a clockwise
direction with a greater or lesser amplitude, or to perform longitudinal oscillations of
greater amplitude, or begin to rotate counterclockwise. If the amplitude of oscillation of
the pendulum increases, the product is fit for consumption; if reduced, then the use of the
product reduces the energy of the body and make it undesirable. If the pendulum starts or
stops rotating in the other direction, then the product unfit for consumption.
Now let's look at the ways in which it is possible to effectively clean the apartment
from negative energy. Purification is desirable to carry out the apartment once a week,
although it would be nice if such "cleaning" to do every day. For this purpose, there are
various techniques and methods. The most effective method - the cleansing energies of
the four elements. The most effective action of holy water (Water element), candle flames
(fire element), incense, various incense (Air element) and consecrated salt (the earth
element). We use the four elements to repay the excessive accumulation of pockets of
negativity and eliminate all energy-dirt in the apartment.
Such a ritual often uses church. It is welcome that ministers speak good. If possible,
then as often as possible to use the services of the church leader for the sanctification of
your own apartment, even though such actions can be carried out independently. For
example, the fire lit candle burns all the negative energy in the house. To do this, you
need to get around an apartment in a clockwise direction, enter into each room with a lit
candle, stopping in all the corners, near ledges and other critical locations (this is where
there is the strongest accumulation of negative energy). If the crawl space is bursting
candle, then a lot of energy in the house of mud, if the flame burns quietly, energetically
flat net.Lighted incense and killing power "germs." Smoke gets into all rooms, corners,
neutralizing the negative information, creating a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere. In addition
to the useful to sprinkle holy water on the places in which the most commonly found as
pets, and visitors.
Sol charge for the destruction of any negative impacts and dispersed on the corners.
You can clean the apartment with the help of his energy. Imagine how the biofield
around your hand increases several times, and you are this energy as it is washed by the
whole apartment or room, grabbing the corners, ceiling, furniture, small items, mentally
cleansing them from energy-layers and dropping all with hands in an imaginary fire or
magma Earth.
Geopathic zones neutralizes the natural character of the pyramid, even a small model
of the classical form is capable of controlling the space throughout the apartment. With
increasing proportions of the pyramid its effect increases.
Be sure to combine cleansing apartment with protection from negative energy
influence. This role can perform a specially created "power objects", charged to a specific
action: horseshoe with spikes, fastened above the door at the entrance, cross or icon,
consecrated the church and placed in an apartment in those places, which usually falls
view incoming people. If a man came with bad thoughts, his first and most influential
opinion is neutralized, and the second is not a great power, and nothing will harm you.
You can create additional protection with its own energy. Imagine over the head
formed a sphere in which you lay with certain programs (eg, diversion of dangerous, two-
faced people, talkers and gossips on the attraction of worthy people, and so on. D.).  After
that, the next breaths create a sphere separated from the head and starts to work
independently. It is better to hang on the door every day podkachivaya energy and adding
a new installation. Then any entered will not only be cleaned by passing through the
threshold of the apartment, but leave all the bad intentions and emotions at the door.
Cross the mentally all door and window openings, while reading the prayer for the
blessing of things of space and apartments, and you better protect yourself from the
effects of the negative forces.
Try another simple but effective method of cleansing the apartment from negative
energy. Take a few onions, peel them from the peel and cut each into two halves. Then, in
the center of each room, including the bathroom, toilet and pantry, put one half (cut side
up) and leave for the night. For twelve hours each of the halves, like antenna, it attracts to
itself all the negative energy and thus cleanse the room in which it was located.
In the morning, touching bulbs hands, with the help of needles or pointed matches
assemble them in a bag and throw in the garbage disposal. Your apartment has become a
net energy.
In addition to these methods, there is a whole science of harmonizing space - Feng
Shui is based on the technique of creating a special interior. From furniture comes a
certain light, and if the person fails gets in his area, then any feeling of discomfort,
disharmony, up to the deterioration of health.
From that moment on, be careful to clean energy apartments, spend a planned
cleaning at least once a week, not forgetting to protect your home from external stimuli
energy information. The purer and brighter is your apartment, the better and kinder
become internal atmosphere, the relationship more harmonious, and the health of children
and loved ones tight. You will be able to fully relax, perfectly restoring force, and any
homework seem nicer and more interesting than usual. So comfortable - a delicate and
very important.

Methods for determining the damage, the evil eye,

slander and other interventions outside
Earlier, we mentioned that not all of his energy envelope decay after death, some of
the energy continues to exist in a different dimension. However, the transition pattern in
the subtle world is not always respected, and there may be all sorts of deviations that are
expressed in the appearance of various energy entities in the world, and we can
sometimes see them. These entities are beginning to live by its own laws and regulations,
and to interfere with the normal flow of life of people. In addition, there are experts
(wizards, witches), which can consciously control these entities, to inspire them to certain
people, fulfilling orders for the guidance of damage, curses, slanders. It is therefore
important to consider what kind of outside interference exist, they are induced, however
accompanied by external manifestations and how removed.
The most common external interference is damage, the evil eye, curse, bioenergetic
vampirism, all sorts of slanders, omens, lapels. Let's consider them in order.
Corruption - is one of the most serious intervention from the outside. This is the
result of invasion of human extraneous energy entity that carries some negative
information on their own and there is a person submits himself. In this case, in the human
body at the same time staying two souls: one - the natural, the other - moved in, and
their confrontation can produce a split personality, depression, a sharp deterioration in
health and mental disorders.
Guidance damage is both conscious and unconscious. Unconscious damage - a
spontaneous check-in person outside the energy and essence of parasitism on it for a long
time. For one of these entities include elemental - the soul of a suicide. According to
Orthodox tradition, suicides, and to this day no funeral service in the church, and had not
allowed to be buried in the cemetery. Their soul for a long time remained among the
people and can consciously influence them. The energy structure of the elemental is such
that it easily penetrates into the astral, mental bodies of people and a certain influence on
their minds and behavior. Typically, the choice of stops on patients poorly protected
persons, with which energy can be fed. As a result, the victim begins to hear foreign
voices, sounds, appear visual hallucinations, unpleasant sensations in the physical
body. This can lead to split personality and other mental disorders. A person becomes
insane, and his life is wholly or partly subordinate to the influence of the energy entity.  By
the way, Muslims are called elemental Djinn, but here it is the devil. No wonder they say:
"The demon possessed."
Sometimes these things happen in the case of natural death. After the death of the
energy body and the human soul is separated from the physical body and go beyond
it.However, anomalies occur when the energy of the deceased after the death of the
essence infused into other people, such as their children, relatives, friends.  In this case,
the etheric, astral and mental bodies do not decay, and continue to exist in the other
person. These energetic nature can quite strongly influence the "new owner" and fully
master his mind and will, may encourage unexpected actions and deeds. These entities are
beginning to parasitize man and subjugate it to its own rules. In such cases, the
intervention of a professional healer who can determine if the above symptoms are caused
by the influence of a foreign entity, or is a psychological disorder and patient need
psychiatric help.
The most common damage is induced consciously. In this case, its effect may apply
not only to one specific person, but also for the whole family, the clan, inherited.
In the case of generic damage an entire generation is programmed to perform a
specific action or the performance of the program laid down. For example, a person having
reached the age of thirty, commits suicide. His soul immediately moves into his son, who,
on reaching the same age as my father, too, decided to withdraw from life. From
generation to generation begins tracked the cycle of suicides. Action patrimonial damage in
this case could drag on for a long time.
Sometimes it happens that the damage induced in the complete eradication of the
genus, and then suffers exclusively male generation and women this effect does not
apply.Rod is dying out, and as soon as it comes complete eradication of the action
program finishes.
If damage is induced on a particular person, then its purpose may be discord in the
family, poverty, financial trouble, the death of a particular person and so on. If damage is
induced on the disease, the diagnosis in this case is extremely difficult, traditional
medicine is powerless. Man dies in his eyes, lose weight, suffer from a lack of effort, but
the testimony of medical examination did not reveal any disorders or diseases.
How to bedevil? There are many solutions, but the basic gist is this: a person as a
result of the concentration and will power through magic rituals attracts energy entity, and
then sends it to a specific person, in which it settles, it begins to parasitize and influence in
a certain way. Explorer can be anything: alcohol, blood, water, wash off the dead man, the
things that cast a potential victim, any items which certainly touches people.
Process guidance damage can take place as follows: a man with a smoldering
resentment in my heart, he decides to take revenge on the offender and bring him
deliberately damage (for example, to a sharp deterioration in health). He goes to the
sorcerer, who gives him a bottle with liquid and recommends to bake her a cake and feed
the offender.This liquid is already keeps information about the disease and suffering
(especially if it's water, to wash off the dead man, who during his life suffered severely
physically). Once the offender will eat a piece of cake, all the information immediately go
to him and begins to destroy from within, and identify the cause of ill health and the
deterioration of health will be extremely difficult.
This is the simplest example of targeting corruption. More complex cases require this
professional magician since then have to deal with the specific energy being that inspire
the "right" person. In this wizard (or witch) it never suffers from the fact that suggests
damage. Methods for protecting his work very well, but the customer can become a victim
of their actions, if there is a healer who is stronger sorcerer bedevil. Once removed from
the tainted human damage, energy being sent to the one who was the initiator and the
customer. Therefore, any negative actions, deliberately aimed at the man, always come
back to that, from whom they came. What you give to others, and come back to you, and
this law operates unequivocally.
The first damage symptoms: causeless tiredness, weakness, fatigue, lethargy,
irritability, emergence of fear, gravity between the shoulder blades, may have a fever,
vomiting reflex, pain in the right and left upper quadrant, which can be moved by biofield,
cramps in the stomach, rolled up wad to the throat, pain in the sacrum, lower back, and
others. In the diagnosis of the presence of bio-field damage a healer there feeling cold
grave, blows, the smell of rot emanating from the man. Healer, affecting the patient's
energy, pay attention, that spoiled the patient appears tremors throughout the body, he
always swallows a ball, rolled up to the throat, can be tears, hysterics. Sometimes a
person starts speaking voice not his own, acquiring uncharacteristic expression. Usually
biofield have spoiled formed dark seal that is most commonly located in the stomach, and
the healer sees these changes. Sometimes dark seal is typical in the case of other
disorders (eg, in the presence of the evil eye in the place where there was a bio-field
strain), but the distinguishing feature of the damage that is not just a mark of negative
energy and information, and a living structure that can be moved on the biofield.
If the healer found these symptoms and it concluded that the human damage, it
proceeds to its removal, that is, to rid the patient of the influence of being in it energy-
informational entity. For a start, he smokes the room with incense (or clears it by other
means), creating for the patient the most comfortable and pleasant atmosphere, and then
puts him face to himself and contactless pumps energy, imagining how the patient begins
to be cleaned from the bottom, and all the dirt goes up and goes from the throat.  And the
drawing process can be accompanied by a riot, palpitations, fever patient, end the gag
reflex. Sometimes the patient falls to the floor, rages, his voice and his face becomes
unrecognizable. In this case, a contact of the patient to relax, to calm him down and
continue the session. It happens that the essence does not come out, slipping through his
fingers, trying to stay in the body. Then you need to pull it through any natural hole, using
all possible means. After this failed, the healer sends it back to where it came from.
There are phenomena which by their appearance is easy to confuse with damage. In
one case, when the soul of the deceased woman moved into the body of his friend, he took
possession of them in full and then began purposefully influence the life of a friend.  That,
in turn, was a kind of a mediator - a medium - between the deceased and her family,
being the conductor of her thoughts and desires. The situation was this: on the tomb of a
woman too close to the fence installed, and the head goes beyond it, undergoing shock
passing over her people. A late friend tried to tell the children with the intention that they
pushed a little fence. According to the most "victims" of the late soul subordinated it to his
influence, and everything that happens, she watched as if from outside, without controlling
their behavior at all. The timbre of the voice, speech, behavior, heart rate, facial
expressions - all reminiscent of dead woman. What was the terror of children when they
saw a neighbor ... my mother asked them to move the fence. When the shock has passed,
the distrust of everything going on was replaced by anxiety and the children decided to
seek qualified professional help. It turns out that a fence installed is really too close, and it
was decided to move it further. After this "reconstruction" of the late soul left the body of a
neighbor and never returned.
The above case - quite rare in life. It is unique in that the energy entity (in this case
the soul of the deceased), achieving a specific action on the part of children, quickly
abandoned their victim and she escaped with a fright. Short-term indwelling energy entity
in the body of the medium and its influence on other people through this intermediary - an
attempt to resolve unfinished business, to eliminate uncomfortable situations, sometimes
the desire to warn about something. Such a check-in has short duration and damage of
concrete is not considered. We most often encounter the phenomenon of parasitism, that
is a long-term staying power of one entity (the devil) in the physical body of man.
There are more inferior beings who are subordinate to its influence people, one of
them - . Lyarva This is a unique bundle of energy with information embedded in it, which
is separated from the body and begins to exist independently in space. To vividly imagine
what lyarva, remember the problems of people suffering from alcoholism or drug
addiction.As a rule, one and the same thought tormented man without giving him no rest
until she finds realization in life. Obsessive thoughts cause even more dependent, and this
results in the complete subordination of their desires, fears, doubts. Man has no control
over his mind, and as a result it leads to the development of mental diseases. According to
such laws affects humans and larva. This energy-clot that is constantly fueled by obsessive
thoughts of man, at some point it becomes so strong that it begins to exist independently
of its "creator", often parasitic on himself and subjecting it laid down the program.
Subordinate Larvae can be and another person acting by his own example, or
deliberately creating a certain idea and transferring it to another (through sexual
intercourse, object-conductors and other means). In this case, obsessions begin to visit
and have another person take possession of them.
In contrast to the damage, the evil eye - a milder form of the negative impact. As a
rule, the destructive action in this case, has obsessive thought-form, which falls into the
aura, often not corresponding to it, and deforms it in any place. The biofield formed a kind
of dent (or gap) on the presence of alien thought forms and it degrades the human being,
leading to increased pain. Most often jinx can be elevated emotional state, regardless of
what this condition is caused by: a good mood or bad, and the jinx himself just as easily
as the other person. Samosglaz - a phenomenon quite common. For example, there was
an undercurrent thought: "It has long been the head does not hurt!" - And she
immediately fell ill. Any unexpected, underlying thoughts may provoke samosglaz.
More often than not jinx it may spoiled people, women, envious neighbors
brawlers; the most vulnerable in this respect, the children, their biofield least resist alien
thought forms that they fall. The evil eye and can be remotely: think about the person in a
certain way, and the thought of invisible channels immediately passed on to him and
"settled" into his aura.
The first symptoms of the evil eye: severe headache, which can not be cured with
medication, a sharp rise in temperature (usually in children), nausea, weakness, fever,
children can not recognize their relatives. The emergence of such symptoms sometimes
accompanied by a gag reflex or the need for sleep. This is primarily due to the desire of
the body to get rid of unpleasant sensations alone, cut off the negative, or (at bedtime) to
restore normal circulation of energy, align the aura, eliminating at the same time breaks,
deformation and other violations, and in most cases such an internal "mobilization" is quite
Curse - a verbal splash, backed by a very powerful emotional release of energy,
which, like plate, covers the person at the top and at some point falls on the biofield
starting to affect their destructive power. Usually curse "born" at the time of a large
release of aggression, anger, when one person throws the other angry, not only verbally
but also emotionally, which leads to the formation of a curse - the so-called . The apparent
curse example, a mother, angry at the behavior of his daughter, in the hearts She shouts
that she will never marry (mother's curse is the most powerful curse). At this point,
thought-form, backed up by a strong emotional discharge falls within the biofield and child
hangs over him. After some time, the conflict will be settled, the two sides come to a
compromise, and after two or three days they will forget about the quarrel at all, but the
information that gets into the biological field, will not go away. Everything will be fine as
long as not utter the code word "marriage." At this point, the energy dome falls on the
aura, begin to interact with it and thus start that program, which was laid in it
originally. Only just go down the issue of marriage, once problems arise, it is not clear
what caused: a girl appears excessive irritability, aggression, will bad luck and failure in
personal matters, resulting in a relationship with a young man full of discord, and this will
eventually lead to rupture . Then everything will be repeated: meetings, visits, complete
idyll and harmony in personal relationships, but if you talk about marriage, like a curse,
"waiting in the wings", again falls on the biofield, and any previous problems. On the other
hand, if the keyword is not pronounced, the relations will be stable and harmonious.
Curse, as damage may vary in their strength and duration of influence, be
hereditary. The curse is:
•  short-term - has fulfilled its mission, and neutralized. It's easy to curse, it appears,
for example, when we thought: "Now people will fall!" - And it really falls;
•  medium-range - a program that curse with full force only works for some time
(three to seven times), then quenched, and its effect is reduced;
•  patrimonial damnation - is aimed at the complete disappearance of species. While
he did not put to rest the curse can be a very long time threat to the entire male
generation, such as programming the boys to death at a young age;
•  curse during severe stress (for example, when shooting during the penalty - the
so-called killing curse). It may soar for centuries in one place and act upon those who fall
into its sphere of influence.
The basis of curse you can put anything you want: poverty, poor health, bad luck in
his career, destruction of personal relationships, financial ruin, death and more. A person
begins a chronic bad luck in a particular area, but otherwise everything remains as it was
before. Sometimes the fear of the unexpected barking dogs, loud sound, a sharp gesture
so rooted in the subconscious mind that every time a person is frightened as soon hear a
similar sound. This is also a mini-curse, and it can operate for a very long time.
Remove Curse - a complex process. From a healer, it requires the ability to feel the
state in which man was cursed, and to enter into it. Only in the case where the healer will
rise to a certain emotional level (or higher), you can unlock a negative thought form,
hovering over the patient, remove it completely destructive effect. The healer in this
moment feels foreign energy seal just above their heads, and different experts represent
the various images, such as a coiled snake, ball, dome, etc. N.
Sometimes the curse is removed after the people responsible for it hover, sincerely
ask for the "victims" of forgiveness. Not by chance in Orthodoxy there is forgiveness of five
days, set aside specifically for the elimination of all kinds of bindings and resentment
between people.
In general, the ability to forgive - a very important quality, it helps to remove the
curse on their own, even in the case where the guilty person in putting a curse was dead
(of course, if the curse is not broken up in this case itself).
Another kind of outside influence is the bioenergetic vampirism. In everyday life, we
constantly interact with the energy of living beings, and we have a natural energy
exchange occurs. Part of our energy flows away to the other, the part returns to us. This is
Especially strong mutual energy-revenue among relatives, close friends. If a sick
member of the family, we try to give it more attention, is not it? By supporting and taking
care, we give him some energy - its something he currently lacks. Once a person recovers,
its energy comes back to normal, and energy exchange between him and the family is
In some cases, the range of energy supply from the surrounding becomes closed:
people sick, the weak, the elderly do not have enough energy, their body can not generate
its own, and they begin to constantly pull the energy from the people around them.  It was
a regular energy supply from the other and is expressed in bioenergetic vampirism. It can
be both conscious and unconscious. Unconscious vampirism manifested in the case when a
person begins to receive energy from communicating with certain people from visiting
public places, etc. Accordingly, it starts to feel better and so will subsequently be
constantly resorting to its "energy supply":.. Standing in line pushing a number are people,
call a friend to people talking about their problems, go to drink tea to her friend, "wash up
the bones" to others and so on. d. You receive a unique circle of friends, donors,
communicating with whom begins the influx of vitality and energy , and this influx is one-
sided - they do not get anything from the other vampire in the energy plan.
These people are all around us. Sometimes they do not know that they are strong
energy vampires, although it is unconsciously drawn to the communication or to those
actions that will bring them the most powerful energy recharge. Be careful when dealing
with people, avoid prolonged meaningless phone conversations, discuss problems and
other illnesses in their house, not to leave negative information in the apartment. Learn to
say "no" when you need it, do not be silent about their experiences, resentments, explains
the situation on the ground, then to you it is not secretly tortured and not to spend life
We are often faced with a telephone vampirism: pick up the phone, and in response -
silence, saying: "Hello, listen to" - and again nothing in return. In this case, Blow into the
tube three times - the breath of tear binding energy, and you will not suffer from the
outflow of energy. Besides breathing, good break contact with humans, vampires sudden
loud noises, applause, dramatic approach to the human, physical activity.
In everyday life, each of us periodically is a donor and a vampire. This short-term
phenomenon is absolutely normal and acceptable, especially among
relatives. Nevertheless, try to generate their own energy to be independent in terms of
energy-and do not let the pull energy from you. Of course, you have to be caring,
considerate, to help people, but if others are starting to take advantage of your
responsiveness, then stop all the energy binding, which is the energy drain from you to
others, return its independence and power by setting a good protection to your biofield
and implementation of all those recommendations, which were discussed.
Hex - it is such a kind of external action, which is based on the idea, supported by the
energy and direction in a certain way. Most often, the initial impact of the information is on
the objects, which are then transmitted to humans, which is induced in the hex.  In this
case, books, souvenirs, clothing, charged some information, begin to influence behavior,
mood, depending on what information they have laid. This is especially true gifts. The
ability to select and give gifts - a special art. The more the heart and soul invested in
them, so they are a beneficial effect on the birthday. Gifts presented not from the heart,
are the bearers of an evil energy and information and, accordingly, their impact adversely
affect the holder of them.
Hex can also apply to the person about whom a lot of gossip, a lot of negative talk,
which, of course, hurt the recipient, and knocks him out of emotional balance.
Generally, slander and committed to a positive impact. For example, "power objects",
charged to protect against the evil eye, damage, on well-being, career, etc. -.. In fact,
things nagovorennye, only in the best sense of the word.
To slander varieties are also omens ( "faithful husband", "help to establish relations
with a loved one," etc...), Flaps ( "I will bring unwanted people"), and other effects, which
come into force by means of various conductors: alcoholic beverages, souvenirs, books
and so on. d.
In the diagnosis and getting rid of these negative effects, some experts use a special
ritual - pouring wax. The patient was put on a chair (the best in the doorway), cut off all
the extra thought forms. Above the head of the patient keep a bowl of water. For some
time, the water, like a conductor, captures the vibrations of thoughts attracts information,
and poured out the wax - a kind of mold thought forms. Further, experts carefully examine
a frozen figure, and it will read information on whether there is corruption and who
brought if there is another negative impact on a person, and so on. D. The cleaner is a
person in the course of treatment, the less and less images appear in the spitting image
wax. In the end, the picture disappears completely, and it indicates the end of the
treatment. Wax rastoplyaetsya, and the problems disappear or illnesses that he himself
has absorbed. Treatment is carried out by a few times to fifty repeated sessions.
As you can see, there are many ways to determine the interventions from the
outside. It is important to note that the energy diagnosis is very closely linked with
treatment, as a healer even when human studies on the effects on power
failure. Moreover, the disturbed nature of sitting in a tainted person will divert him from
the healer and, of course, from the treatment process, so it is important to anticipate the
consequences, both diagnosis and treatment, without sending the patient home for the
To protect yourself and loved ones from any outside interference, rather practice the
methods of protection, which we discussed above.
the human propensity to attract negative from the surrounding space, and to suffer
from its damaging effects explained biofield vulnerability, exposure to its various external
influences and weakened energy that makes each of us susceptible to the energy
"viruses". If a person is constantly does not support your inner peace and power clean and
bright, not purified by fasting and prayer, the biofield further weakens. Strengthen internal
energy immunity are especially breathing exercises and the protection of bio-field. Let
protection methods seem simple at first glance, but a permanent job with energy and
information will ultimately lead to tremendous effect and make you virtually invulnerable
to damage, the evil eye, hex and other disturbances.
In addition, an important role is played by the formation of a strong personality
egregor. Egregor man - is the energy structure, the inner core, which is in the process of
life ever stronger, fueled by positive emotions, positive outlook on life, self-improvement,
or destroyed, every time when faced with internal aggression, inability stoically endure the
difficulties of life, overcome laziness and so on. . Psychological characteristics of a person
are directly reflected on the energy level, so the thinking and the relationship of energy
balance is obvious.
Similarly, the habits, rooted in a long time, all kinds of interests, interests are
protected in their daily lives.
Every time there are problems, the spiritual crisis begins, the man turns to his
egregor and finds in it and calm, and inspiration. As soon as we are deprived of the usual
activities, which we have been for many years, which put the soul, breaks, and internal
protection. Imagine that a man worked all his life, he was always in good shape physically
and mentally, and now comes the day when he was sent into retirement.  The usual active
life changes dramatically in the quiet, supine, and the feeling that something is missing,
the overall tone is lowered and the long-awaited vacation is not a pleasant
experience. This is a natural reaction: the person has disappeared is the foundation, the
inner core, which he kept in his "battle" state and has contributed to the stability of the
external turmoil and problems. It is necessary to deprive a person of the usual stereotype
of behavior as an internal egregor, defended for a long time, weaken and make it very
vulnerable to outside influence. That's why in the retirement age, especially at the very
beginning, sharply reduced resistance to disease, it is at this period is an increasing
number of diseases. Therefore, you can not let life circumstances deprive yourself of the
usual, daily rhythm, or together with its weakening followed by the weakening of the
immune system.
There is another kind of damage - . Hysterics Rather, it's not the damage, but to
create the illusion that sits inside the energetic essence and does not rest.
Hysteria began in the last century, when, during the courtship ritual some brides tried
to evade the assigned work and this played a show. They clicked that they damage, rolling
on the floor, showing an attack of hysteria, fought in convulsions, and so on. D. Such
"spoiled" lectured in the prayers of the Church, even though there was no damage.
Subsequently, this style of behavior rooted, many people consciously entered into a
state of hysteria, and it is well staged. Hysteria has reached our days and continues to
thrive in everyday life. There is a category of patients who used to pose as a "spoiled" well
got used to the role and use it to achieve their goals. It is difficult to have a healer who will
not be able to distinguish the true damage from played out, and behave accordingly, as
the actions of the patient are unpredictable and can be harmful to the health of the healer.
If damage does occur, it requires the elimination of energy other than energy and
emotional preparation, knowledge of business and a solid defense. At this point, you need
to mentally remove all the relatives, friends, not to endanger them, and stay with the
patient alone, even take a power hit, if required. In this case, the professionalism and self-
protection will protect the healer of personal troubles and energy-secure it.
When the healer's level is not high enough, then the probability of engaging in its bio-
field problems and ill patients is very high energy. As a result of these sessions a healer
can manifest a strong craving for alcohol (up to alcohol), smoking and other vices.
In general, the state of inner purity and light - it is the only natural state, pledged to
us by nature, and must constantly strive for it. After contact with a sick energy from the
healer always happens layering unnecessary, destructive information that should always
be reset, to maintain its transparency fasting and prayer. Otherwise, after a few healing
sessions can become very sick man, and suffer from a lack of energy.  To avoid this, you
need to constantly monitor their health, engage in its prevention, even if there is no
desire. It is necessary to program your mind to perform daily sports training, on proper
nutrition, massage, sauna, accustom your body to receive from it the satisfaction and
joy.Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain, because every goal achieved only a pathetic
parody of the expected happiness will turn into in the absence of health. Healing also
requires special attention to their health, strong protection and high biocapacity, which is
achieved only constant training, acquisition of knowledge in different areas and improving
their abilities.
So, we come to the end of the next topic. Now you are well versed in matters of
corruption, evil eye, curses, slander and other outside interference. We are confident that
the information that is presented in this book, you will only be used in good order.  Help
your advice, educate others, treat, not forgetting about their individual development. Rest
assured that all the good that you give the people will return to you in much larger
terms. Just as we have the knowledge and desire to help you, help other people,
and they will respond to your warmth and care.

Karmic program: the invisible influence on the fate

For centuries, life on Earth flows through their canons and rules: the rapid
development periods were followed by decadence, wars and disasters have carried out a
lot of lives, natural disasters destroyed the peaceful existence of thousands of
people. Against the backdrop of global turmoil, people lived, loved and parted. Although
they have long been sunk into oblivion, remained unnoticed in world history, but their
lives, thoughts, desires and actions continued invisible affect us energetically, sometimes
control our behavior, character, destiny.
This phenomenon explains the well-known law of physics which states that the energy
does not disappear and does not appear again, it is only converted, but its essence
remains the same. This statement is very true in our case, because everything that
happens in the world has its own power, filled with certain information, which continues to
exist when the event or phenomenon has long been done. The same can be said of the
man: his energy, we affect the future generation, and actions, the actions of their
ancestors affect us in real time. Each clan has its own power, but in the same way for
years and formed energy affects him. Few for sure familiar with the history of their
grandparents, not to mention the numerous clan brothers and sisters dispersed throughout
the country. It is difficult to imagine how far into the mists of time out of each branch of
the family, but one thing is certain: for the actions and behavior of even the most distant
ancestors sometimes have to pay now. As soon as one person will spend his Karmic
provision, incorporated in it from the moment of birth, it is immediately reflected in all
other relatives.
Imagine that a huge tree with an extensive root system - is a genus consisting of
numerous generations. Once the damaged trunk or base of the tree, or one of root
branches, it affects the overall condition of the entire tree. Especially hard hit are the
weakest, fine roots, that they will have the main shock, which can damage them.  So here:
disease, sin, and death will touch one of the other, the consequences will be felt all the
relatives, both near and far.
Therefore, generic energy - is the most powerful energy dome that can either protect
those who are under them, or, conversely, destructive act laid down negative information.
At the beginning of the life of each of us is given a name.  From that moment, its own
way - the way of man, independently shaping their way of life, thinking, behavior, from
which develops as a result of karma. As soon as a middle name, to our own karma, and
karma still connected all kinds. Inheritance father's surname makes this relationship
stronger and more complete. Thus, in the course of life, we are accumulating its energy
program, are responsible for their deeds and actions, as well as a kind of karma.  Imagine
that in a large family clan adversity: grandfather drank, his great-grandfather turned a
fraud and a thief, the female half of the generations passed serious hereditary diseases. All
these factors inevitably reflected on the new man, which became part of the
family. Gradually, energy and information suppress negative kind of individual energy and
dramatically reduce the ability of the internal reserves of the body to resist the appearance
of alien influence. This can manifest itself in depression, gloomy mood, the deterioration of
affairs in financial troubles, all sorts of diseases. Mistakes and sins of their ancestors and
relatives will develop a new family member.
A lot of luck, if the family energy, as well as all kinds of energy, has a high spiritual
potential and positive karma formed. Then stay in the circle of the family will be more
likely to maintain and protect rather than destroy. The main thing - to get to it (energy) in
response, take heart and to adjust to it over.
Dual surname puts the person under the protection of two genera.  If from the energy
point of view, to really feel their positive interaction, then double surname - a very strong
protection throughout life. On the other hand, if the problem does not give the kind of
"peace", the endless problems begin to pursue on a daily basis, you should think: maybe
it's the influence of the predominant kind of energy? Try to change the name, took a more
positive, there is a good chance that things will get better significantly.
From the negative impact from the can keep secret the names as well as all sorts of
nicknames. As a rule, in the soul of man does not associate itself with the same name, so
all information that enters from outside and directed at the nickname, not stuck in the
human biofield. That is why the psychological trainings during the game chosen a different
name, that person does not take the blows and at the end did not continue to associate
themselves with the way he was during the training.
But the diversity of individual name, aliases and nicknames, "drop" one person, can
lead to personality disorder. Surely everyone will feel internally in different ways, when it
will be called, for example, or Vova Vladimir Petrovich. And if you increase the number of
options: Vovk, Vladimir Petrovich, Vova Volodya, Little Johnny, Vovik-fool, and so on..?Can
you imagine what will happen to the person if each of these names in his own special way
associated. Then the multiplicity of names will lead to a forced diversity in behavior, which
in turn can lead to personality disorder and domestic discomfort. Therefore, in everyday
life, it is desirable to choose one or two versions of the name and use them
constantly. Then the integrity of the individual are not violated and will not cause internal
behavioral contradictions.
People quite often ask questions: "What is fate? Is there a special predestination,
which mainly affects our lives? "Of course it exists. However, a person has the right to
self-correct and destiny, directing it in the direction that it needs. Imagine that at the very
beginning of life, we begin to move very slowly, for example at a rate of
10 km / h. Next to us is going machine - our fate, too, at a speed of 10 km / h. We
are moving with the same speed and dependent on each other. Gradually accelerating, we
learn many new things, improve our ability to develop spiritually. The movement has been
going much faster - at speeds of 50 km / h, and the fate (karma) should be behind us all
with the same speed - 10 km / h. Yes, we have gone beyond the limits of its influence,
broke away and now choose their own path, the direction determined by the prevailing
events. But it is necessary to stop in its development, as the speed of our advance will fall
sharply, and then can not escape meeting with dangerously impending karma - a ball of
left behind deeds and acts. Once the person again falls under the "Wheel of Destiny", be
sure to follow the complete submission of the program, which was laid at birth.  A person
will have to solve problems that were ignored before.
One has only to get back on their feet and decide to live by their own rules and laws,
as the speed will increase and people will overtake predestination, which follows close
behind. And so all my life somewhere behind - with some delay - move events, people,
phenomena that certainly would have to happen, and we meet in life, if we did not
develop. And it is from our internal development and the pursuit of spiritual and
physiological health depends on whether we are able to choose their own way, or
completely obey the karmic program.
Sometimes a person all his life lived in an atmosphere of self-deception, not giving a
report in their actions not only to others but also themselves. And this is the most
profound error - assure yourself that all is well and good. As a rule, it is from an
inadequate assessment of himself and desire a close eye on his own mistakes and
problems, and there is a lot of trouble. We are losing the transparency internally,
becoming "muddy" people not only energy, but also in the mind. Gradually it becomes
clear whether the person is moving in any direction if the movement takes place, or it
stopped. And then there comes a critical moment - has spent the inner reserve of karmic
energy and forgiveness, and then begin the blows of fate - the disease; destiny calls for a
response and require solving problems. Outside pops up all at once - just where does it
come from? Emerging issues, failures are most often associated with a personal karmic
debt, or that the person begins to fulfill the genus or family karma.
However, the need to maintain personal karma clean and untarnished by negative
thoughts and actions. For this, one must first of all be honest with yourself, do not close
their eyes to their own behavior and in each moment of time to be ready to answer for all
his actions.
One of the most effective methods of internal communication with him - it is
meditation, a state in which a light shallow breathing achieved this inner calm and
detachment, that man is left alone with his thoughts. Meditation - is a way of self-
regulation, aimed primarily at the study itself and introspection. In this state you can
analyze all your actions, words, actions, understand their justice and necessity. Even if
tormented conscience is sincere recognition of oneself that is indeed the case - already a
big step toward correcting the situation.
Communion, to practice with the subsequent absolution in the church - one of the
most effective methods of removing the plurality of layers, like energy and
information.However, the underlying problems will still make themselves felt, so we should
strive to purify itself from within yourself. This may help, and psychology, and physical
activity, and reset the negative and cut off all binding energy. Only a comprehensive work
on oneself will lead to tangible results.
Each project plan also has its own karma. For a while, things can go very well, and
then for some reason (eg, due to the weakening of trust between partners, reducing the
prospects of an impending financial crisis) started a series of misfortunes. Karma of the
case had exhausted itself. It completed its strategic objective, and now need to go to the
next level and start a new business. Most importantly, time to feel it and not try to catch
up with what has gone out of control. Most often it is difficult to abandon the project,
which is given a lot of time and effort. But everything tends to end, and those who feel it is
time, will be able to cut off all snapping and move to another, more successful region, will
again get a chance and start an important and promising business. No matter how hard
you should be able to part with the hypocritical environment, not interested in
communication, enemies, and any business that no longer has any opportunities for
successful development. The ability to say "no" indicates the firmness of character, self-
confidence, knowledge of its goals and its features. Sometimes, such a move will help a
person internally climb another step in the development of, and to cut off the bindings that
held him and pulled down.

spine Correction
Curative effects of breathing exercises is not limited to the internal organs, but also
on the skeletal system, and the implementation of special exercises that support the work
of the bone marrow, is of great importance. Through breathing exercises can reduce or
increase the muscle tension in a certain area, and it would be beneficial for bone. Let's talk
about the spine, because of its condition depends on the normal functioning of many
organs and systems.
A very common disease such as scoliosis. If you look at the back of the spine, you'll
find that some of the vertebrae is curved in one direction or another.  This disturbance may
occur in the cervical region, and in thoracic and lumbar. Imagine that in the breast area
has the curvature of the left. Muscle, located on the left side of the spine, unduly strained,
whereas the right side are loosened. The plot where the voltage is observed, denoted with
a plus sign; and the place where the muscles are weakened, - minus. Along the spinal
column will alternate stress signs: in the cervical and lumbar left - cons, and from the
opposite side - the pros (Fig. 24). To restore muscle balance, it is necessary to lower the
tone of the muscles of the left and right to increase it. Then the voltage is stabilized, and
the spine aligned in the right direction. This effect is easy to achieve with the help of
massage or energy impacts. Where the positive portion is a relaxing massage; on the
opposite side, on the contrary, tonic. To energetically tone up enough energy to pump the
place and on the opposite side of the spine, first to make the pump, and then extract a
circular motion, followed by a spiral distribution of energy.

Fig.  24
Think about how long your exposure will affect the patient's muscles, and then
continue the process of improving the treatment session.
In the spinal column are four main sections: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral -
coccyx and the region. In the cervical 7 vertebrae in the thoracic - 12, in the lumbar - 5,
sacral - 5, in the coccyx - underdeveloped 3-5 (fused). Often parts of intervertebral disc
displacement occurs, which leads to jamming spinal roots. If you suffer from anterior
roots, then there is a loss of sensitivity in this place when pinched back, there is pain (pulls
his leg, buttocks um. P.). In both cases, the intervention of a doctor, but doctors are not
always competent. Generally, pain is removed, but the disc is displaced, and this
eventually leads to the destruction and herniated disc itself.
If you have painful symptoms can be investigated spine hands, and then we will know
what vertebrae are displaced and in which direction: left, right, back, whether there is a
hernia in the intervertebral area (under your fingers you feel a ball that rolls in opposite
directions), and so on. d. In the event that such changes will show up, you should see a
doctor to minor violations did not result in serious consequences.
From the standpoint of any disease pathology develops immediately, but gradually,
often painful sensations arise from the disc displacement in the spinal column. Of course,
this does not lead to instant development of the disease, but will cause a lot of other
abnormalities that would constitute serious violations after two or three years.
To avoid the adverse effects of traditional medicine specialists - bonesetters -
carefully examine the spinal column, determine which disks and vertebrae are displaced,
and then in one or two sessions they reduce a, put on "their place." Most importantly, how
to eliminate the root cause as soon as possible, so that it did not cause a number of other
complications. Neglect to the first, initial stage entails more serious violations. As a rule,
when the displacement of the spinal disc is disrupted the total momentum of the
conduction - electrical brain signals, for power is difficult, and as a result, the affected area
is formed unit, collecting salt deposits - osteophytes. These crystalline growths, like studs,
press on nerves and cause pain, and as a backbone control operation and internal organs,
the deposition of salts provokes pain not only in the spine, but also in other functional
areas: the gastrointestinal tract, the heart , kidney and so on. d.
One of the most effective methods of prevention of the skeletal system and internal
organs is a massage. It is an art that can be learned at home and used to strengthen the
body. Traditional massage begins with diagnosis. To do this, an expert examines the spinal
column, identifying which are violations, whether there is a hernia and so on. It is noticed
that the back muscles look in a special way, if the organ or system in the area where they
are located, have any violations. For example, heart failure is very clearly reflected in the
bulge of muscle in the heart.
Massage begins with a general heating. If you work with energy, it is possible to
gradually warm up the spinal column, contact putting his hands on the spine, giving the
energy to the patient on a hissing breath. After that, you need to redistribute power from
the center to the periphery, rubbing the back of her neck to the middle, to the hands, feet
massage: thus there is a strain relief, and the person relaxes. The next step - increased
tone by rubbing energy and joints knuckles, the cutting edge of his hand movement,
massaging each vertebra separately, etc. If necessary, produce relaxation and reduce the
tone of the light, stroking movements... If you accurately determine if the curves of the
vertebrae to the right or to the left, increasing the muscle tone on one side and lowering
the other, you will thereby contribute to the equalization of the vertebra in the right
In general tonic, warming up movements should be alternated with light,
soothing. Any pain site just hands warm and energy-inflate, and then pull out the pain and
the negative of the affected area, clear it, and then seamlessly distribute energy.
Use blue to dissolve salt deposits for the removal of the inflammatory process - violet,
for the general improvement and strengthening - green.
At the end of therapeutic massage, it is desirable to redistribute power, concentrating it in
the center of the back, it is necessary massaging, rubbing movement to make from the
periphery (arms, legs, neck) to the center of the back.
Exercise  . In order to strengthen the spine is very useful for walking on his knees. At
the same time the hand placed on the waist, back straight, chin hanging. In this position,
go short steps to the apartment. The day is enough two-minute workout to strengthen and
align the spine (especially the lumbar region).
To prevent deviations in the skeletal system, in medical practice is most often used
method of stretching of the joints in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine. This greatly
reduces the likelihood of pinching of nerves, occurrence of scoliosis, encourages cells work
and prevents the formation of stagnation in the body. Educate these techniques can only
be targeted courses under the supervision of a specialist, or you may cause serious harm
to the physical health of the patient.
Work with a backbone - a science that must be studied consistently and
purposefully. Here we have touched only a small part of what it involves. Nevertheless,
even this information will be sufficient to establish the simplest ways to work the spine,
align it in the right direction and to remove the pain.
And Now for breathing exercises skeletal system. This trend is called "Nei Kung", its
goal - the rejuvenation of the bone marrow. Since the impact will be directed exclusively to
the bone structure, something that most vividly imagine, draw a mental imagination
skeleton. Now type of green energy and exhale entangle his feet, presenting as green
ribbon tightly wraps the bone (clockwise), first one foot, and at the next hissing exhalation
- other (anti-clockwise). Next, go to the "dressing" of the pelvic bone, the coccyx, then -
the spinal column up to the benevolent. Wrap green tape bones of the arms, shoulder
blades, clavicles, sternum, each edge and finished the skull. Let this tape does not get in,
but only tightly envelops the bone adjacent to the outside of the muscles (Fig. 25).  After
the "general ligation" is over, take a deep breath, hold your breath for a while and hissing
exhalation imagine how green energy penetrates into the bone and completely fills the
intraosseous space. Thus, you energetically charged the entire skeletal system, and after
pumping the spine and other bone structures will be adjusted.
Fig.  25
There are several exercises that allow to strengthen the spine. First and foremost an
exercise - for the cervical spine. It is between the third and fourth vertebrae often lead to
abnormalities. This division accounts for the load during the day, so it is necessary to train
Exercise  . Lift the chin, tighten the muscles of the cervical spine, and then make a
few moves backward, forward, sideways. Periodically repeat the motion, and then the
vertebrae in the cervical spine will stretch.
In addition, there is an assumption that the skeletal system breathing. If the morning
bone mass is greater, the muscles in the evening filled with energy, increased by
compacting the structure of bones. Therefore, the energy pumped best dealt with in the
morning. When the bone density the least, the effect is stronger.
So, we have touched only a small portion of the material that relates to the
theme of "Manual therapy and correction of the spine." However, this information
will be useful to those who improve their skills and want to help themselves and

Section three

Tasks section
1. Identify the steps and the appointment of a hypnotic session. To understand how it
happens hypnotic. Learn simple techniques of self-hypnosis.
2. Master the basic techniques of spiritual and phantom hilerstva:
• Treatment at a distance;
• Treatment for photos;
• Work with the patient's phantom.
3. Find out the main reasons for people's energy incompatibility.  Learn how to choose
the right partner and to establish contact with incompatible people.
4. Learn how to manage the energy of the four elements, accumulating them in itself,
affect the surrounding of the power to direct their behavior in the right direction.
3. Learn to see the "transparent" dreams and act in them consciously.
4. Read the purpose and technique transkhirurgicheskogo impact.

hypnosis Technique
Hypnosis - the most common form of work with the conscious and subconscious
human. The human brain is designed so that at each time we take thousands of pieces of
information, although our mind reads and gives us only one unit. The remaining 999 units
remain unused and are in our subconscious. Therefore, in everyday life in our operations,
working memory is only a small part of what we have, but we can not use it.  In order to
intensify the work of the subconscious, began to use hypnosis. Hypnosis - is a kind of
trance, in which a person, strictly following the commands of the instructor, traveling on
their own memory lane, subconscious, remembering the events of many years ago,
looking for forgotten details and verbally reproducing it. In addition, in a hypnotic trance
subconscious instantly absorbs any team trainer and installation, and after the session
ends, they begin to work smoothly.
Hypnosis - a phenomenon of altered consciousness when thoughts go by the wayside
and the person perceives reality differently, as if he sees himself and all around from the
side. So hypnotic effect - is an effective tool to use our hidden reserves and opportunities,
restore health, eradicate bad habits. However, he gives and unlimited power over the
human subconscious as in a state of hypnotic trance is easy not only to introduce useful
additional information and erase the existing and replace it with a completely opposite.
Hypnotic influence can not only people but also animals that sometimes his
penetrating gaze programmed their owners or guests on certain actions.
Status of hypnotic trance is well known to everyone. Drowsiness, dipping a wax and
numbness after a hard day, waking state - specific examples of the hypnotic state.Falling
asleep, we pass several relaxation stages, one of which, the most recent, our
consciousness almost off, but still more controlled, and any time you can open your eyes.
If you have time at this stage to give the command to his brain, then our plans will
Any deep, meditative relaxation there is the option of hypnotic trance that emerged
naturally. Sometimes in the morning, when we are sleepy, we are about to ask something,
we can even wake up, open your eyes, and automatically respond back to sleep.  And after
a while I did not even remember that morning a dialogue. Our memory is erased all, and
this phenomenon is very characteristic of the hypnotic state.
Prone hypnosis everyone. The only difference is that the degree Suggestibility
different and various efforts expended. According to current statistics, about 30% of the
people are immersed in a hypnotic state immediately after the start of exposure, 70% of
listeners to easily enter into this state after an hour of conversation. One hundred percent
dive can be achieved after several hypnotic sessions with this group.
Suggestibility degree can be determined in different ways. Think of exercise as we
were pulling non-contact person for the head back and raised his hand. If the partner high
"magnetism", it is easy to enter into a hypnotic state. All the rest - a trick.
During the hypnotic session, the decisive factor is to determine the modality of
man. Modality - a predominance of one or more senses. We have five of them, but some of
them can dominate others. Spoken modality facilitates the process of introducing into a
hypnotic trance, as in this case, you can look to influence more effectively, in a word or a
By modality all people are divided into three types: visuals, audialy and
kinesthetic. For visuals are those with well-developed visual perception and shape
memory. They tend to play in his memory images and pictures of the past and wonderful
to see all of this on the mental screen. Audialy - a category of people who have well-
developed hearing;information from the world around them get through the ears
(called sluhoviki). The third category is kinesthetic, they perceive the world through touch,
different sensations, as if passing the information through the sphere of sensory
Modality determines the prevailing terminology in speech. As a rule, vizualisty most
commonly used words for colors, images, pictures, clothing items, and so on. D. Sluhoviki,
on the contrary, pay attention to the concept of sound and kinesthetic verbs used in the
speech, emphasizing the internal state.
Can determine the type of the modality not only for speech. Our subconscious mind is
arranged in such a way that in the event of various associations (auditory, visual and
kinesthetic) is reflected in human behavior. The most well-modality registered eyes, or
rather, their motion. There is one feature: the right and left hemispheres of the brain
regulate respectively the left and right half of the body, and therefore, the eye movements
from righties and lefties mirror opposite. Consider the example of the opposition right-
handed and left-handed all be exactly the same, only in the opposite direction.
Let's start with a visual. By definition, people imagine this modality images and
pictures. Imagine any way (for example, an apartment, house, pet, and so on. P.) And
note which way your eyes look. They look up, or in the right corner or the left, is not
it? Visuals "seek" their images looking up upwards and on this basis to distinguish them
easily, for example, from kinestetikov which, on the contrary, the eye is lowered down, or
right or in the left corner. Regarding audialov, they have the eye movement occurs at the
middle level, and back from right to left.
If you carefully observe the eyes, it can be determined which way information is
processed and how the person uses to understand others. It is the movement of the eye is
well defined by the modality, although often we make a two or even three modalities, and
it is pronounced in the view direction.
Thus, we have found that the visual images search occurs in the upper position of
eyes, sounds and words - the middle of kinesthetic sensations - in the lower position the
eye. In addition, the eyes can determine whether there is in the memory of man this or
that image, event, or it is their first time to create a new picture in your head.  If in the
process of thinking of eyes rush to the left, it means that person is searching for the right
information to the already available expertise, recalls past events. When the sight is
directed to the right side, it creates a new image or sound. For example, when the
question is asked: "How do you see your dream home", the creative process begins,
during which the man is like a house will look externally, where exactly it will be, will hear
the surf sounds, birds singing, or the noise of highway. The thought process will be
accompanied by eye movement, which will move to the right, gradually occupying the
highest position, the middle and then the lowest. Mental creation of visual, audio and
sensory images will be reflected accordingly in the eye position first in the upper right
corner, and then in the right position in the middle, and finally, in the bottom right
corner. If you ask the same question, interested in the apartment, where a person lives,
the eyes will be directed to the left, as the image already exists in memory.
Switching with his companion on the modality modality, can be at a certain workout
instantly gain the confidence of a person, enter it into a hypnotic trance.
Let's try to establish their own modality. Take a pencil and a few words describe such
a thing as a vacation.
If the description is dominated by figurative concepts: fire, guitar, sunset, seashore,
you - visual. When, in the overall picture of popping sounds, such as the rustling of leaves,
soft music, surf, hence, the development of auditory perception. Kinestetik also include in
your mind feeling of warmth, comfort, hot tub, swinging in a hammock, and so on. Work
with your feelings and determine which of these methods are developed perception you
have more than most. This may be one, pronounced, modality or combination of two or
three. Write how you present the following concepts, and then the prevailing mode of
perception will emerge more clearly:
Wellness ____________________________________________________
Luck ____________________________________________________________________
In addition, knowing what the meaning of investing in these and other concepts of the
source, in terms of his own words, you can easily get in touch and gain the trust and the
healer during the hypnotic session will be the most potent plant, which is the most
effective way to influence the patient's consciousness. Using speech words and concepts
which are peculiar to the modality of the interlocutor, you will help to introduce it in a
relaxed, trusting the state, which precedes a hypnotic trance.
Depending on the situation use three stage dive into a hypnotic state.  The first -
when a person is relaxed, his mind works, and he may at any time to open your eyes. The
second stage - deeper. A man can not open his eyes at will, although his mind is able to
perceive what is happening around. In the third, the deepest stage, a full immersion in the
hypnotic state, there is a waxy stillness and the person is completely disconnected from
what is happening around.
The last two stages - the most effective. They provide good interaction with the
patient. After the healer man entered into a deep hypnotic state, begins a dialogue, during
which the physician asks the patient questions to which the answers.  Once contact (report)
is installed, start the main job for which the person entered into this state.  A very
important point - signal (anchor), which occurs after an instant (or gradual) out of the
hypnotic trance.
There are several main stages of the hypnotic session.
Step One: definition of patient modality (both verbally and non-verbally).
Step Two: to create the most comfortable conditions for relax (reclining position,
warm atmosphere, muted light music and other details that depend on the specific
modalities of the person).
Step Three: introducing hypnotic process to that depth, which is necessary in this
Step four: the establishment of the report to the patient, followed by target setting
(for rehabilitation, removal of alcohol dependence, getting rid of bad habits and for other
Step five: a way out of the hypnotic state on a signal (a click, a specific sound, verbal
command, etc...).
During the session (or the end) necessarily given post-hypnotic installation on
wellness, comfort, ease. Sometimes during a session is an audio track to the patient at
home could plunge into a relaxed, meditative state and strengthen the health effects on
your body. Recording can be done independently, to determine their modality, choosing
keywords, and out of them a plant for the development of certain abilities, freedom from
addictions, to rest. As a result of listening to records with your own text body immersed in
a relaxed state until a hypnotic trance. Do not forget to indicate signal, which
consciousness will automatically return to normal functioning mode, and you will feel
rested and refreshed.
There are several types of hypnosis, the most common of which -. Ericsonian classic
and Ericksonian hypnosis - is the introduction of a state of trance, with full consciousness.
Have you ever tried to communicate with the various advertising campaigns that
sought to sell their products? As a rule, the professionalism of these people is based on the
knowledge of Ericsson hypnosis. Trained eyes instantly agent will determine the modality,
and after a few clever questions that are based on the keywords of your modality and
knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the person, the agent achieves triple
consent. The brain works in such a way that if a person twice answered "yes" to the seller
questions, the third question, he responds with mechanically, mechanically, but just this
question is the key, after which he agreed to buy a particular product. At the beginning of
the conversation using the mass of tricks, such as greeting hand, appeal to you as a high-
ranking official, adjustment to the behavior and conversation, congratulations on what
exactly you are the owner of a free product today only and only in your entryway he
offered, etc. .. All these tricks are aimed at instant win the trust and the emergence of a
buyer inner feelings of pride and security, then it is difficult to reject the goods and show
the pettiness financially. There is a break of the usual stereotyped behavior, and man
lost. These are Gypsies, and if not immediately respond strongly and unequivocally
rejected the proposal to talk, we can assume that a person hooked and at least leave with
no money.
Breaking the usual stereotype of behavior unexpected response is achieved at
random, after which the other person or group of people frozen in disbelief, this reaction
will switch them on their level of thinking on your.
Classical Hypnosis - Hypnosis is more productive, calm, aimed at long work with the
person to the development of certain abilities and provide practical knowledge of hypnosis
and self-hypnosis. Five stages of the hypnotic session, which we considered above, are
characteristic of classic hypnosis. During this session, you can send a man to the past
(regressive hypnosis), as well as in the future (progressive hypnosis). During the
regressive and progressive hypnosis a person is endowed with physical and psychological
characteristics of the organism that period of time in which it plunged hypnotist. Speech,
Handwriting, palpitations meet new hypnotic age. If a person guide you through
adulthood, it will demonstrate the features characteristic of each specific age.
At a time when the subconscious mind is completely open to the healer, you can bring
it any legend about the past, about his parents, character, personality type and TD Most
interesting is that after the release of hypnosis a person forgets and starts to live with the
new set up the history of life as if nothing had happened. This feature of our subconscious
is widely used in secret military organizations as agents combines several completely
different personalities with different life scenarios and names.
Hypnosis is also used to relieve hangover, create units at a moderate attitude to
alcohol, to food, to eliminate bad habits. Therefore, hypnosis - is a way of self-regulation,
only deeper and therefore more effective.
In everyday life, you can use self-hypnosis. Every night before going to sleep our state
close to the hypnotic trance, and therefore it should be used to practice self-
regulation.Use every opportunity to at least a few minutes to dive into a relaxed
state, to internal teams as they wish, and then you install the most powerful and
effective contact with your consciousness and you will be much more efficient to
manage health.

Phantom movement in space

Surely each of you while immersed in deep personal memories of the time.  Perhaps
before his eyes flashed pictures of childhood, so distant and yet so real, as if it happened
recently. Or maybe a person misses his city, and every night he is as haunting native
streets, virtually talking to neighbors and friends, feel the familiar smells. It happens so
that we miss a loved one, we want to meet him, and our minds are constantly draws vivid
images of the places where a person could be, and mentally move back.
If you understand the process of virtual journeys are connected not only our
thoughts, memory and imagination, but also energy. Imagine all that we draw ourselves
mentally for the energy plan is really going on, because the information field follows the
same laws as the thought, there is no distance and time for it. It would be great if each of
us will learn to manage their virtual movement in space, seen in the mind's screen events
happening far away, and even to influence them in a certain way.
Each person has his phantom energy, with which some training may leave the
physical body and follow human commands, move in space. Let's learn the basic
techniques of travel.
Exercise  . Sit back, relax, close your eyes. Now visualize, you start to go out of his
physical body, first separate the hands, feet, and then the head, and you make the first
step has been out of my body. Now the ghost has left a physical shell and can move freely
in space. Mentally walk through the rooms, look in the corners, on the mezzanine. Go back
and look at yourself from the outside, noticing details of clothing, facial expressions,
paying attention to the position of the hands and feet. In the beginning, it will not be easy,
as manifested strong attraction to your body, and you will occasionally feel it "in
itself." However, do not despair and continue to train. Soon you will notice that it is easy
to leave your body, look at yourself from the outside and move around the
apartment. Note that the physical sensations completely disappear when the ghost comes
out for a walk.There is a little secret: in any alarming situation can completely block the
excitement when a few minutes "walk" out of my body. Similarly actually reduce (or
remove completely) physical pain and discomfort.
Once a virtual walk around the apartment made perfect, you can "go" and over longer
distances. For example, a visit to your friends. First you need to mentally remember, looks
like a kitchen, hallway, other rooms, inspect them, and boldly move forward.  Note that,
where there might be owners of the position in which to sit and what exactly to do.Perhaps
at the beginning of the fantasy played out and you will see what is not really.  However, it
is a little practice, both in imagination will occur absolutely real picture. In order for this
process was more active, you can do the following: take two cards of the same rank but
different suits (black and red), put on the table and try to "read" their own hands the
radiation that comes from each of them; feel the difference. Once you have achieved this,
have put the cards face down and then the feelings of their own hands, determine which
card a black suit, and what - the red. Once this stage is passed, complicating the task by
guessing the card feels phantom hand. Thus, you will teach your phantom to react to
surrounding objects and outgoing radiation from them.
As practice shows, it is possible to combine great just two steps at a time: to be
physically in the same place and watch the events in the other. This will be the ability to
hear speech sounds, which are said by other people, and to understand what is happening
in a particular place at a given time.
Sometimes the phantom output is accompanied by a complete cessation of breathing
and heartbeat - the so-called state samadthi. At this point, the soul can leave the body
completely and act independently. There is a feeling that you look at the same time in all
directions at once, bright colors amplified, and the walls and other physical barriers
disappear. During this trip, you can move freely at a very large distance. In the space
formed by a kind of portal - energy hole, through which you can easily move to arbitrarily
large distances, and then come back.
As a rule, the return of the soul in the physical body takes a very peculiar way: the
person has the feeling that energy, like a funnel, is screwed into the body and gradually
fills it until you merge with it completely. At this moment, the first heartbeat and breath
signify that the soul returned to the physical body.
Of course, the state samadthi - a very dangerous phenomenon, so to reach it in a
natural way is not easy. Only well-trained people with a strong energy potential are able to
leave the physical body with the full cessation of breathing and heartbeat, and then to
come back. (Do not repeat without special training!)
In everyday life, people are formed between the astral corridors that connect one
person with another. This is especially demonstrated in love, between which formed such a
strong energy relationship that every thought, every desire, the effect of instantly read
and perceived by others. But this is an exceptional option. In fact, the astral corridor
transmits energy and information more smoothly, gently. It is because of this relationship
between people, we are able to easily connect to another person telepathically affect him
or predict his thoughts and actions. All these laws are manifested in the lives of far more
often than we think about it. Therefore, greater attention in relation to their capabilities
would entail very interesting observations and conclusions that can be practiced and
developed further.
For the energy there are no barriers. Therefore, the treatment can be performed at a
distance. This is not necessarily whether the patient is near or distant from it healer for
many kilometers. The most important thing here - to master the technique of phantom
movement and more accurately, vividly imagine the image of the patient. In this case, the
healer mentally leaves his physical appearance, it is moved to where the patient is, and
carries with it a classic type is generall therapeutic sessions that you have learned
previously. All operations and manipulations are absolutely the same: energy pumping in
the diseased organ, extractor negativity, disease, and the subsequent distribution of
energy. It is better if you have pre-warn the patient about the virtual session and ask
them at the right time comfortable to sit or lie down. Most often, the patient feels very
clearly all the actions that makes the healer, and it can throw into a fever, the general
tone will increase or other sensations.
There is another version of the Phantom of treatment, when the healer does not
move in space and mentally distinguishes diseased organ from the patient's body,
figuratively cutting off all bindings, takes him and works directly with the patient body.  At
the same time committed all known actions. At the end of the session, the body
rejuvenated energy, returns to his seat, to him mentally attach the channels and vessels,
which were cut off earlier, the whole area is pumped wellness green color, scars are
smoothed and power faults.
Most importantly, the healer when phantom operations (eniooperatsiyah) is brought into
its bio-field negative. To do this, be sure to set the protection before the session, and after
it, before returning to the physical body, it is necessary to introduce a cleaning rain that
washes away the possible energy-negative. Only then can return to their physical body.
So, you got the first skills of the basic techniques of virtual displacements in

How to identify the right partner: compatibility tests

According to current statistics, the incompatibility of the couple - one of the main
reasons that destroyed a lot of looks "promising" marriages.
How many problems and disputes arise due to different values, ways of thinking and
different behavior! Sometimes these factors are ignored at the initial stage of relations,
forcing a partner to hope that the second change. Sometimes such short-sightedness not
only leads to problems in family relationships, but also to the collapse of big business in
the business due to internal disagreements control group.
Such examples - are countless. Typically, the source of most of the troubles - the
difference in outlook, and each person has his own special view of the world is often "more
correct" than others. The fewer points of contact between the attitudes and behavior of
people, the less understanding and, therefore, less likely to develop a nice, friendly contact
and trust. A commonality of views, ideas and physical unity - the key to successful co-
operation and mutual understanding.
Of course, the ideal people do not exist, just as there is absolutely suitable to each
other partners. Our goal is therefore - do not specify with whom you need to communicate
with and who not, and to understand the reasons of incompatibility, the more that  a
reasonable approach and a mutual desire of partners to come to an understanding  - a
complex process, which is when the hard work of a turn incompatibility in a harmonious
and warm Union.
So, we come to the most important question: "What separates or unites people in
everyday life?" Of course, a lot of factors, but we will focus on the most important.  These
are the types of nervous activity. They are familiar to you. This choleric, sanguine,
phlegmatic and melancholic. Let's consider the psychological characteristics of each of
them and then explain what they are called in terms of energy. The peculiarity of the
choleric is that the holder of this type of nervous activity is very impulsive, physically
active, quickly lighting up the idea of a person, but also fast and cool.  Choleric activity can
increase sharply and then immediately reduced. Let's arbitrarily define physical activity
choleric "+" sign, and the inner spiritual attitude - the sign "-".
Sanguine - highly dynamic nature, the physical vigor of which coincides with the inner
activity. They say that sanguine "energy never ends", that is quite obvious, because the
internal dynamics of the smooth transition to the external physical activity affects it, and
vice versa. In sanguine these two energies do not disappear, and into each other, and
thereby stimulate the constant energy and mobility. Physical activity sanguine - "+"
spiritual - "+".
Phlegmatic - man, physically more discreet, less emotional than the two previous
types, but its intrinsic activity does not as passive as foreign. As a rule, these are people
watching the world from the outside, looks are not giving their attitude toward it, and in
the soul of the leading constant analysis and reflection. Physical activity phlegmatic - "-"
spiritual - "+".
The fourth type of nervous activity - melancholic. Melancholic - restrained, closed
people, both externally and internally, sensitive to external manifestations of life and effect
on the people around them. Physical activity melancholic - "-" spiritual - "-".
Now it is easy to compare what types of nervous activity will be fully compatible both
spiritually and physically, which in part, and which are not compatible at all. First, consider
the compatibility at the physical level. In this case the rule is true: like charges repel and
opposite charges - attract. This means that the choleric physically compatible, for
example, melancholic and phlegmatic and not compatible with sanguine.
Moreover, each of these types has its own prevailing energy that mainly affects the
physical and human characteristics. According to the general properties and characteristics
of the dominant power elements choleric - Water, sanguine - Fire, melancholic - Air and
phlegmatic - Earth. Now it becomes clear that the Water and Fire (choleric and sanguine)
are incompatible, and the Fire and Air (sanguine and melancholic) very similar in their
characteristics and have a positive influence on each other.
As for the spiritual (or information) compatibility, the charges must be the same
name, otherwise the mutual understanding and emotional contact is not going to
happen. If the charges are different, people tend to have conflicting interests and views on
Let's make a chart to visualize the features of interaction "pros" and "cons."

On an energetic level compatible unlike charges, the information - the same name.
And now look at a specific case. Take for example the average family consisting of
mother, father and young son. Suppose that the mother choleric, as a Rh biofield "plus" -
"minus", while the Pope "a minus" - "plus" (phlegmatic). The son - melancholic "minus" -
"minus". What are the problems and disagreements may arise in the energy and
information plan in this family? Firstly, the first compatible energy characteristics of
mothers and fathers. Since the mother is a "plus", and the Pope - "minus", physically (or
energy) they are compatible (unlike charges attract), but on the informational level
differences are possible because their charges are opposite. As for his son, then most
likely, it will be good to get along with her mother as the energy level (their charges are
opposite), and in the spiritual plane to reach her most profound understanding.  With Dad,
they are completely different, as the poles are not suited to each other, either physically or
spiritually. Therefore, there are expected possible trouble to be prevented in advance. To
this end, particular attention should be paid to the psychological characteristics of the
melancholic and phlegmatic, and take them into account in further dialogue, treating each
other more tolerant.
And what happens if the girl appears sanguine in a family environment? How to
prioritize interests? We see that there will be a strong attraction between daughter and
father, and as a physical, and at the information level, they are fully compatible. For this
reason, there is a lot of change when one of the spouses did not find understanding in the
family (in the energy and information level) looking for it on the side ... and as a result
finds. If the victim is not half pay attention to the needs and wishes of a spouse, will not
change their way of thinking, habits, appearance, in order to achieve the fullest
compatibility with them, then infidelity again repeatedly. Of course, act to the detriment of
its values is impossible, but to understand the interests of another, its features and make
them a must. It is the reciprocal concessions and construct a harmonious union.
Now it becomes clear how we interact on a physical and spiritual sense. Sometimes
we get into resonance at a physical level, but on the spiritual do not find
understanding.Conversely, community showers and views on life is obvious, and the
physical layer of another one of his annoying slowness or excessive vigor (and vice
versa). Most often these qualities are formed at birth, and only a small percentage of
information acquired in the course of life. If we look at the features, as well as other
human characteristics, to understand and accept them, then the ratio will increase mutual
understanding. Most importantly, the desire to establish the physical and spiritual
compatibility was mutual for both individuals or groups, and then communication will not
only enjoyable and friendly, but also more interesting.
We not only distinguish between the types of nervous activity, but also on the
prevailing masculine and feminine energy. Men Yang energy - dynamic, powerful energy -
mostly peculiar to men, but in women it can be represented strongly enough. People, in
which the male energy has dominated - is pronounced kinesthetic, perceiving the world
through physical sensations. Breathing in kinestetikov lower, stimulating the work of the
first three centers, which are responsible for the production of energy necessary to our
physical body. Therefore, the male energy holders read information from the environment
primarily by its biosphere, for their extremely important role played by internal and
external sensations.
Since the lower breathing peculiar kinesthetic, connects the first centers, the two
predominant energy can be identified, corresponding to them. This energy of Earth and
Fire.These two primary element significantly affect a person, developing in him a certain
quality. Earth Energy - a solid, strong, while the fire adds softness and dynamism. As a
rule, people are kinesthetic and easily find each other a common language, they are
perfectly compatible, because the energy of the Earth and Fire combine well with each
other, a positive effect on each other without interfering with the development and
expression of their special qualities.
It has been observed that women who developed lower breathing, are much more
popular among men than women with upper respiratory. Men instinctively feel the
sensuality and inner warmth women kinestetika and are drawn towards it both spiritually
and physically. However, there is a danger that women-kinesthetic remain alone - male
kinesthetic often see them as only a good friend, nothing more.
Absolutely the opposite is the female energy - Yin. People with predominant feminine
energy often are visuals that are connected to the other two basic elements - water and
air. Breath they upper, more superficial and easy. Therefore these people (mostly women,
although there are also men-ladies' man with a predominantly upper respiratory) - a
rather dreamy person whose perception of the world is connected with the image, picture,
they are attentive to the gesture, look, appearance and other visual displays. Not
compatible to its characteristics and worldview with kinesthetic. They are different as
"heaven and earth", and in this case, this phrase can be taken literally: the visuals are
connected to the upper, heavenly, the downward flow of water and air, and kinesthetic, on
the contrary, to the Earth and Fire emanating energies. However, they complement each
other and seek common ground, just as heaven and earth converge on the horizon and
become one. We there is an expression - "cold female beauty." This statement is more
true for women-visuals, which can be very beautiful, but in my heart remain cold because
their kinestetika, and hence the energy of Earth and Fire are underdeveloped, which
significantly reduces their attractiveness, while men prefer women hot and sensual.
But the appearance in the company of a man with a female dominant female energy
will make a splash among the ladies. Such men - a rare phenomenon, but they are
conquering its elegance, graceful movements, they are beautiful and charming. They all
fall in love, but continue flirting deal unlikely: a man-visual is not inclined to take the
initiative, there is very little male energy that would stimulate and are supportive of his
thoughts and desires of energy. He is passive in their actions, although his imagination and
fantasy, the pursuit of beauty has no boundaries.
In everyday life, we combine the energy of Earth and Fire at the same time, but one
of them may be more, and another - less. Remember what modality developed most
strongly with you, relatives, friends, acquaintances and work colleagues. Compare the
energy corresponding to the modality, and then it will be clear what your expressed unlike
the others, or, on the contrary, the community.
Similar patterns can be traced to the influence of the elements, not only by the
example of the types of nervous activity, modalities, but also in other forms characteristic
of our lives. Four seasons, four directions - the phenomenon is not accidental, since each
of them is also under the influence of his element. Four seasons in nature can be
compared with the parties of light and the elements, features of which we are already
familiar. Therefore, a great impact on the formation of a certain type of nervous activity
and has the time of year, and geographical location of the place where the person was
born, and, of course, the dominant element.
Following the diagram, we can clearly see how the elements affect on the time of
year, each of the cardinal points, which, in turn, generates a certain type of nervous
activity with its positive or negative activity.
Of course, the rare people who belong to one of the elements, they often combine
several characteristics peculiar to two or three verses; basically one element dominates
the others. Having examined carefully the patterns of influence of the elements directly on
the character and temperament of the person, we can say with confidence that each of us
is rather complicated, so their knowledge of the characteristics and features of
loved ones - a very important component of understanding and trust. That's why
interoperability is primarily based not on a uniform approach to the choice of a
partner: "You are with compatible me and you - no!", Because we are all very
diverse in its manifestations, interests, aspirations, ways of thinking, and the
ability to see the features of another person you wish to take them. Then our
relationships with others will be more calm, warm and trustworthy.

Become a master of the elements - really

Everyone lives in his, especially rhythm. Daily trips to the store, sports, work, visits to
cultural events - all this is subject to each person's own defined schedule. How we are
organized in their daily activities, in particular productive activities, so we are successful in
life. The ability to organize themselves in the rhythm, which is more suitable - a truly rare
in our society. How often we are faced with excessive vanity, haste, with constant delays
in the work, the chaos in the works! Or, conversely, slow-acting, long understanding of the
situation, lying on the couch, lethargy behavior - and the efficiency of the day becomes
close to zero. As a rule, under the influence of external circumstances and responsibilities
of a huge number of people knocked out of him the right rhythm, which immediately leads
to partial or complete failure of the way of life, to the congestion, fatigue. Sometimes it is
so paralyzing the will, that his hands, as they say, "do go down" as a result of the initiative
and business activity weakened. To avoid this, it is necessary, first, to understand myself,
identifying prevailing energy that most strongly affects the character and
temperament; Second, choose the rhythm, which would be the most comfortable and
productive as the work and rest; and, thirdly, to constantly maintain this rhythm.
Man is such a way that the predominance of energy or information in a certain way
affects the speed of time flow on biorhythms. As soon as there is a glut of information,
that is, analysis, reflection, conclusions «master» the man from the comfort of their heads,
the noosphere - the information space around us - is curved so that the passage of time is
greatly accelerated, and we were starting to miss him sorely. Energy does not have time
to feed the information needs, and this leads to the fact that we make plans, we hope that
will be able to implement all plans, and really do not have time to perform even a little.
On the other hand, the total lack of information and a lot of energy forces us to make
moves in vain, to waste it in vain, not concentrating on achieving a specific goal, and
exchanged for a variety of other, us unnecessary things. In the end result is the same: his
perseverance we will reach goals, but it will have no joy, because in the process of
achieving it is too much effort has been spent, scattered in different directions.  In this and
in another case, we arrive at almost the same - to be too hectic and low efficiency.
But if you choose a middle ground, partly by reducing the information load and
increasing your energy, then it come a balance in which energy can energize and charge
virtually all of our endeavors, and the information will control the energy, not allowing it to
disperse in different directions and to waste .
Once this happens energy information exchange, physical and informational levels are
stabilized, you will feel it instantly. Appears calm, tranquility, the rush and bustle will
disappear, and all the planned day case implemented without problems and excessive
fatigue. Moreover, such events will occur that previously did not occur to you: the right
people, circumstances will be provided next, unexpected way to help in the
implementation of plans and desires, will be resolved by themselves difficult
situation. Therefore, the ability to catch my rhythm, to feel his element and act according
to it - this is a challenge that we'll try to implement.
To best feel its rhythm and harmonize interpersonal space, you must learn to
concentrate all four elements receive their energy and then using the influence on those
around her, merging them into a single unit. To begin going to play with male energy
inherent kinesthetic.
People in this category is most strongly connected to the biosphere of the Earth, so
they tend to draw their strength from the Earth and Fire.
Exercise. , Imagine, as intense, hissing breath from the bottom rises the energy of
red is part of you, it is concentrated and intense exhale through the mouth (no hiss)
passes sequentially through all energy centers, revealing them, as if the flowers to
concentrate the energy of the Earth, and fountain coming out of their heads, washing the
body to the right, left, front and back, covering the biofield red shell.
Do this exercise several times, and then you can proceed to the concentration
of fiery energy. In fact, the mechanism remains the same, only the energy of Fire is
yellow, so the incoming energy should be present in that color. At the end of this exercise
around biofield formed another shell - yellow.
Now we concentrate the energy of water and air, peculiar visuals. This is the energy
of the upper centers, so we will be connected to the Earth's noosphere.
Exercise  . Imagine how air - energy blue - on intensive inspiration descends from
above, focused within you and hissing, no less intense exhalation fountain comes out of
the head and washes biofield on both sides, forming a skin of blue color.
Repeat the exercise several times, and then just do some work with the energy of blue
waters, creating a protective shell blue.
These exercises - a more intense version of the breathing exercises. They are
effective not only for pumping the respective energy centers, but also create a strong
biofield around the protective layer is composed of the energy of the four elements. As a
rule, each person has its own predominant element, it is from her, he would receive the
strongest protection and strength. However, the healer, working with different patients
should be able to concentrate in itself all the elements, driving them equally well.
Ongoing work with its elements will help you to perceive it more subtly, and the body
itself is tuned to the frequency that corresponds to this element. That during respiratory
training does not give energy to the space, and completely leave it inside, try to hold your
breath after inhaling on as long as possible, thus straining the body, and then to make a
soft, smooth, lingering breath. In this case, the energy of which we ourselves have
absorbed during the breath-holding to increase and slow exhalation will not let her go into
the surrounding space. Dimensions biofield will remain unchanged, and the concentration
of certain energy increase. The body will start to feel the most subtle energy vibrations all
around us, to read information from the environment, to accurately determine the right
direction during the self-regulation. All this brings a sense of harmony and inner peace.
Moreover, having a connection methods to the elements, it is possible to learn how to
block a negative impact on the part of others. To this end, it is important to know what
kind of energy in man prevail at the moment, but what is lacking.
If it is difficult to find common ground due to the fact that the other person too
landed, he dominated physiological level needs, and spiritual foundation is missing, you
can internally connect with the energies of Earth and Fire, to concentrate them in himself,
and then mentally direct the energy to another, blocking the upward flow from the bottom,
as if taking it off the ground and rising into the air. As soon as the interlocutor (and
perhaps even a group of people) subconsciously feel a lack of supply of its energy, and the
intransigence of the disagreement of opinion will be less noticeable.
And the opposite case: a man left under the influence of their own visual images, and
can not translate the thoughts and words into action. Here it is necessary to include the
upper breath, to connect to the energies of the air and water, and these energies, like a
dome cover man on top.
In the case where a person is set aggressively, it can also soothe by blocking the flow
from the top downward, as if cutting off from the elements water and air. Add to your
energy and thought form even in the resting state, and the aggressive, angry people will
soon be quiet, and in the best case, if the energy and thought have much influence on him
strong action will go to sleep.
Control elements has many advantages: First, we begin to feel your own rhythm and
its capacity more thinly; Secondly, there is the ability to prevent the aggressive behavior
of another person or to intensify his thought processes; Thirdly, the connection to one of
the elements a chance to connect to the dominant power of the interlocutor, to merge with
it together and thereby establish a more complete trust and mutual understanding.
Therefore, the connection to the energies of the four elements leads us to a higher
level in the development, promotes the new achievements in the field of
business, science, acquired the ability to more profound and subtle vision of not
only the people around them, but also patterns in events and phenomena that
occur to us in everyday life . Breathing exercises, cutting off all energy bindings,
gaining knowledge and permanent training - all this inevitably leads to the
success and development of in-depth skills in the same way as they have
developed many of the followers of this science.

Now, it's the end of the introduction to the practical hilerstva course. You have won
the necessary knowledge and skills that will help you competently and properly plan for
the future, to realize the desired, fully control the health and generally getting to enjoy
every minute of life, creating around him a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.
Each exercise is considered in the book is fairly easy (although it is easy to perform
and does not), so only the internal selection and determination to change their destiny
depends on personal success and effectiveness of the action.
So I read the first book, but training continues in the same way as the proceeds and
your inner energy-development constantly deepening and improving. Wherever you are,
wherever you go, inner peace and self-confidence, forecasting the situation and developed
intuition is required to create around you an atmosphere that, like a lighthouse, will be
attracted to you very good people, happy chances and continued success in any endeavor.
The surrounding people feel your strength, serenity; they will bathe in the rays of
harmony and light emanating from you and subconsciously reach out to communicate with
you. Do not deny them this, but on the contrary, his whole being, behavior and actions to
actively influence the world around us, making it more harmonious and light.  When each
one of you, embarked on a new stage of development, will actively influence the world
around us, we will be able to harmonize the surrounding area and start a chain reaction of
mass desire for spiritual and physical perfection.
This responsibility lies with you, because now you possess a powerful tool that can
change not only yourself, but also positively affect other people, making them cleaner,
lighter and kinder.
Let this book will become a reliable compass, allowing to navigate in an inconsistent
and energy-mad world, and your soul and your heart confidently determine the necessary
course and direction in a variety of interpersonal relationships.
Good luck to you!

Word about the author

Andrey Zateev - Vice-President of All-Russian professional medical association of
specialists of traditional folk medicine and healers, therapist, Master of Traditional
Medicine, holder of the Order "Master Star» I degree bioenergotherapist, Pyramidology,
hypnotist, manual therapy specialist, founder of practical hilerstva school , lecturer at the
higher rate eniology VNITSTNM "nth". He has the title of "the last decade of the XX century
Best Healer of Russia".
Grandfather and great-grandfather were priests Andrei Moscow Patriarchate.
During the Great Patriotic War, his grandfather died at the front, all the works on the
parish assumed grandmother. She worked on healing and handed over the gift to her
grandson. The father also has the ability to influence animal and plant life.
Andrew was born in the Altai. The family of five children, three sisters and two
brothers. Four received medical education, all to the healing ability, but do not cure it.
Healing abilities Andrew appeared as a child, and that he went on this path, the
important role played by hereditary factor. For twelve years Andrei clearly marked desire
to help people, to ease pain, to treat their ailments. Since that time, he became "hear"
your hands, feel the signals from the diseased organs, began to diagnose and treat.
When it came time to decide on professional orientation, the decision was
unambiguous - Medical Institute. He graduated in St. Petersburg and became a physician-
As a student, Andrew was fond of hypnosis, practiced different techniques. He was
also interested in telekinesis and levitation.
One day Andrew sat at a table in a dorm room and read a book. Suddenly stand with
the book away from him, moved first to 2-3 cm, and a little later -. By 15 cm fellow
students who were here, could not believe their eyes.
Apparently, out of control, regardless of himself, Andrew entered the unusual
condition that manifested itself in telekinesis and books. Andrew felt like taking a break
and lay down on the bed. What was the astonishment of children, when after a while his
body rose about a meter above the bed, and then sank back into place.
It was the first time experienced the state of spontaneous telekinesis and levitation.
Such manifestations of these phenomena from time to time began to repeat, but his
fortune partly Andrew could already operate. "Oddities" Witnesses were relatives, friends
and acquaintances.
Well I remembered Andrey case when he, conducting patient treatment session,
entered into a trance and was flown to a height of 3 m. Fast flying in an arc, dropped to
the floor.
1988 can be considered a starting point in the development of the abilities of
telekinesis and levitation. At about the same time and showed the ability to astral travel
outside the body. At the time when they reach a certain state of the soul separated from
the physical body and moves in space at any distance. This all happened in real time. One
day, one evening (Andrew at that time was in Moscow), he felt out of the
body. Consciousness is clearly working. His mind moved into the house of his parents, who
lived in the Ukraine, and, being next to her mother, who had an attack of renal colic, to
treat it. Back the astral body as if pulled by some force. The next morning, Andrew called
his mother.It turned out that at the time, which was discussed, she felt its impact, and
that has helped to recover.
It was one of the first cases of travel in space on their Today - countless.
In parallel was reinforced, purposeful work on themselves, because to control the
body, you need to prepare yourself physically and mentally. The results exceeded
expectations. At the moment, Andrey has experience of about a hundred manifestations of
levitation, both spontaneous and partly controlled.
As the spring of this year in Moscow, Dr. Zateev demonstrated the ability to levitate
in the hall, where there were more than thirty of healers (among them - representatives of
five TV stations from Japan, who "hunt" for sensational manifestations of unique abilities of
people, and translator). Survey was conducted by three cameras. The audience saw with
my own eyes how Andrei Alexandrovich raised above the floor, had passed through the air
at high speed over a distance of 3 m and hit the wall.
Experiments with levitation dangerous as fraught with injuries. Home Doctor Zateev
back with bruises and abrasions on the face, but happy and elated with the result. A week
after the "flight" in Moscow, he was in Japan, where he was invited as one of the members
of a specialized television show.
By the arrival of Andrei Alexandrovich well prepared: the hall was equipped so as to
avoid unpleasant consequences: the floor was paved with mats, as they are covered with
walls, equipped with special "trap". Andrei Alexandrovich wearing a helmet. However, the
helmet, apparently screened the brain, and at first nothing happened. Then he tore off his
helmet, focused, concentrated and entered the desired state. He quickly rose from the
floor to a height of 70-80 cm, spun back down with tremendous speed suffered the wall to
which it was 7 m, and thrown to the mat. This time there were no injuries.
Andrey considers that a condition in which the body is contrary to the law of gravity
rises in the air and moves - not as unusual as one might think, it can test every healthy
person after a certain training. There is nothing supernatural about it.
In 1993, Dr. Zateev took part in the I International Congress of healers, which took
place in Moscow. There was videotaped operations without anesthesia Brazilian healers,
which at that time slipped the most contradictory information in the press. In our country,
no such operations did not. These were operations transkhirurgicheskomu exposed.
Transkhirurgicheskoe impact - an operation without anesthesia, anesthesia and
antisepsis. The patient is fully conscious, feels relaxed and comfortable. The trance is a
Returning to the Forum, Andrey began to accumulate knowledge concerning
transkhirurgii, and when after 60 days felt prepared, decided on the first operation.  On
that day, he spent five transkhirurgicheskih effects, and a few days later - five more. It
was an operation to remove lipomas. To date, Dr. Zateeva conducted more than 3,000
transkhirurgicheskih effects, mainly surgery of benign tumors. Similar operations are
performed in those cases where the patient intolerance to anesthesia, poor blood clotting if
there are some unusual situations, in the field.
Before operation healer focuses his will and energy, and calls upon the divine power it
becomes a conductor. In the place where the "pumped" energy healer's hands, apparently,
change the properties of space and time, and this affects the nature of the processes
occurring in the human body at the intracellular level. In this local area of incision by any
means at hand, and lipoma it slips out. Healer "cauterize" place the cut finger, he puts a
band-aid on it. The blood in this place instantly collapses. Rana zarubtsovyvaetsya after
20-30 minutes, the patient gets up from the couch in a good state of health, without
feeling any pain or any other discomfort.
Currently Andrey widely applies transkhirurgicheskoe impact in order to extension of
the lower limbs. The effect of the impact of the healer, when the patient lies on an
operation with a shortened leg, and after 2-3 minutes exposure arises with the same feet
in length - is indescribable. In practice, Andrei Alexandrovich have been cases when the
lengthening both legs: was impacted for one minute, and then in the leg during the month
rose by 10 cm, that is, some time after exposure to cell growth process continues.
During one session Andrey can lengthen the lower limbs at 1.5-5.5 cm. The intensive
energy impact on the local area of the tubular bones, "causes" of the cell to divide. The
process of "growth" of bone occurs at high speed, resulting in leg lengthening.
Day in order to equalize the legs, correct the curvature and extend both legs, only
one session.
To date, Dr. Zateev - transkhirurg only licensed in the Russian Federation. Dr. Zateev
treats and in the distance, and photos. He has clairvoyance and looking at a person reads
the necessary information about it.
Andrey does not only extensive healing activities, but also carries out extensive
educational work. He has many disciples and companions.
Dr. Zateev - founder of the author's school of practical hilerstva. The school has been
operating since 1989, it has received an official status in 1998.
Over the past 10 years in the courses, which are conducted by Andrey, has trained
more than 2,000 people; among them - 30% with medical education, of which - 2
academicians, 5 professors, 40 candidates of science, more than 150 doctors in different
Almost simultaneously with the official opening of the Author Andrew Zateeva school
in Togliatti Center authoring practical hilerstva school was established.
Employees of the center - the master hilerstva practical, highly qualified specialists in
various fields of medicine. They also devotees in terms of promotion and dissemination of
knowledge about the features of the human body, about the causes of diseases,
preventive health care and self-healing methods, the negative impact of energy and
methods of protection from him, and so on. D.
Over the past five years, experts of the center conducted more than 4,000
workshops, lectures, health-building sessions that visited more than 120 000 people.
The days of meetings with a doctor and a specialist center Zateeva Togliatti looked
forward. The program was very intense and very interesting; it was not just a great time
and the significance of the event, it was the act, the presence of which makes you feel
good, uplifting, cured of the disease.
Communication usually lasted about five hours, at the same time worked to twelve
healers; visitors could not only diagnose, but also possible to get help in the treatment.
Thematic presentations Andrei Alexandrovich, bright, capacious, accompanied by
demonstrations transkhirurgicheskih operations, showing the methods and techniques of
treatment of specific diseases, reports of visitors and local healers, showing on patients
their techniques and methods of healing, finally, the atmosphere was so impressive that
the huge cinema halls, where meetings were held, barely housed comers. There was a
blessed "climate", treating the body and soul aura.
The meetings of this kind of trust prevailed spirits, kindness, love; long maintained a
sense of peace and quiet.
Center School authoring practical hilerstva Zateeva Andrew is a member of
international congresses healers 1993, 1995, 1997, 2000, and international forums in
1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 years. In February 2003, at the International Forum of healers in
Egypt Andrey he gave a lecture on Pyramidology, held training sessions.
The plans of the center - to open branches in other cities of Russia, to continue
medical and educational activities to help improve the level of knowledge and skills of
those who seek it with all your heart.
Truly human abilities are endless, and the fate of Dr. Zateeva - a clear confirmation.
Andrey Zateev - phenomenon. A rare, unique. He - elect of Light, because the
suffering voice can respond only pure and lofty soul. Let her flight will be high and happy!

School practical hilerstva
ANDREW Zateeva
research Center
traditional medicine
"Nth", Moscow
Higher Courses eniology
The aims and objectives of the center
1. Preparation and training of traditional healers, diagnosticians, bioenergy,
eniooperatorov, transkhirurgov, forecasters.
2. Preparation of professional teachers of traditional folk medicine with the right to
initiate the healing activity.
3. Conduct an individual test to determine the healing abilities.
4. Recommendation healers with the aim of joining the professional medical
association of traditional healers in the Russian competition titles:
"Folk healer of Russia", "Master of folk medicine."
5. Adoption of a member of the Association of folk healers of Russia.
6. Assistance in the opening of the regional associations.
7. Research work.
8. congresses, symposiums, forums, conducting of medical statistics.
9. Assistance in legalization and licensing of practitioners.
Field studies and meetings with Dr. Zateeva held in other cities of Russia, CIS and foreign
countries at the invitation of enterprises, organizations and stakeholders.
Course of Study
Level I - the basics of healing,
Level II - spiritual hilerstvo,
III stage - technique of hypnosis,
IV stage - transkhirurgiya.
Training program
• breathing exercises for the seven nerve centers;
• basics of meditation;
• identification of the causes of diseases;
• the impact of colors on the health, self-healing and self-regulation;
• the development of the sixth energy center;
• diagnostics in five areas;
• the development of clairvoyance;
• energy impact on the human body;
• aura vision;
• manual therapy;
• the removal of damage, the evil eye, the purification of dwelling;
• treatment of conspiracies and herbs;
• treatment and diagnosis of a photograph;
• read information from objects and transmission of thought at a distance;
• work on the phantom;
• Treatment at a distance;
• transkhirurgiya;
• levitation.
Center Address "Author Andrew School Zateeva": g Togliatti, Karbysheva, 2a,
tel. (8482) 29-34-97.
Branches of the author's practical School hilerstva Andrew Zateeva:
Nizhnevartovsk (3466) 12-92-71, Irina Gogunsky;
Tambov, (0752) 48-66-76, Ludmila Enerovskaya; Moscow, (095) 963-92-42, Frida
For more details "radioestezicheskogo effect" method is described in the book of
LG Puchko "Dowsing for all" (Wiley, 1996).

Table of contents
 Andrey ZateevSamodiagnostika and energy healing. The Lord of elemental
 From the author
 Section One
 Tasks section
 Energy-human structure
 Three types of breath and their impact on health
 Physical ether
 The basic techniques of breathing exercises
 Self-regulation: pain relief within a few minutes
 The art of being invisible
 Methods of diagnosis
 Working with biofield
 Violation of energy balance
 Correction biofield: prevention and treatment of diseases
 Section two
 Tasks section
 The invisible danger in the house
 Methods for determining the damage, the evil eye, slander and other interventions
 Karmic program: the invisible influence on the fate
 spine Correction
 Section three
 Tasks section
 hypnosis Technique
 Phantom movement in space
 How to identify the right partner: compatibility tests
 Become a master of the elements - really
 conclusion
 Word about the author
 application

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