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In this month of August, we got to celebrate our precious furry babies. Of course, our
cherished dogs and cats. International Cat Day on August 8 followed by National Aspin Day
on August 18. Our dogs and cats deserve to be celebrated regardless of having a breed or
not. And so, our Aspins and Puspins our very own native dogs and cats were absolutely
The PAWS recognize and appreciate them as special as any other furry purebred
pets, thus we should too. They are more than of how we see. They are more than of their
outer appearance. Because the greater thing about them is love, loyalty, friendship, and
entertainment they could offer to us. Hence, we need them and they need us. And if we call
them exceptional, don’t you agree?

Aspin at Puspin
in na in
In celebration of International Cat Day and National Aspin Day
in the month of August, we bring our
alagang Aspin and Puspin into the podium of spotlight.


Aspin at Puspin, who?

Askal and Pusakal (asong kalye/pusang kalye) the erstwhile name of our native
dogs and cats in the country. And because these dogs and cats are seen as more than just a
“street dog” “street cat”, several organizations rallied around in the early 2000s to discard
this term.
The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) suggested the name Aspin and
Puspin derived from Filipino word Asong Pinoy at Pusang Pinoy which was more socially
acceptable, and to thus decrease the stigma associated with askal and pusakal.

Inequality, what?
There was a huge disparity between Askal/Pusakal and Purebred were being

Eats leftover food Always eats dog food/cat food
Chained at the gates/ roaming on the Stays inside the house
streets Gets regular grooming
Often neglected Medical needs are met
Abandoned when sick

Break Inequality, how?

Aspin and Puspin. . . They deserve best care and treatment:
 Comfortable shelter to stay
 Pleasant food to eat
 A family or friend to be with
 A heart to love them unconditionally
 Elite home to be taken care of
 Proper grooming to give
 Nurse in times of sickness
 Treat them as precious as gold
Did you know that?

A S P I N took over the media

 During the 2000s that there was a famous Aspin named Saver who was
featured countless times on TV programs in the Philippines and Japan and
given the title “Wonder Dog of the Philippines.” These included how to dance,
sign his own name, imitate the sound of a cat, and even do some math, among
many others.
 In 2016, an Aspin named Roy aided in a search and rescue mission in a
 Kabang, became internationally famous and was described as a “hero dog”
when she jumped at the motorcycle, knocking it over and prevented two
young people from a potentially deadly crash!
 Buboy, the Filipino version of the Japanese dog breed, Hachiko became viral
for waiting for his owner who had already died, a few days before.

P U S P I N took over the camera

 Singer, actress, TV host Karylle featured in PAWS’ “Lifetime” campaign with

shelter Puspin Chimmy in 2009.
 On April 2012, actor Jericho Rosales became the first celebrity to pose with
native cats in the PAWS- Penshoppe “See the Beauty Beyond Breed”
 Supermodel, Joey Mead King, became PAWS’ celebrity spokesperson for
shelter cat adoptations, posing with black shelter cats, Geneva and Ponce, for
a campaign poster for International Black Cat Appreciation Day in August

Call into Action


kasama si
fur baby
pose, smile, click and post
yours now.
Make your entry:
1. Name of your Aspin or Puspin
2. Special about them.
3. Post here @ comment section.
4. All done, Yes you are both amazing!

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