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City of Tagbilaran

2nd Quarter Examination

GRADE 11 – Understanding Culture, Society and Politics


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. (1 point each)

Instruction : Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer
1. What is that rule that guides the behavior of members of society or group?
a. guidelines b. norms c. laws d. rules
2. What referred to as the normal behavior or what we think should be normal on any situation?
a. normal b. norms c. charismatic d. godliness
3. Which social norm is violated when you attend a wedding ceremony wearing shorts?
a. folkways b. mores c. morality d. none of these
4. Which social norm is violated when you attend a graduation ball wearing t-shirt and jeans?
a. folkways b. mores c. morality d. none of these
5. What social norms which define what is morally right and wrong?
a. folkways b. mores c. laws d. none of these
6. What social norms which emphasize what is socially correct and proper in everyday life?
a. folkways b. mores c. laws d. none of these
7. What residency rule of residence which occurs when married couple stay in the house of the husband’s
a. biolocal b. matrilocal c. patrilocal d. none of these
8. What residency rule of residence which occurs when married couple live with the wife’s relatives?
a. biolocal b. matrilocal c. patrilocal d. none of these

9. What residency rule of residence which occurs when the newlywed couple stay with the husband’s relatives
and the wife’s kin alternately?
a. biolocal b. matrilocal c. patrilocal d. none of these
10. What refers to a social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal identity and effort?
a. achieved status b. ascribed status c. role d. none of these
11. What refers to a social position a person receives at birth or takes on involuntarily later in life?
a. achieved status b. ascribed status c. role d. none of these

12. What type of family which is made up of a group of people who are united by social ties and is usually made
up of two adults and their children?
a. blended family b. extended family c. nuclear family d. none of these
13. Which from the following is an example of informal sanctions?
a. report to brgy captain b. pre-trial c. arrested and interrogated d. words of approval
14. What is being referred to as a simple collection of people who happened to be together in a particular place
but do not significantly interact with one another?
a. interaction b. social aggregates c. social categories d. social deviance
15. What refers to a collection of people who share common characteristic but do not necessarily interact with
one another?
a. interaction b. social aggregates c. social categories d. social deviance
16. What do you call to a kinship that is based on blood and is considered as the most basic and general form of
a. consaguineal b. descent c. lineage d. none of these
17. What is being referred to as biological relationship, which involves biological relationship between parents
and their offspring?
a. consaguineal b. descent c. lineage d. none of these

18. What is being referred to as the direct descent from a particular ancestry?
a. consaguineal b. descent c. lineage d. none of these

19. When the form of decent, both males and females belong to the kin group of their father, it is
a. consaguineal b. descent c. lineage d. none of these

20. What form of decent which focuses on the unilineal descent that is traced through the female line?
a. consaguineal b. descent c. lineage d. none of thes

21. What descent which can trace their descent through the study of both parents’ ancestors?
a. bilateral descent b. matrilineal c. patrilineal d. none of these

22. What rights are inherent to man and given to him by God as human being?
a. constitutional b. civil c. human d. statutory
23. What rights provided by the lawmaking body of a country or by law, which entitle workers to receive a
minimum wage?
a. constitutional b. civil c. human d. statutory
24. What rights which are enjoyed by an individual by virtue of his citizenship in a state?
a. constitutional b. civil c. human d. statutory

25. When a person uses his right to vote and be voted into public office, what right is being exercised?
a. constitutional b. civil c. human d. statutory

26. What refers to the marriage where an individual has only one male or female partner or mate?
a. monogamy b. polygamy c. polygyny d. polytoysk

27. What refers to the practice of having more than one partner or sexual mate?
. a. monogamy b. polygamy c. polygyny d. polytoysk
28. What refers to the norm which dictates that one should marry with one’s clan or ethnic group?
a. exogamy b. endogamy c. nuclear family d. polygyny

29. What refers to the norm that allowed the clan members to marry outside the ethnic group?
a. exogamy b. endogamy c. nuclear family d. polygyny
30. What kind of family which is composed of two or more nuclear families and are economically and socially
related to each other?
a. blended family b. extended family c. nuclear family d. none of these
31. When one or both parents have a child or children from previous marital relationship and are living together to
form new family, it is called________.
a. blended family b. extended family c. nuclear family d. none of these
32. What group that is more complex than the band and its political power stems from senior position within kin
a. bands b. chiefdom c. state d. tribes
33. What type of group the native tribes of the Philippines belong?
a. bands b. chiefdom c. state d. tribes
34. What is formally defined as constituting a fairly large number of people who are living in the same territory
and participate in a common culture?
a. community b. society c. sociology d. nation

35. What refers to the power to make binding decisions and issue commands?
a. authority b. legitimacy c. president d. none of these
36. What type of authority that draws legitimacy from formal rules promulgated by the state laws?
a. bureaucratic b. charismatic c. traditional d. none of these
37. What kind of authority which draws its legitimacy from formal rules promulgated by the state laws?
a. bureaucratic b. charismatic c. traditional d. none of these
38. What is referred to as the moral and ethical concept that bestows one who possesses power the right to
exercise such power to be justified and proper?
a. authority b. legitimacy c. president d. none of these

II. Identify whether the following situation belong to NATURAL, CONSTITUTIONAL, STATUTORY, CIVIL, ECONOMIC,
or POLITICAL RIGHTS. Write your answers on the space provided.

__________ 39. The freedom to express your concern towards the government.
__________ 40. The freedom to live.
__________ 41. The right to know how the government utilize the national budget.
__________ 42. The freedom to campaign for the coming election.
__________ 43. The right to be given the minimum wage.
__________ 44. The right to ask for search warrant in case being force by policemen to enter your property.
__________ 45. The right to love and marry your Muslim boyfriend.
__________ 46. The right perform your duty as doctor in a rebel infested territory.
__________ 47. The right to vote even the candidate you are favoring is hated by the community.
__________ 48. The right to have more children.

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