Chapter 3

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Chapter III. Equilibrium of Force Systems 1. Definition and Meaning of Equilibrium ‘The subject matter of statics, as its name implies, deals essentially with | the action of forces on bodies which are at rest. Such bodies are said to be 'in equilibrium. Specifically, equilibrium is the term used to designate the condition where the resultant of a system of forces is zero. A body is said ‘to be in equilibrium when the force system acting upon it has a zero result- it. The physical meaning of equilibrium, as applied to a body, is that body either is at rest or is moving in a straight line with constant ity. In this chapter we shall determine and apply the conditions necessary produce equilibrium for coplanar force systems. ‘The principles and niques developed in this chapter are the basic fundamentals of staties; student is urged to master them. Actually what is studied is a method of reasoning — of learning how to apply the basic concepts of the com- ts of a force and its moment effect in the most efficient manner. Free-Body Diagrams _ Problems in mechanics always involve the interaction of bodies upon another. Successful solution of these problems generally requires that 1e bodies be isolated from one another so that the forces involved may be lyzed and unknown forces determined. An isolated view of a body fhich shows only the external forces exerted on the body is called a free- ly diagram (frequently abbreviated as FBD). These external forces are [caused either by direct bodily contact or by gravitational or mugnetic | attraction. | Table 111-1 describes some of the more common types of bodily contact ‘or support and shows how to represent the action of the body te ve removed upon the isolated free body. The earth pull is always shown as a downward Vertical force equal to the weight W of the free body and passing through its center of gravity. The action of a flexible cord, rope, or cable is repre- sented by a tensile pull 7’ directed along the cord. ‘The action of a smooth surface is shown by a force N acting perpendicular to the smooth surface = there can be no resistance to sliding along such a surface. Simi- a roller support exerts a reaction that is perpendicular to the surfacc 49 50. Equitiprium or Force Systems: {Chap. ITT ‘along which the roller can move. At a smooth pin or hinge, however, the supporting force F can be exerted in any direction; such a force is usually Shown as two independent components which, when known, can We com- bined to determine the supporting force and its inclination. Taste II-1. Free-Bovy Diacrams. ‘Type of Body Sketch of ‘Action of Body Removed ‘Removed Reacting Bodies upon the Free Body Earth si oe w t Flexible cord, @ “CE rope, or cable (weight neglected) eegeree Smooth surface e @ N ‘Smooth pin ‘or hinge Notice that although forces always occur in pairs (i.¢., action and reaction forees which ure collinear, equal, but oppositely directed), a free-body diagram shows only the forces acting upon the body being considered. 1 does not show the forces exerted by the free body upon other bodies. ‘The steps involved in drawing a free-body diagram are: (1) Draw a diagram of the body completely isolated from all other bodies. ‘The free body may consist of an entire assembled structure or any combination or part of it. (2) Represent the action of each body or support that is re- fnoved by a force or its components. (8) Label each force by its magnitude, if known, or by a symbol, if unknown. Art. 3-2) Free-Body Diagrams 51 ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM $01. In Fig. 3-1, a 200-Ib cylinder is supported by a horizontal rod AB and against the uniform bar CD which weighs 100 Ib. Draw the free-body dia- (a) of rod AB, (b) of the cylinder, (c) of bar CD, and (d) of the assembled + Fra. 3-1. der and bar. Assume the pins at A, B, C, D and the rollers to be smooth and tionless. The rod AB is assumed to be weightless, a statement which although iysically impossible is often used to mean that the weight is negligible when com- yred with other loads or forces. 200 Ib Fie. 3-2. — Free-body diagrams of separate parts of Fag-3 4. 52 Equrmrerrom or Forces Syerzus [Chap. III Solution: The FBD of rod AB is shown in Fig. 32a. ‘The two forces exerted by pins A and B upon the rod must be equal, opposite, and directed along the rod, or the rod could not remain in equilibrium in its designated spatial position (see Axiom 2, page 5). We conclude that a member fixed in space and loaded by two forces at its ends requires the forces to be equal and their lines of action to coincide with the centerline of the member. ‘This conclusion is of great importance in the analysis of pin-connected trusses since it determines the action lines of the forces existing in the bars of such trusses. Consider next in Fig. 3-2b the FBD of the cylinder. In addition to ite weight of 200 Ib, the cylinder is acted upon by the equal but opposite force that it exerted upon the rod and a push N perpendicular to CD which is exerted by the bar. We shall shortly learn (Art. 3-3) how to determine the unknown forces P and N holding this concurrent force system in equilibrium. ‘The FBD of bar CD (Fig. 3-2c) shows ita weight of 100 Ib acting vertically at the midpoint of the uniform bar.. The cylinder pushes down to the right with a force WN perpendicular to CD. The roller at C cannot resist any force parallel to the surface of the roller; its net effect can only be the vertical force Cs. The force exerted by the hinge D can act in any direction; its action is denoted by the com- ponents D, and D, which, if known, can be combined to determine the magnitude and inclination of the hinge force at D. Fi. 3-8. — Free-body diagram of assembled cylinder and bar. Observe that the FBD of the assembled cylinder and bar in Fig. 3-3 does not show the contact force N because here N is internal to the system and its action and reaction effects balance out. Actually Fig. 3-3 is statically indeterminate (ie., unsolvable using the equations of statics) because the four unknowns shown cannot be determined directly using only the three equations of equilibrium available for such a set of forces. It is necessary to take the assembly apart and draw the FBD. ‘of each part as discussed above, even though doing this introduces an additional unknown force N. Only then will there be available as many independent equations Art. 3-2] Free-Body Diagrams 53 of equilibrium as there are unknowns; two equations for the concurrent system of Fig. 3-2b and three for the non-concurrent system of Fig. 3-2c. We shall see later that many systems which are apparently statically indeterminate may be solved by taking the system apart and considering the FBD of each separate part. PROBLEMS General Instructions: The follow- ing group of problems is provided ive practice in isolating and cae a free-body diagram of the various elements of an as- sembled structure. Denote each known force by its magnitude and each unknown force by an ap- propriate symbol. * Later we shall learn how to determine the magni- tudes of the unknown forces. 302 The cylinder C in Fig. P-302 weighs 1000 lb. Draw a FBD of cylinder C and of rod AB. 308. The uniform rod in Fig. P-303 weighs 420 Ib and has its "center of gravity at G. Draw a _ FBD of the rod. Neglect the thickness of the rod and assume all contact surfaces to be smooth. 304. The frame shown in Fig. P-304 is supported in pivots at A and B.. Each member weighs 50 lb per ft. Draw a | EBD of each member. | Fro. P-304. 54 Equiuisrium or Force Systems (Chap. IIIT 305. A 600-Ib load is supported by a cable which runs over a pulley and is fas- tened to the bar DE in Fig. P-305. Draw a FBD of bars AC and DE and of the pulley. Assume all hinges to be smooth and neglect the weight of each bar. 306. Draw a FLD of pulleys F and D and of the bar AD shown in Fig. P-306. Assume all hinges to be smooth and neglect the weight of each bar. 3-3. Equilibrium of Concurrent Force Systems The conditions of equlibrium for concurrent force systems are obtained by determining the equations that produce a zero resultant. In Art, 2-3 it was shown that the magnitude of the resultant of a concurrent force system is found by means of the equation R= VX + CY)? Obviously, the resultant will be zero and equilibrium will exist when the following equations are satisfied: Ex= oh =Y oO Gs) ‘These equations are known as the conditions of equilibrium. It is important to note that with two conditions of equilibrium, only two unknown quanti- ties can be determined to create equilibrium of a concurrent force system. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM 307.._ A system of cords knotted together ut A and B support the weights shown in Fig. 3-4. Compute the tensions P, Q, F, and T acting in the various cords. Art. 3-3) Equilibrium of Concurrent Force Systems 55 Solution: We begin by drawing a FBD of knots A and B, Of these two concurrent force systems, we must first solve that at A. The force system at B is temporarily indeterminate because it contains three unknown forces and has available only two Fic. 3-4. independent equations of equilibrium. Its solution must be postponed until one of the unknowns, P in this instance, has been determined from the concurrent system acting at A, where P, exerting an equal and opposite effect to its action on B, is only one of two unknowns. Several methods are available for the solution of the concurrent force system at A. Let us discuss each of these methods so that their individual advantages or discdvantages will enable us to select the most efficient and rapid method to use in similar problems. '300 1b ~ Method I, Method I~Using Horizontal and Vertical Axes. This is a routine method requir- ing no imagination. Selecting reference axes that are horizontal and vertical as shown in Fig. 3-5, we apply the conditions of equilibrium, Eq. (3-1), to obtain [2X = 0] P cos 15° — Q cos 30° = 0 (@) iY = 0) P sin 15° + Qin 30° — 300 = 0 ® Solving Ege. (a) and (6) simultaneously yields P = 3671b ia Q=410bf 4 , Method II — Using Rotated Azes. The disadvantage of Method I is the necessity of solving simultaneous equations. Since the reference axes are arbitrarily selected in the first place, a better choice of the reference axes will eliminate simultaneous equations; this simplifies the numerical work and reduces the chance for error. For example, let the X axis be selected to pass through one of the unknowns, say Q. In this case Q will have no Y component and will not appear in a Y summation. Q Fic. 3-6. — Method II: Using rotated axes. The method of determining the angles between the forces and the rotated refer- ence axes is shown in Fig. 3-6a; the final values of the angles are chown in Fig. 3-6b. ‘When actually solving the problems, only the X axis need be drawn, as in Fig. 3-6a. The Y axis can be omitted; it is understood to be perpendicular to the X axis. Since the X axis was chosen to coincide with Q, it is evident that Q has no Y component. Hence by applying the condition of equilibrium, ZY = 0, we auto- matically eliminate Q from the equation. Thus we have ey =9) P sin 45° — 300 sin 60° = 0 P = 367Ib Ans. Having determined P, we readily find the second unknown Q by applying the second equation of equilibrium: (2X =o] 367 cos 45° + 300 cos 60° -Q = 0 Q=410lb Ans. Note carefully the technique used. fen the X mria ts chown go that it oolnches with one of the unknowns, the Y summation determines the other unknown. the X summation determines the remaining unknown. Method III — Using Force Triangle. When three forces are in equilibrium, the easiest solution is generally obtained by applying the sine law to the triangle rep- resenting the polygon of forces. Since forces in equilibrium have a zero resultant, the tip of the last vector must touch the tail of the first vector. This tip-to-tail —— rrr eee ei ree meyers, on ‘addition gives the closed polygon of forces shown in Fig. 3-7. Applying the law f sines to this triangle, we obtain! ae Ne ee “=a sin 45° sin 60° agin 75° 3001b as, be > P= 367lb and Q=410lb Ane. ieites mt: ‘Using force triangle. If this solution is compared with ZY = 0 in Method II, it will be seen to give the equation. Indeed, the solution from a force triangle is equivalent to using sets of rotated axes, one set drawn so as to pass through one unknown force, whereas the other set coincides with the uther unknown force. _ We are now ready to determine the forces F and T holding the concurrent stem of forces at B in equilibrium. closed polygon of forces for this stem forms a quadrilateral so that sine law cannot be appiied. Al- though a diagonal of this quadrilateral ean be drawn ‘that will subdivide it nto two triangles to which the sine aw can be applied, this procedure is e cumbersome than the method of rotating axes described above n Method II. | Applying the method of rotated wxes ta the FBD of B, we draw: the ‘exis to coincide with 7 as in Fig. Fic. 3-8. — Method of rotated axes applied thereby eliminating 7 from a Y to FBD of B. summation. Hence we obtain F from RY =0) F sin 45° — 367 sin 45° — 200 sin 60° = 0 F=612lb Ans. The remaining unknown T is now determined from [2x = 0) T + 200 cos 60° — 367 cos 45° — 612 cos 45° = 0 T = 593lb Ans. _1 Using a sliderule in which the (sine) and D scales are aligned with each other, these are rapidly solved by setting 45° on S site 300 on D, whence, as shown the following table, the values of P and Q are found opposite 60° and 75° respectively. 58 Equimprium or Force Systems (Chap. 111 PROBLEMS 308. The cable and boom shown in Fig. P-308 support a load of 600 Ibv Deter- mine the tensile force T in the cable and the compres- sive force C in the boom. Ans. T = 4391b;C = 538 lb 309. A cylinder weighing 400 lb is held against smooth incline by means of the weightless rod AB Fra, P-308. Fie. P-309. in Fig. P-309. Determine the forces P and N exerted on the cylinder by the rod and the incline respectively. Ans. P = 3781b; N = 418Ib 810. A 300-Ib box is held at rest on a smooth plune by a force P inclined at an angle @ with the plane as shown in Fig. P-310. If @ = 45° determine the value of P and the normal pressure N exerted by the plane. Ans, P = 2121b;N = 4101b W=3001b @ an \ Fic. P-310 and P-311, Fra. P-312. 311. ‘If the value of P in Fig. P-310 is 180 Ib, determine the angle @ at which it must be inclined with the smooth plane to hold the 300-Ib box in equilibrium, Ans. @ = 33.5° 812. Determine the magnitudes of P and F necessary to keep the concurrent force system shown in Fig. P-312 in equilibrium. Ans. P = ~133.6 1b; F = 86.1 1b Art. 3-3) Equilibrium of Concurrent Force Systems 59 813. Fig. P-313 represents the concurrent force system acting at a joint of a bridge truss. Determine the values of P and E to maintain equilibrium of the forces. Ans. P 166 Ib; F = 413 Ib 2001b 400 Ib Fic, P- 313. Fra, P-314, 314. The five forces shown in Fig. P-314 are in equilibrium, Compute the values ‘of P and F. 315. The 300-Ib force and the 400-Ib force shown in Fig. P-315 are to be held in equilibrium by a third force F acting at an unknown angle @ with the horizontal. | Determine the values of F and 0. \ . 400 1b 201b | f 300 Ib \30° $01b | I i F 301b Fra. P-315. Fic, P-316. | 816. Determine the values of the angles a and @ so that the forces shown in Fig. P-316 will be in equilibrium. er Ans. a = 46.6°; @ = 29° 817. The system of knotted cords shown Fig. P-317 support the indicated weights. Compute the tensile foree in each cord. Ans. A = 846 1b; B = 9141b;C = 400 of Ib; D = 207 Ib 818. Three bars, hinged at A and D i pinned at B and C as shown in Fig. 18, form a four-link mechanism. De- ine the value of P that will preyent " ion. Ans, P = 304ib Fic. P-317. Equiuisrium or Force Systems: [Chap. 111 819. Cords are looped around a small spacer separating two cylinders each weighing 400 Ib and pass, as shown in Fig. P-319, over frictionless pulleys to weights of 2001b and 400 Ib. Determine the angle @and the normal pressure N between the cylinders and the smooth horizontal sur- face. ‘Ans. 0 = 60°; N = 4541b Fig. P-319. 3-4. Conditions of Equilibrium from Moments _We shall now show that it is possible to express the conditions of equilib- rium in terms of moment summations instead of X and Y summations- ‘The advantage of expressing equilibrium in terms of moment summations is that any particular force can be eliminated by taking moments about a center on its line of action. This method is especially useful when the force to be eliminated is specified in direction by its slope. Q Since the moment effect of a system of forces is equal to the moment of its Ba resultant (i.e., 2M = Rd), a moment ~ summation of a system of forces be- - wo comes zero if either P (a) the center of moments is on the action line of the resultant, ie., d = 1 oe F I (b) the magnitude of the resultant 1 is zero, which indicates equilibrium. In Fig. 3-9 let the moment sum of Pic. 3-0. "PQ, end F be taken about Aj: If Art. 3-5] Three Coplanar Forces in Equilibrium Are Concurrent 61 =M, = 0, either the resultant passes through A or no resultant exists. ‘Taking a moment sum about some other point B which is not on the line OA, assume that 2M» also equals zero. We cannot now assume that the zero moment sum is also caused by the resultant passing through B. This | would mean that the resultant acts in the two directions OA and OB at | the same time, which is impossible. The only conclusion possible to yield | zero moment sums is that the resultant is zero. Hence two other equations of equilibrium are 5 EM, = ee es | =Mz =0 It must not be assumed that Eq. (3-2) presents two new or additional equations of equilibrium for concurrent forces. They are really equivalent to ZX = Oand ZY = 0. They may be used in place of or in combination with these equations as may be convenient, thus =xX=0 ies zxX=0 a zY=0 ide’ ay (3-3) =zY=-0 =Mz = 0) =M,=0 =Mz =0 __ To demonstrate that the X and Y summations of equilibrium and the ment equations of equilibrium are not independent we refer to Fig. 3-10. the given forces to be in equili- rium, and choose a moment center Ag, ‘on the Y axis. Each force may be re- ‘solved into its X and Y components. ‘Then 2M, may be found as the sum ‘of the moments of the X and ¥Y com- ——_ - ments. As the moment center A is the Y axis, moments of all Y com- i ts are zero. Hence 2M. = Ois * | valent to ZX = 0 since all of the A |X components have the same moment Se 50. arm. Consequently, in Fig. 3-9, ‘points O, A, and B must not lie on the same straight line or else both ‘2M, = 0 and 2Mz = 0 are equivalent to the same foree summation. 3-6. Three Coplanar Forces in Equilibrium Are Concurrent Oceasionally equilibrium of a structure is maintained by only three eoplanar forces. We shall now prove that three coplanar forces in equi- librium must be concurrent (or parallel). ‘Then the methods in-the preced- ing articles may be applied to such cases. We shall see later (Art. 3-7) that such problems may also be solved by other methods, but the principle 62 Fis, 3-11. —Three coplanar forces in equilibrium ure concurrent, Bourrmrrom oF Force SysTEMs, [Chap. 111 that three coplanar forces in equilib- rium must be concurrent is conven- jent for determining the dircetions of unknown forees. Let the three forces acting on the body shown in Fig. 3-11 be in equi- librium. Prolong F and Q to inter- seet at O and determine their result- ant by the parallelogram law. If the third force P is to hold the system in equilibrium, it must be cqual, collinear, and oppositely di- rected to foree R (refer to Axiom 2, page 5). Hence foree P must coincide with R and pass through point 0. We conclude that if three coplanar forces are in equilibrium, their lines of action must intersect in a common point. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 320. The bell crank shown in Fi force is applied vertically at C, rotation being prevented by the force s supported by a bearing at A. A 100-Ib P acting at B. Compute the value of P and the hearing reaction at 4. “A 100 1b ®) Art. 3-5] Three Coplanar Forces in Equilibrium Are Concurrent 63 Solution: Since the bell crank is in equilibrium, the three forces which act upon it ‘must pass through a common point. Prolonging the lines of action of the forces to | intersect at D makes the direction of R4 such that it must pass through A and D. | From the geometry of the figure, the distance AE is found to be 13.67 in., whence the distance CD = 21.67 in. The direction of Ra is found from Be tan 0, = 7287 _ a7 0, = 69°45’ Ans. AC. | _ Plotting the polygon of forces that are acting on the bell crank as shown in Fig. _8-12b, we obtain by applying the law of sines, ; 00s gH Ne Tee sin 24° 45 ~ ‘sin 20° 15° lence P= 828lb and Ra = 1691b Ans. If desired, the value of P may be checked by taking moments about 1. Then we ve (2M, = 0) (P sin 75°) X 10 — 100 X 8 = 0 P= 8281b Check ¢ moment of P about A was obtained by applying Varignon’s principle (see ig. 2-15). By resolving the force P into components parallel and perpendicular to B, the paraliel.component is made to pass through the moment center, whence the moment effect of P is due only to the perpendicular component. "821. ‘The loads applied to the truss shown in Fig. 3-13 eause the reactions shown }A and D. A free-body diagram of hinge A forms the concurrent force system 3001b 3001b Av= 4001b Fic. 3-13. 64 Equiusnivum or Force Systems (Chap. 111 shown enclosed at A. Determine the magnitudes of the forces P and F, directed respectively along bars AB and AE, that maintain equilibrium of this system. 400 Ib Fra. 3-14.— =Mz = 0 eliminates P while Mc = 0 eliminates F. Solution: In Fig. 3-14, the horizontal and vertical components of forces P and F are shown acting along their extended lines of action at B and C respectively. ‘The dimensions of the truss determine the forces to have the indicated slopes so that the relations between the components of force P are @ and for force F are oe e-5 ® ‘To determine P, take 2 moment summation about any poirt on the line of action of F, thereby eliminsting F from the moment equation. In this case, C is a con- venient moment center since it not only eliminates F but also the component Ps which passes through C. Thus we obtain ('DEMc = 0} 8 P. + 200 X 12 — 400 x 16 = 0 Py = 500 1b whence, using the relations (a), we have Py = 3831b and P= 601lb Ans. ‘Observe that any moment center on the line of action of F may be selected to determine P even though both components of P may then appear in the moment summation. For example, taking £ in Fig. 3-13 as a moment center, both P, and “Art. 3-5] Three Coplanar Forces in Equilibrium Are Concurrent 65 Fz appear in ZMx = 0, but we may use the relations between them given by Eq. '(@) to substitute Py = # P, or P, = # Ps 0 that one of the components of P can be found directly from the moment summation. Of course, if a moment center like is available, we would prefer to use it, but we need not waste too much time Tooking for it. fb ‘To determine F from a moment summation, select B as a moment center, thereby ‘eliminating P as well as Fy. Setting moments about B equal to zero, we obtain VDEMz = 0) 8F, + 200 X 12 — 400 x8 =0 F, = 1001b yhence, from relations (6), we obtain Fx =133Ib and F—167lb Ane. These resulta may be easily checked by horizontal and ver“ical force summations plied to the FBD of A as follows: =0) Fa— Px+200=0 138 — 333 + 200 = 0 Check ‘BV -0) F.— Po + 400-0 100 — 600+ 400 = 0 Check PROBLEMS 882. The Fink truss shown in Fig. P-322 is supported by a roller at A and a | hinge at B. The given loads are normal to the inclined member. Determine the ns at A and B. Hint: Replace the loads by their resultant. Ans. Ra = 4620 lb; Rp = 4620 Ib at 30° with horizontal 10001 $28. ‘The truss shown in Fig. P-323 is supported by a hinge at A and a roller at B. A load of 2000 Ib is applied at C. Determine the reactions at A and B. I Ans. Ra = 2100 Ib down to the left at 0 = 34.7°; Rp = 2200 Ib $24. A wheel of 10-in. radius carries a load of 1000 Ib, as shown in Fig. P-324. (a) Determine the horizontal force P applied at the center which is necessary to 66 Equiursrium or Force SYSTEMS [Unap. 111 P-323. start the wheel over the 5-in. block. Also find the reaction at the block. (b) If the force P may be inclined at any angle with the horizontal, determine the minimum value of P to start the wheel over the block; the angle that P makes with the horizontal; and the reaction at the block. Fra. P-324, 325. Determine the amount and direction of the smallest force P required to start the wheel in Fig. P-325 over the block. What is the reaction at the block? Ans. P = 1893 lb at 71.3° with horizontal; & = 642 Ib W=200Ib 326. The cylinders in Fig. P=326 have the indicated weights and di- mensions. Assuming smooth contact surfaces, determine the reactions at A, B,C, and D on the cylinders. ‘Ans. Ra = 346.41b; Rp = 600 1b; Re = 400 Ib; Rp = 346.4 1b 327. Forces P and F acting ulong the bars shown in Fig. P-327 main- tain equilibrium of pin A. Determine the values of P und F. 328, Two weightless bars pinned together as shown in Fig. P-328 sup- port a load of 350 lb. Determine the Art. 3-6] Equilibrium of Parallel Forces 67 — Fig. P-327. Fic. P-328. forces P and F acting respectively along bars AB and AC that maintain equilibrium of pin A. Ans. P = 901 lb; F = 641.1b 329. Two cylinders A and B, weighing 100 Ib and 200 Ib respec- tively, are connected by a rigid rod curved parallel to the smooth cylin- drical surface shown in Fig. P-329. Determine the angles a and @ that define the position of equilibrium. Ans. a = 26.5°; 0 = 63.5° 3-6. Equilibrium of Parallel Forces ‘The conditions for equilibrium of parallel force systems are determined from the conditions necessary to create a zero resultant. In Art. 2-6 we found that the resultant of parallel force systems is determined by the equations R=2F (2-5) R-d==M (2-6) Since equilibrium means a zero resultant, we conclude that the independent equations of equilibrium are =F =0 Site } (3-4) from which only two unknowns may be determined to hold a paralleMorce system in equilibrium. Equirsrrom or Force Systems As shown in Art. 3-4, a force summation may be replaced by a moment summation. Hence the equations of equilibrium for parallel forces may also be expressed by , EM, = a =M, -0. (S-4a), where the moment centers A and B connect a line that is not parallel to the forces. The use of Eq. (3-4a) is usually preferred; the condition ZF = 0 is reserved for a check. This technique is illustrated in the following problems. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 830. A beam, simply supported at the ends, carries a concentrated load of 300 Ib and a uniformly distributed load weighing 100 Ib per linear foot, as shown in Fig 3-15. Determine the beam reactions. 6001b 3001b i R R, Fra. 3-15. Solution: To begin with, the uniformly distributed load is equivalent to a resultant of 6 X 100 = 600 Ib acting at the center of gravity of the uniform load diagram. This resultant is represented by the dotted-line vector of 600 Ib. The original loading produces the same reactions as the equivalent two concentrated loads. Ry is found by taking moments about a point on the line of action of Fz, thereby eliminating R; from the moment equation. {€2Mp, = 0] 10 R, — 300 x 8 — 600 x 3=0 Ry, = 4201b Ans. Similarly, R: is found by a moment sum about a point on the action line of Ri. ‘This results in (D2Ma, = 0} 10 R; — 600 x 7 — 300X2=0 Rz = 4801b Ans. A vertical summation of forces is used to check the results: Thus we have (2¥ =0) Ry + Rs — 300 — 600 = 0 420 + 480 = 300 + 600 Check Art. 3-6] Equilibrium of Parallel Forces 69 331... The upper beam in Fig. 3-16a is supported by a reaction Rat D and a roller ‘at C which separates the upper and lower beams. Determine the reactions 21, is, d Ra Fig. 3-16. Solution: The FBD of the assembled beams is statically indeterminate. There three unknown forces and only two independent equations of equilibrium avail- le. By taking the assembly apart and drawing a separate FBD of each beam shown in (b) ahd (c), we expose the contact force F exerted by the roller C as an ditional unknown. As compensation for this additional unknown force, however, may write two independent equations for each FBD to obtain a total of four lependent equations of equilibrium. ‘Thus for (b), we obtain ce = 0) 12 Ry — 960 X 9 =0 Ry = 7201b Ane. ip = 0} 12 F — 960 X 3=0 F = 2401b “The value of F on AB acting equal and opposite to its action on CD is now used (c) to obtain Ma = 0} 12R,— 240X8=0 R= 1601lb Ans. ip = 0} 12R, — 240x4=0 Ri = 80lb Ans. ‘A check on these results is available by applying 2¥ = 0 to the FBD of the iginal assembly in (a). Doing this gives EY = 0] 80+ 160 + 720 — 960 =0 Check PROBLEMS 832. Determine the reactions for the beam shown in Fig. P-332. ‘Ans. R, = 1580 Ib; Rx = 520 1b 339. Determine the reactions R; and R: of the beam in Fig. P-333 loaded with a trated load of 1600 Ib and a load'varying from zero to an intensity of 400-1b Ans. R; = 1900 lb; Rs = 2100 lb Fra. P-332. Fic. P-333. ‘$84. Determine the reactions for the beam loaded as shown in Fig. P-334. Ans. Ry = 372 1b; Rs = 558 1b Fo. P-334. 335. ‘The roof truss in Fig. P-335 is supported by a roller at A and a hinge at B. Find the values of the reactions. 6001b 500 1b Fig, P-335. $86. The cantilever beam shown in Fig. P-336 is built into a wall 2 ft thick so that it rests against points A and B. The beam is 12 {t long and weighs 100 lb per ft. ‘Art. 3-6] Equilibrium of Parallel Forces 2 71 concentrated load of 2000 Ib is ap- 20001b plied at the free end. Compute the tions at A and B. 337. The upper beam P-337 is supported by a reaction at sand a roller at A which separates e upper and lower beams. Deter- nine the values of the reactions. 4000 Ib Fie. P-337, _ 838. The two 12-ft beams shown in Fig. 3-16a on page 69 are to be moved hori- ontally with respect to each other and load P shifted to a new position on CD so t all three reactions are equal. How far apart will R and R3 then be? How far Ans. 6 ft; 8 ft " Fic. P-340 and P-341. 72 Eqururerium oF Forcr Systems (Chap. III 339. The differential chain hoist shown in Fig. P-339 consists of two concentric pulleys rigidly fastened together. The pulleys form two sprockets for an endless chain looped over them in two loops. In one loop is mounted a movable pulley supporting a load W. Neglecting friction, determine the maximum load W that can just be raised by a pull P applied as shown. 2PD An. W= " D-d 340. For the system of pulleys shown in Fig. P-340, determine theratio of W to P to maintain equilibrium. Neglect axle friction and the weights of the pulleys. 841. Ifeach pulley shown in Fig. 600 1b 200 Ib P-340 weighs 36 lband W = 720 lb, fe = 4. find P to maintain equilibrium. Ans. P = 961b | 342, The wheel loads on a jeep Al B gre given in Fig. P-342. Determine the distance x so that the reaction ae ee of the beam at A is twice as great Fra, P-342. as the reaction at B. Ans. x= 4 ft $43. The weight W of a traveling crane is 20 tons acting as shown in Fig. P-343. ‘To prevent the crane from tipping to the right when carrying a load P of 20 tons, P=20 tons ee cel 0h Fic. P-343. ‘a counterweight Qis used. Determine the value and position of Q so that the crane will remain in equilibrium both when the maximum load P is applied and when the load P is removed. Ans. Q = 20 tons; x = 6 ft 8-7. Equilibrium of Non-Concurrent Force Systems In Art. 2-9 it was demonstrated that the resultant of a non-concurrent force system could be determined from the components 2X, ZY, and 2M. rt, 3-7] Equilibrium of Non-Concurrent Force Systems 73 e resultant will therefore equal zero, and hence equilibrium will exist ly when zx=0 =x=0 =M,=0 =Y=0 or 2M, =0 or =M; = o| (3-5) =M=0 =Mz =0 =M, =0 e second and third sets of the equilibrium equations are obtained hy placing a force summation by an equivalent moment summation. ‘The joment centers may be chosen anywhere provided that a line joining A and is not perpendicular to the X axis, and that A, B, and C do not lie on e same straight line. (Explain these exceptions by reviewing Art. 3-4.) in applying the moment summations it is best (whenever possible) to select e moment center at the intersection of two of the unknowns, thereby iminating these unknowns from the moment summation. This technique illustrated in the following sample problems. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 344. The roof truss shown in Fig, 3-17a is supported on rollers at A and hinged B. The wind loads are perpendicular to the inclined members. Determine the ponents of the reactions at A and B. 100 1b he Fra. 3-17. Solution: The roller at A constrains the reaction to be vertical. The reaction at B is resolved into its components By and By as shown in Fig. 3-17b. These three lunknown quantities are determined by applying the equations of equilibrium. To ‘simplify computations, tne symmetrical dead loads have been replaced by their [resultant of 600 Ib. The 400-Ib resultant of the wind loads has been resolved into |its components acting at C. Its vertical component is 400 cos 6 = 320 Ib, and its ‘horizontal component is 400 sin @ = 240 Ib, since from the small 3-4-5 triangle, the functions of @ are sin @ = $.and cos @ = $. Referring to Fig. 3-17b, we now ob- [tain B, from a horizontal summation which thereby eliminates Ay and By. Thus (lex - 9 240 — Bh = 0 By = 240 Ib Ans. E “4 2qUMABRUM UE EURUR OrDLEmD toneps ana A moment summation about A eliminates Ay and By and solves directly for B, as follows: [DzEM, = 0] 80 B, — 600 x 40 — 320 x 20 — 240 x 15 = 0 By = 4251b Ans. Finally A, is determined from a moment summation about B which, by eliminat- ing B, and By, gives a result which is independent of the reaction at B. [CEM = 0} 80 A, + 240 x 15 — 320 x 60 — 600 x 40 = 0 A, = 495Ib Ans. A vertical summatic. may be used to check A, and B,, but a more reliable check involving all the forces is obtained from a summation of moments about the apex D of the truss, ie, 2Mp = 0. 845. Determine the load P required to hold bar AB in a horizontal position on the smooth inclines shown in Fig. 3-18. Also determine the reactions at A and B. P 4001b Fro. 3-18. Solution: Applying the conditions of equilibrium 2X = 0, EY = 0, =M4 = 0 provides a solution which is quite cumbersome since it leads to a set of three simul- taneous equations relating the three unknowns. A much simpler solution is ob- tained by choosing a moment center which eliminates two of the unknowns. This 645 1b (@) Fie. 3-19. center O, lying at the intersection of Ra and Ra, is easily located geometrically in Fig. 3-19a by applying the sine law to triangle AOB: fquunorvum of Non-Loncurrent Force Systems 20 AO OB sin sin 45° ~ sin 30° ce AO = 14.62 ft and OB = 10.34 ft, Then AD = AQ cos 30° = 12.68 ft and OB cos 45° = 7.32 ft whence the moment arms of P and the 400 Ib load with pect to O are 8.68 ft and 5.32 ft as shown in Fig. 3-19a. ‘plying a moment summation about O, we now obtain lo = 0) 8.68 P — 400 x 5.32 = 0 P= 245lb Ans. his value of P is used to obtain the force polygon shown in Fig. 3-19b to which law is applied to give 645 RN Re sin 75° ~ fin 45° ~ Sin 60° Ra =472\lb and Rs = 578lb Ans. PROBLEMS A boom AB is supported in a horizontal position by a hinge A and a cable ch runs from C over a small pulley at D as shown in Fig. P-346. Compute the T in the cable and the horizontal and vertical components of the reaction Neglect the size of the pulley at D. 2001b 1001b Fio. P-346 and P-347. Repeat Prob. 346 if the cable pulls the boom AB into a position at which it lined at 30° above the horizontal. The loads remain vertical. Ans. T = 217 Ib; A, = 108.3 Ib; A, = 112.5 lb 76 EQUILIBRIUM OF FOXCE OYSTEMS nap. 2102 948. The frame shown in Fig. P-248 is supported in pivots at A and B. Each member weighs 50 Ib per ft. Compute the horizontal reaction at A and the hori- zontal and verticai components of the reaction at B. , Fie. P-348. B49. ‘The truss shown in Fig. P-349 is supported on rollers at A and a hinge at B Solve for the components of the reactions. Ans. Ay = 740 Ib; By = 260 Ib; By = 240 Ib 400 Ib Fra. P-349. 360. Compute the total reactions at A and B for the truss shown in Fig. P-350. ‘Ans. A = 1085 Ib; B = 1250 Ib up to the left at 0, = 76.1° zrywrwureune uy syunmuuneur ene © ures myevenes |. ‘The beam shown in Fig. P-351 is supported by a hinge at A and aroller ona 2slope at B. Determine the resultant reactions at A and B. 400 Ib Fig. P-351. A pulley 4 ft in diameter and supporting a load of 200 Ib is mounted at B horizontal beam (Fig. P-352). The beam is supported by a hinge at A and atC. Neglecting the weight of the beam, determine the reactions at A and C. ‘Ans. A = 180 lb up to right at @. = 16.1°; @ = 50 Ib 73 Equiuiprium or Force Systems (Chap. III 353. The forces acting on a 1-ft length of a dam are shown in Fig. P-353. The upward ground reaction varies uniformly from an intensity of p: lb/ft at A to palb/ft at B. Determine p; and p2 and also the horizontal resistance to sliding. Ans. p, = 1222 lb/ft; py = 1778 lb/ft; F = 4800 Ib Fic. P-353. 354. Compute the total reactions at A and B on the truss shown in Fig. P-354. Ans. A = 4510 lb up to right at 0, = 48.4°; B = 4625 Ib 22401b 1000 Ib 2000 1b 3000 Ib Fig. P-354, 365. Determine the reactions at A and B on the Fink truss shown in Fig. P-355. Members CD and FG are respectively perpendicular to AH and BE at their mid- points. Ans. A = 5360 lb; By = 6180 Ib; B, = 895 Ib 1000 1b Art. 3-7] Equilibrium of Non-Concurrent Force Systems 79 356. The cantilever truss shown in Fig. P-356 is supported by a hinge at A anda strut BC. Determine the reuctions at A and B. Ans. A = 2000 Ib up to right at @ = 60°; B = 3460 Ib 1000 1b i Fic. P-356. 367. The uniform rod in Fig. P-357 weighs 420 Ib and has its center of gravity G. Determine the tension in the cable and the reactions at the smooth surfaces Aand B, Ans. N = 254 1b; 1’ = 180 Ib; A = 240 Ib Fic. P-358, A bar AE is in equilibrium under the action of the five forces shown in P-358. Determine P, R, and T. Ans. P = 371 Ib right; # = 428 Ib down 1285 Ib up to left au, EQUILIBTLUM UL EURUE WisrEMs tenape oe 359. A 12-ft bar of negligible weight rests in a horizontal position on the smooth planes shown in Fig. P-359. Compute the distance z at which load T = 100 Ib should be placed from point B to keep the bar horizontal. Ans. x = 4,83 ft P=2001b bs Fia. P-859, P-360, and P-361, 360, Referring to Prob. 359, what value of T acting at x = 3 ft from B will keep the bar horizontal? 361. Referring to Prob. 359, if 7 = 300 1b and x = 3 ft, determine the angle 6 at which the bar will be inclined to the horizontal when it is in a position of equi- librium. SUMMARY Equilibrium is the term used to express the condition existing when the force system acting on a body has a resultant equal to zero. This definition determines the equations of equilibrium for various force systems by merely specifying the conditions required to make the resultant equal to zero. For a concurrent foree system (Art. 3-3), the conditions of equilibrium are een ae @-1) zryYy=0 Although any number of reference axes may be chosen, no more than two unknown quantities may be determined because only two independent conditions of equilibrium exist. A recommended method is to select the X axis so that it coincides with one of the unknowns; a Y summation then determines the other unknown, and an X summation determines the first unknown, The following relations are a frequently useful variation of the above equations: =M;z = 0, oP To eliminate an unknown foree, select the moment center A on its line of action thereby permitting a direct evaluation of the other unknown force. EM, = ‘ summary 81 Similarly the first unknown is determined from a moment summation about 8 center B located on the action line of the second unknown. Note care- lly that the line joining A and B must not pass through the point of concurrency of the system. The conditions for equilibrium of parallel force systems (Art. 3-6) are ' =F =0 =M =0 it will be found more convenient to replace these conditions by equivalent noment summations as follows (the condition 2F = 0 being reserved as check on the results): (3-4) =M, = of ($42) =Mz = 0 carefully that the line joining 4 and B must not be parallel to the ces. Observe also that these equations permit only two unknowns tobe etermined since there are only two independent conditions of equilibrium. The conditions for equilibrium of non-concurrent force systems (Art. 3-7) three independent equations from which no more than three unknown ntities may be determined. Any one of the following sets of equations be used; the best selection depends upon the specific problem to be ved. When applying moment summations it is best to select the moment iter at the intersection of two of the unknowns, thereby eliminating se unknowns from the equation and permitting a direct determination e third unknown quantity. =X =0) =X = 0 =M, = 0 ZY =0F or EM, =0; or Mz, =0 (3-5) =M =0, =Mz = 0. =Mc = 0, | applying these conditions, the line joining A and B must not be per- hdicular to the force summation axis, nor may A, B, and C lie on the straight line.

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