9758 H2 Mathematics Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I (Standard Graphs) Tutorial Questions

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9758 H2 Mathematics

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I

(Standard Graphs)
Tutorial Questions
Section 1: Practice Questions (Students are to attempt ALL questions)
1 Sketch, on separate diagrams, the following graphs: questions:
(a) y  xe  x ,

(b) y = 2x3 – 5x2 – 3.

Concepts Tested
 Use of GC to find axial intercepts and turning points.

y  xe  x

O x

(b) y = 2x3 – 5x2 – 3 Note: When using GC graph to find the

y maximum point, the value shown is
x = d.dddE–6 (or E–7),
y = 2x3 – 5x2 – 3
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

i.e., x  d .ddd  10 6 , which can be taken

as x = 0.
(0, –3) (2.71,0)

(1.67, –7.63)

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2 Sketch, on separate diagrams, the following graphs:

(a) xx  3  y  y  4  0 ,
( x  3) 2 ( y  1) 2
(b)   1,
4 16
(c) 25 x 2  144 y 2  169 ,
(d) 2 x 2  16  y 2 ,
(e) y 2  6 x  12 .

Concepts Tested
 Conics
Encourage students to use CONICS APP to check their graphs

(a) xx  3  y  y  4  0 ( x  3) 2 ( y  1) 2
2 2
(b)  1
 3 5 4 16
  x    ( y  2) 2    ( x  3) 2 ( y  1) 2
 2 2  1
22 42

2 
O x
4 x
Note: Observe that the circle passes
through the origin.
i i Note: Axial intercepts are not
required for this graph.

(c) 25 x 2  144 y 2  169 (d) 2 x 2  16  y 2

y y

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

O x O x

Note: Axial intercepts required for Note: Axial intercepts required for
this graph as centre is on the axes. this graph as centre is on the axes.

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(e) y 2  6 x  12

O x

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

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3 Sketch, on separate diagrams, the following graphs:

3x  2
(a) y  ,
4 x
(b) y  ,
x 1
3x2  2 x  4
(c) y  ,
(d) y  x  .
Concepts Tested
 Rational functions

3x  2 14 2
(a) y  3  (b) y
4 x 4 x x 1
y y

O x O x

3x 2  2 x  4 60 1
(c) y   3 x  14  (d) y  x 
x4 x4 x
y  x
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions
(8.47, 52.8)

1 x
O 1
O x
(-0.472, -0.833)

Note: Window Settings required to

see top curve.

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4 Sketch the following parametric equations, indicating the axes intercepts on the graphs.
(a) x  2cos , y  sin  for 0     .
(b) x  t 2 , y  2t for t  

(c) x  cos 2 t , y  sin 3 t for 0  t 
Concepts Tested
 Parametric graphs and use of GC Window Settings

When x  0 ,
2 cos   0
 y

y  sin  1 1
Therefore the y intercept is  0,1 .
When y  0 , (-2,0) O (2,0) x
sin   0
  0, 
When   0, x  2cos0  2
Note: Must remember to
When    , x  2cos   2
change scale to Zsquare.
Therefore x intercepts are  2, 0  and  2,0 .
(b) When x  0
t 0 y 0
x,y intercepts  0,0
Note: The domain is t   , you can
do this by setting Tmin=‐10 and
Tmax=10. In general, you should start O x
with small range of t and increase if
the graph is cut off on the screen.

(c) When x  0 ,
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

cos 2 t  0 y
 1

y  sin 1
2 O 1
Therefore the y intercept is  0,1 .
When y  0 ,
sin 3 t  0
 0
x  cos3 0  1

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Therefore the x intercept is 1, 0  .

5 H2 Specimen Paper 2006/1/9 Modified
3x  6
Consider the curve y  .
x( x  6)
(i) State the coordinates of any points of intersection with the axes.
(ii) State the equations of the asymptotes.
3x  6
(iii) Prove, using an algebraic method, that cannot lie between two certain
x( x  6)
values (to be determined).
3x  6
(iv) Draw a sketch of the curve, y  , indicating clearly the main relevant
x( x  6)
features of the curve.
Concepts Tested
 Graph a given function with the use of GC.
 Identify characteristics of graphs: axial intercepts, asymptotes, turning points.
 Sketching of Rational Function
 Relate the values in which there is no graph to the max/min points of the graph
Misconceptions & Common mistakes
 Students are unsure how the graph behaves as x   , with many drawing the curve
touching the x-axis.
 Students will miss out the maximum point

(i) (2, 0)
(ii) Asymptotes: x  0, x  6 , y  0
(iii) 3x  6 3x  6
y . Let y  k , k  .
x( x  6) x( x  6)
kx 2  (6k  3) x  6  0
For real values of x, Discriminant  0
(6k  3) 2  4k (6)  0 Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions
36k 2  60k  9  0
(6k  1)(2k  3)  0 + +
1 3
<k <
6 2
3x  6 1 3
Therefore, cannot lie between and .
x( x  6) 6 2

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 3x  6
(2, 32 ) y
x( x  6)
(6, 16 )

-6 O (2, 0) x

x  6 x0

Possible extension: Refer to 3(c), find the values where the curve cannot lie (using both
algebraic and graphical methods. Teach students to differentiate which method to use by
reading the question carefully.
Can also refer to N2013/P1/Q2
x2  x  1
It is given that y  , x  , x  1. Without using a calculator, find the set of values
x 1
that y can take. (5 marks). [Ans: { y   | y  3  2 3 or y  3  2 3} ]

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

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6 N2009/I/6
x2 x2 y 2
The curve C1 has equation y  . The curve C2 has equation   1.
x2 6 3
(i) Sketch C1 and C2 on the same diagram, stating the exact coordinates of any
points of intersection with the axes and the equations of any asymptotes. [4]
(ii) Show algebraically that the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of C1 and
C2 satisfy the equation 2  x  2    x  2   6  x 2  .
2 2
(iii) Use your calculator to find these x-coordinates. [2]

Concepts Tested
 Use GC to graph functions and locate points of intersections between graphs.
Misconceptions & Common mistakes
 Students fail to give exact coordinates of intersection points and equations of
asymptotes for (i).
Examiner’s Comments
 The graphs were usually drawn accurately, although it was surprising how often
candidates missed one (or more) intercepts or did not give exact values. Candidates
were allowed some leeway if they did not answer the question as set, so that, for
example, a value of 6 given on the x-axis was allowed rather than the required
 Most candidates gained the two marks available, with some marks lost by
candidates who did not give sufficient stages in the derivation of what was an
answer given. In such cases, nothing should be seen as obvious. There was some
time lost by many candidates who either wrote the ellipse as y 2  3  x 2 instead of
the more useful y 2   6  x 2  or multiplied out both  x  2  and  x  2  .
1 2 2

 The majority of candidates produced the two x-values using their GC. Others gave
only one or sometimes three or four answers, obviously not looking at their graphs
to see the two crossing-points only. This is another example of using a GC without
thought. Errors were usually seen when the equation given was wrongly multiplied
out to give a quartic in x.
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

(i) x2 4
C1 : y   1
x2 x2
Asymptotes : y  1, x  2
x  0, y  1
y  0, x  2
Axial intercepts : (0, –1), (2, 0).
 
C2 is an ellipse with centre (0,0) and x-intercepts  6, 0 and y-intercepts

 0,  3  .

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C1 C2  0, 3 
y 1

 6, 0   6, 0 
 2, 0 
 0, 1
x2 y 2
 0,  3 
Ellipse passes through the
 1
6 3 intersection of two asymptotes!
(2) 2 12
x  2 Check: LHS=   1 =RHS
6 3
(ii) x2  x2
C1 : y   y2   
x2  x2

C2 :
x2 y 2

 1  y2  6  x 2
 
The point of intersection between C1 and C2 is
 x2

 x2
  6 x
 
2( x  2) 2  ( x  2) 2 (6  x 2 )

(iii) Method 1: By sketching the two graphs C1 and C2 using GC and finding the
intersection points.
C1 : y 
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions
x2 y2
C2 :

 1  y2  6  x 2  y  
 1
6  x2   
The required x- coordinates are x = –0.515 and x = 2.45.

Method 2: By sketching the graph of y  2  x  2    x  2   6  x 2  using GC and

2 2

finding the roots of the equation, the x coordinates are x = –0.515 and x = 2.45.

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x 2  2ax  3a 2
7 The curve C has equation y  , where a is a negative constant.
x  2a
(i) Obtain the equations of the asymptotes of C.
(ii) Find and deduce that C has no stationary point.
(iii) Draw a sketch of C and label the coordinates of the points of intersections of C with
the axes.
Concepts Tested
 Finding asymptotes of rational functions involving unknown.
 Relate C has no stationary point to no real roots (applies for quadratic expressions only).
 Sketching graph involving unknown and finding it’s intercepts.

(i) The vertical asymptote is x  2a .

x 2  2ax  3a 2
x  2a
3a 2
By long division, y  x 
x  2a
As x   , y  x . The line y  x is an oblique asymptote.
(ii) dy 3a 2
 1
dx x  2a 2
 x  2 a 2  0 , x  Թ, x  2a and
3a  0 .

3a 2
Hence  0 , x  Թ, x  2a
x  2a 2
  1 , x  Թ, x  2a
Therefore there is no turning point.

(iii)  3a 2 3
When x  0 , y   a.
2a 2
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

When y  0 ,
x 2  2ax  3a 2
x  2a
0  x  2ax  3a 2

0   x  a  x  3a 
x  a or x  3a
The curve passes through the points
a,0 ,  3a,0 and  0, 3 a 
 2 

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8 2013/PJC Prelim/II/Q5

x 2  ax  b
The curve C has equation y  . The vertical asymptote of C is x  2 , and
the coordinates of the turning points are  4, 2  and  0, 6  .
(i) Find the values of a, b and c. [3]
(ii) Sketch C, stating the equations of the asymptotes. [2]
(iii) By drawing an appropriate graph on the sketch of C, find the range of values of k
 x 2  ax  b 
 k  0 such that the equation  x  4 
  k 2 has no real roots.
 c  x 
 
Concepts Tested
 Finding unknown constants in equation of curve using knowledge of its
asymptote and turning points.
 Sketching additional graph to solve another equation.
Misconceptions & Common mistakes
 Students not able to do long division with unknowns in the equation.
 Students not able to find a suitable graph to solve the final equation.
 Students may not know how to relate k to the distance between centre of the
circle and the minimum turning point of curve C.

(i) Given x  2 is a vertical asymptote, c  2

C passes through  4, 2  and  0, 6 

 4 2  a  4   b
2   4 
4a  b  12     (1)

6 
 0  a 0  b

2   0 
b  12 Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions
Substitute b  12 into (1), a  6
 a  6, b  12

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x 2  6 x  12 y
2  x

 4, 2 
 4, 0  O
(0, 4 )
 0, 6 

y  x  4
x  2

(iii) 2
 x 2  ax  b 
 x  4 2
 c  x 
 k2
 
 x   4     y   k 2
2 2

Graph to be inserted is a circle with radius k units, centred at  4, 0  .

For the equation to have no real roots, 0  k  2

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

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9 2014 VJC Promo/I/5(modified)

A curve C has equation x 2  16 y 2  16 . Sketch C, indicating clearly, the coordinates
of the axial intercepts, equations of asymptotes and any other relevant
features. [4]

Find the range of values of m such that there is no intersection between the line y  mx
and C. [2]
Another curve C1 is defined by the parametric equations
x  a sin   4, y  a cos  ,
where a  0.
Find the cartesian equation of C1 . Hence, find the range of values of a such that C1
intersects C at four distinct points. [3]

Concepts Tested
 Relate gradient of asymptotes to find range of values of m.
 Given parametric equations to find Cartesian equations, involving unknown.
 Inserting suitable graph to solve intersections of graphs.

9 x 2  16 y 2  16
x2 y 2
 1
42 12
Asymptotes: y   x
Centre: (0,0)
Vertices: (4, 0), (4, 0) y

 4,0   4,0

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

Every line y  mx passes through (0, 0) and must have a steeper gradient
compared to the asymptotes of C.
1 1
m  or m  
4 4

x  4  a sin   (1)
y  a cos   (2)

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(1) 2  (2) 2 :
a 2 sin 2   a 2 cos 2    x  4   y 2

 x  4  y2  a2

For C1 to intersect C at four distinct points, a  8

Possible extension: Hence, find the range of values of a such that C1 intersects C at
(a) Two distinct points. [Ans: 0  a  8 ]
(b) Three distinct points. [Ans: a  8 ]

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

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 
10 A curve C has parametric equations x  2  cos  , y  1  sin  ,    .
2 2
(i) State the range of values of x and y.
(ii) Find a Cartesian equation of curve C. Hence sketch C.

Concepts Tested
 Find a Cartesian equation for a parametric curve
 Sketching of circle
 Understanding the use of solid/open points to include/exclude the points
Misconceptions & Common mistakes
 Unable to identify that the equation of the curve is that of a circle
 No restriction of the values x can take when sketching the curve

(i)  
Since    , 0  cos   1 and  1  sin   1
2 2
2  x  3 and 0  y  2

(ii) Since sin 2   cos 2   1 ,

 y  1   x  2   1
2 2

Cartesian Equation of the curve:  y  1   x  2   1 , 2  x  3

2 2

The dotted curve
is for illustration
that it is a circle.
It is not required 1
to show in your

O (2,0) x
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

 Centre of circle
 Radius
 Dotted part for excluded half of the circle
(First Intro to dotted curve)

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11 N2010/1/11(iii)
A curve C has parametric equations
1 1
xt , yt .
t t

Find a cartesian equation of C. Sketch C, giving the coordinates of any points where C
crosses the x- and y-axes and the equations of any asymptotes. [4]
Concepts Tested
 Convert equation of curve between cartesian and parametric forms.
 Relate equation of a hyperbola with its graph.
Misconceptions & Common mistakes
 Coordinates of axial intercepts and equations of asymptotes must be given.
Examiner’s Comments
 Few candidates could answer this part successfully. Very few candidates could
produce a Cartesian equation (and any reasonable elimination of t was accepted,
however complicated the outcome).
 Candidates using a GC to draw the curve could gain marks, but then using their
sketch (often with a branch missing) to claim a Cartesian equation did not lead to
additional marks.
 Few candidates noted that x  y  2t and/or x  y  . Multiplying these together
quickly led to an answer, but using either to eliminate t also worked. The equation
did not have to be tidied up to x2  y 2  4 but this standard curve meant that use of
GC was not necessary.
 Algebraic errors in attempting to tidy up their expressions led to incorrect curves.
Candidates who wrote the parametric equations as quadratics in t took more time
but gained the marks as long as the  was maintained in their Cartesian equations.
dy x
 Candidates noting that  and integrating are to be commended, although such
dx y
candidates often failed to find the constant of integration.

xt          1 Alternatively:
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

t From (3):
1 x  y  2t
yt           2
t x y
t    (4)
1   2  : x  y  2t           3 2
2 Sub (4) into (2)
1   2  : x  y            4
t x y 2
y 
 3   4  :  x  y  x  y   4 2 x y
The cartesian equation is x 2  y 2  4  x  y  4

x2 y2 2 x  y
i.e.  1
22 22 2 xy  2 y 2  x 2  2 xy  y 2  4
The equation of asymptotes are y   x
x2  y 2  4
x2 y2
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22 22
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When y  0,  1  x  2
Axial intercepts are (2,0) and (2,0)

xt y

O x

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Section 2: Supplementary Questions

12 2014 SAJC Prelim/I/6

8k 2
The equation of a curve C is y  2x  , where k > 0.
(i) Prove, using an algebraic method, that y cannot lie between two values (to be
determined in terms of k). [3]
(ii) Sketch C for the case where k = 1, stating the equations of any asymptotes and the
coordinates of any turning points. [3]
(iii) State, with a reason, the range of values of b, where b > 0, such that the graph of
b2 x 2  4 y 2  4b2 does not intersect C. [2]

(i) In the empty region of the graph, the horizontal line y  p does not intersect the
curve at any points.

8k 2
Consider p  2 x  :
p ( x  2)  (2 x)( x  2)  8k 2
xp  2 p  2 x 2  4 x  8k 2
2 x 2  (4  p ) x  8k 2  2 p  0

Discriminant, b 2  4ac  (4  p ) 2  4(2)(8k 2  2 p )

 p 2  8 p  16  64k 2  16 p
 p 2  8 p  16  64k 2
When p 2  8 p  16  64k 2  0,
8  82  4(16  64k 2 )
p  4  8k

In empty region, curve does not intersect the line y  p , i.e. the equation Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

8k 2
p  2x  has no real solutions. This occurs when the discriminant is less than
0, i.e.
p 2  8 p  16  64k 2  0
4  8k  p  4  8k

Therefore y cannot lie between 4 – 8k and 4 + 8k.

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y = 2x
(4, 12)



y = 2x
(4, 12)


x2 y 2
b x  4 y  4b
2 2 2 2
  1
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions
4 b2
This is a hyperbola with x-intercepts (-2, 0) and (2, 0) and asymptotes y   2 x .
For the hyperbola curve not to intersect curve C, the absolute value of the gradient of
the asymptote of the hyperbola must not be greater than 2.
 2 and b  0
 0b4

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13 2015 ACJC Prelim/I/9

1 2
The curve C is given by the equation y   , x  0.
x x2
(i) Without using a calculator, find the set of values that y can take. [2]
(ii) Sketch the curve C, stating the equations of any asymptotes and the coordinates of any
turning points and points of intersection with the axes. [3]
1 2
Given that the solution of the inequality ax 2  bx  c   2 is the set
x x
 x   : 1.5  x  1 or 1  x  k ,
find the values of a, b and c. [3]
Hence find the value of k. [1]
(i) 1 2
y  2
x x
Method 1
1 2
y   2  yx 2  x  2  yx 2  x  2  0
x x
For range, there must be solutions for x,
Discriminant  1  4( y )(2)  0  y   18
Solution set =  y   : y   18 
Method 2
dy 1 4
  2  3  0  x  4
dx x x
d y 2 12 d2y 2 12 1
  . When x   4,    0
dx 2 3
x x 4
dx 2
64 256 64
 (4,  ) is minimum point
Thus Solution set =  y   : y   18 

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

Asymptotes: x  0, y  0
At x  1.5, y  92 , x  1, y  1 , x  1, y  3
Therefore, substituting into the quadratic curve,
2.25a  1.5b  c  92
a b  c 1
abc  3
From GC, a   92 , b  1, c  209 .

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Plot the graph y   92 x 2  x  209 .

From GC, k  6

Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

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JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 2017

14 2015 TJC Prelim/I/1

The equation of a circle M is given by x 2  y 2  Ax  By  C  0 where A, B and C are
real constants. The line y = 2(x + 1) passes through the centre of M and the graph of y
= | x | intersects M at the points where x = 2 and x = 8. Find the equation of M. [4]

M: x 2  y 2  Ax  By  C  0
2 2
 A  B A2 B 2
 x   y    C  0
 2  2 4 4
 A B
Centre of M :   ,  
 2 2

y  2( x  1) passes through the centre:

B  A 
  2    1
2  2 
2A  B  4 ----- (1)

At intersection between y  | x | and M, we have

x2  | x |2  Ax  B | x | C  0
At x = –2,
(2) 2  (| 2 |) 2  A( 2)  B(| 2 |)  C  0
 2 A  2 B  C  8 ----- (2)

At x = –8,
(8) 2  (| 8 |) 2  A( 8)  B (| 8 |)  C  0
 8 A  8 B  C  128 ----- (3)

Solving (2), (3) and (4) using GC:

A = 8, B = –12, C = 32

M: x2  y 2  8x  12 y  32  0
Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

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JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 2017

15 2015 VJC Prelim/I/3

ax 2  bx  d
The curve C has equation y  , where a, b and d are constants.
Given that the line y  2 x  3 is an asymptote to C, find the values of a and b. [3]

Given further that d  6 , find the coordinates of any points of intersection with the x-
and y- axes, leaving your answer in terms of d. Hence sketch C, stating the equations of
any asymptotes. [4]

ax 2  bx  d k
y  2x  3 
x2 x2
By observation, a  2
 2 x 2  bx  d   2 x  3 x  2   k
Compare coefficents of x : b  3  4  b  1

2x2  x  d
Given: d  6
Asymptotes: y  2 x  3, x  2
Axial intercepts: when x  0 , y  
When y  0 , 2 x  x  d  0

1  1  4  2  d 
1  1  8d
x 
4 4
 d   1  1  8d   1  1  8d 
The coordinates are  0,  ,  , 0  ,  , 0  .
 2  4   4 
1  1  8d 1  1  8d
Let   and  
4 4 Topic 3: Graphing Techniques I Tutorial Questions

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