Chapter 7

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Chapter VII. Centroids and Centers of Gravity 7-1. Introduction A body of weight W is supported by a string attached at A, as shi in Fig. 7-1. The only external forces acting on the body are its weight the reaction exerted by the string. Equilibri of the body can exist only if these two for are equal, opposite, and collinear. The line therefore, by the line of action of the sup} 3 Let the body be supported in a new positi by the string now attached to B. The will shift its position so that the line of action: the weight is again collinear with the strit Thus two positions of the line of action of weight are determined experimentally. intersection of these positions of the line Fre. 7-1. action determines a point which is defined the center of gravity of the body; this is Point through which the action line of the weight always passes. From the above discussion it is apparent that the problem of locati the center of gravity of a body reduces to determining the point which the resultant weight of the body acts. -2. Center of Gravity of a Flat Plate ‘The analytical location of the center of gravity is simply a variation the prineiple of moments; that is, the moment of the resultant is equal the moment sum of its parts. As an example, consider the flat plate irregular section shown in Fig. 7-2. A pictorial as well as front and si views is shown. The network shown divides the plate into small elome! having weights w,, wv, ete., which act at the center of each clement. ‘Th gravity forces form a parallel force system, the resultant of which is total weight W of the plate. Let the coordinates of each elemental weight be (a1, y1), (22, y2), ete., the coordinates of the resultant weight be (2, 9), as shown in Fig, 7: Note the use of the bar sign. In this book the coordinates of a resultant 168 Art. 7-8) Centroids of Areas and Lines 169 Front view Bide view Fia, 7-2. — Coordinates of the center of gravity. be it force, weight, or area — are always distinguished by a bar sign. The coordinates are read as “bar x,” ete. Taking moments of the weights about the Y axis, we get We = wa + ws + = Dwr (@) With respeet to the X axis, we have We = wy t+wy+ + = Loy (6) ‘These equations merely state that the moment of a weight W about an axis is equal to the moment sum of its elemental weights. 1-3. Centroids of Areas and Lines If the material of the plate in Fig. 7-2 is homogeneous, the weight W may be expressed as the product of its density y (i.e. weight per unit volume) multiplied by tA, where ¢ is the thickness of the plate and A is its area. Similarly the weight w of an element is given by via, where a is the oross-sectional area of the element. Substituting these values in Eq. (a) fo Act. 7-2 results in Abe = ylaye, + inate ++ = yer 170 -Cenroips AND Centers or Gravity [Chap. whence, canceling the constant terms y and ¢, we get AX = Lax and similarly Ag may By analogy with Eqs. (a) and (b) in Art. 7-3, the expression Ad, as as A@, is called the moment of area. It is equivalent to the sum’ of moments of the elemental areas composing the total area. Note that moment of area is therefore defined as the product of the area multiplied the perpendicular distance from the center of area to the axis of mome If Eq. (7-1) is rewritten in the following form: Ear A Py a wt this gives a method of locating a point called the centroid of area. The troid of area is defined as the point corresponding to the center of gravit a plate of infinitesimal thickness. The term “centroid” rather than “cer of gravity” is used when referring to areas (as well as to lincs and volui because such figures do not have weight. The term “center of gravity’ widely used, although it is a misnomer. Strictly speaking, it should to the center of weight of a Y bodies. F When referring to lines, the troid may be determined by simi means, A line may be assum be the axis of a homogeneous slent wire. Thus Fig. 7-3 represents center line of a homogeneous wi y length L and constant eross-sectit 4 Me X area a lying in the XY plane. QO weight W is given by the equat Fra. 7-8. — Homogeneous slender wire. IV = yal and the weight w of clemental length I by w = yal. Substituting these values in Eqs. (a) and (b) in Art. 7-2, we have yoLé = yalz, + yale, +++- = yadiz and yaly = yaliy, + yaby2+-- = yarly whence, canceling the constant terms y and a, we get Li= = % Ly = ly, Gi Art. 7-5] Centroids Determined by Integration 171 1-4. Importance of Centroids and Moments of Area In subsequent work on strength of materials, the student will find the lyeation of the centroid of an area of great importance. For example, he will learn that in order to produce uniform stress distribution, the loads inust be placed so that the line of action of their resultant coincides with the centroid of the eross section of the member. The position of the centroid of an area. is also important for determining the location of the neutral axis in the bending of beams, for in strength of materials it is shown that the eutral axis (line of zero stress) passes through the centroid of the cross ection of the beam. ‘An axis passing through the centroid of an area is known as a centroidal xis. The next chapter, which deals -with moments of inertia, will make Near the great importance of the position of centroidal axes of arcas. Many other instances of their importance will come to the student's at- tention in his engineering studies. Of equal importance to the position of a centroid is the moment of an trea. We recall that the moment of an area with respect to an axis was defined as the product of the area multiplied by the perpendicular distance from its centroid to the axis, In dynamics, the moment of area is used to tletermine the displacement of a body subjected to variable forces (see Art. 15-5). In strength of materials, it is used to determine shearing stresses in beams. In addition, the moment of an area is extensively used for de- lermining the deflection of beams by the area-moment method. These instances, as well as many others that the student will encounter, should indicate the importance of a permanent, not a temporary, knowledge of tentroids and moments of area. | |"-5. Centroids Determined by Integration We recall that integration is the process of summing’ up infinitesimal quantities. Except for a change in symbols and procedure, integration is equivalent to a finite summation. In the preceding articles, for example, if the area of an clement had been expressed as the differential dA (i.e., a small part of the total area A), the equations for determining the centroid of an area would become AR = fxdA ]-1b) deat Coe fand for determining the centroid of a line, we Lk Sxdl [2a Seen ee 172 Centnoms anp Cenrers or GRavity [Chap. In determining the centroid by integration, the figure is divided i differential elements so that: 1. All points of the clement are located the same distance from the ‘of moments, or 2. The position of the centroid of the element is known so that moment of the element about the axis of moments is the product of element and the distance of its centroid from the axis. If a plane figure has a line of symmetry, its centroid ia located on line. This statement may be demonstrated by balancing a plate on its of symmetry, whence the moments of the weights (also areas if the pl has constant thickness) on either side of the line of symmetry must numerically equal and of opposite sign. If a plane figure has two lines symmetry, the centroid is located at the point of intersection of the li ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 01. Centroid of the Arc of a Cirde. Determine the centroid of the line whi ix an are of a circle, as shown in Fig. Fro. 7-5. ‘Solution: Let the axis of symmetry be chosen as the X axis. Then j = 0. | the radius of the are is denoted by r and the subtended angle by 2a, the element are dL, and its distance from the ¥ axis are dL = rd@ and z = r cos 8. Applyi Eq. (7-2a), we have [L 2= SrdL) (2ar) f=] reosé-rd6=r?] cos@ad = 2rsing Finally, “ 2r?sina oe sina Zar ‘Ans. +e

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