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Veterinary Record: first published as 10.1136/vr.m1302 on 3 April 2020. Downloaded from on April 6, 2020 at James Cook University.

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We used the technique described dehydration is a feature in many

in our earlier letter to develop an hospitalised patients.3 Combination
Tackling IB vaccine, which we introduced of some of the virus’ genes with
successfully in Myanmar in 1994. We Lactobacillus acidophilus, using our
used bronchial tissue lysate from a method, could potentially produce
requires pullet that had died of nephrogenic an effective oral live vaccine in a few
a whole- IB infection and serum from infected weeks if all went well.
industry laying hens from the same farm. We
approach transformed Pasteurella and produced Aung Myint, retired, formerly head of bacterial
an inactivated alum-precipitated vaccine production at the Livestock Breeding
vaccine within two weeks. and Veterinary Department
Over 9000 birds were then No 111, Sabe Road, Htanbingone,
vaccinated. This not only reduced Sabwagyigone, PO Box 11013, Insein,
deaths in young birds but also
increased egg production in laying email:
birds within a few days. Trevor Jones, retired, former veterinary
investigation officer
The vaccine has proven to be
very successful when used both Nottinghamshire, UK (address supplied)
prophylactically and therapeutically, email:
with established widespread,
repeated uptake. IB usually presents 1 Chen L, Xiong J, Bao L, et al. Convalescent
as a respiratory disease but the virus plasma as a potential therapy for COVID-
can spread to infect the oviduct. This 19. Lancet Infect Dis 2020; doi: 10.1016/
is followed by laying of soft-shelled 2 Wang W, Tang J, Wei F. Updated
eggs and a drop in egg production. understanding of the outbreak of 2019 novel
coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan, China.
There has been regular feedback from
J Med Virol 2020;92:441–7
vets and farmers that therapeutic 3 Gu J, Han B, Wang J. COVID-19.
application of the vaccine following Gastrointestinal manifestations and potential
fecal-oral transmission. Gastroenterology
respiratory signs accelerates recovery 2020; doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.02.054
and improves egg production in laying
hens. Farmers in Myanmar call the doi: 10.1136/vr.m1302
vaccine U Toe Say, which translates as
‘egg promotion vaccine’. This evidence
from the vets and farmers is only
empirical, but is strong and consistent
over 25 years.
As the therapeutic effect is not
proven to be the result of a simple
SUBMIT A antigen/antibody interaction, could
LETTER OR the vaccine also block virus receptor
NOTICE sites?
Covid-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2,
If you would
a Betacoronavirus. Antibody in
CORONAVIRUS like to send us a
convalescent plasma is considered
letter or notice,
useful in treating Covid-19.1 Killed
Possible treatment please send
bacterial vaccines primarily induce
it by email to:
of Covid-19 with a vet.letters@
humoral immunity. We wonder if the
therapeutic vaccine administration of a vaccine containing
formalin-killed Pasteurella multocida
Letters should
FURTHER to our recent letter ( VR, 28 cells, prepared as we described, could
not usually
March 2020, vol 186, p 388), readers be effective in therapy if administered
exceed 400
may find the following of interest. early in the course of the disease, by
words. Titles,
Avian coronavirus (a stimulating the production of specific
Gammacoronavirus) is a highly protective antibodies. In an early study
(which are
infectious avian pathogen which in China, the median time from initial
restricted to 10)
can infect the respiratory system, symptoms to death was 14 days (range
and address
intestine, kidneys and reproductive 7–41 days),2 so this would mean that
details are not
system of birds. It is the cause of there is time for a vaccine to take effect.
included in the
infectious bronchitis (IB), an important SARS-CoV-2 virus invades the
word count.
disease of poultry. intestines, and diarrhoea and

VET RECORD | 4/11 April 2020 419

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