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Responsive Landing Page

PROMO is a one page responsive template ideal for companies that offer
products or services. It can be used to promote your company, product,
accommodation, real estate, event, ebook, app etc

All relevant template files can be found in the templates folder. There are a
number of home page options available for use as well as a generic standard
page available for use as a general information pages (About Us, Terms &
Conditions etc)

Setup and configuration

Color Variations
We have made all layout and color variations available in HTML. Should you
wish the use a specific layout with a different color variation, please follow
these simple steps:

1. Open the relevant HTML home page template in a text editor.

2. Go to line 9
3. Edit the number of the stylesheet name. Example, change ‘style-color-
01.css’ to ‘style-variation-06.css’. There are 9 color variations available.

Contact Forms Modes

You can choose to capture the form submissions in one of two ways. The
template can send an email containing the details to an administrator (‘email’
mode) or you can integrate the template with a Mailchimp list (‘mailchimp’

Email Mode
The contact, signup and subscription forms use PHP to send a mail
containing all the form data. Please complete the following steps to change
the recipient address and subject line of the mails:

1. Go to the following folder in the templates folder ‘/inc/’

2. Edit the config.php file
3. Set the mode to ‘email’ on line 12
4. Go to line 22 and specify the recipient email address.

Please keep in mind the emails are not being sent with an authenticated
SMTP account so be sure to check you spam folder.

Mailchimp mode

1. Go to the following folder in the templates folder ‘/inc/’

2. Edit the config.php file
3. Set the mode to ‘mailchimp’ on line 12
4. Specify your API key on line 35
a. Go here to determine your API Key -
5. Specify the ID of the list you would like the user to be added to on line
a. To determine the List ID, login to you MailChimp account, go to
List, click on the list title. Select the Settings menu and choose
'List name & default' from the drop down menu. The List ID will
be presented on the top right of the page.

PicJumbo – (

Unsplash – (

jQuery Framework - (

Elegant Icon Font - (


If you encounter any problems or if you have any questions regarding this
template, please contact us via the contact form found on our profile page:, or send me an email at

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