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Electric cars: Technology

Grading rubric self-assessed essay

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Line of The point that the The point that The point that the It is not clear what
argument author is trying to the author is author is trying to the author is trying
convey is clear. The trying to convey is convey is reasonably to convey. The design
20% line of argument reasonably clear. clear, but this is choices and their
is structured and The line of argument either not done in a motivations are not
clear, starting with is reasonably structured way, or clear.
an introduction structured and clear. the motivations do
and ending with The essay starts not support their
a conclusion and with an introduction design choices well.
choices have logical and ends with a
motivations behind conclusion.
them. In each
paragraph it is clearly
stated which point is
being addressed.

Number The author addresses The author addresses The author addresses The author addresses
of design all 7 design topics. at least 5 design at least 3 design only a few design
choices topics. topics. topics.


Quality of The design choices The design choices The design choices The author does not
choices and are clearly described are reasonably are described convey his/her design
motivation and supported by a clearly described, somewhat unclear choices well and/or
clear motivation. and the supporting and/or not supported does not provide a
20% motivation is by a sufficient motivation.
reasonably clear. motivation.

Electric cars: Technology
Grading rubric self-assessed essay

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Content of The author clearly The author applies The author does The author does
arguments: applies his/her some knowledge not clearly apply not apply his/her
design knowledge from from this course to his/her knowledge knowledge from
choices this course to make make choices for the from this course to this course to make
educated choices for components of his/ make choices for the choices for the
20% the components of her car. components of his/ components of his/
his/her car. her car. her car.

Content of The author describes The author The author rarely The author does
arguments: his/her design in sometimes describes describes his/ not describe his/her
quantitative well-calculated his/her design her designs in design in quantitative
data quantitative in reasonably quantitative parameters.
parameters where well-calculated parameters
20% possible. quantitative and/or dos not
parameters. calculate these
parameters well.

Content of The total design is The total design The total design The parameters of
arguments: a well-integrated is a reasonably is not very well the design do not
total image combination of well-integrated integrated. match well at all.
parameters. combination of
10% parameters.

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