Suggestions: 1 Semester of Shs Grade Xi

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By : Vera Noviana, S.Pd.


A. Asking for suggestions

 What do you think (I should do)?  Do you have any ideas?

 Any ideas?  Do you have any thoughts?
 Any other suggestions?  What do you suggest/recommend?
 What should I do?  Can you recommend ... ?
 What must I do?  I was wondering if you could ....
 What can I do  I need your advice.
 Do you have any suggestions?  Do you think I should ...?
 Do you have any  Should I ...?
 I’d like your advice on/about …

Should : sebaiknya/seharusnya Vocabularies

Must : harus/mesti
Can : dapat/bisa
Idea : ide/pikiran
Thought : ide/pikiran
Wonder : bertanya-tanya
Advice : nasehat
Suggestions : saran
Recommendation : rekomendasi

By : Vera Noviana, S.Pd.


B. Making suggestions

1. Using questions
Question opener Subject Infinitive without to
I, you, we, they read it again?
Why don’t talk to the principal?
(I dan subjek jamak)
call her?
she, he listen to his parents?
Why doesn’t
(Subjek tunggal) write a letter to the boss?

Question opener Infinitive without to

Why not buy our own food?

Note :
Infinitive without to = verb base / V1 = read, talk, call, listen, write, buy

Question opener Noun Phrase

watching the football match?
going to the cinema?
How about
visiting grandma?
building a new house?
the red hat?
What about
the thick novel?

The difference between ‘what about..?’ and ‘how about..?’

 Use “How about?” to suggest an action and to “open” possibilities:

“I’ve got the day off from work tomorrow. What should we do?”
“How about spending the day in the city?”
“Nah. I don’t really feel like traveling.”
“How about we clean the house?”
“No way. I want to do something fun.”
“OK. How about doing some shopping and then seeing a movie?”
“Hmm… that sounds good!”

In this conversation, “How about…?” is use to suggest various possibilities of actions.

“How about…” can be followed by the -ing form of the verb (“How about doing...”)
OR by a pronoun and infinitive (“How about we clean…”)

By : Vera Noviana, S.Pd.


 Use “What about?” to mention an objection or a potential problem:

“Let’s spend the weekend in the city!”

“But what about my guitar lesson on Saturday?”
“That’s no problem, just talk with the teacher and reschedule it.”
“And what about the English test on Monday? I haven’t studied yet.”
“You can study on Sunday night when we get back.

In this conversation, “What about…” is used to express a negative point or a potential

problem with the plan or idea. After “What about…” there is a noun (“my guitar
lesson” and “the English test”)

2. Using modals : should or could

Subject Modals Infinitive without to
fix the radio.
should sit on a bigger chair.
I, you, we, they play football with the red team.
could attend the class on time.
have your breakfast early.

Question opener Subject Infinitive without to

fix the radio?
Should sit on a bigger chair?
I, you, we, they play football with the red team?
Could attend the class on time?
have your breakfast early?

To make you suggestions more polite (sopan), you can add ‘perhaps’ (mungkin) or ‘maybe’
- Perhaps you could check your bag again.
- Maybe you should speak to her more loudly.

3. Using ‘let’s’
Infinitive without to
finish the job soon.
Let’s go to the library.
come to the party.

By : Vera Noviana, S.Pd.


4. Using ‘I suggest’
Subject Infinitive without to
buy a new motorcycle.
I suggest you, we meet at the bookstore.
go to the doctor.

5. Using ‘recommend/recommendation’
Subject Infinitive without to
I recommend that you, we cancel the appointment.
My recommedation is that you, we begin the sales programme in May.

6. Other expressions
Infinitive using to
It might be a good idea to park your car here.
It would be nice to see this film.

C. Responding to suggestions

Accepting Suggestions Refusing Suggestions

 All right.  No, I’d rather not.
 OK.  I don’t feel like it.
 Yes, I guess I should.  I dislike it.
 Yes, I will.  What an awful idea!
 Yes, I’d like to.  I don’t think it’s necessary.
 Yes, I’d love to.
 What a good idea!
 Why not?
 Yes, with pleasure.
 That sounds like a good idea.

By : Vera Noviana, S.Pd.


Mr. Daruken : Hi Leppo…?

Mr. Leppo : Hi Daruken…
Mr. Daruken : Why you look sad?
Mr. Leppo : I am confused?
Mr. Daruken : Why confused? Do you have a problem?
Mr. Leppo : I haven’t been able to pay the school administration. Do you have any
advice for me?
Mr. Daruken : I think, you should ask dispentation to the school
Mr. Leppo : It’s good idea. Thanks Daruken…
Mr. Daruken : You’re welcome.

Aufa : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.

Tami : Don't be so sad my friend, let us search it around the park.
Aufa : I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some ideas?
Tami : You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students.
Aufa : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.
Tami : Let’s go.. !

 Let’s watch football at the stadium

Accepting : Yes, Let’s go
Declining : No, thank you. I have other schedule, I must clean the house now.
 Why don’t you have breakfast before go to school ?
Accepting : That is a good idea.
Declining : I think I will be late, so I will have a breakfast at school.
 How about going to the movie ?
Accepting : O. K. It sounds great
Declining : No, I do not have money to buy the ticket.
 I think you should do your homework now.
Accepting : Yes, you are right
Declining : Take it easy my friend, I still have so much time.

By : Vera Noviana, S.Pd.

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