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Simple tenses of verbs Search

Tue, 12/24/2013 - 07:07 — Chris McCarthy

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The main function of a verb is to indicate w hen the action happens. There are three main verb new sletter includes useful

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tenses; past, present and future. Each tense is divided into; simple, continuous, perfect and lessons, competitions and
perfect continuous. book review s.

In this lesson w e are looking at the simple tenses in the past, present and future.

The present tense of a verb is the 'original' form. The past tense can have different patterns. The
future simple is formed w ith 'w ill'.
Le sson Inde x He lp Us!

Here are some verbs used in the past, present and future tenses:


I had a show er. (Past simple)

I have a show er every day. (Present simple)
I w ill have a show er later. (Future simple)


I saw Chris yesterday. (Past simple)

Seven Letters
I see Chris at w ork. (Present simple)
I w ill see Chris at the party this evening. (Future simple) Try out this addictive w ord
game and compete against
other Learn English
Run visitors.......have you got
the largest vocabulary?
I ran five kilometres yesterday. (Past simple)
High Scores
I run very fast. (Present simple)
I w ill run tomorrow morning. (Future simple) 1 barani 225015
2 Surendran 113885
It is important to remember that in the Present simple w ith ‘he’, ‘she’, and ‘it’ add an ‘s’ to the 3 Santhosh 113885
verb. 4 M.Jyothi 113685
5 rameshprabhu 113506
Like 6 mani_satvat 113503
7 parama 113503
He liked the film. (Past simple) 8 Renuka 113485
He likes sw imming (Present simple) 9 ArunKumar 113458
He w ill like the party. (Future simple) 10 113458


She ate her lunch outside. (Past simple)

She eats lunch at the restaurant near her office. (Present simple)
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She w ill eat w ith me. (Future simple)


I knew her w hen I w as a child. (Past simple)

I know your Father. (Present simple)
I w ill know w hat to do later. (Future simple)


I cooked dinner. (Past simple)

I cook dinner. (Present simple)
I w ill cook dinner tomorrow . (Future simple)

It is important to use the correct w ord or phrase w hich show s the time of the action because
sometimes the tense is not enough to explain the time an action happens. W e look at this in
other lessons.
So a Past simple tense has w ords or phrases to show it is a past action like 'yesterday', 'last
w eek/month/year', 'a month ago' etc. and the same is true for the Present simple and the Future

Now complete the following with the correct tense.

1. I _ the film I saw yesterday.

w ill like

2. He _ his family next weekend.

w ill see

3. They _ the marathon last week.

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w ill run

4. She _ a tasty Italian meal for last weeks dinner party.

w ill cook

5. I _ three dogs and two parrots as pets when I was young.

w ill have

6. I _ the family who live next door.

w ill know

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