Assignment 1 - Elements of Communication Elements Answer (2 Points Each) Explanation/Justification (3 Points Each)

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Jechz Jacob M.

Lopez BSCE GE 2-2012

Explanation/Justification (3
Elements Answer (2 points each)
points each)
The cashier is considered the
sender of the communication
process because she is the one who
initiated the conversation. According
to Kobiruzzaman (2021), the sender
1. Sender Cashier is the one who initiates the
communication process by sending
a message or information. As we
look into the video, the cashier
starts the conversation by saying,
"How are you doing today, ma'am?".
The message refers to the ideas
and information the sender wants to
deliver to the receiver. The sender's
message (in the video) is about
Focuses on getting information
2. Message (can be asking what the Indian lady wants to
(asking) of how well the Indian
summarized) eat and how she is. However,
lady is and what she wants to eat
because of the noises that were
present, the receiver could not give
good feedback making the cashier
The channel is a method or
instrument for conveying a message
from sender to receiver. In the
video, we can see that their way of
3. Channel/Medium Verbal (Face-to-face conversation)
communication is via face-to-face
conversation or verbal. Through
this, they were able to give feedback
Feedback is the reply/response of
the receiver, and because of this,
the sender will be able to determine
whether or not the receiver
understands the message. The
video clearly shows that the receiver
4. Feedback (can
Confusing feedback did not understand the sender's
be generalized)
message because the receiver is
replying in a disorderly manner,
making her feedback confusing.
That's why the continuation of their
conversation has a lot of
Noise is characterized as the barrier
or hindrances of having good
communication. In the video, we can
see two types of noise: physical and
semantic. Physical noise is also
known as environmental noise, and
a. Physical Noise
in the video, the physical noises
5. Noise found are the people talking in the
b. Semantic Noise
shop, the sound of the machines,
and the sound of the people
working. Semantic noise arises from
a misunderstanding of the meaning
of words, and in the video, the
semantic noise found is the
misunderstanding of information.
The circumstances of the state
where the communication is taking
place are called context in
communication. The video shows
that only two people are having a
conversation, which means the
6. Context Interpersonal Communication
context is interpersonal (dyadic).
Usually, interpersonal
communication consists only of two
people conversing, and their
message varies in their level of
A receiver is a person for whom the
message is directed (Kobiruzzaman,
2021). In the video, we can see that
the one who receives the message
7. Receiver Indian Woman is the Indian lady. However, she
cannot correctly decode the
message because of the noises,
resulting in confusion and

Kobiruzzaman, M. M. (2021, August 3). Communication elements 9 elements of
communication process. Communication Elements 9 Elements of Communication

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