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Periodical Test in TLE 10( Horticulture )

Test I. DIRECTION. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. It is generated by examining the goods and services sold in the community

A. Business creation C. business concept
B. Business pricing D. business idea
2. It is a process of making new products which will be sold to the customers
A. Product analysis C. product development
B. Product conceptualization D. product implementation
3. These are luxuries , advantage and desires that every individual considers beyond considers
beyond necessary
A. wants B. desires C. requirementsD. needs
4. It is a factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that the product or service is
differentfrom and better than that of the competition.
A. Unique selling plan C. unique pricing policy
B. Unique selling proposition D. findingvalue-add

5. A stage in which the needs of the target market are identified, reviewed and evaluated

A. concept development C.project development

B. economic analysis D.refined specification
6. It is the introduction of new ideas to make the product and services more attractive and saleable to
the target customers,
A. new idea B. creativity C. product development D. innovation
7. It is a managerial tool used to assess the environment and to gather important information that can
be used for strategic planning.
A. scanning C. WOTS Analysis
B. Swot Analysis D. survey analysis
8. It is creating names, symbol, or designs that identifies and differentiates a product from the other
A. product naming C. branding
B. unique selling proposition D. tagline
9. It is a meaningful and unforgettable statement that captures the essence of the brand
A. product naming C. branding
B. unique selling proposition D. tagline
10. These are things that people cannot live without.
A. wants B. desires C. requirements D. needs
Test II. Choose the scientific names of the following crops inside the box
Persea americana Samanea saman Swietenia Mahogani
Durio Zebethinus Carica papaya Psidium guajava
Cocos nuficera Mangiferaindica Lansium domesticum
Ananas comosus Pterocarpusindicus Diopyrus blancoi
1. Pineapple 6. Papaya
2. Mango 7. Lanzones
3. Guava 8. Mahogany
4. Durian 9. Coconut
5. Avocado 10. Acacia
Test III. Answer to the following questions:
1. Give the stages of product development 1-7
2. A practice of creating a name, a symbol or a design that identifies and differentiates product or
services from the rest. 8
3. Give the three basic needs of a person 9-11
4. Give the acronym of PECS 12
5. It makes wise decision towards the set goals. 13
6. Trusting in one’s ability 14
7. Skillful in record keeping 15

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