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Q: What best describes the relationship of the Product Owner and the stakeholders?
A: The Product Owner actively asks for stakeholder input and expectations to
incorporate into the Product Backlog.

Q: The Product Owner manages the Product Backlog. Who is accountable for estimating
the effort to complete the Product Backlog items?
A: The Developers.

Q: What should Developers do if the Product Owner is unavailable?

A: Within the Sprint, the Developers make the best decisions possible to assure
progress toward the Sprint Goal, re-aligning with the Product Owner once they are
available again.

Q: Who creates the Definition of Done?

A: The organization (or the Scrum Team if none is available from the organization).

Q: How important is it for a Product Owner to order Product Backlog items by using
value points?
A: The Product Owner may order the Product Backlog by using value points or select
another technique, the decision is up to them.

Q: In order to make investment decisions, the Product Owner is likely to look at

the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the product being built. What costs will a
Product Owner take into account?
A: All investments required to conceive, develop, operate and maintain the product.

Q: True or False: The value delivered by a product can only be determined by

A: False

Q: Which two statements explain why the Definition of Done is important to the
Product Owner?
A: It establishes the expected quality of the Increment reviewed at the Sprint
A: It creates transparency regarding progress within the Scrum Team.

Q: What is the Product Owner accountable for in Scrum?

A: Maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team.

Q: True or False: A Product Owner is essentially the same thing as a traditional

Project Manager?
A: False

Q: True or False: A first Sprint can start before the Product Owner has a complete
and exhaustive Product Backlog in place.
A: True

Q: What are typical activities for a Product Owner in a Sprint?

A: Work with the Developers on Product Backlog refinement.
A: Collaborate with stakeholders, user communities, and subject matter experts.

Q: It is mandatory for the Product Owner to monitor and share progress of the
Product Backlog by using which method?
A: Any practice based on trends of work completed and upcoming work.

Q: How does an organization know that a product built using Scrum is successful?
A: By releasing frequently, and measuring the value customers/users experience.
Q: What two things best help the Product Owner manage the value of a product?
A: Validating assumptions of value through frequent releases.
A: The order of the Product Backlog.

Q: How long should the Sprint Planning be?

A: Not more than 8 hours

Q: If an inspector determines that one or more aspects of a process deviate outside

acceptable limits, when must an adjustment be made?
A: As soon as possible to minimize further deviation

Q: Is it allowed to skip the Daily Scrum if there is nothing interesting to talk

A: No

Q: How frequently should scrum users inspect Scrum artifacts and progress toward a
Sprint Goal?
A: Frequently, but it should not get in the way of the work

Q: What are the questions the Sprint Planning answers? Select two.
A: How will the work needed to deliver the Increment be achieved?
A: What can be delivered in the Increment resulting from the upcoming Sprint?

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