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Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Moving On: Adapting the
“New Normal”

What I Know


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present time.
2. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
A. Hand-washing C. Staying at home
B. Malling D. Wearing of mask
3. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
4. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19
response efforts
A. Barbers C. Front desk officers
B. Entertainers D. Frontliners
5. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this pandemic,
A. Doing Exercise C. Urban gardening
B. Shopping Watching movies D. Watching movies

Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms

6. COVID-19 _________________________________________________
7. IATF-EID _________________________________________________
8. DOH _________________________________________________
9. ECQ _________________________________________________
10. GCQ _________________________________________________
11. DOLE _________________________________________________
12. DBM _________________________________________________
13. DA _________________________________________________
14. DTI _________________________________________________
15. DFA _________________________________________________


Facing the Giants - I Can Do It

(Full Psychosocial Interventions)
What I Need To Know

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Validate their feelings and normalize their reactions;

2. Calm down and control one’s emotions;
3. Identify people and agencies whom they can approach for help;
4. Identify their sources of strength.

What’s New

Activity 1: KNOW ME WELL

Find the meaning of the acronyms below.

1. COVID _____________________________________________
2. DOH _____________________________________________
3. IATF-EID _____________________________________________
4. LGU _____________________________________________
5. DOLE _____________________________________________

What Is It?
Stay at home. Wear mask. Always wash your hands. Observe proper hygiene.
Practice social distancing. These are just a few of the many reminders of the
government for us to strictly and religiously follow during this pandemic. Far from the
normal ways of life where we can freely go to the malls, beaches, parks or church,
host or attend parties and big events, travel to places we plan for vacation, and the
like, this situation brings so much adjustment in many aspects of our lives: emotionally,
socially, physically, financially --- to mention a few.

Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 is an invisible enemy.
We do not know where it is coming from, when it will hit, who its
vector (nagdadala) is and how it will end. Until now, a very big
question of uncertainty keeps on ringing in our minds --- “When
will it end? (Kailan ba ito matatapos?’). How about you? Did you
ask yourself the same question? Yes or No, feel free to share your
thoughts in the space provided below.







Be aware that the government is exhausting all its effort to combat this disease.
It is working hand in hand with the frontliners (health workers, police force, military
personnel, local government units (LGUs), basic services providers, volunteers, and
others) in finding ways to provide continuous social services to the general public
through public service, health care, financial assistance, peace and order, to name a
few. Chaired by the DOH, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious
Diseases (IATF-EID) composed of the DFA, DILG, DOJ, DOLE, DOT, DOTr, DTI, DA
and DBM, work together to address the spreading of the disease across the country.

It is the government’s initiative to create and mobilize all the health sectors in the
country form the national down to the barangay level in order to give quick response to
any situations related to COVID-19. In the case that one experiences COVID-19-related
symptoms, one has to report to the proper health authorities in your locality. Likewise,
those who have travel history from other places are subject to monitoring. Whatever
quarantine level our place belongs, let us all support the effort of the government to help
end this problem by following the “new normal” way of life.

We all experience the same thing. I am worried, you, too. I am afraid, you, too.
I am bored, you, too. We are on the same boat except that we have different levels of
experience and acceptability about the situation. We use technology to access news.
Television, radio and social media are some of our sources of information. We rely so
much on the updates given by these platforms to the point that our minds are overloaded
with thoughts (both reliable and fake) that are causing us psychologically and
emotionally affected. With this, let us be mindful of the things that we are going to feed
our minds in order to lessen our worries and be at peak of good decision-making. It is
necessary for us to stay calm, focused and be optimistic despite of the difficulties that
we are facing now. Let us always be vigilant. Show more compassion to one another.
As a student, staying at home at this moment in time means having more time for
yourself to relax/recreate, to hone your talents/skills and to have more bonding time with
your family. Enjoy every moment of it as you journey towards the “new normal”.

What’s More?


1. Look around you. Choose an object to represent yourself. Draw it.

2. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, describe your drawing and make a
connection by discussing your thoughts and feelings about your experiences
during the quarantine period.
3. Use one (1) long bond paper for your drawing and explanation.

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the 5 4 3 2 1
information and message.
The drawing highlights important 5 4 3 2 1
information relevant to the topic.
The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1


1. Reflect on the sacrifices of the frontliners in our community.

2. Write a letter of appreciation to them for serving selflessly and risking their lives
(buwis-buhay) just to give us a better and safer life during the pandemic.

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).
Rubric for Letter-Writing
Criteria Rating
The content relates entirely to the 5 4 3 2 1
assigned topic or issue.
The content conveys a genuine personal 5 4 3 2 1
view regarding the topic or issue.
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned


1. Describe your role as a citizen-student during this pandemic.


What I Can Do

1. List down the things you can do at home as a citizen-student during this

Finding Joy in the “New Normal”
2 (Integration of Psychosocial Activities in the Lessons)

What’s In

Home is your safest refuge this time. This is where you can protect
yourself and your family from the deadly COVID-19. As a student and citizen
of this country, this is the best thing you can do to help our frontliners in this
fight. Continue to support and help them in your little ways.

What I Need To Know


At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Manage their physical reactions;
2. Manage their thoughts and emotions;
3. Seek solutions and social support;
4. Resume positive activities; and
5. Move forward.

What’s New?

Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?

Arrange the jumbled letters until you get the right term.

Jumbled Words Answer

1. NRARIETCOE _____________
2. EWN RNLOAM _____________
3. TRUEQNAAIN _____________

What Is It?

The quarantine level in each area is changing every fifteen days as decided by
the government and the IATF-EID. Depending on the risk level, changing the
quarantine status (i.e. ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, MGCQ) may vary from one place to
another. This means that the way of life in a certain place must also conform to the
existing rules and regulations. Honestly, community quarantine affects us all. We are
still facing the uncertainties of tomorrow. The COVID-19 pandemic forces the
government to implement the “new normal” in order to move forward. Programs and
policies are made to help the society adapt to this. Still, we need to practice social
distancing, continue to wear masks and wash hands more often as we continue to face
this battle. How about you? Have you adjusted already to the “new normal”?
What did you do at home during quarantine period? Did you gain weight? Did
you use your free time wisely? Did you sleep well? Did you still exercise? What
recreational activities did you do? How did you feel about your so-long-stay at home?
Did you feel bored? Were you happy for not going out with friends like what you were
used to do? How about the people around you and your family? Did you spend more
time with them in doing recreational and positive activities to relax and to have fun?
Feel free to briefly share your most unforgettable experience during the quarantine
period in the space provided below.

Recreation does not stop during this pandemic.

There are so many recreational activities you can do at
home to kill boredom. Have you tried gardening? Seeing
the healthy plants in your garden can make you smile. Did
you do some household chores like sweeping and
scrubbing the floor, fetching water, feeding the pets or
even watering the plants? Doing them all with a big smile
on your face is already a form of recreation. How much
more if you are doing them with your loved ones! Turn
your boredom into fun. Learning to like and love what you
are doing will lead you to finding real happiness in
overcoming adversity. Relax, enjoy, have fun, smile, and
most of all, MOVE FORWARD.

What’s More?

Activity 2. ME AND MY FAMILY

1. Think of the recreational/positive activities you and your family did during the
quarantine period.
2. Describe how you and your family support and help each other to move forward
through these activities. Did you find enjoyment in what you did at home? Write
your observations below.

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be changed
depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned topic 5 4 3 2 1
or issue.
The paper conveys a genuine personal view 5 4 3 2 1
regarding the topic or issue.
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. #COVID-FREE

1. Think of a recreational activity that you dream of doing when the pandemic is over.
2. Draw it inside the box.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing

Notes To The Teacher
Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may
be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the information
and message. 5 4 3 2 1
The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1
The drawing highlights important information
relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned?


1. Visit and observe your neighbourhood by the window. Based on your observation,
write a reflection on how the people there do things that bring significant changes
and contributions in the society during this pandemic. Did they follow the existing
rules and regulations set by the local government unit for everybody’s safety? How?

What I Can Do?

1. During this time, list down positive activities that you can do at home. You may
consider planning for an urban garden, starting to do changes in the
arrangements of your furniture, house repainting, general cleaning, and the like.
Somehow, these are ways to see change in this trying time. These activities will
help you move forward. Invite your family in this new normal and enjoy every
minute of your recreation with them. Have fun!

• Corona Virus Disease (COVID) – 19 is a pandemic and is considered as an
invisible enemy because we cannot see them. We do not know where it is
coming from, when it will hit, who its vector (nagdadala) is and how it will end.

• Stay at home, wearing of mask, frequent washing of hands, observing proper

hygiene and maintaining physical distancing are the best practices to combat

• The government is working hand in hand with the frontliners (health workers,
police force, military personnel, local government units (LGUs), basic services
providers, volunteers, and others) in finding ways to provide continuous social
services to the general public through public service, health care, financial
assistance, peace and order, to name a few.

• The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID),

chaired by the DOH is composed of the DFA, DILG, DOJ, DOLE, DOT, DOTr,
DTI, DA and DBM, who work together to address the spreading of the disease
across the country.

• It is the government’s initiative to create and mobilize all the health sectors in
the country form the national down to the barangay level in order to give quick
response to any situations related to COVID-19.

• The quarantine level in each area, as decided by the government and the IATF-
EID, is categorized into ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, MGCQ.

• The COVID-19 pandemic forces the government to implement the “new normal”
in order to move forward. Programs and policies are made to help the society
adapt to this. Still, we need to practice social distancing, continue to wear masks
and wash hands more often as we continue to face this battle.

• Doing recreational activities at home can reduce boredom. Doing gardening,
petting animals, watching television, playing board games are a few examples of
activities you can do during this time.


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present time.
2. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
A. Hand-washing C. Staying at home
B. Malling D. Wearing of mask
3. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
4. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19
response efforts
A. Barbers C. Front desk officers
B. Entertainers D. Frontliners
5. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this pandemic,
A. Doing Exercise C. Urban gardening
B. Shopping Watching movies D. Watching movies
Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms
1. COVID-19 _________________________________________________
2. IATF-EID _________________________________________________
3. DOH _________________________________________________
4. ECQ _________________________________________________
5. GCQ _________________________________________________
6. DOLE _________________________________________________
7. DBM _________________________________________________
8. DA _________________________________________________
9. DTI _________________________________________________
10. DFA _________________________________________________

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Outdoor Recreation







This module was designed and written with you in mind. The activities to be
undertaken here are all self-initiated. Try to be honest as much as possible. In
the application, you will be asked to prepare a proposal of a recreation program
that can be adopted by others.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
LESSON 1- Recreational and Sports Activities
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1.Discusses the nature of different recreational activities PEH12FH-IIa-2

Multiple Choice.
1. Which of these sports is also known as water ballet?
a. Water polo b. synchronized swimming c. diving
2. Who captured gold medals in both the 3-metre springboard and 10-metre platform
diving events at the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games?
a. Greg Louganis b. Sammy Lee c. John Naber
3. Which of these swimming strokes is believed to be the oldest type?
a. Backstroke b. breaststroke c. butterfly stroke
4. Which type of canoe, now mostly used for sport, originated with the Inuit people of
a. Kayak b. flatboat c. pirogue
5. George Freeth was billed as the “man who can walk on water”? What sport did he
help to popularize?
a. Canoeing b. sailing c. surfing
6. A water polo team consists of how many players?

a. 7 b. 3 c. 5

7. Which of these water sports uses a one-person craft called a sailboard?

a. Windsurfing b. parasailing c. surfing
8. George Freeth was billed as the “man who can walk on water.” What sport did he help
to popularize?

a.Canoeing b. sailing c. surfing

9. A water polo team consists of how many players?

a. 7 b. 3 c. 5
10. Which of these water sports uses a one-person craft called a sailboard?

a. Windsurfing b. parasailing c. surfing


Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The "need to do

something for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and psychology.
Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are
considered to be "fun".
Other traditional examples of outdoor recreational activities includes hiking, camping,
mountaineering, cycling, canoeing, caving, kayaking, rafting, rock climbing, biking, horseback
riding, running, sailing, skiing, sky diving and surfing.
What are some of the benefits of outdoor recreation?
Outdoor recreation is beneficial for your health. Being out and enjoying the natural world
provides physical as well as mental health benefits. It also is a vital part of the economy on both
the local and national level. Enjoying the great outdoors also promotes the health and well-
being of the wilderness itself. Proper use of our public lands creates concern and awareness
for keeping them protected and free from development.
Direction: In the box below are the different types of water sports. They are written horizontally,
vertically and diagonally. Find the words and write them on your paper.


Aquatics may refer to: Aquatic sports in the Olympics and other international
competitions, including the disciplines of swimming, diving, synchronized swimming,
water polo, and open water swimming. Water-related sports more broadly (including

boat racing, water skiing, swimming, etc.); Water-based techniques or modalities used
for aquatic therapy.
➢ In the 19th Century many different water sports originated around the world. In Hawaii,
surfing was invented and in the UK, diving became competitive sport and water polo was
first played. This was also the century of the first Western long-distance kayak trips and
the advent of camping adventure which went hand in hand with many outward bound
water sports and water based activities.

➢ In the 20th Century, water sports as recreation really took off as people had more leisure
time and more disposable income around the middle of the century. Surfing, for example,
which had been a pursuit for people in Hawaii and on the Californian coast from the
1920’s onward, became a youth craze around the world in the 1960’s. That was just the
beginning and now there is a proliferation of related water sports that hold wide appeal
to a variety of different people.

➢ The sport was included in the 1900 Games, with women's waterpolo introduced in 2000.
There are 12 teams in the men's competition and eight in the women's.
Synchronised swimming, an exhibition sport from 1948 to 1968, made its full debut at
Los Angeles in 1984.

What are the Aquatic activities?

➢ Sports and recreational activities that take place in or on
Introduction to the Different Types of Water Sports

Water sports are always fun-filled. The thrill of enjoying the deep blue water, cool wind
blowing in your hair and the adrenaline rush you get while doing the sport can be very
exciting. Some can be dangerous or extreme, while some can be relaxing and energizing.
But one thing is for sure, whether it’s for leisure or for competition, it has universal appeal.

Individual Team Recreational

Swimming Synchronized Snorkeling
Surfing swimming Water aerobics
Water skiing Synchronized Aquajogging
Wake boarding
diving Scuba diving
Bodyboarding Water polo Freediving
Paddleboarding Rowing Cave diving
Cliff diving Rafting Parasailing
Kite surfing Kayaking Barefoot skiing
Canoeing Spearfishing

Wind surfing Sailing
Jet skiing Dragon boat racing



Sport played in a pool with two teams of seven

opposing players who attempt to score points at
the opposite goal using a ball.

Sport consisting of executing simple to complex

dives into the water from a platform or a


Sport consisting of swimming a defined distance

(which varies depending on the four recognized
stroke categories) as quickly as possible.


Sport navigation practiced on a sailboat. There are

several classes of sailboats and various types of
competitions such as regattas and transoceanic

Floating board with a sail; it is used in windsurfing,

a sport consisting of gliding on water.


Sport of traveling in a canoe or kayak in water

ranging from calm to turbulent in a river or man-
made course.


Sport consisting of a speed race in a straight line
over a maximum distance of 2000 m; races take
place on calm water in boats designed for the

Sport consisting of a speed race in a straight line;

races take place on calm water in canoes or
kayaks with one or more places.


Sport in which the skier is towed by a motorboat

and glides on the surface of the water on one or
two skis; there are a number of disciplines,
including jumping, slalom and figures.


Sport consisting of riding the side of a breaking

wave on a surfboard.


Sport consisting of descending underwater and

swimming around; it can be done holding one’s
breath or with scuba gear.


The Benefits of Recreation
• Recreation helps people live longer
• Recreation prolongs independent living for seniors - keeping seniors vital and involved
in community life
• Recreation and fitness significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
• Recreation and fitness combat osteoporosis
• Recreation and fitness combat diabetes
• Recreation and fitness help in preventing specific types of cancers - particularly in the
colon, breast and lungs
• Recreation and fitness help prevent and rehabilitate back problems
• Recreation and arts/culture contribute to mental health

• Recreation and arts/culture enhance overall health and well-being
• Recreation is a proven therapeutic tool - helping to restore physical, mental and social
capacities and abilities


ACTIVITY 2 : Name the following aquatic/water sports

1 2. 3.

___________________________ ___________________________ _____________________

4. 5. 6.

______________ ____________________ ______________________

7. 8. 9.

____________________ __________________ ___________________




Direction: Complete the statement to summarize all your learnings.

In this lesson, I learned about _______________________________________________

Criteria for Grading

Content – 7 points
Neatness – 3 points
Total – 10 points


Directions: Match Column A to Column B. Select the letter of the correct

answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

____1. This is a sport of traveling in a canoe A. CANOE KAYAK-WHITE

or kayak in water ranging from calm to
turbulent in a river or man-made course. B. SWIMMING
____2. This sport is played in a pool with two
teams of seven opposing players who C. SURFING
attempt to score points at the opposite goal
using a ball.
____3. This is a sport in which the skier is
towed by a motorboat and glides on the E. WATER POLO
surface of the water on one or two skis;
there are a number of disciplines, F. ROWING AND SCULLING
including jumping, slalom and figures
____4. This is a sport navigation practiced G. CANOE KAYAK-FLATWATER
on a sailboat with several classes of
sailboats and various types of H. SCUBA DIVING
competitions such as regattas and
transoceanic races. I. SAILING
____5. It is a tool used in windsurfing, a
sport consisting of gliding on water. J. WATER SKIING
____6. This sport consists of executing D. DIVING
simple to complex dives into the water
from a platform or a springboard.

____7. This sport consists of a speed race
in a straight line; races take place
on calm water in canoes or kayaks with
one or more places.
_____8. This sport consists of swimming
a defined distance (which varies
depending on the four recognized stroke
categories) as quickly as possible.
_____9. This sport consists of riding the side
of a breaking wave on a surfboard.
_____10. This sport consists of descending
underwater and swimming around; it can
be done by holding one’s breath or with
scuba gear.
______11. This sport consisting of a speed
race in a straight line over a maximum of 2000m

CLASSIFICATION: Classify the following events/sports that are based on the Aquatic
Sports. Write IAS if it is Individual Aquatic Sports, then TAS if is Team Aquatic Sports
_______1. Bodyboarding __________8.Cave diving
_______2. Rowing _________9. Parasailing
_______3. Water polo _________10. Synchronized diving
_______4.Dragon board racing __________11.Synchronized swimming
______5. Cliff diving _________12. Sailing
_______6. Canoeing __________13. Rafting
_______7. Wind surfing _________14. Kayaking
__________15. Water skiing



LESSON 2- Aquatics (Swimming)

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
Discusses the nature of different recreational activities PEH12FH-IIa-2


Multiple Choice.
1.Which of the four strokes is considered the universal stroke, and is also the
a. Breaststroke
b. Butterfly
c. Freestyle
d. Backstroke

2. What are the platforms called from which swimmers dive in competitive
swimming: starting __________?
a. tables
b. stools
c. blocks
3. The length of swimming pools is measured in two increments. What are the
a. meters and yards
b. feet and yards
c. meters and feet
4. How many lanes are used in a full heat of swimming in a regulation Olympic-sized

a. 8
b. 5
c. 4
d. 7
5. The flip turn is only used in two of the four strokes in swimming. Which ones are
a. butterfly and freestyle
b. butterfly and backstroke
c. freestyle and breaststroke
d. freestyle and backstroke
6. How many swimmers take part in a standard relay?

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 5
7. What does the IM stand for in swimming?
a. Individual Medley
b. Intentional Misconduct
c. Insufficient Momentum
d. Inspirational Moment
8. How many different swimming strokes are used in major competitions?
a. three
b. four
c. fwo
9. Which is the only style in which swimmers are face-up in the water?
a. butterfly
b. backstroke
c. breaststroke
10. Which stroke is usually regarded as the most difficult?
a. butterfly
b. backstroke
c. breaststroke
11. How many swimmers are in a medley relay team?
a. two
b. three
c. four


Swimming is an individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one's
entire body to move through water. The sport takes place in pools or open water (e.g.,
in a sea or lake).
➢ Swimming is an art of self-support or self-movement by means of hands and feet;
generally, practice as sport or recreation. (internet)

➢ Swimming, in recreation and sports, the propulsion of the body through water by
combined arm and leg motions and the natural flotation of the body. Swimming as
an exercise is popular as an all-around body developer and is particularly useful in
therapy and as exercise for physically handicapped persons. It is also taught for
lifesaving purposes. For activities that involve swimming, see
also diving, lifesaving, surfing, synchronized swimming, underwater diving,
and water polo.

➢ Evidence of recreational swimming in prehistoric times has been found, with
the earliest evidence dating to Stone Age paintings from around 10,000 years ago.
Written references date from 2000 BC, with some of the earliest references to
swimming including the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Bible, Beowulf, the Quran and
others. In 1538, Nikolaus Wynmann, a Swiss–German professor of languages,

wrote the earliest known complete book about swimming, Colymbetes, sive de arte
natandi dialogus et festivus et iucundus lectu (The Swimmer, or A Dialogue on the
Art of Swimming and Joyful and Pleasant to Read).
➢ Swimming emerged as a competitive recreational activity in the 1830s in
England. In 1828, the first indoor swimming pool, St George's Baths was opened to
the public. By 1837, the National Swimming Society was holding regular swimming
competitions in six artificial swimming pools, built around London. The recreational
activity grew in popularity and by 1880, when the first national governing body,
the Amateur Swimming Association was formed, there were already over 300
regional clubs in operation across the country.
➢ In 1844 two Native American participants at a swimming competition in London
introduced the front crawl to a European audience. Sir John Arthur Trudgen picked
up the hand-over stroke from some South American natives and successfully
debuted the new stroke in 1873, winning a local competition in England. His stroke
is still regarded as the most powerful to use today.
➢ Captain Matthew Webb was the first man to swim the English Channel (between
England and France), in 1875. Using the breaststroke technique, he swam the
channel 21.26 miles (34.21 km) in 21 hours and 45 minutes. His feat was not
replicated or surpassed for the next 36 years, until T.W. Burgess made the crossing
in 1911.
➢ Other European countries also established swimming federations; Germany in
1882, France in 1890 and Hungary in 1896. The first European amateur swimming
competitions were in 1889 in Vienna. The world's first women's swimming
championship was held in Scotland in 1892.


➢ Competitive swimming is one of the most popular Olympic sports,with varied

distance events in butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, and individual
medley. In addition to these individual events, four swimmers can take part in either
a freestyle or medley relay. A medley relay consists of four swimmers who will each
swim a different stroke, ordered as backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle.
➢ Men's swimming became part of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in
Athens. In 1902, the Australian Richmond Cavill introduced freestyle to the Western
world. In 1908, the world swimming association, Fédération Internationale de
Natation (FINA), was formed. Women's swimming was introduced into the Olympics
in 1912; the first international swim meet for women outside the Olympics was
the 1922 Women's Olympiad. Butterfly was developed in the 1930s and was at first
a variant of breaststroke, until it was accepted as a separate style in 1952.
➢ In 1930- Filipino swimmers joined the Far Eastern Oympics in Shanghai.
➢ Jikirin Addjaluddin- represented the Philippines in the Los Angeles World Olympics
in 1932
➢ Coloso Espino-won several medals (gold, silver, and bronze) during the ASIAD in
1954, 1958, and 1962.

➢ Teofilo Ydefonso- won two Olympic medal in 200 meter breaststroke.

The pool
Length -50 meters
Width-25 meters
Depth-1.8 meters
No.of lanes-8 lanes
Width of lanes- 2.5m each with 2 spaces

Kickboard- approximately 22”x1” with one
rounded end; support parts of the body and
allows normal breathing

Pull Buoys- used in supine kicking drills,

made of Styrofoam and composed of two 6”
to 8” long cylinder shaped with adjustable
nylon cord.

Fins- help to develop muscles in our thighs,

calves and abdomen

Hand Paddle-use to overload the arms

during pulling by creating extra resistance

• Cap-made up of latex, silicon: traditional cap (Chinstrap) made of heavy
weight rubber
• Goggles-used to protect eye from chlorinated water
• Nose plug or nose clip-use to avoid panic especially for new swimmers
• Earplug-protect the ear from water

Breatholding- to inhale and hold the inspired air for a certain time before exhaling
Bobbing- to take through the mouth above the surface of the water and breathe out
the air through the nose under water
Floating- to extend the legs and arms with the face pointing downwards
Water balance- to maintain the position of the body in the water
Rhythmic Breathing- the process of inhaling above the surface throught the nose.
Synchronized Swimming- an artistic form of rhythmic activity in water with definite
pattern to follow
Sculling- to propel oneself in the water by using hands in figure of eight

Kinds of Diving
• Feet- First Jump
• Head first-One Leg
• Head first Kneeling
• Head first- Both leg Push off
Benefits of Swimming
• Decreases stress
• Provides over all fitness
• Improves self-esteem and alertness
• Tone and strength muscles are develop
• Stimulates circulation and flow of oxygen
Type of Swimming Strokes
Swim styles
In competitive swimming, four major styles have been established. These have been
relatively stable over the last 30–40 years with minor improvements. They are:

• Butterfly
• Backstroke
• Breaststroke
• Freestyle


➢ The most difficult and exhausting stroke

➢ The body is in a prone position
➢ Involves the dolphin kick with a windmill-like movement of both arms in unison

➢ The backstroke began to develop early in the 20th century. In that stroke, the
swimmer’s body position is supine, the body being held as flat and streamlined
as possible.
➢ Involves alternate over-the-head arm strokes and a flutter kick in a supine

➢ Swimming where any stroke is used.
➢ When swimming competitively, only 15 meters can be spent underwater from
the start or from each turn.
The earliest strokes to be used were the sidestroke and the breaststroke.


➢ The sidestroke was originally used with both arms submerged. That practice
was modified toward the end of the 19th century by bringing forward first one
arm above the water, then the other, and then each in turn.

➢ Involves a forward underwater stroke with the body on one side and a scissors

Breast Stroke
➢ The breaststroke is believed to be the oldest of strokes and is much used in
lifesaving and recreational swimming as well as in competitive swimming.
➢ The body is in a prone position
➢ Involves frog kicking alternates with a simultaneous movement of the arms from
a point in front of the head to shoulder level.
➢ When swimming competitively, the swimmer’s head must be kept above the
surface of the water at all times.
➢ The earliest strokes to be used were the sidestroke and the breaststroke.

In competition, only one of these styles may be used except in the case of the
individual medley, or IM, which consists of all four. In this latter event, swimmers
swim equal distances of butterfly, then backstroke, breaststroke, and finally,
freestyle. In Olympic competition, this event is swum in two distances – 200 and
400 meters. Some short course competitions also include the 100-yard or 100-
meter IM – particularly, for younger or newer swimmers (typically under 14 years)
involved in club swimming, or masters swimming (over 18).
There are several types of officials, which are needed to manage the competition.
➢ The referee has full control and authority over all officials.

➢ The referee will enforce all rules and decisions of FINA and shall have the final
answer to all questions relating to the actual conduct of anything regarding the
meet, as well as the final settlement of which is not otherwise covered by the
➢ The referee takes overall responsibility for running the meet and makes the final
decisions as to who wins each race. Referees call swimmers to the blocks with
short blasts of his or her whistle. This is the signal for the swimmers to stand
next to their blocks. Then the referee will blow a long whistle that will tell the
swimmers to step on the block. For backstroke events, the long whistle is the
signal for the swimmers to jump into the water. The referee will then blow
another long whistle, signalling the swimmers to grab the gutter or the provided
block handle. Finally the referee will hand over the rest to the starter by directing
his or her hand to the starter.
➢ The starter has full control of the swimmers from the time the referee turns the
swimmers over to him/her until the race commences.
➢ A starter begins the race by saying, "Take your mark." At this point, the
swimmers will get into stationary positions in which they would like to start their
race. After all swimmers have assumed their stationary position, the starter will
push a button on the starting system, signaling the start of a race with a loud
noise (usually a beep or a horn) and flash from a strobe light.
➢ A starter sends the swimmers off the blocks and may call a false start if a
swimmer leaves the block before the starter sends them.
➢ A starter may also choose to recall the race after the start for any reason or
request the swimmers to "stand", "relax" or "step down" if he or she believes
that (a) particular swimmer(s) has gotten an unfair advantage at the start.
Clerk of course:
➢ The clerk of course (also called the "bullpen") assembles swimmers prior to
each event, and is responsible for organizing ("seeding") swimmers into heats
based on their times. Heats are generally seeded from slowest to fastest, where
swimmers with no previous time for an event are assumed to be the slowest.
➢ The clerk of the course is also responsible for recording and reporting
swimmers who have chosen to "scratch" (not swim) their events after they have
signed up or qualified to a semifinal or final.
➢ The clerk is also responsible for enforcing rules of the swim meet if a swimmer
chooses to not show up ("No show" - NS) his or her events.

➢ Each timekeeper takes the time of the swimmers in the lane assigned to
him/her. Unless a video backup system is used, it may be necessary to use
the full complement of timekeepers even when automatic officiating equipment
is used.
➢ A chief timekeeper assigns the seating positions for all timekeepers and the
lanes for which they are responsible. In most competitions there will be one or
more timekeepers per lane. In international competitions where full automatic
timing and video placing equipment is in use timekeepers may not be required.

Inspectors of turns:
➢ One inspector of turns is assigned to one or more lanes at each end of the pool.
Each inspector of turns ensures that swimmers comply with the relevant rules
for turning, as well as the relevant rules for start and finish of the race.
➢ Inspectors of turns shall report any violation on disqualification reports detailing
the event, lane number, and the infringement delivered to the chief inspector of
turns who will immediately convey the report to the referee.
Judges of Stroke:
➢ Judges of stroke are located on each side of the pool. They follow the
swimmers during their swim back and forth across the pool. They ensure that
the rules related to the style of swimming designated for the event are being
observed, and observe the turns and the finishes to assist the inspectors of
Finish judges:
➢ Finish judges determine the order of finish and make sure the swimmers finish
in accordance with the rules (two hands simultaneously for breaststroke and
butterfly, on the back for backstroke, etc.)
If an official observes a swimmer breaking a rule concerning the stroke he or she is
swimming, the official will report what they have seen to the referee. The referee can
disqualify (or DQ) any swimmer for any violation of the rules that he/she personally
observes or for any violation reported to them by other authorised officials. All
disqualifications are subject to the decision and discretion of the referee.
Those who are disqualified may choose to protest their disqualification. Protests are
reviewed by a panel of officials instead of the deck referee or stroke judges who may
have made the initial disqualification report.


Direction: Complete the statement to summarize all your learnings.

In this lesson, I learned about

Criteria for Grading

Content – 7 points
Neatness – 3 points
Total – 10 points


Multiple Choice.
1. Which is a rule for safety when swimming in the beach?
a. Don’t rely on swimming aids.
b. Swim immediately after a meal.
c. Do not jump from a beach raft or dive underneath.
2. Which is/are a general rule/s for safety when swimming in the beach?
I. Warm up before you swim
II. Stay out of water during thunderstorm.
III. It is more exciting to swim during a thunderstorm.
a. I, II and III
b. I only
c. I and II
3. Which characterize breast stroke?
I. The body is in a prone position
II. Involves frog kicking alternates with a simultaneous movement of the arms from a
point in front of the head to shoulder level.
III When swimming competitively, the swimmer’s head must be kept above the surface
of the water at all times.
a. I, II, III
b. I and I
c. II and II
4. Which is swimming that uses any stroke?
a. Backstroke
b. Breaststroke
c. Freestyle
5.The length of swimming pools is measured in two increments. What are the
a. meters and yards
b. feet and yards
c. meters and feet
6.How many swimmers take part in a standard relay?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 5
7. Which is the only style in which swimmers are face-up in the water?
a. butterfly
b. backstroke
c. breaststroke
8. Which stroke is usually regarded as the most difficult?
a. butterfly
b. backstroke
c. breaststroke

9. How many swimmers are in a medley relay team?
a. two
b. three
c. four
10 In what year, when men’s swimmimng became part of the first modern Olympics
a.1896 b. 1897 c. 1998

Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Optimizing Energy System
(Nutrition, Hydration and Relaxation)

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems,
pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are
owned by their respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who
have made significant contributions to these modules.

What This Module is About

This module deals with the importance of optimizing one’s energy system
through proper nutrition, hydration and complete relaxation (rest). The food serves as
the fuel of our body to keep us going. We need also water to keep us hydrated and to
avoid dehydration and hyperthermia during moderate to vigorous physical activity
participation. Equally important is a well-rested body in order to improve concentration
and productivity and at the same time, maximize athletic performance and maintain

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

Lesson 1: Get Refreshed: Your Food and You
Lesson 2: Quenching Your Thirst
Lesson 3: Sleep Tight, Wake Up Right

What I Need to Know

➢ At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
performance (PEH12FH-IIb-c-2);
2. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school
(PEH12FH-IIa-t-8); and
3. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment

How to Learn from this Module

✓ For the Learner:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
2. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
3. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you already
4. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
5. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
6. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
7. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research and
requirements to be conducted outside your home.

✓ For the Teacher/Facilitator:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them. .
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the bound
of the learning competency.

✓ For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains
learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as
Learning Objectives
you go along the
This is an assessment as
to your level of
knowledge to the subject
What I Know?
matter at hand,
meant specifically to
gauge prior related

This part connects

What’s In?
previous lesson with that
Review Activity
of the current one.

An introduction of the
new lesson through
What’s New? various activities, before
Motivational Activity it will be presented
to you

These are discussions of

the activities as a
What is It?
way to deepen your
Lesson Proper
discovery and under-
standing of the concept.
These are follow-up
activities that are in-
What’s More?
tended for you to practice
Performance Task
further in order to
master the competencies.


Activities designed to
What I Have Learned? process what you
Generalization have learned from the
These are tasks that are
designed to show-
What I Can Do? case your skills and
Application knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life
concerns and situations.
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving
Post-Assessment the learning objectives of
the lesson.

What I Know


Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is an energy-giving food?

A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

2. Which of the following food group is full of vitamins and minerals to keep our skin,
hair and eyes bright and glowing?
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

3. Which of the following food groups is responsible for building our bones, teeth
and muscles?
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

4. Stella is planning to go on hiking in the next few hours. What would be the best
choice of foods is she going to prepare?
A. Carbo-loaded B. Oily C. Salty D. Sweets and Dried

5. Eating too much may lead to serious health problems. Which of the following is
NOT considered as a chronic disease?
A. Cancer B. Cardiovascular disease C. Diabetes D. Flu

6. How many glasses of water our body needs in order to stay hydrated?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8


7. Why do you need to drink plenty of water?
A. It is essential nutrient for your body.
B. Your neighbours are doing the same.
C. Your teacher tells you to do so.
D. You have sufficient supply of water at home.

8. Which of the following is NOT true about drinking water?

A. It is an essential element that helps regulate your body temperature.
B. It lubricates our joints.
C. It makes us smart and sexy.
D. It flushes our waste through urine.

9. When is the best time to drink water?

A. After the thirst is felt C. During the time when the thirst is felt
B. Before the thirst is felt D. All of the above

10. While exercising, most people should break for water every ___ minutes.
A. 5 B. 20 C. 40 D. 60

11. It is an activity that gives you the ability to learn, focus and process memory
A. Eating B. Hiking C. Sleeping D. Swimming

12. After a day of trekking, James is advised by his guide to sleep for 7-9 hours on
the day before the final trek. Which of the following aspects can recover if James
will follow the advice?
A. Psychological B. Physiological C. Physical D. All of the above

13. Which of the following is TRUE about sleep and performance?

A. Getting enough sleep is important to athletic performance.
B. Good sleep can improve performance in athletes.
C. Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself.
D. All of the above

14. Which of these will help promote better sleep?

A. Changing bed times C. Reading or listening to music
B. Having a late dinner D. Drinking coffee

15. Which of these lifestyle factors can affect the quality of your sleep?
A. Drinking alcohol B. Exercise C. Smoking D. All of the above


Getting Refreshed:
Your Food and You

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Name and differentiate the three basic food groups;
2. Apply tool that help one make wise food choices
3. Recognize the value of optimizing one’s health through nutrition.

What’s New


In previous years, you were taught about the three basic food groups. In this
activity, classify the foods into GO, GROW or GLOW.

Food Group Food Group

1. Corn 6. Malunggay
1. 2. Orange 8. 7. Banana
2. 3. Fish 9. 8. Squash
3. 4. Egg 9. Mango
4. 5. Rice 10.Milk

What Is It?

Are you eating right? What do you consider as “right food”? Do you eat
regularly? Do you binge eat? Do you eat when you have a problem? In a day, how
many times do you eat? Three? Four? Nth Times? Oh, come on. You need to double
check your eating habit. For you to know if you have taken in the foods needed by
your body, consider first remembering the three basic food groups.

These are the grow foods, go foods and glow foods that your body needs
in order to get you going in your day to day activity and to keep you healthy.

Group Definition Examples

Go Foods Go Foods are the kind of food that give
fuel and help us keep going. These bread, rice, pasta, cereals
nourishments give our muscles fuel to and potato.
run, swim, jump and our brain to stay
Grow Foods Grow Foods help our body grow bigger Eggs, meat, fish milk,
and stronger. ‘Grow’ foods help build our cheese and yoghurt
body’s bones, teeth and muscles.
Glow Foods Glow Foods are full of vitamins and
minerals to keep our skin, hair and eyes
bright and glowing. ‘Glow’ foods can keep all fruits and vegetables.
our immune system strong so that we can
fight bugs and viruses.

The food that the body takes in is essential for a person to be fit. Your eating
habit, which includes correct eating behaviour and pattern has to be established
especially when you are going to carry out a task in the next few hours. Doing
outdoor recreational activities require you to eat the right amount and right choice
of food. Be reminded as well that in doing moderate to vigorous physical activities
(MVPAs), you need to fuel up and to keep your energy up throughout the day.
In the Philippines, we have a food guide called Pinggang Pinoy (Figure 1.1).
this helps us make informed choices about the food we eat and to help us achieved
a balanced diet. Unhealthy food may lead us to not performing well in any of the
physical activities because of its adverse effect to our body.


Figure 1.1
Pinggang Pinoy

What’s More?

Activity 2. WHAT I EAT TODAY

1. Recall what you have eaten in a given day. Keep a record of your food
Classify it into go, grow or glow foods.

Meal, Snack or Go Grow Glow


Morning Snack


Afternoon Snack


After Dinner


1. Consider yourself doing an outdoor recreational activity. Following the


Pinoy idea, draw on the plate below the food and drinks you plan to take
in preparation for your adventure.
2. Make your work presentable.


Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Drawing
Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the
information and message. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing highlights important
information relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned

1. Summarize your learning about the importance of proper nutrition and


What I Can Do

1. As a student, what can you do to keep yourself healthy? How are you going
to introduce Pinggang Pinoy to your family?

Quenching Your Thirst
What’s In

Eating the right amount and right choice of food is very important in
keeping a fit body. A fit body is an essential part of planning for outdoor
recreational activities, especially those that are moderate or vigorous in
nature. Take note that the amount of food to be taken in largely depends on
the nature of the adventure you are going to consider. Always keep in mind
that on top of the list of things, you need to plan for the fuel that your body
needs – food.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Explain the importance of water to one’s body especially during one’s
participation to outdoor recreational activities;
2. Interpret one’s hydration status
3. Recognize the value of optimizing one’s health through proper hydration.

What’s New?

Activity 1: WATER PLEASE.

1. Observe the picture closely.


2. What can you say about the picture? Describe it physically. Why is it
What could have been done?

3. Write your observation on the blank provided.


What Is It?

Like any other living things in the world, your body needs water. You
need water to survive. It is an essential element that helps regulate your
body temperature and lubricates tour joints. It also flushes our waste
through urine. Your body needs at least 8 glasses of water every day. Can
you consume that much?
Aside from the tap or bottled, water can be obtained from the food
and beverages you consume every day. Water consumption depends also
on the kind of food you are taking in. If you eat more dehydrated or dried

and salted foods, the more you need water to keep your body hydrated. If
you are drinking at least the minimum volume of fluids in a day, then you are
adequately hydrated.
When you do moderate to vigorous physical activities out of door, you
have to deal with temperature. The hotter the temperature, the more your
body sweats. When you sweat out, it means you have started losing fluid in
your body. It is important to know that you should drink before you get thirsty
because by the time you will feel it, your body is already dehydrating. Aside
from sweating fluids are lost also when urinating, defecating and breathing.
The more you are exposed to high temperature, especially when
doing vigorous activities that you do not normally do, the more you easily get
dehydrated. Always bring water with you. Replace the fluid loss as much
as needed in order to function properly. Let us check your hydration status.


What’s More?

Activity 2. OMG!

3. Early in the morning, check the color of your urine and know your hydration
based on the Hydration Status Chart above.
4. Continue observing and record the status after urination. Are there any
changes in
the color?
5. Use the table below for this activity.

Time Hydration Status Intervention

Ex. Ex. Ex.
(5:00 A.M.) (Severely Dehydrated) (Drink one glass of

6. Describe how you feel about knowing your hydration status. You may also
include the whole family in this assessment. What lesson did you learn from
this activity? Write your observations below.

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require
them to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity.
(Rubric may be changed depending on the agreement between the
teacher/facilitator and the learner).
Rubric for Essay
Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1

The paper conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic 5 4 3 2 1
or issue.
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1


1. Write an essay about the importance of water to your life.


Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned

1. Summarizeyour learning about the importance of keeping hydrated.

How important is the water to your health?

What I Can Do

1. As a student, what can you do to keep hydrated? How

are you going to impart to your family the knowledge you learned
from this lesson?


Sleep Tight, Wake Up Right

What’s In

After learning things in the previous lessons, are you now conscious
about eating the right food and drinking plenty of water to stay fit and to perform
your daily routine efficiently and effectively? Eating nutritious and balanced diet
is a big YES in fuelling your body and in getting ready for the day’s big
challenge. But don’t forget that proper hydration is equally important in
providing fuel to provide lasting energy throughout the day. Keep it up!

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the importance of enough sleep/rest to one’s participation in
recreational activities ;
2. Recognize the value of optimizing one’s health through enough rest/sleep.

What’s New?

Activity 1: GOOD NIGHT

1. The picture shows different sleeping positions.



2. Which among the positions are you doing while asleep? Why?


What Is It?

Enough sleep is essential for your body. Getting the right amount of
quality sleep gives you the ability to learn, focus and process memory. Lack of
sleep leads to poor concentration and your effectiveness and level of energy
decline. Relaxing and getting enough rest will help you do better and enjoy life
more. How much sleep do you get every night?
Your body requires enough time to rest from the hustle world you live in.
Accordingly, the amount of sleep you need depends on your age. The National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends at least 11-12 hours for preschool-
aged children, 10 hours for school-aged children, 9-10 hours for teens and 7-8
hours for adults.
Doing moderate to vigorous physical activities in your free time
compensates you for the unpleasant practices you do to your body. Your
performance in outdoor activity, for example, will greatly be affected by how
your body is well-rested prior to the planned activity. Take time to relax and
keep yourself well-rested.

What’s More?

Activity 2. WHAT TIME IS IT?

1. For one week, observe your sleep pattern.

2. Record the times you go to bed and wake up.
3. Use the table below for this activity.

Day Time of Going to Bed Time of Waking Up Number of Hours

4. Describe your sleeping pattern. Are there any improvement? What lessons
did you learn from this activity? Write your observations below.

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require
them to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity.
(Rubric may be changed depending on the agreement between the
teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. #SWEET DREAMS

1. Write an essay about the importance of getting enough sleep.


Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned?


1. Write a reflection on how nutrition, hydration and relaxation play vital roles in
your life especially when doing recreational activities with your loved ones.
Write your answer below.



What I Can Do?

In times like this, you need to stay fit and healthy. Your strong immune
system is protecting you around the clock. Boost it. Practice a health living.
Eat a balanced diet. Keep yourself hydrated. Get correct amount of good
sleep. Exercise regularly. Invite your family to join you in your Staying Fit
Challenge. Instead of daily or weekly monitoring of your nutrition, hydration
and sleep pattern, make it a challenge for a month. Good luck!

• Your eating habit, which includes correct eating behaviour and pattern has to
be established especially when you are going to carry out a task in the next
few hours.

• Doing outdoor recreational activities require you to eat the right amount and
right choice of food

• In the Philippines, we have a food guide called Pinggang Pinoy (Figure 1.1),
this helps us make informed choices about the food we eat and to help us
achieved a balanced diet.

• Unhealthy food may lead us to not performing well in any of the physical
activities because of its adverse effect to our body.

• Water is an essential element that helps regulate your body temperature and
lubricates tour joints. It also flushes our waste through urine. Your body needs
at least 8 glasses of water every day.

• Aside from the tap or bottled, water can be obtained from the food and
beverages you consume every day.

• Water consumption depends also on the kind of food you are taking in. If you
eat more dehydrated or dried and salted foods, the more you need water to
keep your body hydrated.

• If you are drinking at least the minimum volume of fluids in a day, then you are
adequately hydrated.

• It is important to know that you should drink before you get thirsty because by
the time you will feel it, your body is already dehydrating.

• The more you are exposed to high temperature, especially when doing
vigorous activities that you do not normally do, the more you easily get

• Always bring water with you. Replace the fluid loss as much as needed in order
to function properly.
• Getting the right amount of quality sleep gives you the ability to learn, focus and
process memory.

• Lack of sleep leads to poor concentration and your effectiveness and level of
energy decline. Relaxing and getting enough rest will help you do better and
enjoy life more.

• Accordingly, the amount of sleep you need depends on your age. The National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends at least 11-12 hours for preschool-
aged children, 10 hours for school-aged children, 9-10 hours for teens and 7-8
hours for adults.



Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is an energy-giving food?

A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the

2. Which of the following food group is full of vitamins and minerals to keep our
skin, hair
and eyes bright and glowing?
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the

3. Which of the following food groups is responsible for building our bones, teeth
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the

4. Stella is planning to go on hiking in the next few hours. What would be the best
choice of foods is she going to prepare?
A. Carbo-loaded B. Oily C. Salty D. Sweets and

5. Eating too much may lead to serious health problems. Which of the following is
considered as a chronic disease?
A. Cancer B. Cardiovascular disease C. Diabetes D.

6. How many glasses of water our body needs in order to stay hydrated?
A. 2 B.4 C. 6 D. 8

7. Why do you need to drink plenty of water?
A. It is essential nutrient for your body.
B. Your neighbours are doing the same.
C. Your teacher tells you to do so.
D. You have sufficient supply of water at home.

8. Which of the following is NOT true about drinking water?

A. It is an essential element that helps regulate your body temperature.
B. It lubricates our joints.
C. It makes us smart and sexy.
D. It flushes our waste through urine.

9. When is the best time to drink water?

A. After the thirst is felt C. During the time when the thirst is
B. Before the thirst is felt D. All of the above

10. While exercising, most people should break for water every ___ minutes.
A. 5 B. 20 C. 40 D. 60

11. It is an activity that gives you the ability to learn, focus and process
A. Eating B. Hiking C. Sleeping D.

12. After a day of trekking, James is advised by his guide to sleep for 7-9
hours on the day before the final trek. Which of the following aspects can
recover if James will follow the advice?
A. Psychological B. Physiological C. Physical D. All of the

13. Which of the following is TRUE about sleep and performance?

A. Getting enough sleep is important to athletic performance.
B. Good sleep can improve performance in athletes.
C. Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself.
D. All of the above

14. Which of these will help promote better sleep?

A. Changing bedtimes C. Reading or listening to music
B. Having a late dinner D. Drinking coffee

15. Which of these lifestyle factors can affect the quality of your sleep?
A. Drinking alcohol B. Exercise C. Smoking D. All of the


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