OUTLINE-Succession Part 1 and 2

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Civil Law Review I: Succession

II. Succession

Definition; see when property, rights, are transmitted; see kinds of succession, in general (testate v. intestate);
see kinds of heirs (voluntary, intestate, compulsory, devisee, legatee)

A. Wills in general

Capacity to will estate: see Arts. 796-797; distinguish incapacity vs. supervening incapacity

1. Holographic Wills

Art. 804; 810.

See requisite for insertions, alterations, erasures (Art. 812, 814)

2. Notarial Wills

Art. 804-808

See Art 823

3. Wills executed abroad by Filipinos

Art. 815 as to form; but see Art. 16.

4. Joint Wills by Filipinos

Art. 818; 819

Distinguish joint wills from reciprocal wills

On Notarial Wills

See modes of subscription; signature; thumbmark; other drawings as signature (Garcia v. Lacuesta (1951);
another person’s affixing testator’s name (then compare the scope of permissible subscriptions with
holographic wills)

On witnessing: Jaboneta doctrine (1906)

On notarization (acknowledgement), distinct from attestation: Echavez v. Dozen Construction and

Development Corp. (2010)
Codicil: Art. 825-826 (definition and form)

Revocation of Wills

Modes: Art. 830

Validity of Revocation:

a. Revoking outside the Philippines

b. Revoking within the Philippines

On revocation by subsequent will, codicil, or other writing: see express vs. implied

On express revocations: doctrine of dependent relative revocation (Molo v. Molo, 90 Phil 37)

Exceptions: Art. 832

Revocation for False or Illegal Cause: Art 833.

Implied Revocation: see Art. 831

See Art. 383.

On destruction: see requisite intent; see act required; and presumption of revocation

(Gago v. Mamuyac, [1927])

Republication and Revival


For wills voided by form, republication or revival?

On revival: if a later will revokes a first will, will the revocation of the later wil l revivethe original testament?

Testamentary Succession

Review definition; types of heirs

See reciprocal wills, vs. disposition captatoria, vs. joint wills

A. Preterition

Definitions: preterition; compulsory heir; omission; legitime; direct line

See requisites: status of heir; extent of omission (see Morales v. Olondriz [2016]; survival.

See effects (Art. 854)

Preterition v. Disinheritance

B. Substitution


See Fideicommisary Substituion (Art. 863); definition; requisites; see how

fideicommissary substitution relates to Art. 870 (general rule on alienability of legitimes)


Civil Law Review I: Succession

II. Succession

(Continued from Substitution)

C. Legitimes

See definition; distinguish v. free portion; see Art. 1083; review definition of compulsory


Of conditions: see Art 874; and exception to the rule.


a. Primary Compulsory Heirs (excludes Secondary)

b. Secondary Compulsory Heirs (excluded by Primary)

c. Concurring Compulsory Heirs (inherits with primary OR secondary heirs)

(Rules of Proximity; direct vs. collateral; see the case for legitimate parents and

illegitimate parents of the testator)


a. Who are legitimate children (all scenarios, inc., e.g. Art. 41 children; Art. 36, etc)

b. Who are illegitimate children

c. Adopted children as successor; biological parents of the adopted as successor

See tables of legitime (Commentaries/Civil Code)

Reserva Troncal (Art. 891)

Definition; requisites to arise; note: degree; mode of acquisition; origin; modes and lines of transmission;
effect; parties involved; filiation required

Right of reservista to dispose by intervivos or mortis causa


Art. 915, as exception to the rule on irreducibility of legitimes

Vs. Preterition

See requisites: particularly: will; cause recognized by law; total; statement of cause.

See disinheritance by false cause (Art. 918)

See reconciliation (Art. 922)

Representation and disinheritance: (Art. 923)

Legacies and Devises

See definition

Art. 930

Intestate Succession

Instances giving rise to: Art. 960; Art. 854.

Rules of Preference:

a. See Direct v. Collateral

b. See Nearer vs. Remote

c. See Descendant vs. Ascendant Rules (Direct) (Distinguish effect if descendant is illegitimate/legitimate)

d. Exclusionary effect of Surviving Spouse; who is excluded

e. Nieces and Nephews vs. Aunts and Uncles

f. Representation

Art. 971

Art. 981, 982

Repudiation and Representation: compare Art. 977 v. 968

By Adopted Children: Diaz v. IAC, 182 SCRA 427

By Illegitimate children: see limit in Art. 902; see availability in Art. 989-990; see Art. 992 (Barrier Rule/Iron
Curtain Rule – see mutual exclusion under the rule)

g. When does the State inherit?

Intestate Succession

Decedent: Legitimate Child

See distribution of successional rights (Commentaries/Table)

Review: Concurrence and Exclusion (check who may concur with surviving spouse; with illegitimate
children); see Art. 968 (relatives of the same degree, with repudiators/incapacitated)

Review Art. 992; Art. 891.

Intestate succession and adoption

Adopter as deceased: Art. 18, R.A. 8552

Adopted, as deceased: Art. 18, R.A. 8552

Adopter/s (joint adoption) predecease/s the adopted: In re Adoption of Garcia (2005)

Art. 970; definition

When arises: a) testacy, with respect to legitime; b) intestacy, intestate share. See causes.

Art. 971 – source of inheritance

Art. 972 - on collaterals

Distinguish Art 976 from Art. 977 (in case of renounciation)

Art. 992 (barrier/curtain)

Provisions Common to Testate and Intestate Succession


Art. 1015; definition

See causes for testacy; intestacy (Arts. 1016; 1018)

See requisites

For compulsory heirs (free portion): see Art. 1021.


What accretes:

a. Testate Succession: vacant/free

b. Intestacy: Art. 981 and 1035, over Art. 1015; but see repudiation (Art. 1018)

Capacity to Succeed

See Art. 16

See list of those absolutely incapacitated (Art. 1025, 1026, 1027 [6])

For undue influence:: See Art. 1027, but note the inheritance precluded by the incapacity.

For public policy/morality: Art. 1028 (review void donations, Art. 739)

Cause of Unworthiness; Condonation: Art. 1032-33

Prescriptive Period: Art. 1040

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