MyDev Module 6 DLL Session 1 Act. 1

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Community Learning Center

Learning Facilitator Leziele M. Furto Literacy Level Elementary & JHS
Date Oct. 2020 Strand Learning Strand 4

Week No. 5

I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

a. Identify workers’ rights and responsibilities
b. Be familiar with universal human rights
c. Take the Learner’s Reflection
A. Content Standards/Focus Ability to earn a living (Employment)
B. Performance Standards/ Apply working knowledge, attitudes, and work-related skills as an employed person to earn a living and improve one’s economic
Terminal Objectives status.
C. Learning Competencies/ Discuss the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers. This includes:
Terminal Objectives  Workers rights and responsibilities
 Employers rights and responsibilities
Activity 1: Introductory Activity
A. References
1. Session Guide Pages Module 6: Rights & Responsibilities of Workers and Employers Facilitator’s Manual
2. Module/Learner’s Module 6: Rights & Responsibilities of Workers and Employers
Material pages
3. Additional Materials Printed modules, activity sheets, pictures
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Routinary A. Motivation
Activities/Springboard/ Welcome the learners to Module 6 Session 1: Understanding Rights and Responsibilities.
Motivation Read and think about the proverb found at the beginning of Module 6 : “Ang bawat karapatan ay may kaakibat na
(Establishing a purpose responsibilidad” (Every right implies a responsibility).
for the lesson)
What do you think is the meaning of the proverb written above? Write your answer in 2-3 sentences on the space provided.
B. Activity (Review of ACTIVITY 1
previous lesson/s or Review the main content from the previous module.
Presenting the new
lesson) Circle an answer for each statement.
1. Habits for good health include:
a. Regular bathing 4. If your clothes catch fire, run for help.
b. Eating nutritious foods a. True
c. Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol b. False
d. Being positive
e. All of the above 5. Germs are spread through animals but not people.
a. True
2. Examples of safety hazards include: b. False
a. Contact information Hot grease
b. Cluttered working areas
c. Slippery floors
d. Falling objects
e. All of the above

3. Improving work policies and procedures can help control hazards at work.
a. True
b. False
C. Analysis (Presenting ACTIVITY 1
examples/instances of the Give an example of a right and responsibility that you think. Write it on the space provided.
new lesson) Examples: Right to education comes with a responsibility to study well.
Right to clean water comes with a responsibility to take care of the environment.

Read and answer the Learners’ Reflection in their Participant’s Handbook, explaining that this is not a test but is a way to
see what they already know or do not know about the topics. For each statement they need to check the column that best
describes them. Stress the importance of answering honestly and independently.
D. Discussing new concepts Read Handout 6.1: Sample of Human Rights in their Handbook. Each picture depicts one of the essential human rights. Ask
and practicing new skills learner what they understand about each picture. Which of the 8 human rights are most concerned about in this course?
(sub-activity #1) Examples: Health and safety (work readiness); right to work (work readiness)
Read and analyze Handout 6.2: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
E. Abstraction (Making Read Handout 6.1: Sample of Human Rights and write it on your note book.
generalizations about the
F. Application (Developing Answer the following questions: write it on your notebook.
mastery) 1. How did the concepts of rights and responsibilities relate to health and safety at work?
G. Valuing (Finding practical Read and answer the questions below. Write your answer on the space provided.
applications of concepts 1. Roberto accidentally cut his thumb while cutting papers at the printing press. His co-workers covered it with a rag to
and skills in daily living ) stop it from bleeding since there was no cotton or gauze available. They also didn’t know how to administer first aid.
Roberto’s thumb was bleeding badly before he was brought to the hospital.
What do you think is the right which is violated on the situation?
2. Maria a 15 year old daughter was force by her parents to stop schooling and work as a meat vendor in the market to
help her family. What do you think is the right that is being violated in the situation?
H. Evaluation (Assessing Learner’s Reflection
Learning) What are some of the rights and responsibilities that you have for safety? That employers have for safety?
I. Agreement (Additional
activities for application
or remediation)

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:

DALSC, District VI

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