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filmnews_Layout 1 31/03/2011 15:07 Page 1


Nolan casts Hathaway
and Hardy in sequel
Warner Brothers have ended all speculation
regarding the casting of upcoming film The
Dark Knight Rises by announcing that Anne
Hathaway and Tom Hardy will feature in the
Hathaway and Hardy will play the roles of
Catwoman and Bane in what is widely ex-
pected to be Nolans’ final entry in the series,
making it a trilogy.
The film is currently scheduled for a summer
2012 release, with filming due to complete
in November this year. Rumours had fo-
cused on the character of The Riddler play-
ing a major part in the film, titled ‘The Dark
Knight Rises’. However, it now seems that
these stories were unfounded, as the Cat-
woman and Bane have been announced.
Both these characters have featured in ear-
lier Batman based films, with Michelle Pheif-
fer starring as Selina Kyle in Tim Burtons
1992 ‘Batman Returns’. The character of
Bane appeared in the gigantic flop that was
Joel Shumachers’ ‘Batman & Robin’. Bat-
man fans were unhappy with the portrayal
of Bane in Shumachers’ film, as they felt the
character deserved to be more than a simple
henchman. The character has been forever
present in the Batman comics, being one of
Batmans’ most notable villains.
Tom Hardys’ participation is of no surprise
to fans after his impressive turn in the biopic
‘Bronson’, and in Nolans’ blockbuster Incep-
tion, one of the highest grossing films of
The news has caused a mixed reaction from
fans of the franchise, with many happy with
the actors chosen, but not the characters
they will portray. Andrew Adlen, a lifelong
The Dark Knight Rises will
comic book fan and Batman enthusiast com-
complete Nolans’ Batman
mented, “As pleased as I am with the casting
of Tom Hardy, I am a little bit disappointed
that Nolan chose to use Bane and didn’t go
for a character with a lot more depth, such
regards to both actress and character. Hav- The previous film in the series, The Dark
as Black Mask or the Riddler. Then again
ing seen a few of Hathaway’s films there is Knight, grossed $1,001,921,825 worldwide.
there was controversy among Batman fans
no doubt that she is a capable actress and I This triggered Warner Brothers to begin
when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker for
think she suits the role of Selina Kyle per- plans for the next film in the series. It took
the Dark Knight and it ended up being one
fectly. Hopefully Nolan will use her in the a while to come together, as Nolan was at
of the best films of the last 10 years, so I sup-
same way Tim Burton did in Batman TheRe-Dark to be reluctant
thought Rises
firstKnight to make
will be the finalan-
pose you have to trust Nolan’s judgement. I
turns, as a love interest of Bruce Wayne and other, but the sequel was officially con-
think Nolan has made the right choice with chapter in Nolans Batman story
as a nemesis of Batman.” firmed in early 2010.

filmnews_Layout 1 31/03/2011 15:07 Page 2


‘Kings Speech’ up Favraeu steps

for 12 Oscars TWITS down from Iron
‘The Kings Speech’ and ‘The Social Net- Man 3
work’ are up for numerous awards in this Jon Favreau has confirmed that he will not
year’s Oscars, after the nominations for the be directing the next entry in the Iron Man
2011 Academy Awards were announced. film franchise.
Raking in 12 nominations, British film ‘The The director, who took the hot seat for both
Kings Speech’ is sure to be a big winner. The Iron Man and Iron Man 2, has parted ways
title is nominated for Best Picture, Best Di- Jim Carrey with Marvel Comics. Writing on his personal
rector, Best Actor and Best Original Screen- Twitter account, Favreau said that he will in-
I'm thankful 4 the love of my
play amongst others. Other titles up for the stead by directing ‘Magic Kingdom’. “It’s
Best Picture award include ‘Black Swan’,
Family and 2 the Native Ameri- true; I’m directing Magic Kingdom, not Iron
‘The Fighter’, ‘Inception’, ‘The Kids Are All cans who invited us 4 dinner Man 3. I’ve had a great run with Marvel and
Right’, ‘127 Hours’, ‘Toy Story 3’, ‘True and let us take their stuff! wish them all the best.”
Grit’ and ‘Winters Bone’. Happy Spanksgivin! The news means that Marvel will now begin
The Best Director category followed a simi- the search for a new director, they do have
lar pattern to Best Picture, with David O. time however, as the film is slated for a 2013
Russell, Tom Hooper, the Coen Brothers summer release.
and Darren Aronofsky picking up nomina- Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr has a
tions. director approval role written into his con-
Colin Firth is runaway favourite for the Best tract for the franchise, therefore any ap-
Actor Oscar, but he will face tough opposi- pointment would have to be run by the
tion from Javier Bardem for Biutiful and the Simon Pegg actor first.
impressive James Franco for his role in Cypress Mountain is like one big- Favreau has later stated “I look forward to
Danny Boyles’ 127 Hours. ger than Cypress Hill and two seeing what others can do playing in the
Natalie Portman leads the nominations for bigger than Cypress Mound. It's same world.”
Best Actress, with Nicole Kidman, Michelle
Williams and Annette Benning also nomi-
way bigger than Cypress Lump. A
to the Mfing K
Farrell for ‘Total
Sutherland: ‘24’ Colin Farrell has been confirmed as the lead

film still on for film remake ‘Total Recall’.

Producer Neal Moritz stated that the actor
schedule has signed up for the film, with filming be-
ginning in May.
Kiefer Sutherland has quashed rumours that Ben Stiller The producer also commented on how the
the planned film adaption of ‘24’ is dead. Just saw Paul McCartney at the remake will not replicate the original 1990
The 44 year old actor has stated that filming Apollo. Beyond great!! He is Paul Verhoeven action film, starring Arnold
will begin as planned later this year. Reports Schwarznegger.
beyond iconic, he and his band
had suggested that a script for the film had “It’s closer to the book, the big difference is
were amazing. Fell like I am 12 we don’t go into space” said Moritz.
been rejected, leaving the project dead in
the water. years old. Wow. Director Len Wiseman is on board, whose
Sutherland however commented that these previous efforts include Die Hard 4.0 and
problems will not affect production, “It’s a Underworld.
very difficult thing to take something that “I think the world that Len Wiseman is cre-
you’ve done for eight years and almost 200 ating is incredible. It’s a real world, where
episodes, and try and find a story that’s cities are just built up, up, up, up. There are
unique and yet also service the history of the all these technological advancements, and
show.” it’s just really, it’s cool.”
The American show, which started in 2001, Eli Roth Whether or not the lack of space will annoy
has now ran for 8 seasons. A feature length It really is the ultimate Jewish the die hard fans of the original is to be seen,
version of the shows has been released be- Christmas to spend it in Shang- but with Farrell on board and filming starting
fore, with the straight to DVD 24: Redemp- soon, more details are sure to be leaked be-
hai. It's like every other one fore the end of the year.
tion. Studio executives will be hoping for a
cinema release for the new film.
was a warmup for this one. For more film information be sure to visit


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