PRIME-HRM User Manual V 1.1.0 5-7-18

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Table of Contents

ABOUT PRIME-HRM AUTOMATED SYSTEM .............................................................................. 2

FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND .................................................................................................. 2
TOP TOOLBAR ....................................................................................................................................... 2
LEFT MENU BAR .................................................................................................................................... 3
YOUR PROFILE AND DASHBOARD ............................................................................................ 3
PROFILE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Updating your email..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Changing Password...................................................................................................................................................... 4
USER DASHBOARD ................................................................................................................................. 4
AGENCY MODULES .................................................................................................................... 4
View Agency Profile ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Update Agency Info ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
SELF-ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................ 5
Add New Self-Assessment ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Submit Self-Assessment to Assistor ............................................................................................................................ 6
Validate Self-Assessment ............................................................................................................................................ 7
PRE-ASSISTANCE ................................................................................................................................... 7
Upload Action Plan....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Create Assist Plan......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Review Assist Plan ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
ASSISTANCE ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Submit Monthly Progress Report ................................................................................................................................ 9
POST-ASSISTANCE .................................................................................................................................... 9
Recommend for Recognition ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Validate Recommendation for Recognition .............................................................................................................. 10
Approve Recommendation for Recognition .............................................................................................................. 11
RECOGNITION........................................................................................................................................ 11
Issue Recognition ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
ONSITE ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................................. 12
Record Calibrated Onsite Assessment....................................................................................................................... 12
Issue Narrative Report................................................................................................................................................ 13
Review Onsite Assessment and Narrative Report ..................................................................................................... 14
Approve Onsite Assessment and Narrative Report ................................................................................................... 14
AWARD ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Issue Award to Agency ............................................................................................................................................... 15

OFFLINE ASSESSMENT TOOL ................................................................................................. 15

DOWNLOADING THE OFFLINE ASSESSMENT TOOL .................................................................................. 15
CHECKING THE APP VERSION ................................................................................................................. 15

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
About PRIME-HRM Automated System
The PRIME-HRM Automated System is built to automate the PRIME-HRM processes: Assist, Assess and

The system can be accessed online in a web browser. Assessment can be done either online or offline. For
offline, the tool can be downloaded from the system:

• Online System
The default mode of using the application where the system is accessed via web. The online version
covers the entire process of the PRIME-HRM from agency self-assessment to award. Summary
Reports can be generated on the spot on this mode.

• Offline Tool
A back-up mode of conducting the Self and Onsite Assessment in case internet connection is not
available on the area where the assessment is being done. Agency users and Assessors may only
conduct assessment on this mode. The saved data on self-assessment and onsite assessment from
the offline tool shall be exported and uploaded to the online system where the subsequent processes
for the said assessments may continue.

Finding Your Way Around

The PRIME-HRM Automated System behaves like a regular website in terms of layout and how a user can
navigate it.

Top Toolbar
The top bar area comprises of controls related to immediate updates and user identity.

Drawer Menu

Also known as the hamburger menu, the icon represents the control for displaying and hiding
the left menu bar.


Identified by the icon, the Notifications area gives updates on new submissions, approvals and


Click the avatar icon to access the User Profile area. Users shall access this area should they
want to update their enrolled email address and account password.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
Left Menu Bar
This panel list links to the different stages of the PRIME-HRM processes. The following modules can also be
accessed via this panel:


Opens the Quick Stats area, latest Comments and Notifications.


Opens a submenu containing the different stages of assessment.


Limited to HRPSO only, and can generate a report on the status of the implementation of PRIME-

Offline Assessment Tool

Opens download link for the PRIME-HRM Offline Tool. This area is where users must first check if
their tool is updated before starting an offline self or onsite assessment.

Your Profile and Dashboard

The Profile page contains the following information about your account:
• Username
• Email address
• Role
• CSC Regional Office (if applicable)
• Agency (if applicable)
• Account Status (Active / Inactive)
• Profile Picture

Updating your enrolled email address

As the owner of your profile, you can update your enrolled email address in the system.

1. Navigate to your profile page by opening the icon at the upper right corner of your window
2. Click My Profile.
3. Open the Actions dropdown on the Profile Account section.
4. Click on Update Email.
5. Type your new email address in the Email Address field
6. Click on Update to save.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
Changing Password
As the owner of your profile, you can update your password saved in the system.

1. Navigate to your profile page by opening the icon at the upper right corner of your window.
2. Click My Profile.
3. Open the Actions dropdown on the Profile Account section.
4. Click on Update Password.
5. Type your new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.

Your password must be at least eight characters long and preferably use a combination of
uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

6. Click Update to save.

User Dashboard
Quick Stats

Displays number of assessments user has access to organize per stage and latest status.


Quick preview of the latest comments posted on the assessments the user is working on.


Displays latest updates on the assessments a user has access to.

Agency Modules
This module group contains the core processes of the PRIME-HRM transactions from self-assessment to
award. It is generally organized by the different phases of PRIME-HRM processes namely:

• Self-Assessment
• Pre-Assistance
• Assistance
• Post-Assistance
• Recognition
• Onsite Assessment
• Award

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
View Agency Profile
An agency profile page contains data about their basic profile, latest accreditation, HR head & HR info,
address and HR complement. This information is accessible within the system to designated users as set by
the Administrator. To view these information:

1. Click on Agencies on the left menu.

2. If you are logged in as an agency user role, you immediately see your agency’s profile details.
If you are logged in as a different user role, a list view of the different agencies you have access to will
be displayed.
3. Click on the name of the agency you want to view.

Update Agency Info

This action is available to the following users: assigned agency, assistor, assessor, regional director, hrpso.

1. Click on Agencies on the left menu.

2. If you are logged in as an agency user role, you immediately see your agency’s profile details.
If you are logged in as a different user role, a list view of the different agencies you have access to will
be displayed.
3. Click on the name of the agency you want to view.
4. Scroll down to the Agency Head and HR Info section and click on the Actions button on the upper
5. Click on Edit. The ff. sections are available for editing:
a. Agency head and HRM Officer
b. Address
c. HR Complement
6. Click on Save to complete the update.

The self-assessment is the start of the online process to help define the current reality of an agency’s core
HRM systems. Using the tool, agencies can conduct self-evaluation any time of the year and as many times as
they want.

Add New Self-Assessment

This action is only available to an Agency user role.

1. Open the Agency link on the left menu.

2. Click on Self-Assessment.
3. Click on the Add New + to create a new record.

A self-assessment record is structured according to the following outline:

a. Core HR Systems (RSP, L&D, PM, R&R)
i. Pillar Elements (Governance, Talent Planning, etc.)
1. Lens (Systems, Competency)
a. Maturity Level Indicators
4. Place a mark on the highest level of each maturity level indicator achieved.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
a. 1 stars = not implemented
b. 2 stars = partially implemented
c. 3 stars = fully implemented

Note that marks entered are auto-save so there’s no need to search for a Save button.

5. Once you’ve marked a maturity level indicator (say for example 2 stars under Level 3), lower levels
will be automatically marked as fully implemented as the system rates each maturity level indicator
on a spectrum level approach (in our example, Level 1 and 2 will be marked and assumed as fully
implemented for 3 stars).





6. Add your notes for the Evidences, Strengths and Gaps for each Pillar indicator. An Auto-Save feature
is automatically enabled for all ratings and notes created in a Self-Assessment. No need to search for
a Save button.
7. Once all Pillar Indicators are rated for all the Core HR Systems, the Complete Self-Assessment
button will become clickable. Click on it to generate your Self-Assessment Summary Report.

If you logged out before completing your self-assessment and returned to continue, your
self-assessment is loaded in read mode by default. Click on Continue Self-Assessment to
shift to edit mode and complete your activity.

Submit Self-Assessment to Assistor

This action is available to an Agency user role.

1. Complete a self-assessment by following the instructions on Add New Self-Assessment.

2. Click on Complete Self-Assessment or View Summary button found on the upper right of your
page while inside your self-assessment record.

Click on Download as PDF to save an offline copy of the Summary Report to your desktop.

3. On the Self-Assessment Summary page, click on Submit to Assistor.

Once you submit your record to the Assistor, you will no longer be able to edit your Self-

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
Validate Self-Assessment
This action is only available to an Assistor user role.

Assistors receive a notification via email and within the system if there are new submitted self-assessments
for validation. If you receive these notifications, just click on the action buttons or the link to open the self-

Assistors may also follow the steps below:

1. Open the Agencies link on the left menu.

2. Click on Self-Assessment.
3. Search for the assessment that has a Self-Assessment Review status.
4. Assistors may check if the self-assessment is the latest assessment of the agency submitted for
validation. Click on the name of the agency to open.
5. Click on Update Self-Assessment to shift into edit mode. This will allow you to change the ratings
made by the agency and make changes/additions to the notes for the evidences, strengths and gaps
upon validation.
6. Click on Complete Self-Assessment to go to the Self-Assessment Summary.
7. Click on Approve Self-Assessment to complete the process for the Self-Assessment phase.

Click on Download as PDF to save an offline copy of the Summary Report to your desktop.

This pre-assist process is composed of two modules.

Action Plan

The Action Plan maps out the steps on how to improve the agency’s current HRM Systems, Practices
and Competencies. This module will be the upload area for the action plan created and approved

Assist Plan

This module maps the steps that will be done based on the action plan/s submitted.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
Upload Action Plan
This action is only available to an Assistor user role.

1. Open the Agencies link on the left menu.

2. Click on Pre-Assistance.
3. Select the name of the agency you intend to upload an action plan for.
4. On the Action Plan tab, click on Edit to upload the Action Plan document for your identified HR
5. Click on the input box for Action Plan Date of the document.
6. Click on Browse to upload the action plan file.
7. Click on Save.
8. Do the same for the other HR Systems.

At least 1 Action Plan is required in order to activate the Assist Plan tab.

Create Assist Plan

This action is only available to an Assistor user role.

1. Open the Agencies link on the left menu.

2. Click on Pre-Assistance.
3. Navigate to the Assist Plan tab.

An Assist Plan is divided into 5 sections namely:
• Basic Info
• HRM System Applicable to
• My Assist Plan (Goal)
• My Assist Steps (Reality)
• My Assist Steps (Options & Way Forward)

4. Click on a row to show the fields for that section and fill out the needed information.
5. Click Save for each section. The checkmark indicator should turn green to indicate that a specific
section is complete.

For the HRM System Applicable to section, only those systems that have an equivalent
upload in the Action Plan tab can be ticked.
6. Once all sections are complete, click on Submit for Approval to endorse to the Regional Director.

Once you submit an Assist Plan to the Regional Director, it will no longer be editable to you.

Review Assist Plan

This action is only available to a Regional Director user role.

1. Open the Notifications panel on the top menu and click on the notice about the new Assist Plan that
is for your review.
2. If the notification has been buried by newer updates, click on the Agencies link on the left menu.
3. Click on Pre-Assistance.
4. Search for an assessment that is from the agency that you will be assisting and open that record.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
5. Go to Assist Plan tab.
6. If the assist plan is good, click on Approved for Assistance.
7. If the assist plan needs editing or is not approved, click on For Revision. An actionable comment shall
then be required as to why the assist plan is not approved.

Submit Monthly Progress Report
This action is only available to an Assistor user role.

1. Navigate to Agencies > Assistance module.

2. From the list displayed, click on the name of the agency you are to assist.
New submissions will have New status.
3. Click on the Progress Report Set-up section.
4. Set the duration of the assistance activity by clicking on Start and End date fields. Upon selection of
the dates, a summary of will be displayed just below the mentioned fields stating when the report is
due every month and up to what date.
5. Click on Save.
6. Afterwards, click on Monthly Progress Report section.
7. Click on Edit for the first row from the list.
8. Click Browse and select the file of your progress report to upload to the system. A PDF file is the
recommended format for the report to be uploaded.
9. Click the Save button of the row where you upload your progress report file. The size and last
modified info will automatically be tagged by the system.
10. Do this monthly until the end of the assistance duration or until you decide that the agency has
fulfilled the requirements to move to the Post-Assistance stage.
11. If the Assistance Stage process is finished, click on the Assistance Complete at the upper right
corner of the page to mark its completion.
12. Tick on the HR system that has completed the assistance process and don’t forget to include your
comment as your notes. Click on the Submit button.

You may mark the completion of the assistance to an HR core system one at a time. You
may also mark them complete all at once. Only those HR systems marked included during
the Pre-assistance stage will be able to undergo Assistance endorsement/completion.

Recommend for Recognition
This action is only available to an Assistor user role.

1. Navigate to Agencies > Post-Assistance module.

2. Search for the agency you want to update and click on the agency name.
3. Upon opening, you will see 2 sections in the page: a) Recognition Recommendation, and b) Monthly
Progress Report/s.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
a. Recognition Recommendation is the area where you tag the core HR system whether it’s
recommended for recognition or if it’s marked for revision. A comment is required with
every action done whether it is approved or for revision.

You don’t necessarily need to recommend all systems for recognition at the same time. You
may opt to recommend only 1 system at a time to avoid bottlenecks and proceed to other
steps in almost real time.

b. Monthly Progress Report/s is the area where you can quickly view the copies of the assistance
monthly progress reports submitted.
4. Actions are completed on click of Recommend for Recognition or For Revision from the lightbox
that appears with the comment box.

Validate Recommendation for Recognition

This action is only available to an Assessor user role.

1. Navigate to Agencies > Post-Assistance module.

2. Search for the agency you want to update and click on the agency name.

The system sends an email and system notification once an assessment has moved to Post
Assistance stage - validate recommendation step. You may click on the action button or
system notification to quickly open the post-assistance record in the PRIME-HRM system.

3. Upon opening, you will see 2 sections in the page: a) Recognition Recommendation, and b) Monthly
Progress Report/s.
a. Recognition Recommendation is the area where you tag the core HR system whether it’s
recommended for recognition or if it’s marked for revision. A comment is required with
every action done whether approved or for revision.

You don’t necessarily need to confirm the recommendation for recognition of all HR systems
at the same time. You may opt to recommend only 1 system at a time to avoid bottlenecks
and proceed to other steps in almost real time.

b. Monthly Progress Report/s is the area where you can quickly view the copies of the assistance
monthly progress reports submitted.
4. Actions are completed on click of Confirm Recommendation for Recognition or For Revision from
the lightbox that appears with the comment box.

If a recommendation for recognition is marked for revision, the assessment (for the identified
HR core system) will return to Assistance stage and the assigned Assistor will be notified via
email and system notification.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
Approve Recommendation for Recognition
This action is only available to a Regional Director user role.

1. Navigate to Agencies > Post-Assistance module.

2. Search for the agency you want to update and click on the agency name.

The system sends an email and system notification once an assessment has moved to Post
Assistance stage - approve recommendation for recognition step. You may click on the
action button or system notification to quickly open the post-assistance record in the PRIME-
HRM system.

3. Upon opening, you will see 2 sections in the page: a) Recognition Recommendation, and b) Monthly
Progress Report/s.
a. Recognition Recommendation is the area where you tag the core HR system whether it’s
approved for recognition or if it’s marked for revision. A comment is required with every
action done whether approved or for revision.

You don’t necessarily need to approve for recognition all systems at the same time. You may
opt to recommend only 1 system at a time. To avoid bottlenecks and proceed to other steps
in almost real time.

b. Monthly Progress Report/s is the area where you can quickly view the copies of the assistance
monthly progress reports submitted.
4. Actions are completed on click of Approve Recommendation for Recognition or For Revision from
the lightbox that appears with the comment box.

If a recommendation for recognition is marked for revision, the assessment (for the identified
HR core system) will return to Assistance stage and the assigned Assistor will be notified via
email and system notification.

Issuance of Recognition
This action is only available to a Regional Director user role.

The PRIME-HRM Automated System automatically identifies the HRM system/s where an agency qualifies for
recognition based on the self-assessment and post-assistance data stored in the system. The regional director
need only to confirm if corresponding paperwork has been processed and issued.

To document the issuance of recognition, follow the instruction below.

1. Navigate to Agencies > Recognition module.

2. Input the Certificate Number and Date of Conferment for the HR core system that has undergone
assistance process. All inputs are automatically saved by the system without the need for manual

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
HR core systems that reached a minimum of Level 2 post-assistance maturity level are
qualified for a Certificate of Recognition.

HR core systems that did not undergo assistance process but have a minimum of Level 2
maturity level during the self-assessment are also qualified for a Certificate of Recognition.

The Onsite Assessment button at the upper right corner of the Recognition page will only
activate if the 4 HR core systems gets a minimum maturity level of 2 each.

Onsite Assessment
Record Onsite Assessment
This action is only available to an Assessor user role.

The onsite assessment shall only be enabled if the agency meets at least level 2 maturity level for all HR core
systems (confirmed in the Recognition module).

Doing the onsite assessment is very much the same as the self-assessment except that the latter includes the
maturity level indicators for the Practice lens and the Annexes required for recommendation for award.

1. Open the Agency link on the left menu.

2. Click on Onsite Assessment.
3. Search and click on the name of the agency you are to do onsite assessment.
4. Input your rating for the first 4 HR core system.
The core systems are structured as follow:
a. Core HR Systems (RSP, L&D, PM, R&R)
i. Pillar Elements (Governance, Talent Planning, etc.)
1. Lens (Systems, Practices and Competencies)
a. Pillar Indicators
5. Place a mark on the highest level of each pillar indicator achieved.
a. 1 stars = not implemented
b. 2 stars = partially implemented
c. 3 stars = fully implemented

Note that marks entered are auto-save so there’s no need to search for a Save button.

6. Once you’ve marked a pillar indicator (say for example 2 stars under Level 3), lower levels will be
automatically marked as fully implemented as the system rates each pillar indicator on a spectrum
level approach (in our example, Level 1 and 2 will be marked and assumed as fully implemented, 3





PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
7. Add your notes for the Evidences, Strengths and Gaps for each Pillar indicator. Ratings and notes are
8. After you’ve completed the rating for the HR core systems, click 5 (Annex A) from the top navigation
to input your rating for HR Records Management and Other Programs. Questions are usually
answerable by Yes or No. Don’t forget to add your findings and comments at the end of every
9. After completing, click on 6 (Assessment Checklist with Key Indicators). Open the 201 Files section
and click Add New. Type the name and position of the random employee you are checking. All
indicators are default to Yes. Click on the Yes button to change it to No if you find any aspect that is
10. After completing, open Other Records and Indicators section. All indicators are default selected to
Yes. Mark it as No if you find anything that is non-compliant.

After completing your evaluation for 201 Files and Other Records and Indicators, click on
Done for each section to indicate your completion. This is to update the system that you are
done with the said sections. Otherwise, the system will track them as still incomplete and
you won’t be able to submit your onsite assessment.

11. Lastly, go to Annex C. All indicators are still set to Yes by default. Mark any item that is non-
compliant to change it to No.

Click on Done once you are complete evaluating Annex C. This is to update the system that
you are done with the said section. Otherwise, the system will track them as still incomplete
and you won’t be able to submit your onsite assessment.

12. Once all 7 pages are complete (indicated by green circles), click on Complete On-site Assessment
button. This will generate the On-site Assessment Summary and enable the evaluation of the
corresponding Narrative Report.

Issue Narrative Report

This action is only available to an Assessor role.

1. Navigate to Agencies > On-site Assessment.

2. Then click on the Narrative Report link under the On-site Assessment menu.
3. Upon loading of the page, a list view of the available Narrative Reports for your entry will appear in
the list.
4. Click on the narrative report entry or on the name of the agency you are previously working an onsite
assessment for.
5. Type your report on the space provided. All entries are auto-save.
6. Once, completed, click on Submit for Review to finalize the report and endorse it for review of the
Regional Director.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
Review Onsite Assessment and Narrative Report
This action is only available to a Regional Director role.

Regional Directors receive an email and system notification when an Assessor submits an onsite assessment
and narrative report for their review.

The former can click on the action button from their received system-generated email or from the
Notification section from within the system. They will be brought to a page to view the Onsite Assessment
Summary Report and Narrative Report.

After reading the Narrative Report, the Regional Director shall decide if it is for revision, or to be submitted to
the Human Resource Policies and Standards Office (HRPSO) of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Central
Office for final review.

Click on the For Revision button if the report submitted is not acceptable and add your notes regarding your
decision. The system shall then return it to PSED for their action.

If the system is acceptable to the Regional Director, click on Recommend to HRPSO button to endorse it to
the HRPSO for final assessment.

Validation and Approval of Onsite Assessment and

Narrative Report
This action is only available to an HRPSO role.

An email and system notification is sent when an onsite assessment and narrative report is endorsed by a
Regional Director.

HRPSO can click on the action button from their email or from the Notification section from within the
system. They will be brought to a page view the Onsite Assessment Summary Report and Narrative Report.

After validating the submitted recommendation, HRPSO may ask it to be revised or endorse the
recommendation for approval of the Commission.

Click on the For Revision button if the recommendation submitted is not acceptable and add your notes
regarding your decision. The system shall then return it to the Regional Director for their action.

If after validation and the recommendation for award is found acceptable, said recommendation shall be
endorsed by the HRPSO for approval of the Commission en banc for Bronze Award. Recommendations for
Silver and Gold Award are required to undergo another set of validation by the PRIME-HRM Certifying Board
before it can be endorsed to the Commission en banc for approval of conferment of award

Once the Resolution for Award is signed and approved, HRPSO shall click the Onsite Assessment &
Narrative Report Approved button to move to the Awarding stage.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
Issue Award to Agency
This action is only available to an HRPSO role.

1. Navigate to Agencies > Award to open the Award module.

2. Click on the agency name or the region you are to update record of.
3. Once opened, it will display the same information as previously stated in the Recognition module
plus the Post Onsite Assessment Award detail as determined by the system.
4. Input the following information on their respective fields (all input will be auto-saved):
a. Resolution No.
b. Resolution Date
c. Date of Conferment
5. Upload the PDF copy of the resolution to complete the documentation.

Offline Assessment Tool

The Offline Assessment Tool is a back-up mode of conducting the Self and Onsite Assessment in case internet
connection is not available on the area where the assessment is being done. Agency users and Assessors may
only conduct assessment on this mode. The saved data on self-assessment and onsite assessment from the
offline tool shall be exported and uploaded to the online system where the subsequent processes for the said
assessments may continue.

Downloading the offline assessment tool

Agencies and Assessors can get the latest copy of the assessment tool by going to Offline Assessment Tool
link found at the left menu of the online system. From there, you’ll be able to identify the build number at the
end of the tool name (e.g. v1.0.0).

Checking the app version

Users always need to ensure that they are using the latest version of the offline tool before doing an
assessment. Otherwise, all the recorded assessment will be put to waste as the system won’t accept the
uploading of assessment records because of version incompatibility.

There are two ways to check what the latest version is currently in use.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)
1. Option 1 is to go to the log in page and check the footer. The latest offline tool build number is
indicated there (see red area).

2. Option 2 is to log in and click on the Offline Assessment Tool link from the left menu.

PRIME-HRM User Manual (v1.0)

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