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Post Graduate Diploma (2020-2021)

Third quarter/Module ending examination

(Sub: Sustainable Development for Business (IC))
Section: B, F, H
III Module Examinations (22nd to 27th March 2021)
Attempt Both Part B and C

Module III Faculty Name Prof. Shirish Sangle and

Prof. Vidyadhar Gedam
Exam Date 24th March Subject Name Sustainable development for
Business (SDB)
IC/PC/IE/PE IC Section (A-H) B, F, H
Duration 2 (two) Max Marks 40 (Forty)

Part – B: Marks -20 (VVG)

Questi Marks
Question Details
on No. Allocated
Short answers (Any Two for five marks each)- (5x2) =10 marks
1 Illustrate the Importance of any one sustainable 5
Development Goal of your choice. What original
recommendations would you suggest improving the goal in
India and Justify your answer?
2. Explain, how would you implement ISO 14001 in any 5
3. Explain how the value proposition; the value creation and 5
delivery; the value capture dimension of business model can
be modified for adoption of Circular Economy, Support your
answer with example.
Long answers (Any One for 10 marks)- (10x1=10 marks)
1. Illustrate with a case example, How Life Cycle Assessment 10
(LCA) is used to assess the impact of any Product of your
2. With the support of a case example elaborate in detail How 10
EIA framework is used to obtain environmental clearance.
What are your views in public consultation process

Best Luck
Part – C: Marks -20 (SGS)

Question Marks
Question Details
No. Allocated
Short answers (Any Two for five marks each)- (5x2) =10 marks
1 Explain which intra-firm processes can explain the adoption 5
of beyond compliance policies by business firms?
2. If you are the CSO of Unilever India then how will you 5
develop a sustainability portfolio for your company?

3. If you are an advisor to the CSO of a company and suppose 5

there is a mounting pressure on the CSO to improve
sustainability performance but you are also aware that the
company will not be able to recover R&D investments from
their customers. Suggest which strategy will you advice to
the CSO? Justify your answer and explain under what
circumstances your suggested strategy will work. You may
use an illustrative example to substantiate your points
4 Suppose an organization has following stakeholders (a) 5
stakeholders who controls key resources (b) stakeholder
who does not controls any key resources (c) Stakeholders
more powerful than organization (d) Stakeholders likely to
take supportive action and (e) Stakeholder likely to take non
supportive action. How will you identify, which stakeholders
are important to the organization and what will be
organizational strategy towards these stakeholders
Long answers (Any One for 10 marks)- (10x1=10 marks)
1 As per the case, IKEA has four options to manage 10
environmental impacts of its wood supply chain. If you
could pursue just one of these, which would you pursue?
Explain what are the pros and cons of each option? Which
of these options you consider ‘transformational’? If none,
what other options would you suggest? How do these
options reinforce their business strategy?

2 Which of the Lifebuoy India behaviour change options 10

should Sitapati implement? You should give reasons for
your recommendations. Should Sitapati be worried about
Sameer Singh’s priorities, justify your claim? Exhibit 4 in the
case clearly shows that he reports to the Indian Opco HUL,

Best Luck
not to the Global Business Category organization. As
Sameer Singh, what action, if any, would you take to
influence Sitapati’s decision? What would you do if he
chooses not to implement either of your preferred Jakarta

Best Luck

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