MTB, Vol-1, Issue3

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ဘာသာပြန်အလ အ
ေ့ ကျင ေ့် အတ ွဲ (၁)၊ စာစဉ် (၃) ၀၃ ဇန် ၂၀၂၀

The farmer in Thailand who became
friends with a buffalo

It's not every day that you come across a man and his BFF -
buffalo friend forever.

Thai farmer Surat Paewkate was never expecting to form a bond

with buffalo Thong Kham when he first became his caretaker.
The 34-year-old was paid to take care of the buffalo - but he says
it slowly developed into a friendship.
"Thong Kham is so sweet and canny," he told BBC Thai. "He
loves to walk in my paddy field with me on his back."
So it was only natural that he started to post selfies with his
beloved buffalo.
His photos quickly went viral, turning him and Thong Kham into
instant internet celebrities in Thailand.
But the story took another turn when Mr Paewkate revealed that
Thong Kham would soon be sold to another owner.
'I will keep him happy'
It all started two months ago when Mr Paewkate, who lives in the
Thai province of Chainat, took up the job of becoming Thong
Kham's caretaker.

He quickly struck up a friendship with the animal and last week

decided to take a couple of selfies with Thong Kham.
After a few shots, he noticed that Thong Kham had learned to
copy his actions.
"Thong Kham started to copy my posture - [he would] look
straight into the phone, move closer to me [and] even [start to
look like] he was smiling," Mr Paewkate said.
He uploaded the photos on Facebook for his friends' amusement,
and believes that they shared the pictures on their own profiles.
His post was soon shared 32,000 times and requests poured in
asking for more photos.

"[People] couldn't get enough of me and Thong Kham, they

asked for more pictures," he said. "Some said just looking at the
photos [made them] feel much better and [forget about] their
hardships from their daily lives."
But this friendship was almost torn apart when Thong Kham's
owner - who had been paying Mr Paewkate to take care of him -
decided to sell the buffalo to someone else.
"I was quite upset [but] I did not have enough money to buy him,
" said Mr Paewkate, who explained his predicament to his
newfound fans.
He explained that he would need to raise 100,000 Thai Baht
($3,032, £2368) to buy Thong Kham - and people answered.
"Some of them told me... they were willing to donate [money],"
he said. "So I decided to ask for donations."
Within two days, he raised a total of THB135,969 and closed the
crowd funding campaign.
In a Facebook post, he asked users to "make suggestions" as to
what he should do with the remaining funds.
According to Mr Paewkate, he will officially become Thong
Kham's owner in a ceremony on Thursday.
He added that local government officers would be there to
maintain transparency, saying he wanted to be accountable to
"I have to thank everyone for this. I will keep Thong Kham happy
all his life and post photos regularly. I welcome everyone who
wants to visit Thong Kham," he said.
"I [used to] dream about having a paddy field, a house and a
buffalo I can ride when I go to work in the fields. With Thong
Kham, my last dream has come true." (BBC)
် ါ
come across Verb အမှတ်မထင်တတွေ့သည်။

bond Noun ရင််းနှ်းမှု။ အတနှှောင်အဖွေ့။ သံတ ှောဇဉ်။

caretaker Noun အတ ှောင်။့် ထိန်း် တ ှောင််းသူ။
selfie Noun (ဖုန်း် ၊ င်မရှော သည်ဖဖင)့််
မိမိ ို ် ို ဖြန်ရု ိ ်တသှော ဓှောတ်ြံု။
ဆ ်ဖ။
go viral Verb တမဟုတ်ခ င််း ြ ံွေ့ နှသည်
ံ ့် ။
strike up a Verb မိတ်တဆဖဖ ်သည်။
posture Noun ို ်ဟန်။ ို ်တနဟန်ထှော်း။
poured in Verb တဖဖ၊ တသသ ဝင်လှောသည်။
can't get enough Verb (တ ် ံုတ ်ခု ို) ရပြ်းရင််း
(of something)
ရခ င်ဖဖ ်သည်။
tear apart Verb အ ိတ် ိတ်အဖမှောဖမှော
ဆုတ်ပဖြ ်သည်။
transparency Noun ြရိ ှော ် င််းမှု။ ြငလ
့်် င််းမှု။
လ ေ့ကျငြ
်ေ့ ါ
အင်္ဂ ြ
ိ ် ပမန်မာ

The farmer in Thailand

who became friends with
a buffalo
It's not every day that you
come across a man and his
BFF - buffalo friend forever.
Thai farmer Surat Paewkate
was never expecting to
form a bond with buffalo
Thong Kham when he first
became his caretaker.
The 34-year-old was paid
to take care of the buffalo
- but he says it slowly
developed into a
"Thong Kham is so sweet
and canny," he told BBC
Thai. "He loves to walk in
my paddy field with me on
his back."
So it was only natural that
he started to post selfies
with his beloved buffalo.
His photos quickly went
viral, turning him and
Thong Kham into instant
internet celebrities in
But the story took another
turn when Mr Paewkate
revealed that Thong Kham
would soon be sold to
another owner.
'I will keep him happy'
It all started two months
ago when Mr Paewkate,
who lives in the Thai
province of Chainat, took
up the job of becoming
Thong Kham's caretaker.
He quickly struck up a
friendship with the animal
and last week decided to
take a couple of selfies
with Thong Kham.
After a few shots, he
noticed that Thong Kham
had learned to copy his
"Thong Kham started to
copy my posture - [he
would] look straight into
the phone, move closer to
me [and] even [start to
look like] he was smiling,"
Mr Paewkate said.
He uploaded the photos
on Facebook for his
friends' amusement, and
believes that they shared
the pictures on their own
His post was soon shared
32,000 times and requests
poured in asking for more
"[People] couldn't get
enough of me and Thong
Kham, they asked for more
pictures," he said. "Some
said just looking at the
photos [made them] feel
much better and [forget
about] their hardships
from their daily lives."
But this friendship was
almost torn apart when
Thong Kham's owner -
who had been paying Mr
Paewkate to take care of
him - decided to sell the
buffalo to someone else.
"I was quite upset [but] I
did not have enough
money to buy him," said
Mr Paewkate, who
explained his predicament
to his newfound fans.
He explained that he
would need to raise
100,000 Thai Baht ($3,032,
£2368) to buy Thong Kham
- and people answered.
"Some of them told me...
they were willing to donate
[money]," he said. "So I
decided to ask for
Within two days, he raised
a total of THB135,969 and
closed the crowd funding
In a Facebook post, he
asked users to "make
suggestions" as to what he
should do with the
remaining funds.
According to Mr Paewkate,
he will officially become
Thong Kham's owner in a
ceremony on Thursday.
He added that local
government officers would
be there to maintain
transparency, saying he
wanted to be accountable
to donors.
I have to thank everyone
for this. I will keep Thong
Kham happy all his life and
post photos regularly. I
welcome everyone who
wants to visit Thong Kham,
he said.
"I [used to] dream about
having a paddy field, a
house and a buffalo I can
ride when I go to work in
the fields. With Thong
Kham, my last dream has
come true."

ု ိ ျက်ကို ာမညေ့ အ
် ြတ် စာစဉ်တင် လဖာ်ပြသာ်းြါမည်။
စစ်လဆ်းြါ [ယခင်အြတ်သတင််း ပမန်မာပြန်]
အင်္ဂ ြ
ိ ် ပမန်မာ

Man sentenced to death စင်ကာြူမှာ Zoom ကလန

in Singapore via Zoom လသဒဏ် ြထမဆ်းု ချ

A man has been င် ှောြူမှှော ရ

ို ု ိနှောဗိုင်း် ရြ် ်

sentenced to death via a ်းူ မ

် ှုတတ ဆ ဖ် မင်တ
့် နလို ့်

Zoom video call in ြိတဆ

် မှု
ို ့် လုြ်ထှော်းရခ ိနမ
် ှှော
လူတ ်တ ှော ် ို ဇူ်းမ််း Zoom
Singapore, as the country
ဗဒ ို တဆင့်် တသဒဏ်
remains on lockdown
ခ မှတခ
် ြ
့် ါတ ။်
following a spike in Covid-
19 cases.
Punithan Genasan, 37, ြူနသန် ဂန်န ် န် ဆိတ
ု ့် အသ ်

received the sentence on ၃၇ နှ ် အရ ် မတလ်းရှှော်း

Friday for his role in a အမ ိ ်းသှော်း ို ၂၀၁၁

မူ်း ်တဆ်းတရှောင််းဝ မ
် ှုန ့်
drug deal that took place
ြတ်သ ပ် ြ်း ပြ်းခတ
့် ့်
in 2011.
တသှောက ှောတန ့်
တသဒဏ်ခ မှတခ
် တ
့် ှောြါ။
It marks the city's first case ဒါဟှော ဒလို ဖြ ်ဒဏ်မ ိ ်း ို
where such a ruling has င် ှောြူမှှော အန်လင
ို ်း် တန

been done remotely. ြထမဆံ်းု အမိနခ

် ့် တအ
့် မှု
ဖဖ ်လှောြါတ ။်
Human rights groups ရ
ို ု ိနှော ြ်တရှောဂါ

argued that pursuing the ှောလအတင််း တ ် မဘှောလံ်းု

death penalty at a time လူအသ

့် တ
် တ ဖ
် ို ့်
က ိ ်း ှော်းတနခ ိနမ
် ှှော ဒလို တသဒဏ်
when the world is being
ခ မှတတ
် ှော ဆ
် ြ
ု ် ရှော
gripped by a pandemic
တ ှောင််းတ လ
် ို ့်
was "abhorrent".
့် င်အ
့် တရ်းအဖွေ့တတ
ု ါတ ။်

The vast majority of court င် ှောြူမှှော န်တ့်

hearings in Singapore တရှော်း ရင်တရ်း ိ စ

have been adjourned until အမ ှော်း ု တ

ို တှော့် တလှောတ
့် ဒါင််း
ပြ်းဆံ်းု မ ့်် ဇန် ၁ ရ ် အထိ
at least 1 June, when the
တရ ွေ့ထှော်းြါတ ။်
city's current lockdown
period is due to end.
Cases which have been ဒ ှောလအတင််းမှှော မဖဖ မ
် တန

deemed to be essential ဆံ်းု ဖဖတ်ရမ ့်် အမှုတတ ို

are being held remotely.

အခုလို အန်လင
ို ်း် ဆင့််
ရင်တနတှော ဖဖ ြ
် ါတ ။်

Mr Genasan's lawyer, Peter တသဒဏ်ခ မှတရ

် သူရ တရှ
့် ွေ့တန

Fernando, said his client is သူ အမှု

့် သည် အ ခ
ူ ဝ
ံ င်ဖို ့်

considering an appeal. ဥ််း ှော်းတနတ လ

် ို တဖြှောြါတ
့် ။်

Singapore has a zero- င် ှောြူဟှော

tolerance policy for illegal မူ်း ်တဆ်းအမှုတတ ို

drugs. In 2013, 18 people ဖြင််းဖြင််းထန်ထန် အဖြ ်တြ်းတ့်

မူဝါဒ ရှိြါတ ။် ၂၀၁၃ မှှော လူ
were executed - the
၁၈ ဦ်း ို
highest figure in at least
တသဒဏ် ရင်ခြ
့် ါတ ။် အဒါ
two decades, according to
့် ့် နှ ် ၂၀ အတင််းမှှော
Amnesty International.
့် ်းံု အတရအတ ်
ဖဖ ်တ လ
် ို အဖြည်
့် ဖြည်ဆင
ို ရ
် ှော
လူသှော်းခ င််း
ှောနှောတထှော ထ
် ှော်းမှုအဖွေ့ AI
တဖြှောြါတ ။်

Of those 18, 11 had been အဒလို တသဒဏ် ရင်ခရ

ံ သူ ၁၈

charged with drug-related တ ှော ထ

် ၁၁ တ ှော ်

offences. မူ်း ်တဆ်းန ြတ်

့် သ တ
် ့်
အမှုတတ တန
တသဒဏ်ခ ခံထှော်းရသူတတ
ဖဖ ်ြါတ ။်

ု ိ ျက်သည် ဘီဘစ
ီ သ
ီ တင််းဌာန၏ပြန်ဆခ
ု ိ ျက်ပဖစ်ြါသည်။

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