Physics 10th A Chap 17,18 (B)

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Science Tutorial Paper Code: 4873

Test Session 2021 (Test 3)

Paper Physics(10th B)

Total Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 90 min

Name:………………………………………….. Roll No:………………….

Q No 1 Choose the appropriate answer.cutting over-writing is not allowed ___________ (05)

I. Release of energy by the sun is due to

Burning of
 Nuclear fission  Nuclear fusion   Chemical reaction
II. What happens to the atomic number of an element which emits one alpha particle?
 Increases by 1  Stay the same  Decreases by 2  Decrease by 1
III. Size of nucleus ……
 10-15  10-14  10-10  <10-18
IV. What does the term e-mail stand for?
  Electronic mail  Extra mail  External mail
V. The brain of computer system is
 Monitor  Memory  CPU  Control unit
Q. No. 2. Attempt all short questions. _______________ _________ (10 x 2

I. Write use of internet.

II. What is E-commerce?
III. Write any five name of browsers.
IV. What is electronic banking?
V. Define ICT.
VI. What is E-mail?
VII. What is cosmic and background radiation?
VIII. Define nuclear fusion and isotopes.
IX. Define radioisotopes.
X. Write use of radioisotopes in medical treatment.

LONG Questions (4x5 = 20 + 5 = 25)

Q. No. 3.____________________________________________________ ____ (4+4 = 8)
A) Explain Carbon dating.
B) Explain Fission reaction in detail.
Q. No.4. (4+4 = 8)
A) Explain transmission of light signals through optical fibers.
B) Explain CBIS in detail.
Q. No.5. (1x5 = 5)
A) Co-60 is radioactive element with the half-life of 5.25 years. What fraction of the original
sample will be left after 26 years?

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