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Republic of the Philippines


ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City



An Action Research

Presented to
The Faculty of the Graduate School
Sultan Kudarat State University
Tacurong City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Masters of Arts in Teaching Physical Education



July 2021


Background of the Study

 Online Education and E-learning is one of the common terms in todays age specially in

this era of Pandemic caused by COVID-19. Education shifts its way around turning face to face

education where students and teacher/instructors see every day inside and outside the classroom;

activities, lessons, and assessments are done in traditional way while in the new world of “New

Normal” where we cannot even touch each other and see each other face to face is totally

different and and here comes Online Education and E-learning methods.

In some nation/country Online Education & E-learning already exist even in our own country but

not practiced by many because of digital literacy, technological Gap and some

instructors/teachers may tend to say they are to old for new technology “ Mag retire nalang ako”

as they say.  

Online learning, like most training methods, has its own collection of advantages and

disadvantages. Decoding and comprehending these positives and negatives will assist institutes

in developing methods for more effective delivery of lessons, ensuring that students have a

continuous learning experience.

Most of articles shows the advantages and dis-advantages of online education and E-learning

methods but I want to know the benefits of this methods to the instructors and how they handle

and enhance the maximum potential of teaching in “New Normal”.

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ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

Theoretical framework

There is a lot of research that shows the effectiveness of online learning. First, research
conducted by (Navarro & Shoemaker, 2000), this study states that students in online learning
have the same or even better learning outcomes than students who learn in the traditional way.
This fact is apart from students who are very satisfied with online learning itself. Second, (Rovai
& Jordan, 2004) which examines the meaning of a traditionally packaged and mixed format
classroom. Students in mixed form have a strong sense of community. Methodological studies
carried out by (Bowen et al., 2014), have been randomly assigned to traditional control groups.
Meanwhile, the experimental group was conducted in an online interactive learning format.
Online learning is done face to face once a week. Where meetings are spent more on online
work. From the research results it was found that the two lessons were the same in terms of
results. Repair costs and increase student productivity over time for online learning. From this
online learning, it is hoped that some new software for online learning can be canceled which
can be developed and tested continuously. It is hoped that students will be more effective and
efficient in their learning. Online learning if it is well developed and carried out "Fit & Proper
Test" will make learning colorful. Students' interest in new things in this era will make it easier
for teachers to achieve their learning goals. Physical activity during this pandemic is included in
the medium category. The limited space for movement during this pandemic made students limit
their physical activities. But on the other hand, students do health sports more often. The level of
physical activity has a big impact on health. One-third of students who have a moderately high
level of physical activity in high school become inactive when transitioning to university life
(Simona et al., 2015). On the other hand, within the scope of school, students receive Physical
Education subjects that have a positive impact on an active lifestyle. Physical Education has the
advantage of making a person's style active which increases physical activity. (Bailey et al.,
2009). Although the results of the study (Olivares et al., 2015) state that the influence of parents
is more relevant than the influence of physical education teachers to promote physical activity in
adolescents, regardless of age, gender and physical condition.

Limiting the rapid spread of the COVID-19 is a priority program because it relates to public
health. Some recommendations for activities that someone should do in maintaining health, one
of which is physical activity. With good physical activity, it is expected that immunity will
Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

increase (Chen et al., 2020; Hall et al., 2020). Maintaining psychophysical health in locked
situations is of utmost

importance, and special attention should be paid to the elderly population and children. As a
person gets older it Rohmad Apriyanto et al / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1)
(2021) 69 makes it more difficult to restore proper musculoskeletal function. Teens and children
have a higher activity level than adults. Adults find it difficult to achieve adequate physical
activity during quarantine and at home.(Sheldrick et al., 2019). Physical and social
environmental factors that work in the space of the house do have an important effect on physical
behavior and activity, especially for the child population (Puggina et al., 2016). One teenager
observed an increased risk of increasing total screen use. The screen in question is the total
duration used to play cellphones, computers, Television and Video Games. This is a finding that
must be followed up. The tendency to watch the screen longer can lead to someone having low
physical activity.

Conceptual Framework

Dependent Variable Independent Variable


Instructors and
Statement of the Problem

This generation is being shocked with the current situation, further studies like this will

enhance education. Instructors/ teachers have already the idea of Online Education and E-

learning but do not know the benefits and potential of their hard work.

In previous months this practice has been running to our education system. Including modules,

blended learning and online classes. The Education in the Philippines is still in the dark on

pursuing face to face education instead Online Education and E-learning addressing this problem

will have practical benefits for Institutions and contribute understanding.

The aim of this research is to gather data on the benefits of Online Education and E-

learning potentials that will increase the level of understanding of Instructor/teachers. It will

Identify significant factors in strategies and methods they use through survey and interviews, and

conduct experiment to measure the effectiveness of strategies.

Significance of the Study

The purpose if this study may serve as inputs to Instructors/teachers and to the generation

behind and give knowledge on how to handle and maximize the benefits and potentials of Online

Education and e -Learning.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is focused on the Instructors and students of South Cotabato State College this
is limited to the Benefits on online learning and E-learning potentials among Instructors . The
research will be conducted at South Cotabato State College, Dajay Surallah, South Cotabato. The
respondents of this study are the Instructors of South Cotabato State College. The time frame of
this study is limited from first semester and second semester S.Y 2021-2022.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following operational terms are defined;

Blended Learning- is an approach to education that combines online educational

materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom
methods. It requires the physical presence of both teacher and student, with some
elements of student control over time, place, path, or pace. While students still attend
"brick-and-mortar" schools with a teacher present, face-to-face classroom practices are
combined with computer-mediated activities regarding content and delivery. Blended
learning is also used in professional development and training settings.

Online Learning- is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as
“e- learning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance
learning” - the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a
traditional classroom.

COVID-19- COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands

for corona, ‘VI’ for virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as
‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘2019-nCoV.’ The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to
the same family of viruses as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and some types
of common cold.
Chapter 2


Why Invest in Online Learning?

Several studies have analyzed and revealed several potential benefits to online learning
(Bartolic-Zlomislic & Bates, 1999; Scott, Aragon, Shaik, & Palma-Rivas, 2000; Curtis &
Lawson, 2001; Taylor, 2002; Stick & Ivankova, 2004). Main benefits include new markets,
economic benefits, international partnerships, reduced time to market, educational benefits,
anonymity, student interaction and satisfaction, growth in faculty learning curve, and “rich”
feedback and evaluation.
New Markets
Online learning has the potential to tap into markets, both national and international, that cannot
be easily accessed with other more traditional forms of course or program delivery. For example,
with the establishment of online Foundation and Degree biology courses, the University of the
South Pacific (USP) will easily be able to tap into student markets in the whole of the South
Pacific. USP thereby will be able to reach a much larger market than most of its print-based
distance courses and a much wider market than is possible for a face-to-face course. Online
learning can potentially sustain programs that have been struggling for viable numbers in an on
campus version. Kwantlen University College was able to sustain a program that had been
struggling in an oncampus mode. Classes increased in size when the same course was offered at
a distance, and students surveyed commented that the online delivery gave them more flexibility,
and many said that they would not have been able to have taken the course in an oncampus
version (Bartolic-Zlomislic & Bates, 1999). At the same time, economic pressures make it
difficult for individuals to take several years off from work to attend a university on a full time
basis. Online graduate degrees from a wide range of universities and institutes, for example, ITT
Technical Institute and the University of Phoenix offer the opportunity for students to continue
their education while at the same time continue working in their field of business. A Review of
Benefits and Limitations of Online Learning 7 For employers, online courses can substantially
reduce the cost of training, especially if the organization has remote locations. Besides lowering
training costs, less time is spent away from the office, lower management costs result, and
productivity is increased. This practice is observed in many staff development programs at
institutes. Staff continually upgrade their skills by studying online. This offers great choices to be
on par with advancements in one’s own field while being employed.
Economic Benefits
Cost is a multi-pronged instrument for the tenured faculty. The faculty needs to take into account
many cost factors before implementing online learning systems. Bartley and Golek (2004)
investigated cost factors by constructing matrices for costs of online learning. They demonstrated
that cost factors were divided into capital and recurrent costs, production and delivery costs, and
fixed and variable costs. Capital costs are costs for the purchase of equipment or materials.
Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

Recurrent costs are costs that occur on an ongoing basis (for example, the cost of computer
support). Production costs are those associated with the development of a course/program, while

delivery costs are costs associated with the delivery or “teaching” of course materials. After
weighing the pros and cons of online learning, Bartley and Golek (2004) concluded that the
benefits to online learning are very real and one should be able to justify any additional cost in
terms of what the school will gain. Universities expect enormous returns from online courses.
From the result of an investigation in Nigeria, it was concluded that open and distance-learning
institutions are highly cost-effective when considering the purpose of establishment in the
general framework of the education system (Olugbenga, Rotimi, & Olakulehin, 2006). This is
because Distance Education programmes have been found to be costly at the initial stage and
gradually becomes cheaper due to economies of scale (Olugbenga et al., 2006). More
promisingly, online learning has potential to provide synchronous audio and video interaction
among students and accommodate scheduling demands without the costs of new facilities
(Bartley & Golek, 2004).

Online Teaching and Learning Tools

The four essential parts of online teaching are virtual classrooms, individual activities,
assessments in real-time, and collaborative group work. Online teaching tools are used to
facilitate faculty-student interaction as well as student–student collaborations The ease of use,
the satisfaction level, the usefulness, and the confidence level of the instructor is crucial in
motivating the instructor to use online teaching tools. Higher education institutes recognize the
need to accommodate wide diverse learners and Hilliard points out that technical support and
awareness to both faculty and student is essential in the age of blended learning. Data analytics
tool coupled with the LMS is essential to enhance the quality of teaching and improve the course
design. The effective usage of online tools is depicted comprising of an instructor to student
delivery, collaboration among students, training for the tools, and data analytics for constant
improvement of course and assessment methods.
Online Teaching Tools
A plethora of online teaching tools are available and this poses a challenge for decision-makers
to choose the tools that best suits the needs of the course. The need for the tools, the cost,
usability, and features determine which tools are adopted by various learners and institutions.
Many universities have offered online classes for students. These are taken up by students opting
for part-time courses. This offers them flexibility in timing and eliminates the need for travel to
campus. The pandemic situation in 2019 has forced many if not all institutions to completely
shift classes online. LMS tools are packaged as Software as a Service (SaaS) and the pricing
generally falls into 4 categories: (i) per learner, per month (ii) per learner, per use (iii) per course
(iv) licensing fee for on-premise installation .
Online Learning Tools
Online teaching/learning as part of the ongoing semester is typically part of a classroom
management tool. GSuite for education and Microsoft Teams are both widely adopted by schools
and colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic to effectively shift regular classes online. Other
popular learning management systems that have been adopted as part of blended learning are
Edmodo , Blackboard , and Moodle Cloud Davis et al. point out advantages and obstacles for
both students and instructors about online teaching
Chapter III

This chapter presents the research design, research locale, research respondents, research
instruments, research procedures and statistical treatment being used to treat the data gathered.

Research Design

This research study will be using survey design with the analysis as the main data-
gathering technique. Survey research is defined as "the collection of information from a sample
of individuals through their responses to questions" (Check & Schutt, 2012, p. 160). This type of
research allows for a variety of methods to recruit participants, collect data, and utilize various
methods of instrumentation.

.Research Locale

This research study will be conducted in South Cotabato State College at Dajay Surallah,
South Cotabato.
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the instructors of South Cotabato State College at
Dajay Surallah, South Cotabato.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire aims to identify the effectiveness of various online tools and technologies, the
preferred learning methods of Instructors, and other factors that might influence the teaching–
learning process. The parameters were based on different types of, advantages, and obstacles to
online learning . Questions 1–4 are used to comprehend the learning style. Questions 5–7 are
posed to find out the effectiveness of the medium used for teaching and evaluation. Questions 8–
12 are framed to identify the various barriers to online learning.

Students would prefer to work in a group of 5 students to engage personally in digital learning as
seen from

Digital collaboration to enable students to work at ease on a specific task is to allow them to
work in small groups of 5 students
Animations are found to be the best digital approach motivating many students to learn

The majority of students have said that they can learn at their own pace comfortably through
online learning.
The majority of students agree that the video lectures delivered by his/her faculty
teaching the subject help students to learn effectively.

Online quiz having multiple-choice questions (MCQ) is preferred by most of the students for
testing their understanding of the subject
The usefulness of the student version of the software downloaded from the internet, 45.7% of the
students agree that it is useful for learning whereas 45.2% of them are unable to decide. The rest
of the students feel that the student version of the software is not useful.
50.3% of students agree that they do not have any disturbance during online learning and it is
more effective. Many of them feel that occasionally their friends or relatives disturb students
during their online learning

shows the environment at home for online learning. 76.9% of the respondents stated that they
have a moderate amount of responsibilities at home but they have sufficient time for online
learning. 16.1% of them have said that they do not have many responsibilities whereas 7% of
them claimed that they have many responsibilities at home and they do not have any time left for
online learning.
methods adopted for clearing doubts in online learning. 43.2% of the respondents ask the
Professor and get their doubts clarified during online lectures. 25.5% of them post queries in the
discussion forum and help from peers. 31.3% of them go through the online materials providing
additional explanation and get their doubts clarified.

The devices used by students for online learning. Most of the students use laptop/desktop
computers, many of them use smartphones and very few students use tablets.
Questions 1a 1b 1c 1d Row

2a 66 (49.91) 45 (64.17) 2 (3.21) 41 (36.72) 154

[5.19] [5.73] [0.46] [0.50]

2b 68 (84.91) 133 (109.17) 3 (5.46) 58 (62.47) 262

[3.37] [5.20] [1.11] [0.32]

2c 6 (5.19) 2 (6.67) [3.27] 4 (0.33) 4 (3.81) 16

[0.13] [40.33] [0.01]

Column 140 180 9 103 432



The findings of a survey on the effectiveness of online teaching–learning innovations for

university and college students are presented. About 450 students belonging to BSA, BAT And
BSHM have responded to the survey. A questionnaire designed for taking is survey is presented.
The chi-square statistic is 65.6025. The p value is < 0.00001. The result is significant at p < 0.05.
Associations between several responses of questions exist. The survey provides an estimate of
the effectiveness and pitfalls of online teaching that has been taking place during the pandemic.
The research paves the way for educators to better understand the effectiveness of online
education. It is critical to redesign course delivery in an online mode in order to engage students,
and the survey results support these observations.

The outcome of the survey is given below:

1. A small group of 5 students would help students to have digital collaboration and engage
personally in digital learning.
2. Animations are found to be the best digital approach for effective learning.
3. Online learning helps students to learn at their own pace comfortably.
4. Students prefer to learn from video lectures delivered by his/her faculty handling the
5. Online quiz having multiple-choice questions preferred by students.
6. Student version software is useful for learning.
7. Online classes are more effective because they provide PPTs in front of every student,
lectures are heard by all students at the sound level of their choice, and walking/travel to
reach classes is eliminated.
8. Students do not have any disturbances or distractions which make learning more
9. But for a few students, most of the students have no or limited responsibilities at home
which provides a good ambiance and a nice environment for effective online learning.
10. Students can get their doubts clarified during lectures, by posting queries in discussion
forums and by referring to online materials provided by the faculty.
Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City


1. Which of the methods engage you personally to learn digitally?

a. Individual assignment
b. Small group
c. Large group
d. Project-based learning
2. Which of the digital collaborations enables you to work on a specific task at
a. Two by two (2 member team)
b. Small group workgroup
c. Large group (No. 10 students and more) work
3. Which of the digital approaches motivate you to learn
a. Animations
b. Whiteboard and pen
c. PowerPoint presentation
d. Digital pen and slate
4. My experience with online learning from home digitally
a.I am learning at my own pace comfortably
b. My situational challenges are not suitable
c. I can learn better with uninterrupted network connectivity
d. I am distracted with various activities at home, viz. TV, chatting, etc.
5. Which type of recorded video lecture is more effective for learning?
a. delivered by my faculty
b. delivered by NPTEL
c. delivered by reputed Overseas Universities
d. delivered by unknown experts
6. Which type of quiz is more effective for testing the understanding?
a. Traditional—pen and paper—MCQ
b. Traditional—pen and paper—short answers
c. Online quiz—MCQ
d. Online quiz—short answers
7. version software downloaded from the internet is useful for learning
a. True
b. False
c. Unable to decide
8. Online teaching–learning takes place effectively because:
a. Every student can hear the lecture clearly
b. PPTs are available right in front of every student
c. Students can ask doubts without much reservation

Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

d. Students need not walk long distances before reaching the class
9. Which of the following statements is true of online learning off-campus?
a. No one disturbs me during my online learning.
b. My friend/family member/roommate/neighbor occasionally disturb me
c. My friend/family member/roommate/neighbor constantly disturb me
10. At home/place of residence, how many responsibilities do you have?
a. I don’t have many responsibilities.
b. I have a moderate number of responsibilities, but I have sufficient time for online
c. I have many responsibilities; I don’t have any time left for online learning.
11. What is your most preferred method for clearing doubts in online learning?
a. Ask the professor during/after an online lecture
b. Post the query in a discussion forum of your class and get help from your peers
c. Go through online material providing an additional explanation.
12. Which of the following devices do you use for your online learning?
a. A laptop/desktop computer
b. A tablet
c. A smartphone
d. Other devices


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