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[Robert Sohn T Verwayordion ao aaa AMIE 218-18 ACTIVITY #) | Whot is the importance op aime engine intriments? = Te agement atin he lt ten oo ted woo inrqrming sr pit ue porte banat hs te et hay Se jee tba gabe fertamanc nvr fo rnin hy equ epng omy Aaa vate aman opto 2, How will it mpraat te the Feeparmontt of Ye taint = Fince the olreengph tnaine Instrumente ghee wneninny sah ntertakan about its engine TF con erect Wa pergermance ot the angiod by holpien Phe Pet im mnincininy toe gin ‘ptimol rertermance It aso add more topely mancurts fha we Knee fot wiccragt fo RAL Hadras Urdercenieel ond atuwrate ab all Kes: 2, Dikuves the mdtaninnts ond Aicadianbagts ef IHL engine inchromentation. = One of fre eden of je icromtnaor Hr yey eT fe hat oy pmo ait by leaurgok Pitman cam ble oshctng barat Tr poe ogo oe” Woe emsfate Bremner) 3 cma help fe Pl in lou enue to neck te hee wegen tr vay proer im tly Tontten: Oe tre ewes hod, fn one oy Ye aavnanenee ay Yoo caine Iiclanceninsin i ohor te flak pully rig fit ond olen omueerne Inrmetton- thot” com apron UP Poe wlceropt is hot yroperly mavauined fot twig Ww imporlont fe Hae reaplae apeONOn ur tre ciecegt fe be tnt uest conditin, 4. Give: exeunples op angine inctrvmants ond Mair porches Sinton fie ene LEPAD- ty entnn Att in eg he ve angen pete cakrat 1 satreeted ft rir pcien emg lt S Tessas Loree rg? maseres rope eptied Jom chogt hamid by wes gentetor Gitatey nlc attics angeests 09 08 ta Ce Teseanadge - manasrts ungjee freA AE vay Us cored fm pleat RAN 48 thet rie te enna Omby opemith onie come Meal! op comperion. es 4 Basa gu epee nace CECT) - i to resi te annum fe ash BES " Gries ree on ip rvlew Wah pode von: : FuusPlow indientor Indias Hew el plow in prs pl HHT Cb] Rr) ream the argine etl he, ‘FEnalee ol Pers IMAI «haet toe tne il por Ahonen. Is menibared poeta : Tenge Files prom nedtare Uuysentior ¥ ching op alpen forts, InBLGRI¥E = hw al tle emperntvew ndivine prayenthy OK fe Ad ee tempereitn oF Wee eh YEMEN Poe wl pl pp Wien indcitn op FETE ARE OF Ha Oni i Wate.

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