Assessment Task 2: Activity No. 1

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Assessment Task 2

Activity No. 1

DIRECTION: Identify the following digital devices. Write IH -Input Hardware, PMH - Processing
and Memory Hardware, OH -Output Hardware, SSH -Secondary Storage Hardware or CH -
Communication Hardware for each device.

1. OH 6. IH
2. SSH 7. SSH
3. SSH 8. IH
4. OH 9. OH
5. IH 10. OH

Activity No. 2
DIRECTION: Write I for Input or O for Output for each device.

O 1. Monitor
I 6. Mouse

I 2. Keyboard
O 7. Speakers

I 3. Scanner
I 8. Camera

I 4. Stylus Pen
I 9. Touchpad

O 5. Printer
O 10. Headphone

Activity No. 3
1. Explain the expanded data processing thru example.
The Origination is the step that deals with the process gathering the original data. The
data that is said as the original data requires an input form a device. The data For Example if
you type “Deutschland” in a computer the said data is then recorded as the “source
document”. The data is the going to go through the Processing stage where the data is the
processed to where it should be stored. The data is then going through the Storage process.
The data is stored in the storage and store it in there for further use in the future. Second to last
is the Output stage that interprets the data as something that can be acted upon by the five
human senses For Example the word you typed “Deutschland” would then appear in an
output device like a monitor.Lastly comes the Distribution stage wherein the data is then
distributed to the proper places that the computer has set. The data that comes form the
distribution process is then called the “report document”. The data can either be distributed to a
file location in the disc drive D or C or in a flash drive.

2. EXPLORE the different parts of computers. Give at least five parts and explain how it works.

1. Monitor it is required as the monitor allows you to see the view of what you are doing. It
shows you your work and outputs data that can be received and interpreted by your sight.

2. Keyboard is an input device that helps you input text and numerical data that is used to
create new data and produce a coherent output that can be read and understood.

3. Mouse is an input device that helps you to point and click with the cursor, maneuvering a
computer becomes easier with a mouse compared to operating one without it.

4. Headphones an output device that interprets data into sound that is transmitted to the built-in
speakers in the device to transmit sound to the user.

5. Touchpad is an input device that can be substituted with a mouse. This device is usually
built-in in either all or almost all laptops as some are trying designs with out them. The device is
used to direct the cursor at the screen. The device only requires one finger to fully operate
instead of a hand that is usually used with a mouse.

Activity No. 4
CROSS WORD PUZZLE: Complete the crossword puzzle below

4. The comparison of the output(s) and goal set in advance
6. Placing similar data into files for future reference.
7. This operation separates data into various categories.
8. Usually a manual operation, it is important that recorded data be carefully checked for any
10. Reducing masses of data to a more usable form of?
11. Recovering stored data and/or information when needed

1. Arithmetic manipulation of the data.
2. A collection of data is condensed & certain conclusion from the data are represented in a
meaningful format
3. This operation takes two or more sets of data, all sets having been sorted by the same key,
and put them together to form a s
5. This operation consists in reproducing the data onto many forms or document.
9. Refers to the transfer of data onto some form or document.
10. Arranging data in a specific order.



4. Feedback 1. Calculating
6. Sorting 2. Reporting
7. Classifying 3. Merging
8. Verifying 5. Duplicating
10. Summarizing 9. Recording
11. Retrieving 10. Sorting

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