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When it comes to community building, teachers play a key role in nurturing the minds of

young people. We all need purpose at the beginning of our lives, however, if we deviate from
the hard path rather than most of us deviate and lose our way. There is a Japanese saying
"The real king of the world is a new generation." This just shows that today's youth will be
the leaders of tomorrow. On average, a teacher can affect the lives of about 3000 students
during their career. In the same study 54% of students reported that they received help from
teachers at a difficult time in their lives. In addition, 75% of students said they view teachers
as coaches and role models. In fact, 79% of students said that their teachers encouraged
them to pursue their dreams. All of this is just a reflection of the loving and teacher impact of
teachers on young children and those who want to create a brighter future before them. Let's
take a quick look at some of the reasons why teaching is considered one of the most
important professions.

First of all, why is teaching considered a noble profession is a teacher is beyond

knowledge. Knowledge is undoubtedly powerful, and many teachers out there often offer
help in developing long-term skills that can last a lifetime. However, if a person sees this as
easier to say than to do, then he is sadly mistaken. Knowledge is another thing; however,
passing it on to others is a completely different level. You need to comfort someone and help
them answer all the questions and questions that arise. In order to make them understand
how a piece of information works, the same effort is needed so that the little minds can get it
right and can store that information. This process continues until the child can not only
understand the whole basic concept but also be able to apply that knowledge to solve a real

Besides, teaching is such a noble career because they are a moral teaching and
principles There are some principals and standards in life that we all must follow. Teachers
can provide students with insightful messages that convey and embed the character and
values in it. These values then guide their actions later in life and thus allow them to be a
helper to the community around them. Without a conscience, one can easily lead a chaotic
life when nothing really matters. Teachers instruct students in this way by telling them why
being on time is important in their lives. Why being honest and not being dishonest is the
right way to go when you are on the journey of life. Their actions speak louder than words,
and that one should be considerate of others and empathize with those who are going
through a difficult time in their lives.

Moreover, as a teacher they also building characteristics of human being. Without

trust, no one can truly be considered trustworthy. Teachers develop character and values in
students to build their personalities. Students returned to the task of building on their integrity
and discovered the importance of keeping their promises and not complying with their word.
Imagine a world where no one speaks the truth and no soul in the world can be called
trustworthy. Such a world can be left in a state of turmoil and protests where each individual
will simply do his best to fix the work of others. Such a world is bound to collapse and be
tossed about by the little air like a house made of playing cards.

Furthermore, they also teaching differences between right and wrong. That is why
teaching considered a noble profession. There is always another way to do things. However,
the teacher can enlighten the students about the difference between right and wrong. This
can include many of the actions one takes in one's life, including the proper use of tools and
utensils. Without a clear distinction between the two, all the actions we take can be divided,
and the general legal framework that governs our world will lose its meaning. If students are
taught to distinguish right from wrong at the beginning of their lives, they will gradually build
on this given concept. So in the end, at a difficult time in their lives, this knowledge will
ultimately help them make the right decisions.

Not only that, they also encouraging effort. It is not always winning and losing, which
is why many parents and students need to see it before they start blaming the other team for
their mistakes. Teachers encourage student effort because this allows them to participate in
events or even sports just to play better. This is exactly what everyone should announce.
There will always be winners and losers in life. However, students must understand that the
only way they can lose is when they give up a good fight. It is not over until you truly believe
it is over. So as a parent and breadwinner we should both support our children even if they
fail as each failure teaches them an important lesson that makes them a better person in
every way.

Other than that, teacher also cultivating love and friendship. The future of the world
does not lie in conflict but comes together as a nation, as a community, or as a local group to
represent justice. We need to cooperate and learn to cooperate with others. Prejudice,
prejudice, and hatred for others simply because of their skin color, sex, or nationality can
lead to more conflicts and more wars than ever before. Teachers are often regarded as
candle holders for the next generation. The light from them illuminates the hearts of
teenagers and enlightens them, thus enabling them to shine and enlighten others.

Nevertheless, they are promoting cultural behavior in the same time. If all we learn is
to criticize others instead of solving real problems, then the world will stand still. Complaining
doesn't solve anything and if you really want to make a difference in this world than you can
do it by working rather than working. It can help if you think before you act and understand
the situation at hand to build a way out of problems. Many teachers today are helping
students to develop problem-solving skills by continuing to challenge their intelligence
through puzzles and questions. This is done just to see how students are able to adapt to
different situations and situations.

The gist of it, teaching a new generation may sound far-fetched, but it is actually
considered to be the most demanding task. Teachers find it difficult to get past their days or
have all the expertise as they cannot afford to be negligent just because of them and their
comfort. They should maintain high standards for the benefit of their students. In fact, even a
student exceeds their expectations; teachers simply pressure their students to get even with
the biggest things in life. Learning is a never-ending process, and without teachers, our
younger and future generations will find themselves in a very dark place.


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