RR Sro 9 For Group A Offrs of Idse DT 16 Mar 2016

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Tele : 23014594 Dte Gen of Personnel/CSCC

Engineer-in-Chief's Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg
New Delhi-110 011
CC-8/85604/Amdt RR/IDSE/CSCC 13 May 2016

ADG (OF & DRDO), Secunderabad
ADG (D&C), Pune
HQ CE, Northern Command
HQ CE, Southern Command
HQ CE, South Western Command
HQ CE, Central Command
HQ CE, Eastern Command
HQ CE, Western Command
1. The service rules of IDSE Cadre have been published under Gazette of India
SRO-9 of 16 Mar 2016. This is for your information and further necessary action/
reference please.
2. This supercede SRO 95 of 29 Jun 2004.

3. The same will be available on MES website after uploading the same by
automation cell.

Dir (Pers)/CSCC
for E-in-C

Encls:- As above.

Copy to:-

E2 Estt
TS to DG(Pers) For information please.
El B(C&M)

Automation Cell For uploading the said service rules on MES website
alongwith a hard copy of SRO-9 of 16 Mar 2016.
{- f-4-4t R. A Ira (WI) 04/0007/2003-05 REGD. NO. D. L. (N) 04/0007/2003-05

D-W4ff 41AI/A
The Oct%ette of ,ZOnclia
chit -4 31Wita
t4114-11 4:t)
14. 6] 1:1T4 20-1714 26, 2016, *ikaitiL6trIA-1 30, 1937 —*1 6, 1938
No. 6 J NEW DELIH, MARCH 20—MARCH 26, 2016, SAT1URDAY/PHALGUNA 30, 1937—CHAITRA 6,1938

vg vim f'4T 11/73 mfr nici"1 t fsz1t+ lraIW tich(1 WIT •4 Tur 7r Tr*
Separate Paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation
ITTTT II-131173' 4
PART 11—Section 4
TkiT T•fI c 1 tit ealch 3TPOT
Statutory Rules and Orders issued by the Ministry of Defence


R4t, 16 Tir4, 2016

N1.1 3T-1---4- 309 * trT-
wr.q-.3Tr. 9.--TrFrift ti iti RA,if r Waif 4)tcl F atT
II-FT417r 1;49-1. t~i i , 2004A-, 3-9- Ita*R1141 3TRIWi-d t)-
3Tfwra std ftt tf). 3TR*Turr 4 7-4 fdA i Trzrr Trr eta 414 f4A1 'kW!. 4111,14 4 4rTfkr
teiT tl al 1f190,41-4AftActi*Rt4TeTridn4iiil .1A- d;Pq,qt1Pfct q14-1 arlid t, 3P4-

1 . #RfTT atT i;FFT41-:- (1) itzritr 9-r4 wrTfrzr i411-444 Tur tl aI (11-# 3frT
1 I 0 4'4)
A 41 4-I, 2016 ti

(2) mglcia w*Thrf9-# a'Retri srfff I

2. liftsirrirt- T9' f4-414 A- 74 9--+ #T4t 4 do-v-4 3A-Rra. T)-:

(T) "377)7" TFEr Well. arlift

1248 GI/2016 (35)


441 144 cto airt-d ZETr 4111clq 3iNtat,

(Tr) tbirlitzr ar4-7pfr -1,1 trT144 td *>T m Trr itm-ftzr sh-q-fk

wft di1
ftf4LbINT7-TP,41-40 dim( tRP114.441 ITzfT

(ET) 1=4-gr-41.4 7)-w-fa. Ti-Rife 4 3T-T1-t — 4 OMq * t114-1a stntg. TIT twfW 7r-r ,gf . * #-4-4- 4 F4-w17-
*P4; f4RRE 41-4R 3rfirta- ;

(3-) "Wler lie 4 3T-Tr41. 1 *t-c44,44 -4 4 f4PRg. 31-Rrs)-a.t ;

``,4 Ow" 4 +R.tqt 1x1tt t11-144-ti+11 Tr err3TRKfta. f4R.A flfaatl 4-47311aft tra tr( Ira* fel

3117111T tirAind sa41141111-4Tr 3lf4ta. t. ;

tltml t" 'MT-if fwbi t d ;

(r) "4trrrn n f4*rdi .rift 3TRital ;
*FaV4T -2 >

(Jr) .R41 uffi 4 +1.iNd "R4414i 441" 4 14,41 4Tift 41414Rt f'41ft * fly titqAt glt1 3iftfffirff
TIttt* 394E lq.-f *Trm-ff. .uTt 4111i- A 7r1- 411 *1 diqR dif- d 3P-T FA-Tr.4. 14t1Pfc.4 3T-#4 err
A41 ti
3r4fibit 111

*Inzi** 4164 trTf4-5 01414)41 4). ABM *14.1 A- *Tit affit.:,

(ii) ltfi 3T-44 F -Tr* t1,1 3TRITT11- 7Fi. -K411-.4- wrAIT4 fd,.7 41R .q7 .g-ftri-T
di ZIT 3TRIM" stir &KW ct)t *. q .34c1GtI Ir Ocif,

(7) "3T "# fk-zn## \3`114.g 3710t 3TRaff tl

(T) "arqkft-d. ‘31 ra,41" 3 "4-.1--Ra. R44i" 441 3T4 edlTTY d 3T 366* 9 (24)
31MT taus (25) 4 ti

(3) "3TRI- fmtli- A4R441"t*44144-4-444,19-“Kt1( giu 31.1-T
kigi444441 T)711.

(.3.) "Ail" 4 14444-4 3 * lirdtzr 4attzi1tl al3eRtWa.

3. ITRAtzr -Tar 41(51: - liFfrq i.11144.R -T49-r tlal d 7r 4 wrff 4-4-r 3rTfft-14
71--41414,14.t a
4. 4ult, sr.rfitr-Fa .fi7m 3fr si,d.t,1 ,frt:- (1) tlal ft ftfir-q- ~ 4 ti adda-PT,
titsql 3T d(111111 1.41 7)- 3q- f4q4:1-1. \i4-4l44 311141- -1 4 14-448.
(2) fitchlt, TritZr TT ~ tIl aTrwzr*. 4-14-41 f4-Rm. r-firzfi- v#I. Trd ft Tiigrr zrr watit vT7i*Tfti

(3) tww, 3Tru17T * TRT1:14 4 39-01- -1 4- +414Pcr tra 4 * tre. *)-,, 11,

c114.111 3117 1Wf'Fq-4-4-4T# 44i 1ci 4-1'*t14'lq", T)-, r 4 t1141PCIvrtqr 41Pi4DrITTTrWri

(4) titvt , 34TOTT *tITTI:g tr 441 affir*Tft*)-, fir t1-4- 3E1 nq
4i (3)

[ Trip 11-au?r, 4] ,444 : TEM 26, 201641 6, 1938 37

* 3ttft9. 4zrr ttilfci *ft 4 4-err tif41Pc, fizrr Trzrr 37We t RM. zrr f
ffl atfirerzit tf*T7
3R9. Wig .141W VT Tf*Ift 311. Writ 3-## tittlt giti TR' qteld t11141-t44ie1 trr
ILI 1,,
Tr7 fl I (UI 311 4 ET 3T-Ike*5ITUT Pict *-T T4111

5. flat *tim-z4.- PsiRi4Ki «414.t1al *. f14t-zi 0-1),

a4-1 6*3rdtlaI ftf41--- fIHslTr7mri=, 3117

(9) 7*3309- 14f4zs'arftI

1 111.1 3TRWRi1 q). TrIF "-+-"W

,31-1ntit t4ii 4-4T faiN, 2004 * FA"1
6. 416.1:- 417r
31r R TT war ITR-41-zr TUT tlal1.4ziii, 2016 4 3rt-Rt*7r-69. fakiittre
vz 41,11 tre 311-( WI 4, q741PqR, 3angt4
ci tr( ot-1, 7TT 'WM" ft f 14,t;m7 ti ii

7. I V 4 3TIUT:- Tq1* 3iTMT*Mg2441Tf44.414g3- 0-1, 3r -2,

1 394-4
- 1 Trzir .v441ct flf-a 4 wft
8. •ArgaT:- (1) Pi41 6 * krifr 4 q-s-5- tiii 1-7 4 it TRiztl flt 4 ATiarftz11:#*
3irMi Wittg 39*fitLa4 fIrdT ft 411n
trt- qR 37:3 8.017?f A" RA tiv-q AIM 31-41Tritff ro A- 11 t 8). ti tchl * dart ti4-W4
cti*Tr-4-Fe A- ,11104zr11*341i1It tit4It g1t1 14■44I ,411.;4111
(2) 11 qq4-1 6 3i1419-
-q4 31-Rffrft T9- FdziTft* 3trKTIT * Ttswrq foft koft ft 4a-r f fit
WI- fi tHA Tr7 c)41 IA otif-
A 141 *13-7 f f aTi-TRItw 4161*
tr,Tra. ,31141 t, fltct,tz gm fta l I cl tigg-flgt1 P I tl f Ti7 TrrtrlTur 31 411- * 31-7117 3r0-1Tft
I 3r Wrf 1*g-a, airzn-Tr *trTriTA 4 tii,l( gRI aTatrritff
(3) .3,4 z * Treftft* 3talf-a- 31Tk 1
ft r741-1

9. ITT: - (1) tlal r41-7 w4-+ aftWrft, at ot ritt-49T r A- 4,Rg AIM dac411,1 'TT *ft
11-44 zrr 1-14g iZi .1=41ff. pp- tIR41411 3T-44
9r-4- iftft .

trt- VRT1t. TiT *itOT tlz.hlz gitt tilig -(14144 rrt 1-4) 3re4ei Zit 3ITW'
3iTig trftew 31-4ftreW Tr :

ITT 34-4-14 Td-I# wr )40 ft rE4 si cr@ TtrarTura-zrr 3313 TIFF17*

INT 1-444I sil1k!,411 t14-614 3TRITift lilt cI)t * TT* Trice .311 dig
* Ifta7 ft R1*4,4
,41 ,41(;4111

(2) 1-4R414t1 dial rt--( 3i-fircftzi-1*1-, * 39-11 ti+4 *11 .1111 tth
I dil 39#
AgiAct 33raR 47* Rzif 117 TUT t1+4.11) 311T11- ft 77-7111

(3) IR, .1414,4H(1) , 41141491 31-447rr 3Trft193i Tit dilf*glflri

Trzr t i 4l 31-ftffrft wrk*Rg \v-117t, 141 i1.11411 digN TIT 3 31-1-Rf
tzrt 41R - tfl ii
1,<11 RA ftf 1I tRchlt 9 f* 31f1>IL1 ..qt11 3rd 71T Tat *Ft argiit
Ttliffit*Tra7t, i X141I kitchlt TI I1
u411:41-1*-1v,,i‘41-th 4U-44 ebt4t .3A,,F4u1Nia,44)71T7

38 1E OF INDIA : MARCH 26, 2016/CHAITRA 6, 1938 [PART I1—SEC. 41


VI- UR. 71-4. ftfr*. a- err 4 7 a 'Alt 3E 7T 11n1r4c1 zrT Afli zr H41 zd , aTrqr
(4) fir * 41t,d tf , 34T 3Tf1rfr rift-449-r arm f11-11t111514
srzr1-49. *P t11 sOrLcrar ar-q-kwi4161451)4-1 Vi a to .# (1=4T1-4-
- t11111-49-r 311-r 1114-1u1 3d14 a
to alit q
ii` rTftw 3TPSfl41 , Arr Tt lite!

(5) err ft 4-4-R A-4-iiitff aiwr WTI* ft 611,11c1 tlal ti4t-1 Tif 41161k1 t.R.61( glt1 1
1 I 31-
4TI TIT 31Tt9TI 51fl RTTRia.

10. 11 114F471d1FAIV-1 ‘41-1-T-d471-n4TR-a- 4.wqi'414-4-r.4 *41

(2) tl al it ftzl- .t;1 371-Rra- w-t-a- Q. T49-1- 4 ticif cl 14,41 TR tr.( arT 44 arR1-9-
*1- 3TTRI * Pt; fA-fgb1114.01 ftika-rft Trzft alkft t, HP-Pd t, ftIT a
to *-r .1k1
wft ,4,
(T) -Trerf cl .er 3T-A" " I * TM" 34 t1[t, `t1( 3TkkTr
AVT 14-1 *1 7711
(q) 9-1-4171 *1- *Trvara- tJ IU1tu1dqI314

(3) 11 t14t4,1, Tfl* fit qtR;, IfA-T 41,54-1444 a,ta TT *41 1111

(4) t4 +1,HM1 111 Wq* q7141)" 344/5. 1 RtiI 41T t, 1*. Tf--4-F41- ft 4m- Raa 1#R
*HH,I-Trzrit 7-T*417r fe17tea I 31-N*Ift* c114j,#-14
11. WtTr:- &ft-

(T) :rft 4 FA-frwr zrr ft0- rilr*fka- t, PA] ; zrr

(w) ftffk artrktrft zJ7 aftrt- rdt §Q, r-ft 4 filar fdAr t,
37t. tR fki-T*T taw ri41
t't■ I Tr Tprrar-1- t I R-47 t4 id-a7 * 311. 1"41-+TT
.1 to *P3TRraitlrfft )- kT1
FeftzrfdR *31-019- ar-I-N- t i),H1 f A- T4TP1H*v-4494%ek
ii3TRTrft 117 ci j, Ala 11
12. 1 RAH 49-1- lat tlal (tlalTrfif-T) fkftkir, 1989
3977 4-49q- d 7f11.17 ITT ftdaI tea} cit4041 1-4114, k r3Tfirff4-4-Tr ,1950 (1950 TT
46) 31171491 111"/T7 q711:1-1- RTTRI-a- 011
13. 341-tf0:1W 3•>11,-1.
(T) 7741 -4-4* th3,4 *441 ITR-41-4 to antin.t, t1 11 arfri*Tft*). d 5 3 arzr4T d
'1f ddfrl d1
4 dila 0 RA fOisr suft f alld idal w,d1 ZT al *dal 4
t11 41N.111Rg cix11 f 3a Rfrra 4.uft ft anft 8-*. 71-q-a- 141
t;df arf iTfl * 3•1td a 79M 441
ITZTT t, *.141 cOIN ft 31-07kT 6111`JR trt Rql Alg,111 7) wrdtzr Uqlltinct) *31-Rtwrft*T)-
-14- 79*tNr4ftdiLltl Trzrr
[ Trm 1-1-Ism- 4] 'gird (Orii : Trr4 26, 20164i 6, 1938 39

(T) fail R-Rra tg. *1- "414-14" Trfp TrIft Rita- trff-d-rlip44us uxrr sh-q-R3,0-zrq
11-111kk*ft9- *T11:171611 ,311l),+111
Tfr tr4T* 36grT7ftd*q 1 31-0W*. .3'?Iti ar-r 4-11 4i fwbR 1t1 39'01 5* diltw TTY

gItt -k9414.4 tr<Q11f) 3T-#2t 1t1 Tfr f r> writ-a 011

14. 1-01 1* 7i1-1- (2) 4 7:Pir 2 71-4)...)- c.n

v1I4ki111:-(1) WT-4 ,-1+1, T9' ftzriff \iv1ct4 31-

(2) 39'011 14 fdRi17--41- A-, wr-itzr

,,f1f4,4( *nr4P1.1 aifkflite g.R1 1-Tr ‘111'11
1ft WA" Tef f4ft-a- f a1dYr giit1 :OA fdAR1,4 *7, fail 3r-oz gm 9-07141

15. 91-149- 4fizr tww 1 Trzr

*- ot
q 1; 4)1(.91 TATT TtEl. 3171)7 # 11-urt9f .1)4, furl fall 34-4'a
q-kzrr waif * 4iict, ditqr gm RA-9- TT Tf*-7fti

16. (1) T1- Rzliti- 1 only 3i1t41911 , 311+x-tfl 41i f :$d 3117 31- 1- NM AF Tr+ird .141
TOT11-, fA-9-wr fitchlt gR1 MfrTI-4N. f t1+1414111q AT RTTA" T17 31rA. *- 3T-17TR 3TTIRd- A1f1+-41 ,
317fta- ArtAin411. 31-at kW- attr fd)-sr Aa 1 «1i
a1 f 3,4 i ii 31tR17

(2) fd-zrz# *311*t-79T 7-4 Wiz! TR t, Tr7 t-411 ,41 3Trkqr1*3rifm ft Tit q11 ,41 ,
1lg i 1rt 713Tre=r* ,,R-rq4 rlT9- fzr-iff *3Tet9- irt ti=141Wchft1
u x

17. R4-1,1:-7 - ffizni-l*R4 41-4 tizonit 3tl~rfd(d

-11 ti.act zrfk imu-411-9- Oct! ta*--- 1g

(fdioi 2,3 47 4 -iikr1)

TR. TZTer tf-4. 3117 s4Pre Tr a-Fr tra *t act11-111 311-T c-1.-1 WI- d ci•-■ 41:ft
fi(9,41 ti I el.1+11'1 is ac1,1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. -17TRkqi* (tiPt) 3-
4-TT 01 67000 'T. # 79000 T. l'-) ffj
srslitinct, *ft
(ati4q) dor' clue 3%)
2. 3TER TruiYrs 3-4-a7 STRimn.t, 3 67000 T. 4 79000 T. .1)) .igi
sRruff oat acir1 lrg T( 3%)
3. 41- r “irdz“.
- 45 dc11 tg -4 37400 10000 T.

T 4 67000 T. .

4. 11-171:11 mil nq t 00 d 11 s -4 37400 T. ft 8900'T.

67400 T.
40 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 26, 2016/CHATTRA 6, 1938 [PART 11—SEC. 4]

wrr 40 q ail-T kfarz4 wr 9-rq d- -i. 17ft 4-d-4 4oft

7-41 A- a iii ii arrf 44
467fr ItEgrr a n14I1 4W-d9.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

5. dam 1 i at 281 4-4-4 te -4 v 374004 8700 w.
67400 w.

6 gli gm, i qt (artforf ** Adq 43*-3 15600 w. 4 7600 W.

TAR 41111) 39100'.

7. 111 tlIcill i qt 480 4-d-1- b- -3 15600 -. tf 6600 T.

39100 W.

8. tiqutpt cm 41Q19h i qt 150 td9' 4-4. -3 15600 w. 4 5400"c •

(TR!! 4i171 acI.ieiii) 39100 T.

9. tilget, cnt 91,44, i.1114.,R 78 td9- te -3 15600 w. 4 5400 W.

(TF4T3 twincti c1i4111) 39100''.

*vrzf 11R atrt *ret. Ti 11,1*areiR 77 wk*arft9-

** A-s. s l tre (col gicict) tit at( Triz wr30 vftwa- R-fi- sral*anft
.11 1*-

(I) VSt l **PVT rftal #4. 9-# I

(II) airt-NT fac114 eft' (9-4 4-4--3, 15600-39100 w. aitt 4-4- 499- 7600 w.) 4 waft
tre- ft *PT (taW t3-3, dormm 15600-3900 w. ,h5 A-69- 6600 W.)AW-4 4 \Vicieti Ta 1-9- 1#4711. 4
~Ifl q)9ttil+fi i

+4' ait 't 4)1 divitt

1-(1).- `,74Escm 3FR ”1 kIct) (crqTAITTIT) +.11 0)1 ")* ANINRI tAIT 71* 711" t
fARP ,41 dAcblitqltiait.ii 4 ti.iRri 4444, ft 1.1.111
Qtyur (2).— witif cti ON TR aitgligg is3nRAR VT ch 1 111144.1Kr

is411*.ki *Tan RIR ftzrrAITII, ft4ft*

Na ft 9-41

am -2

(ftzrii 7 U* Q
41. 71A-41-4 WOW IftuTTIT lit A* 414 (14141q) 111441 ci
TiT 91T NT ditel I UM t111
ti4g "V*ITUTTgilit Vie* f:A7 •T114.1 titT altd-rq atIT airs

[ Mr, 11 -Ntrg 4]

TITid 4: Trr4 26, 2016/41 6, 1938 41

41-4- 41- fdtw1 -11,1 *R41 daR,444 gm (4,4 ti Y61 16141 ZIT titia
(i) *TITTrTrrrd- 4*--
-didtiv.14-4 39-4T-4. 3ifer 31-fte4-711- ,1956 (1956 TT
14,41 URRITIT gm <-4-4114i fdtfl dfrtf tit-qr rr 1. 4
3) *I- ti-r-(-r 3* 'SVEN A- Wit-a- RA) fdNidviciti Trriks-a-
11, 4111-4Q1Mql ZIT tit-116n 4
4 ftd ITT kA. Met fd4dquci, TrTrzr-TrTrzr tittlt
gIt1 4-11,44(11 ■71141 ‘,1114,4t-1 4 941 iT Pi-414-11 aT 141 3T4-d-11' .D1 titlilt g.R1 3117T311.
ti ft ti,an-q11. weit7, 311-T

Rfl *Tr 4-40 atrumT*T t f cflfl art # fir

uTr rrftur et
111H tAt 91t7I
34701-- 3
(idqii 7 kfik7)
s,1114- Rti1 tlai (Tru *1- faf u7 .girg-et rra i45ft*
147-41-Tr fak1 UtrT
*TT sket 11--4Q- ir--
4ft,i4-1-q-M- 31-4Tt1a1 3i17 arta-r

TIT TTer trq 47 lit *1- ti ii d .-14.111 dii adi 4uft

ti (911 ~ TT 9-r1T ddl sWi-

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. 11--0-F42T- - El 41 ITR--itzr i.flA,H. T49T .11 TT al117
Tr-4-1-1=4---r1t, FA-Tr* f fo-rTfl-zr sh-q-ft
Tifirft*I- 31mq.bdi 9--ett
2. 3111-T4-41149TW eft TM- lad (ni)- 37400 T. -67000,4u k 10000 T.
ddriimi 4 tFIT qtql is,fin4R f -Trk 411 a-tt
14,1Pci tlal *1- t1
.t11 41(941 silln, fir ITTT4T7 Pat
TUT tl1l c-T' 14- Tcl 141%-1 t1ii 25 74
*1 )", ftTlii- TTI- 4 TR. 7T q-4 q tIP CI ciRE5
qqn-wf4-T sull (71.7.A1-) tlal W10- tr
(u) argrAt 2 'Tzfr idnil. 3101- “It-11
ft 3117
(TT) at Ti-Frr w. 41111 Tiwra-9. -51-47a9. Tr
irtgidi TT ist-REPTT Rif )-1
3. ipti ‘,111-4,4 . ,q)---- gilt) lq-t (T) t-11 InTITZr isill14tR tSi1 tdar tiils
"3T" TT ,,nideR ftw# 4trit dd.i 8900 AT
8700 4 ri Pq1-4ci 4-4-r 03 Tt ,ft '# TIT
Tplc3T-41-9- 4qi17a.“ 13hfrT1-
*Tr 4 *Tr -cl-T a-vi ft Pzif4d 4-o-r t--t- add
42 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 26, 2016/CHAITRA 6, 1938 [PART 11—SEC. 4)

TIT .U7Ftt 7-4" 341-T ri-dfttit9.11 ddrim.-1 dik a d1 *11r1

ti f91I ~ TT Mil" c11 411

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

8700 #ft
(T) 3 }2#TzrrI fa y 3*r MI c11

(7r) TrzTT Tr 3-q- 7-47N-ff aTzlql- 1p- r

i.fln,R arRViii 1.116q5bli tithtl 1 I IOW
Rqi fit
4. 3rotaw At 51t1 Wziff l'14111cVb "(1R 41 ftTrk 91 q4
~ilfa Vt Rei i al-Tr:T-77T cm vt,-1.1,, i fA qt
ft9-4 4l fad te al Tiffw, ,IR tr,
cnutigicit ‘=fini.R (15600-39100 AT is
cil 7600 T. ddd 47-3) * TR * t1,
31-W1WW ft41-7 W1 Ther 491-0 .441 ).1
~ti l afftWift ftTr4 q-rt `STR4i71.
i 41 t wr -m7 4 "T'' PqPct cil # f)-
AT Trtzt ft wrr 4 .T4 4 Ti- 3T 9-79. 'W-
1■1 li I cl ct) ,4.11Pq ,c Os k 7600 w. )#01-
4nqPi cti ft
(9-) arTFA- 2 4 411 3rtar ttl 1 I

On .911-1111. ii1:7 WT dl W41-.11-9. TT

751-4Tur tittml d I 114W .14)41 I .0
5. '111441M't) 31779" t.11 444 I cl ch i,,f1n,“ ii-k m't EifTh
~ilfd ,t Tri-9- Tt qqPd tat * fi tiil4H alma tr(
artfOrW 1./11 fklift . ft ailT )-g-61. 1 I'I c g 31.1417"1 IR
} 9TIT‘t * 3Tvrer9- #41- 1

6. 1,i44icit ftqff gRi lzil (T)i,ii tivi.t).144,41cict. ,7111.4 fkftk7!-

qt kuft 4 wtT kil q,414ct i # f 47 FA-4*
(1) 71# frfit 4-11^41c1111111 fd,ufdtlicigRil 4
Riftff, qiPlt Tri- ftqa- ,711R44fl ftth zrr
% tR
4,1 qicii, (U) TiT WF17 TT •IcIi arti)--+Tfr v I 4
,R I-Hogg-10 TT 3j) Ti WRETuT titticic-Irt It.

*It 4 4 14'41 *1
al"--zff * (7t) 1,f-1i tilq11 qt F49-k 3.fr trft ft
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1-it -116,-) 1 14,41 711'1(11 SMTRNnQIc141/t11 # Rift9"

[ II-W113 4] TiTiff ii444 :I'd 26, 2016/41 6, 1938 43

*H 371 rf--. ah Taft Ti1571- dd.-Mil 3t( dr1 Wr

1{s11 Oil* Wr 9-1-ff ad1 Wit

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(ii) ,441 4) zn- fk-ca. 44 itit zrr fii-iqcc44

45 tl
°A) trq 374-4-r
(13) t.11 t-11414) i 4R ftakufr srxrft 4 91-
is.41R44e. .0.
ait P4aci teal *1 47 rA-Tr*-Fr tiR41
-trft 4 4
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3TrarT ITT Irf ch ITT ftca i q 9 'Ai) 4 il ZIT

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.STRRPT f4),
t-9- 4 9-a TrFri- *1 diciR Tr 41
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cni ,-11c14) 3Trzh-Tr gi ROtl
-1 -4-4 . 41
a 1 cltrETT * Trrt4 4i-tit -
~iif~ at tiliPd giti 1ft ApPI
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4 11t41 1-1 4 ffft

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441 ' Its ..48. 0414,4-1* Ti--4u 4 '41- fkarr PA! tr-k-qT c ft 3,4 i i ft Tit
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Act' *3TrY14
0411 ,1I Teo-, 3rto4rdr kit t 111 *9 41 t,3174i7-4 d- -T Nirrr sh-wft*
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(1) (2) (3) (4) '

3717 (i) 33-t-zruki4,TtEr ,., 1)te al 317ftir-311.-zra

(1) T'1141. I I

(ii) ti q, t i 4-ii mq- tiV-11

(iii) WIT Rd-It, 9-71. i R4R ti ci

41qic-i1 9117IT- fiv-44

(iv) TrgRtRTT (TriffT) 'PT i 44 t s1-Tar

- f-14(41

2. 4A(944 41 (i) 3rEztaitiqt-zi, TtEr c.ilt i an-q-1-4r- arczmi. " '1, 14T 01'

(ii) Trra-q-, tEii 4:111Mq--tili-zi

(iii) SITT i•rfin,u, TrAla- ,,flna ti414,c.,

+A(9.4-11c1 '44 RTRT-ti q -41

(iv) ITTI9TT (44 4.), Tsa vfl Reit

2TTE1T- tigt-41

3. 31-41m1 ‘711R41 (i) 31-Ezra/kJ< -4,r,tEr cilt 41 41 TT- 37449- Kill. Tset 0'1'

(ii) flRcf, TETT 4-iimq- tiqkq

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- tiqt-44

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tit 1.-A ,4t4ftftQ- 11s1c1
(i) Ti71- t-111, TUT 4-i 1 i ci q - 3TVILIT c1 .i II
(ii) 7tzsrF'-rrufAw-* (,114), 91Fr ,711A (q) t'IV44, flfl+4t 4 3r1Wft
5.111Ii4f .t.11)41 *1- If*
.41--Etr 4 Barr ai,( *P ,
(iii) P WW /37 t1 q, TUT iilIciq--t1V14 1) #5 ti I, TETT
tiV-4.t) i,,finle.A. sh*P ii1icv4-331-zra

(1) 3TURTP-144, #Er ,i)1, tl a 1 3Trz71-q---31-um- (2) TT TITF4- 1-f'

VIP. nq t
(2) aiTR tiR a , TUT iiiic11-‘94f-q
911til-ti<t 44
(3) Tr-gfART- (44 RI)), vii-Er ,7fln,4 4"1-1t41-
(3) TT tifaa TETT 4-111c11

t)I 41cit (1) iiZS ti a twr i-ilivia--,3rura cit4j,a4TOctii

Pfl(a zit
ortikw / q / (2) Uti. Trgrf4k (Wig-W),Sil:Fr i4lnz4t
'WI) WRIT- ti v-ti .

(3) 1e9TT t3IT ti a, Tut 1-iiiciq--f-ti

[ li1t1 11[-M17 4) TOTff dl (1494 :TO 26, 20101 6, 1938 45

6. .1)1441(1 ,tr,,k141 Odl

(3) 731- TUT +11I 11

—94 tql

4 4t 5
(Pig 13 ftr7')
4. ar&TTadti 3'?440-1 Q11-111c11 ,Y111 orti 411 flPia

rri TWIT rf-1 VT 9" -Tr ac11 blil ft9- tt *7-6-*.

31-97TTUf4- 4TT 67000 T.- (I) TUT 9 4 TUT 41-11(.141- allzrff
79000 T.
(ii) 9 ,=1 t.71..3'T11141,---41K1z1- tIV-41
at ai acm cI-3 %
(iii) of a TUT \3c1-1141 FOTTr- 9M-41

1 41(9,4 iuf11d,,t 37400 T. (1) TUT 41.41c141 tlfaa TUT 1-1.-11c144- 31VTET
67000 T.
(ii) arfkit f-1 a T4'.-Tr +-1.-11c144-94-4,1
c1r1 4s-10000/
.4.rfft 4cil lf- _.3 % (iii) Trq-rRYTcr) (Triii-T) visu ,,fun44 R11(li-

(1) 311f1UtT as-4

c1,1 (i) tifaa t4-ii 4-0-1ic1 4i- 3T ET

qt .37400 T.-
(ii) 91.7t■ +1 1 ( 4)1311T 44 ) TUT 9 1c11 -
67000 T.
qi q t-i
15 d cil-8700 T.
(ii) UTIT TITT-RbTT (TdifT) "CFATI P,{,
(11) 44 4114) c.1 ,1 45-3
RTMT- 94t-4
- (airtiwfw 15600 T.-39100 T.
4uft) 1 5 ddr1 —7600 T.

4 4i1441cich .1114 44( , c1.-1 45 -3 (I) a tail 41.-11ci 44 - 3) ET

15600-39100 T.
(ii) 3T t11 4 tmr 4-fraR14- tfv-a
tu ddl -6600 T.
(iii) 3tr zr-qfP-T ,PITT, is4114,1(.Rrngrr-

[Tr. zt. ft.*. 8/85604t1:tRN1 arrT 3irdwt.T.t.44-r/ /29t-T.(f4.)/2016]

46 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 26, 2016/CHAITRA 6, 1938 [PART II—SE.c. 4]

dinci ttRa

New Delhi, the 16th March, 2016
S.R.O. 9.–In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India and in
Nupersession of Indian Defence Service of Engineers (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2004, except as
'expects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the President hereby makes the following rules,
immolating the method of recruitment and the conditions of service of persons appointed to the Indian Defence Service of
I ltigineers in Ministry of Defence, namely :-
I, Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the Indian Defence Service of Engineers
(Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;-
(a) "Commission" means the Union Public Service Commission;
(b) "Controlling Authority" means the Government of India in the Ministry of Defence;
(c) "Departmental Candidate" means a person who has been appointed on regular basis after consultation
with the Commission or on the recommendations of Departmental Promotion Committee.
(d) "Departmental Promotion Committee" means a Committee specified against each post in Schedule IV
to consider promotion or confirmation in the said post;
(e) "duty post" means any post specified in column (2) of Schedule I;
(f) "Examination" means a Combined Competitive Examination conducted by the Commission for
recruitment to various Engineering Services or posts as may be notified by the Government from time to time;
(g) "Government" means the Government of India;
(h) "Grade" means a grade of service specified in column (2) of Schedule I annexed to these rules;
(i) "regular service" in relation to any grade means the period of service in the grade rendered after
selection according to procedure laid down by the Government for long-term appointment to that grade and
includes any period or periods :-
(i) taken in to account for purpose of seniority in the case of those appointed at the initial
constitution of the service;
(ii) during which an officer would have held a duty post in the grade but for being on leave or
otherwise not being available for holding such post;
(j) "Schedule" means a Schedule annexed to these rules;
(k) "Scheduled Castes" and "Scheduled Tribes" shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them
under clause (24) and clause (25) of article 366 of the Constitution;
(1) "Other Backward Classes" shall comprise the caste and communities notified by the Government from
time to time.
(m) "service" means the INDIAN DEFENCE SERVICE OF ENGINEERS constituted under rule 3.
Constitution of Indian Defence Service of Engineers.- The service known as the Indian Defence Service of
Ititglneers shall consist of posts specified in Schedule I.
4 Grades, authorised strength and it's review.- (1) The duty posts included in various grades of the service,
Ilsolr names, numbers and scales of pay shall be as specified in Schedule I.
( /1 The Government may make temporary additions to or reductions from the strength of the duty posts in various
kit tales as it may deem necessary from time to time.
I I) The Government, in consultation with the Commission, include in or exclude from the service such posts as May
110 deemed to be equivalent to the posts included in the service, in status, grade, scale of pay and professional content,
othor than those included in Schedule I.
141 The Government may, in consultation with the Commission appoint an officer whose post is included in the
owl vice under sub-rule (3) to the appropriate grade of the service in a temporary capacity or in a substantive capacity, as it
may deem fit and fix his seniority in the grade in accordance with the general orders and instructions issued by the
lovernment from time to time in this regard.
Members of the service. The following persons shall be members of the service, namely :-
(a) Persons deemed to have been appointed to service under rule 6; and
(b) Persons appointed to the service under rule 7.
11-8PH 4] ti,894 : TIT4 26, 2016/Aq 6, 1938 47

Initial Constitution. All the civilian officers in the Indian Defence Service of Engineers Rules, 2004 holding
( Iroup 'A' posts on regular basis, shall be deemed to have been appointed to the corresponding posts and grades in the
service in the substantive or officiating capacity, as the case may be, from the date of their initial appointment to the
gliules/ posts on regular basis, in the Indian Defence Service of Engineer Rules, 2016.
1 Future Maintenance of the Service.- After commencement of these rules, the vacancies shall be filled in the
manner as provided in Schedules I, II, III and IV, annexed to these rules.
H Seniority.- (I) The relative seniority of members of the service deemed to have been appointed to any grade
under rule 6, shall be governed by their relative seniority obtaining on the date of commencement of these rules :
Provided that if the seniority of a member has not been specifically determined on the said date, the same shall
he determined by the Government in accordance with the rules applicable to members of similar service under the
( lovernment.
(2) Officers who join the service in any grade after the commencement of these rules, shall rank below those
doomed to have been appointed to the service in that grade under rule 6. The seniority of persons recruited to the service
tiller the initial constitution shall be determined in accordance with the general instructions issued by the Government
from time to time in this regard.
( 1) Seniority of officers not covered by the above provisions, shall be determined by the Government in
consultation with the commission.
Probation.- (1) Every officer on appointment to the service either by direct recruitment to the Junior Time
Settle through the examination or by promotion from Group 'B' posts of Assistant Engineer shall be on a probation for a
period of two years.
Provided that the Controlling Authority may extend the period of probation in accordance with the instructions
or orders issued by the Government from time to time in this regard :
Provided further that any decision for extension of the period of probation shall be taken ordinarily within eight
weeks after the expiry of the previous period of probation and the decision in writing shall be communicated to the
concerned officer together with the reasons for so doing within the said period.
(2) On completion of the period of probation, officers shall, if considered fit for regular appointment, retained in
their appointment on regular basis and be confirmed in due course.
( I) If, during the period of probation referred to in sub-rule (I) or any extension thereof, as the case may be, the
lovernment is of the opinion that an officer is not fit for retention or if, at any time during such period of probation, or
extension thereof, the Government is satisfied that the officer will not be fit for permanent appointment on the expiration
ul such period of probation, or extension thereof, the Government may for reasons to be recorded in writing, discharge
him from the service or revert him to the post which he has been holding before his promotion, as the case may be, or
pass such orders as it may deem fit.
During the period of probation, the officer may be required by the Government to undergo such courses of
twining instructions and to pass such examination and tests (including an Examination in Hindi) as it may deem fit for
ihr purpose of satisfactory completion of period of probation.
(1) As regards other matters relating the period of probation, the members of the service shall be governed by
Instructions or orders issued by the Government from time to time in this regard.
IR Liability for service.- (1)The officers appointed to the service shall be liable to serve anywhere in India_

2.1 Any person appointed to the service, if so required, be liable to serve in connection with the Defence of India,
lot it period of not less than four years, including the period spent on training, if any, provided that such person -
(a) shall not be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of ten years from the date of his appointment;
(b) shall not ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the age of forty years.
(I I A member of the service shall also be liable to undergo professional courses as and when he is deputed for that.
1,1) The conditions of the service of the members of the service in respect of matters for which no provision is made
In these rules, shall be the same as are applicable to the officers of the Central Civil Services from time to time.
I I Disqualification.- No person,-
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible
for appointment to any of the posts specified in Schedule I:
Provided that the Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the.personal law
applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing,
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

I Rules not apply to Army Officers.- These rules shall not apply to the Army Officers appointed on tenure basis
in accordance with provisions of the Military Engineer Services (Army Personnel) Regulations, 1989, as they shall be
govri lied by the Army Act, 1950 (4.6 of 1950) and the rules framed there under.
I I Non Functional Upgradations:
(a) Whenever an Indian Administrative Service Officer of the State of Joint Cadre is posted at the centre to
a particular grade carrying a specific grade pay in Pay Band 3, pay Band 4 or Higher Administrative Grade, the
officers belong to batches of Indian Defence Service Engineers that are senior by two years or more and have
not so far been promoted to that particular grade would be granted the same grade on non-functional basis from
the date of posting of the Indian Administrative Service Officers in that particular grade at the Centre.
(b) All the prescribed eligibility criteria and promotional norms including "benchmark" for upgradation to
a particular grade pay shall have to be fulfilled at the time of screening for grant of higher pay scale.
(c) The other mailers related to non-functional upgradation to the members of the service shall be
governed by the orders in accordance with or instructions issued by the Central Government in this behalf for
time to time and by the Screening Committee as provided in Schedule-V.
14. Application.- (1) These rules shall apply to the posts as specified in column (2) of the Schedule-I.
(2) The posts specified in Schedule-I are to be manned by Civilian Officers of Indian Defence Service of
I ingineers and at no time can be held by another person unless Government so decides by specific orders in writing.
I S. Power to relax.- Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by
order for reasons to be recorded in writing, and in consultation with the Commission, relax any of the provisions of these
inks with respect to any class or category of persons.
I6. Saving.- (1) Nothing in these rules shall effect reservations relaxation of age limits and other concessions
required to be provided for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward
Classes, Ex-Servicemen and other special categories of persons in accordance with orders issued by the Government
from time to time in this regard.
(2) All appointments, promotions or confirmations, made in consultation with the Commission, under
1/mtablishment orders issued from time to time before notification of these rules shall be deemed to have been made under
these rules.
17. Interpretation. If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be decided by the
Central Government.
(See rules 2, 3 and 4)
SI. Name of the duty post and grades *Number of Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale
No. Posts Pay Band/ Pay Scale Grade pay
(1) (2) (3) (4)
I. Director General (Personnel), Higher 01 Rs. 67000 – Rs 79000 (increment NA
Administrative Grade (HAG) @ 3% per annum)
2. Additional Director General Higher 03 Rs. 67000 – Rs 79000 (increment NA
Administrative Grade (HAG) @ 3% per annum)
3. Chief Engineer, Senior 45 Pay Band-4 Rs. 37,400 – 67,000 Rs. 10,000
Administrative Grade (SAG)
4. Additional Chief Engineer 00 Pay Band-4 Rs. 37,400 – 67,000 Rs. 8,900
5. Superintending Engineer, Junior 281 Pay Band-4 Rs. 37,400 – 67,000 Rs. 8,700
Administrative Grade (JAG)
6. Executive Engineer, Non-functional ** Pay Band-3 Rs. 15,600– 39,100 Rs. 7,600
Second Grade (NFSG)
7. Executive Engineer 480 Pay Band-3 Rs.15,600 – 39,100 Rs. 6,600
8. Assistant Executive Engineer, Junior 150 Pay Band-3 Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 Rs. 5,400
Time Scale(JTS)
9. Assistant Executive Engineer, Junior 78 Pay Band-3 Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 Rs. 5,400
Time Scale (JTS) (Reserve)

*Subject to variation dependent on work load and cadre reviews.

**30% of the Senior Duty Posts (Executive Engineer and above), subject to the conditions, that :-
(i) There is no increase in overall strength of the cadre.

[ ‘1111 II-1M41 11178 Al TWIN : TO 26, 2016/16, 1938 49

(ii) The number of posts to be operated in non-functional second grade Executive Engineer (NFSG), (PB-3,
Rs. 15600 — 39100, Grade Pay Rs. 7600) does not exceed the total number of posts available in Executive
Engineer (PB-3, Rs. 15600-39100, Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/-).
# Reserve. As per cadre review.
Note 1. Senior most Additional Director General of Indian Defence Service Engineer Cadre will be Director General
(Personnel) to look after all personnel matters relating to MES Civilian Officers/Sub-ordinates.
Note 2. The existing incumbents of Additional Chief Engineer on the date of commencement of these rules shall be
considered alongwith Superintending Engineers for promotion subject to fulfilment of laid down criteria in this regard,
till they are promoted or superannuated from service whichever is earlier.
(See rule 7)
Minimum educational qualification and age limits for direct recruits to the post of Assistant Executive Engineer
Group 'A' to be filled on the results of the Examination to be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.
A candidate must have :
(i) a degree in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central
or State Legislature in India or other educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be
deemed as a University under section 3 of University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) or a degree or diploma
in Engineering from such foreign Universities, Colleges or Institutions and under such conditions as may be recognized
by the Government from time to time or possessing, qualifications which have been recognized by the Government as
equivalent to above qualifications; and
(ii) attained the age of twenty one years but must not have attained the age of thirty years on the first day of January
of the year in which the examination is held.
(See rule 7)
Method of recruitment, field of promotion, minimum qualifying service and educational qualification in the next
lower grade of feeder grade for promotion to duty posts in the various grades of the Indian Defence Service of Engineer
(Group `A').
SI. Name of the duty Method of Whether Field of selection, minimum qualifying service and
No. post and grades recruitment selection or Educational qualification for promotion
. selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Director General - - Senior most Indian Defence Service Engineer officer
(Personnel) amongst Additional Director General posts. No DPC/
Screening Committee required.
2. Additional By Promotion Selection (a) Three years regular service in the Senior
Director General Administrative Grade (SAG) (Chief Engineer)
OR ..
A total of 25 years of regular service in Group 'A' [out of
which minimum one year of regular service may be in the
grade of Senior Administrative Grade (SAG)];
(b) Possessing qualification as specified in Schedule
II; and
(c) Having successfully completed two weeks of
mandatory training on Human Resources (HR)
3. Chief Engineer By Promotion Selection (a) Combined three years regular service in the grade
pay of Rs. 8900 plus Rs. 8700 OR 17 years of regular
service in Group 'A' of the Service, out of which at least
one year of the regular service should be in the Grade Pay


of Rs. 8700.
(b) possessing qualification as specified in Schedule-
(c) Successfully completed course on Higher
Management or Chief Engineer (CE) orientation course of
around two weeks duration.

4. Superintending By Promotion Selection (a) Officers with nine years of regular service in the
Engineer grade of Executive Engineer equivalent, including regular
service, if any, rendered in the non-functional second
grade for the Executive Engineer, (Pay Band-3, Grade pay
Rs. 7,600).
Officers with thirteen years of regular service in Group
`A' and regular service of four years in the grade of
Executive Engineer and equivalent including the service
rendered in the non-functional second grade (Grade Pay
7600). .
(b) possessing qualification as specified in Schedule-
(c) Successfully completed course on "Senior
Management" of around two weeks duration.

5. Executive By Promotion Executive Engineer with five years regular service in the
Engineer grade will be appointed on placement basis by seniority,
subject to rejection of the unsuitable.
6. Executive By Promotion (i) 55% of (a) Assistant Executive Engineer with four years
Engineer the posts to regular service in the grade with degree in Civil,
be filled on Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized
selection University/Institution.
basis from Training as "Young Officer's Basic Works
the grade of Course for MES officers as induction training" of fourty
Assistant ...awn= 4
weeks duration.
Engineer. (c) Assistant Engineer with seven years regular
service in the grade and possessing degree in Civil,
(ii) 45% of Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized
the posts to university or institution.
be filled on
selection OR
basis from
Assistant Engineer with nine years regular
the grade of (a)
service in the grade and possessing Diploma in Civil,
Assistant Mechanical or Electrical Engineer from a recognized
University or Institution.
(b) Training as "Orientation Course for departmental
promotee officers" of three to four weeks duration at
Assistant Engineer level.

7. Assistant By direct - The posts shall be filled by direct recruitment through

Executive recruitment combined Engineering Services Examination conducted
Engineer through by Union Public Service Commission.
conducted by •
Union Public
[ 11-Invx 41 111M 761 114118! : Ar4 26, 20164i 6, 1938 51

Note 1 :- Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion,
their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by
more them half of such qualifying or eligibility service or two years, whichever is less and have successfully completed
their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade alongwith their juniors who have already completed such
qualifying or eligibility service.
Note 2:- The promotion of all existing incumbents Assistant Executive Engineer on the date of publication of this
service rules shall be considered as per 66 2/3% of quota prescribed for them in the existing service rules of SRO-95,
(See Rule 2(d) and 7)
Composition of Group 'A' Departmental Promo6on Committee for considering cases of promotion and
confirmation Group `A' posts in the Indian Defence Service of Engineer.
SI. Name of the Post Composition of Group 'A' Departmental Composition Of Group 'A'
No. Promotion Committee Departmental Confirmation
For considering promotion Committee

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Additional (i) Chairman/Member of Union Public Not applicable
Director General Service Commission- Chairman
(ii) Secretary, Ministry of Defence- Member
(iii) Engineer-in-Chief in the Integrated
Headquarters, Ministry of Defence- Member
(iv) Director General (Personnel) in the
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch- Member
2. Chief Engineer (i) Chairman/Member of Union Public Not applicable
Service Commission- Chairman
(ii) Secretary, Ministry of Defence- Member
(iii) Engineer-in-Chief in the Integrated
Headquarters, Ministry of Defence- Member
(iv) Director General (Personnel) in the
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch- Member
3. Superintending (i) Chairman/Member of Union Public Not applicable
Engineer Service Commission- Chairman
(ii) Additional Secretary, Ministry of Defence-
(iii) Director General (Personnel) in the
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch Member
4. Executive For promotion from Assistant Executive (a) Not applicable in respect of
Engineer . Engineer promotion from Assistant Executive
(Non-Functional (i) Joint Secretary, Ministry of Defence- Engineer
-- Chairman (b) For considering confirmation of
(ii) Joint Director General (Personnel)/Deputy promotee recruited from Assistant
Director General (Personnel), Engineer-in- Engineer
Chiefs Branch- Member (i) Joint Secretary, Ministry of
(iii) Director/ Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Defence- Chairman
Defence- Member
For promotion from Assistant Engineer (ii) Deputy Director General
(i) Chairman/Member of Union Public (Personnel), Engineer-in-Chief s
Service Commission- Chairman Branch- Member
(ii) Additional Secretary, Ministry of (iii) Director/ Deputy, Secretary,
Defence- Member Ministry of Defence- Member
(iii) Director General (Personnel) in the
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch- Member

52 THE GAZE1TE OF INDIA : MARCH 26, 2016/CHATTRA 6, 1938 [PART 11—SEC. 4]

5. Executive (i) Joint Secretary, Ministry of Defence - Not applicable

Engineer (Non- Chairman
functional) (ii) Joint Director General (Personnel)/Deputy
Director General (Personnel), Engineer-in-
Chief s Branch- Member
(iii) Director/Deputy Secretary, Ministry of
Defence Member
6. Assistant Not applicable For considering confirmation :
Executive (a) Joint Secretary, Ministry of
Engineer Defence- Chairman
(b) Deputy Director General
(Personnel), Engineer-in-Chief s
Branch- Member
(c) Deputy Secretary/ Director,
Ministry of Defence- Member

(See rule 13)
Composition of the screening committee for considering the cases of non-functional up-gradation.
SI Name of the duty post Scale Screening Committee Composition

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Additional Director Rs. 67000 – Rs 79000 (i) Defence Secretary, Ministry of Defence -
General (annual increment @ 3% Chairman
per annum)
(ii) Secretary, ESW, Ministry of Defence - Member
(iii) Secretary, Department Defence Production, Ministry
of Defence- Member
2. Chief Engineer Rs. 37,400 – 67,000, (i) Defence Secretary, Ministry of Defence -
Grade Pay Rs. 10,000/- Chairman
(annual increment @ 3%
(ii) Additional Secretary, Ministry of Defence- Member
per um)
(iii) Director General (Personnel)/ ADG (HAG grade),
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch- Member
3. Superintending Pay Band-4 Rs. 37,400 – (i) Secretary, Ministry of Defence- Chairman- Chairman
Engineer 67,000, Grade Pay
(ii) Joint Secretary (C&W), Ministry of Defence- Member
Rs 8700/-
Executive Engineer
(iii) Additional Director General (Personnel), Engineer-in-
(NFSG) Pay Band-3 Rs. 15600-
Chiefs Branch- Member
39100, grade pay
Rs. 7600/-
4. Executive Engineer Pay Band-3 Rs. 15600- (i) Secretary (C&W), Ministry of Defence- Chairman
39100, Grade Pay
(ii) Deputy Secretary/Director (Works), Ministry of
Rs. 6600/-
Defence- Member
(iii) Deputy Director General, Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch-

[F. No. PC-8/85604/Arndt RR/IDSFICSCC/29/D(Apptts)/2016]


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Col Rajat
Digitally signed by Col Rajat Baijal
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cn=Col Rajat Baijal,
Date: 2016.05.17 15:13:50 +05'30'

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